International Battery Seminar Brochure 2020
International Battery Seminar Brochure 2020
International Battery Seminar Brochure 2020
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2019 Nobel Laureate
The Li Battery: From Its Origin to Enabling an An Unavoidable Challenge for Ni-Rich Positive
Electric Economy Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
M. Stanley Whittingham, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric
Professor, Member, National Academy of Engineering, Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair,
Director, NECCES EFRC at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University
Organized by
Premier Sponsors: #FloridaBattery20
JULY 28-JULY 30, 2020
12:30 Shep Wolsky Battery Innovator Award 12:15 The Fast-Changing World of Battery Applications
Bob Galyen, CTO, Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd.
12:40 The Li Battery: From Its Origin to Enabling an (CATL)
Electric Economy
Today’s advanced battery technologies have enabled a
M. Stanley Whittingham, PhD, SUNY Distinguished myriad of new applications unthought of only a few decades ago.
Professor, Member, National Academy of Engineering, Let’s take a walk through the world of applications to see how this
2019 Director, NECCES EFRC at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton
NOBEL has transpired and where it will take us into the future. The enabling
LAUREATE 50 years ago, a rechargeable battery achieving an energy doctrines of the GOLDEN RULES of electrification will also be
density exceeding 100Wh/kg at room temperature was reviewed.
just a dream. Today, cells are exceeding 250Wh/kg. These
cells have revolutionized electronic devices, have made EVs feasible, 12:40 The New NFPA 855 Standard for Installation of
are dominating grid storage, and enabling renewable energy. Yet the ESS
components of these intercalation-based cells have not changed Celina Mikolajczak, Vice President, Battery Technology,
significantly since the 1990s, and the cells still do not exceed 25% Panasonic Energy of North America
of theoretical capacity. Some of the challenges that need to be
addressed to doubling the energy density will be discussed. 1:05 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
1:05 An Unavoidable Challenge for Ni-Rich Positive 1:20 Refresh Break - View our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and
Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial
Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie University
11:45 An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for
1:30 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up Wearable Devices
Avetik Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist and Research
1:45 Session Break - View our Virtual Exhibit Hall Director, Materials Science, Honda Research Institute
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion rechargeable
pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling of gravimetric
energy density imposed by the lithium storage material. Mentioned
performances become a possibility because of the elimination of
2020 SPONSORS metal current collectors, binders, and additives from the electrodes. | 2
JULY 29 & JULY 30, 2020
Nine tutorials will take place at the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit on Wednesday, July 29 and Thursday, July 30. The tutorials are designed
to be instructional, interactive and provide in-depth information on a specific topic. Tutorial themes include introductions for those new to the field,
as well as explanations on more technical aspects than time allows during our main conference programs that take place Tuesday – Thursday.
Instructors are drawn from industry and academics alike, many of whom are recognized authorities in their fields or have teaching experience.
2:00 - 3:30 PM TUT9: Improving the Energy Density of Batteries with Silicon-
Based Anodes
TUT3: Li-Ion Cell Design and Manufacturing: Processes, Dee Strand, PhD, CSO, Wildcat Discovery Technologies
Equipment, and Quality Control
James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME *All Access, Premium or separate registration required for Tutorials
STREAM Battery Safety Battery Management Systems | 3
Use #FloridaBattery20 to Follow Live Updates
JULY 28–29, 2020
TUESDAY, JULY 28 stabilize the cathode materials, and hence improve the cycle life and
fast charging, and are able to use low-cobalt cathodes (NMCs, LLS,
1:05 PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: An density is limited when layered oxides are used as cathodes because
Unavoidable Challenge for Ni-Rich Positive of strong K-K interaction in the layered structure. This presentation
Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries will demonstrate how strong K-K interaction limits the energy density
of the K-layered oxides and why K-polyanion compounds have higher
Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and
energy density than the K-layered oxides.
Atmospheric Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada
Industrial Research Chair, Canada Research Chair, Dalhousie 3:20 Lithium Sulfur Battery Case Studies
Mark Crittenden, PhD, Head, Battery Development and Integration, OXIS
1:30 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
At half the weight of lithium-ion, lithium sulfur is seen by many as
the next-generation battery technology. Here presented will be: 1)
an overview of lithium sulfur; 2) strengths and weaknesses of the
technology for different applications; 3) case studies of batteries
developed and being developed for these applications; and 4) how
Moderator: Craig Wohlers, production of both the cell components and cells are being scaled up
Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Enertech and the associated timescales.
3:40 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
M. Stanley Whittingham, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor,
Moderator: Dr. Austin Sendek, Founder/CEO at Aionics, Inc., and Visiting
Member, National Academy of Engineering, Director, NECCES EFRC
Scholar at Stanford University
at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton
Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric
Nongnuch Artrith, PhD, Research Scientist, Chemical Engineering,
Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada
Columbia University
Research Chair, Dalhousie University
Mark Crittenden, PhD, Head, Battery Development and Integration, OXIS
1:45 Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Energy
Haegyeom Kim, PhD, Staff Scientist, Materials Sciences Division,
COMPREHENDING THE COMPLEXITIES OF LI-IONS: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ALTERNATIVE MODELS AND MATERIALS 4:10 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
2:00 Identification of 11 New Solid Lithium-Ion Conductors
4:45 Interactive Breakout Discussions
with Promise for Batteries Using Data Science Approaches
Dr. Austin Sendek, Founder/CEO at Aionics, Inc., and Visiting Scholar at BREAKOUT 1: Battery Raw Materials Supply Chain
Stanford University Robert M. Privette, Manager, Business Development, Rechargeable
We discover several new crystalline solid materials with fast single Battery Materials North America, Umicore USA Inc.
crystal Li-ion conductivity at room temperature, discovered through • Electrode raw material (e.g., Gr, Co, Ni, Li, Mn) sourcing
density functional theory simulations guided by machine learning- • Meeting demand with available supply
based methods. In this work, we perform a guided search of materials
space with a machine learning (ML)-based prediction model for • End-of-life battery recycling
material selection and density functional theory molecular dynamics
BREAKOUT 2: Safety for Manufacturing
(DFT-MD) simulations for calculating ionic conductivity.
Jody Leber, Senior Technologist, Energy Storage, CSA Group
2:20 Development of Machine Learning Models for the • How manufacturers can prepare to meet the new IEC 62133-2
Simulation of Complex Battery Materials with Non-Crystalline requirements without impacting delivery
Structures • How these regulations ensure safety
Nongnuch Artrith, PhD, Research Scientist, Chemical Engineering, • How this affects international trade
Columbia University
The properties of batteries are often determined by complex phases BREAKOUT 3: Solid-State Batteries – Key Technology
and interfaces that are challenging to investigate with experiments Approaches & Time-to-Market
or first-principles calculations. Simulations based on accurate and Pirmin Ulmann, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO,
efficient machine-learning (ML) models trained on first-principles • Time-to-market in electronics, medical devices and EVs: Is safety or
data can provide insight into atomic-scale phenomena in such energy density the driving force?
phases. The current state-of-the-art ML models will be demonstrated • Advantages and disadvantages of solid electrolytes: oxides, sulfides,
for nanostructured amorphous LiSi alloys and amorphous LiPON phosphates, polymers, combinations
• Power performance in EVs: Do solid-state batteries provide sufficient
2:40 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall power? Will they be combined with supercapacitors? | 5
BREAKOUT 4: Finding the Gaps that Have Yet to Be Filled in an WEDNESDAY, JULY 29
Efficient Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Infrastructure
Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Director, ReCell Center, Argonne National INCREASING ENERGY DENSITY: ANODES
• What are the top issues that are holding back the battery recycling 9:00 am KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Materials
industry? and Interface Design for the Next Generation
• How can collection of consumer electronics be increased? of Batteries
• Will manufacturers use recycled battery materials and how are they Yi Cui, PhD, Professor, Department of Materials
qualified? Science & Engineering, Stanford University
• What policy would help or hurt the battery recycling industry? I will present more than a decade of research to address the
• How can transportation costs be reduced? challenges of next generation of batteries: 1) materials design for
Li metal anodes and S cathodes; 2) interfacial design to enhance
BREAKOUT 5: Small Batteries, Big Potential? The Future of cycling efficiency; 3) nanocomposite solid electrolyte; and 4) a
Rechargeable Coin Cells and Pin Cells breakthrough tool of cryogenic electron microscopy applied to
John Wozniak, PhD, President, ESP Consulting battery materials research.
• What are the market trends for coin cells and pin cells?
9:20 High-Performance Li-Ion Cells with Silicon Nanowire
• What companies have found ways around the Varta coin cell
Ionel C. Stefan, PhD, CTO, Amprius Inc.
• Is there profitability in developing these cells?
The silicon nanowire anode technology addresses silicon swelling
• What are the challenges associated with the manufacturing of these by enabling silicon to expand and contract internally, in a very robust
cells? mechanical structure. As a result, over 1200 Wh/L and 400 Wh/kg
• What are the risks in using these small cells in wearable products? levels of energy density were achieved in lithium-ion cells with a cycle
life in the hundreds of cycles, enabling new devices and applications.
BREAKOUT 6: Surviving the Valley of Death – Transitioning
New Battery Technologies from R&D to Manufacturable, 9:40 Engineered Particles for the Development of
Commercially Viable Products High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries
James Kaschmitter, CEO, SpectraPower LLC Isaiah Oladeji, PhD, CTO, Sisom Thin Films
• How do we define “manufacturable” or “commercially viable”? Sisom and ULVAC are collaborating to develop engineered particles
• What attributes are important for a new battery technology to be that will enable the use of both Li and Si as stable anode materials
commercially viable? with more than 3000 mAh/g capacity. These engineered particles
• What do battery manufacturers want? can also be used in fabricating the cathode. The combination of
engineered particles based anode and engineered particles based
• How can a developer of a new battery technology anticipate these
cathode will lead to safe, high energy density, and long cycle life
requirements, including Quality Assurance requirements?
batteries needed for widespread adoption of consumer electronics
• What patent strategies should the developer employ during and electric vehicles.
10:00 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
BREAKOUT 7: Approach to Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Moderator: Yi Cui, PhD, Professor, Department of Materials Science &
Judith Jeevarajan, PhD, Research Director Electrochemical Safety, Engineering, Stanford University
Electrochemical Safety, UL LLC
• Approaches to hazard analysis and risk assessment (FTA, FMEA,
Ionel C. Stefan, PhD, CTO, Amprius Inc.
fish bone, bow-tie, etc.)
Isaiah Oladeji, PhD, CTO, Sisom Thin Films
• Identification of hazards and risk
• Determination of probability and severity of risk 10:15 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
• Is modeling a good approach to hazard analysis and risk
assessment? 10:30 Close of Next-Generation Battery Research Conference
• Mitigation of risks to reduce the severity and probability of hazards | 6
JULY 28–29, 2020
TUESDAY, JULY 28 deposition (ALD) is a cost-leading alternative to wet and dry coatings
for modifying cathode powder surfaces. We will also touch on ALD
1:30 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up 4:45 Interactive Breakout Discussions - Please see Pages 5-6
or Page 11 for Details
3:00 Securing Supply Chain Foundations for the EV Revolution? 9:40 Treatment Strategies for Thrifting in Original
Andrew Miller, Product Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence Ltd. Manufacturing
This presentation will address lithium-ion battery supply chain Steve E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC
dynamics: challenges & opportunities as well as raw material Cathode-healing direct methods show great promise for low-cost,
bottlenecks; lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel and financing the EV efficient material recovery and optimization in manufacturing and
supply chain; capital requirements to meet the EV demand of the recycling along the lithium-ion battery value-chain. Dr. Sloop will
coming decade. present recent developments in application and scale of the innovative
3:20 Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Market 2019-2020
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd. 10:00 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
The huge growth of the battery market requires the battery material Moderator: Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
supply chain to grow significantly. Some materials like lithium, nickel, Panelists:
and cobalt may be in short supply. Recycling is necessary for bringing Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, Director, ReCell Center, Argonne National
used materials back to the supply chain and to maintain a green Laboratory
approach. In addition, this presentation will also review the current Steve E. Sloop, President, OnTo Technology LLC
market status.
10:15 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
3:40 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Moderator: Jeremy Schrooten, PhD, Senior R&D Engineer & Tech 10:30 Close of Global Supply Chain for Battery Raw Materials
Director, Energy Group, Pyrotek Inc. Conference
Andrew Miller, Product Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence Ltd.
Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd. | 8
JULY 29-30, 2020
11:30 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up 1:50 An In-Depth Investigation on How to Optimize the
Moderator: Marshall Schroeder, PhD, Materials Engineer, Energy Storage Chemistry and Manufacturing Parameters for the Fast
Branch, U.S. Army Research Laboratory Charging of Li-Ion Batteries
Panelists: Alexis Laforgue, PhD, Research Officer, Materials for Energy
María Martinez-Ibañez, PhD, Associate Researcher, Power Storage, Technologies, Automotive & Surface Transportation Research, National
Batteries and Supercaps, CIC EnergiGUNE Research Council of Canada
Quinton Meisner, PhD, Postdoctoral Appointee, Chemical Sciences and Building Li-ion batteries better suited for fast charging is key to the
Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory deployment of electric vehicles. The results of a four-year project,
including electrochemical testing and post-mortem analysis of both
11:45 Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall commercial and custom-built cells will be presented. These results
provide general guidance towards the selection of best chemistries
12:15 pm PLENARY KEYNOTE and manufacturing parameters to maximize the fast-charging abilities
PRESENTATION: The Fast-Changing World of of batteries, especially at low temperature.
Battery Applications
2:30 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Robert L. Galyen, CTO, Contemporary Amperex
Moderator: Leon Shaw, PhD, MS, MEng, Rowe Family Endowed Chair
Technology Ltd. (CATL)
Professor in Sustainable Energy; Professor, Materials Science and
Today’s advanced battery technologies have enabled a myriad Engineering, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace
of new applications unthought of only a few decades ago. Let’s Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
take a walk through the world of applications to see how this has
transpired and where it will take us into the future. The enabling
doctrines of the GOLDEN RULES of electrification will also be Kostyantyn Khomutov, CEO, GBatteries
reviewed. Alexis Laforgue, PhD, Research Officer, Materials for Energy
Technologies, Automotive & Surface Transportation Research, National
Research Council of Canada | 9
2:10 Session Break its R&D on testing and understanding new ways to improve energy
storage and lithium delivery. Livent’s printable lithium technology
2:45 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall paves the way for commercialization of the next generation of
advanced lithium-ion and solid-state batteries.
3:15 Close of Day
10:40 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
THURSDAY, JULY 30 Moderator: Marina Yakovleva, MSc, MBA, Senior Global Commercial
Manager, New Product and Technology Development, Livent
Chunmei Ban, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering,
University of Colorado Boulder
9:00 am Synchronized Electrospinning and Electrospraying Ilias Belharouak, PhD, Group Leader, Energy and Transportation Science
Technique for Manufacturing of All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Batteries Mark Hersam, PhD, Founder and President, Volexion, Inc.; Professor,
Chunmei Ban, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
University of Colorado Boulder
11:10 Lunch Break - View our Virtual Exhibit Hall
The complexity and expense of manufacturing all-solid-state batteries
have long hindered the development of large-scale all-solid-state
batteries for transportation and grid storage applications. Key issues
include electrolyte-electrode interfacial resistance, air and moisture An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for
stability, and mass production capabilities. This talk will discuss the Wearable Devices
existing manufacturing methods and present a new manufacturing Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist &
method which overcomes challenges in interfacial resistance and Research Director, Materials Science, Honda
scalability by using synchronized electrospinning and electrospraying. Research Institute USA Inc.
