Project Report 2
Project Report 2
Project Report 2
A Project Report
submitted by
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………… 1
2. PROJECT REVIEW……………………………………………………………… 3
3. PROJECT METHODOLOGY………………………………………………….... 7
4. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………. 15
Climate change and its resulting harmful consequences to civilization and nature, the scarcity of
remnant energy resources similar to oil and gas and the communal transformation to a sustainable
managing of everlasting possessions necessitate quick and valuable acting. The energy efficiency
has to increase on all stages from manufacturing to shipment or transportation and particularly
during the user’s final adjustment process. This is exactly vital for a diminution of the total
worldwide utilization within financial expansion and a rising number of users. The word energy
evolution comprises a group of objectives and procedures, which is supposed to lead to the climate
goal achievement.
Using energy efficiently assists organizations reduce expenditure as well as helping to save
resources and deal with climate change. ISO 50001 supports organizations in all divisions to utilize
energy more efficiently by the development of an energy management system. ISO 50001 is
supported on the management system model of continual enhancement also used for other
renowned standards, for example ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. This makes it simpler for organizations
to incorporate energy management into their overall efforts in general, to develop quality and
environmental management.
ISO 50001:2018 presents a framework of necessities for organizations to:
• Build up a policy for more efficient utilization of energy
• Set targets and objectives to meet up the policy
• Utilize data for better realization and make conclusions about energy usage
• Compute the results
• Evaluate how well the policy works, and
• Continually develop the energy management.
Manufacturers, corporations, businesses, utilities, energy service companies, and other
organizations are utilizing ISO 50001 to reduce expenditure and carbon emissions. The expansion
of ISO 50001 is projected to accelerate as an increasing figure of companies incorporates ISO
50001 into their corporate sustainability approaches and supplier necessities.
During the project work, ISO 50001 is to be implemented at our corporate office building
(Gurgaon). The process includes an initial energy review followed by an energy audit of the office.
Then, in and after the implementation phase continuous energy monitoring is to be done with the
help of a software for energy management system (EMS). Hence, a complete process of ISO 50001
would be implemented followed by performance analysis of different parameters through EMS.
If extensively adopted, the voluntary ISO 50001 standard could persuade up to sixty percent of the
world's energy usage across many economic divisions. Factors estimated to drive extensive
adoption of ISO 50001 include the development of corporate sustainability programs and the
stretch of energy management standards along the manufacturing supply string. Companies may
also discover the resulting energy and carbon cutbacks increasingly valuable to fulfill with possible
carbon reduction initiatives or to improve their corporate environmental practices.
As per the cycle of the ISO 50001 process, the methodology can be explained as:
o Management responsibility
Getting commitment from the Leadership and communicating this to the wider organization is critical
for the success of the organization’s energy management system. Making sure an Energy
Management team is appointed for overseeing the project and making certain the appropriate
resources are in place.
o Energy policy
The business will require having the same opinion on an energy policy which affirms the organization’s
commitment to accomplishing energy performance improvement. This should be suitable to the
nature and extent of the energy usage and consumption. It’s very important to take into account an
assurance to continual improvement in energy performance, taking into concern the compliance with
appropriate legal requirements and making a framework for setting and evaluating energy goals and
o Energy planning
ISO 50001 desires the evidence that it was conducted and documented an energy planning procedure
which will encourage enhancement in energy performance.
o Energy review
Developing, documenting and maintaining energy review – for example think about energy sources,
utilization, facilities and people that affect energy usage. Then recognizing, prioritizing and recording
how the organization aims to develop its energy performance based on those factors.
o Energy baseline
Establishing an energy baseline by means of the information from the energy review – this will help
in supervising the growth and see enhancements over a suitable data phase.
o Energy performance indicators
These must be recognized in order to supply realistic performance data which is frequently reviewed
and updated as part of the energy management system.
o Energy objectives, targets and action plans
Set these for related functions, levels, procedures or facilities within the organization and make sure
that they are consistent with the energy policy. It’s important to review and update these plans at
defined intervals.
