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Cyclodextrins in Drug Delivery

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AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Cyclodextrins in Drug Delivery: An Updated Review

Submitted: June 11, 2004; Accepted: January 26, 2005; Published: October 14, 2005
Rajeswari Challa,1 Alka Ahuja,1 Javed Ali,1 and R.K. Khar1
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard University, New Delhi 110062, India

ABSTRACT units are very difficult to purify. However, recently Endo

et al established an isolation and purification method for
The purpose of this review is to discuss and summarize
several kinds of large ring CDs and also obtained a
some of the interesting findings and applications of cyclo-
relatively large amount of δ-CD (Cyclomaltonose) with
dextrins (CDs) and their derivatives in different areas of
9 glucose units.2-4
drug delivery, particularly in protein and peptide drug
delivery and gene delivery. The article highlights important
The cavity size of α-CD is insufficient for many drugs and
CD applications in the design of various novel delivery
γ-CD is expensive. In general, δ-CD has weaker complex
systems like liposomes, microspheres, microcapsules, and
forming ability than conventional CDs. With drugs like
nanoparticles. In addition to their well-known effects on
digitoxin and spiranolactone, δ-CD showed greater solubi-
drug solubility and dissolution, bioavailability, safety, and
lizing effect than α-CD but the effect of δ-CD was less than
stability, their use as excipients in drug formulation are also
that of β- and γ-CDs. β-CD has been widely used in the
discussed in this article. The article also focuses on various
early stages of pharmaceutical applications because of its
factors influencing inclusion complex formation because an
ready availability and cavity size suitable for the widest
understanding of the same is necessary for proper handling
range of drugs. But the low aqueous solubility and nephro-
of these versatile materials. Some important considerations
toxicity limited the use of β-CD especially in parenteral
in selecting CDs in drug formulation such as their com-
drug delivery.5
mercial availability, regulatory status, and patent status are
also summarized. CDs, because of their continuing ability
Chemically modified CD derivatives have been prepared
to find several novel applications in drug delivery, are ex-
with a view to extend the physicochemical properties and
pected to solve many problems associated with the delivery
inclusion capacity of parent CDs. Several amorphous, non-
of different novel drugs through different delivery routes.
crystallizable CD derivatives with enhanced aqueous solu-
bility, physical and microbiological stability, and reduced
KEYWORDS: cyclodextrins, drug formulation, drug delivery, parenteral toxicity have been developed by chemical modi-
novel delivery systems, excipientsR fication of parenteral CDs.6,7


Cyclodextrins (CDs), with lipophilic inner cavities and DILUTION EFFECTS
hydrophilic outer surfaces, are capable of interacting with a The most widely used approach to study inclusion com-
large variety of guest molecules to form noncovalent in- plexation (Figure 2) is the phase solubility method de-
clusion complexes (Figure 1). Chemically they are cyclic scribed by Higuchi and Connors,8 which examines the
oligosaccharides containing at least 6 D-(+) glucopyranose effect of a solubilizer, ie, CD or ligand, on the drug being
units attached by α-(1, 4) glucosidic bonds. CDs and their solubilized, ie, the substrate. Phase solubility diagrams are
derivatives discussed in this article along with their categorized into A and B types; A type curves indicate the
abbreviations are given in Table 1. The 3 natural CDs, α-, formation of soluble inclusion complexes while B type
β-, and γ-CDs (with 6, 7, or 8 glucose units respectively), suggest the formation of inclusion complexes with poor
differ in their ring size and solubility (Table 2).1 CDs with solubility. A BS type response denotes complexes of limited
fewer than 6 units cannot be formed due to steric hin- solubility and a BI curve indicates insoluble complexes.
drances while the higher homologs with 9 or more glucose A-type curves are subdivided into AL (linear increases of
drug solubility as a function of CD concentration), AP
(positively deviating isotherms), and AN (negatively devi-
Corresponding Author: Alka Ahuja, Reader, Department ating isotherms) subtypes. β-CD often gives rise to B-type
of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard curves due to their poor water solubility whereas the
University, New Delhi 110062, India. Tel: +91 11 chemically modified CDs like HP-β-CD and SBE-β-CD
26215310; Fax: +91 11 26059663. E-mail: alkaahuja@ usually produce soluble complexes and thus give A-type
yahoo.com systems.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Table 2. Some characteristics of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-CD1,2

Cavity Molecular Solubility
Type of CD Diameter Å Weight (g/100 mL)
α-CD 4.7–5.3 972 14.5
β-CD 6.0–6.5 1135 1.85
γ-CD 7.5–8.3 1297 23.2
δ-CD 10.3–11.2 1459 8.19

releasing the free drug that can permeate through biological

Figure 1. The chemical structure (A) and the toroidal shape (B) membranes. A 1:100 dilution can be readily attainable on
of the â-cyclodextrin molecule. injection or dilution in the stomach and intestinal contents.
Although the competing lipophiles present at ophthalmic,
In the case of a 1:1 complex, using the following equation transmucosal, and transdermal delivery sites can displace
one can determine the equilibrium binding or association drugs, the products to these delivery sites are more sen-
constant, K, from the slope of the linear portion of the sitive to strength of binding or association due to minimal
curve. dilution possible. The ratio of free-to-complexed drug upon
dilution of a sparingly water-soluble drug/CD complex
slope depends on the phase solubility behavior of the system.
Ka:b ¼ ð1Þ
S0 ð1 − slopeÞ Dilution will not result in drug precipitation when the re-
lationship between drug solubility and CD concentration is
Where S o is the intrinsic solubility of the drug studied linear, eg, in a 1:1 interaction of CD and drug. However,
under the conditions. dilution may cause drug precipitation when the relationship
between drug solubility and CD concentration is nonlinear.9
For many drug/CD complexes, binding constant values are Hence, effects of dilution must be studied before the clinical
in the range of 100 to 20000M-1. It has been demonstrated use of the products containing drug/CD complexes.
that even with tightly bound drugs, a 1:100 dilution reduces
the percentage of the complexed drug from 100% to 30%, Equilibrium binding of drug and CD to form a 1:1 complex
can be represented as
Table 1. Abbreviations of CDs Discussed in this Article
Cyclodextrin (CD) Abbrevation Drug þ CD ⇌ Drug : CD Complex ð2Þ
α- cyclodextrin α- CD
β- cyclodextrin β- CD Since equilibrium binding usually establishes with half-lives
γ- cyclodextrin γ- CD of much less than 1 second, the kinetics of dissociation of
Hydroxyethyl-β-CD HE -β-CD
Hydroxypropyl-β-CD HP-β-CD
Sulfobutylether-β-CD SBE-β-CD
Methyl-β-CD M-β-CD
Randomly dimethylated -β-CD RDM-β-CD
Randomly methylated-β-CD
Carboxymethyl - β -CD CM-β-CD
Carboxymethyl ethyl- β-CD CME-β-CD
Diethyl-β-CD DE-β-CD
Tri-O-methyl-β- CD TRIMEB
Tri-O-ethyl–β-CD TE-β-CD
Tri-O-butyryl–β-CD TB-β-CD
Tri-O-valeryl–β-CD TV-β-CD
Di-O-hexanoyl–β-CD DH-β-CD
Glucosyl-β-CD G1-β-CD
Maltosyl-β-CD G2 -β-CD
Figure 2. Theoretical phase solubility diagram.8

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

drug/CD complexes are generally expected to be much in drug complexation, improve both pharmaceutical and
faster than many physiological processes.10,11 biological properties of drug/CD complexes, independent
of drug’s physiochemical properties.20,32,47-51 Certain addi-
CDs and their derivatives have received considerable
tives may compete with drug molecules for CD cavities and
attention in the pharmaceutical field for the past few years
thus decrease the apparent complex stability constant, eg,
and an increased number of reviews have been dedicated to
additives with positive and negative hydrotropic effect.54,55
their industrial and pharmaceutical applications.1,12-20
Though water structure forming agents added to CD solu-
tions generally increase the total drug solubility, they showed
opposite effects with clotrimazole.52 Simultaneous complex-
FACTORS INFLUENCING INCLUSION ation and salt formation with hydroxy carboxylic acid (HA)
COMPLEX FORMATION significantly increased the CD solubilizing power for a
Type of CD can influence the formation as well as the per- sparingly water-soluble amine type drug by forming drug/
formance of drug/CD complexes (Tables 3, 4, and 5).21-23 CD/HA multicomponent systems.56 Co-solvents can im-
For complexation, the cavity size of CD should be suitable prove the solubilizing and stabilizing effects of CDs, eg,
to accommodate a drug molecule of particular size.25-29 use of 10% propylene glycol in development of an oral
Compared with neutral CDs, complexation can be better itraconazole preparation containing 40% of HP-β-CD.57
when the CD and the drug carry opposite charge but may Sometimes co-solvents may hinder drug complexation by
decrease when they carry the same charge (Figure 3).30,31 competitive inclusion, eg, presence of 10% propylene glycol
For many acidic drugs forming anions, the cationic (2- decreased the solubilizing effect of HP-β-CD for itracona-
hydroxy-3-[trimethylammonio] propyl)-β-CD acted as an zole . On dilution, the presence of propylene glycol favored
excellent solubilizer.1 In the case of ionisable drugs, the absorption and precipitation of itraconazole in GI fluids and
presence of charge may play a significant role in drug/CD formulation by providing increased percentage of the free
complexation and hence a change in the solution pH can drug. The increased percentage of the free drug in presence
vary the complex constant. In general, ionic forms of drugs of co-solvent was reported to be a result of lesser intrinsic
are weaker complex forming agents than their nonionic solubility of the drug compared with the dilution concen-
forms.35,36 but in the case of mebendazole, the un-ionized tration line at a given HP-β-CD concentration.58
form was less included in HP-β-CD than the cationic
Degree of Substitution
Temperature changes can affect drug/CD complexation. In
The physicochemical properties of CDs, including their
most cases, increasing the temperature decreased the mag-
complexation ability, may be greatly affected by the type,
nitude of the apparent stability constant of the drug/CD
number, and position of the substituents on the parent CD
complex and the effect was reported to be a result of possible
molecule. The “degree of substitution” per se does not
reduction of drug/CD interaction forces, such as van der Waals
uniquely characterize a β-CD derivative such as HP-β-CD.
and hydrophobic forces with rise of temperature.36,38,39
When produced under different conditions, the physico-
However, temperature changes may have negligible effect
chemical properties of HP-β-CD samples with same degree
when the drug/CD interaction is predominantly entropy
of substitution may not be identical owing to the possible
driven (ie, resulting from the liberation of water molecules
occupancy of hydroxypropyl groups at different positions
hydrated around the charges of guest and host molecules
on the parent CD molecule. Since the purity of CD can
through inclusion complexation).30
have a significant effect on the final quality of the drug
Method of preparation, viz co-grinding, kneading, solid product and its marketability, it is necessary to have a
dispersion, solvent evaporation, co-precipitation, spray dry- proper understanding of the following terms that are used
ing, or freeze drying can affect drug/CD complexation. The in identification of CD purity.59
effectiveness of a method depends on the nature of the drug
and CD.28,40,41 In many cases, spray drying,41-43 and freeze Degree of substitution (DS): the average number of sub-
drying21,22,44 were found to be most effective for drug stituted hydroxyls per glucopyranose unit of CD ring.
complexation. However, method of preparation showed no Since the number of reactive hydroxyls per mole of
influence on the dissolution performance of tolbutamide: glucopyranose unit is 3, the maximum numbers of sub-
β-CD complexes.53 stituents possible for α-, β-, and γ-CDs are 18, 21, and 24,
When added in small amounts, water-soluble polymers or
ion pairing agents enhance CD solubilizing effect by in- Average molar degree of substitution (MS): the average
creasing the apparent complex stability constant. The poly- number of moles of the substituting agent, eg, hydroxy-
mers or ion pairing agents due to their direct participation propyl, per mole of glucopyranose. It may not necessarily

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Table 3. Factors Affecting Inclusion Complexation

