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Mpac Sept2015 Erg Mda Report

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Malaria Policy Advisory Committee Meeting

16–18 September 2015, Geneva, Switzerland

Background document for Session 1

Mass drug administration, mass screening

and treatment and focal screening
and treatment for malaria
WHO Evidence Review Group meeting report
WHO Headquarters, Geneva 20–22 April 2015

Mass drug administration (MDA) has received renewed interest over the past decade in the
context of malaria elimination, as part of multidrug resistance containment and (more recently)
in emergency situations such as the West African Ebola outbreak. To develop WHO
recommendations, a group of experts met in April 2015 to review recent evidence on the use of
MDA, mass screening and treatment (MSAT) and focal screening and treatment (FSAT) in
specific epidemiological settings.
The following recommendations were proposed by the WHO evidence review group, for
consideration by the WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee.

Proposed recommendations

1. Use of MDA to interrupt transmission of falciparum malaria can be considered in

endemic island communities and in low-endemic non-island settings approaching
elimination, where there is minimal risk of re-introduction of infection, good access to
treatment, and implementation of vector control and surveillance.
2. In view of the growing threat of multidrug resistance and the need to use extreme
measures, MDA can be considered as a component of malaria elimination efforts in the
Greater Mekong subregion, in areas with good access to treatment, vector control and
good surveillance.
3. Use of MDA to rapidly reduce malaria morbidity and mortality can be consid¬ered for
epidemic control as part of the immediate response, while other interventions are put
in place.
4. Use of MDA to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality can be considered during
exceptional circumstances, where the health system is overwhelmed and unable to
serve the affected communities.
5. There is insufficient evidence to provide guidance on use of MDA in settings with
moderate or high transmission; more research is required to inform future
6. Using current diagnostic tests, MSAT and FSAT are not suitable as interventions to
reduce malaria transmission.

This document was prepared as a pre-read for the meeting of the Malaria Policy Advisory Committee and is not an official
document of the World Health Organization.
1 Background
Mass drug administration (MDA) refers to mass treatment of all, or a section of, the population,
whether or not symptoms are present. MDA has been implemented by national malaria control
programmes (NMCPs) in the past as a way to control epidemics, or to reduce or interrupt
transmission, and has generally been used in conjunction with indoor residual spraying (IRS).
Based on a review of the results of 19 MDA projects during the period 1932–1999 (1), and a
technical consultation held in 2003 (2), WHO concluded that there was little evidence that MDA
is effective in reducing transmission, although in some cases a reduction in parasite prevalence
and a transient reduction in mortality and morbidity were documented. Therefore, WHO
recommended mass treatment of symptomatic patients for epidemic and complex emergency
situations, combined with an active search for febrile patients, to ensure that as many cases as
possible are treated.
Over the past decade, MDA has received renewed interest, both in the context of malaria
elimination initiatives, and as part of efforts to contain multidrug resistance. In 2010, a WHO
consultation reviewed the potential role of MDA to eliminate multidrug resistance in the
Greater Mekong subregion (GMS), based on evidence of the impact of existing interventions,
and operational and modelling considerations (3). The consultation recommended immediate
planning of a pilot MDA operation in western Cambodia or eastern Thailand, and the collection
of essential information on the safety and efficacy of candidate drugs for MDA.
The 2010 consultation also reviewed the potential role of mass screening and treatment
(MSAT), in which all the people in a broad geographical area are screened, regardless of
whether they have symptoms of malaria. MSAT generates important information on the
epidemiology of malaria, which can be useful for further containment efforts. However, this
approach is resource intensive and logistically challenging, especially in view of the lack of field-
ready, high-throughput, diagnostic tests that are sensitive enough to detect submicroscopic
parasites. When applied in a defined geographical area (sometimes households), the strategy is
defined as focal screening and treatment (FSAT), in which everyone is screened, and treatment
is provided for those who test positive. FSAT is operationally more feasible than MSAT, but is
not delivered simultaneously in the whole of an area sustaining malaria transmission; hence, it
is unlikely to contribute significantly to elimination efforts. In 2010, WHO experts concluded
that the contribution of MSAT and FSAT in reducing transmission needs to be confirmed (3).


ACD active case detection LAMP loop-mediated isothermal amplification

ACT artemisinin-based combination therapy LF lymphatic filariasis
AE adverse event LLIN long-lasting insecticidal net
AL artemether-lumefantrine MDA mass drug administration
ASAQ artesunate-amodiaquine MPPT mass primaquine prophylactic treatment
CHW community health worker MSAT mass screening and treatment
CQ chloroquine MTAT mass test and treatment
CRT cluster randomized trial NMCP national malaria control programme
DBS dried blood spots nPCR nested PCR
DHA-PPQ dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine NTD neglected tropical disease
DOT directly observed therapy PCR polymerase chain reaction
ERG evidence review group PQ primaquine
FSAT focal screening and treatment PV pharmacovigilance
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase qPCR quantitative PCR
GMP Global Malaria Programme RACD reactive case detection
GMS Greater Mekong subregion RDT rapid diagnostic test
HRP2 histidine
WHO Evidence richGroup
Review protein-2 SP
meeting report, 20–22 April 2015 sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine
IRSMass drugindoor residual spraying
administration, mass screening and treatment TME targeted
and focal screening andmalaria elimination
treatment for malaria| 2
ITN insecticide-treated mosquito net WHO World Health Organization
2 Overview
2.1 Rationale
A recent systematic review of MDA includes areas of different endemicity, various medicines
and dosages, different timings and number of MDA rounds, and concomitant implementation of
vector-control measures (4). The review concluded that MDA appears to quickly reduce malaria
parasitaemia and several clinical outcomes, but that more studies are required to assess the
impact after 6 months, the barriers for community uptake and the potential contribution to the
development of drug resistance. A subsequent review of 270 published and unpublished grey
literature reports of MDA identified 48 MDA studies with follow-up periods of greater than
6 months, of which 12 showed zero indigenous malaria cases in the target population
maintained over 6 months after the end of drug administration (5). The review also identified
characteristics of successful MDA campaigns (5). Over recent years, implementation research on
MDA and FSAT has been conducted in Cambodia (6, 7) and in other countries, for which only
some results are in the public domain. Research in other countries includes fast elimination of
malaria through source eradication (FEMSE) in Comoros (8), MDA in Zanzibar, MDA and MSAT in
Zambia (9), and MDA at the Myanmar–Thai border and in Viet Nam. These studies were
discussed at this meeting. Other articles that report large-scale programmatic use in China (10)
and the former Soviet republics (11) have recently been published.
There is growing interest from NMCPs on the potential role of MDA, MSAT and FSAT for malaria
elimination. In addition, there is interest on the part of the scientific community and funding
agencies for the potential role of MDA in combination with other interventions, not only in
elimination settings but also in areas with moderate-to-high transmission (12). New evidence on
impact and operational requirements in different epidemiological situations is available from
unpublished studies. This evidence provides an opportunity to extract lessons learnt and to
define further guidance for policy-makers and research groups that are investing in the
evaluation of these interventions.
In view of the situation described above, and the urgency of implementing cost-effective
interventions for elimination of multidrug-resistant falciparum malaria, the WHO Global Malaria
Programme (GMP) convened an evidence review group (ERG) to evaluate recent studies on the
role of MDA, MSAT and FSAT for malaria transmission reduction and elimination.

