Malaria Elimination in India: Bridging The Gap Between Control and Elimination
Malaria Elimination in India: Bridging The Gap Between Control and Elimination
Malaria Elimination in India: Bridging The Gap Between Control and Elimination
India observed a significant reduction in malaria cases in the previous year, reaffirming our trust and efficiency of the existing tools to
achieve malaria elimination. On 25 April, 2019, countries around the world marked World Malaria Day under the theme “Zero malaria
starts with me”. This provides an opportunity to rejoice the success and re-evaluate ongoing challenges in the fight against this
preventable and treatable parasitic disease. We highlight the potential gaps in the malaria elimination program, and underscore potential
solutions and strategies to implement, improve and intensify the success of the national goal of malaria elimination by 2030.
Keyword: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Vector-borne disease.
ndia has a long history of success and struggles organization (WHO) has developed the Global technical
with malaria control. The unsuccessful endeavor to strategy for malaria under the National framework for
eliminate malaria, and increasing morbidity and malaria elimination in India 2016-2030 to eliminate
mortality bring back the elimination agenda in the malaria (zero indigenous cases) throughout the entire
health care priorities [1]. In 1976, there was a massive country by 2030, and maintain malaria-free status and
resurgence of malaria cases and Plasmodium falciparum prevent its re-introduction. Therefore, we need to put all
resistance to chloroquine and vector resistance to our efforts to achieve the desired success this time.
insecticides were reported [1]. As a consequence, the
modified plan of operations was launched in 1977 with a
three-pronged strategy: early diagnosis with prompt In 2018, an estimated 228 million cases of malaria
treatment, vector control, and Information Education occurred worldwide, compared to 251 million cases in
Communication (IEC)/Behavior Change Communication 2010 [3]. In India, a population of 126 million was at risk
(BCC), resulting in the decline of malaria incidence again of malaria with an estimate of 6 million cases in 2018 [3],
in 1984. Subsequently, Enhanced Malaria Control while 0.43 million confirmed cases of malaria were
Project in 1997 and Intensified Malaria Control Project in reported by NVBDCP in 2018 [4]; although,
2005 were launched to combat malaria in high discrepancies between various sources have been noted
transmission areas of the country. New tools for malaria [5]. In India, malaria is highly endemic in rural and tribal
prevention and control were introduced by National areas of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha,
Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) i.e., Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Andhra
monovalent rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for P. Pradesh, West Bengal, and Karnataka. Further, districts
falciparum detection in 2005; Artemisinin-based with 30% or more tribal population comprising about 8%
combination therapy (ACT) in 2006; Long-lasting of the country’s population contributed to 46% of total
insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) in 2009; antigen malaria cases, 70% P. falciparum cases and 47% malarial
detecting bivalent RDTs for detection of both P. deaths in the country [6]. However, India has shown a
falciparum and P. vivax in 2013; and newer insecticides 71% reduction in 2019 as compared to 2015 and this
and larvicides in 2014-15. However, these strategies reduction was achieved by strengthening the surveillance
failed to build on its expected level of achievements. measures, improving diagnosis and treatment, and
India moved towards global commitment for malaria intensive vector control measures using existing tools.
elimination and endorsed a plan to eliminate malaria For example, Odisha contributed 37.4% of total malaria
throughout the region by 2030 [2]. World health cases in 2015 which reduced to 12% in 2019 using the
Durgama Anchalare Malaria Nirakaran (DAMaN) initia- hospital and healthcare facilities are inaccessible. They
tive and compre-hensive case management of malaria. To provide diagnosis using RDT, and treatment, as well as
sustain the achieved reduction and moving forward to the advise them about the importance of preventive
elimination, we have to strengthen all the strategies using measures. Strengthening the qualitative and quantitative
existing tools and by developing new tools. capacity of the ASHA may prove an asset in malaria
elimination as children under the age of 5 are more
CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS vulnerable in the community for developing severe
Strengthening Malaria Diagnosis malaria. Tribal people are mostly dependent on
traditional healers and unlicensed medical practitioners
Accurate diagnosis is the key to success in the elimination (UMP), which delays the correct diagnosis, and improper
goal. Among the five Plasmodium species, P. falciparum treatment may lead to severe malaria, as well as further
and P. vivax cause the majority of cases and other species transmission in the community [10]. Therefore, the
are rare, but the diagnosis is complicated by the varied stakeholders may think about providing training to
distribution of both mono-infection and mixed infections unlicensed medical practitioners on national guidelines
[7]. Microscopy has always been the gold standard method for malaria diagnosis and treatment to overcome this
but it requires highly skilled microscopist with genuine issue. An integrated community case management
knowledge of different stages of Plasmodium species with strategy along with ASHA/UMP may be needed to fight
capability to read low-density parasitemia - fulfilling such against malaria in the community.
