Final Submission
Final Submission
Final Submission
2. Methodology:
We distributed the questionnaire among the few employees of the selected companies. There are
some reasons accounted for the choice of this research method.
3. The number of non- usable questionnaires is reduced since the personal contacts tend to make
respondents more cooperative in completing questionnaires.
3. Limitation:
✓ Insufficient information is found from the company’s website regarding with our topic.
✓ Important publications, prospectus, article etc. are not available in the brunch related our
topic of the project.
✓ The selected companies are very busy pecuniary institution; therefore it would be harsh
and complicated for them to give me sufficient time.
✓ Only our experience of couple of days is not that much enough to describe the Value of
Communication in Achieving Organization Goals in detail.
✓ It was tough to manage the tine to complete the report due to time constrains of the
4. Introduction
Organizational change has widely become an area of focus in management literature. The
importance of communication during intended change has been empirically demonstrated and
commonly agreed among practitioners. Recent studies about communication show that
communication has positive correlation with many organizational outputs like organizational
commitment, performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, and job satisfaction. In
contrast communication failure may cause functionless results like stress, job dissatisfaction,
low trust, decrease in organizational commitment, severance intention, and absence and this can
affect organization’s efficiency negatively. Communication during organizational change
reduces resistance to change. When resistance to change levels is low within an organization,
the change-effort turns out to be more productive. The change plan is dependent of capacity of
the organization to change the individual performance of each employee.
5. Organizational Communication
trust, and identification with the organization and management. The next proposal looked at
uncertainty in that high levels of uncertainty will have a negative effect on readiness to change.
The fifth proposition focused on the effect of downsizing creating loss of jobs and feelings of
job insecurity affecting readiness to change. The last proposition was related to fourth and fifth
propositions which stated that communication will show impact on feelings of uncertainty and
job insecurity.
The first thing that needs to be communicated is the need for change, by pointing out the
discrepancy between desired outcomes and actual outcomes. If the change is an organization-
wide change, this first message should come from the top management of the organization.
Although written communication followed by question and answers meeting has been proved
to be an effective way of communication, face-to-face communication is important in this
stage. Communicating during the change is being implemented, there is a lot of organizational
activity. Because most of the employees are not directly involved in the change process and do
not know exactly what is happening, the level of uncertainty raises and rumors appear. Thus,
communication is very important. Because the change is beginning to have more tangible
outcomes and some organizational impact, the communication should have a more specific
character. The responsibility of communicating with employees shifts from the management,
down the hierarchy to supervisory management. The information flow should be continuous,
concrete and multidirectional, so that employees have enough understanding of the personal
implications the change has. Because of the inevitable misunderstandings that may occur,
communication should primarily concentrate on making public the success of the change and
spread the word to employees. It has been recognized that effective and appropriate
communication is a vital ingredient in the success of any change program. Internal
communication represents the communication and interactions between the employees and
members of an organization. Traditionally, internal communication was defined as
“communication with employees internally within the organization”. It specifies that
communication is the central process through which employees exchange information, create
relationship, and build meaning, values, and an organizational culture.
LAWYEE FASHION LTD. (A 100% Export Oriented Garments Factory) 149, East, Kazipara,
Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1216 Industrial Background: Retailers of the world market have been
continuously competing in search of place where cheaper production cost could be enjoyed.
RMG sector of Bangladesh was focused by the world’s apparels marketers mostly because of
its extremely cheap labor market. The 100% export oriented RMG industry of Bd. experienced
phenomenal growth since mid-1980s.The first direct export consignment was made in 1978 by
a firm that had been serving the domestic market for a long time. Next year in 1979, first 100%
export oriented garments factory was established. Within a short period, Bangladeshi
entrepreneurs got familiar with the world apparel markets and marketing. At the end of 1982,
there were only 47 garment manufacturing units. But the number increased to around 2,900 in
1999. In 2012, Bangladesh stood as the 12th largest apparel exporters in the world and the 6th
largest supplier in US market.
