Bioethanol Production From Sago Starch: January 2011
Bioethanol Production From Sago Starch: January 2011
Bioethanol Production From Sago Starch: January 2011
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For the optimization process of hydrolysis, three factors
namely; sago starch concentration (A), glucoamylase (B) and 10.00
time (C) were observed to study the most effective conversion
of sago starch to glucose. The overall optimization study result 5.00
Y (%dextrose equivalent) = -69.40933 + 1.31737A Figure 1 proves that a satisfactory correlation coexists
+ 1.30216B + 23.95647C between the actual and predicted value, wherein, the points
- 0.010317A2 - 0.029489B2 cluster around the linear line which indicates a good fit model.
- 5.05582C2 + 0.00865894AB From the ANOVA analysis, the determination coefficient R2
+ 0.000580769AC - 0.14128BC (4) was evaluated as to test fit of the design experiment. The
mathematical adjust of those values generated a R2 = 0.9799,
revealing that the model could not explain only 2.01% of the
overall effects, showing that it is a robust statistical model
[15]. Table 2 presented the corresponding analysis of variance
DESIGN-EXPERT Plot dextros e equivalent (%)
TABLE 2. ANOVA for Response Surface Quadratic Model during hydrolysis dextrose eq uivalent
40. 00
Desig n Points
14.5355 20.6994
Sum of Mean Prob > X = A: g lucoamylase
B: substrate (%w/v)
Y = B: substrate
Source Squares DF Square F Value F Actual Factor
35. 00
C: time = 2.00
Model 311.38 9 34.60 27.03 0.0010 significant 18.6448
30. 00 3 16.5901
dextrose eq uivalent
X = A: g lucoamylase
C2 94.38 1 94.38 73.74 0.0004 significant Y = B: substrate
dextrose equivalent
Pure B: s ubs trate 25.00 65.00
A: gl uc oamyl as e
Error 1.12 2 0.56 (%w/v) 20.00 52.00
Total 317.78 14
Figure 2. Response surface described by the model equation to estimate %
dextrose equivalent value over independent variables substrate concentration
To determine the significance of the overall model and % (w/v) and glucoamylase enzyme U/g. (i) Upper: Contour plot surface
individual model term, it depends on the value of Prob. > F. response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
Prob. > F less than 0.0500 indicates that the model is
significant. From the result, the overall ANOVA for response DESIGN-EXPERT Plot dextros e equivalent (%)
surface for quadratic model demonstrates a significant model dextrose equivalent
3. 00
with value of Prob > F= 0.0010. Based on Table 4.2, A2 Design Points 14.5355
X = A: glucoamylase
(0.0001), B2 (0.0041), C2 (0.0004) and AB (0.0105) are Y = C: time
2. 50
C: time (hours)
significant model terms. Other than Prob. > F, F-test also can Actual Factor
B: substrate = 30.00
2. 00 3
terms. As the F value >10, indicates the model terms are
significant. From Table 4.2, A2, B2, C2 and AB show
significant model terms with F value 140.31, 25.08, 73.74 and 1. 50
significant relative to the pure error. There is a 25.13% 52. 00 65. 00 78. 00 91. 00 104. 00
chances that the “Lack of Fit-F value” this large could occur A: gluc oam y las e (U/g)
due to noise. Based on the ANOVA analysis, it can be DESIGN-EXPERT Plot
concluded that the significant variables with largest effect on dextrose equivalent
X = A: glucoamylase
% dextrose equivalent are squared term of glucoamylase Y = C: time
Actual Factor
enzyme (A2), squared term of sago starch concentration (B 2) B: substrate = 30.00
and squared term of time (C2) and interaction between 16.0303
excluded from the said variables do not have great interaction 9.38228
regression equation in order to determine the optimum values C: time 1.50 65.00
A: gluc oamylas e
of variables [16]. The maximum predicted value is referred by 1.00 52.00
3 100 5 5 14.36 14.15
1. 00
20. 00 25. 00 30. 00 35. 00 40. 00 4 200 5 5 21.54 20.66
