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Process: Manpower Planning and Recruitment Division

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1. Recruitment

2. Selection

3. Placement


Personnel Development and Skills Enhancement

Retirement/Separation process

Personnel DTR Processing

Leave Processing
Health and dental concerns of employees

Approved request from the Office of the General

CSC Form No. 9 prepared by the MPRD

Publication of vacant position.

Qualified Applicants and Pre evaluation result

prepared by the MPRD

Appoinment by the General Manager. Qualified

personnel hired/promoted, vacant position filled up.


Accomplished TNA submitted by the employees to the
PWD; Training Needs Analysis consolidated and
report prepared and furnished to concerned units.

Learning and Development Plan Formulated

List of trainings for the next calendar year

Course outline formulated by PWD in coordination

with the SME
Confirmation of participation

Materials are disseminated during the seminar.

Administrative support provided

Competent and well trained personnel.

ZCWD RTC year-end report

Counseling conducted twice a year. Retiring personnel

prepared for retirement.

Letter of intent to retire is approved by the GM and

forwarded to the HRD for processing

Office Clearance prepared by the HRD to be signed by

concerned Divisions Heads to the General Manager

Memorandum Receipts (MRs) are prepared by the

Property and Warehousing Section

Various applications forms are signed by the

Administration Group Head for proper endorsement.

Report generated. Employees/immediate supervisors

are reminded on CSC rules.

Proof list signed by concerned employees and

concerned division manager

Application for leave and CTO processed signed by

employee and division manager.
Dental services availed from Dr. UY and recorded by
Industrial Nurse. Medical check up availed from Dra.
Usman every Tuesday and Thursday. Records kept by
Industrial Nurse.

Request for filling up of vacant positions from concerned

Approved request from the Office of the General
Manager; CSC Qualification Standards; Plantilla of

CSC Form 9 approved by CSC field Office posted for at

least 10 calendar days.
Vacant positions posted in the ZCWD website c/o MISD;

Posting of the vacant position by GSD to all bulletin

CSC Approved Merit and Selection Plan

Application letters and pertinent documents from

Background Investigation in coordination with concerned
units and agencies
Potential Rating from concerned supervisors
Individual Performance Rating

Examination Results
CSC Approved Merit and Selection Plan

PSB Meeting highlights and final evaluation result

prepared by the MPRD duly signed by PSB members and
the HRD Department Manager.

CSC Approved Merit and Selection Plan

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Training Needs Analysis consolidated and report


Identify Training for the year

Invite Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Invite Participants

Materials to be used is prepared before the seminar

Seminar Proper
Pre and Post evaluation forms. Pre and Post evaluation
forms accomplished are consolidated and discussed.

Consolidation of all trainings/seminars conducted

Pre-retiment counseling

Letter of intent to retire

Personnel DTR, Tardiness and Undertime Monitoring

Processing of Monthly DTR and Proof list

Leave Processing
Health and Wellness
Criteria for Process Effectiveness and/or Acceptance Criteria for Outputs
efficiency (Products and Services)
(d) (e)

Request for filling up of vacant positions acted CSC Form No. 9 contains no error in
by the HRD upon receipt of the approved the details as required by CSC. (Any
request from OGM. Each detail shall be checked incorrect information in the CSC form
with reference to the CSC QS and the ZCWD No. 9 shall be a ground for
Plantilla. disapproval/invalidation of
appoinments per Section 25, Rule VII
of the 2017 ORA OHRA.

Qualified applicants are screened and well

evaluated as shown in the the pre-evaluation Pre Evaluation Result prepared
result based on the provisions of the CSC contains minimum errors. Rule VIII
approved MSP and the review of the PSB Sections 31 to 82 on the Qualification
members. Pre Evaluation Result prepared within Standards of the 2017 ORA OHRA.
a week. The same is provided to PSB members a
day before the meeting.

PSB Meeting highlights and final evaluation Highlights and final evaluation
result prepared by the MPRD duly signed by PSB prepared with no errors which is
members and the HRD Department Manager a endorsed to the office of the GM a
week after the PSB meeting. week after the PSB meeting. Personnel
hired/promoted is able to perform
his/her duties and responsibilities as
measured in the IPCR.
100% of the TNA result was considered The TNA bears relevance to the actual
duties and responsibilities of the

The trainings consolidated in the L and D Plan Performance evaluation reflects the
does not compromise the yearly objectives of usefulness of the training and the
the office particularly on the technical capability improvement in the performance and
of the employees. Preparation of the L and D productivity of the employee, which
Plan will be done a month after all TNAs are results to the quality service and
turned over to HRD. attainment of targets.

