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Getting Started With The SDA Stealth Digital Analyzer

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Getting Started
with the SDA
Stealth Digital Analyzer

Table of Contents

Stealth to SDA Series Replacement Guide

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1
Stealth Versus SDA Sweep Compatibility
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1

Functional Differences Between the Stealth and SDA

..................................... page 1
SDA-5500 Sweep Set-Up
..................................... page 1
SDA-5000 Test Point Compensation / Reverse
Sweep Level
..................................... page 1
Reverse Compensation and Reverse
Sweep / Telemetry Levels
..................................... page 1
Reverse Compensation Information Screen
..................................... page 2
Forward Compensation
..................................... page 2
Saving Test Point Compensation Files
..................................... page 2

New Features on the SDA Series Meters

.............................. . . . . . . . page 2
SDA-5000 (with OPT. 1) CW Loopback
.............................. . . . . . . . page 2
SDA-5000 (with OPT. 2) Loopback Sweep
.............................. . . . . . . . page 3
SDA-5000 (with OPT. 4) QAM View
.............................. . . . . . . . page 3

Digital Carriers - Automatic Center Frequency Default

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
• SDA-5000 Data Sheet
• SDA-4040D Data Sheet
• SDA Find & Fix Wall Chart
• SDA Family Color Sell
• Application Notes 1, 2, 3, 5
• Wavelengths Newsletter, November 2000 issue
• Wavelengths Newsletter, September 2000 issue
• Wavelengths Newsletter, January 2000 issue
• SDA-5000 Sweep Training CD-ROM
• SDA Product Poster
• SDA-5000 & 4040D PR Photographs
Figure 13 Figure 17


Once you have upgraded the SDA platform, you can purchase
the QAM View Option 4 to ensure the quality of your forward
digital services. For measurement and analysis of digital TV
and forward modem signals, the new digital QAM View option
provides a full complement of digital quality measurements.
Included is a 64/256 QAM constellation display with zoom
average digital power level and BER and MER (Figure 18). An
equalizer display shows equalizer stress and distance to fault.

Figure 15 In addition, an exclusive noise mode allows technicians to

see ingress/noise under an active digital carrier (Figure 19).
This tool is invaluable for detecting forward path ingress oth-
erwise hidden by conventional spectrum views!

Figure 18



If a digital channel is being enabled in the channel plan edi-

tor, please observe that an auto center frequency feature has
been implemented for NTSC channel plans. This feature adds Figure 19
1.75 MHz to the video frequency of the channel being modi-
fied, and the measurement bandwidth now defaults to 5.6
MHz. Adding 1.75 MHz to the video frequency establishes the
center frequency in a standard 6 MHz bandwidth. The user
should always verify the 5.6 MHz measurement bandwidth
with the system operator, and adjust as needed.

EXAMPLE: Channel 89 is being converted from a video chan-

nel to a digital channel. The video frequency is 613.25 MHz,
and the measurement BW is 4 MHz (Figure 16). After convert-
ing the channel to a digital carrier, the center frequency is
615.00 MHz, and the measurement bandwidth is 5.6 MHz
(Figure 17).

