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Bioethanol Production From Sago Starch: January 2011

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Chapter · January 2011


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7 authors, including:

Maizirwan Mel Hider Mohd

International Islamic University Malaysia 2 PUBLICATIONS   4 CITATIONS   

Mohd Hider Kamarudin M.I.A. Karim

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia


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Maizirwan Mel, Husna Bt Muhammad Nadzri, Mohd Hider Kamarudin, Mohd Ismail Abd Karim
Bioprocess and Molecular Engineering Research Unit,
Faculty of Engineering,
International Islamic University Malaysia, P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Corresponding Email: maizirwan@iium.edu.my
Abstract— Two stage processes prior to ethanol bioethanol production. Starch from sago palm is the only
production has been proposed which is hydrolysis and commercial starch source that is derived from stem and
fermentation. Commercial enzymes were used in this two contains bulky amount of starch in its trunk [5].
steps hydrolysis; α-amylase (liquefaction step) and Karim et al [5] also stated that, sago palm plantation
glucoamylase (saccharification step). Optimization was
mainly concentrated in most tropical countries. In
carried out in both stages; hydrolysis and fermentation.
Three parameters are involved in optimization of % Malaysia, approximately 12% of Sarawak total area is
dextrose equivalent (DE); sago starch concentration (20% mainly covered with sago plantation.
(w/v), 30% (w/v), 40% (w/v)), glucoamylase enzyme (52 Generally, good production of bioethanol depends on
U/g, 78 U/g, 104 U/g) and time during saccharification (1, the availability to produce large ethanol concentrations
2, 3 hours). Three parameters are involved in optimization and maintaining high quality yield at the end of the
of ethanol; agitation (100 rpm, 150 rpm, 200 rpm), process [6]. Ratnam et al [6] pointed out that, substrate
inoculums (1% (v/v), 3% (v/v), 5% (v/v)) from constant selection is the main cost factor for ethanol industry.
initial stock of 2.5x106 cells/mL and pH (4, 5, 6). Both Traditionally, ethanol fermentation greatly depends on
optimization studies were carried out using Box-Behnken
sugar rich substrates such as sugar cane since they are
design. The experiment showed that the optimum
parameters for hydrolysis study was identified to be
already in form of readily fermented carbohydrate [7].
glucoamylase (75.87 U/g), substrate concentration Nevertheless, sugar cane is costly and difficult to obtain
(28.49% (w/v)), and time (2 hours) which produced 62.15 since it is categorized under seasonal crops [7].
g/L glucose as the fermentation substrate. For ethanol Therefore, it is a great economic advantage to expand
fermentation study, it was identified that the optimum the substrate choice to either starchy crops and cellulosic
parameters that produced 29.25 g/L were 167 rpm materials which are cheaper compared to sugar rich
agitation, 3.43% (v/v) inoculums and pH 5. substrate [7].
Seeing it as the potential for carbohydrate sources,
Sago; fermentation; hydrolysis; ethanol; optimization the study on sago as the source for ethanol industry
I. INTRODUCTION should be done intensively. Starchy crops primarily
involved for ethanol production includes cereal grains
Due to the scarce resources and increasing (corn, wheat, barley, sorghum), tuber roots (potato),
environmental concern, replacing the non renewable roots (cassava) and legumes (peas, beans) [8]. Due to the
energy with alternative resources is one of the most availability and lack of involvement of sago for ethanol
studied opportunities nowadays. One way is by utilizing production, it is a challenging opportunity to study and
the solar energy in form of biomass to produce ethanol optimize the parameters involved in producing high
also called as bioethanol [1]. Balat et. al [2] pointed out level of ethanol product with excellent yield.
that an appropriate blending of ethanol with This project involved two stages of bioconversion
conventional fuels has proven not only in promoting a namely, hydrolysis and fermentation using sago starch as
cleaner environment but also helps balancing the the raw material. In general, hydrolysis process is carried
economical value of fuel price. out to convert the long polymer like chain of
Bioethanol is mainly produced from sugar base carbohydrate into monomers of glucose. In this study,
crops, starchy and cellulosic raw materials via two steps of enzymatic hydrolysis process which
fermentation process. Ethanol from sugar base crops involves liquefaction and saccharification was carried
such as sugar cane can be converted directly since the out.
