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Liebherr R984C Litronic Fault Codes DTC

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Malfunctions Operating instructions

Error code charts

4.1 Error code charts

When switching over to emergency operation, the speed can no longer be changed
using the arrow keys on the monitoring screen. The servo control, parking brake
and swing gear brake can no longer be activated.
Please also note the subheading “Emergency operations” in the chapter “Oper-
ating the machine” in this regard.

Error code Effect Cause Measure / remedy

E 004 Engine coolant level Short circuit to earth Check engine coolant level.
E 005 Short circuit + 24 V
E 006 Cable break
E 010 Hydraulic oil level not being Short circuit to earth Check hydraulic oil level.
E 011 monitored. Short circuit + 24 V
E 012 Cable break
E 013 Hydraulic oil temperature not Short circuit to earth Check that the radiator is not dirty.
E 014 being monitored. Short circuit + 24 V
E 015 Cable break
E 016 Gear oil temperature Short circuit to earth Check gear oil temperature.
E 017 Short circuit + 24 V
E 018 Cable break
E 022 Diesel engine RPM Short circuit to earth
E 023 Short circuit + 24 V
E 024 Cable break
E 027 Solenoid valve for power con- Cable break
trol (LR)
E 033 Solenoid valve for cooler fan Cable break
regulation (EV5)
E 036 Solenoid valve for flow con- Cable break
trol (hydraulic pump 1) EV1
E 039 Solenoid valve for flow con- Cable break
trol (hydraulic pump 1) EV2
E 042 Solenoid valve - Reserve Cable break
E 045 Solenoid valve - Pressure op- Cable break
erate (EV6)
E 068 Fan RPM Fan RPM defective
E 302 Keyboard No coding plug
E 303 Keyboard No CAN bus connection to
E 305 Keyboard No CAN bus connection to
ESP01 board
E 308 Display No connection between
keyboard and display

4-2 R 984 C - Litronic / 10069859

Operating instructions Malfunctions
Faults and remedies

Error code Effect Cause Measure / remedy

E 309 Display No Software compatibility
between keyboard and
E 319 BST No compatibility between
hardware coding and soft-
ware coding
E 321 BST No reception of recog-
nised machine typ by BBT
E 322 BST Unknown Hardware cod-
E 442 Joystick left Short circuit + 24 V
E 443 Short circuit to earth or
Cable break
E 445 Joystick right Short circuit + 24 V
E 446 Short circuit to earth or
Cable break
E 450 The pressure for pressure- Cable break
less boom down movement
not being monitored.
E 454 Rotation gear speed Short circuit + 24 V
E 455 Short circuit to earth or
Cable break
E 456 Fuel tank sensor Short circuit + 24 V
E 458 Short circuit to earth or
Cable break

4.2 Faults and remedies

4.2.1 Diesel engine and fuel system

Fault / error Cause Solution

Diesel engine does not start Fuel tank almost or completely emp- Fill tank and vent fuel system
Low pressure in tank Remove fuel filler cap
Fuel filter dirty Clean or change filter and vent fuel
system, drain fuel / clean tank
Outside temperature below 0°C For operation under specific climatic
conditions, see operating instruc-
Starter motor not drawing through Check line connections, overhaul
starter motor
Batteries have no power Charge / replace

R 984 C - Litronic / 10069859 4-3

Malfunctions Operating instructions
Faults and remedies

Fault / error Cause Solution

Engine starts but stops immediately Fuel tank empty (low pressure in Fill tank and vent fuel system
after or runs irregularly tank)
Fuel filter dirty Clean or change filter and vent fuel
system (tank)
Particularly in winter: too viscous Use engine oil suitable for the out-
engine oil used side temperature
Dry-air filter dirty Clean or change main filter element
Air in fuel system Vent fuel system
Ventilation in fuel tank obstructed Clean
Fuel line bent Check line and repair if required
Diesel engine emitting grey or black Dry-air filter dirty Clean or change filter
Diesel engine continually emitting Water in combustion chamber Consult customer service
while smoke (steam)
Diesel engine does not reach full Speed adjustment not set to maxi- Set speed adjustment to maximum
speed mum value value
Injection system is set incorrectly Consult customer service
Dry-air filter dirty Clean or replace filter
Bad fuel supply Clean or change fuel filter, check
lines, drain water from tank
Diesel engine becomes too hot Too little coolant Fill coolant, check for leaks
Water pump defective Repair
Thermostats do not work Change thermostats
Coolant contaminated Clean coolant
Diesel engine has insufficient oil Oil level too low Correct oil level
pressure Oil pressure display faulty Change oil pressure switch
Switch off diesel engine immediate-
Diesel engine consumes too much External leak on diesel engine Retighten screws, replace seals if
oil required
Oil in coolant or coolant in oil Consult customer service
Unusual noise / sounddevelopment Exhaust system leaking Check exhaust system / repair
on exhaust side

