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English Learning

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Torture somebody to death - Iskence ederek oldurmek

Torture victim - Isgence qurbani

Torture chamber - Isgence otagi
Suffer torture - Isgence cekmek
Self torture - Ozune isgence
Chinese torture - Cin isgencesi
to be subjected to torture - Isgenceye meruz qalmaq
Torturer - Isgence veren insan ,aci veren shey

For good__hemiselik/daimi olaraq/sonsuza qeder

Allege - Iddia etmek

Allege an excuse - Behane uydurmaq
Allegedly - Iddiyaya gore
Alleged - Iddia edilen
Alleging - Iddia etme

It's on the tip of my tongue__dilimin ucundadir

.A good deed__savab
2.Wrong /forbidden by religion __haram
3.Permissible /halal__halal
4.Unrelated/stranger __namehrem
5.Private /intimate __mehrem
6.Repentance/penitence __tövbe
7.Fasting __oruc
9.To perform salaah/prayer__Namaz qilmaq
10.To fast__oruc tutmaq
11.To break a/the fast __Orucu pozmaq
12.To break fast __oruc açmaq
13.To do a good deed__Savab iş görmek
14.To repent/to swear to give up__tövbe etmek
15.To give one's blessings __halalliq vermek /haqqini halal etmek
16.To receive one's blessings __halalliq almaq
17.To ask for one's blessings __halalliq istemek
18.To swear__And içmekHit the book - Kitab oxumaq
To be someone's good book - Kiminse favoriti olmaq
By the book - Qanuna uygun
Read someone like a book -Kiminse xarakterini ,hisslerini oxuya bilmek

Hit the book - Kitab oxumaq

To be someone's good book - Kiminse favoriti olmaq
By the book - Qanuna uygun
Read someone like a book -Kiminse xarakterini ,hisslerini oxuya bilmek
to run out of patience___sebri tukenmek(daşmaq)

Example:I am running out of patience. Stop it!

The oldest trick in the book ___ Revise / Yeniden incelemek

Cram / Imtahan ucun cox calismaq
Past papers / Kecmis imtahanin kagizlari
Bury yourself in your books / Kitabla yatib durmaq , cox oxumaq
Know the subject inside out / Fenni elinin ici kimi bilmek
Assignment / Tapsiriq
Plagiarism / Plagiyatliq
Submitted / Teqdim etmek
Assessed / Qiymetlendirmek
Carry out / Heyata kecimrek
Inter-library loan / Kitablari barten eden ,deyisen kitabxana
Drop out / Cixmaq ,terk etmek ,tehsili dayandirmaq
Finals / Sonuncu imtahan

Idioms and expressions related to mind

(Gathered by me)

To pass through one's mind__ağlindan keçmek

To read someone's mind__birinin ne dusunduyunu uzunden oxumaq
To come to one's mind__ağlina gelmek
To use one's mind __ağlini işletmek
To slip/escape one's mind__yadindan çixmaq,unutmaq
To lose one's mind__ağlini itirmek
To change one's mind__fikrini deyişmek
To take into one's mind__tekid etmek
To keep/bear in mind__yadinda saxlamaq
To make up one's mind__qerar(ini) vermek,qerara gelmek
To clear one's mind __başindan atmaga calişmaq
To prey on (someone's) mind__rahat buraxmamaq/canindan bezdirmek
To cross someone's mind__birinin aglindan kecmek
To speak someone's mind__ağlindakini soylemek