2.2 Objectives
Specific objectives of the ERG were to:
1. Review all available published and unpublished reports on the impact of MDA, MSAT
and FSAT on malaria transmission, building on the recent Cochrane review (4), and a
recent qualitative review (5).
2. Review the results of experiences and unpublished studies of large-scale
implementation of MDA in Comoros, Sierra Leone, the Myanmar–Thai border, Vanuatu
and Viet Nam; and of MSAT and FSAT in Cambodia, Kenya, Zambia and Zanzibar.
3. Evaluate the role of the concomitant administration of single low-dose primaquine (PQ)
(0.25 mg base/kg) as a gametocytocide of Plasmodium falciparum, together with the
artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) deployed for MDA.
4. Define the specific conditions for application of MDA, MSAT and FSAT to reduce malaria
transmission in terms of endemicity, medicines and dosages, use of diagnostics, timings
and number of MDA rounds, concomitant implementation of vector-control measures,
best strategies to ensure community uptake and pharmacovigilance (PV).

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Mass drug administration, mass screening and treatment and focal screening and treatment for malaria| 3
5. Identify research gaps and provide recommendations on data requirements, study
methods and ethical considerations for research groups and policy-makers interested in
further evaluating the role of MDA, MSAT and FSAT in reducing malaria transmission.

2.3 Process
Data are presented under the following topics:
1. Cochrane systematic literature review and qualitative reviews on the use of MDA for
2. Lessons learnt from successful use of MDA for elimination of onchocerciasis and
lymphatic filariasis.
3. Use of MDA in the context of complex emergencies.
4. Field application of MDA for malaria elimination in island and mainland settings.
5. Mass PQ prophylactic treatment (MPPT) for P. vivax elimination.
6. Field application of MSAT and FSAT for reducing malaria transmission in low-to-
moderate-transmission settings.
7. Operational aspects of MDA, MSTA and FSAT implementation.

3 Evidence reviewed
3.1 Systematic review of MDA for malaria
A comprehensive systematic literature review was performed to assess the impact of
antimalarial MDA in previously published studies (4). Thirty-two studies from Africa, Asia,
Oceania, and Central and South America met the required eligibility criteria for the review.
Those criteria were controlled studies comparing direct MDA to a control or placebo group, or
uncontrolled before-and-after studies that administered a full treatment course and reported
on one parasitological outcome. Most studies were undertaken during the eradication era, and
therefore used monotherapy drug regimens; only three trials deployed ACTs. The 32 studies
were of various designs:
 eight were non-randomized control studies
 22 were uncontrolled before-and-after studies
 two were cluster randomized trials (CRTs).
In addition, 10 studies included a vector-control component. The targeted population ranged
from 125 people to 2.3 million people, and the number of rounds of MDA varied from a single
round to multiple rounds over a period of up to 2 years. Overall, the quality of evidence was
deemed to be very low to moderate. Studies were stratified in terms of malaria endemicity
using the following brackets: low (<5%), moderate (6–39%) and high (>40%) parasitaemia in
Two studies (one uncontrolled before-and-after study and one CRT) were performed in low-
transmission settings. The before-and-after study was conducted on the island of Taiwan; it
reported a statistically significant reduction in parasite prevalence at 1 and 12 months following
MDA, using a single dose of chloroquine (CQ), in combination with IRS (13).
In moderate endemic settings in India and Kenya, three non-randomized controlled studies (14-
16) and three uncontrolled studies (17-19) reported a decrease in parasite prevalence in the
first month of follow-up after MDA. At 4–6 months of follow-up, this effect was only sustained
in the non-randomized controlled studies (20). In contrast, the uncontrolled studies indicated

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Mass drug administration, mass screening and treatment and focal screening and treatment for malaria| 4
either no difference (18) or a higher parasite prevalence compared to the baseline (21).
Addition of larviciding or insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) resulted in a longer lasting
Mixed outcomes were reported from studies performed in regions of high endemicity. A
significant reduction in parasite prevalence was seen in the first month after MDA in three non-
randomized controlled studies performed in Burkina Faso (22, 23), and in four uncontrolled
before-and-after studies (6, 24-26), but was not statistically significant in one CRT (27) that was
undertaken in the Gambia (27).
Four studies indicated a change in parasite prevalence after 3 months. Two uncontrolled
before-and-after studies in Cambodia and Palestine showed a sustained reduction in parasite
prevalence at 4 months (6, 25) and 12 months (6), whereas no difference was reported in the
Gambian CRT after 5 months, or in a before-and-after study undertaken in Malaysia after 4–6
months (24). MDA reportedly had a larger impact on reducing prevalence of P. falciparum than
of P. vivax; not all regimens included an 8-aminoquinoline.
A second review comprised a comprehensive literature review of 270 published and
unpublished studies, grey literature reports of programmatic delivery of MDA, and key
informant interviews to identify operational and logistical challenges, along with success factors
and planning considerations (5). Most of the studies were conducted in Africa, with a before-
and-after study design, and aimed to reduce malaria morbidity rather than interrupt
transmission. The target size was between 100 and 28 million people, and the study length
ranged from 1 day to 9 years. Drug regimens were diverse; they ranged from single treatment
dose to weekly chemoprophylactic doses given over a period of several years. A significant
proportion incorporated PQ, including two reports representing five countries where PQ was
delivered as part of MPPT of P. vivax to vast populations (up to 28 million), including individuals
deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). A total PQ dosage range of 75–720 mg
(across several studies) was used to treat P. vivax, and 45–162 mg to treat P. falciparum, with
minimal adverse events (AEs) recorded. This review provided strong evidence that MDA using
PQ was an effective intervention for vivax malaria, especially when used as an outbreak
response; in some settings, transmission was interrupted. However, the authors acknowledged
that, overall, the quality of the data was poor for many studies, making it difficult to draw solid
general conclusions (5).
Interviews revealed features that key informants believed contributed to a successful MDA
campaign (5):
 when aiming to disrupt transmission in regions with seasonal malaria, MDA should be
implemented just before the beginning of the transmission season;
 treatment should be administered by directly observed therapy (DOT), to ensure high
compliance (DOT has been used successfully to administer drugs to large populations);
 drug regimens should include 8-aminoquinolines;
 at least 80% coverage of the target population should be achieved;
 MDA should be delivered through small operational units;
 MDA should be combined with effective vector control; and
 community engagement and good communication are crucial to boost acceptance and

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Mass drug administration, mass screening and treatment and focal screening and treatment for malaria| 5
Key conclusions

