Aeue 50649
Aeue 50649
Aeue 50649
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper derives the second-order statistics of SC (selection combining) macrodiversity operating over
Received 11 January 2010 the Gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Macrodiversity system of SC type consists of two
Received in revised form 28 April 2010 microdiversity systems and selection (switching) is based on their output signal power values. Each
Accepted 25 May 2010
microdiversity system is of MRC (maximal ratio combining) type with arbitrary number of branches in
the presence of correlative Nakagami-m fading. We have derived the infinite-series expressions for LCR
(level crossing rate) and AFD (average fading duration) at the output of this system. Numerical results
Level crossing rate
are also presented in order to show the influence of various parameters such as number of the diversity
Average fade duration
Shadowed fading channel
branches at the microcmbiners, fading severity and level of correlation between those branches on the
Microdiversity system’s statistics, and then compared to the previously published results from this area.
Macrodiversity © 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
1434-8411/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001
G Model
AEUE-50649; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 D.M. Stefanović et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
improve the performance in shadowed fading channels [6–10]. At Treating the correlation between the branches as exponential, the
the macrolevel, SC is basically a fast response hand-off mechanism expression for the pdf of the SNR at the outputs of microdiversity
that instantaneously or, with minimal delay chooses the best base systems follows [18]:
station to serve mobile based on the signal power received [11]. z 1
N m Mi Nm
The level crossing rate (LCR) and the average fading duration p i
= i i
zi Mi −1 exp − i i
z (3)
˝i (Mi ) ri ˝i ri ˝i
(AFD) are second-order statistical quantities, which complement
the static probabilistic description of the fading signal (the first- In pervious equation, (x) denotes the Gamma function, mi is
order statistics), and have found several applications in the well-known Nakagami-m fading severity parameter. Ni denotes
modelling and design of practical systems and designing wireless the number of identically assumed channels at each microlevel.
communication systems. Actually, these second-order statistical Number of diversity branches at the microlevel can be arbitrary.
measures are related to criterion used to assess error probability of However, since channels are considered correlated, microdiversity
packets of distinct length and to determinate parameters of equiv- system is applied on small terminals where spacing between the
alent channel, modelled by a Markov chain with defined number diversity branches is small [3]. Also there is no need to increase
of states [12]. significantly number of diversity branches, because achieved out-
Macrodiversity over shadowed fading channels was discussed put performance improvement with few diversity branches would
by several researches [4–11,13]. In Ref. [6] the first-order statis- not increase very much with the appliance of more branches. So
tics analysis of macrodiversity system operating over the shadowed the limitation for the number of diversity branches in the microdi-
Nakagami-m fading channels was carried out. In Ref. [11] analytical versity system is the trade-off between the complexity of practical
expressions for the pointwise outage probability were derived and realization and requested performance improvement. Parameter ri
averaged over the desired region in order to determine estimated is related to the exponential correlation i among the branches and
outage for that region. Also the discussions about the second- is given with:
order statistics of various diversity systems can be easily found
1 − i Ni
in the literature [12,14–16]. In Ref. [17], first an approximation ri = Ni + Ni − (4)
of Nakagami-Gamma (GMSM) modified Suzuki composite fading 1 − i 1 − i
model was made, and then LCR and AFD are analyzed in absence Parameter Mi is defined as:
in any diversity. Moreover, to the best knowledge of authors, no
analytical study investigating the second-order statistics of macro- mi Ni 2
Mi = (5)
diversity system operating over Gamma shadowed fading channel ri
has been reported in the literature.
In this paper the second-order statistical measures (AFD and Since the outputs of a MRC system and their derivatives follow
LCR) operating at the output of macrodivesity system over the [14]:
correlated Nakagami-m fading channels are presented. We have
focused on MRC combining at each base station, and selection com- 2 2
. z ik ·
zi = zik zi = z ik i = 1, 2 (6)
bining, based on received signal power, between base stations. zi
k=1 k=1
Received signal powers of the over diversity output signals are
modelled by statistically independent Gamma distributions. Some then z i is a Gaussian random variable and with zero mean:
numerical results of the system’s LCR and the AFD are presented,
in order to show the influence of various parameters such as num- . 1 zi 2
ber of the diversity branches at the microcmbiners, fading severity p(zi ) = √ . exp − . (7)
2zi 2zi 2
and level of correlation between those branches on the system’s
received statistics. Obtained results are then discussed from the
and variance given with [15]:
previously published results in this area point of view.
Ni .2
z2 z ik
2. System model zi = ik
zi 2
Let z be the received signal envelope, and z its derivative with
For the case of equivalently assumed channels, when stands:
respect to time, with joined probability density function (pdf) .2 .2 .2
. .
pz z(z z). The level crossing rate (LCR) at the envelope z is defined zi1 = zi2 = .... zik , k = 1, ..., N pervious reduces into:
as the rate at which a fading signal envelope crosses level z in a .
. . 2
positive or a negative direction and is mathematically defined by fd ˝i
z2i = z2ik = (9)
formula [14]: mi
. . . where fd is a Doppler shift frequency.
NZ (z) = zp . z, z dz (1)
zz Conditioned on ˝i , the joint PDF p(zi , żi /˝i ) can be calculated
The average fade duration (AFD) is defined as the average time . · zi Mi −1
N m Mi Nm
i i i i
over which the signal envelope ratio remains below a specified level p zi , zi /˝i = p zi /˝i ×p(zi )= exp − zi
(Mi ) ri ˝i ri ˝i
after crossing that level in a downward direction, and is determi-
nated as [14]:
1 zi 2
×√ . exp − . ; i=1, 2 (10)
Fz (z ≤ Z) 2zi
TZ (z) = (2) 2zi 2
NZ (z)
Our macrodiversity system is of SC type and consists of two It is already quoted that our macrodiversity system is of SC
microdiversity systems with selection based on their output signal type and that selection based on the microcombiners output signal
power values. Each microdiversity system is of MRC type with arbi- power values. This selection can be written through the first-order
trary number of branches in the presence ofNakagami-m fading. statistical parameters PDF and cumulative distribution function
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001
G Model
AEUE-50649; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
D.M. Stefanović et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 3
3. Second-order statistics
After substituting (10), (11) and (14) into (1), and following the
procedure explained in Appendix, we can easily derive the infinite-
series expression for the system output LCR, in the form of:
Nz (z) z M1 −1
N m M1 2
1 1
fd (M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) r1 m1
(M1 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2)/2
N1 m1 z/r1 ((1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 ))
× c k+c2
c2 (1 + c2 )k ˝01 1 ˝02
N1 m1 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
× K(M1 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2) 2
r1 ˝01 ˝02
z M2 −1
N m M2 2
2 2
(M2 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) r2 m2
(M2 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2)/2
N2 m2 z/r2 ((1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 ))
Fig. 1. Normalized average LCR of our macrodiversity structure for various values × c k+c2
of correlation level and diversity order. c2 (1 + c2 )k ˝01 1 ˝02
N2 m2 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
(CDF) at the macrodiversity output in the form of: × K(M2 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2) 2 (15)
r2 ˝01 ˝02
∞ ˝1
p . (z, z) = d˝1 d˝2 p . z, z/˝1 P˝1 ˝2 ˝1 ˝2
ZZ z1 z1 In the similar manner from (12) we can obtain an infinite-series
0 0
expression for the output AFD, in the form of:
∞ ˝2
+ d˝2 d˝1 p . z, z/˝2 P˝1 ˝2 ˝1 ˝2 Fz (z ≤ Z)
z2 z2 Tz (z) =
0 0
Nz (z)
M1 ∞ ∞
2 N1 m1 /r1 N1 m1 k
and Pz (z) =
(M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 )M1 r1
k=0 l=0
∞ ˝1
(c1 +c2 +l−k−M1 )/2
Fz (z) = d˝1 d˝2 Fz1 z/˝1 P˝1 ˝2 ˝1 ˝2 N1 m1 z/r1 ((1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 ))
0 0 × c l+c2
˝01 1 ˝02 c2 (1 + c2 )l (1 + M1 )k
∞ ˝2
+ d˝2 d˝1 Fz2 z/˝2 P˝1 ˝2 ˝1 ˝2 (12)
N1 m1 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
0 0 × K(c1 +c2 +l−k−M1 ) 2
r1 ˝01 ˝02
Here F(zi /˝i ) defines the CDF of the SNR, at the outputs of macro- M2 ∞ ∞
diversity systems given with: 2 N2 m2 /r2 N2 m2 k
(M2 ) (c1 ) (c2 )M2 r2
k=0 l=0
F zi /˝i = p ti /˝i dti (13) (c1 +c2 +l−k−M2 )/2
0 N2 m2 z/r2 ((1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 ))
× l+c2 c
˝01 ˝02 1 c1 (1 + c1 )l (1 + M2 )k
Since base stations at the macrodiversity level are widely
located, due to sufficient spacing between antennas, signal pow- N2 m2 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
ers at the outputs of the base stations are modelled as statistically × K(c1 +c2 +l−k−M2 ) 2 (16)
r2 ˝01 ˝02
independent. Here long-term fading is as in Ref. [13] described with
Gamma distributions, which are as above mentioned independent,
4. Numerical results
p˝1 ,˝2 ˝1 , ˝2 = p˝1 ˝1 × p˝2 ˝2
In order to show the influence of various parameters such as
1 ˝1c1 −1 −˝1 /˝01 number of the diversity branches at the microcmbiners, fading
= c1 e
(c1 ) ˝01 severity and level of correlation between those branches on the
system’s statistics, numerical results are given and graphically
1 ˝2c2 −1 −˝2 /˝02
× c2 e (14) presented. Normalized values of LCR, by maximal Doppler shift
(c2 ) ˝02
frequency fd are presented at Figs. 1 and 2.