Extend - Genisletmek ,uzatmaq

Extend along - Uzanmaq
Extend best wishes - En yaxsi arzularini catdirmaq
Extend credit - Krediti uzatmaq
Extend due date - Son muraciet tarixini uzatmaq
Extend sympathy - Bassagligi dilemek
Extend one's thanks - Tesekkurlerini bildirmek
Extend out to the market - Bazara yayilmaq
Extend polls - Sesverme vaxdini uzatmaq
Extend the gun - Silahi hedefe tuslamaq
Extending - Uzatma
Extends - UzanirPull yourself together / Ozunu ele al
Restrain yourself / Ozune gel
Cool off / SakitlesNyctophile__qaranliq aşiqi
Pluviophile__yağiş aşiqi
Selenophile__ay seven(aşiqi)
Ceraunophile__şimşek ve ildirim seven
Technophile__toxnologiya dűşkűnű
Then I can say I am an Englishphile 😃 __by the way "-phile"[fajəl]_is a suffix .It means
"seven,destekleyen,aşiqi"/someone likes sth very muchHalf a loaf is better than none - Sogan
olsun negd olsun
Look on the bright side - Bedbin olma
That is the way life is - Adamin basina is geler
It is always darkest before dawn - Ser demesen ,xeyir gelemz
Truth is stranger than fiction - Sirin yalandan aci heqiqet yaxsidir

Salad days ifadesi tecrubesiz gunler ,genclik cagi demekdir .He was silly and immature during
his salad days in high school . My head is going to explode - Indi basim catlayacaq
I am losing my mind -Basimi itirirem
Everything is getting on my nerves - Her sey eseblerime tesir edir
I can't take it anymore - Daha doze bilmirem
I am on pins and needles - Iyne usdunde oturmusam

I need a room - Mene otaq ,zehmet olmasa

I would like a single - Bir neferlik otaq isteyirem
Do you have any singles ? - Sizde bir neferlik otaq varmi ?
I need a room for the night - Mene bir gecelik otaq lazimdir
Do you have any vacancies ? - Sizde bos nomreler varmi?
A double ,please -Zehemt olmasa ikiyerli nomre
I have a reservation - Nomre sifaris edilib
Do you have a reservation for Brown ? - Sizde Braunun adina nomre sifaris edilibmi?
I need a room for two -Mene ikineferlik nomre lazimdir
I need a room with two single beds - Mene iki ayri carpayisi olan otaq lazimdir
I need a room with a double bed - Mene iki neferlik carpayisi olan otaq lazimdir
Would you like a smoking o nonsmoking room ? - Size siqaret cekenler ,yoxsa cekmeyenler
ucun otaq lazimdir ?
Would you like a room with a view of the pool ? - Hovuza baxan nomre isterdinizmi ?
A room for how many ? - Nece neferlik nomre ?
How many beds ? - Nece carpayiliq ?
How long will you be staying ? - Ne qeder qalacqsiniz ?
How many are in your group ? - Qrupunuzda nece adam var ?
I would like a room a the front - Men dehlizin evvelinde nomre isderdim
I would like a room at the rear - Men dehlizin sonunda nomre isderdim
I would like a wake - up call ,please - Zehmet olmasa ,mene seher tezden zeng vurub oyadin
What are the rates ? - Burda qiymetler necedir ?
Are pets allowed ? -Ev heyvanlarinin qalmasina icaze varmi
What time is check out ? - Otaq saat necede tehvil verilmelidir?
Is there a penalty for late check out ? - Otagi gec bosaltsam cerime odemeliyemmi ?
I need to check out - Men otagi tehvil vermeliyem
Please ,have my luggage brought down - Lutfen , baqajimi asagi aparin
Enjoy your stay - Xos istirahetlerPost mortem__őlűmden sonra
Macabre__qorxunc,dehşetli,őlűme aid
To shift__(yerini)deyişdirmek,keçirmek
To trap__teleye dűşűrmek,tele qurmaq,oyuna getirmek
Cruise__gemiyle gezmek
To sink__suya batmaq,batirmaq(suya)
Allegedly__iddiaya gőre(esasen),açiqcaImpetuous -dusunmeden hereket eden
Impulsive -dusuncesiz
Effusive -cosqulu ,heyecanli
Excitable -cox tez heyecanlanan
Pushy - one cixmagi seven,ozunu gosteren
Taciturn -sakit
Arm chair critic- her kesi qinayan
Busy boy - her ise qarisan
Cheapskate - xesis
Know it all -Herseyi bilen ,savadli
Social butterfly - sosial insan
Introvert - qapali
Extrovert - sosial
Reserved -icine qapali
Aloof -soyuq
Disdainful - kibirli
Approachable - cana yaxin
Conceited - ozunu beyenen
Self -important - eqolu
Gullible -saf
Conscientious - vicdanli
Obstinate - dikbas
Pig headed - dikbas
Unscrupulous - vicdansizProcrastinate - isleri sonraya buraxmaq
Pull an all nighter - butun geceni oxumaq
Cram - cox oxumaq
Burn the midnight oil - butun geceni oxumaq
Flunk - Kesilmek ( imtahandan )
Pass with flying color - Kecmek ( imtahandan )
Killed an exam - imtahandan kecmek
I pass by the skin of my teeth - disim ve dirnagimla kecmek ,ole-ole kecmek
Freshman - birinci kurs
Sophomore - ikinci kurs
junior - ucuncu kurs
Senior - dorduncu kurs
Dean - dekan
Grad students - magistrlar
PhD - DokranturaA nest__(quş )yuva
A hive__ari şani
A stable__tővle
A cage__qefes
A tank__hovuz
A kennel__it damiIdiom learning time
Heyatda bezi insanlar var ki,onlar kinli deyiller ve qelbleri cox temizdir amma dilleri pisdir ,aci
dildirler ve bizim ekseriyyetimiz onlar haqda danisarken bele 1ifade isledirik "Ne varsa
,dilindedir".O ifade Ingilis dilinde bu curdur
__"One's bark is worse than one's bite"__
Example:She is so softhearted.Her bark is worse than her bite.

