Statutory Construction Reviewer I-III
Statutory Construction Reviewer I-III
Statutory Construction Reviewer I-III
The court is bound to construe and interpret What is the purpose of Statutory
the law, when: Construction?
No. The wrong application of the law Can the Congress delegate to another branch
does not render it invalid, as the of the government the power to fill in details
Court can only declare a statute of execution?
unconstitutional if it violates the
Yes, the Congress may delegate to
provisions of the Constitution and not
another branch of the Government
on the grounds that the enforcers of
the power to fill in the details in the
the law have erred in the law’s
execution, enforcement or
application. Separate civil or criminal
administration of a law, it is essential,
cases for the violations of the
to forestall a violation of the principle
individuals who erred must be filed
of separation of powers, that said
independently (David vs Arroyo).
First reading
What is needed for an ordinance to be valid? o If yes, the bill shall be open to
debates, afterwards should be
For an ordinance to be valid, it must
sent back to the committee for
not only be within the corporate
powers of the city or municipality to
enact but must also be passed Third reading
according to the procedure prescribed
by law. It must be in accordance with o Copies are furnished and must
certain well-established basic be handed to the members.
principles of a substantive nature. o The title and the entirety of
These principles require that an the bill is read out loud.
o For the bill to pass the third
(1) Must not contravene the reading, it must garner a
Constitution or any statute; majority vote (half of the
(2) Must not be unfair or oppressive; quorum + 1).
What is the purpose of the one subject one b. Preamble - This part of the statutes
title rule? explains the reason of its enactment
and object it sought to be
It has been said that the purpose of
such provision (one-title, one subject
rule) is to prevent the evils of so c. Enacting Clause: That part of the
called omnibus bills and surreptitious statute which declares its enactment
or unconsidered legislation. "The and serves to identify it as an act of
mischief sought to be remedied by legislation proceeding from the
the requirement of a single subject or proper legislative authority.
object of legislation was the practice
d. Body: The main and operative part
of bringing together in one bill
of the statute containing its
matters having no necessary or
substantive and even procedural
proper connection with each other but
provisions. Provisos and exceptions
often entirely unrelated and even
may also be found in the body of the
incongruous. (Government of the
Philippine Islands vs HSBC et al)
e. Repealing Clause: That part of the
Reason for “one subject one title”: To
statute which announces the prior
prevent duplicity in legislation,
statutes or specifies provisions
hodgepodge or log-rolling legislation,
which have been abrogated by
and surprise of fraud upon the
reason of the enactment of the new
legislative. Also, to fairly appraise the
people through publication of the
subjects of the legislation. The title f. Separability clause: That part of
shall also be used as a guide in which provides that in the event that
ascertaining the intent of the one or more provisions are declared
legislative. void or unconstitutional, the
remaining provisions shall be in
How do we determine if the title of the
statute conforms to the Constitution?
What is the general rule and the exception to
The Supreme Court held that the one-
the Separability Clause of statutes?
title, one-subject rule as
contemplated in the Constitution, The general rule is that where part of
contains dual limitations upon a statute is void as repugnant to the
legislative power, and that to Constitution, while another part is
determine if the title statute conforms valid, the valid portion, if separable
to the Constitution it must be: from the invalid, may stand and be
enforced. (Antonio vs COMELEC;
(1) The subject need not be
Tatad vs DOE)
stated in express terms, as
long as it is inferable from the The exception to the general rule is
details, and that when the parts of a statute are
so mutually dependent and
connected, as conditions, What is meant by "publication"?
considerations, inducements, or
Publication must be in full or it is no
compensations for each other, as to
publication at all since its purpose is
warrant a belief that the legislature
to inform the public of the contents of
intended them as a whole the nullity
the laws. The mere mention of the
of one part will vitiate the rest.
number of the presidential decree,
(Antonio vs COMELEC; Tatad vs DOE)
the title of such decree, its
whereabouts, the supposed date of
effectivity, and in a mere supplement
g. Effectivity Clause - This part
of the Official Gazette cannot satisfy
announces the date of effectivity of
the publication requirement. (Tanada
the law, ensuring that it follows the
vs Tuvera)
guideline of Art. 2 of the New Civil