Auricular Acupuncture - Master Points: Point Zero (Ear Center, Point of Support, Umbilical Cord, Solar Plexus)
Auricular Acupuncture - Master Points: Point Zero (Ear Center, Point of Support, Umbilical Cord, Solar Plexus)
Auricular Acupuncture - Master Points: Point Zero (Ear Center, Point of Support, Umbilical Cord, Solar Plexus)
Master Points
This master point is the
geometrical and physiological
center of the whole auricle. It
brings the whole body towards
homeostasis, producing a
balance of energy, hormones
and brain activity.
It supports the actions of other
auricular points and returns the
body to the idealized state which was present in the womb.
On the auricular map, Point Zero is located where the umbilical cord would rise from the
abdomen of the inverted fetus pattern found on the ear.
Point Zero serves as the ’autonomic brain’ that controls visceral organs through peripheral
nerve ganglia.
Allergy point
This master point leads to a general reduction in inflammatory reactions related to allergies,
rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
It is used for the elimination of toxic substances, the excretion of metabolic wastes and
treatment of anaphylactic shock.
In Oriental medicine, the top surface of the Allergy point is pricked with a needle to reduce
excess qi or it is pinched to diminish allergic reactions.