NAME: - DATE: - / - / - Photograph - Ed Sheeran 1 - Circle The Right Word
NAME: - DATE: - / - / - Photograph - Ed Sheeran 1 - Circle The Right Word
NAME: - DATE: - / - / - Photograph - Ed Sheeran 1 - Circle The Right Word
NAME: ___________________________________________________________
DATE: ____/_____/_____
Photograph – Ed Sheeran ourselves
Where our eyes are never
1 – Circle the right word: _____________
Hearts were never broken
LOVE/ LOVING can hurt, loving can And time's forever frozen still
hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I NOW / So you can ___________ me
KNOW Inside the pocket of your ___________
When it gets hard, you know it can GET jeans
/ GOT hard sometimes Holding me __________ 'til our eyes
It is the only THING / THINK that meet
makes us feel alive You won't ever be alone
2 – Complete with the words you hear: 3 – Put the sentences in the right order: