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The Big Four by Rolf Gordon

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are the health problems found
affecting all people seriously ill
with Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis,
Lupus, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
disease etc. which very few doc-
tors investigate. All four can
easily be put right with very
good results. This is common
sense not alternative medicine.
Rolf Gordon
ROLF GORDON’s eldest son, Mads, died
when he was 26 years old, of testicular
cancer, over 29 years ago. This made Rolf
switch his energy from manufacturing a
variety of industrial products, to searching
the world to find out how to prevent cancer
and other illnesses.

Keep this book in a safe place or give

it to a friend. Do not throw it away - it
might save somebody’s life.


Introduction 3
Geopathic Stress 4
Micro Parasites 9
Q10 12
Acid Alkaline Balance 13
Cancer 15
Multiple Sclerosis 17
Lupus 18
Lyme Disease 19
Alzheimer’s & Dementia 20
Dairy Products & Cancer 21
Extra Oxygen 21
Iodine 22
Iron 23
Vitamin D 24
Water 25
Checking for Allergies 26
Exercise 27
Try To Think Outside The Box! 28
Going away on holiday or business 30
Going into Hospital 31
Muscle Test 32
TOP 33
Distance Dowsing 34
Autism 35
Summary 36

DEDICATED to my darling wife
Lena, our very active son Mads,
my vibrant sister Brita, my exciting
sister-in-law Adda and my inspiring
father-in-law, who may not have
died of cancer, if I had known all the
information in this book at the time
they were diagnosed.

First published 2013

Reprinted 2014.

Published by Dulwich Health Ltd.,

130 Gipsy Hill, London, SE19 1PL
Tel: +44 (0)208670 5883
Fax: +44 (0)208766 6616
Email: info@dulwichhealth.co.uk

© Copyright by Rolf Gordon 2013 All rights reserved

Any part or whole of this book, can be

reproduced provided the author’s name
is noted.

Other books by Rolf Gordon:

Are You Sleeping In A Safe Place?

ISBN: 978-0951401705

CANCER the full menu

ISBN: 978-0951401736

Due to five members of my immediate family dying of cancer, I have spent
the last 24 years researching why people get cancer. This has helped me to
discover why people also get other serious long-term illnesses such as
Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, etc. In all
the thousands of cancer cases and other seriously ill people that I have been
involved with, they were all badly affected by what I call ‘THE BIG FOUR’,
which very few doctors investigate. They can easily, all four, be put right with
very good results. Remember: this is common sense not alternative medicine.

The BIG FOUR are: I have developed the ability to check people
from a distance (see page 34) and have over
Geopathic Stress is the earth’s natural the years checked about 20,000 individuals.
vibrations rising up through the earth which Seldom have any doctors, health practitioners
are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields, or individuals disagreed with my findings.
created mainly by subterranean running People often feel better within 24 hours of
water. It was proved to the satisfaction of taking my advice.
the German medical profession over 80
Please note that I have no medical qualifica-
years ago and in millions of cases ever since,
tions, but have gathered my information
that Geopathic Stress is very detrimental to
from many doctors, cancer specialists,
human health. It can be solved very quickly
health practitioners and thousands of
by moving a Geopathically Stressed bed into
cancer patients and other ill people I have
a safe place.
been involved with over the last 24 years. I
Micro Parasites which doctors have therefore recommend that you contact your
difficulty in detecting. We have found that doctor first if you are worried and take your
one of the quickest and most successful doctor’s advice.
methods of killing off nearly all types of Scientists spend a fortune on finding
micro parasites, even when antibiotics have medicines etc. to help people with the above
failed, is 100% stabilised Allicin. illnesses, with very little research on why
Q10 is the enzyme in every cell in your people became seriously ill in the first place.
body, which gives them energy. That is why About 60% of people with heart problems
the largest amount of Q10 is in your heart. are affected by all the THE BIG FOUR.
Q10 is developed in your liver from your Many times, I have heard cancer patients in
food. Your liver is often weak if you are their thirties and forties say: “I eat a healthy
ill, so it cannot produce enough Q10. The diet, I’m slim, do not smoke, drink very
percentage of Q10 is always low in seriously little alcohol, exercise on a regular basis and
ill people. have no history of cancer in my family. I
Acid-Alkaline Balance pH One of the have done all the things the cancer research
most important functions of your body is to charities say I should do to prevent cancer -
ensure that your blood is slightly alkaline. so why did I get cancer?”
Most seriously ill people have very acidic They were all affected by THE BIG FOUR
blood, which can be regulated very quickly
at a very low cost.

Geopathic Stress
It was proved over 80 years ago that you are unlikely to develop cancer
unless you have slept or stayed for long periods in places of Geopathic Stress.

In 1929 Gustav von Pohl, a German scien- 3. Do any of my family feel uneasy about
tist, proved this to the satisfaction of the the ‘atmosphere’ at home?
Central Committee for Cancer Research in 4. Did the previous occupants suffer from
Berlin.(1) any serious or long-term illness?
Dr Hagar MD checked the beds of 5,346 5. Does the illness seem to be worse during
people who had died of cancer and found autumn or spring or wet stormy weather
they had all slept in very Geopathic Stress (when underground water may be flowing
(GS) places. It is estimated that more than at higher velocity thereby causing more
4,000 medical doctors on the continent Geopathic Stress)?
of Europe, arranged to have the beds of
6. Were there any nearby disturbances,
patients who suffer from cancer and other
which may have caused underground water
serious illnesses, checked out for GS.
veins to flow into different channels under
Professor Otto Berman carried out a double-
my house prior to my illness (landslides,
blind test on almost one thousand people
building and road work, working quarries
to prove the harmful effect GS has on the
and mines etc.)?
human body.(1)
7. Does my home or any part of it feel
What is Geopathic Stress unnaturally cold or damp?
Geopathic Stress is the earth’s vibrations
Geopathic Stress and Sleep
which rise up through the earth and are dis-
Sleeping in a GS place is particularly stress-
torted by weak electromagnetic fields mainly
ful, as a large area of your body is exposed
created by subterranean running water,
to the GS. Also most people sleep during the
generally about 200 to 300 feet below. The
night, when GS is stronger. During sleep,
distorted vibrations become abnormally
your brain is supposed to be busy healing
high and harmful to living organisms.
your body half of the time and resting the
GS has become much stronger over the last
other half. However, if you are GS during
few years due to the sun penetrating the
sleep, your brain has to spend all of its time
weaker ozone layer more easily and increas-
working due to the strain of GS and you
ing the strength of the GS, thereby causing
wake up tired.
even more cancer cases each year (double
over the last 20 years in the USA). ME
In a report published by the Royal Society of
How Do I Know If I Am
Medicine, it was suggested that most cases
Geopathic Stressed? of chronic fatigue ‘would get well through
If you cannot shake off an illness, depres- sleep’. BUT people who are suffering from
sion or feel below par, ask yourself: ME, are most likely to be sleeping in a
1. Did my health problem begin shortly af- strong GS place, thereby creating a vicious
ter moving into my home or place of work? circle. You feel tired, so you go to the worst
place - your bed. I have helped hundreds
2. Do I feel better when I am away from
of people with ME feel much better, by
home or my place of work?
advising them to sleep in a GS-free place.

Answer to Sceptics Other problems caused by
Many feel the effect of GS is purely psycho- Geopathic Stress
logical and due to suggestion, however you l ME., asthma, PMS., cot death, heart
cannot influence the behaviour of animals, problems, mental health, bipolar
plants and babies. disorder and depression.
Most animals will try to sleep in a good l Long-term physical and mental illnesses
place and will become ill if forced to live in a where treatment does not seem to work.
home, stable, etc. affected by GS. l Children who are hyperactive, have
Most types of trees will have stunted growth learning difficulties, or are difficult to
and not bear fruit in GS places. You will control.
often find indoor plants will not thrive in a l Sleeping in Geopathic Stress during
GS place in a home. pregnancy can cause defects in their
Cancer child, such as autism and bodily defects.

I have found in all cases of cancer tumours, l Long-term stress in relationships/at work.
they first developed where two or more GS l Miscarriage, premature birth, being
lines crossed, or there was one very strong unable to conceive and difficult
GS line. In cases of cancer of the blood or pregnancies.
lymph system, GS lines often covered the l Allergies to certain food and drink.
whole bed.
l Child abuse.
l Road rage.
Here are the results of moving the bed in
three cases:
John P. was diagnosed with terminal lung
Brain Cervical Tumour in Prostate RH Breast cancer and was only given a few weeks to
Tumour Cancer RH lung Cancer Cancer
live, so the hospital did not offer him any
Above are just a few of the thousands of cancer
treatment. I found that John’s bed was on a
cases I have checked out.
very strong Geopathically Stressed line. He
immediately moved his bed from A to B on
Hospitals my advice. Next morning, he slept to 11.00
am, which he had never done before and
Most hospital nurses will tell you that some
from then on slept so much better.
beds have a ‘reputation’ where patients who
occupy them seem to have more difficulty in
recovering or where the death rate is higher.
The beds are affected by GS.

Checking for Geopathic

Stress B
Most people can check for themselves if
there is Geopathic Stress in their home (1) but
there is no scientific instrument yet which is
sensitive and selective enough. There are
recognised methods for detecting GS in
people, like the VEGA Test and Kinesiology.