Figure 16
Stealth / SDA Replacement Step 1. To begin sweep configuration of the SDA transmitter,
select the CONFIG icon under the files and Configure
Tab on the Navigator (Figure 1).
The following chart shows the SDA replacements for current
Stealth meters.
Step 2. Select SWEEP in the CONFIGURE menu (Figure 2).
Stealth Model SDA Replacement
Step 3. Select TRANSMIT in the SWEEP MODE if all field
3ST SDA-5500
technicians in your system are not using SDA-5000
3HRV SDA-5510
sweep receivers (Figure 3). By selecting TRANSMIT
3SR SDA-5000
mode, all Stealth models (3Sx, SSA-1000) and the
3SRV option Option #1 SDA-5000
SDA-5000 are compatible with the SDA-5500. The
3SRT option Option #2 SDA-5000
sweep speed is the same as the Stealth sweep using
PathTrak Field View Option Option #3 SDA-5000
firmware version 9.3. Your sweep channel plan
should be configured as used in the model 3ST.
Stealth and SDA Sweep Compatibility
Your new SDA meter is fully forward and reverse sweep com-
Step 4. Select TRANSMIT (SDA COMPATIBLE) if all field
patible with older Stealth units! For example, an SDA-5500
technicians are using SDA-5000 field receivers
Sweep Transceiver (replaces the 3ST) will operate as normal
(Figure 4). This selection provides greater forward
with your existing 3SR, 3SRV, 3SRT, 3HRV or StealthTrak SSA-
sweep speed when compared to the 3ST, especially
1000. Alternatively, your 3ST will operate with the new SDA-
when operating with a channel plan that includes
5000 series (replaces the 3SR and SSA-1000). The reverse
multiple scrambled and digital signal types. By the
sweep operates in the same manner with all Stealth or SDA
way, when constructing a sweep channel plan and
field instruments whether you are using the 3HRV or it’s
using the SDA compatible mode, you may now refer-
replacement, the SDA-5510 Reverse Sweep Manager.
ence 64/256 QAM digital carriers as you would an
analog video or scrambled channel. Remember, the
The only requirement for backwards compatibility is that the
Transmit (SDA Compatible) mode should only be
3ST and 3HRV must have at least firmware version 9.3 installed.
used if all field sweep technicians have meters that
This firmware upgrade is free from the Acterna web site.
are upgraded to the SDA series.
To take advantage of the new digital compatible forward
Figure 1
sweep, all field and rack mount instruments must be SDA
series and the transmitter/receivers programmed for Stealth
(SDA Compatible) sweep.

Note: When configuring your SDA instruments for forward or

reverse sweeping, make sure that STEALTH SWEEP is
selected in SWEEP MODE unless all instruments in
your system are SDA series!

Functionality Variations Between Figure 2

the Stealth and SDA

The new SDA user interface is nearly identical to the

Stealth series, and all of the same features found on the
Stealth are included on the SDA. What you will immediately
notice is the NAVIGATOR menu is now standard on all
instruments, providing the same consistent "feel" from
meter to meter. You will also see some improvements in
the Test Point Compensation set-up and sweep transmitter
configuration. Best of all, you’ll see new features like digital
compatible forward sweep and a valuable Loopback feature Figure 3
for in-field component troubleshooting.

SDA-5500 versus 3ST Sweep Configuration

Sweep configuration of the SDA-5500 is much the same as the
3ST. The primary differences are: 1) the Navigator replaces the
3ST SET-UP screen, and 2) there is an additional TRANSMIT
selection for Stealth Sweep or SDA Sweep. The following
instructional sequence will guide you through these differences.
Figure 4 Figure 5

SDA-5000 Test Point Compensation / Reverse Figure 6

Level Configuration
A new graphical user interface has been added to simplify
programming of the forward and reverse test point compen-
sation. Test point compensation can be accessed by either
sequentially pressing the FUNCTION (green) and 7 keys, or
selecting the TEST POINT icon in the NAVIGATOR menu.

Reverse Compensation and Reverse Sweep / Telemetry Levels

Reverse test point compensation values and reverse teleme-
try and sweep level values are now programmed from the
same screen (Figure 5). Losses internal or external to the Figure 7
device under test may be entered.

The reverse telemetry level and sweep levels are also entered
on the reverse compensation screen. When adjusting the lev-
els please note the following program sequence:

• Entering the telemetry value will change the sweep value

to same level. That is, the sweep value will always "track"
the telemetry value unless the sweep value is changed
independently. This feature was implemented since both
telemetry values and sweep values are the same under Forward Compensation
most circumstances. Forward Path external and probe compensation values are
also programmed in the testpoint compensation screen
• If the device being tested requires different values for (Figure 7).
telemetry and sweep, simply enter the desired telemetry
value first, followed by the sweep value. Saving Test Point Compensation Files
Test point screens can now be saved by sequentially pressing
• Always remember to enter the desired level that you the FUNCTION (green) key and #2 key. Common test point
want injected to the device under test. The user will be configurations can be saved with a descriptive name of the
warned if the desired input level is not achievable given node type, amplifier type or location. The files can then be
the test point compensation values (transmitter output recalled and applied to the appropriate device under test.
is adjustable from +20 to +50 dBmV).