sugar is already in fermentable form. For starchy raw High concentration of ethanol depends on the
materials, hydrolysis must be conducted first before availability substrate [3]. Therefore, optimization of
proceeding with fermentation process [3]. Hydrolysis glucose yield is necessary to improve the overall ethanol
process can be divided into two parts; liquefaction and production. Here, the optimization process of glucose
saccharification. Liquefaction process utilizes α-amylase yield focuses at saccharification step of hydrolysis.
enzyme, whereas saccharification process utilizes There are three parameters involved which include
glucoamylase enzyme [3].This is an early process to substrate, glucoamylase enzyme and time. After that,
produce sugar in a readily fermentable form. fermentation process is carried out by optimizing the
One type of starchy crops that has promising future parameter involved in the process. Three parameters
in bioethanol is sago palm or scientifically known as were analyzed at fermentation stage which includes pH,
Metroxylon sagu [4]. As cited in [4], sago palm is also agitation and inoculums size. All experiments are
known as ‘the starch crops of the 21st century’ by most conducted in shake flask in Bioprocess Engineering
scientists. This proves that sago palm has brighter Laboratory of IIUM.
prospect as the source for carbohydrate as well as for
The initial studies from laboratory level can be further used in D. Analyses
upscale level of bioethanol industry. After hydrolysis, all samples were collected and cooled
Mojovic et al [9] stated that US and Brazil are the major down to 35ºC. Then, centrifugations of samples were carried
contributors toward ethanol industry. Perhaps, studying sago out at 5000 rpm for 30 minutes. The supernatant was collected
as an ethanol fermentable substrate will be able to break the and reducing sugar was analyzed using dinitrosalicylic acid
monopoly of ethanol and provides better opportunity for (DNS) method [13]. Then % dextrose equivalent (DE) is
Malaysia in improving their economy. In addition, the calculated based on equation (1) below according to [14].
abundance amount of sago palm provides cheap selection of
subtract that will subsequently reduce the overall cost
production of ethanol. Moreover, this will also solve the over % DE=g reducing sugar expressed as glucose x 100% (1)
supply of agricultural resources and offers a great opportunity g dry solid weight sago starch
in helping farmers in contributing towards agricultural
industry. Hence, diverging part of sago crop to ethanol
production does not only help in reducing the fuel price but % DE is calculated to determine the effective conversion
also maintaining the price of sago derived products [10]. process to glucose based on the amount of sago starch.
Furthermore, it will also provide agricultural sustainability for After fermentation, the samples of 10 mL were collected
sago palm since it is fully utilized not only for food, but also every 8 hours of fermentation and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for
energy consumption [11]. 15 minutes at 4ºC to remove the cell debris. The supernatants
The aims of this study were to optimize the process left were then used for ethanol and reducing sugar analysis.
condition for hydrolysis of sago starch to glucose with α- The reducing sugar analysis was carried out based on [13]
amylase and glucoamylase enzyme and to optimize during hydrolysis. For ethanol determination, two milliliters
fermentation process of saccharified sago starch to ethanol of the supernatant was pipette to a test tube, followed by the
using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in shake flask experiment. addition of 2-3 drops of potassium dichromate solution
(dissolve 2 g of potassium dichromate in 80 cm³ of distilled
water and carefully add 10 cm³ of concentrated sulphuric
A. Substrate acid). The tube was vigorously swirled in order to ensure
Sago starch (powdered form containing 39% dry weight homogenous suspension. The tube then was placed in a water
starch content) was obtained from Sarawak Craun Research bath at 60ºC for about 20 minutes. Color development was
Institute. Initially, 100 mL beaker was filled with 20, 30 and observed and the color was left to stable for at least 30
40 g sago starch (powdered form) and added with 100 mL minutes at room temperature.
distilled water (to make a total concentration of 20% (w/v), The color density was measured at 600 µm wavelength by
30% (w/v) and 40% (w/v)).The resulting slurry was heated to using the spectrophotometer with the blank being distilled
80ºC for 15 minutes for starch gelatinization [7]. water. The ethanol content of the samples will be estimated by
reference to the ethanol standard curve