a requirement in rural India is a daunting task, as a
consequence, more than a quarter of malaria cases are Malaria in Children
missed by microscopy [8]. RDTs are used where Children aged below 5 years are the most vulnerable
microscopy is not feasible. P. falciparum histidine-rich group and accounted for 67% of global malaria deaths in
protein 2 (PfHRP2) antigen targeting P. falciparum is used 2018 [3], and complicated malaria is more common in
in more than 90% of the malaria RDTs [9]. However, children than adults. The clinical symptoms (fever,
deletions of the Pfhrp2 gene in the parasite, fluctuation in vomiting, cough, difficulty in breathing and inability to eat
the expression level of Plasmodium Lactic Dehydrogenase and drink) of malaria in children may be mistaken for a
(pLDH), and prozone phenomena are the major problems viral syndrome or acute gastroenteritis. P. falciparum
leading to inaccurate diagnosis of plasmodium species. seems to be notorious for severe malaria but vivax is also
Therefore, other potential biomarkers such as heme- presenting as severe malaria in children [11]. In high
detoxification protein, apical merozoites surface protein transmission areas, young children are at high risk of
Pf34, Glutamate dehydrogenase, and hypnozoites-based severe vivax-associated anemia, where the relapses
serological marker should be validated to strengthen the phenomenon is frequent [12]. Children need portable,
RDT tool. Molecular methods such as Polymerase chain easy to take medicine adapted to their weight and age.
reaction (PCR) are feasible for the diagnosis of malaria Therefore, careful consideration should be given to the
(particularly low-density infection). However, these formulations of child-friendly antimalarials because
methods like conventional PCR, nested PCR, qPCR, children absorb and metabolize medicines differently
multiplex PCR, and Loop-mediated isothermal ampli- [13]. Although the medicines for malaria ventures (MMV)
fication (LAMP) are less frequently used techniques due to has taken the initiative for discovering and developing
longer time required, need for advanced equipment, new medicines [13]. The improper and inadequate drug
expensive reagents and experienced personnel, and and doses in the long term may create problems of drug
difficultly in organizing in most field conditions. A resistance resulting in high morbidity and mortality in
hemozoin-based magneto-optical detection device children as deaths in infants and children <14 years of age
(Gazelle) may prove an alternative to RDT for accurate accounted for 20.6% in India [14].
diagnosis in the field. These new markers/tools can make
an impact on elimination efforts by addressing the problem Pregnant Women: A Vulnerable Group
of missed diagnosis. Pregnant women are more susceptible to malaria,
The Frontline Staff although the prevalence during pregnancy was
substantially lower in areas of high transmission [15].
Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and During placental malaria, P. falciparum-infected
community health workers are the key players and erythrocytes sequester in the placenta, causing health
leading contributors to the malaria elimination program problems for both the mother and fetus, increasing risk
as they are primary healthcare providers in the malaria for congenital malaria [16]. Therefore, in the malaria-
endemics rural and tribal areas where government endemic areas, pregnant women should be screened for
malaria if they have malaria-like symptoms or even in the ACT has made a thrilling effect on malaria treatment in
cases of anemia, which not only helps malaria elimination many countries. At present, these drugs are successful;
but also delivering a healthy baby. however, there are already hints that resistance to
artemisinin has emerged [22]. Other factors that may
Migration Malaria and Surveillance Strategy
contribute to drug resistance are the mutation in
Migration malaria is also an important affair as it serves resistance markers, counterfeit or substandard treat-
as a reservoir and seeds local outbreaks. Moreover, ments, improper doses, and artemisinin monotherapy. To
migrant workers who either take temporary shelter or avoid artemisinin resistance, triple artemisinin-based
coming from malaria-endemic areas could impede combination therapies such as artemether–lumefantrine
surveillance. Therefore, imported/migratory cases should plus amodiaquine are already in pipeline for the treatment
be tracked by using surveillance networks, similar to of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria [23]. In the case
GeoSentinel, EuroTravNet and TropNetEurop. Malaria of P. vivax, a 14-day course of primaquine (gametocidal
elimination requires a strong surveillance mechanism that drug) is recommended in all transmission settings to
can reliably and rapidly detect the disease using the ‘1-3- overcome the issue of relapse but poor drug compliance
7’ strategy [17] and the ‘1-2-5’ strategy [18] during the is a major challenge.