Reverse Compensation Information Screen NEW FEATURES ON THE SDA SERIES METERS
The reverse compensation information screen provides addi-
tional detail to the reverse TP set-up screen (Figure 6). SDA-5000 (with OPT. 1) CW Loopback
Information includes the transmitted output level from the CW Loopback allows the user to generate and receive a single
SDA-5000, and the actual level at the device under test. CW frequency using one unit (Figure 8). Connect the output
(opt. port) of the SDA-5000 to the input of the device under
• Please note the REVERSE TELEMETRY FREQUENCY test (DUT), and connect the SDA receiver input to the output
header at the top of Figure 6. This reference frequency of the DUT. The CW Loopback measurement can be accessed
that appears in the header is actually programmed in the by selecting the LOOPBACK icon from under the RF Measure
3ST, 3HRV, SDA-5500 or SDA-5510, but is displayed after Tab in the NAVIGATOR (Figure 9).
you perform the first reverse sweep. Therefore, the
default frequency will always be 40 MHz until you per- • This feature is ideal for simple troubleshooting of a field
form a reverse sweep, and then this frequency will active/passive device to determine gain, loss or continu-
change depending on what frequency was programmed ity. Any frequency from 5-1000 MHz can be selected, and
in the headend unit. the output is adjustable from +20 to +50 dBmV.
• The transmitter is at the maximum output of +50 dBmV • A dedicated channel plan is required for Sweep
when initially enabled. The user may adjust the transmit- Loopback, and building the plan is similar to building a
ted output level by scaling the attenuator (Figure 10) for reverse plan (Figure 12). The channel plan is constructed
the desired output level. by selecting a start / stop frequency and interval between
frequencies. Channel plans may be built from 5-1000
• Test point compensation can be enabled, if desired, for MHz. Channel frequencies may be edited as needed. Tilt
the CW Loopback mode. This mode recognizes the for- channels are enabled at the highest and lowest frequen-
ward test point compensation values, regardless of the cies built in the plan.
frequency that is being generated. If enabled, the test
point compensation value will be displayed in the lower *WARNING! TO AVOID INTERFERENCE WITH ACTIVE
left corner of the Loopback display. SERVICES ON THE CABLE SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THAT

• After the channel plan is built, select the desired sweep

insertion level into the device being tested (Figure 13).

• Press the front panel sweep key to begin the Sweep

Loopback measurement. A reference will typically need
to be established to account for any test cable losses or
mismatches. This is accomplished by connecting the test
cables from the SDA-5000 transmitter output (OPT port)
Figure 9 to the input port. Press the FUNCTION key followed by
the #6 key to store a reference (Figure 14).

Note: The level reading is an absolute measurement

(example: dBmV units) prior to establishing a refer-
ence. After the reference has been established, the
meter will read in relative units (dB).

• Connect the transmitter output of the SDA-5000 to the

input of the DUT, and connect the receiver input to the
output of the DUT. In Figure 15, the sweep loopback
Figure 10 measurement is used to check the frequency response of
a line extender.

Figure 11

Loopback Sweep
Transmitting and receiving a sweep signal from a single SDA-
5000 (OPT. 2 required) meter can be achieved through the
Loopback Sweep mode. The Loopback Sweep mode is an Figure 12
ideal solution for characterizing frequency response of net-
work active and passive devices.

• The Loopback Sweep feature is selected in the SWEEP

(Figure 11). Cabling the Sweep Loopback is nearly identical
to the CW Loopback. The SDA-5000 transmitter output
(OPT. port) is cabled to the input of the device under test
(DUT). The SDA receiver input is cabled to the DUT output.

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