Factor Drug CDs Studied Observation Ref.
Type of CD Albendazole, More effective enhancement of solubility with substituted CDs.
β-, HP-β-,
α-, β-, γ-, Better stability constant values of pharmaceutical interest with only 22
HP-β-CDs β-CD and HP-β-CD complexes.
Ketoprofen M-β-, β-CDs Better dissolution performance of M-β-CD complex. 23

Drug binding with reasonable affinity only to β-CD in aqueous 24

Cocaine α-, β-, γ- CDs
Cavity size Cavity size of β-CD was suitable for complexation while that of 25
Gliclazide β-, α- CDs
α-CD was insufficient to include GL rings.
Enhanced solubility due to partial inclusion of the drug in CD
Digitoxin δ- CD
Macrocyclic α-, β-, γ-, Complexes of smaller MCCs with α- and β-CDs and those of 27

compounds (MCCs) δ-CDs larger MCCs with γ- and δ-CDs were relatively stable.
Effective enhancement of dissolution rate with only with β- and γ- 28
Ibuproxam α-, β-, γ- CDs
CDs but the cavity of α-CD was less suitable.
β-, HP-β-, Decreased solubility due to failure of the CD cavities to include 29
DM-β-CDs phenothiazine ring.
pH and DY– 9760e SBE-β-CD Strong drug/CD interaction in acidic region, at pH 4.
ionization NSC-639829 SBE-β-CD Increased solubility of the cationic drug at pH 1.
state Increased solubility with uncharged RM-β-CD. Complex stability
HP- β-, RM-β-,
constants were low with the highly polar drug at pH 5 due to its
ETH–615 CM-β-, SBE-β-
lesser ability to enter the CD cavity but were high with anionic less
polar form at pH 10.
Piroxicam β-CD Effective complexation at low pH 33
Enhancement of solubility (mg/mL) was 3-fold with the charged
Levemopamil HCl HP-β-CD drug (by 7.88 to 25.62 at pH 4) and 525-fold with the neutral form
(0.0026 to 1.37 at pH 10.6).
Complexation was more favored with the ion pair over the
Ziprasdone mesylate SBE-β-CD
dissociated ionic form.
Sulindac β-CD Complexation was easier with nonionized form. 36
Mebendazole HP-β-CD Un-ionized form was less included than the ionized form.
Temperature Temperature change showed negligible effect on the stability
DY–9760e SBE-β-CD
Sulindac β-CD Increasing the temperature decreased the apparent stability 36

Increasing the temperature decreased association constant for
Phenolphthalein β-CD
Increasing the temperature decreased the complex stability
Danazol SBE-β-CD

describe the extent to which the reactive sites are substituted number of substituted groups (eg, hydroxypropyl) per CD
when the substituting agent itself has reactive sites, or when molecule. If the MS and DS are known, one can calculate
new reactive sites are generated during the substitution the molecular weight (Mw) of HP-β-CD from the follow-
reaction. Thus the value of MS can be more than 3 for each ing equation
glycopyranose unit of substituted CDs, or more than 18, 21,
and 24 for α-, β-, and γ-CDs, respectively. Mw ¼ 58:08 ðTSDÞ þ 1135 ð3Þ
Degree of polymerization (DP): the ratio of MS to DS where 1135 and 58.08 are the molecular weights of β-CD
(MS/DS). If no additional reactive sites are produced and propylene oxide respectively. In the case of β-CD with
during the substitution, MS and DS are equal and the DP 7 glycopyranose units, the TDS is 7*MS and hence the
becomes 1. equation becomes
Total Degree of Substitution (TDS): It avoids the
confusion between DS and MS and represents the average Mw ¼ 406:56 ðMSÞ þ 1135: ð4Þ
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Table 4. Effect Preparation Method

Drug CD Effect Ref.
Albendazole, β-, HP-β-, Effective inclusion complexation only with freeze-drying but not with 21

Mebendazole, and M-β-CDs coprecipitation

Ketoprofen β -, Better dissolution with co-lyophilized and sealed heated products than kneaded 23

DM-β-CDs ones
Ibuproxam α-, β-, γ- With β- and γ-CDs, spray drying and sealed heating resulted in true 28

CDs complexation but kneading was ineffective

Nimesulide β-CD Drug dissolution was higher with kneading than coevaporation 40

Methoxybutropate β-CD, HP- Solid dispersion gave most effective complexation but kneading was ineffective. 41

β-CD With spray drying complete complexation occurred only when the drug/CD
molar ratio was 1:4.
Vitamin D2 β-CD Kneading gave good yield but spray drying gave complete complexation and 42

best dissolution.
Oxazepam DM-β-CD Dissolution behavior was better with spray-dried systems than the kneaded ones.
Sulfamethoxazole β -, HP- Increased dissolution rate with solid complexes prepared by freeze drying. 44

Glibenclamide β-CD Superior dissolution with ground mixture, physical mixture, and kneaded 45

Tenoxicam β-CD Neutralization method showed better dissolution performance and complex 46

stability than common solvent and kneading methods.

HP-β-CDs activities. Binding of guests to these CD derivatives was

Degree of substitution (DS) plays an important role in very similar to β-CD at low degrees of substitution, but, as
balancing the CD water solubility and its complexing the substitution increased, the steric hindrances weakened
ability. It was reported that increasing the degree of sub- the binding and the effect was dependent upon the particular
stitution up to an optimum level improves the CD aqueous guest. Though increasing the degree of substitution can
solubility, but beyond that, the steric hindrances of the increase the binding of guests to CDs by increasing the
host molecule impair CD complexing (efficiency) capacity. surface area of binding, in many cases the differences in the
HP-β-CD derivatives with a low degree of substitution binding of guests with degree of substitution were small,
showed the best complexing properties with low surface if detectable.60

Table 5. Effect of Various Additives

Effect Drug CD Additive Ref.
CM-β-CD, SBE-β-CD, HP-β-CD, Cationic polymer
ETH-615 RM- β -CD and HTMAPCD hexadimethrine bromide
Acetazolamide, HP-β-CD HPMC, PVP, CMC
Prazepam, and
Increased solubilizing Meloxicam β-CD PVP (0.1 to 0.25%) 48
effect of CDs Tropicamide HP-β-CD HPMC (0.1%)
(with water-soluble β-, M-β-, HP-β-CDs Sodium CMC, HPMC, PVP 50
polymers and ionpairing K30, PEG 6000
agents) Naphthoquinone HP-β-CD PVP K30
Increased intrinsic Clotrimazole β-CD Water structure disruptors, 52

solubility urea, and nicotinamide

Decreased Clotrimazole β-CD Water structure forming 52

intrinsic solubility agents, sorbitol, and fructose

Inhibitory effect Phenolphthalein β-CD Tetrahydrofuran 38

on drug/CD association
HPMC, Hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose; PVP, polyvinyl pyrollidone; CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose; PEG, polyoxyethyleneglycol.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

laboratory for the study or available on laboratory scale.

Some of the companies providing CDs and their derivatives
are listed in Table 6. For research and investigational
purposes, various CDs, natural and modified, including
some sugar branched derivatives like Glucosyl and Malto-
syl-β-CDs can be obtained from “cyclodex” under the
trade name “trappsol.”66

Regulatory Status
The global regulatory status of CDs was discussed in the
review by Thomson.14 Regulatory status of natural CDs is
given in Table 7. Oral and IV solutions of itraconazole
containing 3HP-β -CD (Sporanox, Janssen Pharmaceutica
Inc, Titusville, NJ) were approved for marketing in United
Figure 3. Proposed modes for the inclusion complexes of DY-
States and Belgium. 3HP-β-CD containing cisapride sup-
9760e with HP-β-CD (A) and SBE-β-CD (B) at pH 4.0 (upper)
and 7.4 (lower).30
positories (Prepulsid, Janssen-Cilag) and diclofenac eye-
drops (Ciba Vision) were also approved for marketing in
Belgium and Switzerland, respectively.68 In the United
Sulfoalkyl Ether-β-CDs States, in August 1999, a type V DMF, containing infor-
mation and safety data package of captisol (SBE7-β-CD
The complexation potential of sulfoalkyl ether-β-CDs for
with average degree of substitution of 6.5 from CyDex)
the model drugs, testosterone and progesterone, decreased
was filed. An intramuscular Captisol-Enabled ziprasidone
with reduction in the alkyl chain length from butyl (SBE-β-
formulation (Geodon, Zeldox) was the first captisol-
CD) to propyl (sulfopropyl ether-β-CD, SPE-β-CD), but
containing formulation to receive regulatory approval in
was assisted by increased DS up to a limited extent. With
Sweden (September 2000), also approved in the United
SPE-β-CD, binding constants of the steroids reached an
States and the rest of Europe. Pfizer has also obtained
apparent maximum at a DS of 4, but with SBE-β-CD, the
European and United States approval for a captisol-enabled
same increased until the constants reached a plateau at a
IV formulation of voriconazole (Vfend).65
DS of ~7. Complexation is an enthalpy-driven process
involving expulsion of enthalpy-rich water molecules.
Chemical modification of CDs with charged substituents
may lower complexation by providing a hydrogen bonding Patent Status
source for the water molecules that decreases the energy
Being known for several years, natural CDs would not
difference between the included water molecules and bulk
ordinarily be considered as patentable subject matter, how-
of the solution. It was found that presence of bulky, highly
ever, there are many unexpired patents claiming specific
charged, and hydrated sulfonate groups near the CD cavity
complexes of drugs with natural CDs, particularly with
entrance inhibits the approach of hydrophobic molecules.
On the other hand, increasing the distance between the
charged substituents on the CD torus by spacer groups
reduced the steric interference and raised the CD binding Table 6. Some CD-supplying Companies
potential, the effect was also sensitive to the substrate
Co CDs Ref
Cyclolab α-, β-, γ-CDs, 62

(Hungary) CD derivatives 2HP-β-CD (DS 4.1–5.1)

2HP-γ-CD (DS 4.1–5.6), RAMEB

Chemie CD derivatives (CAVASOL) HP-β-CD,

Commercial Availability HE-β-CD, RAMEB, per-Ac-β-CD,
Out of various CDs discussed in this article, the natural CDs β-CD polymer
and hydroxypropyl, hydroxylethyl, sulfobutyl, and various Sigma- α-, β-, γ-CD 64

Aldrich more than 200 derivatives

methylated CD derivatives are available in bulk quanti- 65
CyDex Sufobutylether-β-CD (captisol)
ties. Other CD derivatives are either synthesized in the
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Table 7. Summary of Regulatory Status of Parent CDs67

Food Approval Pharmacopeia Monographs
Product United States Europe Japan USP/NF Ph.Eur JP
α-CD In preparation Planned Yes No Yes Yes
β-CD GRAS Food additive Yes Yes Yes Yes
γ-CD GRAS Pending Yes No In Process No

