Unit Lesson Plan: Standards That Bridge The Entire Unit
Unit Lesson Plan: Standards That Bridge The Entire Unit
Unit Lesson Plan: Standards That Bridge The Entire Unit
Quick Overview
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Focus/topic: Teaching Focus/topic: Multiplication Focus/topic: Jeopardy
multiplication using Word Problems Objective: Students will be able
manipulatives Objective: Students will be able to solve the questions correctly
Objective: Students will be able to solve and create comparison with 90% accuracy.
to solve comparison multiplication word problems
multiplication problems using with 80% accuracy.
their manipulatives with 80%
accuracy. .
Lesson 1 – Topic: Teaching multiplication using manipulatives.
Objectives: Students will be able to solve multiplication problems using their manipulatives with 80%
Instructional content/strategies: The students will be one-on-one with the teachers in breakout
Zoom rooms during the independent practice and will use their manipulatives to show their work to
the teachers. Sadie=Kalinda, Charlee=Marissa
Teach/Model: The teachers will teach the students how to solve the multiplication problems below
using the virtual base ten blocks. The teachers will also show the students how to use the virtual base
ten blocks. Definition: times, multiply (20 minutes) (Marissa-10min, Kalinda-10 min)
Guided practice: The teachers and the students will solve the multiplication problems below together
using the manipulatives. (10 minutes) (In breakout rooms)
Independent practice: The students will solve the multiplication problems independently and the
teachers can help the students if they are struggling. (20 minutes) (In breakout rooms)
Closure: The teachers will ask the students if they have any unanswered questions from the lesson.
Tomorrow, we will be solving multiplication word problems. (Together)
Materials needed
Assessment plans / check for understanding: The students will complete their guided practice
problems and independent practice problems to check their understanding.
Teach/Model: (Whole Group) (Use the zoom white board) (Kalinda) (15 minutes)
Tom ran 4 laps of the soccer field every day. How many laps would he run in 1,000 days?
There are 20 soccer balls in one PE storage room. How many soccer balls would there be in 22
storage rooms?
Guided practice (Whole Group) (Use the zoom white board) (Marissa) (15 minutes)
This month Jane saved 6 dollars for arts and crafts this month. If she saves this much every month,
how much money will she have saved for arts and crafts in 2,000 months?
Johnathan lifted 50lbs for 50 days. How much weight did he lift in total?
Independent practice (In breakout rooms) (Use the zoom white board) (Sadie-Kalinda, Charlee-
Marissa) (25 minutes)
Have the student share their screen and answer the word problems on scratch paper.
Dad picked 5 kg of apples every day for 3,000 days. How many kg of apples did he pick in total?
● A bag of pipe cleaners is on sale for $15. If Mark buys 44 bags, how much money will Mark
● At the store, Zoe found a bag with 2,123 buttons. If Zoe buys 3 bags with 2,123 buttons in
each bag, how many buttons will Zoe have bought?
● A single soccer ball costs $3. If Aurora buys 1,200 soccer balls, how much money will it have
cost her?
● If Jack ran for 50 minutes a week for 11 weeks, how many minutes did he run in total.
● Ms. Lio gave 20 buttons to Mr. Smith every day. How many buttons would Mr. Smith have if
Ms. Smith gave them to Mr. Smith for 88 days?
● A family size pizza is $24. Peter buys 33 of these. How much did the pizzas cost?
Make Your Own Word Problem
● Students will create their own word problem independently.
Closure: Have the students show the teachers and another student their word problems. The
teachers will tell the students what they will be doing for the next class period. (Whole Group)
(Kalinda) (5 minutes)
Co-teaching Strategies (specified above or here): Team teaching- The teachers will teach the
students together the material content.
Differentiation (specified above or here): Give the students easier problems to complete if they are
struggling. Give the students harder problems if they are not being challenged enough.
Materials needed
Zoom White Board, scratch paper and paper
Assessment plans / check for understanding: The teachers will use Jeopardy to check the students’
multiplication answers.
Introduction/Anticipatory set (why)/hook: Today, we are going to play Jeopardy! You will be working
independently on multiplication problems and will tell the teachers your answers when you are done
with each problem. (Marissa)
Instructional content/strategies: Review the rules of Jeopardy and how we will be using Jeopardy
through Zoom. (Kalinda)
Teach/Model: The teachers will teach the students how to play Jeopardy through Zoom.
Guided practice: The teachers will teach the students how to solve multiplication problems that they
are struggling with when they are playing both Jeopardy Review Games.
Independent practice: The students will be playing Jeopardy and will answer word problems and
multiplication problems independently.
Closure: The teachers will ask the students if they have any questions from the Jeopardy Review
Game and answer any questions that the students have. (Marissa)
Co-teaching Strategies (specified above or here): One teach one assist. One teacher is in charge of
controlling Jeopardy and the other teacher is in charge of checking the students’ answers against the
Jeopardy game answers. (Kalinda-control the game, Marissa-Check the answers)
Differentiation (specified above or here): If the students are struggling while playing Jeopardy, the
teachers could guide the students in finding the answer. The teachers could also not allow the
students to answer the column of questions that are too challenging for the students. If the Jeopardy
Review Game is not challenging enough, the teachers will use another Jeopardy Review Game for the
Materials needed
Zoom white board
Scratch paper and pencil
Pre-assessment Link:
Post-Assessment Link: