Kiddawalime Energy Audit Report Ver1
Kiddawalime Energy Audit Report Ver1
Kiddawalime Energy Audit Report Ver1
An Energy Efficiency baseline for Uganda was conducted by Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Development (MEMD) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in August 2017. One of the key findings of the survey was that
94% of the facilities surveyed expressed interest in having an energy audit. Kiddawalume
Bakery Ltd was one of those facilities that expressed such interest. It was against this
background that GIZ in partnership with the MEMD commissioned energy audits for five
select energy-consuming facilities. AOT Consulting Ltd was selected, through a
competitive bidding process, to conduct the audits. Kiddawalume was one of the five
carefully selected facilities.
The main objective of the audit was to investigate and identify energy conservation
opportunities and measures to optimize energy usage and reduce costs at bakery. The
audit was conducted in accordance with the procedures indicated in ISO standard
50002:2014 Energy Audits – Requirements with guidance for use.
This audit report was the product of a detailed energy audit conducted at Kiddawalume in
November 2017.
Table of contents
List of
List of tables.........................................................................................................................viii
Executive Summary...............................................................................................................x
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................14
3. General observation......................................................................................................40
6.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................67
6.2 Recommendations.........................................................................................................67
7. References......................................................................................................................69
8. Annexes..........................................................................................................................70
List of figures
Figure 2-1 Energy consumption profile................................................................................18
Figure 2-2: Energy cost at Kiddawalime Bakery Ltd...........................................................19
Figure 2-3 Monthly firewood costs for 2016/17...................................................................20
Figure 2-4 Electricity consumption (kWh) profile for 2017...................................................21
Figure 2-5 Line voltages between AB..................................................................................22
Figure 2-6 Line voltages between BC.................................................................................22
Figure 2-7 Line voltages between CA.................................................................................23
Figure 2-8 Voltages for phase A..........................................................................................24
Figure 2-9 Voltages for phase B..........................................................................................24
Figure 2-10 Voltages for Phase C.......................................................................................25
Figure 2-11 Voltages for the neutral at the mains supply....................................................25
Figure 2-12 Frequency at the mains supply........................................................................26
Figure 2-13 Power factor shape at Kiddawalime Bakery main supply................................27
Figure 2-14 Graphs showing current flow with time per phase at the mains supply...........28
Figure 2-15 Average daily load profile at mains supply.......................................................29
Figure 2-0-16 currents of line 1 (EK section) with transients...............................................31
Figure 2-0-17 Load curve for the line 1...............................................................................31
Figure 2-0-18 Currents of line 2 with transients...................................................................33
Figure 0-2-19: Load demand curve for line 2......................................................................34
Figure 2-20-1 Load demand curve for the Delicious section...............................................36
Figure 3-1 Poorly stacked firewood.....................................................................................40
Figure 3-2 Disorganized cabling..........................................................................................40
Figure 3-3 Time of use.........................................................................................................41
Figure 3-4 Maximum demand curve....................................................................................41
Figure 4-1: Record keeping for diesel generator.................................................................49
Figure 4-2: Spinning turbine vents.......................................................................................52
Figure 4-3 Proper stacking of firewood................................................................................55
List of tables
Executive Summary
system using rooftops to improve air
spinning circulation and reduce room
turbine vents temperatures in the operation
9 Construction of We recommend that new boilers 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
2 new efficient be constructed which have very
boilers good insulation.
10 Insulation of
We recommend that all the 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
steam pipes,
steam pipes, ovens and proofers
ovens andare insulated with high quality
proofers insulation materials which can
reduce the energy losses by 90%
and help ensure proper steam
pressure in the steam lines.
11 Implementatio The bakery should install sub 50,000,000 58,302,748 0.86 194,434,272 >30%
n of Energy meters and an energy
monitoring monitoring system
12 Retrofitting of All the lamps in the facility 1,250,000 806,780.00 1.5 2,132,424 >30%
lamps to lamps should be replaced with LED
to LEDs lamps.
13 Installation of We recommend that a voltage 68,000,000
voltage stabilizer be procured and
stabilizer installed in the Bakery.
14 Retrofitting of We recommend that all the 40,000,000 11,660,550.0 3.4 8,886,854 24%
motors to standard efficient motors which 0
premium have been rewinded for more
efficiency than two times be replaced with
motors premium efficiency motors.
15 Installation of We recommend that a detailed - - - - -
solar feasibility study by energy
photovoltaic experts to ascertain the
system potential of harnessing of solar
energy for the facility
1.2 Company
Kiddawalime bakery Ltd started in 1976 and has since expanded its production and
presence in different parts of Kampala. Todate, the company boasts of a variety of
shapes, sizes and brands of bread, buns, cakes, doughnuts, mandazi and other pastry
products. Their products are sold in different parts of the country. The main factory is
located in Bandwe-Nateete, Wakiso district, in Central Uganda. Table 1-2 gives the bakery
1.3 Facility Description and Production Overview
The energy consuming equipment includes ovens, steam boilers, proofers, diesel
generators, mixers, rollers, molders, lamps (lighting) and the vehicles (fleet).