After dealing with the remaining BIG moving their bed into a safe place, that they
THREE, John’s health improved. When wake up without a headache and feel much
he went back to the hospital, about three better for the first time in a long while.
weeks later, seeing that he looked so much Bill had leukaemia when he was born. He
better, the doctors agreed to treat him. was still being treated when he was four
Peter Nielsen (18 months old) had been in years old. I told his mother how to move
and out of hospital all his short life with Bill’s bed into a Geopathic Stress-free place.
breathing problems. I advised his mother A few months later Bill’s mother rang me
to move his cot ‘A’ to the other side of the to say their doctor had just told her,“It is a
room ‘B’. He immediately became a very miracle. Bill no longer has leukaemia.” This
lively boy with normal breathing and has good result cost nothing.
not seen a doctor for this problem again. Beverley had just had a brain tumour op-
eration. The doctor told Bob, her husband,
B she only had days to live. Bob could feel his
wife’s hospital bed was in a very strong
Geopathic Stress place. He managed to get
his wife’s bed moved across the ward into a
A Geopathic Stress-free place. Beverley was
discharged from hospital within two weeks!
John, with lung cancer, said “I slept so
Ray M . was only 9 months old when he
much better immediately after moving
was diagnosed with neuroblastoma Stage
my bed into a good place” and his skin
4. One of his adrenal glands was removed
colour became remarkably healthy-looking
by surgery, but the cancer had spread to
his bones, blood, liver, skull and legs, so he
had chemotherapy which would increase 16 year old Peter was diagnosed with Hodg-
kin’s disease and diabetes. Chemotherapy
was recommended, but refused by Peter’s
parents, as Peter’s mother, a nurse, had seen
the terrible side-effects of chemotherapy.
They signed a disclaimer and Peter was dis-
charged from hospital. Having heard about
Geopathic Stress, they found Peter’s bed was
A very Geopathically Stressed and therefore
moved it into a safe place. This is over 20
years ago and Peter is now not only in excel-
his survival rate by 40%. I advised Ray’s lent health, but also is no longer diabetic.
parents to move his bed from A to B and he
immediately felt better. Ray’s mother, Jane, 12 year old Edward had a non-operable
wrote in April 2013 “Ray is now 8 years old tumour as big as a melon in his abdomen.
and doing so well” His bed was found to be very Geopathic
Stressed and was therefore moved into a safe
Cases where cancer patients place. Soon, his tumour shrank to the size of
have benefited by eliminat- a lemon and eventually vanished altogether.
ing Geopathic Stress It was confirmed he no longer had cancer.
Often people with a brain tumour, who have Doctors agreed the chemotherapy Edward
taken my advice, have told me days after was having at the time would not have

made his tumour vanish. (Chemotherapy is showed Linda’s cancer had gone. It is now
not very effective on large tumours). 20 years since Linda escaped cancer and she
His doctors said it was ‘ spontaneous is now a very healthy woman in her thirties.
remission’. Edward soon became a strong She will always ensure she sleeps in a good
member of his school’s rugby team. place.
Thomas was diagnosed with testicular can-
cer when he was 25 years old. He refused
orthodox treatment including chemotherapy.
Thomas discovered he was sleeping in a
Geopathic Stress place and immediately
moved his bed into a good place. This is over Geopathic Stress lines through Linda’s bed before it was moved

16 years ago, Thomas is now very healthy

and completely free of cancer. Absorbing medication
When you are Geopathic Stress your body
Jette had surgery to remove cancerous
has difficulty in absorbing the vitamins,
tumours on both her ovaries, followed by
mineral and trace elements from your
intensive chemotherapy treatment. Her
food, drinks and supplements. It will also
doctor told her without hesitation, that her
affect how you absorb medication including
type of cancer often returned and was then
chemotherapy and tamoxifen etc..
terminal. Jette’s bed was found to be very
Geopathic Stressed. She had slept there For better or worse
for 18 years and always had cold feet and If you cannot check for Geopathic Stress
sweated profusely each night. As soon as and think you are sleeping in an unhealthy
Jette’s bed was moved into a Geopathic place, try to sleep in a different place to see
Stress-free place, Jette’s feet immediately how you feel when you wake up and if your
became warm during the night and she was general health and well-being improves.
no longer sweating. It is over ten years since You have absolutely nothing to lose by
Jette had cancer. She is now back in a full- experimenting with sleeping or sitting in
time job, a healthy person, full of life, with different places, until you find a place that
sparkling eyes much to the delight of her suits you. You may only need to move your
husband and children. bed or seat a few feet to notice a difference.
Linda went through very tough chemother- Very Important
apy, radiotherapy and bone marrow treat-
Please note that you cannot heal or eliminate
ment for leukaemia at the age of 15. This
Geopathic Stress on site or from a distance.
resulted in her being clear of cancer. She
Any improvement only lasts a few weeks, if
went home and for the first few months
at all, as you are dealing with vibrations. Geo-
she slept in her mother’s cosy bed and
pathic Stress has, on the other hand, been
her health improved from week to week.
successfully eliminated by the latest strong
Linda then went back to her own bed and a
neutralisers. Their success has not only
hospital check-up soon afterwards showed
been confirmed by thousands of people, but
the leukaemia might have recurred and
also on babies, animals and plants, where
her doctors were very worried. When one
the placebo effect cannot take place.
of Linda’s mother’s work colleagues heard
about Linda’s problems, she agreed to check Read all about GS on my website
Linda’s bed and found it very Geopathically www.rolfgordon.co.uk and find out how
Stressed. Linda’s bed was immediately most people can check for GS in my book (1)
moved into a safe place and tests soon ‘Are You Sleeping In A Safe Place?’.

Micro Parasites
It is claimed that micro parasites are present in most people who are seriously
ill. Micro parasites can, in most cases, be successfully killed with a powerful
100% stabilised allicin extract.
Diseases caused by micro parasites have now into the body to prevent infections, which
reached epidemic proportions and are one of present disinfectants may not be coping with.
the most under diagnosed and under
MRSA Little Karen was born with MRSA
appreciated health threats in the world.
contracted from her mother. She was treated
Doctors do not as a general rule check for mi-
with large quantities of antibiotics, which
cro parasites as you mainly need a dark field
had no effect on the MRSA. After four weeks
microscope, of which there are very few in the
Karen was given half a teaspoonful of Allicin
UK. Medical Drugs such as antibiotics are not
Liquid with honey four times a day. Within
very successful in killing micro parasites.
two weeks, she was clear of MRSA. See large
Antibiotics have become less and less effective successful trial on patients with MRSA on
due to their over prescription for many years, page 28
thereby giving bacteria the chance to grow
Cold sores Margaret’s daughter had bad
stronger and resist treatment, so more power-
flare-ups of cold sores. She was off work, but
ful antibiotics are used, often resulting in many
after applying Allicin Gel, three times a day,
side-effects. Antibiotics are also sometimes
the cold sores had gone completely.
given for viruses on which they do not work.
Psoriasis Often people have severe skin
No new type of antibiotics have been devel-
problems, especially on their arms and legs
oped for about 25 years.
for many years. Doctors often diagnose it as
Allicin is a patented product Allisure®,
psoriasis, but often it turns out to be Lyme
discovered by English chemists, containing
Disease, which can be treated successfully
100% stabilised Allicin. It is produced from
with Allicin (see page 19).
two compounds, Allinase and Alliin. They are
kept completely separate inside garlic and Sore throat Many people have solved their
normally are only created when the garlic bulb sore throat by spraying Allicin Liquid directly
is attacked by microbes in the soil. (Garlic is into their throat up to three times during a
the only vegetable which seldom rots). day. Sometimes one spray will do.
Allicin is successful in over 90% of cases E-Coli badly affected Alison on a sailing holi-
where antibiotics are longer effective. day. After taking four 450mg Allicin Capsules
Allisure® is nature’s powerful antibiotic, per day, she recovered enough to go back to
anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and an work after 3 days. Her doctor was amazed. E-
immune booster, with no side-effects reported Coli is responsible for more than 80% of cases
during over 15 years use. of urinary tract infection in young women.
Often, people get such a weak immune system Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-l) usually
caused by powerful orthodox cancer treat- occurs in or around the mouth, HSV-2 in the
ments, that they get pneumonia, septicaemia, genital area. Both types are very infectious
which Allicin has often successful treated. and are wide spread across the UK. Unfor-
In my opinion, Allicin is the most powerful tunately, one in five carriers experience so
immune booster when you are seriously ill. few symptoms or none at all, that they do not
realise that they have it and can infect others.
Hospitals are now buying Allicin gel to put
on tubes, catheters, feeding tubes etc. inserted Herpes can be treated with antivirals, but

Allicin is much more successful. women with similar problems will
Threadworms Mrs T.N., London. Her be able to benefit too.
whole family, including three young children, Yours sincerely,
had suffered with threadworms for a long Anne H. from Brighton
time. Even after taking very harsh treatment
Nebulised Allicin Liquid for
from their doctor, the threadworms were still
Pneumonia and Upper Respiratory
there. In particular, five year old Mary woke Infections
up every night due to the itching. The problem
was solved in about two weeks with Allicin Dr Tom Ballard, Seattle, USA
Liquid. The children took four half teaspoons- “This winter I’ve treated patients with Upper
ful of Allicin Liquid a day with honey. Mary Respiratory Infections (URI) with nebuliser
also needed Allicin Gel for sensitive areas. allicin and had dramatic results.
Threadworms, also known as Pinworms, af- One of those successes was with pneumonia.
fect many people in the UK and are particu-
After the Allicin treatment, I gave him a
larly common in children under 10. Normally,
prescription for antibiotics and told him to
you can buy tablets over the counter at chem-
collect it if he felt worse over the next few
ists to kill the worms, but they do not always
hours or was not better in 24 hours. I called
work. The whole family needs to be treated.
him a few days later and he said that he
Search for website “NHS Choices Thread- felt great and never collected the antibiotic
worms” for full details. prescription.
Urinary Tract Infection had caused Julie I’ve treated eight severe URI patients on this
to suffer many times and antibiotics had little protocol. They’ve all felt relief from the
effect. Last time she got the infection, she took nebulisation and none has returned for fur-
three Allicin 450mg capsules per day and the ther treatment.”
infection cleared up very quickly.
Please ask for details on how to use a
Thrush Allicin has been successful in dealing nebuliser if you have breathing problems and
with this troublesome health problem. lung cancer.
Allicin Gel and very sore vagina Animals It works very quickly on domestic
Dear Sir, and wild animals, large and small. (Confirm-
Your AlliTech Gel has proved to be of huge ing that results are not due to the placebo
benefit for my particular problem. After effect) Some had been on antibiotics for a long
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, I was time, with no effect. Unfortunately, animals
prescribed a course of Anastrozol (Arinudex) pick up micro parasites everywhere outdoors.
tablets. Unfortunately, these have had the Dogs and cats love Allicin spread on their
side-effect of a very sore and uncomfortable food. Allicin is also successful on bees and
vulva and vagina. I had tried all the usual trees.
creams for this problem, with no effect at Mastitis Dairy cows have been successfully
all. Fortunately, you recommended Allicin treated within days for mastitis by drench-
Gel and the difference it has made, has been ing and spraying Allicin Liquid direct onto
unbelievable! I no longer have any discom- their udders and teats, causing no taint,
fort! I was also suffering from frequent bouts down time nor withholding of milk. Often
of bacterial vaginosis, which is accompanied the micro parasites causing the mastitis is
with an unpleasant odour! So far, after using found in the cow cake. The bacteria staphy-
the Gel, this has not recurred. I cannot thank lococcus aureus which causes MRSA, is the
you enough for your help and do hope other same bacteria which cause MRSA in humans.

