MIMO: State of The Art, and The Future in Focus: Mboli Sechang Julius
MIMO: State of The Art, and The Future in Focus: Mboli Sechang Julius
MIMO: State of The Art, and The Future in Focus: Mboli Sechang Julius
Abstract-Antennas of transmitters and receivers have In between SISO and MIMO lies smart antennas
been manipulated to increase the capacity of transmission (Antenna diversity), which is either transmit diversity,
and reception of signals. Using many elements in antennas
to shape beams and direct nulls in a particular point for
multiple-Input, Single-Output (MISO), or receive
optimum signal transmission and reception has over diversity, Single-Input, multiple-Output (SIMO) [1, 3, 4].
decades, had tremendous positive influence in received
power and signal to noise ratio (SNR). However, since the MIMO systems can either be single-user or multiuser
antenna elements manipulation can be done both at base channels. If a transmitter uses n antennas while a receiver
station and device terminal, it gives rise to an important
method of using several antennas to put and obtain signals uses m antennas, there are then ways of
to and from space with increased capacity. This principle is conFigureuring the system [5]. When the emitters and
termed Multiple-input and Multiple-output (MIMO). sensors are respectively collocated on one transmitter and
This paper discusses application of MIMO in the state of
one receiver which is coordinated at both ends, the
the art and next generation of wireless systems (5G). It also
discusses four models of MIMO; SISO, SIMO, MISO and system is termed “Single User MIMO (SU MIMO)” or
MIMO, considering three method of combing the signals “point to point” [6]. In this system, the receiver tries to
from multipath propagations; Selection combining (SC), pick up the “n” input signal(s) simultaneously. A multi
Equal gain combing (EGC) and maximum ratio combining
(MRC). Spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing are also user MIMO (MU MIMO) consists of multiple access and
discussed as form of MIMO. Finally, Massive or Hyper broadcast channel.
MIMO which is a new method of increasing transmission
capacity by very large scale for fifth generation of wireless A multiple access channel is a multipoint-to-point
system is discussed with its challenges and opportunities. channel where multiple users or transmitters from
different geographical locations access the same source
Key terms-Diversity combining techniques, spatial
multiplexing, channel state information (CSI). Massive with very little or no coordination. A good example of
MIMO this system is the uplink channel in cellular networks. On
the other hand, MIMO broadcast channel is typically a
1. INTRODUCTION point-to-multipoint system where users or receivers
In radio communications, antennas play a critical role which are geographically separated receive distinct
and their capabilities have been significantly improved messages that are sent simultaneously by a lone
within the past decades [1]. A typical antenna for today’s transmitter which may have one or more coordinated
wireless communication is technically a lone radome that emitters.
usually contained multiple elements which can be
manipulated to steer nulls and beams of the antenna to
desired directions[1]. When an antenna is used to send or
input signals into space, it is technically referred to as
input device for the space and if it is used to receive
signal from space, it is referred to as output device. It is
this impression that gives rise to the term Multiple Input,
Multiple Output (MIMO) which is when multiple
antennas are used at both systems involved in wireless
Figure 1. SU MIMO if the MIMO system must be effective. There are mainly
three techniques of combing the signals; selection
combining (SC), equal gain combining (EGC) and
maximum ratio combing (MRC) [1, 3, 7].
3. Combining Techniques
An 8×8 SU-MIMO system is capable of delivering The uplink channel in LTE-A uses MIMO that is a bit
peak data rate for just one user but as mentioned earlier different from the downlink MIMO. For uplink channel,
this technology will likely not be used because it is first thing to consider is size of UE which usually should
required that the several layers are not correlated spatially be very small and the desire to make it even smaller and
and that both the eNodeB and UE make use of 8 flexible is ever on the increase. Release 11 of LTE
transmitting and receiving antennas respectively [8]. This support maximum number of 4 antennas due to their
technology will also mean less effectiveness since most small size in comparison to eNodeB and since they are
applications will not actually need high data rates or hand hell devices, techniques like beamforming in uplink
deliver high data rates. Therefore, MU-MIMO technology channels is impracticable [8].
will actually be a better option in this case. All LTE-A
enabled-UEs can be used to exploit MU-MIMO since 5. NEXT GENERATION MIMO
they are likely to be in different physical locations and so
As everyone is already talking of fifth generation
the MIMO layers are spatially separated, promising
technology (5G), there is also need for evolution in
higher throughput in a cell or sector than that of SU-
MIMO since it still suffers some challenges at this
MIMO [2, 8].
present generation. The new research area already in
The LTE downlink channel uses spatial multiplexing in progress for this 5G technology is termed as massive
two loops; either closed loop or open loop depending on MIMO. Simply put as the technology that will furnish
whether there is feedback from the UE or not [2, 8, 10]. It base stations with very high number of antennas
is a closed loop when the channel state information (CSI) (hundreds or even thousands) in comparison to
is fed back to the eNodeB and it is an open loop where conventional MIMO [8, 11, 12]. Massive MIMO may
there is no feedback. The transmitter would normally use also be called very large MIMO, ARGOS, full dimension
the CSI to recompense loses in the channel in such a way MIMO or hyper MIMO [11, 13].
that the receiver gets the best quality of service as much
5G networks are expected to support a very dense
as possible. However, this leads to two issues; the
system with large numbers of devices that will support
feedback loop can take up high bandwidth thereby
machine-to-machine and machine-to-person
affecting its efficiency and CSI delivery delay is also a
communications [5, 14]. Therefore, the frequencies range
major problem when CSI changes rapidly.
for massive MIMO is expected to go from
The challenge of CSI delivery delay is solved by using centimetre/millimetre range, from 6 GHz to about 100
codebooks [8] in LTE-A, but the problem of bandwidth GHz to support these ever craving data consumers. The
efficiency remains a major challenge since radio resource traffic will likely increase tremendously. One billion new
is limited. For instance, in 2×2 MIMO system, up to 4 mobile subscribers expected to join the existing 3.6
reports channels are expected to be delivered while 16 billion to make it 4.6 billions by 2020 [15], and to cope
with this increase, Massive MIMO might need to proffer
up to 100 Mbit/s data speed and peak data speed of about Since the performance of wireless communication
10 Gbit/s [14]. systems largely depends and in fact, is governed by the
wireless channel environment, new and hot research
areas is springing up in in MIMO or topics connected to
it. All new technologies being developed daily from the
several applications of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big
Data depend either directly or indirectly on high and
reliable data rate which can be possible via Massive
MIMO as already discussed. The analysis of wireless
communication systems is always difficult due to the fact
that the wireless channels employed is always
unpredictable and dynamic. This and many challenges
are opening up research opportunities in wireless
Figure 9: Sample Base station with many antennas [16].