The factory at Bandwe-Nateete has two branches; the main Kiddawalime branch and the
“Delicious” branch which is relatively new compared to the main one. The two banches
share a 500kVA transformer. The factory is connected to the national grid by an 11kV
power line, supplied by Umeme. The transformer delivers power to the factory equipment
which are mainly three phase. The factory is billed according to tariff code 30 (Industrial
kW/kVA). Three lines tap from the transformer; lines 1 & 2 are connected to the main
Kiddawalime factory, while line 3 (also called delicious line) is connected to the “Delicious”
branch of the factory. Each of these lines deliver power to the ovens, proofers, moulders,
rolling machine and lighting in the respective sections within the branches of the factory.
This audit report presents energy audit findings as per the main Kiddawalime branch as
was requested by the management of the factory. Investigations of the “Delicious” line
stoped at the transformer side only.
The main Kiddawalime branch has a number of sections producing different (and some
times similar) products to each other. The sections include; Family bread section, Sweet
Roll, EK&SP, Soft bread, Buns and Production (Daughnuts & Mandazi) sections.
The factory has installed fuel pumps that provide diesel and paraffin. Two generators of
capacities 700kVA and 275kVA are installed and utilized by the factory.
Firewood is normally provided by an individual contracted to deliver as per the contract
terms. The firewood is utilised by two boilers that provide steam for the proofers located in
the different sections of the factory. Firewood is also utilised in the institutional stoves for
frying doughnuts and mandazi.
Kiddawalime Bakery Limited has a total of 17 ovens. Some ovens use electricity only while
others use both electricity and paraffin. The factory has 8 improved institutional cook
stoves and one Lorena stove that hold two saucepans. It has seven proofers and 17
mixers and 3 moulders. The bread is produced following 5 stages including:
Formation of dough: mixing and binding of raw ingredients and shaping the dough
pieces. This is done by the use of mixers.
Proving (proofing): supplying the dough with heat and humidity to encourage the
yeast to ferment and the dough to rise. This done in the proofers.
Baking: heating the dough at high temperature to evaporate moisture and convert
fragile dough to stable bread. This is done in the baking ovens.
Cooling: lowering the temperature of the bread to ambient. Done by the outside
Slicing, packaging and distribution: the final preparations are made before the
bread is delivered to the customer.
However, for doughnuts and mandazi production, dough is cut into the required sizes and
placed in the frying pans where they are removed when they are ready, removed for
cooling and later packaging.
1.4 Energy Audit Description
1.4.1 Objective
Main Objective
The main objective of the energy audit was to investigate and identify energy conservation
opportunities and measures to optimize energy usage and reduce costs at bakery.
Specific Objectives
Understand energy usage at the factory, and identify the key energy consuming
sections and equipment.
Find out areas of energy wastage, and hence identify energy management
opportunities (EMOs).
Carry out the economic analysis of the EMOs and propose implementation plan.
1.4.2 Scope
The energy audit a detailed energy audit and concentrated on energy consuming
operations with special focus on two areas, namely;
Electrical energy system and electrical drives
Thermal energy system
1.4.3 Methodology
The energy audit was conducted according to procedures laid out in the standard ISO
50002:2014 Energy Audits - Requirements with guidance for use. The main steps of this
audit were;
Opening meeting: A meeting with the management was held at the factory
premises on Monday 30th October 2017 where the audit team was introduced to
management, the objectives of the energy audit were well explained and the work-
plan for the audit was shared. At the same meeting, the client’s expectations from
the audit were established.
Walk-through and data collection: To enable the team acquire a good
understanding of the factory lay-out and operations, a walk-through survey was
conducted after the opening meeting. The walk-through was guided by the factory
Engineering electrician, Mr. Musisi.
Later, the audit team embarked on collecting data on energy use. Data was
collected on the electrical system lay-out, the steam system, production, firewood
and diesel. However, data was scanty and few records were retrieved. Some data
was obtained through observation, interaction with factory management and
Data analysis: All the data collected was jointly analyzed by the audit team to
establish the energy performance of factory. The analysis was done using several
software packages including data-view from Chauvin Arnoux and Microsoft Excel.
Reporting: All the findings of the audit and recommendations are articulated in this
audit report.
2. Energy Consumption Profile
Consumption n factors %
Energy source Feb-Sept, 2017 Units (MJ/Unit) MJ Contribution
Grid Electricity 2,329,625 kWh 3.6 8,386,650 16
Firewood 2,823,500 kg 16 76,000 84
Total 53,562,650 100
NB: The assumption on firewood was that each truck delivered 40kg of firewood per trip.
As per the Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1, the highest energy consumption was firewood (84%)
followed by electricity (16%). There was no diesel and paraffin data available for the
months considered. Grid electricity contributed the lowest in terms of unit energy
consumption but highest in terms of cost. Therefore, more energy management
opportunities are expected in the electrical system.
2.2 Cost profile for energy consumption at the factory
The available electricity data were bills for eight months from February to November 2017.
The discussion of electrical power supply and consumption at the factory, in this report,
takes into consideration the eight monthly bills only. The electricity tariff charged by
Umeme is 375.4 UGX/kWh on average.
