Software-Defined Network Virtualization: An Architectural Framework For Integrating SDN and NFV For Service Provisioning in Future Networks
Software-Defined Network Virtualization: An Architectural Framework For Integrating SDN and NFV For Service Provisioning in Future Networks
Software-Defined Network Virtualization: An Architectural Framework For Integrating SDN and NFV For Service Provisioning in Future Networks
SDN and NFV are two significant innovations in networking. The evolution of both
SDN and NFV has shown strong synergy between these two paradigms. Recent
research efforts have been made toward combining SDN and NFV to fully exploit
the advantages of both technologies. However, integrating SDN and NFV is chal-
lenging due to the variety of intertwined network elements involved and the com-
plex interaction among them. In this article, we attempt to tackle this challenging
problem by presenting an architectural framework called SDNV. This framework
offers a clear holistic vision of integrating key principles of both SDN and NFV
into unified network architecture, and provides guidelines for synthesizing research
efforts toward combining SDN and NFV in future networks. Based on this frame-
work, we also discuss key technical challenges to realizing SDN-NFV integration
and identify some important topics for future research, with a hope to arouse the
research community’s interest in this emerging area.
VN Service orchestration
Forwarding graph
VNF/VN management
controller controller
Challenges and Opportunities for Future into heterogeneous infrastructures (networks as well as data
centers). This requires federated control and management of
Research network, compute, and storage resources across autonomous
In this section, we discuss technical challenges to SDN and domains on an Internet scale, which is still an open issue for
NFV integration following the SDNV framework and identify future research. Also, current works on VN embedding mainly
some possible topics for future research. focus on the data plane. SDN-NFV integration calls for more
study on distinction and coordination between embedding of
Virtualization for Infrastructure Abstraction data plane objects and their control/management functions.
Virtualization of physical infrastructures for layer-dimension Multiple coexisting VNCs, each controlling an individual VN,
abstraction plays a significant role in future networking with require effective mechanisms to guarantee isolation between
SDN-NFV integration. Infrastructure virtualization is being control to different VNs embedded in a shared substrate. In
extensively studied in cloud computing and networking, but addition, dynamic elastic VN embedding for supporting ser-
current research pays more attention to data plane infrastruc- vice scale-up/down and co-migration of VNFs and VCFs are
ture. The SDNV framework indicates that virtualization on the also challenging issues that need more thorough study.
control/management plane to achieve decoupled control/man-
agement for physical and virtual networks is also a research Virtual Network Construction
topic that deserves thorough investigation. Another new chal- Constructing VNs for meeting user requirements is a core
lenge is to enable unified abstraction of heterogeneous infra- function for future service provisioning, which may be great-
structures (e.g., network, compute, and storage) through a ly facilitated by integration of SDN and NFV following the
standard platform for supporting composite services across the SDNV framework. In this framework, the control/management
networking and computing domains. XML-based specification plane on the service layer selects and composes appropriate
language offers a promising approach to providing standard data plane VSFs to form VNs for meeting service requirements.
interfaces. However, whether such interfaces should be high- How to give abstract descriptions of VSF attributes, how to
ly descriptive or simple RESTful interfaces might be more make VSFs available and discoverable, and how to select and
appropriate should be further examined. In addition, infra- compose the optimal set of VSFs are all relevant problems that
structure information must be aggregated to provide a scalable need more thorough study. Cloud service composition has been
global abstract view, while service layer control/management extensively studied and may offer some useful techniques for
relies on precise infrastructure information to create VNs for VSF composition to construct VNs [15]. For example, central-
meeting service requirements. Therefore, finding an appropri- ized broker-based orchestration schemes and distributed poli-
ate degree of state aggregation that balances abstraction and cy-based choreograph mechanisms are both possible approaches
precision of logical infrastructure view is also a challenging to address this challenging problem. However, cloud service
issue that should be further investigated. composition research mainly focused on computing services
instead of networking services; therefore, further investigation
Embedding Virtual Service Functions and Virtual on VSF composition in the SDNV context, especially compo-
Networks sition of VNFs and VCFs across networking and computing
Another key aspect of the virtualization layer in the SDNV domains, offers an interesting topic for future research.
framework is to instantiate VSFs and VNs on a shared infra-
structure substrate through mapping virtual functions to phys- Control/Management of Virtual Networks and Virtual
ical resources. A key objective is to fully utilize infrastructure Service Functions
resources while meeting service requirements. Virtual network Integrating SDN with network virtualization leads to decou-
embedding is a challenging problem that has been studied pling of data and control/management planes on both infra-
for years, and various technologies have been proposed [14]. structure and service layers, thus calling for separate interfaces
SDNV brings in a new challenge for embedding VNs com- for controlling and managing physical infrastructure resources
prising virtual functions of both networking and computing and virtual service functions, respectively. Such interface on