08jul201510075310 Akhilesh Kumar Singh 57-62 PDF
08jul201510075310 Akhilesh Kumar Singh 57-62 PDF
08jul201510075310 Akhilesh Kumar Singh 57-62 PDF
Print ISSN: 2393-9095; Online ISSN: 2393-9109; Volume 2, Number 8; April-June, 2015 pp. 57-62
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications
Experiment is carried out on three control input process 3.1 Pre-Heat and PWHT Welding’s
parameters(i.e. current, travel speed and gas flow rate) is
shown in Table 2. For welding, the specimen P91 steel plate In Table (3-4) show the measured dimensions of weld bead
material was cut into size of 100mm x 50mm x 6mm by geometries and bar-graph is also shown in Fig. (3&4) to
abrasive cutter with blade of thickness 1.5 mm was used to cut analysis the weld bead geometry of Pre-Heat and PWHT
the specimens at 1500 rpm. welded dimensions. Fig.3 shows Pre-Heat before welding, the
specimen C2S2G2 as the heights dimensions at bead welds
Two types of welding have been performed on P91 steel plate. (BW), weld area (WA) and width of Heat Affected Zone
First - Before welding preheating. Second - after welding post (HAZ). When current increases penetration dimension is
weld heat treatment (PWHT). In both welding’s the torch decreases toward C1S1G1 to C3S3G3.
fixed and workpiece is controlled by travel-speed machine has
been fabricated to avoid human errors during welding which Fig.4 shows the PWHT after welding, in this welding we
shown in Fig. (1). observed that when current increases WB and WA dimensions
is increases toward C1S1G1 to C3S3G3 and the heights
After welding, the specimens were cut by abrasive cutter then penetration dimensions is found at specimen C2S2G2. In both
grinded. After that polished and etched, using 5% Nital the weld processes, it can be clearly seen from the Fig. (3 and
solution, to reveal the bead geometry on the cross section. The 4) width of the heat affected zones has approximately equal
etched specimens were then photographed using a digital dimensions observed at both the specimens C1S1G1 and
camera, shown in Fig. 2 and 3 which were later used for C2S2G2.
dimension measurement.
Table 1: The chemical composition of material used
Cr M V N2 C Si M P S Ni Al
% o % % % % n % % % %
% %
P91 8.8 0.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Steel 1 7 4 46 93 2 4 18 07 5 15
(6 mm
ss) (C1S1G1)
Table 3: Measured Data of Pre-Heat Welding 3.2 Microstructures after TIG Welding
Measured Data Of Pre-Heat Welding The microstructures of weld bead geometry and Heat Affected
Sample Width Zone (HAZ) have been analysis by optical microscope (Lieca
Width Penetration Area Qwin software). The microstructures of Pre-Heat and PWHT
Number HAZ
(cm) (cm) (cm2) (cm) welding are shown in the Figures. (5-6).
C1S1G1 0.634 0.261 0.1164 0.118
C2S2G2 0.769 0.247 0.133 0.119
Fig.(5) shows the microstructure of Pre-Heat welding(200ᴼC)
C3S3G3 0.661 0.183 0.090 0.109 in which all the welds show ferrite as well as fresh-martensite
like structures observed in weld zone. The microstructure of
coarse grain zone, grain size is larger than the fine grain zone.
Fig. (6) Shows the overall microstructure of P91 steel in which
all the welds show at weld zone we observed delta-ferrite like
structure after PWHT (760ᴼC for 2hrs.). HAZ- including
Fig. 4: The microstructures of PWHT weld:
hardness decrease toward the FGHAZ and then slightly operations are necessary to avoid hydrogen retention cracking
increases toward base metal[15-17]. problems or we call Type IV cracking of weld [16]. The more
effect of heat treatments of P91 steel is investigated in a future