The patent situation for CD derivatives varies for known CD EFFECTS ON IMPORTANT DRUG PROPERTIES
derivatives and complexes. HP-β-CD and other hydrox- IN FORMULATION
yalkylated β-CD derivatives have been known for nearly
Effect on Drug Solubility and Dissolution
20 years and their basic patents have expired. However,
potentially patentable drug complexes of HP-CDs and re- CDs have been playing a very important role in formula-
lated derivatives have been developed. In the United States, tion of poorly water-soluble drugs by improving apparent
a patent claiming compositions containing an amorphous drug solubility and/or dissolution through inclusion com-
drug/CD complex and a method of producing such a com- plexation or solid dispersion, by acting as hydrophilic car-
plex with description of HP-β-CD as the most promising riers for drugs with inadequate molecular characteristics for
amorphous CD, was granted to the United States Depart- complexation, or as tablet dissolution enhancers for drugs
ment of Health and Human Services on 23 February 1988 with high dose, with which use of a drug/CD complex is
(United States patent 727 064). In Europe, the dominant difficult, eg, paracetamol.70 The magnitude of apparent sta-
patent position with respect to HP-β-CD belongs to Jans- bility constant for several drug/CD complexes, K in M–1,
sen Pharmaceutical Co of Belgium. The Janssen appli- ranges from 0 to 100 000.8 CD applications as solubilizing
cation relates to pharmaceutical compositions containing agents are summarized in Table 8.
drugs, which are unstable or sparingly soluble in water,
complexed with HP-β-CD or a related β-CD derivative. A Out of various commercially available CDs, methylated
European patent was issued to Janssen in 1990 with claims CDs with a relatively low molar substitution appear to be
narrowed in the light of earlier work by Pitha.69 Between the most powerful solubilizers. Reduction of drug crystal-
1996 and 1999, Procter and Gamble filed and received linity on complexation or solid dispersion with CDs also
at least 100 patents related to CD use in laundry and deo- contributes to the CD increased apparent drug solubility and
dorizing applications.66 CyDex has exclusive rights to pa- dissolution rate.83,87 CDs, as a result of their ability to form
tents protecting the use and composition of matter of in situ inclusion complexes in dissolution medium, can
captisol. Exclusive rights to use captisol for antifungal and enhance drug dissolution even when there is no complex-
some specific ophthalmic applications have been granted ation in the solid state.75 SBE-β-CD was shown to be an
by CyDex to its client companies.66 Pfizer undertook, in excellent solubilizer for several drugs and was more ef-
the mid 1990s, to obtain patent protection for another fective than β-CD but not as effective as DM-β-CD.93 CDs
chemically modified β-CD (sulfobutylether) for its own can also act as release enhancers, for example β-CD en-
use.66 hanced the release rate of poorly soluble naproxen and

Table 8. Examples of CD-enhanced Solubility and Dissolution

CD Drug(s) Ref.
β-CD Nimesulide, Sulfomethiazole, Lorazepam, Ketoprofen, Griseofulvin, Praziquantel, 40,44,71-80

Chlorthalidone, Etodolac, Piroxicam,, Itraconazole, Ibuprofen

α-CD Praziquantel 75

γ-CD Praziquantel, Omeprazole, Digoxin 75,81,82

HP-β-CD Albendazole, DY–9760e, ETH–615, Levemopamil HCl, Sulfomethiazole,
Ketoprofen, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Carbamazepine Zolpidem, Phenytoin, Rutin
DM-β-CD Naproxen, Camptothesin
SBE-β-CD DY– 9760e, Danazol, Fluasterone, Spiranolactone
RM-β-CD ETH–615, Tacrolimus
Randomly acetylated Naproxen
amorphous-β-CD (AC-β-CD)

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

ketoprofen from inert acrylic resins and hydrophilic swel- choline and sphingomyelin from the outer half of the mem-
lable (high-viscosity hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose brane bilayer by CDs causes bilayer imbalance; the removal
[HPMC]) tableted matrices. β-CD also enhanced the may also contribute in part to the formation of stomatocytes
release of theophylline from HPMC matrix by increasing through an inward bending of membranes. CD induced lysis
the apparent solubility and dissolution rate of the drug.94,95 of artificial membranes composed of lecithin and cholesterol
by a similar solubilization process. Detergents first incorpo-
rate themselves into membranes, then extract the membrane
Effect on Drug Bioavailability components into micelles and cause membrane solubiliza-
CDs enhance the bioavailability of insoluble drugs by tion/lysis. However, unlike detergents, CDs were reported to
increasing the drug solubility, dissolution, and/or drug solubilize membrane components without entering into the
permeability. CDs increase the permeability of insoluble, membrane, and hence the perturbing effects of CDs can be
hydrophobic drugs by making the drug available at the mild and reversible. In the presence of CDs, the new lipid-
surface of the biological barrier, eg, skin, mucosa, or the containing compartment in the aqueous phase with extracted
eye cornea, from where it partitions into the membrane components from the erythrocyte surface equilibrated freely
without disrupting the lipid layers of the barrier. In such with the cell surface by a reversible process. Compared
cases it is important to use just enough CD to solubilize with other absorption-promoting agents and preservatives
the drug in the aqueous vehicle since excess may decrease commonly used in nasal formulations, CDs exerted a rather
the drug availability (Figure 4).8,96,97 At low RM-β-CD mild and reversible effect on the ciliary beat frequency of
concentrations, when hydrocortisone was in suspension, both chicken embryo trachea and human nasal adenoid
increasing the CD concentration increased the drug flux. tissue in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner.16 DM-
At higher CD concentrations, when the drug was in solu- β-CD caused enhancement of enoxaparin nasal absorption
tion, increasing the CD concentration decreased the flux.98 by solubilizing membrane components and opening tight
It was found that addition of polymers can further enhance junctions but the effect was reversible after 6 hours.101
the drug permeability from aqueous CD solutions. Carboxy Watanabe et al102 reported that rectal membrane recovers
methyl cellulose (CMC) enhanced triclosan bioavailability its barrier function probably ~24 hours after the admin-
from toothpastes containing β-CD by forming a drug/ istration of DM-β-CD (at least 30 mg).7 Even at high
CD/CMC complex with improved substantivity.99 CDs doses, the effects of HP-β-CD on kidneys were reversible
increased the bioavailability of lipophilic itraconazole from and similar to those of osmotic agents currently used in
both an oral solution and an intravenous formulation by parenteral formulations.8
improving the drug solubility and absorption.100
Labile drug stabilization by CDs82,86 and their ability to
In the case of water-soluble drugs, CDs increase drug perme- ameliorate drug irritation, and thus improve drug contact
ability by direct action on mucosal membranes and enhance time at the absorption site in nasal, ocular, rectal, and trans-
drug absorption and/or bioavailability.7,8 Solubilization of dermal delivery,8 are some other important factors that
specific membrane lipids of human erythrocytes through contribute to the CD-improved bioavailability. α-CD im-
inclusion complexation with CDs and their ability to cause proved the rectal bioavailability of morphine by inhibiting
perturbation of membrane integrity, were suggested to the drug’s upward movement from areas impacted by first
contribute to CD-induced promotion of drug absorption pass metabolism.7
and toxicity. It was reported that CDs, because of their
ability to remove cholesterol, may increase membrane
fluidity and induce membrane invagination through a loss Effect on Drug Safety
of bending resistance and cause cell lysis. On the other CDs have been used to ameliorate the irritation caused by
hand, removal of phospholipids, especially phosphatidyl- drugs.9 The increased drug efficacy and potency (ie, re-
duction of the dose required for optimum therapeutic ac-
tivity), caused by CD-increased drug solubility, may reduce
drug toxicity by making the drug effective at lower doses.
β-CD enhanced the antiviral activity of ganciclovir on
human cytomegalovirus clinical strains and the resultant
increase in the drug potency reduced the drug toxicity.103
The toxicities associated with crystallization of poorly
water-soluble drugs in parenteral formulations can often be
reduced by formation of soluble drug:CD complexes. For-
mulation of phenytoin with HP2-β-CD showed consider-
Figure 4. Mode of penetration enhancement by CDs.96 ably reduced tissue irritation compared with a commercial
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

injection of the drug in a BALB/c mouse model.104 Further inhibition of drug bioconversion at the absorption site.7 By
CD entrapment of drugs at the molecular level prevents providing a molecular shield, CD complexation encapsu-
their direct contact with biological membranes and thus lates labile drug molecules at the molecular level and thus
reduces their side effects (by decreasing drug entry into the insulates them against various degradation processes. SBE-
cells of nontargeted tissues) and local irritation with no β-CD showed greater stability enhancement of many
drastic loss of therapeutic benefits.18 Inclusion complexa- chemically unstable drugs than other CDs.93
tion with HP-β-CD reduced the side effects of 2–ethyl
hexyl–p–dimethyl aminobenzoate (a UV filter) by limiting The stabilizing effect of CDs depends on the nature and
the interaction of the UV filter with skin.105 In a study effect of the included functional group on the drug stability
with patients, piroxicam/β-CD inclusion complex showed and the nature of the vehicle. Both the catalyzing effect
better tolerance with lower incidence and severity of gas- of the nitro group as well as the stabilizing effect of the
trointestinal side effects compared with the free drug.106 halogen and cyanogen groups on photodegradation of
HP-β-CD alleviated the intrinsic irritancy effect observed 1,4 dihydropyrimidine derivatives were reduced by com-
on IV administration of CKD-732 hemioxalate against plexation with CDs.118 HP-β-CD significantly reduced
blood vessels.107 SBE7-β-CD inhibited DY-9760e-induced the photodegradation of 2–ethyl hexyl p–dimethyl ami-
cytotoxicity toward human umbilical vein endothelial cells nobenzoate in solution than in emulsion vehicle.105 CDs
and significantly suppressed the drug-induced vascular improved the photostability of trimeprazine (when the solu-
damage in rabbits.108 Inclusion complexation with CDs tion pH is reduced)119 and promethazine.29 CDs also en-
also reduces ocular drug irritation by limiting the free drug hanced the solid state stability and shelf life of drugs.110-112
concentration on the precorneal area to a nonirritating CDs were reported to enhance the physical stability of
level.109 viral vectors for gene therapy, and the formulations con-
taining sucrose and CDs were stable for 2 years when
stored at 20°C.120
Effect on Drug Stability Since the hydrolysis of drugs encapsulated in CDs is
CDs can improve the stability of several labile drugs against slower than that of free drugs,113 the stability of the drug/
dehydration, hydrolysis, oxidation, and photodecomposi- CD complex, ie, the magnitude of the complex stability
tion and thus increase the shelf life of drugs.1 Table 9 constant, plays a significant role in determining the extent
summarizes CD effects on drug stability. It was reported of protection.30,88,114,121 Very low concentrations of HP-β-
that CD-induced enhancement of drug stability may be a CD (1% or lower), due to formation of a more physically
result of inhibition of drug interaction with vehicles and/or unstable complex, did not protect taxol as effectively as

Table 9. CD Effect on Drug Stability

Effect Drug CD Ref.
↑Photostability Promethazine HP-β-CD, DM-β-CD 32
DY–9760e SBE-β-CD
2–ethyl hexyl p–dimethyl HP-β-CD
↑ Shelf life with unaffected dissolution rates for Glibenclamide β-CD 110

4 years
↑ Thermal stability in solid state Diclofenac sodium β-CD 111

↑Stability against intramolecular cyclization in solid Quinaril β-CD, HP-β-CD 112

↑Stability to acid hydrolysis and photodecomposition Doxorubicin HP-β-CD, HP-γ-CD 113

↑Stability against hydrolysis acyl ester prodrugs of Ganciclovir HP-β-CD 72

Digoxin γ-CD 82
Rutin HP-β-CD
Camptothesin RDM-β-CD
Melphalan and Carmustine SBE -β-CD, HP-β -CD
Paclitaxel γ-CD, HP-γ-CD, HP-β- 115

↑ Deacetylation or degradation Spiranolactone SBE-α-CD, SBE-β-CD, 116

HP-β-CD, γ-CD,β-CD
↑Photoreactivity Flutamide β-CD 117

↑, increased effect

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Under specific conditions, CD complexation may accel-

erate drug degradation depending on the type of the CD.
CDs catalyzed deacetylation and degradation of spirano-
lactone, the effect was qualitatively correlated with the
ionization state of hydroxyl groups on CDs that were lower
in SBE–CDs.116 Structural changes in drug molecules on
CD complexation can also accelerate drug degradation.117
β-CD did not improve the photostability of oflaxacin as
there was only a partial inclusion of the methyl piperazinyl
moiety in the CD.122


Oral Drug Delivery
Applications of CDs in oral drug delivery include improve-
ment of drug bioavailability due to increased drug solu-
bility, improvement of rate and extent of dissolution, and/
or stability of the drug at the absorption site, eg, the gas-
Figure 5. A simple model representing the effect of complex
trointestinal tract (GIT) or in formulation, reduction of drug-
stability constant on drug degradation.115 induced irritation, and taste masking (Table 10). CD
complexation was found to decrease local drug irritation
and also modify the time of drug release during GI
higher CD concentrations. The effect of complexation on transit.8,17An itraconazole oral preparation containing
drug stability can be represented by the following equation 40% (wt/vol) of HP-β-CD (with reduced drug irritation)
(Figure 5): has been commercialized in the United States and Europe.30