LAWYEE Fashion Ltd., a 100% export oriented woven garments manufacturer outset its
journey at this growing point of the industry. Mr. Anamul Kabir, the founder & Managing
Director of the firm moved into Dhaka from Jessore 14 years back in quest of a job. He started
his career in the front line management of a garments factory. By dint of his hard labor and
instinct in leadership, soon, he climbed the ladder of hierarchy and achieved the position of
General Manager in a period of 7 years. The next 5 years, he continued as the GM of a group of
industries. But he has had the aspiration to run his own business from his early days.
Eventually, his entrepreneurial craving and 14 years’ experience in the industry resulted in the
formation of LAWYEE Fashion Ltd. in 2012. Mr. Anamul prudently chose his cofounders
from his corporate network. Each of them is an expert in a particular area of the management of
a RMG manufacturing firm.
6.1 Vision of LAWYEE Fashion Ltd.:
To bring a change in the RMG industry of Bangladesh by establishing itself as a role model
firm in terms of ensuring workers welfare and delivering top quality products at maximum
customer satisfaction.
6.3 Values:
▪ Any strategic decision making requires showing zero-tolerance to compromising on
customer satisfaction.
▪ Continuous incorporation of the latest technology advances in manufacturing processes
will be practiced to ensure that esteemed customers receive top-of-line quality products.
▪ The management will strive to continuous improvement in operational efficiency cost
effectiveness latest design and talents of their work force.
▪ Each step of production process will end with rigorous quality inspection to ensure
maximum quality in the finished products.
▪ The workers will be assured with security of job at their deserved level.
▪ The workers welfare must be ensured while taking any strategic or operational decision.
▪ The top management will always seek for feedbacks from the workers to ensure an ever
improving work environment.
▪ A culture of smooth communication between the top management and the line workers
should be practiced so that workers can always express their individual and collective
needs or problems.
▪ Management must be attentive towards workers‟ health and recreational factors to keep
them highly motivated.
6.4 Operational Capacity:
The corporate office and the production plant of LAWYEE Fashion Ltd. share the same
premises. The total area of the production floors is 6,600 square feet per floor. The garments
manufacturing units include around 250 sets of machines covering with all kinds of
machines. The monthly Production Capacity is 90,000 pieces for Bottom garments and
100,000 pieces for Top garments.
6.5 The Management Team:
The management team is comprised of the owners of LAWYEE Fashion Ltd. It’s a
partnership firm. All the partners have gained specialty in different areas of RMG factory
management through their experience of a long career background in this industry. The
Managing Director of the firm Mr. Anamul Kabir had 12 years’ experience in the industry
when the firm was initiated. He got essential insights about managing relationships with
customers and suppliers and understanding workers‟ mindset as he has grown from the
front line to top tier in his career. He had 7 years’ experience in Front line and middle
management and afterwards served as General Manager for 5 years. His experience enables
him to lead the firm with high effectiveness and efficiency. The other team members are
Mr. Mosarraf Hossain (Maintenance Manager), Mr. Kamrul Islam (Finishing Manager), Mr.
Kamrul Islam (another person with same name) (Cutting Manager) and Mr. Liton Ali
(Accountant). All of them have substantial career background in their respective areas.
Their knowledge and dedication is the most crucial reason behind successful surviving of
LAWYEE Fashion Ltd.. Financial Adviser: LAWYEE Fashion Ltd. has been backed by
valuable financial advices and support from Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. (Pallabi, Mirpur,
7. Analysis and findings
7.3. Achieving Organizational goal:
2. Sometimes superiors don’t like discuss every matter to subordinates doesn’t effective to
achieve organizational goal?
4. Do your supervisor communicate with you in every decision making process?
6. Do you think oral communication is effective than written communication?
6. Do effective communication give you a clear statement about goal of your company?
Result Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 4 80
Agree 1 20
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 5 100
7. Do you think that effective communication is necessary for achieving any goals?
8. Do you think organization has good communication among all the departments?
8 Graphically Analysis with PIE Chart
Strongly Agree
9. Recommendation
10. Conclusions