See large successful trials on patients with but the apes refused to eat them. However,
MRSA on page 28. Mastitis costs the farming when the contents of 450 mg capsules of Allicin
industry some £200 million per year. were sprinkled onto avocados, the apes ate the
Calf Scours Which sadly kills thousands of food as if there was no tomorrow. Within a
calves each year, has been successful treated very short time, the apes were well again.
with Allicin Liquid. Honey Bees Bacteria called European
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) This has Foulbrood, have started attacking bee hives
also been successfully treated by drenching in the UK John has 200 bee hives and found
dairy cows with AlliTech Liquid for a week. 20 of his hives were attacked by these para-
sites. Normally The Bee Inspectors must im-
Horse with 15 years of Parasites
mediately be contacted, so the affected hives
Macca, a 27 year old mare, had itchy skin for
can be destroyed by burning. However, John
the majority of her life, diagnosed as ringworm
sprayed the affected trays daily with 1 part
anthrospores of the trichophyon species.
Allicin Liquid and 4 parts water. Within five
After giving her 20 ml of Allicin Liquid per
days, the parasites had been destroyed.
day in her feed, for three days. Macca was no
longer itching. They continued to give her An even nastier parasite ‘varroa’ is attacking
Allicin liquid for a few weeks, when the vet’s bee hives. Here a less diluted spray is recom-
skin scrape showed that the microbes had mended, 1 to 1 or even neat Allicin Liquid.
gone. Macca’s owner said ‘It is amazing, as Horse Chestnut Trees In the Netherlands
we have spent over 15 years trying to help and many other countries, Horse Chestnut
her with injections, shampoos, herbal food Trees are now dying due to the infection
supplements and so on.’ Pseudomonas Syringoe fungus. A tree expert
Puppy with Kennel Cough Antibiotics has saved over 400 Horse Chestnut Trees by
over a period of time had shown no results injecting 10 litres of Allicin liquid under high
in helping a puppy with kennel cough. The pressure into the tree trunks. This treatment
powder contents of one 450 mg Allicin capsule will, no doubt, deal with microbes in other
was spread onto the puppy’s food, twice for types of trees in danger of dying.
one day. The puppy loved it. During the night, The Government’s Chief Medical
the puppy did not wake up with her usual Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, said
cough and the next day she had no symptoms. “The resistance to antibiotics is a ticking
Horse’s rapid recovery Magic was one time bomb. Routine operations such as hip
year old when he became very ill. The vet put replacements, could become fatal in just
him on massive doses of antibiotics with no 20 years time, if we lose the ability to fight
results. 10 ml Allicin liquid was initially put infections with antibiotics”.
into Magic’s mouth with a syringe. Within a
To ensure that you do not bring
few days he had his appetite back, so the Al-
micro parasites in from outside:
licin liquid was put into his feed. In less than
remove your outdoor shoes and wash your
10 days, a marked improvement was seen in
hands thoroughly with soap for over 20
Magic’s health and after three weeks he was
seconds. Best with hot running water above
as lively as all the other horses in the field.
the body’s temperature 37 c where bacteria
Apes with Dysentery A group of Bonnel can’t cope. Remember not to rub your eyes
Masque Apes in Nepal, India had very bad with your fingers when outdoors. Your eyes
dysentery and were only given a week to live are the quickest way for micro parasites to
without treatment. The keepers tried to inject enter your body.
Metronidazole, a very strong antibiotic, into
avocados and other fruits for the apes to eat, Allicin is sold by us as AlliTech.

Co-Enzyme Q10
Q10 is the sparking plug for all our cells, creating the substance ATP (Adeno-
sine Tri-phosphate), which is the cells’ most important source of energy for
all our biological functions, such as physical and mental activity and those
dozens of energy-needing systems like digestive and organ activities.
Your liver converts the lower Co-Enzyme Folkers in which 32 typical breast cancer
Qs from your food into Q10, which can be patients between 31 and 81 years of age
absorbed by your body. Your liver needs Q10 classified as ‘high risk’ of secondary cancer
to operate 100%. If you are ill, your liver were treated over 11 years from 1990 and
becomes weak, so it cannot produce enough 2001 with Q10.
Q10 which it needs to function normally and Main observations
produce enough Q10 for the rest of the body. 1. Only two of the patients died of cancer
Checking back on seriously ill people who during this period. Normally one would
have died, I have found that they were nearly have expected half of the women to have
all below 60% in Q10 just before they died. died over this period.
The largest amount of Q10 is found in your 2. None of the patients showed signs of
heart to give it energy. That is why Q10 has further distance metastasis.
shown over many years to be very effective 3. Quality of life improved (increase in
in treating heart problems. The famous weight and reduced use of painkillers).
Rishospital in Copenhagen, I have been told, 4. Many of the patients showed total
immediately introduces intravenously large remission
quantities of Q10 into people brought in with
The patients were initially treated accord-
severe heart problems. Healthy people in their
ing to the routine procedures in Denmark
90s, have been found to have a high level of
i.e. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
Q10, because they have a healthy liver.
and in some cases Tamoxifen.
Extra Q10 has shown to prevent periodon-
All the patients were taking about 400 mg
tal diseases, which affect the tissues in the
of Q10 daily
gums that support your teeth. Soft gums,
the largest cause of losing teeth, can usually Over 40,000 people die of liver deceases
be corrected within months by taking about in the UK every year mainly due to lack
200 mg of Q10 per day. of Q10.
It is vital to take extra Q10 if you are taking Scientific evidence There have been
statins for lowering cholesterol, as you are hundreds of scientific papers published
depleting your body of Q10 because they over the last 40 years to show the beneficial
share the same biosynthetic pathway in effect of Q10.
your liver. Recommended daily dose if you have
There are no known interactions or contra- cancer. Children 30-100 mg
indications with Q10, so it is vital you Adults 100-400 mg
take Q10 all the time if you have cancer, Scientific tests show Q10 in oil, in soft
especially when you are in hospital having gelatine capsules, is the easiest for your
treatment. Don’t forget body makes Q10. body to absorb.
Successful Trials were carried out in As Q10 gives you more energy, do not take
Denmark by Drs Knud Lockwood, Sven capsules in the evening, otherwise they may
Moesgaard, Takeshi, Hanioka and Karl keep you awake.

Acid-Alkaline Balance
The single most important measurement for your health is the pH of your
blood and tissues - how acidic or alkaline they are. Different areas of your
body have different ideal pH levels, but your blood pH is the most telling of
all. Your body will go to great lengths to preserve it, including wreaking havoc
on other tissues or systems.

The acid-alkaline balance (also called acid- alcoholic drinks. (Ardent vegetarians may
base balance) is measured on a pH (poten- have an abnormally high pH and may need
tial hydrogen) scale from 1 (very acidic) to to eat some acidic food to bring their pH
7.4 (neutral) to 10 (very alkaline). 7.4 to 7.5 down to a normal healthy level).
are slightly alkaline and are associated with l Raw foods are more alkaline, while
good health. cooked food is more acidic.
Just as your body temperature is rigidly
l Drink alkaline juices made up mostly of
regulated, your blood must be kept within a
green vegetables and grasses. (Go easy on
very narrow pH range - mildly acidic or alka-
fruit juices as they contain large amounts
line. Your correct pH is more important than
of sugars). To get used to the more subtle
blood pressure, cholesterol count, blood
sweeteners found in greens, you may want
sugar, hormone levels, calorie count etc.
to add some beetroot and carrots. These
Nurses who had worked for some time on vegetables are sweet because they have
hospital cancer wards informed me that all higher levels of sugars, so keep them to 20%
cancer patients there had very acidic blood, or less of your juices. (Peppers are not so
especially if they have had chemotherapy. high in sugars, so you can use them freely).
l Bicarbonate of Soda (without
How to encourage a healthy pH
aluminium) is very effective in regulating
l Try to eat 70-80% alkaline food such your pH. A year’s supply will cost less than
as wholegrain products, fresh vegetables £1 from your local supermarket. If your pH
and other plant food. Fresh fruit is alkaline, is above 6.2 pH, take one level teaspoonful
but turns acidic when made into juice or of Bicarbonate of Soda for two days, in a
cooked. In particular the acidity level of small cup of water, first thing in the morn-
courgettes, peppers, onions and aubergines ing, half an hour before any food.
increase when roasted. Milk and lean meat
such as chicken, fish and turkey are only l If your pH is between 5.5 and 6.1, take
slightly acidic. Bicarbonate of Soda for 7 days.

l Tomatoes and oranges are very acidic. l If your pH is between 4.2 and 5.4, take
Lemons and vinegar transform into alkaline Bicarbonate of Soda for 10 days.
in your body. l If your pH is very low, say below 4.1
l Do deep breathing exercises and drink take two heaped teaspoonfuls for 2 days and
plenty of water. then one teaspoonful for 10 days.

l Try to eat only 20-30% acid forming l Later take one teaspoonful once a
food such as meat, sugar, eggs, cheese, month, unless you were below 4.5 pH, then
yoghurt, butter, processed and refined food, take twice a month.
yeast products, fermented food, grain, l By taking Bicarbonate of Soda first
artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, coffee and thing in the morning, it passes through

your empty stomach quickly into your small Therefore ensure you sleep in a place free of
intestines, where it is absorbed into your Geopathic Stress.
blood. Taking Bicarbonate of Soda half an
hour before food, enables your stomach to How to measure your
become acidic again. pH balance
l If you are anxious or worried, one or You can measure the pH balance in your
two half teaspoonfuls a day can be very ef- saliva or urine with pH litmus test strips.
These are not stocked by major chemists.
l To test if you need Bicarbonate of There are various suppliers on the internet
Soda, take 2-3 teaspoonfuls first thing in under litmus pH test strips.
the morning in a small cup of water. If you For testing your urine, collect a sample
belch within 5 minutes, you most likely have in a container first thing in the morning,
had enough and your pH should be OK. after you have fasted overnight. Tear off
l If you cannot tolerate Bicarbonate of a test strip with dry fingers. Dip the test
Soda, wash an unwaxed lemon (if possible strip into the urine for 2 seconds. Pull it out
an organic lemon) and place it in your deep and shake off surplus liquid. The test strip
freeze. Grate some of the frozen lemon (rind changes colour depending on the pH value
and all) onto your food twice a day. This at the moistened patch. Compare the colour
helps your blood to become more alkaline, with the colour scale.
as lemons turns alkaline in your body. A blood pH test is the most reliable, as
Giving Vitamin C intravenously, has been taken from blood samples at your doctor’s
a very successful cancer treatment on the clinic or hospital after fasting overnight.
continent of Europe. As it may be difficult However, they cannot be done on a daily
to find a doctor in the UK to carry out this basis as you might experiment with differ-
treatment, eating a grated lemon is a very ent diets and take, for example, Bicarbonate
powerful way of getting Vitamin C into of Soda.
your body. Bicarbonate of Soda
Two cancer patients who had completely According to Dr Tullia Simoncini, the famous
lost their appetite, got it back within 24 oncologist in Rome, Italy, Bicarbonate of
hours, by taking two large teaspoonful of Soda hits cancer cells with a shock wave of
Bicarbonate of Soda, first thing in the morn- alkalinity, which allows more oxygen into
ing. One gained 1.5 kg the first week. the cells than cancer can tolerate. Cancer
cells cannot survive in the presence of high
Why Geopathic Stress levels of oxygen. Bicarbonate of Soda is
causes acidic blood effective in treating poisoning or overdoses
During sleep your brain does your body’s from many chemicals and pharmaceutical
“housekeeping”, looking after your organs, drugs by negating the cardiotoxic and
creating new cells etc. Unfortunately, due to neurotoxic effect. The safe oral use of
the brain having to struggle with Geopathic Bicarbonate of Soda should be taken very
Stress, it decides to delay the proper opera- seriously no matter what other treatment is
tion of your digestion system, so you no used. It also means that you do not have to
longer absorb the correct amount of minerals, alter your diet too drastically. Remember -
vitamins and trace elements from your ‘you must feed your soul’. (See page 33)
food thereby creating more acidic blood.