B. Enzymes
E. Inoculums Preparations
α-Amylase for liquefaction was used and produced from
Bacillus subtilis with an activity of 25,000 U/mL. One unit of One colony of S. cerevisiae was isolated and inoculated
α-amylase equals to the amount of enzyme which liquefies into 100 mL shake flask containing 50 mL of yeast malt under
soluble starch to get 1 mg dextrins at 70ºC and pH 6.0 in one sterilized condition. Then, it was incubated for 24 hours at
minute. Glucoamylase for saccharification was also used and 30ºC and 150 rpm. The inoculums size was prepared to have
produced from Aspergillus niger with an activity of 130,000 an initial concentration of 2.5x106 cells per mL. Dilutions are
U/mL. One unit of glucoamylase equals to the amount of made if the concentration is too high.
enzyme which hydrolyzes soluble starch to 1 mg glucose at
40ºC and pH4.5 in one hour. F. Fermentation
C. Hydrolysis For medium preparation, 0.05% (w/v) of urea and 0.05%
(w/v) of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) were
Initially, 100mL beaker was filled with 20, 30 and 40 g
added to 250 mL shake flask containing 100 mL of
sago starch (powdered form) according and added with 100
saccharified sago starch [12]. The glucose concentration for
mL distil water (to make a total concentration of 20% (w/v),
the fermentation media was 62.15 g/L which was obtained
30% (w/v) and 40% (w/v)).The resulting slurry was heated to
from the hydrolysis process using the optimum condition. The
80ºC for 15 minutes for starch gelatinization [7]. After
pH was adjusted to pH 4, 5 and 6 by the addition of required
gelatinization, 25 U/g of α-amylase was added to the slurry
volume of 1M NaOH and 1M H2SO4. Then, the inoculated
and heated at 80ºC using hot plate with mixing for 1 hour
yeast (1 %v/v, 3 %v/v, 5 %v/v) was added to the medium
using magnetic stirrer [12]. Then, the temperature was
from the same inoculums stock (2.5x10 6 cells per mL). Then,
lowered down to 50ºC for 3 minutes to make sure that the
the sample was transferred into the shaker and agitation speed
overall temperature has already drop in preparation for
was set to 100, 150 and 200 rpm with fixed temperature of 30º
saccharification to take place. Then, the desired concentration
C for 72 hours [12]. Fermentation process was carried out
of glucoamylase (52 U/g, 78 U/g, and 104 U/g) was added and
under sterilized condition. Readings were taken every 12
left to react within the specified hours (1, 2, 3 hours). Mixing
hours of fermentation for 72 hours and recorded.
was carried out throughout the whole reaction using a
magnetic stirrer.
G. Statistical Analysis The average triplicate value of % dextrose equivalent (DE)
Analysis of the results was done statistically with the aid was referred as dependent variable or response of Y. Table 1
of Design Expert software v 8.01. The analysis was done shows the predicted levels of response Y using equation (4)
based on Ratnam’s method [6]: were given along with actual values.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used to investigate and
TABLE 1. Actual and predicted value of % dextrose equivalent (DE)
model the relationship between a response variable with one
or more independent variable. Response Surface Methodology Factors
(RSM) uses quantitative data from appropriate experiments to Glucoamylase Substrate Time Actual Predicted
simultaneously determine and solve multi variant equations. Std. (A) (B) (C) value value
The factors that should be taken into consideration: i) system Order U/g starch (%w/v) (h) %DE %DE
is well understood where all the critical factors are known ii) 1 52 20 2 17.40 16.55
region of interest where the factor levels influencing product is 2 104 20 2 10.65 10.43
known iii) factors vary continuously throughout experimental
3 52 40 2 10.33 10.56
range has been tested iv) a mathematical function relates the
factors to the measured response and v) the response defined 4 104 40 2 12.59 13.44
by the function is a smooth curve. 5 52 30 1 11.09 11.92
6 104 30 1 10.07 10.27
From the designed experiment, 15 runs have been done for the
optimization of the parameters during hydrolysis and 7 52 30 3 11.18 10.97
fermentation. The model parameters during both optimization 8 104 30 3 10.22 9.38
processes will be: 9 78 20 1 14.43 14.45
10 78 40 1 16.85 15.79
Y= f (A,B,C) (2)
11 78 20 3 15.30 16.36
Y=b0+b1A+b2B+b3C+b11A2+b22B2+b33C2+b12AB 12 78 40 3 12.07 12.05
+b23BC+b13AC (3) 13 78 30 2 21.90 22.67
14 78 30 2 23.40 22.67
Where Y is the output (glucose (% glucose conversion),
ethanol (g/L)), predicted response; A, B and C the independent 15 78 30 2 22.70 22.67
variables, b0 the offset term, b1, b2, b3 the linear effects, b11, b22,
b33 the squared variables and b12, b23, b13 are the interaction predicted vs actual