elimination phase to overcome the problem. Additionally,
However, the single dose regimen of tafenoquine may
mobile surveillance tools may be efficient in real-time
be helpful to improve the adherence issues associated
information sharing such as Solutions for Community
with primaquine regimens. Clinicians must document the
Health-workers (SOCH) and Integrated Health
G6PD status because primaquine and tafenoquine both
Information Platform (IHIP) to prevent them from
may induce hemolytic anemia in patients with a glucose-
spreading disease and outbreak situations [19].
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD). Never-
Therefore, the utilization of such networks may have
theless, novel P. vivax anti-relapse medicines that targets
importance in the malaria elimination program in India.
hypnozoites are greatly needed. Implementation of
Asymptomatic/ Afebrile Malaria: A Reservoir Directly-observed therapy (DOT) reduces the anti-
malarial resistance development, reappearance rate of the
Afebrile cases do not show presentable routine symptoms
parasite, and may subsequently decrease P. vivax
but may become a source of parasitic transmission under
transmission [24]. This ultimate goal of developing new
a favorable setting. Asymptomatic malaria (the presence
antimalarial drugs and modifying existing ones will take
of sexual or asexual parasites and/or absence of clinical
us one step closer to the elimination goal.
symptoms) poses a serious challenge worldwide [20].
Naturally acquired immunity and partial immunity with Plasmodium vivax: Roadblock in the Success
past exposure and age are the probable factors to
In India, P. vivax contributed 53.4% of the infections in
asymptomatic malaria in the malaria-endemic areas that
2019. It is often termed benign malaria but substantial
plays a significant role in transmission and malaria
increases in morbidity and mortality, especially in infants
severity in children 2 to 5 years of age [21]. Therefore,
due to weak immunity is considered alarming.
proper attention is warranted in children; else they may
Pathophysiology of P. vivax such as a low-density blood-
act as a key reservoir of malaria infection.
stage infection, hypnozoites, transmission facilitated by
Antimalarial Drug Treatment and Resistance the early production of infective stages, mature
gametocytes and more genetically diverse P. vivax
Schizonticidal and gametocidal drugs have been used to
populations have limited understanding. Vivax Duffy-
treat and prevent malaria for centuries. Chloroquine was
negative phenotype and Fy glycoprotein (FYA) need
first developed in the 1930s; but in 1973, chloroquine-
proper understanding in the Indian context to fight
resistance (CQR) was initially pointed out in Assam,
against P. vivax malaria [25].
India. The rise in CQR (Pfcrt gene, a molecular marker to
track the CQR) contributed to a worldwide increase in The risk of P. vivax parasitaemia is high in co-
malaria-related mortality. To combat resistant strains, endemic regions (where both P. falciparum and P. vivax
several alternative synthetic antimalarial drugs are equally prevalent) after treatment for P falciparum
(sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and mefloquine) were infection. This is probably due to fast acting and rapid
deployed to treat and prevent malaria. Sulfadoxine- parasite clearance property of artemisinin-based therapy
pyrimethamine (SP) is utilized as the second line of against the treatment of falciparum malaria, in the area
therapy after chloroquine-resistant in India. However, the where short periodicity of P. vivax relapse cases occurred.
mutation at the dhps and dhfr genes make it ineffective Therefore, complete radical cure may be assured to
against the P. falciparum malaria. The introduction of prevent recurrent parasitaemia, reduce ongoing
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