▪ DO
o Training and awareness
Making sure that the employees understand how to meet the requirements of the defined energy
policy and are well aware about mitigating impacts on energy use. Training is therefore essential and
the records of training must be kept in preparation for the review.
o Documentation and control
Reviewing ISO 50001 which specifies the essential documentation and records which are needed to
be held, and how these should be controlled and updated.
o Operational control
Planning actions and maintenance activities concerning significant energy usage under specific
conditions and communicating these controls to every person working for or on behalf of the business
or organization.
o Procurement of energy services, products, equipment and energy
Ensuring that there’s a defined and documented energy purchasing specifications and partly
evaluating procurement on the basis of energy performance.
o Monitoring and measurement
As part of the certification process, the assessment would be done to ensure that any operations with
a significant effect on energy use are measured, monitored and analyzed at planned intervals.
o Internal audit
Need to conduct internal audits on a regular basis to ensure the integrity of the management system.
o Non-conformities, correction, corrective and preventative action
It will be necessary to show that there are procedures in place to identify, investigate, evaluate, record
and evaluate both corrective and preventive actions aligned with the seriousness of the issue, should
a non-conformity arise.
o Control of records
Ensuring the ability to identify, store, protect, retrieve, retain and dispose of records in accordance
with the standard and that they remain legible.
o Management review
Management reviews should be scheduled and recorded in line to recognize achievements, prospects
for development and changes that are needed to ensure the system delivers continual improvements
to the business.
Major energy consuming sections of office are UPS, lighting and HVAC. UPS energy has
maximum share in total building energy consumption, after which lighting energy consumption
comes and then HVAC. Raw Power and Inverter energy consumption are at present taken as non-
significant areas of energy consumption. Priority on implementing energy conservation measures
would be highest for UPS, then lighting or HVAC. This may change with the cost implications of
different energy conservation measures and other factors. Energy consumption recorded by energy
meters installed by Schneider Electric has been considered as baseline energy consumption.
All the energy objectives, targets and energy management action plans have been defined. The
office plans to reduce its energy consumption by 10% by 2021 over 2018 baseline. Due to post-
COVID period resulting in significant energy reduction (15% on an average) in the office, hence
the target was adjusted to 25% energy savings by 2021, over 2018 baseline.
• Energy baseline creation
TOTAL 136.5 591643 100%
Fig 3.2: Energy Use by Area (2020): The following pie chart shows the facility breakup for year
2020 by load
• Areas of significant energy use and variables impacting energy use (2020):
Based on the above analysis, the following three systems/equipments consume almost 90% of the
total energy at the plant and have been identified as areas of significant of energy use:
o HVAC System – 24% (AHUs and Precision Air Conditioners)
o Lighting – 22% (entire lighting of office premises, apart from emergency lighting)
Energy performance index is defined as the ratio of total annual energy consumption to the built-
up area of the building.
The total build-up area of the office in 2018 was 7273 sq. mtrs. As per the baseline, the energy
performance index for 2018 works out to be 81.34 kWh/m2/year. Below is the EPI for 2020.
Table 3.3: Energy performance indicator (EnPI) comparison
Description Unit Parameter
Total build-up area m2 6111.35 (office space reduced in 2020)
Annual energy consumption (2015)* kWh/year 4,35,783
Energy Performance Index (EPI) kWh/m2/Year 71.30
* Chiller and building auxiliary consumption, common for all the floors, has not been considered
(as that’s operated and controlled by building owner, and is not part of the scope)
As of 2020, corporate office has reduced its energy use by around 27%, as compared to 2018
baseline, and it’s on track to achieve its 2021 energy savings target.
Energy audit of the office building included power profiling of various feeders like UPS,
HVAC, and Lighting, and analyzing the operations of various utilities and processes.