For the counseling conducted twice a year, the Employees are able to make sound
agencies and employees concernced are invited decision on their retirement options
a week before the scheduled counseling. Upon and embark to post retirement
receipt of the approved letter of intent to retire, activities. Employees are also able to
various documentary requirements needed are claim their retirement benefits.
processed within the week.

Processed within first fifteen (15) days of the Report generated with 100% accuracy.
following month

Processed within three (3) days upon receipt of Leave and CTOs are signed and
applications. approved with 100% accuracy.
Request forms are processed upon receipt 100% of the dental and medical
concerns are accomodated and acted
Customer Communication
What are established communication arrangement with customers?
Internal Customers (Employees)
Requests Method
102 files Personnel accomplishes request form from HRD
Leaves/CTO Personnel accomplishes request form from HRD
Training Personnel accomplishes Training Needs Assessment; Pre and
Post Evaluation
Filling up Vacant Position Concerned unit prepares Memorandum requesting filling up
of vacant positions duly approved by GM; CSC Form No. 9
approved by GM and CSC

Investigation Personnel accomplishes Memorandum from OGM, Security

Report, phone calls, interviews
Retirement Letter of Intent prepared by concerned personnel and
approved by management

Publication of vacant positions in the office and Website

Conduct background insvestigation through phone calls
Conduct interviews as part of the screening of applicants (for promotion)
Conduct Orientation to newly hired/promoted employees
Conduct pre retirement counselling to employees
Conduct interviews as part of investigation process
Coordination through memos, phone calls and emails with other units relative to office activities

External Customers (Applicants/Customers of ZCWD/Agencies/Schools)

Publication of vacant positions in the office and Website
Conduct interviews as part of the screening of applicants (lateral entry)
Conduct background investigation through phone calls
Conduct Orientation to students for OJT or Immersion
Conduct interviews as part of investigation process (Customers with complaints)
Coordination through letters, phone calls and emails with other agencies.
Conduct investigation relative to customer complaints
Operational Control Application / Evidences Controls
1. Hiring of competent
resource persons for training
and seminars. Ensure that persons assigned
1. Appointment of competent
2. Competency Assessments have the proper education,
3. Training and Development training, skills and experience.

· Make sure that this

Provide a list of Documented documented information is
Information here. available and suitable for use
when and where needed.
· People are oriented on the
Personnel Files procedures including updates and
Work Instructions
Internal and CSC Policies

Learning and
2. Availability of Documented

Performance Monitoring

Awards and Incentives


Health and Wellness

Daily Time Record

3. Availability and Use of Ensure that the units have the

Monitoring and Measuring Manpower required manpower
Ensure that personnel are present
and do not violate the office policies
Attendance of Personnel on the use of pass slips, tardiness
and absences.

4. Implementation of Monitoring Ensure that personnel are

and Measuring Activities Performance and competently performing their
productivity of Personnel tasks.
Ensure that technical skills are
Effectiveness of the enhanced and that knowledge
Trainings conducted transfer is exercised.
References / Records

Competency Assessments/

1. 102 Files

2. Job Descriptions
3. CSC and Office Policies
7.2017 RACCS

8. RTC Training Calendar

- Pre and Post Evaluation

- Training Materials
- Year End Report
10. CSC approved Program on
Awards and Incentives for Service
- Tribute Book
11. Approved Application for leave
forms and leave cards
12. Employees health profile and
monthly reports.
13. Pass slips; Proof List and print
out of DTRs; Tardiness and
absences report.
14. Logbooks

Plantilla of personnel Report

Pass slips; Proof List and print
out of DTRs; Tardiness and
absences report.

OPCR/ DPCR/IPCR; Potential


- Pre and Post Evaluation; OPCR/

DPCR/IPCR; Documentation of re-
echo activities
Identification and Traceability (Clause 8.5.2)
What is the method in which the products and services are identified and traceable within the processes?

1. For internal and external communications, the HRD uses the logbook to monitor the progress of the documents.
2. Emails are also referred to to trace the progress of communications and attached documents.
3. The control no. for the application for leave and CTOs is indicated in the system.
4. Action on the application letters can be traced through an excel database.
5. Monitoring of attendance, tardiness and absences are done through the system.
6. Monitoring of filling up of positions and job order workers using excel format.
within the processes?

ss of the documents.
Customer Property

Personnel Files


Health and Dental Files

Leave Files

Application for Employment

Examination Results

OJT/Immersion Files
Methods To Safeguard Customer Property

Alphabetically arranged and locked in the filing cabinet. A

request form is accomplished by the concerned personnel to
retrive a copy of certain documents stored in the 102 file.

Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet. Excel files on
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet. Excel files on
Records / Evidences

102 Files

OPCR/DPCR/IPCR (hard and soft copies)

Health and Dental Cards

Leave Cards

Application Letters
Examination papers
Letter from the school; requirements; Memorandum of Agreement
Outputs That Needs to be Preserved
Publication of vacant positions


Highlights of the meeting and endorsements

Health and Dental Files

Leave Files
Job description
Office policies formulated

Plantilla of Personnel

Job Order Contracts

Cases of Employees
Methods for Preservation
Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.

Scanned copies; Hard copies are filed and stored in the filing cabinet.
Records & Evidences
CSC Form No. 9 approved and signed

signed Pre Evaluation Result

Signed Highlights of the meeting and endorsements

Health and Dental Cards

Leave Cards
Signed Job descriptions
Signed Office policies

Signed Plantilla of Personnel

Signed Job Order Contracts

Files such as investigation reports; evidences; Final decision and
notifications Cases of Employees
Release of Products and Services (Clause 8.6)
What verification activities are being carried out within the process to ensure that requirements are met prior to r

1. Pre-evaluation of applicants include reviewing their qualifications and ensuring they meet the merit and fitness as required b
2. Pre-evaluation result is reviewed by the HR and PSB
3. Sick leave (for 5 days) approved provided a medical certificate is attached
4. Availment of rehabilitation leave requires medical certificate and incident report that the injury is work related.
5. Prior to oath taking, the requirements are submitted to the HR and the appoinment papers are prepared.
6. Request for job order workers for hiring and renewal of contract are approved by the general manager.
7. Request for authority travel (trainings) must be approved by the general manager.
8. List of participants for trainings/seminars must be approved by the concerned supervisors.
9. Request for 120 files documents must be duly accomplished by the concerned personnel prior to the release of the said doc
10. DTRs amnd proof list must be duly signed by concerned personnel and approved by the immediate supervisor.
11. Letter of intent to retire must be approved by the general manager before processing of retirement.
12. Orientation material of newly hired and OJTs must be approved by the HRD Manager
13. Certificate of Employment is reviewed by the HRD before being signed by HR or Admin Official and released.
14. New I.D. Card is processed after a request form is accomplished
quirements are met prior to release of product or service to the customer?

he merit and fitness as required by the CSC Qualification Standards.

ury is work related.

are prepared.

or to the release of the said documents.

mediate supervisor.

cial and released.

Nonconforming Outputs
Non filling up vacant position
Personnel requiring HR interventions

Personnel with cases

Disapproved Leave
Immediate Action Taken / Correction
Re-posting of vacant position
Trainings and Seminars
Investigation; Monitoring of case progress; Research and
consultations with the Legal Department
Endorsed to Payroll and Subsidiary Division for salary
deduction. Concerned personnel is informed.
Authorized Person to decide
Head of the agency
Immediate Supervisor

Disciplining Authority; Investigating Committee

Concerned Department Manager

Records or Evidences
Approved CSC Form No. 9
Memos; IPCR; TNA

Investigation Report; Memos; Final Decision

Disapproved Leave Form

10. Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation after the process (Clause 9.1.1)

What needs to be monitored, measured, analyzed and evaluated within the process to determine process perform

What needs to be monitored and measured

Competencies of Employees

Learning and Development

d Evaluation after the process (Clause 9.1.1)

nalyzed and evaluated within the process to determine process performance?

Method for Monitoring and Measurements When to Monitor and Measure

Use of competency analysis tools such as the IPCR;

evaluation forms; TNA; Potential Forms and one on one Twice a year

Use of TNA; Pre and Post Evaluation; Feedback from

Twice a year
immediate supervisor
When To Analyze and Evaluate Methods of Analysis and Evaluation

Use available information relative to

the performance of the personnel.
Conduct one on one interview with
the concerned personnel and the
Twice a year immediate supervisors and
colleagues. Compare the last two
performance evaluations and
trainings attended.

Use available information relative to

the performance of the personnel.
Conduct one on one interview with
the concerned personnel and the
Twice a year immediate supervisors and
colleagues. Compare the last two
performance evaluations and
trainings attended.

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