Hardship - cetinlik
Modify - xarakterize etmek
Prospects - Prospektler
Innate - fitri isdedad
Morality - exlaq
Independent school-serbest mekteb
Private school - ozel mekteb
State school-dovlet mektebi
Debate - muzakire
Nursery school - bacxa
Statistically - statistik olaraq
Compulsory - mecburi
Curriculum - kurikulm
Tackle something - ohdesinden gelmek
Single sex school - Yalniz qizlarin ve ya yalniz oglanlarin oxudugu mekteb
Tuition fees - tehsil haqqi
Grant - mukafat
Scholarship - teqaud
Faculty - fakulte
Tutorial - muellim
Term - rub
Diploma - diplom
Duration - muddet
Overview - icmal , baxis
Opt for - secmek
Specialize in - Ixtisaslasmaq
Mode - rejim
Finals - sonuncu kurs
undergraduates - birinci kurs
Distance learning - kompyuterle tedris
Entry requirement - giris bali
Refer to - istinad
Spread - yaymaq
Self -helf - ozu ozune yardim
Original - esl
Group made - Qrup yoldasi
Class made - sinif yoldasi
Freshman - birinci kurs
Sophomore - ikinci kurs
Junior - ucuncu kurs
Senior - dorduncu kurs
Confused - qarisdirmaq
Flunk - kesilmek ( imtahandan )
Pass with flying color -ugurla kecmek ( imtahandan )
Bookmark - elfecin
Co -educational school -oglan ve qizlarin bir yerde oxuduqlari mekteb
Half -hearted - isteksiz
Blackboard - lovhe
Chalkboard - lovhe
Pupil -sagird
Exercise book / notebook - is defteri
Compasses - perger
pencil - sharpener - qelem yonan
Ruler - xetkes
Rubber / eraser - pozan
Glue - yapisqan
Play a truancy - dersden qacmaq
Sports hall - idman zali
Head - girl / head boy - mektebde en aktiv olan sagird ,Her il mekteb acilanda cixis eden sagird
Headmistress - mekteb mudiresi
Headmaster - mekteb muduru
Mark - giymet
Get a bad mark - pis qiymet almaq
Prefect - Sinif rehberi
Boarding school - internat mektebi
Technical school -texniki mekteb
Vocational college - pese kolleci
Art college - incesenet kolleci
Teacher training college - muellimlerin telim koleciInternally - daxilen
Identical - eyni
Dissect - incelemek ,parcalara ayirib incelemek
Accurate - dogru
Muscular system - ezele sistemi
Cartilage - qigirdaq
Movement - hereket
Internal environment - daxili muhit
Constant temperature - deyismez temperatur
Light detecting -isiq tesbiti
Artery -arteriya
Vein - sinir
Distributing - paylama