 Overall, MDA reportedly reduced parasite prevalence in the short term in all regions of
endemicity, but few studies showed a sustained effect beyond 6 months.
 A sustained effect was more often observed in low-transmission, highland or small island
settings when MDA was combined with additional vector-control measures.
 Resurgence sometimes occurred following the intervention (particularly in settings with
higher transmission).
 PQ was used with apparent safety for P. vivax and P. falciparum, without G6PD screening,
although a limited capacity for pharmacovigilance may have contributed to low reporting of

3.2 Lessons learnt from successful use of MDA for elimination of NTDs
MDA has formed the cornerstone of transmission elimination programmes for neglected
tropical diseases (NTDs). In 2014, 60 million doses were disseminated to 39 million people for
the treatment of onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis (LF), trachoma, schistosomiasis and soil-
transmitted helminths. This global effort was fuelled by drug donations from multiple
pharmaceutical companies.
Ivermectin has been used for twice-yearly MDA at high coverage for elimination of
onchocerciasis in the Americas. This campaign has been successful, achieving a 96% reduction in
cases in the past 23 years, and a reduction in the number of transmission regions from 13 in
1993 to just two in 2014 (28).
The current strategy for interruption of LF transmission is annual MDA using albendazole and
ivermectin at high coverage, for at least 6 years. To ease logistical challenges, LF MDA
campaigns were integrated into existing onchocerciasis MDA programmes. Ten-year campaigns
in Nigeria reported statistically significant decreases in microfilaremia, antigenemia, mosquito
infection rate and mosquito infectivity rate. Transmission was interrupted in five of the 10
sentinel villages; and the other villages maintained low-grade mosquito infection rates of 0.32%
(29). LF was later eliminated through use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) (30).
Interviews revealed that community engagement played a crucial role in improving the
perception and acceptance of LF MDA programmes. About 250 000 local volunteers were
deployed as community-directed distributors, each of whom distributed drugs house to house
to 100 people.

Key conclusions

 Integrating campaigns into existing programmes helped with programme roll-out because of
the existing infrastructure.
 Combining MDA with vector control made it possible to interrupt transmission in villages
where MDA alone was not sufficient.
 Community engagement was key for acceptance of the LF MDA programme and for
achieving a high level of coverage.

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3.3 Use of MDA in the context of emergency situations
Public health emergencies have a major detrimental effect on existing health-care programmes,
country infrastructure and supply chains. The 2014–2015 Ebola outbreak provided an example
of how malaria case management was affected. The health-care system became overwhelmed
because of the number of suspected Ebola patients and a loss of health-care workers; also,
there was a reduction in the number of people attending facilities through fear of contagion.
Ebola and malaria have similar clinical presentation; therefore, MDA was administered with
artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ). The goal in this context was a rapid reduction in malaria
morbidity and mortality (rather than a long-lasting impact) and a reduction in the number of
febrile patients without Ebola presenting to the Ebola Treatment Centre.
In Sierra Leone, LLINs were distributed, followed by two rounds of MDA covering a population
of about 2.5 million people during the peak transmission season. Eight districts were targeted;
these districts were heavily affected by Ebola, and had high malaria transmission and limited
access to routine health services. Infants aged under 6 months, pregnant women in the first
trimester and quarantined houses were excluded. The MDA was organized in less than 2
months, and involved over 6000 distributors, mainly health professionals and community health
workers. A national task force was established and deployed, and surveys showed that
messages about the campaign were disseminated mainly by radio (69%) and through health
workers (35.2%).
The NMCP monitored the effect of MDA on malaria-related infection, and on the number of
suspected cases admitted at Ebola holding centres, compared to control areas. Eighty-five per
cent coverage of the target population was achieved. Preliminary results indicated that rapid
diagnostic test (RDT) positivity decreased by 56% and 59% following the first and second rounds
of MDA, respectively, and that the number of calls to the Ebola hotline also decreased.
Safety of ASAQ was assessed through household surveys (immediately after MDA) that
enquired about emerging signs and symptoms. AE were predominantly mild symptoms such as
dizziness, weakness and headache. Full compliance to the drug regimen, assessed through pill
counts, was only 52%, reportedly due to fear of side-effects. Operational observations included
a need to strengthen PV monitoring systems, and to train community health workers (CHWs) on
drug safety.

Key conclusions

 Deploying MDA as an emergency measure to a large population during an Ebola outbreak

was feasible and well accepted.
 Selecting the currently used first-line drug for MDA reduced the need to retrain CHWs on
treatment dosage and administration.
 Success depended on joint planning and coordination with partners on a national, district
and chiefdom level.
 Social mobilization through use of media and community engagement was key to
disseminating information about the MDA programme.

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3.4 Field application of MDA in varying mainland and island settings
MDA has been used in different contexts to strive towards elimination and to contain drug-
resistant parasites. Several studies were considered.

3.4.1 Mainland
MDA combined with PQ
MDA was deployed to a population of about 6000 in a moderate-transmission setting in
Cambodia during 2003–2006, with the objective of reducing or blocking transmission by
eliminating falciparum asexual and sexual parasite reservoirs. Three rounds of artemisinin-
piperaquine (Artequick™) were combined with 9 mg of PQ, which was given every 10 days for 6
months. Individual G6PD status was not tested, and although some individuals took 25 times
too much PQ, no AEs were reported. MDA reduced parasite carriage from 52.3% to 2.6%, and
no patent parasites were detected in children in eight out of 27 villages; however, it was not
possible to interrupt transmission, and resurgence was observed in some endemic areas (6).
Artemisinin drug resistance
Artemisinin forms the core of therapeutic drug regimens used to treat falciparum malaria.
Emergence of multidrug resistance threatens to reverse the progress made with malaria control
and elimination. Containment of resistant strains is therefore crucial, and is high on the list of
priorities for WHO (31). High prevalence of the K13 gene has been reported in symptomatic
patients, but also in asymptomatic carriers with submicroscopic infections living near the
Myanmar–Thai border. Attempts were made to eliminate the submicroscopic reservoir in four
villages through the use of LLINs, and MDA with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHA-PPQ)
once daily for 3 days, combined with a single low dose of PQ. A sustained reduction in
submicroscopic prevalence detected through high-volume polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was
not seen for P. vivax (this finding was attributed to the use of too low a dose of PQ).
Nevertheless, submicroscopic P. falciparum decreased from 20% to 0.7% for three out of the
four villages when assessed 1 month after the three rounds of MDA (but was not eliminated),
while clinical incidence declined to <1.4/100 person-years. The fourth village had low
population participation (40%), and therefore did not experience a reduction in cases or
parasite prevalence.
Multidrug resistance and re-introduction of disease
Viet Nam has achieved a considerable reduction in malaria cases since 1989, and is aiming for
elimination by 2020, but emergence of multidrug-resistant parasites is threatening this effort
(32). Targeted malaria elimination (TME), which identifies areas for mass treatment, was piloted
in moderate-transmission (20–30%) villages, with the aim of focal elimination. Screening was
performed using microscopy, RDT and high-volume quantitative PCR (qPCR) (using 1 ml blood
samples) on 50 randomly selected adults, at baseline and once a month, followed by a larger
pool of individuals every 2 months. Three rounds of TME using DHA-PPQ and PQ was piloted in
six villages in the Binh Phuoc province and four villages in the Ninh Thuan province, in
combination with IRS and LLINs. Although parasite positivity by qPCR declined following TME,
this effect was not sustained over a 6–9 month period. Malaria rebound was suspected to be
due to re-introduction of the disease by forest workers, or by those who had visited Cambodia.
This study highlights the need for good understanding of local epidemiology, to identify what is
driving transmission and which regions should be targeted for MDA.

