Human Exhaled Breath Analysis: CME Review
Human Exhaled Breath Analysis: CME Review
Human Exhaled Breath Analysis: CME Review
Objective: To review the fast-developing topic of assessment of exhaled breath components to improve the diagnosis and
monitoring of respiratory and systemic diseases.
Data Sources: Review of the literature available in monographs and journals.
Study Selection: Articles and overviews on the broad spectrum of existing experimental and routinely applied methods to
assess different aspects of human exhaled breath analysis were selected for presentation in this review.
Results: Exhaled breath constitutes more than 3,500 components, the bulk of which are volatile organic compounds in
miniature quantities. Many of these characterize the functioning of the organism as a whole (systemic biomarkers), but some are
related to processes taking place in the respiratory system and the airways in particular (lung biomarkers). Assessment of lung
biomarkers has proven useful in airway inflammatory diseases. It involves direct measurement of gases such as nitric oxide and
inflammatory indicators in exhaled breath condensate such as oxidative stress markers (eg, hydrogen peroxide and isoprostanes),
nitric oxide derivatives (eg, nitrate and nitrates), arachidonic acid metabolites (eg, prostanoids, leukotrienes, and epoxides),
adenosine, and cytokines. Integral approaches have also been suggested, such as exhaled breath temperature measurement and
devices of the “electronic nose” type, which enable the capture of approaches have also been suggested, such as exhaled breath
temperature measurementexhaled molecular fingerprints (breath prints). Technical factors related to standardization of the
different techniques need to be resolved to reach the stage of routine applicability.
Conclusions: Examination of exhaled breath has the potential to change the existing routine approaches in human medicine.
The rapidly developing new analytical and computer technologies along with novel, unorthodox ideas are prerequisites for future
advances in this field.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011;106:451– 456.
Off-label disclosure: Dr Popov has indicated that this article does not include the discussion of unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device.
Financial disclosure: Dr Popov has indicated that in the last 12 months he has not had any financial relationship, affiliation, or arrangement with any
corporate sponsors or commercial entities that provide financial support, education grants, honoraria, or research support or involvement as a consultant,
speaker’s bureau member, or major stock shareholder whose products are prominently featured either in this article or with the groups who provide general
financial support for this CME program.
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INTRODUCTION the process of gas exchange taking place in the lung alveoli;
Biomarkers are quantifiable indicators of physiologic func- other moieties are released from the airways to join the mix.
tion and disease activity that provide a practical basis for More than 3,500 different components have been identified in
diagnosis and monitoring of pathologic states. They can be exhaled breath, with the list continually growing. Several of
measured in different media belonging or emanating from an them are gases, which constitute the bulk of the exhaled
organism. Circulating blood is pooling together biochemical breath volume: nitrogen, oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide.
compounds and metabolites released from different tissues. A Others are mostly volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and their
plethora of these are released in the ambient environment in concentration is miniature. Approximately 50% of the identified
VOCs are of endogenous origin, and approximately 200 of these
Affiliations: * Clinic of Allergy & Asthma, Medical University Sofia, trace compounds are detected in average breath samples from
Sofia, Bulgaria. the general human population.1 Different sets of compounds
Received for publication January 22, 2011; Received in revised form account for the individual smell that characterizes a given sub-
February 17, 2011; Accepted for publication February 20, 2011. ject, transient components can impart fluctuations due to the
© 2011 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. dietary regimen and other ambient influences, and still others
doi:10.1016/j.anai.2011.02.016 can be associated with pathologic metabolisms specific to dif-
mediator concentration and EBC conductivity highlights the Although the first experiments were made in sealed cham-
importance of further standardization of the EBC method and bers with sophisticated equipment requiring extensive train-
the need for more studies to understand airway droplet for- ing of the patients to take the measurements, a specially
mation. Drawbacks of EBC analysis derive from the fact that designed, handheld instrument was built that allowed mea-
the concentrations of mediators in EBC are low, nearing the surements to be taken in regular indoor environments without
detection limit of currently available techniques, so more special requirements from the tested patients. It proved suc-
sensitive methods, such as high-performance liquid chroma- cessful in differentiating asthmatic from nonasthmatic pa-
tography, negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrome- tients and picked the improvement in the condition of patients
try, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, nuclear mag- treated with inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs52 and outlined
netic resonance– based spectroscopy, and field asymmetric the possibility of using this portable instrument for daily
ion mobility spectrometry, should be considered for this monitoring of airway correlating with parallel peak expira-
assay.43,45 Furthermore, the anatomical sources of the com- tory flow measurements.53 Software improvements would
pounds measured in EBC are not well defined, and most of make the device still friendlier to patients and physicians and
the measurements are not done in real time. would render the time for measurement minimal.54
INTEGRAL ASSESSMENT OF AIRWAY Electronic Nose, Metabolomics, and Phenotyping
INFLAMMATION BY MEANS OF EXHALED The VOC profiles can be assessed using integrative analysis
BREATH by an electronic nose, a device that uses composite nanosen-
Exhaled Breath Temperature sor arrays based on carbon black-polymer composite vapor
The deep structures of the lung typically have temperatures detectors combined with inbuilt electronic learning algo-
representative of the body core. The temperatures are deter- rithms, which can put together exhaled molecular fingerprints
mined by the blood flowing along the rich vascular network (breath prints). These recognition patterns can differentiate be-
of the alveoli. The temperature of the inhaled air is tempered tween different disease states.55,56 Of particular interest are the
during its flow in and out of the branching airways, which studies demonstrating the ability of the electronic nose to dif-
have a separate system of blood supply. Because blood is the ferentiate between asthmatic patients and healthy controls and
main carrier of thermal energy maintaining the core body between asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pa-
temperature, processes that would modify its flow within the tients.57,58 A commercial device is now available, which is cur-
airway walls might reflect on the exhaled breath temperature. rently tested in different disease states. A different approach
Several research teams have investigated the assumption that using DNA-coated sensors has also been reported.59
inflammation of the airways would influence the temperature Metabolomics is another emerging field of integral as-
of the air coming from the alveoli of the lungs and that this sessment of exhaled breath components, so far using only
added signal could be picked by appropriate means.47-49 In EBC. The concept has been coined by Nicholson as sys-
previous experiments it was demonstrated that in asthmatic tematic study of the unique chemical fingerprints that
adults and children there was correlation between the tem- specific cellular processes leave behind, specifically of
perature of the exhaled breath and the bronchial blood flow, their small-molecule metabolite profiles.60 This approach
the FeNO levels, and the number of sputum eosinophils.50,51 requires identification of a huge multiplicity of metabolitic