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What Happens During A Body Scrub?

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The key takeaways are that a body scrub exfoliates and hydrates the skin, leaving it smooth and soft. It is done with an abrasive material like salt or sugar mixed with massage oil and essential oils.

The main benefits of a body scrub are that it cleanses the skin, removes dead skin cells, makes the skin look fresh and rejuvenated, more youthful, soothes the skin, stimulates circulation and tones the skin.

The typical ingredients used in a body scrub are an exfoliant like salt or sugar, essential oils and fragrance from high quality essential oils.

A body scrub is a popular body treatment that is like a facial for the body.

It exfoliates and hydrates your skin, leaving it

smooth and soft.
A body scrub is done with an abrasive material like salt, sugar, coffee grounds, rice bran, even pecan hulls, usually mixed
with some kind of massage oil and an aromatic likeessential oils. If the scrub uses salt, it might be called a salt scrub, salt
glow or sea salt scrub.
The exfoliation is usually followed by a shower and an application of body lotion. This is not a massage.

What Happens During a Body Scrub?

A body scrub usually takes place in a wet room, which has a tile floor and a drain. The therapist may offer you disposable
underwear, the leave the room. You will start face-down on a massage table that is covered with a towel, a sheet or a thin
piece of plastic, or on a special wet table with a Vichy shower overhead. In that case you won't have to get up to be rinsed
The therapist will return and start by gently rubbing the exfoliant on your back, the backs of your arms, and the backs of
your legs and feet. You may be draped with a towel so only the part he/she is working on is exposed. Then you turn over
and he/she does the other side.

When the therapist is finished, you usually step into a shower to rinse off. Be sure to rinse thoroughly so you don't take
little granules back to the table. And don't use shower gel -- it's good to keep the oil and aromatics on your skin.

If the spa is doing the treatment on a wet table, the therapist will either rinse you off with a hand-held shower, or turn on
a Vichy shower.
If you step into the shower, the therapist will put clean sheets on the treatment table while you're showering and step out
of the room again. You dry off and lie face-down on the treatment table underneath a sheet or towel. Then the therapist
returns and applies body lotion or oil.

Other Things You Should Know About Body Scrubs

 Some spas do body scrubs in a room without a shower and remove the exfoliant with steamed towels.

 You can get a body scrub on its own, but often it's the first step in a body wrap , often a seaweed or mud wrap, or
signature treatments.
 You can also combine a body scrub with a massage. Get the body scrub first because it is stimulating, whereas
the massage calms you down. Some spas have signature treatmentsthat combine both body scrub and massage.
 Salt and other exfoliants can be abrasive, and some therapists have a heavier hand than others. Individuals also
differ in their skin sensitivity. If it feels too harsh, speak up.

 Many states allow estheticians and even people without any kind of license to do body scrubs and other body
treatments because it is not a massage. You may want to request a massage therapist.

Put simply, a body scrub is a skin care product whose primary function is to remove dead skin cells through exfoliation as
well as cleanse the skin and increase the body's blood circulation. Somtimes a body scrub is referred to as a body
exfoliant, body gloss or body polish. The exfoliating component needs to be abrasive enough to achieve this but not too
strong so as not to damage healthy skin.


If you're not using a body scrub then you're missing out on a number of benefits that other skin care products don't
provide. So just what are the benefits of a body scrub?

Body Scrub Benefit # 1 - Makes Skin Look Fresh And Rejuvenated Essentially the benefits of using a body scrub
are the removal of dead skin cells from the body and impurities, leaving you feeling fresh and your skin looking
rejuvenated and revitalized.

Body Scrub Benefits # 2 - Makes Skin Look More Youthful Exfoliating dead skin cells tends to remove the dull and
lacklustre appearance of the skin. Humans shed skin cells daily (anywhere from 11,000-23,000 skin cells an hour) and it
usually takes about 27 to 30 days before new skin cells reach the top layer of the skin (stratum corneum). Using a body
scrub regularly will help make your skin look more vibrant and youthful.

Body Scrub Benefits # 3 - Moisturizing Benefits Benefits of body scrubs through the removal of dead skin cells as a
result of exfoliation with a mild body scrub extend to moisturizing as it allows for the easy absorption of a skin moisturizer
into the healthy skin. Ideally, the best body scrub is one that not only acts as a gentle enfoliant but moisturizes at the
same time! All of the Volcanic Earth body scrubs do both.

Body Scrub Benefits # 4: Improved Self Tanning More and more people are using self tanners rather than increase
their risk of skin cancer through exposure to the damaging effects of too much sun. The important thing to know here is
that to achieve a realistic "fake" tan using a self tanner is to exfoliate with a gentle body scrub first. If you don't do this to
remove any dead skin cells then you run the risk of ending up with a blotchy look as the self tanner will darken areas
where more dead skin cells acculate (such as the elbows and knees). If you want a natural looking tan and you use a self
tanner then using a suitable body scrub before applying the tanning product is essential.

How to Get the Best Results Of A Body Scrub

The way to get the best benefits from a body scrub is to avoid applying too much pressure when using it. After all, the
exfoliating medium in the body scrub should be sufficient to provide the abrasive action needed. So don't be too
agressive about it and be sure to use a body scrub that is gentle but effective. To give your skin a simultaneous boost,
make sure that the body scrub is all natural (no chemicals) and one that has a moisturizing component as well. The
Volcanic Earth body scrubs satisfy these criteria and all contain either volcanic ash or volcanic pumice as the exfoliating

At Volcanic Earth, we use volcanic ash in all of our body scrubs but when it comes to a body scrub for the face you
need a more-gentle, milder exfoliating ingredien. This is why we use micro-fine, volcanic pumice instea . Another reason
is because volcanic pumice is very light and very dry which gives rise to its capacity to draw out toxinns and harmful
bacteria. The pumice removes the dead skin cells, opens the pores and then draws out any nasties - great for anyone
with acne, skin blemishes or if you want a smooth, flawless complexion.

In summary, the benefits of a body scrub are that your skin will have a smoother, more consistent appearance and you
will look invigorated with a youthful glow about you - isn't that what we all what? So always apply a high quality body
scrub and do it on a regular basis.
Benefit #1 – Skin Glow
One of the biggest benefits to body scrubs, particularly the salt scrub, is the glow that your skin is left with. There are
different grades of salt, and sea salt is the best option for a salt glow. The results for your body will depend on the type
and grade of salt you or your spa technician uses.
Benefit #2 – Exfoliating
It might seem like an obvious benefit to mention, but body scrubs are a great way to exfoliate dead skin cells. This paves
the way for fresh new cells to regenerate and leaves you looking and feeling fabulous. Planning a body scrub for
exfoliating benefits is best in the fall and spring, right before you start to tan and when your tan starts to fade. Of course,
exfoliating is great any time. If you have sensitive skin, it's best to stick with sugar or herbal body scrubs. Otherwise, salt
scrubs are great for exfoliation.
Benefit #3 – Increasing Flow
When you get a body scrub or give one to yourself, you are encouraging the natural flow of circulation and bodily fluids
within. For the best results a professional should recommend and apply the body scrub that is appropriate for you.
When you have a professional massage therapist apply the body scrub, a massage can be incorporated. This will increase
the correct circulation and flow benefits.
Benefit #4 – Improve Cellulite and Aging
There are some claims that certain types of body scrubs can actually improve the look of aging and dimpled skin from
cellulite. There is no miracle cure, but it certainly won't hurt to try a body scrub that is enhanced with coffee. The coffee
grounds are the best option for use on cellulite prone areas of the body. These types of body scrubs are great if you love
the smell of coffee, too.
Benefit #5 – Relaxation
Treating yourself to a body scrub, especially when combined with a massage, is just plain relaxing. Having a body scrub
done by a professional allows you to incur the benefit without the mess or stress. Plus, when you have a choice of
essential oils to add to your body scrub, the effects are even more potent. Lavender is a great choice because of its
known relaxing qualities. There may be other scents that you find relaxing, so be sure to ask if essential oils can be
Getting a body scrub done at a spa regularly can be expensive, but there are many options to making your own scrubs at
home. You can look for recipes online or create your own. With the benefits that body scrubs allow, the effort is worth
How to Determine Your Skin Type
Everyone's skin is normal to them, but in order to care for diverse skin types, we often group people
into some skin categories. Ascertaining your skin type is an important first step in knowing how to
treat your skin, what products to use, and how to Have Perfect Skin.

1. Wash Your Face. Wash with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Remove make-up. This cleans away oils
and dirt that may have accumulated during your day, giving your skin a fresh start. Do not over wash


Wait an hour. During this time, your skin should return to its natural state, the characteristics of which will
determine your skin type. Act normally and, please, don't touch your face.

Dab your face with a tissue. Pay attention to the 'T-zone'--the area of your forehead and nose.

Determine your skin type. Skin falls into four types--normal, oily, dry and combination.

o Normal skin shows neither oil nor flaking skin. It should feel supple and smooth. If you have it,
consider yourself lucky :)
o Oily skin is characterized by the grease on the tissue. It is also common for a person with oily
skin to have large pores and a shine.
o Dry skin may feel taut or show flakes of dead skin. It is associated with small pores.
Moisturizing is important for this skin type.
o Combination skin is most common. It exhibits traits of all three of the above skin types. Usually,
the skin is oily in the T-zone and normal to dry elsewhere.

Know what problems your skin might have. There are usually two 'problem' categories that your skin may
fall under, as well as your skin type. These two categories are:

o Sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, your face reacts easily to regular skin products. This
means that when you use regular skin products, your face will get red, itchy, or a rash could form.
o Acne-Prone skin. Even if you're not a teenager, you may still get pimples/acne, especially if you
have an oily skin type. If you have acne-prone skin, look around for a good acne products.

Taking care of your body is vital for longevity, and there are many things you can do to treat yourself right,
including treating yourself to regularbody scrubs. Body scrubs are typically on the menu at spas and massage
studios. For a more affordable option, you can make your own body scrub and get the same great results. Body
scrubs are simply a method of treating your skin with various materials to get varying results. There are literally
dozens of body scrub mixes andcombinations, but most contain one or two of the same basic ingredients.

1. Sugar Body Scrubs

One of the most popular types of body scrubs is the type that is based with a sugar ingredient. These are called
sugar scrubs and may contain regular granulated sugar or brown sugar as the base ingredient. From there you
need to add a glycerin or oil product to make a paste. Sugar scrubs are a great option for those that prefer a less
abrasive scrub.

2. Salt Body Scrubs

Salt scrubs, or salt glows as they are sometimes called, are a more vigorous type of scrub. The salt scrub can be
made with differing grades of sea salt depending on the level of exfoliant your skin will tolerate. Sea salt body
scrubs are great for healing and bringing toxins to the surface. You can make a salt glow with your favorite kind
of oil (sesame, almond, etc). You can also add your favorite essential oils to create a pleasant aroma
therapy quality.

3. Herbal Body Scrubs

Another type of body scrub is the herbal category. The possibilities and recipes for the herbal body scrub are
many. It really depends on your personal preference as to what you can use to make the perfect herbal body
scrub for you. A few examples are orange peel and lavender flower. Each of these has a unique scent and
healing or relaxing quality. Mixing the right herbs together with the right oil will help you create a heavenly

4. Coffee Body Scrubs

Using coffee in a body scrub has become quite common, and it is used for its unique qualities. Coffee is a
natural stimulant and is great for use on cellulite-prone areas. Many spas use coffee in conjunction with other
therapeutic and stimulating materials. When you add vanilla, chocolate, or other oils and scents, you will find it
even more enjoyable.
5. Moisturizing Body Scrubs

A common skin problem is lack of moisture, or dry skin. If you're one of the millions who have that problem, a
moisturizing body scrub can help. There are many options to making a body scrub that moisturizes, including
using oatmeal or ground almonds with yogurt or aloe vera.

No matter what type of body scrub you choose from the spa or decide to make at home, be sure you are aware
of all the ingredients. This is particularly true if you have sensitive skin or allergies. Some body scrubs can be
too harsh on sensitive skin.

What is Body Scrub?

A body scrub is basically a concoction which is used to scrub away dead skin cells from the body. It exfoliates and hydrates your
skin, leaving it smooth and soft. It is a suspension of coarse granules (apricot, walnut, oatmeal, sea salt) in a semi-liquid medium
or gel (often resembling the consistency of body butter or a moisturizing lotion). A body scrub is done with an abrasive material
like salt, sugar, coffee grounds, rice bran, even pecan hulls, usually mixed with some kind of massage oil and an aromatic like
essential oils. This is not a massage, it is a treatment. Normally, the body replaces its skin cells every 28 days or so. Helping it
rid of these dead cells makes for a healthier skin.

Where Can You Get the Body Scrub?

A body scrub is generally used in a complete spa treatment, which involves the use of an exfoliating scrub and is followed by a
hydrating body wrap to nourish the skin and keep it fresh and supple. In case you are not going for the beauty treatment at a
spa, you can use a scrub while having your bath and exfoliate your skin.

How to Perform a Body Scrub?

 You will start face-down on a massage table that is covered with a towel, a sheet or a thin piece of plastic, or on a
special wet table with a Vichy shower overhead.

 The therapist will return and start by gently rubbing the exfoliant on your back, the backs of your arms, and the backs of
your legs and feet. You may be draped with a towel so only the part he/she is working on is exposed. Then you turn over
and he/she does the other side.
 When the therapist is finished, you usually step into a shower to rinse off. Be sure to rinse thoroughly so you don't take
little granules back to the table and you should not use shower gel. 4. When you step into the shower, the therapist will put
clean sheets on the treatment table while you're showering and step out of the room again. You dry off and lie face-down on
the treatment table underneath a sheet or towel. Then the therapist returns and applies body lotion or oil.
The Three Ingredients You May Use During the Body Scrub

1. Exfoliant. This is a kind of abrasive material such as salt, sugar, rice bran, jojoba beads, apricot kernels, coffee grounds
and so on which can help you to rub away the dead skin cells on the surface.

2. Essential Oil. This oil can be used toyour skin. There are ore expensive body scrubs like Origins Salt Rub usually have
more expensive oils like macadamia oil, kukui nut oil and sweet almond oil.

3. Fragrance. The fragrance comes from high-quality essential oils, like the spearmint and rosemary in the Origins Salt
Rub. You can use it which can make your body keep fragrance.

What are the Benefits of Body Scrub?

In general, A body scrub treatment is usually taken place in a wet room, which has a tile floor and a drain. The Body scrub has a
lot of benefits the your body and skin, the following are some.

 The main benefit of a body scrub is that it cleanses the skin of dead cells which can make you feel fresh and

 The scrubbing action also soothes the skin and provides some nutrients needed by the skin.

 The scrubbing action also stimulates circulation, thereby toning the skin. exfoliation revitalizes the skin by exposing the
smoother new layer after the dead cells had been removed.

 A body scrub is the best way to also remove a skin tan. If your skin had become rough and has darkened due to
pollution or exposure to dust, you can use a scrub to remove the rough skin layer leaving you with a soft and supple skin.

Applying Body Scrub ~ 8 Easy Steps

added by admin under Certified Aromatherapist
      Dead Sea Salt Scrub
Okay, so using a body scrub isn’t exactly rocket science, however, there
are some things to know before using these incredible skin  rejuvenating
 8 How To Steps:
1.  Always apply to wet skin.
2.  Use a gentle circular motion, directed toward the heart, without
applying pressure.  Let the scrub do the work.
3.  If using a body scrub scented with an essential oil, take a few deep
cleansing breaths.  
4.  Let the oil rest on your skin for a few minutes.
5.  BE CAREFUL!  The oils can make the tub surface slick.
6.  Completely wash body scrub off, do not use soap or shower gel after
applying body scrub.  
7. Exit shower and gently pat skin dry.
8. If your skin is extremely dry, apply a body butter for extra

Remember, beautiful skin takes work.   Exfoliating your entire body can
help prevent body acne in many places below your neck, such as the chest,
back and arms and remove dry itchy, dead skin cells.  It also may help you
avoid ingrown hairs by  preventing dead skin cells from plugging up
follicles where you've shaved or waxed. And it can help even out skin
tone and keep your skin hydrated and soft.
How often you should use a body scrub? most health   experts agree that
two or three times a week is plenty.   If your skin is very sensitive, you
might prefer to do it less. Keep in mind that the purpose of exfoliating is
to remove skin cells that are dead. You shouldn't have to scrub too hard
or too often to make that happen. If you do, you're likely to take off
healthy cells, too, which might leave your skin looking red and feeling
sore. Applying the scrub gently on your skin in circular motions  should
be enough to get the job done. The end result is soft, nouished, young
looking skin.  Enjoy~

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