A. Design of experiment and Statistical Analysis for 20.00

predicted value

For the optimization process of hydrolysis, three factors
namely; sago starch concentration (A), glucoamylase (B) and 10.00
time (C) were observed to study the most effective conversion
of sago starch to glucose. The overall optimization study result 5.00

of hydrolysis is shown in Table 2. In order to search for the

optimum parameter for % dextrose equivalent yield, a total of 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
15 treatments for each optimization were established using
actual value (%DE)
Design Expert Software with applying Box-Behnken Design
with different range of the said parameters. The quadratic
relating to the % dextrose equivalent (DE) with independent Figure 1. Parity plot showing the distribution of predicted versus actual values
variables A, B and C are as follows: of % DE

Y (%dextrose equivalent) = -69.40933 + 1.31737A Figure 1 proves that a satisfactory correlation coexists
+ 1.30216B + 23.95647C between the actual and predicted value, wherein, the points
- 0.010317A2 - 0.029489B2 cluster around the linear line which indicates a good fit model.
- 5.05582C2 + 0.00865894AB From the ANOVA analysis, the determination coefficient R2
+ 0.000580769AC - 0.14128BC (4) was evaluated as to test fit of the design experiment. The
mathematical adjust of those values generated a R2 = 0.9799,
revealing that the model could not explain only 2.01% of the
overall effects, showing that it is a robust statistical model
[15]. Table 2 presented the corresponding analysis of variance
DESIGN-EXPERT Plot dextros e equivalent (%)
TABLE 2. ANOVA for Response Surface Quadratic Model during hydrolysis dextrose eq uivalent
40. 00

Desig n Points
14.5355 20.6994
Sum of Mean Prob > X = A: g lucoamylase

B: substrate (%w/v)
Y = B: substrate
Source Squares DF Square F Value F Actual Factor
35. 00

C: time = 2.00
Model 311.38 9 34.60 27.03 0.0010 significant 18.6448

30. 00 3 16.5901

A 5.25 1 5.25 4.10 0.0988

B 4.42 1 4.42 3.45 0.1222 25. 00


C 1.69 1 1.69 1.32 0.3022

20. 00
52. 00 65. 00 78. 00 91. 00 104. 00

A2 179.60 1 179.60 140.31 0.0001 significant

A: gluc oam y las e (U/g)
B2 32.11 1 32.11 25.08 0.0041 significant DESIGN-EXPERT Plot

dextrose eq uivalent
X = A: g lucoamylase
C2 94.38 1 94.38 73.74 0.0004 significant Y = B: substrate

Actual Factor 22.7541

C: time = 2.00
AB 20.27 1 20.27 15.84 0.0105 significant



AC 0.000912 1 0.000912 0.0007125 0.9797

dextrose equivalent


BC 7.98 1 7.98 6.24 0.0547

Residual 6.40 5 1.28

Lack of not 35.00

Fit 5.28 3 1.76 3.13 0.2513 significant 30.00


Pure B: s ubs trate 25.00 65.00
A: gl uc oamyl as e
Error 1.12 2 0.56 (%w/v) 20.00 52.00
Total 317.78 14
Figure 2. Response surface described by the model equation to estimate %
dextrose equivalent value over independent variables substrate concentration
To determine the significance of the overall model and % (w/v) and glucoamylase enzyme U/g. (i) Upper: Contour plot surface
individual model term, it depends on the value of Prob. > F. response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
Prob. > F less than 0.0500 indicates that the model is
significant. From the result, the overall ANOVA for response DESIGN-EXPERT Plot dextros e equivalent (%)
surface for quadratic model demonstrates a significant model dextrose equivalent
3. 00

with value of Prob > F= 0.0010. Based on Table 4.2, A2 Design Points 14.5355
X = A: glucoamylase
(0.0001), B2 (0.0041), C2 (0.0004) and AB (0.0105) are Y = C: time
2. 50
C: time (hours)

significant model terms. Other than Prob. > F, F-test also can Actual Factor
B: substrate = 30.00

be used to determine the significance of the individual model 16.5901

2. 00 3
terms. As the F value >10, indicates the model terms are
significant. From Table 4.2, A2, B2, C2 and AB show
significant model terms with F value 140.31, 25.08, 73.74 and 1. 50

15.84 respectively. 14.5355

The “Lack of Fit-F value” implies the Lack of Fit is not 1. 00

14.5355 18.6448

significant relative to the pure error. There is a 25.13% 52. 00 65. 00 78. 00 91. 00 104. 00

chances that the “Lack of Fit-F value” this large could occur A: gluc oam y las e (U/g)
due to noise. Based on the ANOVA analysis, it can be DESIGN-EXPERT Plot

concluded that the significant variables with largest effect on dextrose equivalent
X = A: glucoamylase
% dextrose equivalent are squared term of glucoamylase Y = C: time

Actual Factor
enzyme (A2), squared term of sago starch concentration (B 2) B: substrate = 30.00

and squared term of time (C2) and interaction between 16.0303

glucoamylase and sago starch (AB). Other variables which

dextrose equivalent


excluded from the said variables do not have great interaction 9.38228

towards % dextrose equivalent (DE).

To investigate the effects of each independent variable,
the 3D response surface and contour plots response surface are 2.50

used. These two techniques are the graphical representation of 2.00


regression equation in order to determine the optimum values C: time 1.50 65.00
A: gluc oamylas e
of variables [16]. The maximum predicted value is referred by 1.00 52.00

the surface defined in the smallest ellipse in the contour

diagram. The perfect interaction between the independent Figure 3. Response surface described by the model equation to estimate %
variables can be shown when elliptical contours are obtained dextrose equivalent value over independent variables time (hrs) and
[17]. The graph representations are shown in Figure 2 to glucoamylase enzyme (U/g). (i)Upper:Contour plot surface response(ii)
Figure 4. Lower: 3D plot surface response
3. 00
dextros e equivalent (%) TABLE 3. Actual and predicted value of ethanol (g/L) after 72 hours
dextrose eq uivalent
Desig n Points 18.6448 16.5901

X = B: substrate Actual Predicted

Y = C: time
2. 50
Factors value value
Actual Factor Agitation Inoculums pH ethanol ethanol
A: g lucoamylase = 78.00
(A) (B) (C) g/L g/L
(hours) Std. Order RPM (%v/v)
C: time
2. 00 3

1 100 1 5 9.7 10.58

1. 50
2 200 1 5 16.02 16.23

3 100 5 5 14.36 14.15
1. 00
20. 00 25. 00 30. 00 35. 00 40. 00 4 200 5 5 21.54 20.66

DESIGN-EXPERT Plot B: s ubs t rat e (%w/v) 5 100 3 4 20.04 19.06

dextrose eq uivalent
X = B: substrate
Y = C: time 6 200 3 4 17.67 17.37
Actual Factor 22.7119
A: g lucoamylase = 78.00 7 100 3 6 9.07 9.37


8 200 3 6 22.25 23.23
dextrose equivalent


9 150 1 4 16.73 16.83

10 150 5 4 18.3 19.48


40.00 11 150 1 6 14.75 13.57
C: ti me 1.50
12 150 5 6 19.01 18.91
(hours) B: s ubs trate
1.00 20.00 (%w/v)
13 150 3 5 28.09 25.30
Figure 4. Response surface described by the model equation to estimate
% dextrose equivalent value over independent variables time (hrs) and 14 150 3 5 22.59 25.30
substrate (%w/v). (i) Upper: Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D
plot surface response 15 150 3 5 25.22 25.30
Based on the three figures of surface responds and
contour plots, it is observed that maximum dextrose equivalent
was found to be between 2 to 2.5 hours, glucoamylase enzyme predicted vs actual value
between 65 U/g to 78 U/g and substrate concentration 25% to
30% (w/v) in order to obtain an optimum of 22.76% dextrose 30
equivalent value for this experiment. R2 = 0.944
predicted value (g/L)