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Key conclusions

 MDA combined with PQ, implemented concurrently with vector control in mainland
moderate-transmission regions, resulted in a decrease in parasite carriage, but did not
eliminate the transmission reservoir.
 Similarly, the effects of efforts to reduce parasite positivity through the effectiveness of TME
appear to have been reduced by the pressure of imported cases from the forest and
neighbouring countries.

3.4.2 Islands
Islands present a unique opportunity for interruption of malaria transmission, since an isolated
population can be targeted, with less immediate pressure of introduction of cases from nearby
areas than is the case on the mainland. It is thought that malaria can be eliminated on isolated
islands using MDA and vector control if there is a high enough level of community participation
(33). Evidence from several island studies was reviewed.
The number of falciparum malaria cases in various islands of Comoros – Anjouan, Grande
Comore and Moheli – declined significantly following a combination of MDA, LLINs and IRS,
which were deployed from 2007 to 2014. Populations in each of the islands, of between 37 112
and 338 799 people, were targeted with two or three rounds of MDA; LLINs were distributed to
all islands and additional IRS was deployed on Moheli. Treatment using artemisinin-piperaquine
(Artequick™) and PQ (9 mg) was given by DOT (excluding pregnant women in the first
trimester), just before the transmission season.
MDA was implemented in 2007 in Moheli and in 2012 in Anjouan, with high coverage (86–96%).
Case incidence was reduced from 23.57 (per 1000 people) in 2011, to 0.14 in 2014 in Moheli,
after deployment of LLINs in 2013, and of IRS in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Similarly, it decreased
from 64.29 in 2011 to 0.02 in 2014 in Anjouan, after deployment of LLINs in 2013. Although
endemicity in Grande Comore was high before MDA, case incidence decreased from 109.4 in
2011 to 5.47 in 2014, following MDA and LLIN deployment in December 2013. This reduction
was found to be sustained when last surveyed in January 2015, despite the lower MDA coverage
(65%). These successes were thought to be due to the implementation of a combination of
effective and synergistic interventions; that is, use of MDA, LLINs, IRS, systematic testing for
malaria before treatment and intensified surveillance.
Aneityum Island, Vanuatu
Malaria was eliminated in Aneityum Island in Vanuatu through multiple efforts. MDA was first
implemented in 1991 as part of an integrated control programme using a short-term aggressive
approach of 9 weeks of PQ (45 mg per dose), CQ and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) (~90%
compliance) combined with high coverage of ITNs (0.94 per person). MDA was disseminated to
the entire population of about 700 people just before the rainy season. For the long-term
strategy, MDA and ITNs were combined with annual re-impregnation of beds nets, use of
larvivorous fish and good surveillance. By 1997, both P. falciparum and P. vivax had been
eliminated, but P. vivax reappeared in 2002. To combat this, a second round of MDA using PQ
(daily 0.25 mg/kg for 14 days) and CQ was deployed to those aged <20 years (who formed the
microscopically detectable parasitaemic reservoir), along with dissemination of ITNs. These
efforts led to a reduction in cases, with occasional relapses, followed by elimination in 2010.
Community engagement was key in preventing re-introduction; local microscopists performed
surveillance by passive case detection in the community and by active case detection (ACD) at
airports (34).

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Mass drug administration, mass screening and treatment and focal screening and treatment for malaria| 9
Key conclusions

 Malaria has been eliminated from some isolated islands through the use of MDA, in
combination with high coverage with vector-control interventions, a high degree of
community involvement, and commitment from political and health authorities. In other
instances, such as Comoros, parasite prevalence was reduced but transmission was not
 A synergy of methods contributed to success, including vector control, improvements in
current control programmes, monitoring of imported cases, effective treatment of
infections and mass treatment of the parasite reservoir using PQ.
 Continuing interventions beyond case zero (where no parasites were detected) was key to
preventing resurgence and importation of cases in some settings.

3.5 MPPT for P. vivax elimination

P. vivax presents a challenge for elimination due to the persistence of latent hypnozoites that
can only be destroyed following radical treatment with an 8-aminoquinoline, which may induce
acute haemolytic anaemia in G6PD-deficient individuals. G6PD-deficiency testing is not widely
available and, although concerns have been raised about the safety of using MPPT without first
determining G6PD status, the approach has been deployed in various geographical regions with
minimal PV systems in place (11).
P. vivax was eliminated in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea during the 1970s, but a
resurgence occurred during the late 1990s, which was attributed to natural disasters combined
with an economic crisis (11). In 2002, a 5-year MPPT programme was implemented, targeting
about 7 million people. Prevalence of G6PD deficiency was reportedly low (0.5–2.9%) (35)
within this population, and PQ (15 mg) was administered daily for 14 days by DOT after
breakfast, with an evening round to reach those missed in the morning. Coverage of 85–90%
was achieved, but pregnant women, children aged under 5 years and patients with chronic
disease (36 496 people) were excluded from the study. Side-effects were recorded each day,
with headache and epigastric pain most common, and “changed colour of urine” and “black
urine” contributing to 1.9% and 0.1% of reported side-effects, respectively. No deaths were
reported. The number of cases was reduced from 241 190 in 2002 to 9353 in 2006, but it was
not possible to interrupt local transmission (11). The investigators attributed this to the absence
of vector-control interventions and the inability to access excluded populations. Researchers
speculated that including pregnant women but adopting a different drug regimen might
improve treatment coverage and increase the impact of MDA.

Key conclusions

 MPPT was safely deployed at a large scale with low reporting of AEs in a region with a well-
developed primary health-care system and low prevalence of G6PD deficiency.
 Although the number of cases was significantly reduced, it was not possible to interrupt
P. vivax transmission through the use of MPPT; using vector control might have helped to
reach this goal.

