Ansi ABMA11
Ansi ABMA11
Ansi ABMA11
, 1 990
Std 11-1990
(Revision of
Std 11-1978)
The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does
not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standardsor not, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing,or using products, processes,or procedures not
conforming to the standards.
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no
circumstances give an interpretationof any American National Standard. Moreover, no
person shall have the rightor authority to issue an interpretation of an American National
Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for inter-
pretations shouldbe addressed to the secmtariat or sponsor whose name appears on the
title page of this standard.
Published by
The principal difference between this standard and IS0 DIS 281 is the use
of the ,,f factor which combined the f, and b, factors used in I S 0 281.
Dynamic load ratings calculated for the same bearing should have the same
value, however, when following either this or the
IS0 Standard unless noted
otherwise in this standard.
The life adjustment factor for special bearing properties, a2, intended for
use with capacities calculated in accordance with previous revisions of this
Standard may not be valid for use with the current capacities. The present
fcm values incorporate material and processing improvements which were
previously adjusted by means of the a2 factor.
Suggestions for the improvement of this standard gained from its use will
be welcomed. Such suggestions should be sent to the American National
Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y., 10018.
S. R. Ahlman,
Chairman G. T. Satterfield,
1 -Terminology
4 -Tolerance Definitions and Gaging Practices
7 -Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings
(Except Tapered Roller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary
8.1 "Ball and Roller Bearing Mounting Accessories, Metric Design
8.2 "Ball and Roller Bearing Mounting Accessories, Inch Design
9 "Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings
10 "Metal Balls
11 "Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings
I 2.1 "Instrument Ball Bearings, Metric Design
12.2 "Instrument Ball Bearings, Inch Design
13 "Rolling Bearing Vibration and Noise
14 "Housing for Bearings With Spherical Outside Surfaces
15 "Ball BearingsWithSphericalOutsideSurfacesandExtended
Inner Ring Width (Includes Eccentric Locking Collars)
16.1 -Airframe Ball, Roller and Needle Roller Bearings, Metric Design
16.2 -Airframe Ball, Roller and Needle Roller Bearings, Inch Design
17 "Needle Rollers, Metric Design
18.1 "Needle Roller Bearings-Radial, Metric Design
18.2 "Needle Roller Bearings-Radial, Inch Design
19 "Tapered Roller Bearings, Radial, Metric Design
20 "Radial Bearings of Ball, Cylindrical Roller and Spherical Roller
Types, Metric Design
21 .I -Thrust Needle Roller and Cage Assemblies and Thrust Washers,
Metric Design
21.2 -Thrust Needle Roller and Cage Assemblies and Thrust Washers,
Inch Design
22.2 -Spherical Plain Bearings, Joint Type, Inch Design
23.2 -Thrust Bearings of Tapered Roller Type, Inch Design
24.1 -Thrust Bearings of Ball, Cylindrical Roller and Spherical Roller
Types, Metric Design
24.2 -Thrust Bearings of Ball and Cylindrical Roller Types, Inch Design
An AFBMA Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the
consumer and the general public. The existence of an AFBMA Standard
does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the
Standard or not from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using
ucts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. AFBMA
Standards are subject to revision or withdrawal at any time and users who
refer to an AFBMA Standard should satisfy themselves that they have the
latest information from the Association.
2. Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3 Static Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.4 Pitch Diameter of a RollerSet. D,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.5 Basic Rating Life. Llo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.6 Adjusted Rating Life. L, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.7 Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.8 Basic Static Radial Load Rating. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.9 Basic Dynamic Axial Load Rating. C, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.10 Basic Static Axial Load Rating. Coa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 1 Dynamic Equivalent Radial Load. P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.12 Static Equivalent Radial Load. Po. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1.2 Basic Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.1.3 Double Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.1 Truncated- Contact Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.2 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.3 Bearing Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.4 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.5 Ring Support and Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.6 Internal Clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.7 High
Speed Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.8 Stress Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.9 Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.1O Plastic Deformation inthe Contact Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 Operating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
No . Title Page
1. Values off., . . . . ............................... 7
2. ValuesofXandY . ............................... 9
3. Values of X, and Y, ............................... 10
,,f = a factor which depends on the ge- and manufacturing quality, and under con-
ometry of the bearingcomponents, ventional operating conditions.
the accuracy to which the various 3.6 Adjusted Rating Life, L,,
components are made and contem-
porary, normally used material and its The rating life obtained by adjustment of
manufacturing quality .the basic rating life for a desired reliability
level, special bearing properties and spe-
i =number of rows of rollers in a bearing cific operating conditions.