CDs enhance the mucosal drug permeability mainly by

1 1 1
¼ þ ; ð5Þ increasing the free drug availability at the absorptive
k0 − kobs Kc ðk0 −kc Þ ½CD ðk0 − kc Þ surface.127,128 CD complexation can provide better and
uniform absorption of low-soluble drugs with poor and
where ko is the degradation rate constant of free drug, kobs erratic absorption91 and also enhance the drug activity on oral
is the observed degradation rate constant in the presence of administration123,125,126 CD complexation increased the
CD, kc is the degradation rate constant of the drug within anthelmentic activity of albendazole and provided a high
CD, Kc is the stability constant for the complex, and [CD] plasma concentration of the active metabolite.133 CD com-
is the concentration of CD.115 plexation increased the absorption of poorly water-soluble

Table 10. Applications of CDs in Oral Delivery

Effect Drug CD Ref.
↑ Bioavailability by β-CD Ketoprofen, Griseofulvin, Terfenadine 72,73,123

↑Solubility and dissolution rate HP-β-CD Albendazole, Ketoprofen, Phenytoin, Gliclazide 21,72,85,124
SBE7–β-CD Spiranolactone
DM-β-CD Tacrolimus
M-β-CD Albendazole
ME-β-CD Phenytoin
↑ Intensity or duration of therapeutic activity β-CD Terfenadine, Tolbutamide 123,125

HP- β-CD Tolbutamide, Amylobarbitone 125,126

↑ Permeability HP-β-CD Flutamide 127

↑Gastrointestinal stability γ-CD Digoxin 82

HP-β-CD Rutin
↑Sublingual bioavailability HP-β-CD Clomipramine, Testosterone 128-130

↑Buccal bioavailability SBE7-β-CD, Danazole 131,132

↑, increased effect

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

drugs, delivered via buccal or sublingual mucosa.129-132 unstable in the aqueous environment. Singla et al discussed
Complexation of miconazole, econazole, and clotrimazole the use of CDs to enhance the solubility and stability of
with HP-β-CD and genuine CDs increased the toxicity of paclitaxel in formulations and mentioned that the approach
these drugs on a human buccal cell culture model (TR146) needs further research to overcome the serious limitations
by causing drug supersaturation.134 of CD-based formulations.115 An IM dosage form of zipra-
sidone mesylate with targeted concentration of of 20 to
Captisol or (SBE)7m-beta-CD, a solubilizer with osmotic
40 mg/mL was developed by inclusion complexation of
property, was used to design osmotic pump tablets of
the drug with SBE-β-CD.35 Formation of a stable, water-
chlorpromazine and prednisolone.135,136 Complexation can
soluble dexamethsone complex with sugar branched β-CDs
also mask the undesirable taste of drugs. Complexation
with CDs suppressed the bitter taste of oxyphenonium suggested the potential of these CDs as excellent carriers
in steroidal injectable formulations.139 Aqueous phenytoin
bromide. With the assumption that only the free drug
molecule exhibits bitter taste, the extent of the suppression parenteral formulations containing HP-β-CD exhibited re-
duced drug tissue irritation and precipitating tendency
was reported to be dependent on the availability of free
drug, regardless of the kind and concentration of CD.137 because their pH values were significantly closer to the
physiological value (7.4).140 SBE-β-CD was found to be
The relative safety, efficacy in terms of complexation, cost, useful in the preparation of parenteral solutions of poorly
and acceptance in pharmacopeias are some important water-soluble drugs with positive charge, such as DY–9760e.30
factors to be considered in selecting a CD for drug com-
Effects of CDs on drug pharmacokinetics were discussed
plexation. HP-β-CDs were shown to have a better oral
by Rajewski and Stella.9 Miconazole formulations solubi-
safety profile than β-CD and other parent CDs, but only
lized by HP-β- and SBE7-β-CDs showed no significant
limited data are available on the oral safety of the methylated
effect on the drug pharmacokinetics in sheep compared
CDs. However, for oral administration all CDs can be
with the drug micellar solution solubilized by cremophor
considered practically nontoxic due to lack of CD absorption
EL (polyoxyl-35 caster oil). The synergistic effect of CDs
through GIT and, hence, the relative safety profile of CDs
is a concern of drug doses used in drug/CD complexes and with acids like lactic acid was used to solubilize micona-
zole for safe parenteral delivery.141 In some cases complex-
the LD50 of CD.8 β-CD is the most cost-effective
compound of all CDs, whereas HP-β- and SBE-β-CDs ation may affect drug pharmacokinetics, eg, complexation
with sugar branched β-CDs altered the disposition of
are more expensive. Monograph of β-CD is already
incorporated in various pharmacopeias and national for- dexamethsone in mice. The binding values of diflunisal in
plasma solutions containing HP-β-CD were found to be
mularies (NF).1 Hence, β-CD can be considered optimum
lower than the theoretical because of competitive displace-
for oral use when it is effective for drug complexation and
ment of the drug from the CD by plasma cholesterol.142 In
modified CDs like HP-, SBE-β-, and DM-β-CDs may be
rabbits, coadministration of M-β-CD with doxorubicin
used when they are more effective and when their peculiar
property is required in formulation, eg, SBE-β-CD, owing resulted in reduced distribution half-life and modified renal
and hepatic distribution profiles of the drug, but the main
to its osmotic property, was used in the preparation of
osmotic pump tablets.135,136 pharmacokinetic parameters of the CD were unaltered.143
A water-soluble CD derivative with low hemolytic activity
was synthesized by substituting acetyl groups for hydroxyl
Parenteral Drug Delivery groups of DM-β-CD. The inclusion ability of the obtained
CD derivatives such as amorphous HP-β- and SBE-β-CDs heptakis (2,6 di-O-methyl-3-O-acetyl)-β-CD (DMA-β-CD)
have been widely investigated for parenteral use on account was the same as that of DM-β-CD, but the new derivative
of their high aqueous solubility and minimal toxicity. HP- showed less irritation in rabbits with no hemolysis even at
β-CD with much higher aqueous solubility allows paren- 0.1 M concentration.144
teral administration of various drugs with no significant
toxicity problems and hence is more often used in
parenteral formulations. An itraconazole parenteral injec- Ocular Delivery
tion containing HP-β-CD (40% wt/vol) has been commer- Applications of CDs in aqueous eye drop preparations
cialized in the United States and Europe. 138 The include solubilization and chemical stabilization of drugs,
solubilizing potentials of both SBE-β- and HP-β-CDs for reduction of ocular drug irritation, and enhancement of ocu-
the drugs melphalan and carmustine were qualitatively lar drug permeability. Vehicles used in ophthalmic prepara-
similar but the intrinsic reactivities were significantly less tions should be nonirritating to the ocular surface to prevent
with SBE-β-CD.114 Applications of CDs in parenteral de- fast washout of the instilled drug by reflex tearing and
livery are solubilization of drugs, reduction of drug irrita- blinking. Hydrophilic CDs, especially 2HP-β- and SBE-β-
tion at the site of administration, and stabilization of drugs CDs, are shown to be nontoxic to the eye and are well
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

tolerated in aqueous eye drop formulations, eg, increased its inclusion complex from high molecular weight cel-
ocular absorption and shelf life of pilocarpine in eye drop lulose and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymeric films for
solutions by SBE-β-CD and decreased ocular irritation of a ocular delivery.147 Formulation with HP-β-CD, with and
lipophilic pilocarpine prodrug by SBE-β- and HP-β-CDs.1 without HPMC, improved the bioavailability and maximal
Reviews on the effects of CDs and aqueous CD-containing mydriatic response of tropicamide by enhancing the drug’s
formulations on the acular drug bioavailability96,109 have ocular permeability, but reduced the ocular drug irritation
already discussed the effect of polymers on CD-induced probably by maintaining the pH in physiologic range.50
drug solubilization and permeability enhancement (Table 11). HP-β-CD also enhanced the permeability and miotic re-
The cytotoxicity order of CDs on the human corneal cell sponse of pilocarpine nitrate without damaging the rabbit
line was found to be α-CD 9 DM-β-CD 9 SBE-β-CD = corneal tissue.148
HP-β-CD 9 γ-CD. It was suggested that ocular toxicity
with SBE-β-CD (100 mM) after 1 hour of its exposure
could be possibly a result of its high osmotic pressure. Nasal Drug Delivery
However, the toxicity with negatively charged SBE-β-CD CDs are effective excipients in nasal drug delivery. CDs
was greater than that with the control, a neutral hypertonic improve nasal drug absorption either by increasing aqueous
mannitol solution.145 drug solubility and/or by enhancing nasal drug perme-
CDs enhance drug permeability by making the drug available ability. However, large interspecies differences were found
at the ocular surface. HP-β-CD enhanced the ocular perme- in CD-enhanced nasal drug absorption. The safety and
ability of dexamethasone acetate and also inhibited the con- nontoxicity of CDs in nasal drug formulations have been
version of acetate salt to less permeable dexamethasone.11 demonstrated by the clinical data with CDs showing no
Since only the free drug can permeate biological mem- adverse effects. Merkus et al149 demonstrated that CDs can
branes, ophthalmic delivery of drugs can be limited by the be safely used to improve nasal bioavailability of drugs,
dissociation of drug/CD complexes in the precorneal area especially peptides. DM-β-CD improved the nasal bio-
due to the limited dilution in this area. The dissociation of availability of estradiol in rats and rabbits. Nasal absorption
drug/CD complexes depends more on the binding of drugs of melatonin, a drug with high first pass metabolism was
to precorneal proteins, absorption by corneal tissue, and rapid and efficient when administered with β-CD and the
displacement of drugs from CD complexes by precorneal peak levels were ~50 times higher than those observed after
fluid components.17 The ability of CDs to decrease mem- oral administration. Midazolam was absorbed rapidly when
brane lipophilicity by interacting with the lipophilic com- administered as an aqueous nasal spray (pH 4.3) containing
pounds of epithelium was indicated by the reduction in the SBE-β-CD (14% wt/vol), HPMC (0.1% wt/vol), and other
bioavailability of highly lipophilic pilocarpine prodrugs on additives.150
addition of CDs.146 Complexation with HP-β-CD signifi- CDs can also be used to reduce the nasal toxicity of other
cantly decreased hydrocortisone (HC) transport from the enhancers without affecting their absorption-enhancing
aqueous to the organic phase, the effect was dependent on property. β-CD or DM-β-CD reduced the serious nasal
the drug partition coefficient and the relative magnitude of toxicity of sodium deoxycholate by inhibiting the leucine
the stability constant of the inclusion complex. The poly- aminopeptidase activity in nasal mucosa without affecting
mer interactions with the drug, HC, and its complex in the absorption-enhancing property of the bile salt for
each system were reported to be responsible for the ob- insulin.151 Salbutamol release from the powder inhaler
served solubility and different release behaviors of HC and formulations containing γ-CD and DM-β-CD was faster
than that from control with lactose; at the amount studied
Table 11. Some of the Examples of Usage of CDs in Aqueous γ-CD was safer than DM-β-CD.152 Midazolam nasal for-
Eye Drop Solutions96 mulation in aqueous SBE-β-CD solution approached an IV
Drug CD form of the drug in speed of absorption, serum concen-
Acetazolamide HP-β-CD, α-CD, HP-β-CD tration, and sedation effect, with no serious side effects.153
Arachidonylethanolamide HP-β-CD
Cyclosporine α-CD
Dexamethasone HP-β-CD Rectal Drug Delivery
Dexamethasone acetate HP-β-CD Applications of CDs in rectal delivery include enhancing
Diclofenac HP-β-CD, M-β-CD drug absorption from a suppository base either by enhanc-
Ethoxyzolamide ing drug release from the base or by increasing drug
Pilocarpine HP-β-CD, α-CD, β-CD, mucosal permeability, increasing drug stability in the base
or at the absorption site, providing sustained drug release,
Pilocarpine prodrugs HP-β-CD
and alleviating drug-induced irritation.7,11
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Drug release from the suppository base is important in their direct action on the rectal epithelial cells.7 α-CD
rectal absorption because of the high viscosity of rectal enhanced the rectal absorption of morphine and human
fluids. The effect of CDs on rectal drug absorption can be chorionic gonadotropin by increasing their mucosal perme-
influenced by partition coefficient of the drug and its CD ability and reducing their degradation.154,155
complex, magnitude of the complex stability constant, and
nature of the suppository base (oleaginous or hydrophilic). CDs enhance rectal drug stability either by inhibiting the
Hydrophilic CDs (especially methylated and hydroxyl- drug/vehicle interaction (by making the drug insoluble in
propyl CDs) enhance the absorption of lipophilic drugs oleaginous base) or by inhibiting the drug bioconversion in
by improving the drug release from oleaginous vehicles the rectum. α-CD improved the rectal bioavailability of
and/or by increasing the drug dissolution rate in rectal morphine by inhibiting the upward movement of the drug
fluids. Formation of hydrophilic CD complexes was found from areas impacted by first pass metabolism.7
to inhibit the reverse diffusion of drugs into oleaginous
vehicles by reducing the drug/vehicle interaction. Rectal
absorptions of flurbiprofen and biphenylacetic acid were Controlled Drug Delivery
improved by DM-β-CD and HP-β-CD, respectively. CDs CDs, due to their ability either to complex drugs or to act as
may not affect drug release if the drug/CD complex functional carrier materials in pharmaceutical formulations,
dissociates in the vehicle itself. For example, although the can serve as potential candidates for efficient and precise
dissolution rate of ethyl 4-biphenylylacetate (EBA) was delivery of required amounts of drugs to targeted site for a
highest from the DM-β-CD complex, only the HP-β-CD necessary period of time. β-CD derivatives are classified
complex enhanced EBA release from the oleaginous as hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and ionizable derivatives.
suppository base because of lower dissociation of the HP- The hydrophilic derivatives improve the aqueous solubility
β-CD complex in the vehicle. The CD complex, once and dissolution rate of poorly soluble drugs, while the
released from the base, mostly releases the free drug for hydrophobic derivatives retard the dissolution rate of
absorption. The competing sites for the free drug released water-soluble drugs from vehicles. Hence hydrophilic and
at the absorption site are CD cavity, suppository base, and hydrophobic CD derivatives are used in immediate and
the rectal mucosa. The extent of drug diffusion into these prolonged release type formulations, respectively. The ion-
sites depends on drug’s partition coefficient, magnitude of izable CD derivatives, on the other hand, improve inclusion
the stability constant of the drug/CD complex, and the capacity, modify drug dissolution rate, and alleviate drug
relative lipophilicity of the competing sites. In the case of irritation, eg, use of CME-β-CD to obtain delayed release–
lipophilic drugs with a high partition coefficient, there type formulations. Highly hydrophilic derivatives, such as
might be some back diffusion of the released free drug into 2HP-β-, G2-β-, and SBE-β-CDs were used in immediate
the lipophilic base. Since a part of drug may get absorbed release formulations that dissolve readily in the GIT and
as the CD complex, the partition coefficient of the complex enhance the oral bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs.
also becomes important, eg, rectal absorption of a part of CDs, both natural and chemically modified, are used in the
EBA as HP-β-CD complex. In the presence of hydroxyl design of immediate, delayed release, and targeted drug
propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), β-CD markedly reduced delivery systems (Table 12).
the bioavailability of acetaminophen from both aqueous
solution and hydrogels by forming a complex with a lower The pH-dependent solubility of CME-β-CD (ie, limited
partition coefficient or higher hydrophilicity.7 solubility under the acidic conditions of stomach with the
complex solubility increasing with pH), which provides
CDs enhance the rectal absorption of inabsorbable, hydro- selective dissolution of drug/CD complex, makes it useful
philic drugs such as antibiotics, peptides, and proteins by in the design of enteric formulations. When molsidomine

