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Assignment HMEE5013 Educational Administration May 2020 Semester

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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words : 3000 – 5000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 27 JULY 2020

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


The objective of this assignment is to enable students to demonstrate their ability to
synthesis articles of a paper and critically analyse research findings on leadership in schools
and to reflect on its importance in improving teaching and learning.

Students are required (i) to select and to do a synthesis of any FOUR of the five articles
listed in the Appendix below, and (ii) reflect on the importance of leadership in improving
teaching and learning among pupils.

The details of the content expected and allocation of marks for the assignment is explained
in the accompanying Content and Scoring Rubric.

A. Select and synthesis any FOUR research articles on leadership in schools and prepare
the following report:
1. A comparative analysis of the articles with respect to their respective (a)
research questions/hypotheses, (b) methodology, (c) sampling, (d) data
analysis and (e) findings.

2. An evaluation on the significance of the findings to the current understanding of

the leadership in schools as described in Chapter 13 of the textbook, Hoy W. K.
& Miskel, C. G. (2012). Educational Administration, theory, research, and
practice (Ninth Edition). McGraw Hill, New York, or Topic 10 of the HMEE5013

B. Reflect on the importance of leadership in improving teaching and learning.


Assignment Format:
a. Use Times New Roman 12 point font and 1.5 spacing.
b. This assignment should contain about 3000-5000 words (15-20 pages). Marks would be
deducted for assignment content of more than 20 pages.
c. Provide references. References should use the American Psychological Association (APA)

 Assignments should be submitted according to the fixed date.
 Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are not sure what is meant by plagiarism, refer to the
various websites which discuss this matter, e.g. owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts.

Appendix - List of Articles

(Note: Students are required to select ANY FOUR articles)
Andreas Kythreotis, Petros Pashiardis & Leonidas Kyriakides (2010). The influence of school
leadership styles and culture on students’ achievement in Cyprus primary schools.
Journal of Educational Administration Vol. 48, No. 2, 2010.

Bruce Sheppard & Jean Brown. (2014) Leadership for a new vision of public school
classrooms, technology-smart and learner-centered. Journal of Educational
Administration Vol. 52 No. 1, 2014.

Pam Sammons, Qing Gu, Christopher Day & James Ko (2011). Exploring the impact of school
leadership on pupil outcomes, results from a study of academically improved and
effective schools in England. International Journal of Educational Management, Vol.
25 No. 1, 2011.

Raihani (2008). An Indonesian model of successful school leadership. Journal of Educational

Administration Vol. 46, No. 4, 2008.

Rose Ylimaki & Stephen Jacobson (2013). School leadership practice and preparation,
comparative perspectives on organizational learning (OL), instructional leadership
(IL) and culturally responsive practices (CRP). Journal of Educational Administration
Vol. 51, No. 1, 2013.


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
Introduction 1.25 The introduction The introduction The introduction There is an There is no 5
describes the describes the describes the introduction to the introduction at all.
objective and objective and objective and paper but it does not
structure of the structure of the structure of the preview the
report clearly. report clearly. report. Important structure and
Important concepts Important concepts concepts related to objectives of the
related to the study related to the study the study are not paper. It describes
are fully explained. are fully explained explained adequately. some other issues.
The introduction is
interesting to read.
Analysis on the FOUR articles 5 A detailed A detailed A partial or brief Very brief No analysis provided 20
comparative analysis comparative analysis comparative analysis comparative analysis
provided on the five provided on the five provided on the five provided but only on
elements. The elements. elements one or two of the
analysis is above five elements
Evaluation on the Significance of the 3.75 Evaluation on the Evaluation on the Evaluation on the Evaluation lacks No evaluation 15
findings in the Four articles significance of the significance of the significance of the focus on the presented.
findings presented in findings presented in findings presented significance of the
a convincing and a coherent manner. lacks focus and findings.
coherent manner. coherence.
Well thought
Reflection on the importance of 2.5 Presented convincing Presented convincing Arguments presented Arguments No evaluation is 10
leadership in schools arguments on the arguments on the on the importance of presented on the presented.
importance of importance of leadership to importance of
leadership to leadership to teaching and learning leadership to
teaching and teaching and learning lack coherence. teaching and
learning. It is also well learning is rather

articulated. weak.
Conclusion 1.25 The conclusion is The conclusion ties The conclusion ties The conclusion is The conclusion is 5
strong. It ties up/brings together up/brings together recognisable, but missing
up/brings together the above three main only two of the above does not tie up
the above three main elements of the three main elements clearly the main
elements of the study. of the study elements of the
study. study.
Organisation 1.5 Well written with Well written with Poorly written with Poorly written with 5
minor grammatical minor grammatical substantial major grammatical
errors. Details are errors. Details are grammatical errors. errors. Details are
placed in a logical placed in a logical Details are placed in a placed in a logical
order and presented order. Reference logical order. order. Reference
effectively. listing adheres to APA Reference listing listing contravenes a
Reference listing conventions. adheres to APA number of basic APA
adheres to APA conventions. conventions.
Total 60
*QN = Question Number

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