OL =nominal contact angle of the bearing, 3.7 Basic Dynamic Radial Load
degrees Rating, Cr
3.DEFINITIONS That constant stationary radial load
which a rolling bearing could theoretically
For the purposes of this Standard, the endure for a basic rating life of one million
definitions given in ANSVAFBMA Standard revolutions.
1 together with the following apply.
3.8 Basic Static Radial Load Rating, C,,
3.1 Life
Static radial load which corresponds to
Foran individual rolling bearing, the a calculated contactstress at the center of
number of revolutions which one of the the most heavily loaded rolling element/
bearing rings (or washers) makes in rela- raceway contact of
tion to the other ring (or washer) before the
- 4000 MPa (580,000 psi).
first evidence of fatigue develops in the ma-
terial of one of the rings (or washers) or NOTE: For this contact stress, a total per-
rolling elements. manent deformation of rolling element and
3.2 Reliability (in the context of bearing racewayoccurswhich is approximately
life) 0.0001 of the rolling element diamater.
For a groupof apparently identical rolling 3.9 Basic Dynamic Axial Load Rating, C,
bearings, operating under the same c m - That constant centric axial load which a
ditions, thë percentage of the group that is rolling bearing could theoretically endure
expected to attain or exceed a specified for a basic rating life of one million revo-
life. lutions.
The reliability of an individual rolling 3.10 Basic Static Axial Load Rating, C,,
bearing is the probability that the bearing
will attain or exceed a specified life. Static centric axial load which corre-
sponds to a calculated contact stressat
3.3StaticLoad the center of the most heavily loaded rolling
The load acting on a bearing when the element/raceway contact of
speed of rotation of its rings in relation to - 4000 MPa (580,000 psi) for thrust
each other is zero. roller bearings.
3.4 Pitch Diameter of a Roller Set, D,, NOTE: For this contact stress, a total per-
The diameter of the circle intersecting the manent deformation of rolling element and
roller axesat the middle of the rollers in one racewayoccurswhich is approximately
row in a bearing. 0.0001 of the rolling element diameter.
3.5 Basic Rating Life, L,, 3.1 1 Dynamic Equivalent Radial
Foran individual rolling bearing, or a Load, Por
group of apparently identical rolling bear- That constant stationary radial load
ings operating under the same conditions, under the influence of which a rolling bear-
the life associated with 90% reliability, with ing would havethe same life as itwill attain
contemporary, commonlyused material under the actual load conditions.
plies to cylindrical, spherical, and tapered than the rolling contact surfaces composite
roller bearings, self-aligning radial roller roughness at the operating temperature.
bearings and to needle roller bearings.
4.2.5 Ring Support and Alignment. Basic
4.1.3 Double Row. Double row radial rating life calculated according to this stan-
roller bearings and double direction thrust dard assumes that the bearing inner and
roller bearings, as specified by this stan- outer rings are rigidly supported, and that
dard, are presumed to be symmetrical. the inner and outer ring axes are properly
aligned. Bearing rings (or washers) must
4.2Limitations be mounted so that any deformation of
rings as a result of mounting compliance
4.2.1 Truncated Contact Area. This stan- is small compared to contact deformation
dard may not be safely applied to roller under the applied load.
bearings subjected to loading which
causes the contact area of the roller with 4.2.6 Internal Clearance. Radial roller
the raceway to be truncated by the edge bearing basic rating life calculated accord-
of the raceway or roller. This limitation de- ing to this standard is based on the as-
pends strongly on details of bearing design sumption that only a nominal internal clear-
which are not standardized. anceoccurs in the mountedbearing at
operating speed, load and temperature.
4.2.2 Materials. This standard appliesto
roller bearings made from hardened, good 4.2.7 High Speed Effects. Basic rating
quality bearing steel. While a complete me- life calculated according to this standard
tallurgical description is beyond the scope does not account for high speed effects
of this standard, typical cleanliness and such asroller centrifugal forces andgy-
material composition specifications for roscopic moments. These effects tend to
bearing quality steel are given in ASTM A diminish fatigue life. Analytical evaluation
295 andA 485 for through hardening of these effects frequently requires the use
steels, and in ASTM A 534 for carburizing of high speed digital computation devices
steels. Typical hardness levels range from and hence, cannot be included herein.
HRC 58 to 64 for rings or washers and HRC 4.2.8 Stress Concentrations. A roller
60 to 65 for rollers. bearing must be expected to have a basic
4.2.3 Bearing Types.The ,,f factors load rating less than that obtained using a
specified in basic load rating formulae are value off,, taken from Table 1 if, under load
valid only for those roller bearing configu- a stress concentration is present in some
rations specified in section 4.1 above. This part of the roller-raceway contact.Such
standard is not applicable to designs stress concentrations occur in the center
where the rolling elements operate directly of nominal point contacts, at the contact
on a shaft or housing surface, unless that extremities for line contacts and at inade-
surface is equivalent in all respects to the quately blended junctions of a rolling sur-
bearing ring (or washer) raceway itre- face profile. Stress concentrations can also
places. occur if the rollers arenot accurately
guided such as in bearings without cages
4.2.4 Lubrication. Basic rating life cal- and bearings not having rigid integral
culated according to this standard is based flanges. Values of ,,f given in Tables 1 , 4,
on the assumption that the bearing is ad- 5 and 6 are based upon bearings manu-
equately lubricated. Determination of ad- factured to achieve optimized contact. For
equate lubrication depends uponthe bear- no bearing type or execution will the factor
ing application. An adequate amount of an ,,f be greater than that obtained in Table
appropriate type of lubricant is essential to 1, 4, 5 or 6 as appropriate.
achieving expected performance. The lu-
bricant must be free of excessive contam- 4.2.9 Tolerances. This standard applies
inants and of a viscosity level that will pro- to cylindricaland spherical radial roller
videa film thickness somewhat greater bearings and self-aligning radial roller
Cylindrical Roller Bearings,
Tapered Roller Bearings Drawn Cup
D,cos~Y*) and Needle Roller Bearings Needle Roller Spherical
D,, with Machined Rings Bearings Roller Bearings
0.01 51 49 4681 5383
0.02 6009 5463 6282
0.03 6573 5975 6871
0.04 6987 6352 7305
0.05 7324 6658 7657
+ (e)
sidered as a single row bearing only if all
rollers carrying load in the same direction
contact the same washer raceway area. x [(2) +
912 912
, , .
TABLE 4. Part 1 - Metric Values for ,,f TABLE 4. Part 2 - Inch Values for ,,f for
- for TaDered Roller Bearina: - TEipered Roller Bearinas')
D,, Y = 90'
= 5Oo31 x = 6 5 O 4 1 Y = BOo5
D,, 01= 90
= SOo3: K = 65-: '
cy = 80"':
0.01 1 15.94 0.01 120.67 117.81 116.16 0.01 10400 0.01 10824 10568 10420