Table 12. Modification of the Drug Release Site and/or Time Profile by CDs156
Release Pattern Aim Use of CD
Immediate realease Enhanced dissolution and absorption of poorly water- HP-β-, DM-β-, SB-β-, and branched-β-CDs
soluble drugs
Prolonged release Sustained release of water-soluble drugs Ethylated β-CDs, acylated β-CDs
Modified release More balanced oral bioavailability with prolonged Simultaneous use of different CDs and/or other
therapeutic effects excipients
Delayed, pH-dependent (Enteric) Acid protection of drugs CME-β-CD
Site-specific release Colon-targeting Drug/CD conjugate

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

Table 13. Applications of Various CD Derivatives in the Formulation of Modified Release Preparations156,157
Derivative Drug Summary
Diethyl-β-CD Diltiazem Sustained release for oral use
Buserelin acetate Sustained release for subcutaneous use
Nitroglycerine Sustained release for percutaneous use
Isosorbide dinitrate Sustained release
Tiaprofenic acid Delayed release
Triacetyl-β-CD Flufenamic acid Prolonged release for oral use
Peracylated-β-CD (TB-β-CD) Molsidomine Sustained release for oral use
Salbutamol Prolonged release for oral use
Captopril Sustained release
Al-β-CD-sulfate Recombinant Sustained release for oral use; enhanced stability
human basic
growth factor
O-carboxymethyl- Molsidomine Delayed release
O-β-CD Diltiazem HCl

tablets containing CME-β-CD were studied in gastric useful to provide an effectively controlled release rate of
acidity–controlled dogs, the absorption of the drug was water-soluble drugs, eg, markedly retarded release rate of
significantly retarded under high gastric acidity compared molsidomine on complexation with peracylated β-CDs.160
with low gastric acidity conditions.156,157 TB-β-CD was suggested to be a useful carrier for oral
administration of water-soluble drugs, especially those that
Hydrophobic CDs, such as alkylated and acylated deri-
are metabolized in the GIT. In beagle dogs, oral admin-
vatives, are useful as slow-release carriers in prolonged
istration molsidomine as TB-β-CD complexes resulted in
release formulations of water-soluble drugs. Applications
suppressed peak plasma level of the drug while maintaining
of various CD derivatives in formulation of modified-release
sufficient drug levels for long periods. The increased
preparations are summarized in Table 13. Among the
hydrophobicity and mucoadhesive properties on complex-
alkylated CDs, DE-β- and TE- β-CDs were the first used
ation were reported to be responsible for the observed
slow release carriers and their hydrophobic complexes with
sustained effect with TB-β-CD. Nanospheres of amphi-
diltiazem158 and isosorbide dinitrate159 provided slow drug
philic CDs such as DH-β-CD were also reported to have
release on oral administration in dogs. Peracylated CDs,
bioadhesive effects on gastrointestinal mucosa.156
particularly those with medium alkyl chain lengths (C4–C6)
are useful as hydrophobic carriers (Table 14) and have CDs can also be used along with other carrier materials to
broad applicability in various routes of administration. optimize drug release rate. Improved nifedipine bioavail-
Combination of short-chain and long-chain peracylated ability with reduced first pass metabolism was observed
β-CDs in an appropriate molar ratio was suggested to be from a modified oral dosage form containing a fast release

Table 14. Some Physicochemical Properties of Acylated β-CDs156

Compound R Melting Point (8C) [M]* D
Solubility† (mg/dL)
β-CD H 280 +11850§ 119.0
TA-; peracetyl– β-CD COCH3 201–202 +12522 823.0
TP-; perpropionyl– β-CD COC2 H5 168–169 +12450 423.5
TB-; perbutyryl– β-CD COC3 H7 126–127 +12607 219.8
TV-; pervaleryl– β-CD COC4 H9 54–56 +12640 283.0

TH-; perhexanoyl– β-CD COC5 H11 +12620 3.7
‡ ║
TO-; peroctanoyl– β-CD COC7 H15 +12763
‡ ║
TD-; perdecanoyl– β-CD COC9H19 +12668
‡ ║
TL-; perlauroyl– β-CD COC11 H23 +12829
*In chloroform at 25°C

In 80% (v/v) ethanol–water at 25°C

Oily substance
In water

Could not be determined because of the low solubility

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

portion of the drug with HP–β-CD and HCO-60, a non- induced inflammation, the absorption of BPAA from γ-CD
ionic surfactant (ie, amorphous drug form obtained by prodrugs was found to be from cecum and colon in contrast
spray drying with the CD and surfactant) and a slow release to that from the highly soluble β-CD complex, which was
portion with hydroxy propyl celluloses (HPCs) of different mainly from the small intestine.168 When studied in rats, it
viscosity grades.161 Quaglia et al162 reported that CDs can was found that both sugar-degrading and ester-hydrolyzing
be used to modulate drug delivery from swellable systems, enzymes are necessary for colon-specific release of butyric
eg, β-CD significantly affected the delivery of nicardipine acid from its β-CD ester conjugates.169 Drug conjugation
from swellable crosslinked polyethylene glycol matrix by with α-CD resulted in a delayed release–type prodrug for-
decreasing effective drug diffusivity through the matrix. mulation for colon-specific delivery that alleviates the side
SBE-β-CD has been used in the design of sustained release effects of drugs while maintaining their therapeutic effect,
matrix tablets of poorly soluble drugs. Directly compressed eg, site-specific degradation of prednisolone/α-CD con-
tablets containing prednisolone with SBE-β-CD and poly- jugates in the large intestine alleviated the side effects of
mer physical mixture showed more enhanced drug release the drug while maintaining its anti-inflammatory action.170
than the control (with lactose instead of the CD) due to
formation of an in situ drug:CD complex in the gel layer.163 Complexation of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with β-CD
HP-β-CD, because of its dissolution enhancing effect, was improved the sphericity of microcrystalline cellulose
found to be more effective than β-CD in the development (MCC)–β-CD-TA spherical pellets (5:90:5) prepared by
of controlled release nicardipine formulations.164 extrusion and spheronization for colon targeting. TA
complexation with the CD also facilitated the application
Combination of drug complexes with hydrophilic and of coating resistant to gastric and small intestinal media and
hydrophobic CDs in appropriate ratios can be a promising maintained the pellet integrity in dissolution medium with
drug delivery system for prolonged therapeutic effect and no premature bursting of coatings on granule swelling.171
balanced bioavailability. In rabbits, a sustained release nicar-
dipine formulation, developed by mixing the drug complexes
with HP-β-CD (fast release fraction) and with hydro- Peptide and Protein Delivery
phobic TA-β-CD (sustained releasing portion) in appro- Various problems associated in practical use of therapeutic
priate ratios, showed markedly retarded drug release with peptides and proteins are their chemical and enzymatic
prolonged maintenance of plasma levels.165 A sustained instability, poor absorption through biological membranes,
release 2-layered nifedipine tablet formulation was developed rapid plasma clearance, peculiar dose response curves, and
by using the drug complexes with β- and HP-β-CDs.166 immunogenicity. CDs, because of their bioadaptability in
Use of CDs with a hydroxyapatite matrix was indicated to pharmaceutical use and ability to interact with cellular
control the release of chemotherapeutic agents containing membranes, can act as potential carriers for the delivery of
toxic metals, such as Rhodium II citrate and butyrate, and proteins, peptides, and oligonucleotide drugs.172
to provide localized antitumor chemotherapy with minimal
side effects.167 The existence of efflux pumps may serve as an additional
barrier for nonspecific uptake of peptides and thus can
cause low peptide bioavailability. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is
Colon-Specific Drug Delivery an efflux transporter present in the apical region of
CDs are barely hydrolyzed and only slightly absorbed in epithelial cells in the brain, kidney, liver, and GI tract. P-
the stomach and small intestine but are absorbed in the gp opposes the transcellular drug movement in the
large intestine after fermentation into small saccharides by epithelial cells and many peptide drugs, especially hydro-
colonic microbial flora. The peculiar hydrolyzing property phobic peptides like cyclosporin A,173 D, N-acetyl-leucyl-
of CDs makes them useful for colon drug targeting. leucylnorleucinal,174 valinomycin,175 gramicidin,176 and
Biphenyl acetic acid (BPAA) prodrugs for colon-specific ditekiren177 are reported to be substrates for this efflux
delivery were developed by conjugation of the drug onto transporter. Therapeutic use of peptides across the blood
one of the primary hydroxyl groups of α-, β-, and γ-CDs brain barrier (BBB) is greatly hindered by their very low
through an ester or amide linkage. In the case of ester penetration and it was reported that P-gp substrates, such as
prodrugs, the maltose and triose conjugates released the synthetic hydrophobic peptides, can stimulate the transport
free drug after initial hydrolysis of the susceptibile ester of drugs across the BBB. An apically polarized verapamil
linkage, but in the case of amide prodrugs, the conjugates sensitive efflux system for small hydrophobic peptides has
remained as such providing delayed release due to the been found in the BBB of rats. It was also reported that P-
resistance of the amide bond to hydrolysis. The CD-based gp–mediated transport of peptides might play an important
prodrug approach was used for colon-specific and delayed role in greatly reducing their delivery to the central nervous
drug delivery, eg, when tested in rats with carageenan- system in vivo.178 Hence, whenever unexplainable poor
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