Motivator(noun)__motivasiya edici
To motivate(verb)__motivasiya vermek,motivasiyalandirmaq
Motivating(adjective)__motivasiya verici(edici)
To profit(verb)__qazanmaq,yararlanmaq
Initiator(noun)__başladici,başladan biri
Initiate(verb)__başlamaq,teqdim etmek
Initially(adverb)__başlanğicda,ilk evvellerDamned if i will ! -Allah mene lenet etsin eger men
bunu etsem !
You wish ! - Xam xeyaldir !
You could not pay me to do it ! -Dunyani versende !
Not for a million dollars ! - Dunyani versende !
Over my dead body ! - Yalniz menim meyidimin ustunden !
Nothing doing - Mumkun deyil
You are out of luck -Bextiniz getirmir
When pigs fly - Das cicek acanda
When hell freezes over - Das cicek acanda
Not a chance - Mumkun deyil
Absolutely not ! - Esla !
Only in your dreams - Yuxunda gorersen
Dream on - Yuxunda gorersen
Save your breath - Ozunu yormaEqual(noun)__beraber
To equal(verb)__beraber olmaq,eyni olmaq
To equalise(verb)__beraberlesdirmek
Equally(adverb)__beraber olaraq
To approximate(verb)__cox yaxinlasmaq,texmin etmek,-e yaxin olmaq
Approximately(adverb)__texmini olaraq,teqribi olaraq
Frustration(noun)__xeyal qiriqligi,engelleme
To frustrate(verb)__xeyal qiriqligina ugratmaq,engellemek
Frustrated(adjective)__umidleri suya dusmus
Frustrating(adjective)__sinir pozucu,faydasizTransmitter - oturucu
Digestive system - hezm sistemimotherless - anasiz
Child -usaq
Motherless + child = anasiz usaq
Conceivable - mentiqli
Answer - cavab
Conceivable + answer = mentiqli cavab
-------------------------------------------------------motherless - anasiz
Child -usaq
Motherless + child = anasiz usaq
Conceivable - mentiqli
Answer - cavab
Conceivable + answer = mentiqli cavab
-------------------------------------------------------Look to : guvenmek
See about : maraqlanmaq
Have a taste for something : nedense xoslanmaq
On the nose: tamamile dogru
Under my nose : gozumun qarsisinda
Examples : john looks to the future
Linda went to see about a new job
I have a taste for fiction books
She answered every question right on the nose
It was here under my noseExpressions about love
Live up to expectations - gozlentilerle yasamaq
Fell for - asiq olmaq
Go with somebody - kimlese munasibetde olmaq
let down -meyus etmek
A match made in heaven - mukemmel cutluk
A double date - Iki cutluyun gezmeye getmesi ( kinoya ,parka ve.s )
To be an item -sevgilim var
To be head over heels in love - deli kimi sevmek
To tie the knot - evlenmek
A blind date - ilk gorus
To get hitched - evlenmek
Set up a date - gorus teyin etmek
Broke up - ayrilmaq
Hit it off - asiq olmaq
Pop the question - evlilik teklifi
Settle down -aile heyati qurmaq
Love to pieces - deli kimi sevmek
Leave somebody at the altar - evlilikden evvel terk etmek
Love rat - sevgilisini aldadanSozleri bele oyrenin .Calisin sozlerle sozun esl menasinda oynayin
Mischievous{ miscivis } yaramaz ,nadinc demekdir .Cause ise sebeb olmaq demekdir .
Cause+ mischief = nadinclik etmek demekdir
mischievously -yaramazcasina
behavior - davranis
Mischievously + behavior = yaramazcasina davranis1.To moderate__
Ex:We must help her to moderate stress.
Ex:That company is prominent for his efficient employees
Ex:There were a lot of dicrepancies between their accounts of the accident.
4.Dire__ugursuz,cox pis,berbad,dehsetli,
Ex:She talked about the dire consequences of such mistakes.
5.To desert__terk etmek,buraxib getmek,ayrilmaq
Ex:Because of making many mistakes she was deserted by her dears. Be born -anadan olmaq
Start school -mektebe baslamaq
learn to drive - surmeyi oyrenmek
Join the army -esgerliye getmek
get a job -ise duzelemk
become a citizen - vetendas olmaq
Rent a apartment - menzil kiraye etmek
Fall in love -asiq olmaq
get married - evlenmek
Have a baby - usagi olmaq
move to -kocmek
Have a grandchild - nevesi olmaq
Die -olmekUndeniable -inkaredilmez
Fact -fakt
Undeniable + fact = inkaredilmez fakt
The truth is undeniable
Undeniably -inkaredilmez sekilde
True - heqiqete
Undeniable + true = inkaredilmez sekilde heqiqCloth merchant - parca taciri
Self -taught scientist - Ozu oz biliyini inkisaf etdiren ,ozu oyrenen alim
Spotted -lekeli
Observe -musahide etmekBone idle__çox tenbel
Dirt cheap__pulsuz,ucuz,őlű qiymetine
Pitch dark__dűmqara,qapqaranliq
Crystal clear_billur kimi,dumduru,
Blind drunk__lűl piyan,serxoş
Bone thin__1deri 1sűműk,çox ariq
Flat broke__pulsuz,parasiz,5qepiksiz
Bone dry_qupquru,nemsiz