0.02 135.19 0.02 140.58 137.17 135.30 0.02 12127 0.02 1261O 12304 12136
0.03 147.95 0.03 153.45 149.82 147.73 0.03 13271 0.03 13764 13439 13251
0.04 157.74 0.04 163.13 159.17 157.08 0.04 141 49 0.04 14633 14278 14090
0.05 165.77 0.05 170.72 166.65 164.34 0.05 14870 0.05 15314 14949 14741
0.06 172.59 0.06 176.99 172.70 170.39 0.06 15481 0.06 15876 15491 15284
0.07 178.64 0.07 182.16 177.76 175.34 0.07 16024 0.07 16340 15945 15728
0.08 183.92 0.08 186.45 182.05 179.52 0.08 I6498 0.08 16725 16330 16103
0.09 188.87 0.09 190.08 185.57 183.04 0.09 16942 0.09 17050 16646 16419
0.10 193.27 0.1o 193.05 188.54 185.90 0.10 17336 0.1o 17317 16912 16675
0.11 197.45 0.11 195.58 190.96 188.32 0.11 1771 1 0.11 17544 171 29 16892
0.12 201.30 0.12 197.67 192.94 190.30 0.12 18057 0.12 17731 17307 17070
0.13 204.93 0.13 199.21 194.48 191.84 0.13 18382 0.13 17869 17445 17208
0.14 208.34 0.14 200.53 195.69 193.05 0.14 18688 0.14 17988 17553 17317
0.15 21 1.53 0.15 201.41 196.68 193.93 0.15 18974 0.15 18066 17642 17396
0.16 214.61 0.16 202.07 197.23 - 0.16 I9251 0.16 18126 17692 -
0.17 21 7.47 0.17 202.40 197.56 - 0.17 19507 0.17 181 55 17721 -
0.18 220.33 0.18 202.51 197.67 - 0.18 19764 0.18 18165 17731 -
0.19 222.97 0.19 202.40 197.56 - 0.19 20000 0.19 18155 17721 -
0.20 225.50 0.20 202.07 197.23 - 0.20 20227 0.20 18126 17692 -
0.21 227.92 0.21 201.52 - - 0.21 20444 0.21 18076 - -
0.22 230.34 0.22 200.86 - - 0.22 20661 0.22 18017 - -
0.23 232.65 0.23 199.98 - - 0.23 20869 0.23 17938 - -
0.24 234.85 0.24 198.99 - - 0.24 21 066 0.24 17849 - -
0.25 236.94 0.25 197.78 - - 0.25 21 254 0.25 17741 - -
1 = 90'
c = 50'31
7-1 = 65""
I = 80")
D, CY = gog
0.01 9454
Y = 65-
9607 9472
l0.02 122.9 0.02 127.8 124.7 123.0 0.02 1 1024 0.02 11464 11186 11033
0.03 134.5 0.03 139.5 136.2 134.3 0.03 12065 0.03 12513 12217 12047
0.04 143.4 0.04 148.3 144.7 142.8 0.04 12863 0.04 13303 12980 12809
0.05 150.7 0.05 155.2 151.5 149.4 0.05 1351 8 0.05 13921 13590 13401
0.06 156.9 0.06 160.9 157.0 154.9 0.06 14074 0.06 14433 14083 13895
0.07 162.4 0.07 165.6 161.6 159.4 0.07 14567 0.07 14854 14496 14298
0.08 167.2 0.08 169.5 165.5 163.2 0.08 14998 0.08 15204 14845 14639
0.09 171.7 0.09 172.8 168.7 166.4 0.09 15401 0.09 15500 15132 14926
0.10 175.7 0.1 o 175.5 171.4 169.0 0.1 o 15760 0.1 o 15742 15375 151 59
0.1 1 179.5 0.1 1 177.8 173.6 171.2 0.1 1 161O1 0.1 1 15949 15572 15357
0.1 2 183.0 0.1 2 179.7 175.4 173.0 0.1 2 1641 5 0.1 2 16119 5733 15518
0.1 3 186.3 0.1 3 181.1 i76.8 174.4 0.1 3 1671 1 0.1 3 16245 5859 15644
0.14 189.4 0.1 4 182.3 177.9 175.5 0.1 4 16989 0.1 4 16352 5958 15742
0.1 5 192.3 0.1 5 183.1 178.8 176.3 0.1 5 17249 0.15 16424 6038 1581 4
0.1 6 195.1 0.1 6 183.7 179.3 - 0.1 6 17500 0.1 6 16478 16083
0.1 7 197.7 0.1 7 184.0 179.6 0.17 17734 0.1 7 16505 16110 -
0.1 8 200.3 0.1 8 184.1 179.7 - 0.18 17967 0.1 8 1651 4 161 19 -
0.19 202.7 0.1 9 184.0 179.6 - 0.1 9 18182 0.19 16505 16110 -
0.20 205.0 0.20 183.7 179.3 0.20I 18389 0.20 16478 16083 -
0.21 207.2 0.21 183.2 - 0.21 18586 0.21 16433 -
- - -
21 1.5
181.8 -
16307 -
0.24 213.5 0.24 180.9 0.24 191 51 0.24 16227
0.25 215.4 0.25 179.8 I
0.25 19321 0.25 161 28 -
0.26 21 7.3 0.26 178.7 - - 0.26, 19492 0.26 16029 -
0.27 21 9.1 - - - - 0.27 19653 - - -
0.28 220.9 - - - 0.28 19815 - - -
0.29 222.7 - - - - 0.29 19976 - - -
0.30 224.3 - - - - 0.30 201 20 - - - -
' Use to obt; C, in ne ons whel and C ' Use to obtz C. in pounds when Iwe
and I:
in millimetres. in inches.