42% of people are likely to be diagnosed with cancer and one in three of all
deaths in the UK is due to cancer. Macmillan Cancer Support estimates that
50% of people will get cancer by 2020, the increase being mainly due to the
fact that we live longer.
The average age at which people get cancer cancer, but die of the often aggressive
is 68, with a survival rate of 40%. Younger orthodox treatment.
people get more severe cancers. Over Gradually, many doctors now realise that
2,000,000 people alive in the UK today you get the best results treating cancer, by
have at one time in their life been diagnosed combining the best of orthodox and comple-
with cancer. mentary cancer treatment.
Many more people who are diagnosed with Here is a typical case:
cancer, are now successfully treated by the
Malcolm J Ramsey, East Farleigh, Kent,
medical profession. Unfortunately, cancer
was very grateful that the remedies and
often comes back, because the main cause of
treatment I suggested, which he carried out
why the cancer came in the first place is still
himself, reduced the size of the very rare
present, including THE BIG FOUR.
bone cancer in his lower right leg by some
In every child cancer case that I have 80%. Instead of the initially recommended
checked I found that the mother of the child leg amputation above his knee, a small
slept in a GS place during pregnancy. Some operation was carried out to remove the
doctors have confirmed this indirectly by dead cancer cells. He also had secondary
calling it the ‘first hit’. cancer in his lungs, which again reduced by
In a recent case Sarah, a two year old, was a massive amount thereby enabling a small
diagnosed with leukaemia. Her mother operation to remove the remaining cancer
had been sleeping in a very Geopathically (copy of letter from Malcolm, sent free, on
Stressed bed when she was pregnant with request). The letter is dated 31 July, 2007.
Sarah. Her daughter is sleeping in a very Malcolm spoke to me at the beginning of
Geopathically Stressed bed, is very high in 2013 and said that he felt fine and that a
micro parasites at 83% and most unusual recent cancer check-up had shown that he
at her age, is very low in Q10, due to her was all clear.
liver being well below par. This is the floor plan that I checked for
The wonderful thing about complementary Geopathic Stress lines when Malcolm first
remedies, is that you often get amazing contacted me. He moved his bed from A to B.
results and even if they do not work, you
seldom suffer any bad side-effects. The only
warning is that some therapists may charge
you a large fee, for little results and there
are certain herbs that you should not take
before an operation, as they may increase
your blood flow.
The irony is that many doctors say “do not
try complementary remedies, they might do B
you harm”. The latest estimate is that about
15,000 people a year in the UK survive

The renowned cancer specialist, Dr Hans chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery,
Nieper, wrote in his book ‘Revolution in lasers, nutrition, how your immune system
Technology, Medicine & Society’, ‘according works and powerful and successful comple-
to studies that I have initiated, at least mentary therapies. The book also includes
92% of all the cancer patients that I have advice on:
examined have remained for long periods What to take to hospital. How to deal with
of time - especially in respect to their sleep- super bugs in hospital. About financial help
ing place - in Geopathic Stressed zones. during cancer treatment, insurance and vac-
This does not necessarily mean that the cinations when travelling abroad and how to
Geopathic zone produces cancer, but rather help friends with cancer etc.
it is the ultimate push button that makes
You will be lucky to find all this information
the thing happen’. When President Ronald
within hundreds of hours on the internet or
Reagan was diagnosed with cancer in the
in books, yet what you are interested in can
1970’s, Dr Nieper discovered that Reagan
be read very quickly.
was sleeping in a very Geopathically Stressed
place and ensured that his bed was moved The first chapter of this book, with a list of
into a GS free place in the White House. Dr contents, can be read and downloaded free
Nieper also treated Reagan with hyperthermia, at: www.cancerthefullmenu.co.uk
where cancer cells are exposed to a very Orthodox treatments simply addresses the
high temperatures. The treatment, together symptoms. Most do not prevent you getting
with GS-free was so successful, that Reagan cancer again.
went on to live for another 15 years and did If orthodox treatment could always cure
not die of cancer. As no orthodox medicine cancer, then there would be no need for
was involved, the press in the USA was complementary remedies; that is why about
never allowed to report the reason for the 50% of cancer patients turn to some form of
success. complementary treatment.
Due to the shock of having been told that Every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with
you have cancer, most people have forgotten cancer in the UK, (over 320,000 per year).
what the doctor told you by the time you If cancer continues to increase at today’s
have come home. So my book ‘CANCER the rate, it will soon be the main cause of death.
full menu’, tells you what your doctor has Already, one in three women and one in two
told you and more, on any one of the 25 men will develop cancer at some point during
main types of cancer, plus children’s and their lifetime. Once diagnosed, cancer is
animal cancer, each in separate chapters. fatal in 47% of young women and 37% of
This book has been written to inform you young men .
of the ‘full menu’ when you speak to your Many people are waiting three months and
cancer specialist, to ensure the most suit- longer for vital tests for cancer and other
able orthodox treatment is available to you. illnesses. If you feel below par, ensure you
Also to let you know ‘the full menu’ regard- deal with THE BIG FOUR while you are
ing complementary remedies, to make sure waiting for the tests.
your treatment is more successful and your
Only your body can repair your weak im-
cancer is less likely to return or to minimise
mune system, which was the main cause
the chances of you getting cancer in the first
of cancer in the first place. That is why you
have to take charge of your own health.
This is a big A4 book, fully illustrated with
details on symptoms, research, diagnosis,

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
MS affects about 100,000 people in the UK and 2.5 million people around
the world. Most cases of MS start between the age of 20 to 40 and it is most
common in white (Caucasian) women.
The main cause of MS is due to the erosion Most research into MS concentrates on drugs
of the fatty myelin sheath that protects and to reduce the effect of MS or cure it, but does
insulates nerve fibres of many of the nerves in not try to investigate the cause.
the brain and the spinal cord. As a result, nerve The two cases below, show the great improvement
messages become disruptive, leading to symp- after sorting the BIG FOUR out.
toms ranging from mild tingling to paralysis.
20 March, 2013

Dear Rolf Gordon, g me to move forwa

rd in
so much for enablin
by saying thank you
I would like to start
s health. 2. I have been
my journey toward since September 201
h cri ppl ing MS symptoms l joints,
I have been suf fer ing wit in my lim painfu
h severe weakness
rid den for the ma jority of the time wit and me mo ry, ext reme sensitiv-
bed r concentration
sight issues, very poo to name just some
of the
balance problems, wling skin and numbness,
and mo vem ent , cra ing TV was simply
ity to light, noi se io or wa tch
listening to the rad
days even reading,
symptoms. On most
too much stimulation daughter, unable to
luding my 3 year old
ble to spe nd tim e with my family, inc
I was una unable to work.
ks and completely improved.
complete simple tas h, life has drastically
and sup ple me nts from Dulwich Healt cha nging
Since receiving adv
ice ch and
nts including AlliTe
ion of a ma gne tic rod, taking suppleme . I am now vir tua lly
The installat of life
improved my quality
eping arr ang em ents, have massively mo re abl e to ach iev e day to day
sle stronger and
week on week feeling to spend time with
my three
symptom free and ble change is the ability
tasks. The most exc
itin g and enj oya too demanding for
needs were simply
ecially the 3 yea r old, previously her ugh to read her stories!
daughters, esp te eno
for sho rt wa lks and I can concentra
y, go
me. We can now pla ng towards return
ing to
stamina and worki
now gen tly bui lding my strength and
I am
t couple of months. roach to
work within the nex to have found an app
rds how phe nom enally grateful I am led to recognise,
I cannot put into wo tely fai
the NHS had comple
ich has giv en me my life back, where
health wh
t me.
understand or suppor
omi Waters
Yours gratefully, Na

when Jesse was 10 weeks old. Mette had no

Notes by Rolf Gordon feelings in her legs. I immediately sorted
Naomi was in tears when she showed that she out THE BIG FOUR problems. From that
no longer used a stick. Her husband is very day onwards, Mette had no more attacks
happy, Naomi has got her libido back! and was no longer on steroids. Very soon
Mette Hanson, London, started to get afterwards, Mette could walk again indoors
severe MS attacks at regular intervals, without support. Mette now drives her
after giving birth to Jesse. I was contacted children to school.

This wretched disease affects about 50,000 people in the UK.
Unfortunately, for most, on a permanent basis.

Lupus causes joint pain, skin rashes and Here is one new case.
fatigue. It often involves hair loss, weight Edith, who is 65, was diagnosed with Lupus
loss, problems with the kidneys and other 15 years ago. Her consultants agree that she
organs. probably had Lupus since childhood, when
We have successfully treated two women by she was never quite well.
solving THE BIG FOUR, plus recommending Edith had to plan ahead every activity, no
Vitamin D, as Lupus sufferers are sensitive matter how small and had to have a day’s
to the sun. rest before and after every event. She often
Liz, who is 72 years old, had Lupus for had to choose between cooking a meal or
over 4 years. She had a severe rash on eating it. Edith was constantly tired, fa-
her face, could not walk and had lost most tigued and in pain for no apparent reason.
of her hair. Now, she walks up to 4 miles
I found that Edith had been Geopathically
most days. She no longer has a rash nor
Stressed most of her life and was badly
joint pains and her hair has grown back.
affected by all of THE BIG FOUR. After
Liz’s liver and kidneys are now working
correcting this, plus taking homeopathic
normally again. Liz now manages a large
remedies, Edith now reports these specific
furniture store.
Mary, in her forties, was diagnosed with
l A considerable reduction in fatigue.
Lupus 2½ years ago. She felt very fatigued,
had a ‘butterfly’ rash across the bridge of l A considerable increase in vitality, en-
her nose, joint pains all over and felt no thusiasm and the ability to maintain physi-
better after long orthodox treatment. Mary cal effort. As an example, she can now spend
no longer has problems with Lupus and is several hours in the kitchen doing different
now an active teacher again. tasks (at the same time!) such as baking a
cake and preparing one or more meals.
On her second check-up, over three months,
Mary’s blood again showed no Lupus and l Increased ability to walk further and for
the Professor, who specialises in Lupus, a longer period.
discharged Mary and said that she now l Improved sleep pattern and a reduction
looked healthier than most doctors at the in ‘feeling tired’ throughout the day. “I wake
hospital. When Mary told the Professor up bright as a button.”
about my help, the Professor’s reply was
l A considerable reduction in joint and
‘No’ Mary had ‘grown out of Lupus’. (‘Spon-
taneous healing’ is the usual explanation muscle pains throughout the body.
given by doctors when my advice has Edith: “I also noticed that I have better
helped). Mary has been appointed deputy posture and feel stronger overall. Thank
head of a large new school. you Rolf for giving me back my life”.
We are now treating free over 40 people with In many cases where people have initially
Lupus, so that we can present our results to been diagnosed with MS or Lupus, it has
the Lupus specialist. Most are feeling much turned out to be Lyme disease, which allicin
better and many have returned back to work. has been very successful in dealing with.