peptide absorption is seen, the role of efflux pumps should were observed in the absorption enhancement of peptides
be examined.179 from CD solutions. DM-β-CD, the only effective nasal
absorption enhancer out of the CDs studied (β-, HP-β-, γ-,
It was found that CDs can inhibit or impair the efflux
and DM-β-CDs), largely improved the nasal absorption of
function of P-gp and multidrug resistance associated
insulin and adreno crotico tropic hormone (ACTH) from
proteins (MRP2). Out of various β-CD derivatives studied,
solutions in rats (bioavailability ~70% to 100%) but in
DM-β-CD was found to be most effective and significantly
rabbits and healthy human volunteers, the same CD/insulin
impaired the efflux function of P-gp and MRP2 in Caco
solution was found to be ineffective. Improved bioavailabil-
cell monolayers (Caco2, Caco-2R) without changing the
ity of insulin (up to 13%) was observed on nasal admin-
cell viability and membrane integrity. The inclusion ability
istration of powder formulations containing DM-β-CD
of DM-β-CD, causing the release of the transporters (P-gp,
compared with the control containing lactose instead of
MRP2) from the apical membranes of monolayers, was
the CD.182
reported to be the possible reason for the observed impaired
efflux function of the transporters in the presence of the CDs can enhance physical and chemical stability of protein
CD. Not only the extraction of cholesterol but also that of and peptide drugs, and the maximum enhancing effects
phospholipids from the monolayers were found to be were reported at low CD concentrations. The proteolytic
required for the CD-induced inhibitory effect on the efflux degradation of basic fibroblast growth factor was decreased
function.180 In addition to the solubilizing effect of DM-β- by water-soluble β-CD sulfate.1
CD, its ability to inhibit P-gp efflux of tacrolimus from
intestinal epithelial cells contributed to the CD-induced β-CD improved insulin loading of alginate microspheres
enhancement of the drug’s oral bioavailability. Pretreatment prepared by an emulsion-based process. The process was
of the apical membranes of the Caco cell monolayers with suggested to be useful in the development of an oral insulin
DM-β-CD decreased the efflux of tacrolimus and rhod- drug delivery system as the absorption of insulin from
amine with no associated cytotoxicity. DM-β-CD also optimized microspheres was found to take place from the
decreased the level of P-gp in the apical membranes of the GI region.183
monolayers probably by allowing its release from the
apical membranes into the transport buffer.181
Gene and Oligonucleotide Delivery
CDs were found to be useful in the absorption enhancement The toxicity and immunogenicity associated with viral
of calcitonin, glucagon, insulin, and recombinant human vectors led to the development of nonviral vectors for gene
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. DM-β-CD (5%) delivery. Besides the plasmid or virus-based vector systems,
enhanced the intranasal calcitonin absorption in rats and “naked” nucleotide derivatives have also been investigated
rabbits. In rabbits the intranasal absorption was compara- for possible use as therapeutic agents through several routes
ble to intravenous or subcutaneous calcitonin absorption. of administration. Gene delivery technologists are now
In rabbits, a nasal spray of liquid and powder formulations testing CD molecules in the hope of finding an optimal
of glucagons containing DM-β-CD provided improved carrier for the delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids, how-
bioavailability (9 80%) of glucagons compared with their ever, the limitations of CDs, such as CD-associated toxicity
subcutaneous administration. The absolute bioavailability (eg, DM-β-CD) have to be considered before their clinical
of insulin in rats was also increased to ~100% on nasal use.184
administration with DM-β-CD (3% to 5%).149 β-CD or
DM-β-CD reduced the serious nasal toxicity of sodium- CDs can solve many of the problems associated with in vivo
deoxycholate (a bile salt) by inhibiting the leucine amino- delivery of oligonucleotides (Ons), such as their limited
peptidase activity in the nasal mucosa without affecting the ability to extravasate from blood stream and traverse cellular
absorption-enhancing property of the bile salt for insulin.151 membranes, high degree of susceptibility to endonucleases
The various established mechanisms for CD-improved with potential toxicity of their breakdown products, poly-
nasal absorption of peptides are interaction with membrane anionic nature leading to nonspecific interactions with extra-
lipids and proteins in the nasal epithelium that reduces the cellular and intracellular cationic molecules, and potential
membrane barrier function, inhibition of proteolytic enzyme immunogenicity. CDs can improve cellular uptake of ONs
activities in the nasal mucosa, and finally inhibition of and also delay their degradation by increasing their stability
protein or peptide aggregation by direct action upon these against endonucleases. ON-adamatane conjugates associ-
molecules. Since the absorption-enhancing effects of CDs ated with HP-β-CD provided significantly increased cellular
are reversible, as enhancers they are less toxic than other uptake of ONs. Substitution of at least a single nucleotide
widely used enhancers, eg, the effect of CDs on the nasal of ONs with CDs improved the cellular uptake and/or
cilliary beat frequency were observed to be mild, reversible, stability of ONs. On conjugation with CDs, ONs may be
and less toxic. However, substantial interspecies differences delivered to the colon, an advantageous absorption site to
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

achieve acceptable therapeutic levels of ONs. CDs can also Drug thermodynamic activity in vehicles as well as its skin/
modulate undesirable side effects of ON treatment such as vehicle partition coefficients can significantly affect CD-
immune stimulation and reduction of platelet counts.185,186 induced changes in the drug permeability through skin.
CDs, by enhancing apparent drug solubility, enhance the
Neutral and amphipilic as well as cationic CDs have been
drug thermodynamic activity in vehicles and thus cause
used for synthesis of novel gene delivery vectors. Neutral
enhancement of drug release from vehicles. The enhance-
CDs like β-, DM-β-, and HP-β-CDs were reported to in-
ment of drug release from vehicles by CDs in turn
crease DNA cellular uptake by increasing its permeability.
enhances the dermal drug absorption by improving the
The increased DNA permeability was reported to be a result
drug availability at the lipophilic absorptive barrier surface
of interaction of the CDs with membrane components such
as cholesterol, but not due to their complexing ability for (ie, skin).7,18 Although the drug partition coefficient (eg, a
lipophilic drug) may be decreased on complexation with
DNA. Cationic polyamino CDs, because of their polyca-
tionic polyanionic interaction with mononucleotides, neu- CDs (eg, with hydrophilic CDs), the increased drug solu-
bility and thermodynamic activity in vehicles can lead to
tralized the multiple charges on DNA and thus made DNA
compact into a particle of suitable size for cellular internal- increased drug permeability through skin, eg, increased
skin permeability of dexamethasone by HP-β-CD.190 The
ization. Amphiphilic CDs, because of their vesicle-forming
vehicle type used, because of its main influence on the
potential, offer an additional possibility for polar nucleotides
drug’s membrane/vehicle partition coefficient, can markedly
to complex into aqueous vesicle core while allowing
affect CD-induced enhancement of drug release. Diffusion
hydrophobic agents to complex into individual cavities or
interior of the bilayer with multiple lipophilic hydrocarbon rate of ketoprofen from its β-CD and HP-β-CD inclusion
complexes was in the order of carbopol gel 9 oil/water
chains.186 Polyplexes (polycation polymer/DNA composite
structures) of linear, cationic, β-CD–containing polymers emulsion 9 fatty ointment.191 Hydrophilic CDs improve the
release rate of lipophilic drugs from hydrophilic aqueous
(βCDPs) were found to be suitable for DNA delivery due
to their increased transfection efficiency and stability against vehicles. Hydrophilic CDs markedly increased the in vitro
release rate of corticosteroids from aqueous bases (hydro-
enzymatic degradation with low in vitro and in vivo toxicity.187
philic, absorptive, or polyacrylic) but retarded the same
The ability of CDs to complex hydrophobic adamantane
from nonaqueous bases (fatty alcohol, propylene glycol, or
was exploited for steric stabilization of βCDPs with hydro-
macrogol). Complexation with β-, DM-β-, and HP-β-CDs
philic polymers like poly(ethylene glycol). Steric stabiliza-
increased the release of 4-biphenylacetic acid from hydro-
tion of βCDPs prevents their self-aggregation but facilitates
philic ointment. β- and HP-β-CDs significantly enhanced
their targeted delivery by preventing their undesired inter-
actions with non–self-entities.188 the anti-inflammatory effects of indomethacin in hydrox-
yethyl cellulose hydrogels in healthy volunteers.18 It was
CDs were also found to enhance plasmid or viral-vector– reported that CDs may not affect or even hamper drug
based delivery of genes. Positively charged quarternary release from nonaqueous vehicles and the effect may be
amino and tertiary amino β-CDs significantly enhanced the due to lowered drug solubility in vehicle on complexation.
transfection efficiency of negatively charged adenoviral The release of prednisolone from non–water-containing
vector-based gene formulations. It was reported that the ointment bases was abated on complexation with DM-β-
transfection enhancement by the cationic β-CDs could be a CD. Hydrophilic β- and HP-β-CDs enhanced the release
result of increased viral internalization caused by increased of hydrocortisone from oil/water cream and hydrogel but
viral binding to cell and improved cell membrane perme- retarded the same from petrolatum vehicle or water/oil
ability.189 CDs also enhanced the physical stability of viral cream.192
vector formulations for gene therapy.120
CDs enhance drug delivery by increasing the drug avail-
ability at the barrier surface, where the free drug partitions
Dermal and Transdermal Delivery from the CD cavity into lipophilic barrier. The free drug
CDs have been used to optimize local and systemic dermal fraction at the barrier surface depends on the drug disso-
drug delivery. Applications of CDs in transdermal drug lution rate, relative magnitude of the stability constants of
delivery include enhancement of drug release and/or the CD complexes with the drug and the competing agent
permeation, drug stabilization in formulation or at absorp- at the absorption site, and the drug absorption rate constant.
tive site, alleviation of drug-induced local irritation, In ointments, just as in suppositories, a drug in the CD
sustaining of drug release from vehicle, and alteration of complex may be displaced by ointment components,
drug bioconversion in the viable skin. Parent CDs (α-, β-, depending on the magnitude of the stability constant of
and γ-CDs) and various chemically modified CD deriva- the drug/CD complex. Hence, for optimum drug release,
tives with extended physicochemical properties and inclu- the vehicle or the CD complex chosen should be such that
sion capacity have been used in transdermal drug delivery.7 the complex barely dissociates but still maintains a high

AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

drug thermodynamic activity in the vehicle.18 The order of Though only insignificant amounts of CDs and drug/CD
prednisolone release rate from a hydrophilic ointment was complexes can penetrate into biological barriers because of
drug alone G γ-CD complex G β-CD complex G DM-β-CD their size and hydrophilicity, CDs may interact with some
complex, which was reflective of the order of the complex of the skin components. It was reported that the free CDs
stability constants.7 For absorption, the CD complex has to released on complex dissociation, due to their ability to
dissociate to release free drug, the actual absorbable species remove some membrane surface components, can modify
and the dissociation of CD complex depends on the the membrane transport properties and thus can facilitate
magnitude of the complex stability constant. If the complex absorption of drugs, especially water-soluble drugs. Inter-
stability constant is too high, the complex may not release action of RM-β-CD with skin components was directly
the free drug at the absorptive site and thus may decrease or implicated to its effect on drug diffusion. It is also impor-
inhibit drug absorption.18 The effect of HP-β-CD concen- tant to pay careful attention toward possible irritation effects
tration on the iontophoretic delivery of hydrocortisone (ie, of CDs on skin, eg, RM-β-CD extracted all major classes
higher drug amount delivered at lower CD concentration of lipids from an isolated stratum corneum of hairless rats
[1%] compared with higher CD concentrations [3% or and thereby reduced the barrier function of the skin.18
5%]) indicated the delivery of only the free drug with the
CD acting as a carrier.193 CDs, the safer solubilizing agents with bioadaptability and
multifunctional characteristics, have been evaluated for
CDs have also been used to reduce drug degradation in formulation of poorly water-soluble cosmetic materials.
topical preparations. β-CD maintained the stability of HP-CDs increased the aqueous solubility of cosmetic
tixoxortol 17-butyrate 21-propionate in vaseline and oil/ materials, retarded the release rate of fragrance materials
water emulsion bases even after 30 days.7 Complexation with no toxicity in topical liquid preparations,7,195 and also
with CDs was suggested to be a rational way to improve reduced permeation rate of eugenol and methyl paraben
physicochemical properties of drugs for transdermal deliv- through hairless mouse skin. Other CD applications in
ery. β- and HP-β-CDs increased the skin permeability of cosmetics include masking of smell and stench, stabiliza-
dexamethasone and also improved its stability in skin by tion of cosmetic materials (eg, loyal jelly and antiplasmin
protecting it against skin metabolism.190 CDs, by increas- drugs), assisting in preparation of stable emulsion and
ing solubility, facilitate drug incorporation into formulation suspension, inhibition of foaming caused by amphiphilic
and thus increase the drug concentration in the formulation. materials, and powderization of oily materials.7 Being
HP-β-CD increased the amount of piroxicam transported nontoxic polysaccharides with solubilizing and stabilizing
through skin but pretreatment of skin with the CD showed effects and further advantages, CDs and their complexes
no effect on drug retention in skin. Hence the CD effect on have been used to formulate cosmetic products, making
the drug’s skin permeability was reported to be due to possible those effects that were not realizable with common
increased drug concentration in gel and not due to techniques. The ability of CDs to increase stability (against
enhancement of drug iontophoretic flux.194 light and oxygen) and solubility of sparingly water-soluble
molecules made them useful in the formulation of cosmetic
CDs may alleviate drug-induced skin irritation by lowering products.196
the extent of free drug resulting from inclusion equilibrium.
β- and DM-β-CDs significantly reduced chlorpromazine-
induced skin irritation and their alleviating efficacy; DM-β- Brain Drug Delivery or Brain Targetting
CD 9 β-CD was consistent with the magnitude of their com- The concept of Bodor’s chemical delivery system (CDS)
plex stability constants. Suppression of drug penetration into (ie, covalent coupling of drugs to 1-methyl-1, 4-dihydroni-
skin caused by the reduction of drug/skin partition coeffi- cotinic acid through an enzymatically labile linkage, which
cient on CD complexation was reported to be the possible increases drug lipophilicity) was applied for targeting drugs
reason for the reduction of chlorpromazine-induced skin irri- such as steroids, antitumor agents, and calcium channel
tation. β-CD also attenuated the skin irritation induced by antagonists to brain. However, presence of the lipophilic
tretinoin and menadione.7 moiety makes prodrugs of CDS poorly water-soluble. HP-β-
CD, due to its ability to solubilize drugs and also to enhance
Hydrophobic CDs can modulate drug release from the chemical stability of dihydronicotinic acid in aqueous
vehicles. Nitroglycerin complexation with DE-β-CD accel- solution solved the solubility problems of CDS.156 For-
erated the drug release rate from ointments but the same mulation is an important and integral concern in the
with β-CD retarded the drug release. Hence a combination development of CDS, especially those for brain targeting.
of the drug complexes with DE-β-CD and β-CD was Formulation development of CDS is based on the need for
suggested to obtain sustained release percutaneous prepa- appropriate dosage form, stability, solubility, and dissolution
rations of the drug.7 characteristics. Brewster and Loftsson197 discussed the use
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

of chemically modified, especially water-soluble, CD deri- augmented the uptake of the complexes by liver and spleen,
vatives such as HP-β-CD in the formulation development where after liposomal disintegration in tissues, drugs were
of CDS. HP-β-CD contributed to the development and metabolized at rates dependent on the stability of the
preclinical testing of several CDS by providing a stable complexes.200,203
and water-soluble dosage form suitable for parenteral
administration. Use of CDs in the formulation of CDS CD complexation can increase liposomal entrapment of
can be demonstrated by the significantly improved sol- lipophilic drugs and also reduce their release from the car-
ubility, stability, and pharmacologic activity of CDS of rier, ie, liposomes. Complexation with CDs increased the
thyrotropin-releasing hormone analogs on complexation liposomal entrapment of nifedipine by reducing its inter-
with HP-β-CD.198 action with lipid bilayers and also improved the liposomal
stability in plasma.204 To encapsulate large amounts of
The very low penetration across the BBB greatly hinders lipophilic drugs in liposomes, a CD molecule forming an
the therapeutic use of peptides, and whenever unexplain- inclusion complex with a high drug:CD ratio should be
able poor peptide absorption is seen the role of the efflux selected. Liposomal entrapment of prednisolone was higher
pumps should be examined. It was reported that P-gp– when incorporated as HP-β-CD complex than as free drug.
mediated peptide transport may play an important role in Selection of CD can also have a significant effect on the
greatly reducing the peptide delivery to the central nervous amount of drug associated with vesicles, eg, HP-β-CD, with
system in vivo.178,179 It was also indicated that CDs such as a more lipophilic interior and considerably higher aqueous
DM-β-CD, due to their inhibitory effect on P-gp efflux solubility incorporated higher drug amounts in vesicles
function, may enhance drug delivery to brain.181 than β-CD. However, HP-β-CD, as a result of its ability
to get entrapped in higher amounts in the vesicles, also
CD APPLICATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF SOME showed a higher velocity of destabilizing effect on vesicles
Liposomes Complexation with CDs can improve the stability of lipo-
In drug delivery, the concept of entrapping CD-drug somes, eg, most stable liposomal formulations of metroni-
complexes into liposomes combines the advantages of both dazole and verapamil were obtained by direct spray drying
CDs (such as increasing the solubility of drugs) and of lipid, drug, and HP-β-CD mixture.206 Inclusion com-
liposomes (such as targeting of drugs) into a single system plexation can greatly increase the chemical stability of
and thus circumvents the problems associated with each labile drugs in multilamellar liposomes. Multilamellar DRV
system. Liposomes entrap hydrophilic drugs in the aqueous liposomes containing a riboflavin/γ-CD complex provided
phase and hydrophobic drugs in the lipid bilayers and optimal protection to the photosensitive drug.207 Similarly,
retain drugs en route to their destination. The fact that some multilamellar liposomes containing indomethacin/HP-β-CD
lipophilic drugs may interfere with bilayer formation and inclusion complex showed increased stability of the hydro-
stability limits the range and amount of valuable drugs that lysable drug (~75-fold).208
can be associated with liposomes. By forming water- Parent CDs (α-, β-, and γ-) along with sulfated glyco-
soluble complexes, CDs would allow insoluble drugs to lipids were used as starting materials in the synthesis of
accommodate in the aqueous phase of vesicles and thus specific erythrocyte-like liposomes having excellent self-
potentially increase drug-to-lipid mass ratio levels, enlarge assembling capacity to form stable monolayers at an air
the range of insoluble drugs amenable for encapsulation (ie, water interface.209
membrane-destabilizing agents), allow drug targeting, and
reduce drug toxicity. Problems associated with intravenous
administration of CD complexes such as their rapid Microspheres
removal into urine and toxicity to kidneys, especially after
In the presence of a high percentage of highly soluble
chronic use, can be circumvented by their entrapment in
hydrophilic excipients, complexation may not improve the
drug dissolution rate from microspheres. Nifedipine release
When the concept of entrapping CD complexes into lipo- from chitosan microspheres was slowed down on complex-
somes was applied to HP-β-CD complexes of dexametha- ation with HP-β-CD in spite of the improved drug-loading
sone, dehydroepiandrosterone, retinal, and retinoic acid, the efficiency. Since it is highly unlikely for CD molecules to
obtained dehydration-rehydration vesicles (DRV liposomes) diffuse out of the microspheres, even with a low stability
retained their stability in the presence of blood plasma.199 constant, the complex must first release the free drug that
Liposomal entrapment can also alter the pharmacokinetics can permeate out of the microspheres. Hence the observed
of inclusion complexes. Liposomal entrapment drastically slow nifedipine release from the microspheres was reported
reduced the urinary loss of HP-β-CD/drug complexes but to be due to lesser drug availability from the complex and
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

also due to formation of hydrophilic chitosan/CD matrix GM included and its proportion in microspheres after
layer around the lipophilic drug that further decreases the storage were in agreement with its affinity for the CDs and
drug matrix permeability.210 Sustained hydrocortisone the order of association constants of its complexes.217 All
release with no enhancement of its dissolution rate was PVA/CD microspheres, prepared by crosslinking of an
observed from chitosan microspheres containing its HP-β- acidified aqueous mixture solution of PVA and CD (α-, β-,
CD complex. The sustained hydrocortisone release was or γ-CD) with gluteraldehyde, displayed good affinity for
reported to be due to formation of a layer adjacent to the different drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin, metronidazole,
interface by the slowly dissolving drug during the and propranolol).218 The amount of CD linked in micro-
dissolution process that makes the microsphere surface spheres was in the order β- 9 γ- 9 α-CD and the dimensions
increasingly hydrophobic.211 of the microspheres with γ-CD were much higher than those
with α- or β-CDs.
Study of in vivo release behavior (over 24 hours) of β-CD
from β-CD/poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) microspheres, pre-
pared by a water/oil solvent evaporation technique, indi-
cated a high encapsulating efficiency (990%) with potential
covalent binding of the CD.212 β-CD caused no alteration It was suggested that crosslinked β-CD microcapsules,
of the in vitro release kinetics of dyes, phenolphthalein, and because of their ability to retard the release of water-soluble
rhodamine B (with different solubilities and strengths of drugs through semipermeable membranes, can act as
association with β-CD) from the microspheres. The reasons release modulators to provide efficiently controlled release
suggested for the unaltered release kinetics were rapid of drugs. Terephthaloyl chloride (TC) crosslinked β-CD
hydration of the polymer matrix because of limited cross- microcapsules were found to complex p-nitrophenol rap-
linking; perturbation of dye/β-CD complex by oil, organic idly and the amount complexed increased as the size of the
solvent residues and/or conformational changes; and microcapsules decreased. TC crosslinked β-CD micro-
reduction of β-CD complexing ability on covalent binding capsules retarded the diffusion of propranolol hydrochlor-
with PAA due to steric hindrance of its cavity.213 ide through dialysis membrane. Double microcapsules,
prepared by encapsulating methylene blue with different
HP-β-CD acted as a promising agent for stabilizing amounts of β-CD microcapsules inside a crosslinked
lysozyme and bovine serum albumin (BSA) during primary human serum albumin (HSA), showed decreasing release
emulsification of poly (d, l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) rate of methylene blue with increasing amount of β-CD
microsphere preparation. The stabilizing effect was microcapsules. Dissociation of methylene blue complex
reported to be a result of increased hydrophilicity of the with β-CD microcapsules was found to serve as an addi-
proteins caused by shielding of their hydrophobic residues tional mechanism in controlling the release kinetics of HSA
by HP-β-CD; this also reduces their aggregation and double microcapsules. In the case of HSA microcapsules
denaturation by keeping them away from methylene with parent β-CD, the hydrating property of the CD, by
chloride water interface. HP-β-CD enhanced BSA con- promoting the diffusion of water into the microcapsules,
formational stability and also increased its recovery from caused an increased release rate of methylene blue com-
water/oil emulsion by preventing the adsorption of the pared with those without the CD. However, in the case of
protein to PLGA.214,215 CDs were also used to modulate HSA double microcapsules (ie, with β-CD microcapsules),
peptide release rate from microspheres, eg, HP-β-CD co- the hydrophobic groups introduced during crosslinking
encapsulation in PLGA microspheres slowed down insulin suppressed the CD hydration and provided controlled
release rate. Microspheres, prepared by spray drying of a release without enhancing the diffusion of water that can
water/oil emulsion containing the CD provided a constant impair the complexation of methylene blue.219
insulin release up to 45 days without initial burst and
maintained the peptide stability during the entire release
phase. The slowing down of overall release rate of the Nanoparticles
peptide was reported to be due to its decreased matrix
diffusivity caused by its higher apparent molecular weight Nanoparticles are stable systems suitable to provide tar-
and size on complexation. Co-encapsulation of the CD also geted drug delivery and to enhance the efficacy and bio-
reduced the apparent particle size of the microspheres.216 availability of poorly soluble drugs. However, the safety and
efficacy of nanoparticles are limited by their very low drug
A high entrapment efficiency of gabexate mesylate (GM) loading and limited entrapment efficiency (with classical
was observed with all types of bioadhesive and biodegrad- water emulsion polymerization procedures) that may lead to
able starch/CD microspheres prepared by chemical cross- excessive administration of polymeric material.220,221 Two
linking of an alkaline solution of a mixture of starch and applications of CDs have been found very promising in the
CD (α-, β-, or γ-CD) with epichlorohydrin. The amount of design of nanoparticles: one is increasing the loading
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