More's the pity,my buddy is bone idle.
Those goods in that market are dirt cheap.
Yesterday he was blind drunk.
It was pitch dark,she couldn't find the way.
Ayan spent money like water therefore she is flat broke now.
The water in the glass was crystal clear.
Because of working much she became bone thin..
The land was bone-dry.

Idioms relevant to colours....

1 .To be in the red__borclu olmaq/borc icinde olmaq
2 .Once in a blue moon__40 ilde 1,ayda ilde 1
3 .Out of the blue__qefleten,birden
4 .Green with envy__qisqancliqdan partlamaq
5 .A black sheep__ailenim uz qarasi

Variable(noun)__deyişen biri,deyişken biri.

To vary(verb)__deyişdirmek,deyişmek,ferqli olmaq
Variably(adverb)__deyişken bir terzde
To rely(verb)__etibar etmek,guvenmek
Reliable(adjective)__etibarli,guvenile bilen
Reliably(adverb)__etibarli bir sekilde,xetasiz
Enthusiast(noun)__heyran,coşqun biri,istekli biri
cosquylaBlood takes its color from the red blood cells .When they pick up oxygen in the lungs
,blood turns bright red .Once they unload oxygen in the tissues ,blood turns a darker shade of red
Vocabulary :
Tissues -toxuma
Unload - bosaltmaq
Bright red - al qirmizi
Once -bir defe