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3.6 Field application of MSAT and FSAT for controlling or eliminating malaria in
low-to-moderate-transmission settings
MSAT is screening of an entire population followed by treating positive individuals, whereas
FSAT involves screening all individuals in a defined geographical region, followed by treating
those who are positive (36-38). As malaria transmission decreases, it is often concentrated in
foci or smaller regions. MSAT and FSAT provide a targeted approach to malaria control, by
deploying treatment to the detected populations of parasitaemic individuals, with the aim of
reducing the parasite reservoir (31). Since it is widely known that submicroscopic carriers
contribute to onward transmission of malaria, these methods rely on the use of highly sensitive
detection tests. A series of studies in which variants of MSAT and FSAT were deployed in
mainland, island and transmission settings were reviewed.
Population-wide mass test and treatment (MTAT) was conducted in 2012 for a population in
Southern province, Zambia (9). The aim was to reduce parasite prevalence in children, and the
number of confirmed cases, and the MTAT was to be followed by an aggressive ACD strategy to
eliminate remaining cases. A randomized controlled trial was conducted, comparing an MTAT
group to a control group. Both groups received vector control (ITNs or IRS). In the intervention
group, three rounds of MTAT were performed during the dry season, using RDTs for detection
and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) for treatment. About 85 000 people were enrolled and about
88% coverage was achieved across three rounds. There was a 17% decrease in confirmed
malaria case incidence after the intervention in the MTAT arm compared to the control arm,
and 53% lower parasite prevalence in children in the MTAT group after the intervention.
Although marginal reductions in malaria burden were achieved, MTAT was considered unlikely
to eliminate malaria in this setting. The investigators attributed this to low RDT sensitivity (the
test missed up to 50% of infections), only 75% adherence to the full drug course, the short half-
life of AL (39) and the lack of effect of AL on mature gametocytes (9)(PQ was not administered).
Wide-scale use of multiple interventions in Zanzibar has controlled malaria to the pre-
elimination stage in situations where transmission is low and seasonal, and occurs in focal
areas. Three screening approaches were used, none of which used PQ. In one approach, MSAT
was implemented to reduce the asymptomatic parasite reservoir by targeting infection foci,
which were identified through the surveillance system Malaria Epidemic Early Detection
System. Two rounds of MSAT were applied in identified foci, where households were screened
by a histidine rich protein-2 (HRP2) RDT, and positive cases were then treated with ASAQ.
Coverage of 64% of a population of 12 000 people was achieved for at least one round.
Treatment of RDT-positive individuals did not reduce malaria incidence compared to the control
group, but RDT sensitivity was low at 5.6% (compared to qPCR) (40). This was felt to be due to
the high abundance of low-density infections (<10 parasites per µL), and to 40% of total
infections being non-falciparum species (not captured by the RDT used).
In the second approach, screening was triggered if five cases were reported from a village, or 10
from a shehia (a subdistrict governance region). In 2014, some 11 320 people were screened,
which resulted in just 1.5% of individuals testing positive (ranging from 0.8% to 11.8% in
different villages).
The third approach involved testing the household members of all symptomatic index cases
identified at public health facilities, termed malaria case notification. Out of 11 450 household
members tested, 6% were positive, which increased the number of infections treated by 26%.
Infections detectable by RDT were found to cluster in the same household as symptomatic
infections, and also low-density infections to some extent. Since RDTs do not detect the latter,
this restricts their applicability for use in MSAT. Also, although loop-mediated isothermal

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amplification (LAMP) offers a more sensitive point-of-care test, it remains considerably more
expensive. Due to these drawbacks, presumptive treatment was suggested as a strategy for
treating those living in transmission foci or within households where an infection has been
FSAT was employed to detect foci of asymptomatic parasite carriers with the objective of
containing artemisinin-resistant strains in Pailin, Cambodia. In 10 high-incidence villages LLINs
were disseminated and RDTs used to screen febrile and subfebrile individuals. Positive cases
were initially treated with atovaquone-proguanil for P. falciparum and CQ for P. vivax using
DOT. At follow-up, PCR-positive participants were treated with the same regimen, plus
additional PQ using a single dose of 0.75 mg/kg for falciparum, or 0.5 mg/kg for 14 days for
vivax, provided that the participant was not G6PD deficient. Interviews were performed to
explore population travel history and assess the risk of spreading resistant parasites. Coverage
of 72.6% (from a population of 9537 individuals) was achieved for both years, P. falciparum
prevalence by PCR was low, at <1% (7), and most infections were asymptomatic; no resistant
parasites were found. Although 1.6% of people had plans to cross the border, none were
The study concluded that FSAT is a useful screening tool to identify asymptomatic carriers (who
clustered around confirmed cases), but it was considered too slow to be an elimination tool.
Instead, PCR-based FSAT is being considered as an epidemiological tool to provide baseline data
before MDA, and to enable short-term and long-term monitoring of the impact of MDA. A
mobile laboratory has now been deployed in Cambodia to enable rapid, onsite, sensitive
molecular parasite detection.
Hotspots are regions of higher than average malaria incidence, and are thought to be
responsible for seeding infection to the surrounding area. Infection hotspots were targeted in a
region of low seasonal transmission in the Kenyan highlands, with the objective of reducing
transmission in the entire focus, and interrupting transmission in the hotspot. Serology and
nested PCR (nPCR) were used to identify 10 clusters of high exposure, which had about 20%
parasite prevalence by nPCR. Five clusters received the intervention, which comprised LLINs,
IRS, weekly larviciding and FSAT. The latter involved screening by RDT, followed by treatment
using AL (administered by DOT), in parasite-positive compounds. A total of 93.7% coverage was
achieved and, after 6 weeks of the intervention, hotspot nPCR prevalence decreased in all five
intervention villages and in two control villages. While this was a significant difference,
transmission was not interrupted and there was no significant impact outside the hotspots
regions. The investigators felt that population-wide MDA was a more appropriate method for
this region (Baidjoe, in preparation).
Indonesia, Namibia, Swaziland and Thailand
Reactive case detection (RACD) is an approach used to identify asymptomatic infections that
may be clustered around passively detected index cases picked up through surveillance
mechanisms. RACD programmes were implemented in low-transmission regions to move
towards elimination in Indonesia, Namibia, Swaziland and Thailand. Here, index cases identified
by RDT were reported by mobile phone, which triggered a follow-up session where dried blood
spots (DBS) were collected from household members, and neighbours within a 500 m radius.
Parasites were detected from DBS by LAMP to enable comparison of detection methods. In
Swaziland, about 70% coverage was achieved, and LAMP revealed two to three times the
number of infections found by RDT. Closer physical proximity to the index case significantly
increased risk of being infected (with other household members of the index case being at
highest risk); the risk decreased with increasing distance. It was concluded that RACD is a good
surveillance approach for revealing asymptomatic subpatent infections that cluster around

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index cases. However, the sensitivity of RDTs was deemed too low to detect these additional
infections and, while molecular diagnostic tools have adequate sensitivity, they are not point-of-
care diagnostics. The RACD study in Swaziland was not designed to evaluate impact on

Key conclusions

 MTAT, MSAT and FSAT achieved modest reductions in malaria transmission in mainland and
island settings with low-to-moderate transmission, but did not result in elimination.
 In one FSAT study, targeting of transmission hotspots with LLINs, IRS, larviciding and FSAT
reduced parasite prevalence in, but not outside, the hotspots. It was not possible to
interrupt transmission in the hotspot using this approach.
 Other FSAT studies were observational and were not designed to evaluate impact on
 RDTs are not considered sensitive enough to detect all relevant infections for use in MTAT,
 RACD is a resource-intensive surveillance tool and is unlikely to interrupt transmission owing
to the number of cases not detected because they are low-density infections or are not
present at the time of visit.

3.7 Operational aspects of MDA, MSAT and FSAT implementation

This section details a number of considerations and challenges common to implementation of
MDA, MSAT and FSAT; they include choice of drugs, coverage, logistical aspects and features of
successful MDA.

