CSEC IT June 2015
CSEC IT June 2015
CSEC IT June 2015
Paper 01- General ProffcfencY
I how 3A minus
l. This test consists of 60 items. You will have I hour md 30 minut€s to answcrtbem"
3. Each itern ia this test has four suggested answers letterred (A), (B), (C), (D)- Rcad eae;h item
you are aboutto answ€r and decide uthich choicc is best"
4. On 5rour answer sheet' findthe nrmber whic.h corresponds to ]'ow item aud sbadc tho slnce
having the same lercer as the answer you have c,hoseo- Look at how it is done in the sample
Samole Item
The best answer 1s this ibm is "spreadsbect and database softiliarc", so (A) has becn shaded.
5. Ifyou want to changp your ansnra, bc surc to erase it complctely before you fill in your new
6. When you are told to begiq firm the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an irem, omit it and go on to the ncxt one. You may retrn to that item
I later.
I Copyrigfit @ 2013 Caribbean Examinations Cormcil
Alt rights rcs€rvsd.
- 012290r0/F 2015
1. which of the following are considered 6. which of the following is a tjpe of user
computer hartlware? intcrfrce?
2. Resolution determines the clarity of the 7. which ofthe following is used by the cpu
image displayed on a monitor. The term to temporarily store data?
'resolution' refers to the number ofpixels
(A) Bufrer
(A) present horizontally on the scre€n (B) Tback
(B) prcsent vertically oi the screen (C) Sector
(C) present in a unit area ofthe screen (D) Cylinder
(D) that makes up the colour
8. EnorSption is used to
3. A diskette is divided into a number of
concentsic circles (A) disguise data and prograrns
(B) commit computer crime
(A) sectors (C) discard old equipment
(B) oylinders (D) physically prevent users from
(C) Eacks accessing a computer
(D) clusters
9. In modem pereonal oomputers, the CPU
4. The storage capacity ofa floppy disk is speed is measured in
Which of the following is considered a 17. Which of the following devices produces
feature of I biometric syst€m? a soft copy?
13. Which of the following printers is MOST A document used for the initial recording
suitable for high volume printing? ofdrta relating to business transactions is
called a
(A) Dot matrix
(B) Thermal (A) tunrarounddocument
(C) Inkjet (B) source document
(D) Laser (C) primory document
(D) main document
24. What is the correspondiog decimal value 29. Data can be transmitted between devices
oflll (base 2)? and computers using a wireless radio
technology known as
(A) 7
(B) 8 (A) bluetooth
(c) e (B) hotspot
(D) l0 (C) microwave
(D) fibre optic
(A) striketbrough
40. rfre ffi icon in a presenation is used for
(A) Number
(B) Text
(c) Yes/no
(D) A$3y
49. You are given the problem of fnding the The LAST step in solving a probletrt is to
sum of TIIREE numbers, and you use an
IPO chart to decompose the problem. (A) evaluate the solution
(B) test the solution
What is the correct order of the stat€ments (C) develop the algorithm
to b€ placed into the input, processiag and (D) specify the desig!
ouqrut colurnDs?
(A) Add the three numbers together/ 54. The Pascal code verx, y would generate an
number l, nurnber 2, number 3/ error. The term used to describe this tl/pe
Total of error is
(B) TotaVnumber l, number2, number
3/addthe three lumbers together (A) syntax
(C) Number I, number 2, number 3/ (B) logical
TotaVadd the three numbers (C) exocution
together (D) run-time
(D) Number l, number 2, number 3/
add the tbree numbers together
/Iotal $g';$referstothe followingpseudocode.
Read A" B
50. Tbe integer variables a, b and c, are tf A<2
given the values 6, l0 and 2 respectively. C+2
What is the result of the expression Else
a MUIJT(b DIVcp C+-6
End if
(A) 0 D <- C*B+2
(B) 20 lvrite D
(c) 30
(D) r20 What is printed by the pseudocode if the
input values are 5 and 2 respectively?
58. Wbich of the following symbols is used to 60. A comput€r pKrgrarnmer is coding an
perform assignments in the programming algorithm which calculates the class average
language Pascal? for a given e:ranr- He creates a variable
called class-avg. ltVhich data t5pe should
(A) he speci$ when declaring this variable?
(B) o
(c) (A) Integer
(D) := (B) Real
(C) Boolean
(D) Character
01229010/F 2015