From the optimization study of hydrolysis, it is
suggested by Design Expert software that the combination 20
process between glucoamylase (75.87 U/g), substrate
concentration (28.49% w/v), and time (2 hours) will produce 15
an optimum degree of hydrolysis of 22.76% dextrose

B. Design of experiment and statistical analysis for 0

fermentation 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
In optimization of ethanol fermentation study there are actual value (g/L)
three parameters involved; agitation (A), inoculums (B) and
pH (C) in determination of optimum ethanol yield. In order to Figure 5. Parity plot showing the distribution of predicted versus actual values
search for the optimum combination parameters, a total of 15 of ethanol yield after 72 hours
treatments for each optimization were established using
Design Expert Software with applying Box-Behnken Design The parity plot which is in figure 5, shows a satisfactory
at different range of the said parameters. The quadratic correlation coexists between the actual and predicted values,
relating to the production of ethanol with independent wherein, the point’s lines within the linear line which indicates
variables A, B and C are as follows: a good fit model. From the ANOVA analysis, the
determination coefficient R2 was evaluated as to test fit of the
Y (ethanol g/L) = -51.2887+0.255675 A+6.46315 B design experiment. For this study, the model shows a good
+17.62125C-0.00197A2-1.24438B23.125C2 determination coefficient R2 =0.944 which implies 94.4% of
+0.00215AB+0.07775AC-0.33625BC (5) the sample variation in the ethanol production is attributed to
the independent variables; agitation, inoculums and pH. The
The average triplicate value of ethanol production after 72 R2 value also indicates that about 5.6% of the variation is not
hours sampling was referred as dependent variable or response explained by the model [15]. Table 4 shows the corresponding
of Y. Table 3 shows the predicted levels of response Y using analysis of variance (ANOVA) is presented in.
equation (5) were given along with actual values.
TABLE 4. ANOVA for Response Surface Quadratic Model during
fermentation DESIGN-EXPERT Plot
ethanol (g/L)
Sum of Mean F Prob > Design Points
Source Squares DF Square Value F X = A: agitation
Y = B: inoculum 4.00
Model 365.38 9 40.60 9.362 0.0120 significant

B: inoculum (%v/v)
Actual Factor 23. 4159
C: pH = 5.00
A 73.87 1 73.87 17.036 0.0091 significant
3.00 3
B 32.04 1 32.04 7.389 0.0419 significant
18. 2816

C 7.33 1 7.33 1.691 0.2501 20. 8487


A2 89.29 1 89.29 20.591 0.0062 significant 15. 7144

13. 1472
B2 91.48 1 91.48 21.096 0.0059 significant 1.00
18. 2816

100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00

C2 36.06 1 36.06 8.315 0.0344 significant

A: agitation
AB 0.18 1 0.18 0.043 0.8445 DESIGN-EXPERT Plot
AC 60.45 1 60.45 13.941 0.0135 significant X = A: agitation
Y = B: inoculum
BC 1.81 1 1.81 0.417 0.5468
Actual Factor 25.9831
C: pH = 5.00
Residual 21.68 5 4.34 22.1323

Lack of Not 18.2816

Fit 6.55 3 2.18 0.288 0.8341 significant

Pure 10.58
Error 15.13 2 7.57
Total 387.06 14
The probability P-value was also relatively low (Pmodel> F 4.00
=0.012) indicates the significance of the model where B: i nocul um
2.00 125.00
significance is judge on Prob > F less than 0.0500. Meanwhile, 1.00 100.00
A: agi tati on

model terms with values of Prob > F greater than 0.1000 (%v/v)
indicate the model terms are not significant. Based on Table Figure 6. Response surface described by the model equation to ethanol yield
value over independent variables agitation (rpm) and inoculums % (v/v). (i)
4.4, A (0.0091), B (0.0419), A2 (0.0062), B2 (0.0059), C2
Upper: Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
(0.0344) and AC (0.0135) are significant model terms.
The “Lack of Fit-F value” implies the Lack of Fit is not
significant relative to the pure error. There is 83.41% chances DESIGN-EXPERT Plot
ethanol (g/L)
that the “Lack of Fit-F value” this large could occur due to ethanol
Design Points 13.1472

noise. Based on the ANOVA analysis, it can be concluded that X = A: agitation


Y = C: pH
the significant variables with largest effect on % dextrose 5.50 18.2816