capacity of nanoparticles and the other is spontaneous fluence their ability to nanoassociate or form stable nano-
formation of either nanocapsules or nanospheres by nano- spheres. Partial acylation of β-CDsa allowed self-assembly
precipitation of amphiphilic CDs diesters. Both the new into stable nanosphere suspension but peracylation with
techniques were reported to be useful due to great interest 14 alkyl chains on secondary hydroxyl groups failed to do
of nanoparticles in oral and parenteral drug administration. the same even in the presence of a nonionic surfactant in
CDs increased the loading capacity of poly (isobutylcya- the aqueous phase. The amount of partially acylated species
noacrylate) nanoparticles. The increased loading capacity in β-CDsa was also found to play an important role in regu-
was reported to be a result of increased drug concentration lating the mean diameter size and suspension stability of
in the polymerization medium on addition of the drug:CD nanospheres.228
complex and increased number of hydrophobic sites in the
nanosphere structure on association of large amounts of Amphiphilic β-CD (β-CDa) derivatives, 6-N-CAPRO-β-
CDs to the nanoparticles.221,222 HP-β-CD increased saqui- CD and β-CDC6 with 6C aliphatic chains on the primary
navir loading into poly (alkylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles and secondary face respectively, enhanced the solubility
by providing a soluble drug reservoir in polymerization and therapeutic efficacy of model drugs, bifonazole and
medium that feeds the nanoparticle-formation process. A clotrimazole. The β-CDa derivatives formed inclusion
dynamic equilibrium was observed between the complex, complexes with the drugs and with the nanoprecipitation
the dissociated species, and the forming polymeric particle. technique the derivatives gave nanospheres of less than 300
It was indicated that during nanoparticle formation the free nm with no use of surfactants. 6-N-CAPRO-β-CD, due to
drug gets progressively incorporated into polymer network, its ability to hold drugs longer in its cavity, displayed a
driven by the drug partition coefficient between the polymer higher loading capacity and slower release profile than β-
and polymerization medium though there may be a simulta- CDC6. A slightly higher loading capacity observed with 6-
neous direct entrapment of some drug/CD complex.222,223 N-CAPRO-β-CD was attributed to the higher drug adsorp-
tion onto its particle surface caused by the higher affinity of
Addition of HP-β-CD in the polymerization medium of the 14 alkyl chains surrounding the CD molecule. Affinity
poly (ethylcyanoacrylate) (PECA) nanospheres improved of β-CD to model drugs also played a major role in af-
the subcutaneous absorption of metoclopramide in rats. fecting the drug release from the β-CDa nanospheres.227
PECA nanospheres with HP-β-CD provided the highest Loading techniques and also the type of β-CDa can influ-
drug concentration and enhanced drug absorption compared ence the loading and release properties of the nanospheres.
with those with dextran or with drug solution. However, in Inclusion complexation of progesterone with β-CDa prior
addition to drug absorption from subcutaneous (sc) sites, to its entrapment in nanospheres increased the drug loading
HP-β-CD also enhanced the drug elimination by enhancing into nanospheres. Progesterone-loaded β-CDa nanospheres
the drug absorption to reticluoendothelial tissues.224 acted as a promising nonsurfactant injectable delivery sys-
tem to provide rapidly a high quantity of the water-insoluble
Addition of steroid drugs, hydrocortisone (HC), and pro-
drug (within 1 hour).220
gesterone (PN) as β-CD or HP-β-CD complexes main-
tained the sizes of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) below
100 nm with the steroids dispersed in an amorphous state. CD USE AS EXCIPIENTS IN DRUG FORMULATION
CD complexation increased the incorporation of the more
hydrophilic drug, HC than PN but provided lower release As excipients, CDs have been finding different applications
of both the drugs from SLN compared with the release in the formulation and processing of drugs. β-CD, due to
from SLN containing the free drugs. It was suggested that its excellent compactability (varied with source) and mini-
the process of incorporating drugs partly in free form and mal lubrication requirements, showed considerable promise
partly in complexed form may be used to modulate release as a filler binder in tablet manufacturing but its fluidity was
kinetics of drugs from SLN.225 insufficient for routine direct compression. β-CD was also
found to be useful as a solubility enhancer in tablets. The
Amphiphilic β-CDs (β-CDsa), synthesized by introducing ability of β-CD to complex progesterone by wet granula-
substituents of varying chain lengths (C6-C14) and bond tion was found to be dependent on both binder solution and
types (ester and amide) on the primary face of the CD, have mixture type.229 Complexation can cause subtle changes in
been characterized and evaluated as potential novel the tabletting properties of drugs or CDs that can substan-
excipients in the preparation of nanocapsules.226 Compared tially affect the stability and tabletting performance of
with natural CDs, β-CDsa, particularly those derivatives tablet formulations containing drug/CD complexes. Com-
with 6C aliphatic chains on the primary face, form bio- plexation of tolbutamide with HP-β-CD (freeze-dried or
degradable, nonsurfactant, highly loaded nanospheres and spray-dried) altered the water sorption-desorption and tab-
nanocapsules with low hemolytic activity.220,226,227 The letting properties of the CD, and the resultant complex
chemical structure of β-CDsa derivatives was found to in- showed worse compactability than the pure CD or the drug/
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

CD physical mixture.230 CDs also affect the tabletting β-CD, by reducing carbopol interaction with the cationic
properties of other excipients, eg, microcrystalline cellulose drug, maintained the hydrogel properties of carbopol.238
codried with β-CD showed improved flowability, compact-
Large differences were observed in the powder and particle
ability, and disintegration properties suitable for direct
characteristics of β-, α-, γ-, and HP-β-CDs. With these
compression.231 In the case of high-swelling wheat starches,
CDs, the order of sphericity was β-CD G α-CD G γ-CD G
β-CD (1%) increased the peak viscosity (PV) but decreased
HP-β-CD and that of shape uniformity was α-CD G β-CD
the cool paste viscosity (CPV) and in the case of low-
G γ-CD G HP-β-CD. Water content of CDs was found to
swelling starches, the same CD slightly decreased the PV but
be variable with storage conditions and can be removed by
increased the CPV. However, β-CD reduced the heat paste
evaporation at 160°C. It was reported that a characteristic
viscosity of both the starches.232 Avicel/β-CD codried
peak shown in the DSC profile of α-CD, unaffected even at
product showed improved flowability and disintegration
high temperature, was representative of a “feasible struc-
properties but its rounder particles, because of their sen-
tural change” in the CD molecule.239
sitivity to lubrication, gave tablets weaker than those with
avicel. But on addition of magnesium stearate, the codried The osmolality of SBE-CDs was found to increase with the
excipient with improved powder flowability served as a total degree of substitution and was also considerably
better excipient in wet granulation.233 higher than that of HP-CDs. The observations with these
CD derivatives provided a useful insight into their behavior
CDs can be used to mask the taste of drugs in solutions, eg, in solutions and in characterization of drug release
suppression of bitter taste of 4 mm oxyphenonium bromide mechanisms from osmotic pump tablets.240 SBE- and HP-
by CDs. With the assumption that only the free drug derivatives of β- and α-CDs, with different total degree of
molecule exhibits bitter taste regardless of the kind and substitution (TDS), exhibited different colligative proper-
concentration of CD, the suppression of drug bitter taste by ties, especially their osmotic pressure (OP) increased with
CDs was reported to be in the order of α-CD G γ-CD G β- their TDS. With substituted CDs, the OP was above their
CD, reflecting the stability constants of the complexes.137 theoretical values but with unsubstituted γ-CD, the OP was
CDs were used as pellatization agents in extrusion and below the expected value. Self-association of the unsub-
spheronization processes and in the presence of β-CD stituted γ-CD molecules was reported to be the possible
up to 90% by weight, the process provided satisfactory reason for the observed low OP value of the CD. These
products.234 CDs were also indicated to stabilize protein findings relating the OP properties of CDs can be useful in
and peptide pharmaceuticals during spray drying, eg, inhi- the formulation of parenteral and ophthalmic solutions,
bition of spray drying induced inactivation of β-galactoside where maintenance of OP is an important consideration.241
by HP-β-CD.235 Interaction of CDs with the preservatives in the formulation
CDs were found to inhibit adsorption or absorption of is an important factor and should be investigated. It was
drugs to container walls. SBE-β-CD and HP-β-CD reported that such interaction can result in reduction of both
reduced the adsorption of DY-9760e to PVC tubes but the the solubilizing effect of CD and the antimicrobial activity
effect was more significant with SBE-β-CD reflecting the of preservatives, eg, interaction of HP-β-CD with preserva-
stability constants of the CD complexes. Compared with tives like benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine gluconate,
HP-β-CD, SBE-β-CD was found to exhibit a greater chlorambutanol, methylparaben, and propylparaben.242
masking effect against the hydrophobic interaction between
the surface of PVC tubes and the drug.30 Hydrophilic CDs, CONCLUSION
including maltosyl-β-CD, inhibited the adsorption of
CDs, as a result of their complexation ability and other
bovine insulin to containers and also inhibited insulin ag-
versatile characteristics, are continuing to have different
gregation by interacting with the hydrophilic regions of the
applications in different areas of drug delivery and phar-
peptide.236 β-CD inhibited the adsorption of FK 906, a
maceutical industry. However, it is necessary to find out
surface active drug, from aqueous solution onto container
any possible interaction between these agents and other
walls by shifting the critical micellar concentration of the
formulation additives because the interaction can adversely
drug to a higher value.237
affect the performance of both. It is also important to have
Carbomers, owing to their ionic nature and large number knowledge of different factors that can influence complex
of acidic groups, tend to interact with cationic substances formation in order to prepare economically drug/CD com-
and hydrophilic polymers with alcoholic groups. CDs were plexes with desirable properties. Since CDs continue to
found to inhibit carbomer-drug interactions in hydrogel. find several novel applications in drug delivery, we may
Carbopol, as a result of its interaction with the cationic drug, expect these polymers to solve many problems associated
propranolol HCl, formed an insoluble complex that causes with the delivery of different novel drugs through different
modification of all the hydrogel properties of the polymer. delivery routes.
AAPS PharmSciTech 2005; 6 (2) Article 43 (http://www.aapspharmscitech.org).

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