4.2.2 Hydraulic system

Fault / error Cause Solution

Unusual noise / sounddevelopment Shutoff valve on hydraulic tank Open stop cock
at hydraulic pumps closed
Note! Hydraulic pumps taking in air Check oil level in hydraulic tank,
Switch off diesel engine immediate- check intake lines for leaks
Modes E and P showing lack of No power adjustment via propor- Unplug cable of Y50 connection, re-
power tional solenoid valve Y50 move safety cotter pin, move lever
to emergency setting

4-4 R 984 C - Litronic / 10069859

Operating instructions Malfunctions
Faults and remedies

Fault / error Cause Solution

Hydraulic oil temperature too high Coolant contaminated Clean coolant
Fan or fan control defective Rectify error / consult customer
Hydraulic oil level too low Oil loss Repair leaks, exchange hoses, refill
oil via return-line filter
Cannot drive Push the safety lever up Push the safety lever down
No direction of travel preselected Use drive selection switch in right
joystick to determine direction of
Parking brake pressure switch de- Consult customer service
Parking brake not released Release parking brake using switch
Parking brake will not release de- Servo pressure present:
spite switch being operated Operate emergency function Y6
Servo pressure not present:
Consult customer service
Service brake engaged Release service brake
Slewing gear not functioning No servo control Push the safety lever down
Switch on servo control
Slewing gear brake activated Push the safety lever down
Release slewing gear brake
No working movement No servo control Push the safety lever down
Switch on servo control
No servo pressure present Consult customer service
No pump high pressure present Consult customer service

4.2.3 Transmission

Fault / error Cause Solution

Oil flowing out on track rollers, sup- Seal defective Replace seal
port rollers or leading wheel
Insufficient crawler tracking on lead- Leading wheel tracking on track roll- Adjust the leading wheel tracking
ing wheel er mounting has too much play play
Crawler jumps off or over Crawler tension too low / crawler Adjust crawler tension
wheel worn
Correctly tensioned crawler losing Crawler tensioning cylinder defec- Check crawler tensioning cylinder,
tension quickly during use tive change if required or seal (only au-
thorized specialist personnel)
Track roller or support roller sticking Running gear extremely dirty Clean running gear

R 984 C - Litronic / 10069859 4-5

Malfunctions Operating instructions
Faults and remedies

4.2.4 Electrical system

Fault / error Cause Solution

Battery charge telltale light does not Drive belt for alternator loose or torn Tension or replace drive belt
goes out Alternator defective Replace alternator
Batteries do not charge or charge Batteries defective Replace batteries
poorly Battery connections dirty / oxidised Clean battery connections
Cable loose or damaged Connect or replace cable
Telltale light or display instrument Bulb burnt out, display instrument Replace defective part
not functioning or functioning incor- defective
Some or all functions on instrument Plug connector separated or dam- Mount plug connector correctly or
panel drop out aged, earth lead interrupted, short change, rectify short circuit, replace
circuit fuse defective fuse or activate overload cut-outs
Diesel speed adjustment via operat- Automatic idling switch S20 is acti- Touch the joystick or deactivate au-
ing keypad (mode and arrow keys) vated tomatic idling switch S20.
not functioning Excavator speed adjustment elec- Switch the emergency function over
tronics do not function from “AUTO” to “MANU” using
No signal emits from speed sensor switch S71 in the right control panel.
B12 Set speed using switch S72. Emer-
gency function display appears on
monitoring screen. Consult custom-
er service.
Automatic idling not functioning, Permanent sensor signal Consult customer service
speed does not reduce Switch S20 is deactivated Activate switch S20
Servo control cannot be activated Excavator electrics faulty Switch on emergency function using
using switch switch S73 in the right control panel
Parking brake cannot be released Caution: Servo circuit and brake cir-
using switch cuit can only be switched off using
the safety lever. Keypad not func-
Slewing gear brake cannot be re- tioning. Consult customer service.
leased using switch

4.2.5 Heating/air-conditioning system

Fault / error Cause Solution

Heating not giving out warm air Shutoff valves for coolant line on Open shutoff valve
diesel engine closed
Engine not at operating temperature Bring engine to operating tempera-
Heating fan does not operate No power supply Check fuse and wiring / repair
Fan motor defective Change fan motor
Only low air flow in cab Outside air filter / recirculated air fil- Clean air intake opening, replace
ter dirty outside air filter
Air vent closed Open air vent

4-6 R 984 C - Litronic / 10069859

Operating instructions Malfunctions
Faults and remedies

4.2.6 Work equipment

Fault / error Cause Solution

Cylinder stretches when loaded Piston seal in cylinder defective Overhaul cylinder
Bearing clearance too high on Bearing points worn out Replace bearing parts
Grab / bucket does not move Valve block on tilting cylinder incor- Switch over valve block
rectly switched
Add-on unit cannot be turned / rotat- Auxiliary function has not been re- Release auxiliary function using
ed / operated leased switch S19
Lines are not connected Connect lines

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