8 200 3 6 22.25 23.23
dextrose equivalent
9 150 1 4 16.73 16.83
40.00 11 150 1 6 14.75 13.57
C: ti me 1.50
12 150 5 6 19.01 18.91
(hours) B: s ubs trate
1.00 20.00 (%w/v)
13 150 3 5 28.09 25.30
Figure 4. Response surface described by the model equation to estimate
% dextrose equivalent value over independent variables time (hrs) and 14 150 3 5 22.59 25.30
substrate (%w/v). (i) Upper: Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D
plot surface response 15 150 3 5 25.22 25.30
Based on the three figures of surface responds and
contour plots, it is observed that maximum dextrose equivalent
was found to be between 2 to 2.5 hours, glucoamylase enzyme predicted vs actual value
between 65 U/g to 78 U/g and substrate concentration 25% to
30% (w/v) in order to obtain an optimum of 22.76% dextrose 30
equivalent value for this experiment. R2 = 0.944
predicted value (g/L)
From the optimization study of hydrolysis, it is
suggested by Design Expert software that the combination 20
process between glucoamylase (75.87 U/g), substrate
concentration (28.49% w/v), and time (2 hours) will produce 15
an optimum degree of hydrolysis of 22.76% dextrose
B: inoculum (%v/v)
Actual Factor 23. 4159
C: pH = 5.00
A 73.87 1 73.87 17.036 0.0091 significant
3.00 3
B 32.04 1 32.04 7.389 0.0419 significant
18. 2816
13. 1472
B2 91.48 1 91.48 21.096 0.0059 significant 1.00
18. 2816
Pure 10.58
Error 15.13 2 7.57
Total 387.06 14
The probability P-value was also relatively low (Pmodel> F 4.00
=0.012) indicates the significance of the model where B: i nocul um
2.00 125.00
significance is judge on Prob > F less than 0.0500. Meanwhile, 1.00 100.00
A: agi tati on
model terms with values of Prob > F greater than 0.1000 (%v/v)
indicate the model terms are not significant. Based on Table Figure 6. Response surface described by the model equation to ethanol yield
value over independent variables agitation (rpm) and inoculums % (v/v). (i)
4.4, A (0.0091), B (0.0419), A2 (0.0062), B2 (0.0059), C2
Upper: Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
(0.0344) and AC (0.0135) are significant model terms.
The “Lack of Fit-F value” implies the Lack of Fit is not
significant relative to the pure error. There is 83.41% chances DESIGN-EXPERT Plot
ethanol (g/L)
that the “Lack of Fit-F value” this large could occur due to ethanol
Design Points 13.1472
Y = C: pH
the significant variables with largest effect on % dextrose 5.50 18.2816
Actual Factor
equivalent are agitation (A), inoculums (B), squared term of B: inoculum = 3.00 20.8487
5.00 3
of pH (C2) and interaction of agitation and pH (AC).Other
variables which excluded from the said variables do not have
great interaction ethanol production. The 3D response surface 4.50
Actual Factor
approximate parameter of pH 5, 167 rpm and 3% (v/v) B: inoculum = 3.00
stages bioconversion processes (hydrolysis and fermentation). 13.4726
production of 70.68 g/L was produced from 140 g/L sago 5.00
starch with agitation speed 200 rpm, pH5 and 5% (v/v) C: pH 4.50 125.00
A: agi tati on
4.00 100.00
inoculums which is about 50.48% of the sago starch was (rpm)
the process. However, this value is comparatively low with
other studies and further improvement throughout the
hydrolysis stage can be carried out to overall improve the
ethanol production.
C: pH 4.50 2.00
4.00 1.00
B: i nocul um
We would like to acknowledge the Faculty of Engineering
IIUM Malaysia for the support. Also, we thank Najiah Nadir
Figure 8. Response surface described by the model equation to ethanol yield for her useful guidance, Mohd Hafizul Shaibon and Sukiman
value over independent variables pH and inoculums % (v/v). (i) Upper:
Sengat for their technical assistance.
Contour plot surface response (ii) Lower: 3D plot surface response.
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