Firewood data collected was for 24 months consumed in 2016 and 2017. But for purposes
of comparision to the electricity data, only eight months in relation to the electricity data
were used.
The only diesel and paraffin data available was for 2015. It was not possible to relate it
with the data for 2017 for electricity and firewood. So the energy costs in Table 2-2
exclude diesel and paraffin data.
100 88.3
Percentage energy cost
20 11.7
Electricity Firewood
Energy source
The Figure 2-2 indicates the cost profile for energy consumption for the eight months in
the year 2017. The factory spent highly (855,538,941UGX) on grid electricity equivalent to
88.3%, followed by fire wood (11.7%). This is a considerable amount of money for the
factory. This could partly be due to lack of energy management in the factory. Consistent
data for all the energy sources could not be established and so only electricity and
firewood were analysed in this report. The diesel data wasn’t available for the whole of
Firewood purchases (Ugx)
10,000,000 2017
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Error: Reference source not found3 shows firewood purchases raising and falling every
other month in 2016. An almost similar shape is seen in 2017 but not raising and falling on
a monthly basis. There was a sharp raise of firewood purchase in July 2017 compared to
any other month.
Energy consumption (kWh)
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept
Months in 2017
Between lines AB
The maximum voltage value recorded was 435.23V while the minimum value was 292.34V
as indicated in Figure 2-5.
The Maximum voltage value recorded was 439.53V while the minimum value was 298.1V
as indicated in Figure 2-6.
Voltages between lines CA
The Maximum voltage value recorded was 435.23V while the minimum value was 292.34V
as indicated in Figure 2-7.
According to the Electricity Primary grid code 2003 for Uganda, the voltage levels should
be within +-6% for a three phase supply of 415V. From Figure 2-5 to 2-7, the minimum
(and all extreme lower) values for all the lines fall out of the recommended while the
maximum is within the recommended values. The minimum values fall out of range by
97.7V (25%), 92V (23.6%) and 97.7V (25%) for lines AB, BC and CA respectively.
The maximum voltage between line A and the neutral (N) was 251.1V while the minimum
was 171.25V as indicated in Figure 2-8.
The maximum voltage between line B and the Neutral (N) was 252.63V while the minimum
was 169.1V as indicated in Figure 2-9.
The maximum voltage between line 3 (Blue) and the Neutral (N) was 253.3V while the
minimum was 174.85V as indicated in Figure 2-10.
The maximum voltage between neutral and the ground (N) was 0.15V while the minimum
was 0.02V as indicated in fugure 2-11. This is true because no voltage is supposed to be
measured in the neutral.
From Figures 2-8 to 2-11, the maximum phase values are all within the -+6% of the
recommended voltage values while the minimum values fall out of the range. The
minimum values are out of range by 54.35V (24%), 56.5V (25%) and 50.75V (22.5%) for
phases A, B and C respectively. The voltage graphs show that the minimum voltages are
out of the recommended values.
2.5.3 Frequency
The average overall system frequency of the facility at the time of the audit was 50.06 Hz.
The maximum and minimum frequencies recorded were 50.35Hz and 49.71Hz
respectively. The values were within the standard limits of ±0.5 of nominal frequency
(50.00 Hz) and seen in Figure 2-12.
11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00
The average power factors recorded at the time of the audit was 0.97. The facility had a
good overall power factor due to the resistive loads used in the factory like ovens. Figure
2-13 is a graph showing the average power factor of the mains supply.
Total (PF)
11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00
The average phase currents recorded were 420.5 A, 491.77 A and 418.52 A for phases 1,
2 and 3 respectively. This represents an overall average current of 443.6 A per phase. The
average neutral line current was 66.8 A, which is equivalent to 15.1% of the average
phase current. The neutral line current was above 10% of the average phase current as
required in the Electricity Grid Code 2003. This implies that the loads are not well
balanced and could be better balanced to reduce electricity losses. The current in the
neutral line can further be evidenced in Figure 2-14. Existence of current in the neutral
increases system technical losses that could cause equipment to overheat. Overheating of
the equipment reduces the life time of equipment and also increase the eletricity bill.
A (kA)
B (kA)
C (A)
N (A)
11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00
Figure 2-14 Graphs showing current flow with time per phase at the mains supply
The average apparent power was 322.95kVA while the active power was 310.04kW at the
time of measurement.
The load profile at the main supply represented the average trend of energy usage
through the day at the time of the audit. This was established through technical
measurements using a Power Quality Analyser connected to transformers over 24 hour
periods. The integration period for the readings was 1 minutes. Figure 2-15 presents the
daily load profiles of the mains supply. From the curve, we observe a contious demand
throught the measurement period.
Total ( kW)
11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00
However, maximum total harmonic distortions were very high in currents with reaching
327.67% for phases A, B and the neutral. It was 22% for phase C.
2.6 Power Quality at Line 1 of the transformer (To the
EK section)
2.6.1 Voltages
Line Voltages (both minimum and maximum) values were all within the +-6% required. The
phase voltages were also within the required values. The minimum average line values
were 401.3V while the maximum average values were 429.94V. Phase voltages were all
within the required levels.
2.6.2 Frequencies
The frequencies were within the required values of +-0.5 as per the electricity grid code for
Uganda 2003. The average minimum frequencies recorded were 49.8 Hz and Maximum
was 50.30Hz.
The average power factor for the line 1 section was 0.97.
The root mean square (rms) currents in phases A, B, C and N were 174.94A, 186.21A,
172.83A and 14.6 respectively at the time of mesurement. Phase A had sharp transient
currents as in Figure 2-16. The average phase current is 178A. The neutral current is only
8.2% of the average phase current which is within the recommended value of 10%.
A (A)
B (A)
C (A)
N (A)
12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15
The average apparent power was 127.9kVA while the active power was 121.7kW
Figure 2-17 shows the load demand curve for the line 1 to the EK section at the time of
measurement. Sharp instantaneous demands are observed on the graph.
Total ( kW)
12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15
The voltage THD is within the recommended values of 3% apart from the neutral
with an average of 22.15%. Currents THD are okay for all the phases and the neutral
within the recommended values of 10% as shown in Table 2-4.
2.7.1 Voltages
Line Voltages (both minimum and maximum) values were all within the +-6%
required. The phase voltages were also within the required values.
2.7.2 Frequencies
The frequencies were within the required values of +-0.5 as per the electricity grid code for
Uganda 2003.
The average power factor for the line 2 section was 0.98.
2.7.4 Phase balancing
The root mean square (rms) currents in phases A, B, C and N were 159.73A, 225.11A,
207.12A and 69.89 respectively at the time of meserement. The average phase current is
197.32A. The neutral current is 35.42% of ths average phase current. This is out of phase
of the recommended 10% levels. This implies that the loads are not well balanced and
could be better balanced to reduce electricity losses. The average current graphs had
several transients as in Figure 2-18. This can be attributed to the frequent switchin on and
off loads.
A (A)
B (A)
C (A)
N (A)
18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00
The average apparent power was 123.9kVA while the active power was 117.4kW
Figure 2-19 recorded instantaneous and yet frequent demand as can be observed. This
can be related to the switching on and off of loads in the bakery.
Total ( kW)
18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00
The voltage THD is within the recommended values of 3% apart from the neutral with an
average of 78.93%. Currents THD are okay for lines A and B but out of the recommended
values of 10% for lines C (12.47%) and the Nuetral (12.33%) as shown in Table 2-5.
2.8 Delicious Line (Line 3 of the Transformer)
2.8.1 Voltages
Line Voltages (both minimum and maximum) values were all within the +-6%
required. The minimum voltage value was 401.65V and maximum was 437.29V. The
phase voltages were also within the required values with the minimum and
maximum measured being 232.31V and 252.64V respectively. There was almost no
voltage measured in the neutral.
2.8.2 Frequencies
The frequencies were within the required values of +-0.5 as per the electricity grid code for
Uganda 2003 with minimum being 49.7Hz and Maximum of 50.4Hz.
The average power factor for the line 2 section was 0.97.
The phase currents were 570.40A, 302.97A, 565.96A and 9.53A in phases A, B, C and the
nuetral respectively. The neutral current is about 2% of the average phase current and is
within the recommended value. The average current values were full of several transients
as in Figure 2-20. This could be a result of constant switching on and off of loads.
A (A)
B (A)
C (A)
N (A)
15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45
The average apparent power was 223.39kVA while the active power was 218.96kW
Figure 2-21 shows instantaneous demands during operation. This can be attributed to
constant switching on and off of loads.
Total ( kW)
15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45
2.8.7 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) - (Delicious Section Line)
The voltage THD is within the recommended values of 3% apart from the neutral with an
average of 40.98%. Almost all currents THD are out of the recommended values of 10%
for lines A (23.19%), C (29.43%) and the Neutral (74.30%). Only currents THD for line B is
fair as shown in Table 2-6.
Sections 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 gives measurement findings for the different lines
tapped from the transformer while Table 2-7 gives the summaries the sections.
However, it should be noted that the measurement for the different lines were not
taken concurrently. They were taken on different days, different times and different
production situations. However it can bee seen that:
The Delicious section alone takes almost the same power as lines 1 and 2
The Decious section draws much more curents than any other section in the
bakery and more emphasis and attention should be put on this section to realize
greater savings on electricity.
There are high neutral currents of 66.80A and 69.89A appearing in the mains supply
line and line 2 respectively. This is a sign of unbalanced loads on the respective
phases of the lines.
High THD were measured in almost all neutral phases on all lines for both voltages and
currents. However, for the Delicious section, currents THD were all out of the
recommended values. This section required more attention than any other.
3.General observation
There was no formal energy policy in place. No any form of documentation regarding
energy management. However, management seems to be sensitive about energy use
because of the improved institutional cook stoves and some LEDs observed in the factory.
There were limited records available for diesel generators, electricity, firewood, diesel, etc.
Few records of previous electricity bills were seen. Only two bills for 2015, one bill for 2016
and seven bill for 2017 seen. The factory staffs are not equipped with skills of proper
record keeping. It’s quite difficult to ascertain the performance of the factory due to limited
availability of records. Records of fuels used in production especially firewood, diesel and
paraffin were limited. Generator diesel records were only seven for 2015, one for 2016 and
none for 2017. There were no records of purchased and paraffin used for the factory.
The staff of Kiddawalime bakery have limited knowledge on energy management partly
because majority of the staff are casual workers with limited formal education. The factory
does not have an energy manager and an energy management team. Energy
management is not taken as a priority in the factory operations. There were no awareness
programs dedicated to efficient energy use in the bakery. Operators seem not to care
about energy utilization (doors of equipment are left open or not tightly closed during use).
No one is responsible for energy management in the bakery a part from the electrician
who works on the installations in the factory.
The factory does not have submeters and an energy monitoring system. Generally, the
factory depends only on one UMEME meter which makes it difficult to establish the energy
consumption in the different sections of the factory. There are also no meters in the boiler
and steam system.
The operators do not measure the moisture content of the firewood before being fed in the
boilers. The firewood is just stacked in the open space in a disorderly manner as shown in
the Error: Reference source not found and rain hits the wood any time.
The wiring system in the factory is not well organized with some cables passing over hot
ovens. This disorganized wiring makes it hard to identify an installation with a particular
section. The lay out of cables in the factory was not organised which contributes to
electrical energy losses and affects the occupational health and safety of the people and
buildings. The cables also had worn out contacts and some had poor insulation as should
Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-22 Disorganized cabling
Time of use
The analysis from the electricity bills indicate that production was mainly done during
shoulder (40%) and another bigger percentage (38%) during off peak periods. There was
less electricity consumption during peak periods (22%) as shown in Error: Reference
source not found. This shows that in the first eight months of 2017, the factory tried to
transfer much of their loads to the off-peak period. However, there was still much
production during the shoulder period.
Maximum Demand
There was high maximum demand observed from the electricity bills. This could be
caused by the switching behavior of the equipment in the factory. Figure xxx, the
maximum demand was high at 532 in August and low at 490 in March. The average
maximum demand was 512.
Maximum Demand
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept
Months 2017
Apparent power
The plant has only one electricity meter installed outside the plant. There was no energy
sub-meters installed to meter different sections of energy utilization for both steam and
electricity, not even for the generators.
All motors on the various equipment in the factory were standard type motors which have
low efficiency levels. The table below indicates some of the motors installed in the Bakery;
Lux levels
The lux measurements were taken for the different sections of the factory and the findings
indicate that the facility have low lux values compared to the recommended values. The
minimum and maximum lux values were 3.4 and 107.8 lux respectively. The
recommended lux for a food industry is 250-500 lux. The details of lux measurements are
indicated in the appendix.
It was observed that the boilers, steam pipes and proofers had no insulation on them.
There were open doors during operation on some proofers. These contribute to increase
in the amount of firewood needed for the heating processes.
Table 3-8 Un insulated areas and average measured temperatures
The steam pipes were not insulated and the shortest steam line (out of the four lines) runs
for more than 10 meters to the point of utilization. Boiler doors are normally opened to
allow for feeding firewood which is a poor practice. The boiler walls were dismantling
which causes lots of heat loss through such walls. The boiler wall temperatures were
found to be high on the surfaces which means deteriorating insulation of the boilers. There
were poor and deteriorating insulation of ovens, proofers and boilers. This was observed
from temperature differences at different points of the equipment.
There was poor stacking and sizing of firewood at the factory. Poor stacking doesn’t allow
proper drying of the firewood. Wet or undry firewood required a lot of energy. There was
firewood burning outside the boiler chambers, hence loosing energy to the environment.
The quantity of firewood fed to the boilers were not done thus it was not possible to know
the quatity of firewood used per boiler and or per institutional cookstove. There were no
measurements of the moisture content of firewood before feeding to the boiler.
3.6 Pictorial view of the observations
Oven carelessly left open Most chambers open but operator is working on only one of them
during operation
Upper part of proofer with open Upper oven chamber open Part of the rear side of the oven in
space in the “Buns Section” during operation the “Family Bread section” removed
Some of proofer doors not closed during operation
Un-attended to fire burning Walls of the boiler ovens Open fires acting as proofer
in the Lorena stoves are dismantled for the donuts
Wiring not well organised Part of the un-insulated pipe Firewood thrown on the ground
with some wires passing passing on the roof
over heated ovens
4.Proposed Energy Efficiency Measures
Kiddawalime Bakery does not have an energy monitoring system in the factory and this
has contributed to its high energy bills. To get a good overview of the energy flows, an
energy monitoring system is needed. Energy monitoring systems involves submetering
system and energy monitoring software.
Submetering involves installation of metering devices with the ability to measure energy
usage in the various sub sections off the facility. Submeters monitor electricity, gas, water,
steam, etc.
Better informed to make decisions that can help optimize energy performance
Early access to maintenance issues for repair before critical equipment fails
We recommend that the factory management invests in the energy sub-metering system
(for electrical and thermal systems) and energy monitoring system software.
Potential sub-sections for sub- metering include; Kiddawalime Bakery, Delicious Bakery
and staff houses.
With an electrical sub-metering system, it would be possible and easy for the Energy
Manager to tell how much of the energy bill is contributed by the main sections of the
Bakery and also make it easier to determine the specific energy consumption for different
sections. For a sub-metering system to be resourceful, monthly reports need to be
collected from the system, analyzed and discussed by Bakery management for action and
further improvement.
The implementation of an energy monitoring system and the effective work with the
resulting energy data indicates that an organization can potentially save 5 to 15% of its
annual energy costs. However, these savings cannot be compared with the other
mentioned energy efficiency measures, because the energy monitoring system is not
“actively” saving, but shows the potential for savings and when energy efficiency
measures are implemented, savings are realised.
Energy monitoring software helps to implement the identified measures and control its
success. It also helps to identify further potentials and to find new failures faster.
Electricity tariff: 375.4 UGX/kWh
Since the net present value is greater than zero and the internal rate of return is greater
than the interest rate (minimum acceptable rate of return), it is a viable investment. The
company can proceed to invest in the project.
Record keeping
Below is a template that would assist the staff to collect relevant information on the diesel
on generator;
We recommend that a voltage stabilizer be procured and installed in the Bakery. The
minimum (and all extreme lower) values for all the lines fall out of the recommended while
the maximum is within the recommended values. The minimum values fall out of range by
97.7V, 92V and 97.7V for lines AB, BC and CA respectively. A voltage stabilizer would
solve the problem of voltage un balances. Voltage un balance is caused by poor quality of
power from the grid and contributes to stress on conductors and on all running machinery,
high maximum demand charges and reduced lifespans of electrical equipment. Voltage
stabilizer does not directly contribute to energy savings but contribute to better operations
and safety of equipment.
The estimated investment cost for a 530 kVA voltage stabilizer is 68 Million UGX.
Load balancing
The average phase currents recorded were 420.5 A, 491.77 A and 418.52 A for phases 1,
2 and 3 respectively and thus, the overall average current is 443.6 A per phase. The
average neutral line current was 66.8 A, which is equivalent to 15.1% of the average
phase current. The neutral line current was above 10% of the average phase current as
required in the Electricity Grid Code 2003. This implies that the loads are not well
balanced and could be better balanced to reduce electricity losses. Existance of current in
the neutral increases system technical losses that could cause equipment to overheat
which reduces the life time of equipment. We recommend that Management hires an
energy consultant to re-organize the loads on the phases and ensure that they are
Load shifting
The analysis from the electricity bills indicate that production was mainly done during
shoulder (40%), peak (22%), and off peak period (38%). We recommend that part of the
production done in the peak period is shifted to the shoulder and offpeak periods. Peak
period is the most expensive and therefore loadshifting contributes to the reduction in the
electricity bill. However, loadshifting should not affect the production and profitability of the
company. Load shifting should be done if there is a possibility of shifting some loads to
shoulder and off peak periods.
Load sequencing
Loads at the facility are not sequenced during start to management maximum demand.
We recommend that high energy consuming loads at the facility should be switched on in
a sequence one after the other to lower the maximum demand of the facility.
The motors installed in the Bakery are standard efficient motors which have efficiency of
about 85%. We recommend that all the standard efficient motors which have been
rewinded for more than two times be replaced with premium efficiency motors.
Since the net present value is greater than zero and the internal rate of return is greater
than the interest rate (minimum acceptable rate of return), it is a viable investment. The
company can proceed to invest in the project.
The average room temperature in the production areas of Kiddawalime Bakery were 40 °C
and air circulation is poor. We recommend that rotating roof ventilators/ spinning turbine
vents be installed on the rooftops to improve air circulation and reduce room temperatures
in the operation areas. Spinning turbine vents utilize air drought and extract air from the
production area/ building. They do not consume electricity and can also contribute to
energy saving.
The estimated invested cost for Spinning turbine vents is .............................Uganda
All the lamps in the facility should be replaced with LED lamps. LED lamps are the most
energy saving lamps. They have a life span of 50,000 hours and produce high quality light.
Since the net present value is greater than zero and the internal rate of return is greater
than the interest rate (minimum acceptable rate of return), it is a viable investment. The
company can proceed to invest in the project.
There should be proper stacking of firewood to reduce the moisture content for proper
drying. Good stacking of firewood reduces quantity of firewood required in the boiler. The
figure below shows how firewood is stacked;
Figure 4-27 Proper stacking of firewood
The facility has two boilers which are very inefficient. They have a lot of losses as
evidenced in their average surface temperatures of 72 °C and 69 °C respectively. We
recommend that new boilers be constructed which have very good insulation.
Since the net present value is greater than zero and the internal rate of return is greater
than the interest rate (minimum acceptable rate of return), it is a viable investment. The
company can proceed to invest in the project.
Insulation of steam pipes, ovens, proofers, etc
We recommend that all the steam pipes, ovens and proofers are insulated with high
quality insulation materials which can reduce the energy losses by 90% and help ensure
proper steam pressure in the steam lines.
Since the net present value is greater than zero and the internal rate of return is greater
than the interest rate (minimum acceptable rate of return), it is a viable investment. The
company can proceed to invest in the project.
5.Summary of Energy Efficiency Measures
maintenance engineers
and technicians to
develop a clear
maintenance plan and
develop it.
4 Proper There should be proper - - - - -
stacking of stacking of firewood to
firewood reduce the moisture
content for proper drying.
Good stacking of firewood
reduces quantity of
firewood required in the
5 Load We recommend that - - - - -
balancing Management hires an
energy consultant to re-
organize the loads on the
phases and ensure that
they are balanced.
6 Load shifting We recommend that part - - - - -
of the production done in
the peak period is shifted
to the shoulder and off
peak periods.
7 Load We recommend that high - - - - -
sequencing energy consuming loads
at the facility should be
switched on in a
sequence one after the
other to lower the
maximum demand of the
8 Installation of We recommend that - - - - -
an efficient rotating roof ventilators/
ventilation spinning turbine vents be
system using installed on the rooftops to
spinning improve air circulation and
turbine vents reduce room
temperatures in the
operation areas.
9 Construction We recommend that new 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
of 2 new boilers be constructed
efficient boilers which have very good
10 Insulation of
We recommend that all 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
steam pipes, the steam pipes, ovens
ovens andand proofers are insulated
proofers with high quality insulation
materials which can
reduce the energy losses
by 90% and help ensure
proper steam pressure in
the steam lines.
11 Implementatio The bakery should install 50,000,00 58,302,748 0.86 194,434,27 >30%
n of Energy sub meters and an energy 0 2
monitoring monitoring system
12 Retrofitting of All the lamps in the facility 1,250,000 806,780.00 1.5 2,132,424 >30%
lamps to should be replaced with
lamps to LEDs LED lamps.
13 Installation of We recommend that a 68,000,00 - - - -
voltage voltage stabilizer be 0
stabilizer procured and installed in
the Bakery.
14 Retrofitting of We recommend that all 40,000,00 11,660,550.0 3.4 8,886,854 24%
motors to the standard efficient 0 0
premium motors which have been
efficiency rewinded for more than
motors two times be replaced
with premium efficiency
15 Installation of We recommend that a - - - - -
solar detailed feasibility study
photovoltaic by energy experts to
system ascertain the potential of
harnessing of solar
energy for the facility
5.1 Short-term Measures
Table 5-11 Summary of short-term EEM
firewood reduce the moisture
content for proper drying.
Good stacking of firewood
reduces quantity of
firewood required in the
5 Load We recommend that - - - - -
balancing Management hires an
energy consultant to re-
organize the loads on the
phases and ensure that
they are balanced.
6 Load shifting We recommend that part - - - - -
of the production done in
the peak period is shifted
to the shoulder and off
peak periods.
7 Load We recommend that high - - - - -
sequencing energy consuming loads at
the facility should be
switched on in a sequence
one after the other to lower
the maximum demand of
the facility.
8 Installation of We recommend that - - - - -
an efficient rotating roof ventilators/
ventilation spinning turbine vents be
system using installed on the rooftops to
spinning improve air circulation and
turbine vents reduce room temperatures
in the operation areas.
9 Construction We recommend that new 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
of 2 new boilers be constructed
efficient boilers which have very good
10 Insulation of We recommend that all the 8,000,000 15,604,666 0.5 57,422,565 >30%
steam pipes, steam pipes, ovens and
ovens and proofers are insulated with
proofers high quality insulation
materials which can
reduce the energy losses
by 90% and help ensure
proper steam pressure in
the steam lines.
11 Implementatio The bakery should install 50,000,00 58,302,748 0.86 194,434,27 >30%
n of Energy sub meters and an energy 0 2
monitoring monitoring system
12 Retrofitting of All the lamps in the facility 1,250,000 806,780.00 1.5 2,132,424 >30%
lamps to should be replaced with
lamps to LEDs LED lamps.
5.2 Medium-term Measures
Table 5-12 Summary of Medium-term Measures
5.3 Long-term Measures
Table 5-13 Summary of long-term Measures
6. Conclusion and Recommendations
6.1 Conclusion
The energy audit was conducted successfully and the management of the bakery were
very cooperative. The data on energy usage was obtained, areas of energy wastage and
the energy efficiency measures were identified, and the economic analysis for energy
efficiency measures was done and the implementation plan proposed.
The energy audit a detailed energy audit and concentrated on energy consuming
operations with special focus on two areas, namely; Electrical energy system and electrical
drives, and thermal energy system.
The management of Kiddawalime Bakery has interest in implementing the energy audit
recommendations and in case they implement the energy efficiency measures, the bakery
will make substantial energy savings.
6.2 Recommendations
During the energy audit a number of energy efficiency measures were identified and
economic analysis conducted. Some opportunities have not been analysed because of
insufficient data that was available at the time of the audit. Below are recommendations
that the factory should consider to reduce energy losses/wastage and inturn lower energy
costs and save the environment through reduction of green house gases.
(d) Proper stacking of firewood; There should be proper stacking of firewood to
reduce the moisture content for proper drying. Good stacking of firewood reduces
quantity of firewood required in the boiler.
(e) Load balancing; We recommend that Management hires an energy consultant to
re-organize the loads on the phases and ensure that they are balanced.
(f) Load shifting; We recommend that high energy consuming loads at the facility
should be switched on in a sequence one after the other to lower the maximum
demand of the facility.
