Human Resource & Admin Service Process Flow Chart: Hras Team March 3, 2020
Human Resource & Admin Service Process Flow Chart: Hras Team March 3, 2020
Human Resource & Admin Service Process Flow Chart: Hras Team March 3, 2020
1. HRAS Team must 2. HRAS will 3. Once approved, 8. Top Management
schedule a Planning request approval of HRAS must set a approves Property
Session every 3rd Quarter budget for the pre-planning Business Initiatives
of the Year (July- Planning Session. session with the (Strategies) per
September) and gather (Venue, Food, Corporate Heads & property. (including
last year performance as Speaker if Property Heads. manpower budget,
reference. applicable etc.) project & programs etc)
16. HRAS records all 15. While Property 14. Employees who will 13. Those employees 12. Every month, 11. KRA’s are discussed 10. HRAS will assist
individual performance Heads are recognized be able to meet the who will not be able to Property Heads must per employee based on Property Heads, cascade
every year as part of the during ManCom targets are recognized meet the performance revisit their Operational the Corporate & the overall Corporate &
Year End Performance meeting by the Top Mgt by HRAS during staff must undergo 3 months Plans with their staff Operational direction Operational direction to
Appraisal. for a successful monthly meeting/briefing. Performance and assess the gaps set for the year. all the staff through their
performance. Improvement Plan (PIP) immediately. target & agreed KRA’s.
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1. HRAS identify 3. Recruiter post 4. Recruiter 5. Recruiter checks the 11. Recruiter informs 12. Recruiter conducts
staffing need based ads/vacancy conducts paper applicants credentials (house successful candidate background check
on the Job through bulletin screening prior to location, age, educational who passed the then prepares Job
Description, Rate, boards, corporate texting or inviting background, related work selection process. He/ Order and forwards it
Classification, and emails, social applicants which is experience, trainings, she will be advised the to HR Head Office for
Employment Status. media, or job based in the Job certifications, and salary job requirements & signature of the
portals. qualifications set. expectation) submission date. President/CEO.
undergo physical pass the qualifying applicant pass the requested to report to
assessment ex: age, exams (essay, exam & initial Property to sign Job
height, face, mathematical, and interview, he/she will Order & Contract
complexion, body personality test) be forwarded to the including schedule of
built, medical prior to initial Hiring Manager for a Onboarding.
conditions, etc. interview. series of interview.
3. Draft proposal 4. The rewards & 5. Said program 10. Department Head
including general recognition perform must ensure that it & General Mgr
guidelines is must be able to is tied in the reviews performance
presented to General meet the gaps and performance of on a daily and
Manager & Dept drive employees to each employees. monthly basis. List
Heads for pre- perform well. down nominations for
approval. the program.
15. Awardees copy of 14. Said awardees will be 13. Employees recognized are 12. Employees who
END certificates are recorded posted in Bulletin Boards given certificates and rewards can will qualify for the
in the HRIS System and emails, and Wall of Fame be in different ways (monetary, rewards & recognition
201 Personal File as so that everyone will incentive, extra day off, early time program will be
reference to their Annual know who gave exemplary off, lunch with the President, 1 day awarded during staff
Appraisal for the Year. performance for the free hotel stay, spot cash, etc) meeting.
month or quarter. whichever is applicable.