Lyme Disease
This is the fastest growing epidemic in the world

Doctors estimate that there are 18 million and pins and needles. If untreated, further
cases in the USA. In Britain, official figures symptoms may develop months or even
suggest that over 3,000 people are affected years later, such as temporary paralysis of
by Lyme disease each year and that about the facial muscles, impaired memory, dif-
15% - 20% of cases occur while people are ficulty concentrating and even meningitis.
abroad. However, many thousands more The normal tests to check for Lyme disease
may have this disease, as they are misdiag- are the two blood tests Elisa and Western
nosed with MS, Lupus, fibromyalgia etc., Blot.
which have similar symptoms, or doctors
Lyme disease is normally treated with anti-
have not diagnosed Lyme disease in the first
biotics, but often these are not very effective
and people have Lyme disease for years.
Lyme disease nearly always begins with a AlliTech liquid nearly always helps where
bite from an infected tick. The insect is an antibiotics have failed.
arachnid and is found in woodland, heath or
Angela W. in Wales, was bitten twice by
any area with deep or overgrown vegetation.
ticks living on sheep and was violently ill
The tick feeds on the blood of sheep, deer,
from Lyme disease a few months after-
mice and wildlife, such as foxes, badgers
wards. Treatment over a long period from
and hedgehogs. If a tick bites an animal
her doctor did not help, but within about
that has the Borrelia borgdorferi bacteria,
six weeks of taking AlliTech liquid daily, the
the tick becomes infected. The tick can then
parasites had gone and Angela no longer
transfer the bacteria to a human by biting
has Lyme disease.
them and feeding on their blood The tick
injects an anaesthetic so that the bite can-
not be felt, as well as injecting the Borrelia
borgdorferi bacteria into the blood.
If you find a tick on your skin, remove it by
gently gripping it as close to the skin, twist-
ing the tick. This ensures the tick comes
out whole and alive, preventing the head
being left under the skin. Preferably using
fine-toothed tweezers, pull steadily and
twist away from the skin. Do not use a lit
cigarette end, a match head or volatile oils
to force the ticks out.
The most common symptom of early stage
Lyme disease is a distinctive circular skin
rash. In up to a third of people with Lyme
disease, the rash may be the only symptom.
It can sometimes take 3 to 30 days after
being bitten before you get other symptoms,
such as flu, tiredness, headaches, muscle or
joint pain, fever or chills, sensitivity to light

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia. It affects about
800,000 people in the UK and is expected to increase to over one million
within 20 years. AD is the fourth largest cause of premature death, after heart
disease, cancer and traffic accidents. Most often AD is diagnosed in people
over 65 years of age, although AD can occur much earlier. On average, the life
expectancy following diagnosis, is seven years.
No medical drugs up to now have shown unsuccessful research that has been done
to delay the progression of AD very signifi- up to now.
cantly. If anybody is interested in helping to carry
I have found that most people with AD that out tests and treat on a regular basis, say 20
I have checked, have been affected by most to 30 people with early stages of Alzheimer’s
of THE BIG FOUR and all were high in in the London area, where there must be
micro parasites. Many doctors believe that over 100,000 sufferers, please contact me.
AD sufferers are high in the herpe simplex Please communicate only by letter.
viruses type 1, a type of micro parasite,
Problems with THE BIG FOUR in
which may be destroying some of the brain
people with Alzheimer’s that I have
cells, including neurons. checked
As shown over many years, 100% stabilised
Allicin can destroy all types of micro para-
Geopathic Stress
sites. when in bed
I wish that I had the time and finance to (should be 8 Hz) 226Hz 221Hz 226Hz 220Hz

investigate and treat people with AD and

Micro Parasites
dementia, to prove that you can delay the (should be nil) 91% 62% 32% 92%
onset of serious AD and dementia and
hopefully, make sufferers feel better by in- Q10
(Should be 100%) 67% 61% 85% 65%
vestigating THE BIG FOUR, with particular
emphasis on killing the micro parasites. Acid-Alkaline
After all, THE BIG FOUR has helped with Balance
(should be 7.4pH) 3.4pH 3.2pH 4.5pH 3.3pH
other illnesses where doctors have given up
hope, in cases such as MS, Lupus, Parkin-
son’s etc.
It would not take very long to prove the
beneficial effect of applying THE BIG FOUR
now that the CANTABmobile offers an easy
test, running on an iPad and lasting 10
minutes, to check if a person has the early
stages of AD. One would need to test say 20
to 30 people, with early stages of AD. Treat
them all and test them on the CANTAB-
mobile at regular intervals, to see that they
have not deteriorated or even feel better and
if their AD symptoms have reduced. The
whole trial would cost a fraction of all the

Dairy Products & Cancer
The incidence of breast cancer in China is 1 in 10,000 in women. In the West,
it is as high as 1 in 8 women. Prostate cancer in men is even lower than 1 in
10,000 in men in China. In the West, it is about 1 in 7.

Why is there such a difference?

The Chinese do not eat or drink dairy
Extra Oxygen
products. As soon as people from China When treating cancer and
move to western countries and adopt west-
peptic ulcers.
ern diets with a high dairy content, they
suffer breast and prostate cancer in the same By introducing extra oxygen into the
proportion as local people. bloodstream, cancer cells become three
times more sensitive to treatment like
Due to the low price offered for milk by
radiotherapy. Research also suggests that it
retailers, mainly supermarkets, farmers have
can improve the delivery of chemotherapy
been forced to give cows growth factors and
drugs to a tumour and increase the body’s
hormones, so that the cows today produce
stem cells.
up to three times more milk than a few years
ago. We are told to drink milk so that we get Peptic ulcers in the stomach and duode-
enough calcium for our bones. Where do the num affects about 40% of people in the
cows mainly get their calcium from? - Grass! UK sometime in their life. In third world
In other words, green vegetables give you countries it affects about 70% of the popula-
more calcium than milk. Why not change tion. See more details about peptic ulcers on
over to making your own soya milk from NHS Choices and wikipedia websites.
organic soya beans, which cost a quarter of In most cases Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)
the cost of milk from the shops? Or drink colonizes in the internal mucus causing
rice milk. Details in my book chronic inflammation which the body’s
‘CANCER the full menu’. immune system is unable to cope with and
Professor Jane Plant, CBE, was diagnosed so creates an ulcer. The H.pylori is hidden
with breast cancer. She had the full orthodox in the body’s tissues to start with, where it
treatment, but her tumours kept returning. can be difficult to detect and treat. It has
The fifth time round, she again had similar now been found that if the body has extra
cancerous lymph nodes in her neck, so her oxygen the H.pylori comes out of the body
doctor only gave her a few months to live. In tissues and becomes visible, so it can be
her extended research for a cure, Plant dis- treated with antibiotics. Strong Allicin or
covered that there was a connection between Oregano liquid has been shown to destroy
dairy products and cancer. She stopped the H.pylori, where antibiotics have failed
taking dairy products immediately and her over a long period.
tumour shrank very quickly and was gone In OxyTech, Ozone (03) and Oxygen (02)
within 6 weeks. This is now over 17 years ago are bonded to magnesium. When the
and Plant is busy writing and lecturing on OxyTech capsules are ingested with water
nutritional intake to prevent cancer. in the stomach, the bonding between the
The countries with the highest percentage of magnesium and the oxygen molecules is
breast cancer are Denmark and The Nether- cleaved and the oxygen is absorbed by
lands, where most cheese is eaten. the blood, lymph and cellular fluids very
Milk is only for babies! quickly.

On checking one thousand USA doctors, it was found that all the doctors, who
were below par, were short of iodine. Middle aged women very often become
short of iodine, which is one of the causes of feeling fatigued. Some men can
also be deficient in iodine.
Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland to can get sea salt with iodine in it. Also your
function properly. The thyroid acts directly homeopath can incorporate iodine in the ho-
on almost all cells in your body, to control meopathic remedy. Very often, if you dream
the rate at which they break down and build a lot, you are short of iodine. (Put iodine on
up chemical substances (metabolism). palms of hands before bedtime).
Vegetarians are often short of iodine. Using a MagneTech direct on your thyroid for
Seagreens® are particularly rich in iodine. two minutes per day, will balance it whether
Seagreens®, grown in the Arctic, is the only it is over - or under-active.
seaweed certified by the European Soil
Association. It contains all the essential
vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino
acid, in a natural form, often missing from
modern food.
I recommend three Seagreens® capsules per
day the first week. Then two capsules per day.
You normally feel better within a month.
Another way of taking iodine is to buy iodine
liquid. A few independent chemists may
stock it. It can be bought on the internet, for
example at www.the-natural-choice.co.uk
and costs about £10 per bottle.
Use the iodine liquid as follows:
A. Put 2 to 3 drops on cotton wool and dab
on soft parts of the body (eg. under feet or
inside hands or thighs) before going to bed. If
it has disappeared the next morning, you are
short of iodine, so carry on.
B. Try 1 or 2 drops per day in a drink. This
may not suit some people.
C. Put 10 drops together with two cups of
sea salt in your bath water. Do not dry body
afterwards, but put dressing gown on to give
the salt and iodine a chance to be absorbed by
your body.
D. Put iodine and salt into foot bath. The
water will soon become clear, showing the
iodine has been absorbed into your body. If
you have difficulty in obtaining iodine, you

Anaemia is clinically diagnosed by checking haemoglobin levels in the blood.
Iron is a vital part of haemoglobin. It transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to
and from your cells and is an essential component of red blood cells.

