Restraining Anxiety and Importance of Mental Health During Isolation
Restraining Anxiety and Importance of Mental Health During Isolation
Restraining Anxiety and Importance of Mental Health During Isolation
The COIVD-19 pandemic has already made a name for itself as one of the
most challenging events faced by humans in quite some time now, and
has gained its place on the dark side of world history for:
COVID-19 has undoubtedly brought a lot of changes in our lives, such as uncertainty, financial
pressures, altered daily routines, and most importantly, social distancing. It’s social, financial, and
public health impact has been quite substantial and has had devastating effects on the lives of the
poor and downtrodden.
The mental health implications of COVID-19 were recognized early. People have been burdened with
information, rumors and misinformation. One might worry about getting sick, how long this might
last, and what the future holds. Some people also reported feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, sad and
lonely. These mental disorders can worsen, if not treated on the onset. Thus, it’s imperative to take
care of your mental health while undertaking necessary COVID-19 precautionary measures as advised
by the State and WHO. This can be done via:
1. Caring for your Body: One should always take care of their physical health:
Proper sleep-cycle: Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is
imperative to keep your body healthy and free from fatigue.
Build eating habits: It is important to choose a well-balanced diet and avoid junk. One
should avoid addictive substances in order to decrease risk of various diseases.
Be relaxed: In order to quite your mind and reduce anxiety, you should free up few
minutes/hours in a day and try meditation, listening to music - anything which helps
you relax.
2. Caring for your Mind: Anything that causes stress, should be avoided:
Being Busy: A new hobby can be undertaken to stay busy and distract you from all
negative thoughts.
Positivity: Focus on positive things. You can start your day by thanking God for
keeping you and those around you safe and sound.
Regular routine: One should maintain a regular schedule for daily tasks. Consistency
amongst tasks such as meals, work/study schedules - helps you feel more in control.
3. Making new and maintaining Connections: Some sense of connection with others is required
by everyone:
Making new connections: Social distancing doesn’t mean Social isolation. You should
take some time out to make new connections via social media, texts, and other
Keeping in touch: You should keep in touch with your friends/family via virtual means.
Talking to them regularly over call/texts is a great way to ease your tension and be
Until then….
Smile, breathe, and go slow.