(g) Installation of an efficient ventilation system using spinning turbine vents; We
recommend that rotating roof ventilators/ spinning turbine vents be installed on the
rooftops to improve air circulation and reduce room temperatures in the operation
(h) Construction of 2 new efficient boilers; We recommend that new boilers be
constructed which have very good insulation.
(i) Insulation of steam pipes, ovens and proofers; We recommend that all the
steam pipes, ovens and proofers are insulated with high quality insulation materials
which can reduce the energy losses by 90% and help ensure proper steam
pressure in the steam lines.
(j) Implementation of Energy monitoring system; The bakery should install sub
meters and an energy monitoring system
(k) Retrofitting of lamps to lamps to LEDs; All the lamps in the facility should be
replaced with LED lamps.
(l) Installation of voltage stabilizer; We recommend that a voltage stabilizer be
procured and installed in the Bakery.
(m) Retrofitting of motors to premium efficiency motors; We recommend
that all the standard efficient motors which have been rewinded for more than two
times be replaced with premium efficiency motors.
(n) Installation of solar photovoltaic system; We recommend that a detailed
feasibility study by energy experts to ascertain the potential of harnessing of solar
energy for the facility operations.
2. The Electricity Grid Code of Uganda 2003
Location Size Type of light Ratin No. of Not Working Number Energy
(ft) g (kW) lamps workin lamps of (kWh) Energy
g hours in p.a
a day (kWh)
Main store 4 Florescent 0.036 22 3 19 12 8.208
tube 2995.92
CFL 0.085 3 3 24 6.12 2233.8
Slicing 4 Florescent 0.036 20 20 12 8.64
tube 3153.6
Production(4B&C) 4 Florescent 0.036 5 1 4 24 3.456
tube 1261.44
CFL 0.02 4 4 24 1.92 700.8
EK 4 Florescent 0.036 5 5 12 2.16
tube 788.4
CFL 0.02 2 2 24 0.96 350.4
Donat section 4 Florescent 0.036 8 8 12 3.456
tube 1261.44
LED Bulb 10 3 3 24 720 262800
4 LED Tube 12 1 1 12 144 52560
Production(2D&HC 4 Florescent 0.036 1 1 24 0.864
) tube 315.36
CFL 0.02 6 6 24 2.88 1051.2
Store for loaves 4 Florescent 0.036 5 1 4 12 1.728 Lux
tube 630.72
Baking 4 Florescent 0.36 5 2 3 24 25.92
section(loaves) tube 9460.8
Parking yard 4 Florescent 0.036 10 10 12 4.32
tube 1576.8
CFL 0.085 18 18 12 18.36 6701.4
Carteen 2 Florescent 0.018 1 1 0
tube 0
Security 2 Florescent 0.018 2 2 12 0.432
tube 157.68
Finance 4 Florescent 0.036 1 1 3 0.108
tube 39.42
2 Reception 0.018 1 71 1 0 0
4 Corridor 0.036 2 2 3 0.216 78.84
2 Corridor 0.018 3 0 0
Toilet 2 Florescent 0.018 1 1 4 0.072
tube 26.28
Electrical ratings of equipment
Mixer 1 Un known
Mixer 2 6.55
Mixer 3 6.55
Mixer 4 6.55
Mixer 5 6.55
Mixer 6 6.55
Slicer 0.55
Paraffin oven EK 01 90.6 0.4371
Paraffin oven EK 01
(Glass) 53.2 12.5664
Buns Section Paraffin oven B-05 120.8 0.5805
Paraffin oven B-04
(Glass) 41.9 16.2966
Electric oven B-04 109.1 0.1976
Electric oven B-04
(Glass window) 72.5 38.5
First Chamber Oven 46.5 51.2
First Chamber Oven
(Proofer) 81.92
sizes of chambers-16 in
number 45.5 38.5
Third chamber oven
(Electric + Paraffin) 30
Third chamber oven
(Proofer) 45.5 38.5
Second chamber oven
(Electric + Paraffin) 45.5 30
Second chamber oven
(Proofer) 75.0 81.92
sizes of chambers-16 in
number 38.5
Third Chamber oven 77.5 5.12
Size of chambers-16 in
number 40.3
Family bread Oven (front) 40.2
Oven (Side) 22.44
Paraffin oven E-02 45.0 13.5
Electric oven 03 0.377
Electric oven (Glass) 61.8 18.3352
Paraffin oven E-04 98.1 0.388
Paraffin oven E-04 (2
glass windows) 23.94
Family Section Oven E-01 (Electric
only) 12
Oven E-03 (Electric
only) 16
Oven E-02 (Electric +
Paraffin) 24
Proofer 70 20
Sweet Roll SR-01 (Chamber) 70 20
SR-01 (Proofer) 11.2
Chambers (4) 20
EK & SP EK-05 (Electric only) 6
Chamber Oven (Not
labelled) 50 12.48
Chamber sizes- 4 in
number 42 13.76
Oven EK-03 8
Chamber Oven (Not
labelled) 67.5 12.16
Chamber sizes- 4 in
number 72 6
Boiler Boiler 1 69 6
Boiler 2
Steam pipes Steam pipe 1 72.3 2.51
Steam pipe 2 72.3 3.46