Coursing - qovmaq
Liquid - maye
Floating - deyisen ,dalgalanan
Fight off -def etmek
Steady - sabit
Rejecting - geri qaytarma
Transfusion - qan neqli
Plug - tixamaq
Invading - hucum etmek
Scab -qabiq baglamaq ,qabiq
Injured - zedelenmek
Wound - yara
Bleeding -qanaxma
Stitches -tikis
Twisted -burxulmaq
Sprained - burxulmaq
Pull a muscle - ezelesini dartmaq
Grazed -siyrilmaq
Sling - cixiq ,cixmaq
Fracture - siniq ,sinmaq
Sever burns - ciddi yangi
Bruise -qancir
Scratched - cizilmaq
Blister - suluqIngilis dilinde speakingde en chox istifade olunan ifadelerden biride for instance
-dir .Bu ifadenin menasi ise meselen demedkir .Culenin evvelnide movzuya baslayarken istifade
olunur .Sinonimleri ise for example ,as an example ifadeleridir .Bugunki movzunu ise neighbor
secek .Asagidaki sozlerden istifade edib unsiyyet qura bilersiz . Cumleye baslayaken for instance
yaddan cixmasin ))
Count on somebody - kimese guvenmek
Lend a hand - komek etmek
Gossiping -qeybet
Gossip -qeybet etmek
Civil - nezaketli
Make a hell of it -cehenneme cevirmek
Next door neighbor - qapi qonsu
Quarrel - mubahise
Abuse - sui - istifade etmek
Naughty - terbiyesiz
Backbiting - arxadan danismaqPrevent + wastage = israfin qarsisini almaq
Ingilis dilinde danisiq zamani evvelce cox sade cumlelerden istifade etmek lazimdir.Bu sizin
sonraki cumleleri murekkeb bir sekilde ifade etmenize komek edecek .Yuxarida qeyd etdiyim
usuldan istifade ederek hem sozleri ezberleyin hemde sozun hansi cumlede nece istifade
olunacagini .Daha chox essayler oxuyun .Gundelik danisiq ucun essay ela komekcidirBottom
dollar - sonuncu qepik
Call down - danlamaq
Eat up - yeyib bitirmek
Go over - icelemek
Go out - bayira cixmaq
Go along with - razilasmaq
Go by - kecib getmek
Go away - uzaqlara getmek
Go around - etrafina dolanmaq
Go back -qayitmaq
Go through with -heyata kecirmek
Go back on - Sozunun ustunde durmamaq
Go down -enmek
Go in for - zovq alamaq ,xoslamaq

Frazalari daha rahat ve asan sekilde yadda saxlamaq ucun antonimlerden istifade edin .Calisin
bir frazanin antonimini tapasiniz .
Ingilis dilinde iki bir birine zidd olan ifade var eat like a horse ve eat like a bird .Eat like a horse
ifadesi herseyi yeyib qurtatmaq ( loru dilde vehsi kimi yemek ))) Meselen : They ate like a horse
Eat like a bird ise az -az yemek ( loru dilde naz ederek yemek))) Meselen : She eats like a bird
UGURLAR ! Expression of the day
To take it like a man_sebrli(metanetli) olmaq/kisi kimi dozmek

Example:Stop crying and take it like a man.

