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Swot and Strategic Objectives: Activity 6.3

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SWOT AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES planning are usually needed before strategic choices can
The SWOT diagram focuses on the key issues under each be made.
heading. A brief outline of each of these could then accom-
pany the diagram to make it more useful to the managers SWOT EVALUATION
responsible for strategic planning. This approach helps Subjectivity is often a limitation of a SWOT analysis as
managers assess the most likely successful future strate- no two managers would necessarily arrive at the same
gies and the constraints on them. A business should not assessment of the company they work for. It is not a quan-
necessarily pursue the most profitable opportunities. It titative form of assessment so the ‘cost’ of correcting a
may stand a better chance of developing a competitive weakness cannot be compared with the potential ‘profit’
advantage by identifying a good ‘fit’ between the fi rm’s from pursuing an opportunity. SWOT should be used as
strengths and potential opportunities. In many cases, a a management guide for future strategies, not a prescrip-
business may need to overcome a perceived weakness in tion. Part of the value of the process of SWOT analysis
order to take advantage of a potential opportunity. SWOT is the clarification and mutual understanding that
is a common starting point for developing new corporate senior managers gain by the focus that SWOT analysis
strategies, but it is rarely sufficient. Further analysis and provides.

Read the case study below and then answer the questions turn down a big order from a big name brand last month
that follow. due to too little factory capacity and shortages of skilled
labour. I do urge you to agree to my plan to extend the
Strategic Analysis of LVM Ltd factory space by 35% and to train more new recruits.
LVM owns an assembly plant for laptop computers. It Research into the lighter, faster computer that was agreed
supplies products to some of the major brand names in on last year is making excellent progress and we will
the computer industry, but it does not sell any under its soon have to decide whether to proceed to the production
own name. Every six months the managers hold a key stage.’
strategic review meeting to consider the current position Lukas Klimas – finance director: ‘Our profits are
of the business and the long-term plans. The following are holding steady, but cash flow remains a concern due to
extracts from the most recent of these meetings: the expenditure on automated machines and research
Imran Khan – marketing director: ‘Sales of our latest costs. We would need to borrow substantially to finance a
large screen models have exceeded expectations and the factory extension. We would be in trouble if interest rates
switch towards laptops from desktop PCs is expected to increased – there is already some government concern
continue. The chance for computer companies to break about inflation rising. There is a new range of grants avail-
into the expanding Asian market when trade barriers are able for businesses relocating into high unemployment
lifted should lead to increased orders too. We need to areas. We must stay aware of exchange rate movements
undertake some market research in Asia as this market too – the recent depreciation helped our international
has higher growth potential than Europe, where most competitiveness.’
of our computers are marketed. The development of
the newest mobile phone technology and links with the 20 marks, 36 minutes
internet remain a concern for us. We decided two years
ago not to develop this technology, and, if our competi- 1 Prepare a SWOT analysis based on your assessment
tors succeed in getting a major breakthrough, then sales of the internal and external factors that influence
of laptops will dive in some markets.’ LVM’s success. [10]
Liz Collins – operations manager: ‘The automation
2 Identify and evaluate two potential strategic options
of the screen assembly section is now complete. We
available for LVM Ltd by using the SWOT diagram
managed to push this through while maintaining excel-
prepared in question 1. [10]
lent staff relationships. This was helped by our continued
expansion, which meant that no jobs were lost. We had to


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