Iron deficiency includes fatigue or listless- capsules or liquid form. Take either 500 or
ness, pale skin, sore tongue, pins and 1000 mcg B12 capsules per day if you are
needles, loss of appetite and nausea. low in iron.
If you are lacking in iron, water-soluble If you have difficulty in absorbing B12
vitamin B12 will help your body absorb from supplements, you will need 10,000
iron from your diet. B12 is also necessary mcg (µg) injected at regular intervals.
for the production of red blood cells and Overdose not reported with oral dose.
to help the blood carry oxygen to convert
the calories into energy. B12 also increases
resistance to diseases by helping your im-
mune system create T- and B- cells. Your
liver contains large quantities of B12, so
it may take some time before any short-
age is noticed. This shortage is not due to
insufficient intake through your diet, but
because your body has difficulty absorb-
ing B12. This could be due to damage to
the lower small intestine, where the B12 is
absorbed through the mucus membrane.
This can also be caused by inflammation,
major operations on the intestines or by
certain drugs, including some chemo-
therapy drugs. Folic acid needs B12 to be
absorbed. Strict vegetarians may also need
to take B12, as this vitamin could be lack-
ing in their diet.
Vitamin B12 is mainly found in liver and
kidneys. Smaller amounts are found in
milk, eggs, cheeses, turkey, chicken,
oysters, sardines, tuna and shrimps.
Many people have trouble absorbing B12
from foods, but B12 in supplements is
highly absorbable.
Lack of B12 is mainly due to alcohol, smok-
ing and difficulty in absorbing vitamins.
Most good health shops stock B12 in

Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient almost wholly provided to the body by
means of a chemical reaction that occurs when the sun’s ultraviolet rays hit
the skin. Some research indicates that 60% of people in the northern hemi-
sphere are deficient of Vitamin D - 90% in the winter.
This is one of the main reasons we get and phosphorus which are essential for
more colds and flu during the winter. bone and tooth growth. Lack of Vitamin D
It has been found that fewer people get has also been linked to arthritis, asthma,
cancer in the southern states of the USA diabetes, heart attacks, infertility, multiple
than in the north, due to stronger sun- sclerosis, osteomalacia and lack of mental
shine. Also, lack of Vitamin D makes agility.
you more vulnerable to influenza. Latest Scientists agree that by far the best way to
research, by the University of California, boost the Vitamin D nutrients is to expose
claims Vitamin D prevents cancer because your face and arms for 10 to 15 minutes
it holds layers of cells together, preventing to sunlight without sunscreen at the time
their multiplication from getting out of when ultraviolet radiation is at its strong-
control. One review by Am J. Public Health est, at noon and early afternoon, between
found that not getting enough Vitamin D, April and October. This also builds up a
could be responsible for several thousands reserve for the winter. I have not found
of premature deaths from cancer each one person who got skin cancer unless they
year. were affected by THE BIG FOUR.
Not only does Vitamin D help boost your Vitamin D is also found in salmon, tuna
immune system, it also stops your body and other oily fish, eggs and some break-
from overreacting when under attack. It fast cereals, but diet accounts for very little
does this by preventing the release of too of the Vitamin D that makes its way into
many inflammatory cells, called cytokines your bloodstream.
and chemokines, into infected lung tis- As we get older, we need more Vitamin D.
sue, which can otherwise cause bacterial Research by Dr Oscar France from
pneumonia. Warwick Medical School, found that by
We now mainly have indoor jobs and cover studying 3,262 individuals, aged between
ourselves with clothes and sunscreen. 50 and 70 years, that 94% were low in
Melanin is the pigment in your skin that Vitamin D.
gives you colour and it absorbs the UVB
I suggest you take at least 20-40 mcg
rays inhibiting vitamin D production.
(800-1600 iu) of Vitamin D a day during
People with dark or black skin need
the winter. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is
intense sunlight to penetrate the skin in
the most absorbed form of Vitamin D.
order to produce vitamin D - up to 10
times the amount of sun that light skinned There would be no life on earth
people require. Sun tanned skin also without the sun.
blocks UVB rays from creating vitamin D.
Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium

It is most important that you drink enough water, as water stimulates the im-
mune system, helps increase the body’s white blood cells, flushes out accumu-
lated toxins and enables your brain to function properly.
Our cells literally owe their lives to an There is no need to waste hundreds of
adequate supply of water. It is debatable pounds a year on bottled water. 25% of all
whether you must drink 8 glasses (2.5 litres/ bottled water is filtered tap water. Bottled
4 pints) per day because large quantities of water is only tested once a year by the Food
water are contained in food. Most uncooked Standards Agency and there have been some
vegetables and fruit contain 90% water. drastic failures lately. On the other hand, the
Drinking Water Inspectors test tap water on
It helps to stagger your water intake
average 3 million times a year and no UK
throughout the day, rather than going for
water company has failed to deliver water to
hours without anything and then drinking
the laid down standard. Tap water is alive,
half a litre (about a pint). This can cause
unlike dead bottled water .
your kidneys to struggle and you may have to
dash to the toilet. Whether or not you use a carbon filter for
drinking tap water is really a matter of per-
If you have difficulty in swallowing water, try
sonal preference. Chlorine in water can in-
drinking through a straw.
jure red blood cells and damage their ability
Britain’s leading nutritionist, Jane Clarke, to carry vital oxygen where it is needed. Put-
claims you can count tea and coffee as part of ting in a tiny amount of Vitamin C powder
your water intake. Previously it was thought can neutralise chlorine and will eliminate
they acted as diuretics, encouraging your the taste and odour of the chlorine. A carbon
body to get rid of fluid. So you can drink tea filter is adequate for producing chlorine-free
and coffee as part of your 2.5 litres. Strong tap water. Chlorine evaporates quickly in
alcohol is diuretic. the open, so after leaving your tap water for
An indication of dehydration is if your urine 20 minutes in a glass the chlorine will have
is dark yellow and rank in smell. Due to evaporated.
shortage of water your body cuts back on Water from plastic bottles should be avoided
water usage throughout its various systems. as it can be contaminated with chemicals
Note that extra Vitamin B intake can also from the plastic or the chemicals they clean
darken urine. the bottles with before use. According to Dr.
If you have to go out soon after drinking Hulda Clark, micro parasites feed on some
water, eat a banana, which may prevent you of these chemicals. Water in glass bottles is
having to get to a toilet urgently later. fine; choose a ‘natural mineral water’ and en-
sure it does not contain artificial sweeteners.
Your body normally makes you feel thirsty
long before your body desperately needs Don’t drink too much ice cold water; your
water. body uses energy to heat this.

If you do not drink enough, mainly water, Ensure children drink four to six glasses of
before going to bed, the urine in your blad- ‘good’ liquid a day.
der can become very strong and will need to Interesting note In the UK, £2 billion is
be expelled during the night. On the other spent on bottled water per year. The carbon
hand, if your urine is weak because you have footprint on one 500 ml plastic bottle of wa-
been drinking plenty of water before going ter is equal to 1,000 pints of tap water, due
to bed, often your bladder does not feel the to the cost of energy to produce the water, in
need to empty during the night. plastic for the bottle and total transport.

Checking For Food & Drink Allergies
Up to 30% of adults and 50% of children are affected by the foods we eat and
the environment we live in.
Food allergies can be caused by the thousands of chemicals introduced into
modern foods and drinks, prescription drugs and antibiotics taken directly or
indirectly due to intensive farming, where we get small daily doses of antibiot-
ics from meat, eggs, cheese and other dairy products.
Allergies can cause: fatigue, depression, l Chocolate including drinks which
anxiety, irritability, aggressive behaviour, contain the amino acid tyramine
nervousness, insomnia, asthma, aching l Red wine, which has a high
joints, digestion problems, frequent infec- concentration of sulphites. Also white
tions, headaches and sinus problems. In chil- wine, but organic may be OK.
dren learning difficulties and or behavioural l Caffeine drinks including coffee, tea
problems including being hyperactive. Main and cola drinks
causes of migraines can be due to cheese, l Alcohol
chocolate, red wine and lack of magnesium. l Junk food
Check with one of the following tests: l Chemicals added to food
l Food and drink with added sugar
- The muscle test (See page 32).
l Fizzy drinks
- Get a good dowser to check you out (it is l Gravy mixes
often very difficult to check yourself).
l Packaged or tinned food
- Go to a nutritional therapist or allergy Headaches can also be caused by Geopathic
expert who can check you out by Kinesiology Stress, low blood sugar, oestrogen in oral
or VegaTest to help devise a diet that cuts out contraceptives, hormone replacement
all allergy provoking foods and introduces a therapy, Aspirin, Paracetamol etc. which
suitable check list of foods and drinks that can have a painful rebound effect when
can trigger your food allergies such as: their intended effect wears off; being too
l Gluten (in barley, rye, wheat, oats etc) low in salt and smoking. They can also be
l Dairy foods, mainly cheeses, which caused by stress on the eyes, too much
contain the amino acid tyramine reading or computer work or wearing incor-
l Eggs rect glasses. Resting the eyes in the palms of
l Corn the hands helps. See your doctor if you have
l Peanuts medical conditions such as fever, high blood
l Fruits - apples, pears, kiwi, citrus etc. pressure, meningitis or a brain tumour.
l Tomatoes You will be surprised what you can be
l Mushrooms allergic to. Two women, who weighed about
l Vegetables - brussels sprouts, carrots, 22 stone and who had tried desperately to
peppers, cauliflower, various cabbages lose weight for a long time, found that they
l Vegetable, olive or coconut oil is best were allergic to carrots, which they were
for cooking. very fond of. Within one year of stopping
l Berries - strawberries etc. eating carrots, their weight went down to
l Eggplant (also known as aubergine) 12 stone. Some people are even found to be
l Potatoes, sweet potatoes. allergic to white cabbage, but the biggest
l Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame culprit is fizzy drinks.

If you are ill, it is very important that you exercise to increase your body’s
oxygen supply as you fight your illness. Exercise will also increase the flow of
lymph through its channels, to improve your immune system by detoxifying
and eliminating the toxins from your body. Your lymphatic system has no
pump unlike your blood circulation system which has your heart.

One of the mistakes people who are ill make Exercising for ten minutes on a rebounder
is to wait until they feel better to exercise. is the same as walking briskly for over half
Even if you have pain and are undergoing an hour. Exercise will also build up your
cancer treatment, you have to somehow rise energy, stimulate your metabolism and
above it and force yourself to exercise. The reduce any pain.
only time you have to be careful with exer-
cise, is when the cancer has spread to your
bones as this can make you more suscepti-
ble to spontaneous fractures.
Ideally, you should build up to a brisk walk
of 30 to 40 minutes, three to four times a
However the best way to exercise daily is on
a rebounder in your own home. A rebounder
is smaller and stiffer than a trampoline
and increases your gravity by 25% both on
the down and up movement. A rebounder
is much more efficient and cheaper than a
cycling, running or a rowing machine and
you are less likely to get bored. I have tried
them all, but for the last ten years have only
been rebounding. Ensure you get a good
quality rebounder which will give you the
best exercise and last for years.
You can listen to music, the radio or watch
TV while rebounding, so there is no excuse
not to exercise. Rebounding at night may
interfere with your sleep. A support bar
can help if you have difficulty in standing,
are elderly, handicapped or have impaired
sight. If you cannot stand, sit on the re-
bounder while somebody creates a rebound-
ing action behind you on the rebounder.
It is claimed that the number of white
blood cells, which help fight cancer, can be
doubled for one hour by rebounding for two

Try To Think Outside The Box!
Gradually, many doctors and nurses now realise that orthodox and comple-
mentary remedies must work in tandem to obtain the best results. Yet why do
most doctors still not believe in anything other than orthodox treatment? Let
me give you a few examples:

Gall Bladder Stones resistant to most conventional antibiotics.