Collective notion / ortaq dusunce

I have half a notion to / seni vurmagim.gelir
Notion practise / calisma anlayisi
Notion of / mefhumun
Notion of inside/icindeki bilgiVocabulary learning time 📚 📚 📚(Use these words in
Undeniable_inkar edile(oluna) bilmeyen
Unbelievable_ağila siğmayan,inanilmaz
Unreachable_el çatmaz
Unpredictable_sonu belli olmayan,texmin edile bilmeyen,evvelceden sonu bilinmeyen
Insensible_duyğusuz,vecsiz,ehemiyyet vermeyen
Insincere_semimi olmayan,sedaqetsiz
Irresistible_qarşisi alina bilmeyen,cox quvvetliLove at first sight - ilk baxisdan sevgi
Have esyes for somebody - kimdese gozu olmaq
Infatuated with somebody - kimese delicesine asiq olmaq
Besotted with somebody - delicesine sevmek
Hit it off - asiq olmaq
Lifelong companion - omur - gun yoldasi
The man / woman after my own heart -Asiq oldugum ,ruhum,canim olan qadin / oglan
I get on like a house on fire - mukemmel yola gedirik,munasibetimiz eladir
Inseparable couple - ayrilmaz cutluk
Well - matched couple - bir -birine yarasan cutluk
Family ties - aile baglari
Affection - sevgi,istek
Amiability - cana yaxinliq ,sirinlik
Faithfulness -sedaqet ,bagliliq
Fondness -sevgi ,bagliliq ,mehebbet
Loyalty -sedaqetFootball pitch __futbol sahesi
Golf course __qolf sahesi
Tennis court__tenis sahesi
Car hire__maşin kiralama
Town/city hall__belediyye sarayi
Estate agent __emlak ofisi
Industrial estate __senaye erazisi
Law court__mehkeme/mehkeme qapisiGet on well with somebody __biriyle yaxsi yola getmek
Not to see eye to eye__yola getmemek,sozleri uygun gelmemek,razilasmamaq
Fall out with somebody __biriyle mubahise etmek
Break/split up with __ayrilmaq
Make it up__barişmaq
Don't worry, mom,everything is ok.We get on well with each other.
Unfortunately, they don't see eye to eye.Why didn't u talk to him?Because I fell out with him last
week. After betrayal she broke/splitted up with her boyfriend. There's no need to take offence at
each other, guys.Let's make it up. Ingilis dilinde salamlasma zamani asagida gosterilen
ifadelerden istifade olunur .Bu dord ifadenin hamisi SALAM demekdir
Hi, hello.
How are you?
How are you doing?
How do you do?
Kimse size salam verdikde ve sizin ehvalinizi sorsusduqda ona asagidaki ifadelerden istifade
ederek cavab vere bilersiniz.
Responding to greeting
I'm fine thank you -yaxsiyam sagol
Okey! Thank you (thanks)/Can't complain/Not bad.- pis deyilem
I 'm okay -yaxsiyam
How about you?/And you? -Bes sen ?
How do you do? - Salam
Qeyd : How do you do ifadesi salam demekdir .
Eziz dostlar bu heleki danisiq derslerimizin baslangic seviyyesidir .Sadeden murekkebe dogru
ifadeler ve dersler olacaq .Sagliqla qalinIngilis dilinde sagollasanda istifade olunan ifadeler .
All right, everyone, it's time to head off - Yaxsi , dostlar men getmeliyem
Anyway, guys I'm going to make a move - Neyise ,usaqlar men gedecem
Ok, everyone, it's time to leave you - Yaxsi ,dostlar ,men getmeliyem
See you later / tomorrow / soon - Gorusenedek
Talk to you later! - Gorusenedek
Eyer harasa telesirikse ve getmeliyikse ona asagidaki ifadelerden istifade edirik
I'm so sorry, I've got to rush off / run / hurry!-Uzr isteyirem getmeliyem
I'm afraid I'm going to have to rush off / run / hurry! -Uzr isteyirem telesirem
Medeni formada sagollasib getmek .Bu ifadeleri biz resmi yerlerde daha cox eside bilerik .
Nice to see you -Seni gormeyime shad oldum
It's been lovely to see you - Seni gormeyime shad oldum
It was great to see you -Seni gormeyime shad oldum
Good to see you -Seni gormeyime shad oldum
Have a lovely / nice evening.
Have a good day - Xos gunler dileyi ile
Ev sahibine tesekkur etmenin formalari .
Thanks very much for dinner/ lunch - it was lovely!
Thank you very much for having me
Good bye ifadesinin sinonimleri
Take care
Bye Bye!
Later man / bro!
Have a good one!
It's time to be going!
So Long!
Slang Goodbyes
Catch you later
Peace! / Peace out
I'm out!
Smell you later
Final goodbye
Qeyd : Farewell elvida emekdirGozlenilen meqam geldi catdi .Sizlere demisdimki sozleri yadda
saxlamagin ve yeni soz oyrenmeyin metodlarini deyecem.Buyurun 1) Birinci metod Turkiyenin
metodudur . Sozleri hekayelerle yadda saxlamaq usulu. .Meselen Essential sozu vacib
demekdir .Bir nefer momin shexs yolda basi shal ile bagli bir qadin gorur.Qadinin shali basindan
acilir ve saclari gorunur .Momin shexs deyirki esen shaldan sacin gorunmemesi vacidin
.Belelikle esen shaldan essential sozunu oyrendik .
2) Compound adjectives oyrenin .Bunlar birlesik sifetler demekdir .Meselen : Heart -broken
kederli demekdir .Bundan elavede hem birlesik sifetlerin ozunu hem de ayri -ayriliqda sozleri
oyrenirsiz .
3)Internetde videolara baxaraq basa dusmediyiniz sozu esitdiyiniz kimi yazin.
Qeyd :Birinci usulla olan ki sozluk kitabi mende var .Xusisi olaraq Turkiyeden gelib .Kitabda
English teacherin ozune aiddir )))
Ugurlar dostlar !!!

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