3.7.1 Choice of drugs

In choosing which drugs to use, the following should be taken into consideration:
 Efficacious drugs and an optimal regimen must be deployed.
 Pregnancy testing, active follow-up and inadvertent drug exposures may need to be
considered, depending on the chosen drug.
 Drugs should be selected so as to avoid increasing drug resistance, and drug resistance
markers should be monitored.
 Concurrent interventions (including those for other pathogens) need to be monitored
in the target population before roll-out, to avoid interactions between drugs.

3.7.2 Coverage
Obtaining high intervention coverage is crucial to success. The following present challenges to
achieving this:
 Ideally, timing of MDA should be structured when people are at home and can be
 Mobile, migrant and remote populations can be especially hard to target for multiday
drug regimes.
 People may be unwilling to take drugs when they feel well and have not been tested.
 People of higher socioeconomic status and young men are generally less likely to
comply with MDA.
 Imported cases and recrudescent infections can jeopardize programme impact.

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3.7.3 Logistical aspects
Several logistical aspects need to be considered:
 Drug stock-outs, ordering issues or customs delays can all contribute towards delayed
roll-out of MDA.
 Community drug distributors need to be incorporated into other programmes after
MDA, to avoid problems (there have been reports of volunteers distributing counterfeit
drugs following programme completion).
 It is important to involve personnel from the existing health system.
In addition to these challenges, there are ethical concerns that need to be considered. These
include obtaining informed consent (in research settings), treating participants respectfully in a
culturally sensitive manner, and ensuring that benefits outweigh the risks (this is of particular
concern when the disease burden is low). The study population must be selected fairly, ensuring
that vulnerable populations are protected, and that participants are aware they have the
freedom to refuse or withdraw from the MDA programme without penalty, and that their
confidentiality is protected.

3.7.4 Features of successful MDA programmes

A number of features common to successful MDA programmes have been identified:
 Collaboration and information sharing between researchers, policy-makers and the
community are crucial.
 Community engagement can be increased by meetings, house-to-house visits, printed
media (leaflets, banners and posters), mass media (TV and radio) and inclusion of CHWs
and local volunteers. Strategies should be optimized for each site. Also, emphasizing
the social value of the campaign to the beneficiaries may improve acceptance.
 Integrating programmes with ongoing community-based schemes and other existing
MDA programmes (e.g. those for NTDs) is more logistically feasible than starting from
 Providing incentives to drug distributors and local health workers involved in
supervision or pharmacovigilance can support compliance and coverage.

4 Conclusions and recommendations

4.1 General considerations
Under certain conditions, MDA may play a useful role in malaria control and elimination
programmes. However, irrespective of specific applications, some essential elements must
always be applied. These elements include:
 active engagement of the population at community, district and national levels,
including multisectoral collaboration, if relevant;
 concomitant deployment of all relevant malaria interventions; in particular, vector
control, prompt case management and surveillance;
 development of a post-intervention strategy to sustain the impact on malaria burden,
using cost-effective interventions, and including a monitoring component to capture
potential resurgence; and
 the capacity to achieve high coverage and, at about the same time, to ensure
adherence to treatment in the target population, and to do this at repeated intervals in
a coordinated manner.

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4.1.1 Medicines for mass administration
In most settings, the drug of choice should be a long-acting ACT. Preferably, this should not be
the first-line antimalarial medicine used for treatment of symptomatic malaria in that region
(which, for many settings, may be DHA-PPQ or artesunate-mefloquine). The drugs selected
must be appropriate for the local situation; therefore, alternatives to long-acting ACTs may be
used if effective in the particular setting (e.g. chloroquine is effective in Central America).
The addition of a single low dose (0.25 mg/kg) of PQ is recommended to reduce the
transmissibility of P. falciparum gametocytes (e.g. to eliminate falciparum malaria or reduce
transmission of drug-resistant strains). Excluding PQ does not preclude or invalidate the use of
Currently, there is limited evidence to suggest that MDA contributes to drug resistance,
especially if ACTs are deployed in combination with single-dose PQ. There are concerns,
however, that the use of monotherapy for MDA in epidemics could lead to strong selection
pressure and emergence of drug-resistant parasites.

4.1.2 Drug delivery methods

Full therapeutic dosage should be used for all MDA, MSAT and FSAT regimens. Completion of
treatment is critical; therefore, DOT or a comparable delivery system should be used for
administration of all doses, to ensure high adherence. DOT could be performed by local health
workers and volunteers to improve acceptability and drug uptake. House-to-house delivery of
drugs is preferable to inviting people to participate in a central location. Any other approach
that would guarantee high coverage without causing movement of the population may be

4.1.3 Exclusion criteria

Local recommendations for treatment of pregnant women should be followed, and infants aged
under 6 months (or having a body weight of <5 kg) should be excluded from ACT administration.
PQ is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women and infants aged under 6 months.

4.1.4 Timing and rounds of MDA

With the exception of an epidemic or complex emergency, it is preferable to implement MDA in
the low-transmission season, before the start of the malaria-transmission season. At present,
the evidence supports recommending three rounds of MDA at monthly intervals. Further
research is required to determine whether two rounds would be sufficient in different
situations, or even one round in foci elimination.

4.1.5 Monitoring and evaluation

The impact of MDA should be measured by evaluating changes in reported malaria cases or
malaria incidence. Impact on malaria transmission can be monitored by serological surveys or
surveys based on molecular tests to detect submicroscopic infections. In elimination settings,
other methods (e.g. foci investigations) may be used. In the context of eliminating drug-
resistant parasites, molecular monitoring of drug resistance markers is an essential component
of surveillance.
Additionally, coverage of target population, adherence to treatment, acceptability (which could
be measured in a random sample of the population) and monitoring of concomitant
interventions should also be recorded. Enhanced PV is recommended for detection and
reporting of AE. Routine monitoring of MDA interventions should include monitoring of
concomitant medication, adherence to treatment and medication errors.

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4.1.6 Further research required
A number of knowledge gaps were highlighted:
 Modelling exercises are needed to calculate:
 the target coverage;
o the impact of waning coverage over repeated rounds;
o the impact of random and non-random refusals during repeated rounds of MDA;
o the number of rounds and intervals between MDA (in regions of different
endemicity); and
o whether addition of single low-dose PQ adds value to ACT for transmission
reduction of P. falciparum.
 When and how does MDA affect the development of multidrug resistance?
 What is the risk and impact of re-importation, and what is the definition of risk-
containment strategies, including optimal post-elimination surveillance methods?
 Identification of optimal methods to increase compliance and community participation.

4.2 Proposed recommendations

4.2.1 Use of MDA to interrupt transmission low-endemic settings

Recommendation 1
Use of MDA to interrupt transmission of falciparum malaria can be considered in endemic
island communities and in low-endemic non-island settings approaching elimination, where
there is minimal risk of re-introduction of infection, good access to treatment, and
implementation of vector control and surveillance.

For elimination of malaria in islands and in mainland areas, MDA should be considered as an
option as part of a detailed and costed elimination plan, but only when access to treatment is
ensured, and vector control and surveillance are implemented concurrently. In the context of an
elimination plan, the role of MDA would be to reduce morbidity, leading to rapid case
reduction. In low-transmission settings where there is minimal risk of re-introduction of
infection, the role would be to contribute to interruption of transmission. The unit of
intervention of MDA should be as small as operationally feasible, to maximize the impact in the
target population. The intervention can be targeted spatially or to specific “at risk” groups or

4.2.2 Use of MDA to interrupt transmission and contain resistance in Cambodia and

Recommendation 2
In view of the threat of spreading multidrug resistance and the need to use extreme measures,
MDA can be considered as a component of malaria elimination efforts in the GMS in areas with
good access to treatment, vector control and good surveillance.

At the Cambodia–Thailand border, P. falciparum has become resistant to almost all available
antimalarial medicines, threatening progress achieved in this region to date. If not contained,
this resistance could lead to a rise in the disease burden in other parts of the world. Elimination
of P. falciparum malaria is the only strategy that can prevent the spread of resistance.
Although the evidence to support the effectiveness of MDA in the GMS is limited, the potential
public health threat of spreading multidrug resistance warrants the use of extreme measures.
The objective of MDA in this setting would be a rapid reduction in parasite burden and the

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asymptomatic reservoir, which may be harbouring multidrug-resistant parasites, including
artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum strains. In low-transmission settings, the objective would be
rapid interruption of transmission; in moderate-to-high-transmission settings it would be rapid
case reduction. The unit of intervention should be as small as operationally feasible, to
maximize the impact in the target population.

4.2.3 Use of MDA to reduce morbidity and mortality during epidemics

Recommendation 3
Use of MDA to rapidly reduce malaria morbidity and mortality can be considered for epidemic
control as part of the immediate response, while other interventions are put in place.

Malaria epidemics present as a sudden and unexpected increase of malaria cases and deaths (in
the case of falciparum malaria) in time and space. They differ from the increase in transmission
caused by seasonal fluctuations. Once the epidemic of malaria is confirmed, MDA can be
considered as part of the immediate response to reduce morbidity and mortality while other
interventions – notably case management, vector control and surveillance – are put in place.
The role of MDA in the context of an epidemic would be rapid reduction in malaria morbidity
and mortality, while concurrently alleviating burden on treatment centres. The unit of
intervention would be the whole population within the region suffering from the epidemic,
excluding groups mentioned in Section 4.1.3. The drug regimen can include PQ, to aid reduction
of transmission.

4.2.4 Use of MDA, MSAT and FSAT to reduce morbidity and mortality during exceptional

Recommendation 4
Use of MDA to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality can be considered during exceptional
circumstances where the health system is overwhelmed and unable to serve the affected

MDA should be considered as a temporary control measure in complex emergencies occurring

in areas of moderate-to-high malaria transmission, when combating febrile diseases of a major
proportion that share common signs and symptoms with malaria (e.g. an Ebola outbreak). Here,
the aim of MDA is rapid reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality. MDA would have the
benefit of reaching the whole population, including the most vulnerable groups, while
alleviating pressure on overwhelmed health systems that are unable to serve all affected
MSAT and FSAT are not recommended for use in the specific context of an Ebola outbreak,
because testing adds cost and complexity and raises blood safety concerns without generating
improved clinical outcomes for the population. In outbreaks of other pathogens, MSAT may
have a role.

4.2.5 Use of MDA in areas with moderate or high transmission

Recommendation 5
There is insufficient evidence to provide guidance on use of MDA in settings with moderate or
high transmission; more research is required to inform future recommendations.

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There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend the use of MDA, MSAT or FSAT in
moderate- and high-transmission settings.1 Since there is currently only one ongoing study on
this topic, it is recommended that a research consortium be developed, with the aim of
collecting and overseeing evidence that can be used to inform future recommendations.

4.2.6 Use of MSAT or FSAT to reduce transmission

Recommendation 6
Using current diagnostic tests, MSAT and FSAT are not suitable as interventions to reduce
malaria transmission.

MSAT is not recommended to reduce the asymptomatic reservoir of infection of either

P. falciparum or P. vivax in islands using RDTs or microscopy as the screening method. Also,
MSAT and FSAT using RDTs and microscopy are not recommended as tools to reduce malaria
transmission, or for elimination of multidrug-resistant P. falciparum in the GMS.
FSAT should be distinguished from ACD, the detection of individuals who may have high risk of
infection at community level. ACD is used for surveillance, and is generally conducted as part of
epidemiological investigations, through house-to-house visits; it should be considered
complementary to MDA.

1 See Table 1 in: Disease surveillance for malaria control. An operational manual. Geneva, World Health
Organization (WHO). 2012 (http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2012/9789241503341_eng.pdf, accessed
08 April 2015).

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Annex 1 Meeting pre-reads
Publication Country or Study description
Canier et al., 2013 Cambodia A mobile laboratory performing DNA extraction and real-time
(41) PCR enabled ACD of asymptomatic low-density parasite carriers
in the field.
Canier et al., 2015 Cambodia PCR was performed from 50, 200 and 1000 µL venous blood
(42) samples, and 5 µL DBS. Similar sensitivity was achieved from all
venous blood samples, and was about 100-fold lower than the
limit of detection from the DBS.
Cook et al., 2015 Zanzibar Two rounds of MSAT (screening with P. falciparum RDT) in
(40) transmission hotspots did not reduce malaria incidence, which
was attributed to low-density infections and presence of non-
falciparum species.
Cupp et al., 2011 Africa and South Review detailing success of onchocerciasis control programmes
(28) America using vector control or MDA with ivermectin at varying dosage
intervals, which significantly reduced transmission in two
African countries and interrupted transmission in seven regions
in the Americas.
Emanuel et al., 2004 General An overview of ethical considerations for multinational clinical
(43) research.
Hein et al., 2015 Viet Nam Highly sensitive qPCR was applied to large blood volumes
(44) (unpublished) (>1 ml) to enable detection of low-density asymptomatic cases
(which may include artemisinin-resistant strains), with the aim
of TME.
Hoyer et al., 2012 Cambodia Questionnaires and FSAT were used in cross-sectional surveys,
(7) with the aim of actively detecting asymptomatic carriers
containing drug-resistant strains, and assessing the risk of
parasite spread across borders. No artemisinin-resistant strains
were found, and there was no cross-border movement of
parasite carriers.
Hsiang et al., 2013 China An ecological study evaluating relationship between MDA and
(10) malaria incidence in China during 1973–1983 (when the burden
was high) and 2000–2009 (when the burden was low and focal).
Kaneko et al., 2014 Aneityum Island, P. vivax was eliminated in 1996, but returned as an epidemic in
(34) Vanuatu 2002. Malariometric PCR and serology surveys of the entire
population of Aneityum found that individuals born after the
elimination programme began were more likely to be
parasitaemic than older age groups; the latter also had higher
levels of antibodies.
Kondrashin et al., Asia A review of mass primaquine treatment for elimination of
2014 (11) P. vivax in four countries. A 14 or 17 day treatment course was
used in regions with up to 38.7% G6PD deficiency, with low
frequency of severe AEs reported.
Kondrashin, 2008 DPR Korea Report detailing post-elimination resurgence of P. vivax
(45) including parasite epidemiology, entomology and operational
aspects, and successes of the MPPT campaign.
Larsen et al., 2015 Zambia A randomized controlled trial that used three rounds of MTAT
(9) resulted in a reduction of malaria infection in children, and a
reduction in outpatient case incidence, but did not reduce
transmission to a low enough level to enable deployment of
elimination strategies.

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Publication Country or Study description
UCSF Global Health Worldwide Qualitative review that assessed key informant interviews and
Sciences, 2014 (46) published literature, to document past and current MDA
strategies and identify knowledge gaps.
MSF, 2015 (47) Sierra Leone Report detailing operational experiences of conducting MDA
during the Ebola outbreak and the lessons learnt. Early results
indicated high coverage and good compliance to drug regimens.
Oguttu et al., 2014 Uganda Serological surveys using Ov16ELISA were employed to monitor
(48) progress of the onchocerciasis elimination programme.
Statistical methods were re-examined, which resulted in the
conclusion that a lower number of individuals need to be tested
per survey.
Poirot et al., 2013 Asia, Africa, A Cochrane systematic literature review evaluating quantitative
(4) Europe, The impact of MDA studies from about the past 70 years.
Richards et al., 2011 Nigeria Annual MDA with ivermectin and albendazole for 7–10 years
(29) significantly reduced burden of LF and enabled interruption of
transmission in 5 out of 10 sentinel villages.
Sluydts et al., 2014 Cambodia Malariometric surveys using PCR and SaTScan identified regions
(49) of elevated risk of infection for each plasmodial species. Risk
was associated with staying in a plot hut and proximity to a
Smith et al., 2015 Sierra Leone Preliminary report of MDA campaign during the Ebola outbreak,
(50) including planning strategies, operational challenges and
(unpublished) coverage and adverse event data.
Song, 2015 (51) Comoros and Report showing that MDA using AS-PIP and low-dose PQ
(unpublished) Cambodia reduced the parasite carriage rate but did not interrupt
transmission in medium to low transmission regions in
Cambodia and Comoros.
Stresman et al., Kenya FSAT using PCR and RDT revealed that households with RDT-
2015 (52) positive individuals were more likely to also have
(unpublished) submicroscopic parasite carriers.
Tiono et al., 2013 Burkina Faso Community-wide screen and treat of asymptomatic carriers
(53) using RDTs in 18 villages did not reduce clinical malaria
incidence in the subsequent transmission season.
von Seidlein et al., Worldwide Review article describing previous approaches to direct and
2003 (1) indirect MDA, along with study successes and challenges.
von Seidlein et al., Worldwide Review article discussing the spread of antimalarial drug
2015 (54) resistance and containment strategies.
ACD, active case detection; AE, adverse event; AS-PIP, artemisinin-piperaquine; DBS, dried blood spots; DNA,
deoxyribonucleic acid; DPR, Democratic People’s Republic; G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; FSAT, focal
screening and treatment; LF lymphatic filiariasis; MDA, mass drug administration; MPPT, mass primaquine prophylactic
treatment; MSAT, mass screening and treatment; MSF, Médecins Sans Frontières; MTAT, mass test and treatment; PCR,
polymerase chain reaction; qPCR, quantitative PCR; PQ, primaquine; RDT, rapid diagnostic test; TME, targeted malaria

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Annex 2 List of participants
Teun Bousema Anatoli Kondrashin
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University,
Department of Immunology and Infection, Moscow
London Russian Federation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (United Kingdom)

Jackie Cook Kevin Marsh (Chairperson)

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme,
Department of Immunology and Infection, Kilifi
London Kenya
United Kingdom

Ogobara Doumbo François Nosten

Malaria Research Center, Bamako Shoklo Malaria Research Unit, Mae Sot
Mali Thailand

Chris Drakeley Gao Qi

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Wuxi
Department of Immunology and Infection, The People’s Republic of China
United Kingdom

Thomas Eisele Franck Richards

Center for Applied Malaria Research and Carter Center, Atlanta
Evaluation, USA
Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine, New Orleans
United States of America (USA)

Roly Gosling Christophe Rogier

University of California, San Francisco Institut Pasteur, Antananarivo
USA Madagascar

Tran T. Hien Trenton K. Ruebush

Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City Independent Expert, Alexandria
Viet Nam USA

Michelle Hsiang Teresa Sancristoval

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Texas Operational Centre, Barcelona
University of California, San Francisco Spain

Wiltshire C.N. Johnson Esperance Sevene

Registrar Pharmacy Board, Freetown Eduardo Mondlane University
Sierra Leone Faculty of Medicine, Maputo

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Sophie Jones (Rapporteur) David Sinclair
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool
Department of Immunology and Infection, United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Patrick Kachur Samuel Smith

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Malaria Control Programme, Freetown
Atlanta Sierra Leone

Akira Kaneko Jianping Song

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,
Sweden Guangzhou
The People’s Republic of China

Corine Karema Lorenz von Seidlein

National Manager Control Programme, Kigali Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine
Rwanda Research Unit, Faculty of tropical Medicine
Mahidol University, Bangkok


Thomas Abiri Christopher Lourenco

Pharmacovigilance Department Clinton Health Access Initiative, Boston
Pharmacy Board, Freetown USA
Sierra Leone

Pedro Aide Malcom Mcneil

Manhica Health Research Center, Maputo Department for International Department,
Mozambique Glasgow
United Kingdom

Robert Burton Francisco Saute

PATH, Seattle Manhica Health Research Center, Maputo
USA Mozambique

Iveth Gonzalez Feiko Ter Kuile

Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine/PATH,
Geneva Liverpool
Switzerland United Kingdom

Caterina Guinovart Bruno Moonen

MACEPA at PATH, Seattle Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle

Nines Lima Kathleen Rankin

MSF Malaria Working Group, Barcelona Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle
Spain USA

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Pedro Alonso, Director, Global Malaria Walter Kazadi, WHO Regional Office for the
Programme Western Pacific Region

Hoda Atta, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Peter Olumese, Global Malaria Programme
Mediterranean Region

Andrea Bosman, Global Malaria Programme Leonard Ortega, WHO Regional Office for the
South-East Asia Region

Keith Carter, WHO Regional Office for Pan Pascal Ringwald, Global Malaria Programme
American Health Organization

Elkhan Gasimov, WHO Regional Office for the Issa Sanou, WHO Regional Office for Africa
European Region

Stefan Hoyer, Global Malaria Programme Marian Warsame, Global Malaria Programme

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1 von Seidlein L, Greenwood BM. Mass administrations of antimalarial drugs. Trends in Parasitology.
2003;19(10):452–460 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14519583, accessed 10 August
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Report of a WHO Informal Consultation, 8-10 December 2003 Geneva, World Health Organization.
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