, Dwecosa
Values offm for intermediate values
-or - are Values off,, for intermediate values
or - - are
obtained by linear interpolation. obtained by linear interpolation.
Applicable for 45" c a c 60". Applicable for 45" c a c 60'.
Applicable for 60" 5 a € 75". ' Applicable for 60" 5 a c 75".
Applicable for 75" 5 (Y c 90". Applicable for 75" s (Y -ZZ 90".
P, = X F, Y F, +
Values of X and Y are given in Table 7.
Thrust roller bearings with a = 90" can The values of C, and P, are calculated in
support axial loads only. The dynamic accordance with 6.1 and 6.2.
equivalent axial load for this type of bearing This life formula is also used for the eval-
is given by uation of the life of two or more single di-
P, = F, rection thrust roller bearings operating as
a unit, as referred to in 6.1.3. In this case,
6.3 Basic Rating Life the load rating C, is calculated for the com-
6.3.1 The basic rating life, Llo, for a plete bearing arrangement and the equiv-
thrust roller bearing is given by alent load P, is calculated for the total loads
TABLE 6. 'art 1 - Metric Values for,,f TABLE 6. Part 2 - 1nch.Values for,,f for
-- for 2 lherical Roller Bearings')
- - Spherical Roller
- Bearings')
D, o! = 9 0
D, y = SOo3) y = 65"" y =
D,, Y = 90"
D, y
= 50°3)
0.01 121.210 0.01 126.1 55123.165 121.440 0.01 10873 0.01 1'1316 11048 10893
0.02 141.335 0.02 146.970 143.405 141.450 0.02 12678 0.02 13183 12863 12688
0.03 154.675 0.03 160.425 156.630 154.445 0.03 13874 0.03 14390 14050 13854
0.04 164.91O 0.04 170.545 166.405 164.220 0.04 14792 0.04 15298 14927 14731
0.05 173.305 0.05 178.480 174.225 171.81O 0.05 15545 0.05 16010 15628 1541 1
0.06 180.435 0.06 185.035 180.550 178.1 35 0.06 161 85 0.06 16598 161 95 15979
0.07 186.760 0.07 190.440 185.840 183.31O 0.07 16752 0.07 17082 16670 16443
0.08 192.280 0.08 194.925 190.325 187.680 0.08 17248 0.08 7485 7072 116835
0.09 197.455 0.09 198.720 194.005 191.360 0.09 17712 0.09 7825 7402 1 71 65
0.1o 202.055 0.1o 201.825 197.110 194.350 0.10 18124 0.10 81 04 7681 1 7433
0.11 206.425 0.11 204.470 199.640 196.880 0.11 18516 0.11 1 8341 1 7908 17660
0.12 21 0.4500.12 206.655 201.710 198.950 0.12 18877 0.12 18537 1'8093 1 7846
0.13 214.245 0.13 208.265 203.320 200.560 0.13 19218 0.13 1 8681 1 8238 1 7990
0.14 21 7O.81 0.14 209.645 204.585 201.825 0.14 19538 0.14 1 8774 1 8351 1'8104
0.15 221.1 450.15 21 0.565205.620 202.745 0.15 19837 0.15 18888 18444 18186
1 1')I I i I
Roller Bearinas bearings in 6.2.
6.3.2 The life formula gives satisfactory
results for a broad range of bearing loads.
",';I~TYP~ :)i X Y e However, extra-heavy loads may cause
direction, detrimental plastic deformations at the
tana 1 1.5tana
Double direction, rollerlraceway contacts. Theuser should
a # 90" 1.5tana 0.67 tana 1 1.5tana therefore consult the bearing manufacturer
F, to establish the applicability of the life for-
- eisunsuitableforsingledirectionbearings.
mula in cases where P, exceeds 0.5 C,.
c, = 220 (
: ZL,D,sn
ia (metric)
TABLE 8. Life Adjustment Factor for 7.5 Life Adjustment Factor For Operat-
Reliabilitv, a, ing Conditions, a3
% L., al 7.5.1 Of 'the operating conditions di-
90 L, 1
rectly influencing bearing life, the direction
95 L5 0.62 and magnitude of the load are considered
96 L4 0.53 in the calculation of the equivalent load,
97 L3 0.44 (5.2, 5.5, 6.2 and 6.5), and deviations from
98 L* 0.33 normal load distribution are discussed in
99 L1 0.21
Operating conditions which remain to be
7.4 Life Adjustment Factor For Special taken into account here include the ade-
Bearing Properties, a2 quacy of the lubrication (at the operating
7.4.1 Abearingmayacquirespecial speed and temperature), presence of for-
properties, as regards life, by the use of a eign matter, conditions causing changesin
special type and quality of material and/or material properties (for example high tem-
special manufacturing processes and/or perature causing reduced hardness) and
special design. Such speciallife properties mounting conditions. The influence on
are taken into account by the application bearing life of such conditions may be
of the life adjustment factor a2. taken into account by the introduction of a
life adjustment factor a3.
The present state of knowledge doesnot
make it possible to define relationships be- 7.5.2 The calculation of basic rating life
tween the values of a2 and quantifiable in this standard assumes that the lubrica-
characteristics of the material or bearing tion is normal, ¡.e. that the lubricant film in
raceway geometry, for example. The val- the rolling element/raceway contactshas a
ues of a2 have therefore to be based on thickness which is equal toor slightly
experience, and may usually be obtained greater than the composite roughness of
from the manufacturer of the bearing. the contact surfaces. Where this require-
ment is fulfilled, a3 is equal to 1 , provided
7.4.2 The use of a certain steel analysis a lower value does not apply, for example
and/or process as such is not sufficient jus- because of a changein material properties
tification for the use of an a2 value other caused by the operating conditions.
than 1. Valuesof a2 greater than 1 may,
however be applicable to bearings made 7.5.3 Values of a3 less than 1 should be
of steel of particularly low impurity content considered, for example where the kine-
orof special analysis. However, if a re- matic viscosity of the lubricant, at the op-
duced life is expected because of a hard- erating temperature, is less than 13 mm2/
ness reduction causedby special heat s') for roller bearings and/or where the ro-
treatment, this should be considered by the tational speed is exceptionally low (¡.e. D,,
selection of a correspondingly reduced a2 in mm times revolutions per minute is less
value. than 10,000).
7.4.3 A special design involving an in- Values of a3 greater than 1 may be consid-
creased or reduced uniformity of the stress ered only where the lubrication conditions
in the contactsbetween rolling elements are so favourable that the probability of fail-
and raceways should also be considered ure caused by surface distress is greatly
in the selection of the value of a2. reduced.
7.4.4 It may not be assumed that the Manufacturers of bearings are expected
use of a specialmaterial, process or design to supply recommendations regarding ap-
will overcome a deficiency in lubrication. propriate valuesofa3 to be used in the
Values of a2greater than 1 should therefore calculation of adjusted rating life in accor-
normally not be applied if a3 is less than 1 dance with 7.1.
because of such deficiency. ' 1 mm% = IcSt
The Standards Institute provides the machinery for creating voluntary standards. It
serves to eliminate duplication of standards activities and to weld conflicting standards
into single, nationally accepted standards under the designation “American National
Each standard represents general agreement among maker, seller, and user groups
as to the best current practice with regard to some specific problem. Thus the completed
standards cut across the whole fabricof production, distribution, and consumptionof
goods and services. American National Standards, by reason of Institute procedures,
reflect a national consensus of manufacturers, consumers, and scientific, technical,
and professional organizations, and governmental agencies. The completed standards
are used widely by industry and commerce and often by municipal, state, and federal
The Standards Institute, under whose auspices this work is being done, is the United
States clearinghouse and coordinating body for voluntary standards activity on the
national level. It is a federation
of trade associations, technical societies, professional
groups, and consumer organizations. Some lo00 companies are affiliated with the
Institute as company members.
The American National Standards lnsitute is the United States member of the Inter-
national Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC). Through these channelsU.S. standards interests make their posi-
tions felt on the international level. American National Standards are on file in the
libraries of the national standards bodies of more than 60 countries.