Hundreds of thousands of people have safe- In a trial in 2008, carried out by Dr Ron
ly eliminated gall bladder stones in days, Cutler at the University Hospital of East
(all soft and many as large as nails) without London, all 52 patients with MRSA,
pain, using a combination of apple juice, recovered fully by using allicin liquid and
olive oil and lemon juice. The success rate is capsules. Many of the patients had wounds
over 95%. Yet surgeons carry out hundreds which had refused to heal for several years,
of thousands of major painful operations despite prolonged treatment with antibiot-
a year to remove gall bladders or carry ics. Dr Ron Cutler confirmed that he had
out keyhole surgery, which is not always patients who were due to have surgery to
successful. There is sometimes a lengthy remove MRSA infected tissues but, after us-
recovery time and you cannot eat normally ing allicin, their wounds had healed.
for a long time – if ever – afterwards. Often The hospital would not tell other hospitals
people have continuous pain, waiting over the good results, unless the manufacturer
a year for an operation, which can cost over obtained a medical licence, which would
£4,000. So, if doctors do not believe in this cost about one million pounds, which they
simple remedy, which can relieve suffer- obviously refused! Since this trial, thou-
ers of so much discomfort quickly and save sands of people have died of MRSA!
the nation millions each year, why should Deborah had two weeping MRSA wounds
doctors believe in anything not orthodox? on her back for 2 years, during which time
I have personal experience that the gall she had many courses of antibiotics and
bladder flush works 100%. (Ask for free full creams, but the many biopsies came back
details of the gall bladder flush). positive for MRSA. She had the wound
Andy Warhol died due to a gall bladder dressed every day.
operation. Deborah decided to use allicin, but her
consultant and some of the district nurses
were not happy about the thought of her
The bacteria Methicillin-Resistant Staphy- using allicin.
lococcus Aureus (MRSA) and several other
After just a few weeks of spraying allicin
strains of bacteria living in our gut, known
liquid and applying allicin gel directly
as ‘alert organisms’. In most cases, these
on the wounds and taking allicin orally,
bacteria cause no problem, but when they
Deborah’s wound had healed. The hospital
enter another body system such as the blood
confirmed that her infection had cleared
or urine, they may cause illness when colo-
up and that she no longer needed to have a
nised. People carrying the bacteria in their
planned operation.
nose, throat and gut or on their skin, do not
show symptoms. However, if the patient has a Leg Ulcers
temperature and/or redness of a wound, this Well over 100,000 people in the UK have
may indicate an infection. These bacteria are almost permanent leg ulcers, when about

80% of leg ulcers, even open sores, can at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, on how
heal within one to two months by using she had proved that scar tissue healed much
a MagneTech for about 20 minutes daily quicker when applying magnetic therapy.
directly, even outside any bandages. The Many people have reported to us that
MagneTech’s healing includes increasing wounds heal much faster after placing a
the blood flow. Also applying AlliTech Gel MagneTech directly on a wound or opera-
directly helps. tion scar.
Judy B, had leg ulcers for almost 20 years. In view of this, we applied for and were
She had seen many private specialists with promised a large grant from the EC to pay
no success. She used the MagneTech for 20 for the cost of one assistant to a Professor at
minutes, twice a day, and the leg healed up a teaching hospital, to carry out one years’s
within three weeks. research to prove that the MagneTech heals
After 20 years, the MagneTech is still the surgery wounds more quickly (it would
most powerful magnetic therapy apparatus probably only have taken a month to prove).
on the market which can be used anywhere We contacted every teaching hospital in
on the body for any health problems, with no the UK, but nobody was interested in the
side-effects reported after tens of thousands research grant.
have been used by doctors, health practition- If a hospital stay could be reduced by a few
ers and individuals all over the world. The days using the MagneTech on patients who
MagneTech is the only magnetic therapy have had surgery, the NHS would not only
apparatus that has passed the BS EN 6061- save £millions a year, but it would also free
1:2006 Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1 up a large number of hospital beds.
and EN606601-1-2:2007 certificate, so can We also know that the MagneTech heals
be used in Hospital and Medical Centres. broken bones up to 40% faster, through
Unfortunately, we have been mainly unsuc- hundreds of reported cases. So, here again,
cessful in making people aware of the benefits a lot of money could be saved by the NHS.
of the MagneTech on leg ulcers, as we are
The MagneTech also heals inner scar tissues
competing against long term major adver-
from surgery much more quickly, whereas
tising for various creams, antibiotics and
otherwise it often can take up to two years
bandages, which in many cases are not very
to heal.
successful in treating leg ulcers.
Identical Twins & Cancer
Cot Deaths
A large amount of research is being carried
I found, many years ago, that every child out to investigate the difference in genes in
who died of cot death, had its cot in a very identical twins, to see why one gets cancer
GS place. This was confirmed by Dr Palle and the other does not. In the few cases that
Gad and a team of researchers at Aahus I have been involved with, it is always the
University in Denmark. I informed the two twin who is Geopathically Stressed who gets
cot death societies over 20 years ago of my cancer while the other does not, because
findings. They were not in the least bit inter- he/she is not sleeping in a Geopathically
ested. Since then, over 7,000 babies have Stressed place.
died of cot death in the UK.

Scar Tissues & Magnetic

Some years ago I heard a lecture by a doctor

Going Away On Holiday Or Business
Why spoil a holiday or business trip when so little is needed to solve most
minor common health problems?

Food poisoning When I was sailing The MagneTech’s complete unit only weighs
through Egypt on the Nile some years ago, 1.5 Kg and could prove to be the most im-
nearly all my fellow passengers on board got portant piece of luggage you have with you.
a tummy bug. I immediately took 10 Oxy- (It must be packed in your main luggage
Tech capsules and found that my digestive which goes into the hold, not in your cabin
system was normal within one hour. The bag, due to the strong magnets, but pack the
other passengers who got the tummy bug, battery in your cabin bag and put it through
had it for almost a week. So do not forget the airport scanner separately.).
your OxyTech for any digestive problems
G-Oyster to prevent jet lag and Geopathic
including Delhi belly or traveller’s tummy.
Stress. When my sister-in-law flew to New
Microbes Remember to take AlliTech Zealand, she suffered bad effects from jet
450 mg capsules for any infection, including lag for two weeks. Next time she flew to
viruses, micro parasites, etc. including New Zealand, she took a G-Oyster with
E-coli and salmonella. Use AlliTech her and suffered no ill effects. Many other
Spray for sore throats and AlliTech Gel people have confirmed this when flying long
for wounds, cold sores, thrush and skin distances, mainly eastwards.
problems. AlliTech Liquid is many times Some people have not slept well in ho-
stronger than the capsules, but needs to be tel rooms where the bed was found to be
kept in the refrigerator, so is best used at Geopathically Stressed, until they placed
home. a G-Oyster next to their head. (You nearly
However I suggest you take a 30 ml always need a large RadiTech if you sleep in
AlliTech Spray bottle with you in case you a G.S. place at home, for maximum benefit).
get a sore throat, (See page 9) or any skin So do not forget your OxyTech, AlliTech,
problems MagneTech and G-Oyster when you are
As mentioned on page 9, Alison dealt with staying away from home.
E-coli, which she got on holiday, very
quickly by taking AlliTech capsules.

MagneTech Before starting a 3,000 mile

coach trip through mid USA, on the very
evening before leaving, our driver sprained
his ankle badly. I lent him my MagneTech
to use that evening direct for two hours. His
foot had improved almost 100% the next
You never know if you or somebody you
meet may need the MagneTech for injuries,
cuts, wounds, bruising, toothache, lung
congestion, insect bites, burns, headaches,
local pain or to revitalise organs and the
immune system if ill.

Going Into Hospital
To ensure that you do not deteriorate when you have to stay in hospital, I
recommend the following:

Q10, take at least 100 mg per day. Most see you.

people who are very ill are very short of Q10 Antiseptic spray; like Oregano, Germ-
unless they take it on a regular basis. Q10 A-Clenz to use on your hands throughout
will give nearly all your cells energy and is the day including when visiting the toilet.
very good for the heart. Also ask hospital staff to use it who come in
Take Q10 during any treatment as Q10 is contact with you, including doctors and any
an enzyme your body produces and needs visitors.
enough of all the time. Make use of a rota of friends; who
Also take: can bring in soft drinks, fruit and your
Vitamin D: Take two 20 mcg (1600iu) favourite food every day.
capsules per day. You do not get much sun See ‘CANCER the full menu’ for full details.
in hospital.
Seagreens; to give you all the minerals,
vitamins and trace elements that hospital
food is unlikely to provide. Take two cap-
sules per day.
OxyTech; in case you get constipated or
have a tummy bug.
AlliTech; 450 mg capsules, should you
get a hospital acquired infection (HAI)
including a super bug like E-coli or MRSA.
Normally you can take up to 6 capsules per
day. Small 30 ml spray bottle of AlliTech
Liquid in case of sore throat or skin infec-
tion (see page 9)
MagneTech; It will help to heal surgical
scars quickly and improve your health by
using it daily. If you are too worried about
bringing it yourself, get a friend to bring it
daily and help you to use it. Do not forget
that the MagneTech has passed the BS EN
6061-1:2006 Medical Electrical Equipment,
Part 1 and EN606601-1-2:2007 certificate,
so can be used in hospitals and medical
Mobile phone; Cost of using a hospital
phone can be very expensive. Also take a
mobile phone picture of each doctor (ask
first) who examines you in case you have to
explain to others which doctor came to

Muscle Test
This is a versatile and accurate diagnostic technique which can be carried out
by any two people, based on the theory ‘that your body does not lie’.

The Muscle Test can be used to check if: The Muscle Test is ideal for visually handi-
l a specific treatment, medical drug, sup- capped people.
plement etc. is of benefit or bad for you. The Muscle Test can also be carried out
l you are allergic to certain foods, drinks while you are both sitting down.
or toxic substances. With experience, the Muscle Test can be
l you have microbes including micro done with your test partner’s elbow on a
parasites, bacteria, viruses or fungus. table and your hand only on their wrist.

l Also used to check if a specific bed or Remember weak arm = bad

place is affected by Geopathic Stress or any When testing, it might help to concentrate
other environmental pollution. by writing the name of what you are testing
on a separate piece of paper. Ask the person
you are testing to hold the paper (or actual
tablet etc.) in their free hand. Alternatively,
both of you should just concentrate on the
If the treatment, supplement etc. is good,
the arm being tested will stay strong. If you
wish to know how many capsules of say
Vitamin D to take, test until the arm goes
Ask a willing friend (test partner) to hold strong again.
out one arm at shoulder height, parallel Don’t forget, that the answers may vary
to the ground (sitting or standing erect). from day to day. One day tomatoes may test
Place one of your hands (palm down) on good for you, the next day bad. Don’t get
their wrist, with your other hand on their fanatical and test everything you eat.
shoulder (you can be behind or in front of
If you get upset digestion system check what
the person). Now ask your test partner to
you have eaten earlier on.
‘resist’ with all his/her strength while you
On testing a young child, your test partner
push down on their wrist quickly and firmly
should place their free hand on the child
to assess how much pressure it takes to
and let the child hold the names of tablets
push the arm down. The idea is to push just
etc. or just think of the child.
hard enough to test the spring and bounce
in the arm, not so hard that the muscle be- If you find the Muscle Test is obviously
comes fatigued. It is not a question of who is giving the wrong answers, you and/or your
stronger, but of whether the muscle can lock test partner may have a complication called
the shoulder joint against the push. In most switching. Try holding an obvious toxin (eg.
cases a test partner will resist the pressure bleach); a ‘strong’ response to a toxin will
and the arm will remain outstretched. You indicate that you are switched. To unswitch,
may like to test the other way round, so you try a few short thumps with the palm of
can see what your arm feels like when you your hands, on your thymus which is on
are being tested. your chest, just below the collarbone. You

may even have to ask somebody else to do
the test.
If you are on your own in a shop or pharmacy
and would like to check if, say, a supplement
The three main ‘vitamins’ you
is any good for you, try putting the tips
of your thumb and first finger (or second need when you are eating:
finger) together. Put the first finger of your
other hand through the ‘O’ you have created T is for time. Give yourself time to
and pull. If the finger is not held back (don’t eat. The French are not necessarily
pull too hard), you have got a negative healthier because they drink wine,
answer. Some people find they blink if they but it relaxes them, so they spend
get a negative answer. longer eating.
Many people can check other people from a If you eat under stress, your
distance, by both you and your test partner stomach can close down for up to
thinking of the other person while testing. two hours, so you do not benefit
from your food.

O is for oxygen. Eat slowly so you

can breathe more during eating and
more oxygen enters your stomach,
making calories burn better and
thereby your body gets the maxi-
mum benefit from your food. If you
do not burn calories properly, they
will be stored as fat in your body.
If you eat too quickly and wish to
burn calories more efficiently, take
one OxyTech capsule with your
main meal. This will give you plenty
of extra oxygen.

Pis for pleasure. Take pleasure

in everything you eat, then your
stomach will digest it better, even if
you are eating something you know
is a little bit ‘naughty!’ If you are on
a diet, have that cream cake or what
you long for, now and again. Then
you are much more likely to keep to
a strict diet.

You must feed your soul.

It is not what you eat; it is
mainly how you eat it.

Distance Dowsing
Many people are, quite rightly, baffled when you tell them that you can check
them and their homes by distance dowsing. I do not believe that an exact
explanation can ever be given. Some think you connect into universal knowl-
edge; for me it works with an accuracy of over 95%, proven by my check on
tens of thousands of people and buildings.
Normally, you should not dowse more than I found a woman with a cancer tumour on
two stressed buildings a week, on site, to her brain was sleeping with two Geopathic
prevent it harming you. However by dowsing Stress lines crossing her head. She always
from a distance, you can check many buildings had headaches in bed. On the very first
and people a week, without any harm to night that she slept in a stress-free bed, she
yourself and with an enormous saving in slept well and without headaches.
time. You should have two rules: “Thank you for the Geopathic Stress dowsing
1. Do not try to diagnose if people have from our house plan. I checked it with Kine-
specific illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, MS siology and it was spot on.” Sally Pain.
etc. Instead, check out the vitality of their
“The remedy, which you recommended,
organs and the presence of any specific
after checking me from a distance, has
microbes, including micro parasites. Check
eradicated my Lyme disease, after
the lack of any minerals, vitamins, trace
antibiotics had failed over several years.”
elements and in particular Q10, all of which
Angela Williams.
doctors do not normally check for. Also the
vital check for their acid alkaline balance “My long term, very bad digestion problems
(pH) and for any specific allergies. Finally, and tiredness have now been solved, after
check on any specific remedies to see if they you checked me out and advised me what
are suitable. to do.” Pam King.
2. Do not try and dowse into the future. “Thank you, Rolf, for locating where to
You will not get rich betting by dowsing. drill for soft water. The water is from my
own stream and has made the milk from
The accuracy of distance dowsing has been
my cows taste better. I have saved £6000
proved to me in a number of ways during
per year by not using Severn Trent’s water
my many years of distance dowsing:
and electricity on cooling the milk - and the
Whenever people have moved their sleeping dowsing was free.” Perry Beard.
place out of Geopathic Stress, they nearly
A South African doctor rang to ask me to
always report back that they slept better
check out a doctor friend in Australia (no
than they had done so for a long time. On
name given). During the next five minutes,
my advice a grandmother moved her grand-
I confirmed his health problems which had
daughter’s cot across the room. Instead of
taken his colleagues years to find out.
the baby waking up sweating, crying and
laying up against the edge of the cot at 3 am., Gordon Ditchfield, who has 100 dairy
she slept in the middle of the cot and awoke, cows, contacted me because his cows’ milk
relaxed and smiling, at 7 am. Similarly, showed that some of the cows had Bovine
in many hundreds of cases, parents had a Viral Diarrhoes (BVD) and it would have
peaceful night’s sleep, after their baby’s cot been very expensive for a vet to test all the
was moved to a Geopathic Stress-free place cows for. Gordon gave me the numbers of
recommended by me. all the cows and by, distance dowsing, I

found that No.272 was badly affected by check you free and you can double check
BVD and No.141 less affected. any health problems that I may find with
The vet confirmed this. Both the cows were your doctor or health practitioner. Please
treated with AlliTech liquid for about a only communicate by letter.
week, which killed the micro parasites
successfully. As the cell count in the milk
has become normal, Gordon now receives
a bonus of several thousands of pounds per
A few years ago I was in Israel on a tour
with Professor John Strange, a famous
archaeologist who was an expert in ancient
ceramics. Broken pottery was plentiful on
many sites. From sight I could not tell if
each pottery piece was 2000 or 5000 years
old. I dowsed how old the pottery was,
which agreed, more or less, with the
Professors expert dating afterwards.
When I check with other people who can
dowse from a distance, we nearly always
reach the same results eg. the amount of
Geopathic Stress in a bed or the percentage
of micro parasites in a person.
I have come across several doctors who can
distance dowse and are very successful in
diagnosing people’s illnesses and, therefore,
In all the cases where I have checked
recommend the best treatment needed.
the mother of the person with
They do not always admit that they can
Autism, she was sleeping in a
distance dowse to their colleagues!
Geopathically Stressed place during
Distance dowsing has enabled me to help her pregnancy. The Autism disorder
thousands of cancer patients over the last varies from mild to so severe, that the
24 years. person may be unable to communicate
At a workshop I gave, nearly all 15 partici- and needs round the clock care.
pants could dowse from a distance within Autism affects over 600,000 people
a short time. Thousands are now dowsing in the UK and costs £32 billion per
accurately from a distance using my simple year in the form of treatment, loss
method. of earnings, care and support for
children and adults with Autism. The
I use a pendulum for dowsing, but many
average cost of supporting somebody
people can dowse successfully with the
who is Autistic during their lifetime,
muscle test.
is about £1.5 million.
Dowsing from a distance is fully explained in
Is it not about time that we take
my book ‘Are You Sleeping In A Safe Place?’
Geopathic Stress seriously?
Anybody who doubts that I can dowse from
a distance, only has to contact me and I will

Do not wait until the medical profession accepts that THE BIG FOUR are some
of the main causes of serious illnesses. None of THE BIG FOUR has been dis-
puted by doctors, all are common sense, so act now for your own health’s sake.
42% of you may get cancer and one in three for over 80 years and when dealt with can,
people will die of cancer, despite present nearly always, achieve remarkably good
modern orthodox treatments. Even after results very quickly. If you cannot check
investing 10 times as much now on cancer for Geopathic Stress and think that you are
research and treatment (about £200 billion sleeping or sitting in a Geopathic Stress
worldwide per year) as 20 years ago, the place, just try and sleep and sit in a different
death rate from cancer has doubled (in the place and see if you feel better. I have never
USA from 300,000 to 600,000 per year). found anybody over 90 years old with GS.
During the same period, Geopathic Micro Parasites By taking one or two
Stress has become about three AlliTech capsules per day, you lower the risk
times stronger. of getting the common cold and influenza.
Will it take another 80 years for the medical Take large quantities if you do become ill.
profession to realise that Geopathic Stress The AlliTech liquid is many times stronger
is detrimental to health and will cause the than the capsules.
premature death of millions of people in the Remember, I have found micro parasites in
meantime? most cases of cancer, MS, Lupus, super bugs
THE BIG FOUR must be dealt with quickly and in Lyme, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
if you are very ill to ensure any treatment diseases.
you may be getting will be more effective. AlliTech has shown, over many years in
It is a mistake to think that the sun is the most cases, to be able to kill micro parasites
only cause of skin cancer (malignant mela- where antibiotics have failed. AlliTech is
noma) and smoking the only cause of lung also a very good immune booster par-
cancer. Neither would have developed with- ticularly during and after strong orthodox
out THE BIG FOUR also having an effect. I treatment.
have discovered this in all the skin and lung Q10 is the sparking plug for every cell in
cancer cases that I have been involved with. your body. As you get older, your liver often
If you cannot get a health practitioner to produces less Q10, so to be on the safe side,
check if you are affected by any of THE BIG take 30 to 60 mg Q10 capsules per day from
FOUR, check yourself, by using the muscle 40 years of age onwards and 100 mg per
test with a friend (see page 32). day, after 60 years of age. I believe that Q10
MagneTech Tens of thousands of people is the most important supplement to take
have their feet or legs amputated due to as I have not found anyone severely ill who
diabetes, gangrene and other causes due to was not low in Q10. Extra Q10 will nearly
poor circulation. The MagneTech has saved always give you more energy.
many people from having amputations by Acid Alkaline Balance (pH) It is so im-
increasing the blood circulation. portant to keep your blood slightly alkaline.
How to take care of THE BIG FOUR. Check yourself with pH litmus strips and
take Bicarbonate of Soda if you are low.
Geopathic Stress (See page 5) Its harm-
ful effect has been known by many doctors Start taking care of yourself now

To any doctor.
If you are in any doubt that I can
dowse from a distance, I suggest that
you give the first names of two peo-
ple you know who are quite ill. Mix
their two names with a list of eight
other people who are quite healthy.
They do not all have to be adults, but
must be real people. I will dowse and
tell you which two are the ill people
and which of THE BIG FOUR they
are suffering from. The chance that
I get the names of the two ill people
right by guessing, would be 1 in 45.
In the case of the 100 dairy cows,
(page 31), the chances of me guessing
the two cows with BVD, would have
been 1 in over 4,950.
Please only communicate by letter.


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