Install daylight sensors for lights / lamps at the window areas, so that the lux level is
optimized as per the required levels. Also, installation of occupancy sensors at lobby
and washroom areas to reduce lighting energy use further.
The cost benefit analysis is as follows:
Description Units Values
Present energy consumption for lighting in the
office kWh/yr
Expected energy consumption for lighting in the
office kWh/yr
Reduction in energy consumption for lighting in
the office in a year kWh
Unit cost Rs/kWh 13.5
Monetary benefit per annum Rs in Lakhs 0.75
Investment Rs in Lakhs 1.0
Payback Months 16
▪ Server virtualization
A. Findings
The server room in the office is having 11 servers of different power rating and make.
Through server virtualization, all the 11 servers can be de-commissioned and the
entire data load can be given to 3 servers, thus resulting in reduced energy
B. Recommendation
Replace the existing servers with virtual ones.
Description Units Values
Reduction in energy consumption in the office in
a year kWh
Unit cost Rs/kWh 13.5
Monetary benefit per annum Rs in Lakhs 2.71
Investment Rs in Lakhs 3
Payback Months 13
▪ Hot and cold aisle containment to avoid mixing of air in the server room
A. Findings
There are three 8.5 TR PACs in the server room which operate for equal operational
hours. The hot air from the servers is mixing with the cold air, and thus resulting in
increased PAC cooling energy use.
B. Recommendation
Replace approx 10 tiles from the false ceiling in the hot aisle with grill tiles.
Make return air plenum for 3 PACs and connect it to the ceiling so that hot air from
the ceiling enters these PACs from top directly.
Description Units Values
Present energy consumption for server room in
the office kWh/yr
Expected energy consumption for server room in
the office kWh/yr
Reduction in energy consumption in the office in
a year kWh
Unit cost Rs/kWh 13.5
Monetary benefit per annum Rs in Lakhs 2.23
Investment Rs in Lakhs 3.5
Payback Months 19
Monitoring, measurement and analysis is done on a real time basis with the use of building EMS,
and reports are generated on a monthly basis within the organization. There are three main
incomers on which digital meters are installed and then there are a total of 35 sub meters, which
measure all the lighting power, HVAC power, UPS power and raw power consumed within the
office. An energy management system is installed which monitors all the energy data that is fed
into the system through the meters. Since all the meters installed within the facility are digital
meters, a regular calibration need is not required.
Data from all the sub-meters installed within the facility is recorded on a real time basis. This
covers all the areas of energy consumption, whether significant or non-significant. In the first week
of every month data from last month is analysed and any deviation which is more than 10%
(significant deviation) compared to data from baseline year is highlighted. This is then compared
with the variables of energy consumption and studied if there is any energy wastage which could
be avoided.
The relevant variables which are identified for the areas of major energy utilization are ‘Days of
Operation’ and ‘Cooling Degree Days’. Both these variables are recorded every month.
Management review meeting is to be organized once in every six months where the top
management or Leadership reviews the energy management system and provides its input on its
improvement and better implementation within the organization.
Server virtualization
Hot and cold aisle containment to avoid mixing of air in the server room
o Digital meters and energy monitoring system are installed for measurement and
verification of energy performance improvement in terms of unit and cost savings.
o Internal audits for ISO 50001 were conducted and a standard format was made to
report the NCs, so that the corrective actions are taken.
• McKane, Aimee. "Thinking Globally: How ISO 50001-Energy Management can make industrial
energy efficiency standard practice." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2010).
• Karcher, Phillip, and Roland Jochem. "Success factors and organizational approaches for the
implementation of energy management systems according to ISO 50001." The TQM Journal 27.4
(2015): 361-381.
• Sučić, Boris, Aleksandar S. Anđelković, and Željko Tomšić. "The concept of an integrated
performance monitoring system for promotion of energy awareness in buildings." Energy and
Buildings 98 (2015): 82-91.