Actual Factor
equivalent are agitation (A), inoculums (B), squared term of B: inoculum = 3.00 20.8487

agitation (A2), squared term of inoculums (B2), squared term

C: pH

5.00 3
of pH (C2) and interaction of agitation and pH (AC).Other
variables which excluded from the said variables do not have
great interaction ethanol production. The 3D response surface 4.50

and contour plots response surface are used to further 23.4159


investigate the effects of each independent variable. The

maximum predicted value is referred by the surface defined in 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00

the smallest ellipse in the contour diagram. The graph

A: agitation (rpm)
representations are shown in Figure 6 to Figure 8. DESIGN-EXPERT Plot

Based on the three plots, an optimum ethanol production ethanol

X = A: agitation
which was about 26 g/L was found to achieved at an Y = C: pH

Actual Factor
approximate parameter of pH 5, 167 rpm and 3% (v/v) B: inoculum = 3.00

inoculums from 62.15 g/L of saccarified sago starch by two 21.6702


stages bioconversion processes (hydrolysis and fermentation). 13.4726

Where, approximately 41.8% of substrate was converted into



ethanol. The ethanol yield was slightly lower compared to the

theoretical maximum yield of ethanol stated by Chiaramonti
[3] where from 1 kg of mash can yield approximately 0.5111 6.00

kg of ethanol. In Ratnam’s study [6], an optimum ethanol 5.50


production of 70.68 g/L was produced from 140 g/L sago 5.00

starch with agitation speed 200 rpm, pH5 and 5% (v/v) C: pH 4.50 125.00
A: agi tati on
4.00 100.00
inoculums which is about 50.48% of the sago starch was (rpm)

converted into ethanol using simultaneous saccharification and

Figure 7. Response surface described by the model equation to ethanol yield
fermentation with glucoamylase (AMG) and Zymomonas value over independent variables agitation (rpm) and pH. (i) Upper: Contour
mobilis. plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
ethanol (g/L)
15.7144 20.8487
Design Points IV. CONCLUSION
X = B: inoculum
Y = C: pH 5.50
The present study has been performed to produce ethanol
Actual Factor by two stage conversion process namely; hydrolysis and
A: agitation = 150.00 20.8487
fermentation using sago starch as a substrate. Sago starch was
supplied from Sarawak Craun Research Institute. The
C: pH
5.00 3

production of bioethanol from sago starch in this project has

proven to be feasible in somewhat its large scale production
promising high economic advantages as well as fulfill the
demand for ethanol. Likewise, this laboratory scale study also
4.00 offers the basis in scaling up the potential process for the
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
production of bioethanol in industrial scale. The optimum %
DESIGN-EXPERT Plot B: inoculum (%v/v) dextrose equivalent (DE) has been obtained at was 22.76% (g
X = B: inoculum
glucose/g starch) with optimal parameters at 75.87 U/g
Y = C: pH glucoamylase, 28.49% substrate concentration and 2 hours
Actual Factor 25.5522
A: agitation = 150.00

The results obtained from validation study proved that



16.5627 the optimize parameters can be used for the improvement of


the process. However, this value is comparatively low with
other studies and further improvement throughout the
hydrolysis stage can be carried out to overall improve the
ethanol production.
C: pH 4.50 2.00

4.00 1.00
B: i nocul um
We would like to acknowledge the Faculty of Engineering
IIUM Malaysia for the support. Also, we thank Najiah Nadir
Figure 8. Response surface described by the model equation to ethanol yield for her useful guidance, Mohd Hafizul Shaibon and Sukiman
value over independent variables pH and inoculums % (v/v). (i) Upper:
Sengat for their technical assistance.
Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
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