We can observe from Fig. 1, that lower levels are crossed with
In previous equation c1 and c2 denote the order of Gamma distri- the higher number of diversity branches at each microcombiner,
bution, the measure of the shadowing present in the channels. ˝01 and lower level of correlation between the branches. From Fig. 2
and ˝02 are related to the average powers of the Gamma long-term is obvious that larger values of Nakagami-m fading and shadowing
fading distributions. severity parameters mi and c2 provide smaller LCR values.
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001
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AEUE-50649; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 D.M. Stefanović et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
Fig. 4. Normalized AFD of our macrodiversity structure for various values of fading
Fig. 2. Normalized average LCR of our macrodiversity structure for various values and shadowing severity level.
of fading and shadowing severity level.
Fig. 3. Normalized AFD of our macrodiversity structure for various values of corre- Fig. 5. Normalized AFD of our macrodiversity structure compared to normalized
lation level and diversity order. AFD of non-diversity cases.
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001
G Model
AEUE-50649; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
D.M. Stefanović et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 5
In this paper, the second-order statistics of SC macrodiver- Applying the property of Kv (x), the modified Bessel function of
sity system operating over Gamma shadowed Nakagami-m fading the second kind [19]:
channels with arbitrary parameters were analyzed. Useful infinite- ∞ b b v/2
series expressions for LCR and AFD at the output of this system xv−1 exp − − ax dx = 2 Kv 2 ab (A6)
were derived. The effects of various parameters such as number of 0
x a
diversity branches at the microcmbiners, fading severity and level
finally we get:
of correlation between those branches on the system’s statistics M1
were presented. Comparation with previous results from this area z M1 −1 fd N1 m1
I1 =
(M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) r1
is included.
(M1 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2)/2
N1 m1 z/r1 (1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 )
× c k+c2
m1 c2 (1 + c2 )k ˝01 1 ˝02
Appendix A. Appendix
N1 m1 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
After substituting (10), (11) and (14) into (1), we obtain the × K(M1 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2) 2 (A7)
r1 ˝01 ˝02
following expression:
since I2 is the same type of integral like I1 , it is easily to show that:
N m M1 z M1 −1
I2 =
z M2 −1 fd N2 m2
1 1 M1 −1/2
Nz (z) = fd ˝1 (M2 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) r2
r1 (M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) 2m1 (M2 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2)/2
N m ˝ c1 −1 ˝1 2 N2 m2 z/r2 (1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 )
1 1 1 ˝1 × k+c2 c1
× exp − z exp − d˝1 m2 c1 (1 + c1 )k ˝01 ˝02
r1 ˝1 ˝01 ˝01 k=0
˝2 2
c −1
N m M2 N2 m2 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
2 2 × K(M2 +c1 +c2 +k−1/2) 2 (A8)
× c exp − d˝2 + fd r2 ˝01 ˝02
˝02 2 ˝02 r1
∞ Using (18), (20) and (22) in the similar way makes (12) looks as:
z M2 −1 M2 −1/2 N M1 ∞ ∞
(M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 ) 2m2
2 1 m1
N1 m1 k
0 Pz (z) =
N m ˝ c2 −1
˝2 (M1 ) (c1 ) (c2 )M1 r1
2 2 2 ˝2 k=0 l=0
× exp − z c2 exp − d˝2
r2 ˝2 ˝02 ˝02 0 (c1 +c2 +l−k−M1 )/2
c1 −1
N1 m1 z/r1 (1/˝01 ) + (1/˝02 )
˝1 ˝1 × c l+c2
× c exp − d˝1 = I1 + I2 (A1) ˝01 1 ˝02 c2 (1 + c2 )l (1 + M1 )k
˝01 1 ˝01
N1 m1 z(˝01 + ˝02 )
× K(c1 +c2 +l−k−M1 ) 2
r1 ˝01 ˝02
Now, by using the well-known definition of lower incomplete
Gamma function:
M2 ∞ ∞
2 N2 m2 /r2 N2 m2 k
x +
(M2 ) (c1 ) (c2 )M2 r2
t a−1 exp(−t) dt = (a, x) (A2) k=0 l=0
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001
G Model
AEUE-50649; No. of Pages 6 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 D.M. Stefanović et al. / Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) xxx (2010) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Stefanović DM, et al. Second-order statistics of SC macrodiversity system operating over Gamma
shadowed Nakagami-m fading channels. Int J Electron Commun (AEÜ) (2010), doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2010.05.001