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion
9:20 Materials and Manufacturing Advancement in Lithium-Ion rechargeable pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling
and Solid-State Batteries of gravimetric energy density imposed by the lithium storage
Ilias Belharouak, PhD, Group Leader, Energy and Transportation Science material. Mentioned performances become a possibility because
Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory of the elimination of metal current collectors, binders, and
The DOE’s Battery Manufacturing Facility (BMF) at Oak Ridge National additives from the electrodes.
Laboratory (ORNL) has been very instrumental in expediting key
innovations in advanced battery materials research, manufacturing 12:10 pm Panel Discussion : Roadmap to 2030:
and cell prototyping that enable low-cost, high-energy, safer and long-
Opportunities & Illusions & Session Wrap-Up
life cells capable of fast charging. BMF provides the ability to analyze
every aspect of battery cell development, from raw materials and
electrode dispersion to finished product and performance testing and
diagnostics. | 10
IMPROVEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENTS FOR BREAKOUT 2: Opportunities for Zinc-Based Aqueous Flow
Nian Liu, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Chemical & Biomolecular
1:15 FEATURED PRESENTATION: Silicon Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Micro-Reactor as a Fast-Charge and Long- BREAKOUT 3: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for
Cycle Life Anode for Li-Ion Batteries E-Mobility
Leon Shaw, PhD, MS, MEng, Rowe Family Endowed Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
Chair Professor in Sustainable Energy; Professor,
• The needs for fast charging for E-Mobility
Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical,
Materials and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of • Current solution in the market
Technology • New fast charging Li-ion NMC cells under development
Applications of silicon as a high-performance anode material has
BREAKOUT 4: Interface Issues in Solid-State Batteries
been impeded by its low intrinsic conductivity and huge volume
expansion during lithiation. Here we report a new design of Si Alexis Laforgue, PhD, Research Officer, Materials for Energy
anodes that can provide Si anodes with high specific capacity Technologies, Automotive & Surface Transportation Research, National
(800 mAh/g) and ultrafast charge/discharge (at 8 A/g Si) with Research Council of Canada
long cycle life (1000 cycles) at the same time. • Issues at the lithium metal/electrolyte interface
• Issues at the cathode/electrolyte interface
1:35 Cracking the Chemistry on Next-Generation Lithium-Ion • Methods to properly investigate interfacial issues
Silicon Anodes
Gleb Yushin, PhD, CTO, Co-Founder, Sila Nanotechnologies; Professor, BREAKOUT 5: Battery Degradation and Safety
Georgia Institute of Technology Craig B. Arnold, Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
This talk will delve into the technical challenges with implementing Princeton University
novel conversion-type electrodes and will introduce an innovative drop- • How can local non-uniformities in battery construction and
in-replacement silicon-based anode powder that enables 20% more mechanical stress lead to accelerated decay and safety concerns?
energy today over state-of-the-art lithium-ion to power wearables, • What are the mechanisms that lead to the accelerated decay?
portable electronics, and electric vehicles. • What are methods of mitigating the effects in a real system?
1:55 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up BREAKOUT 6: What the Next Generation of Energy Storage
Moderator: Gleb Yushin, PhD, CTO, Co-Founder, Sila Nanotechnologies; Product Should Look Like
Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jason Zhang, Project Manager, Energy Storage, BYD America Corp.
• EV + storage
Leon Shaw, PhD, MS, MEng, Rowe Family Endowed Chair Professor
• Energy storage systems using repurposed/retired batteries from EV
in Sustainable Energy; Professor, Materials Science and Engineering,
Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, • More integration or more simplicity
Illinois Institute of Technology
3:30 Close of Lithium-Ion Development & Commercialization
2:10 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Conference | 11
JULY 28–29, 2020
SAFETY IN CELL MANUFACTURING the environmental impact of batteries. This presentation explores
how anode materials with state-of the-art performance can be
2:00 Safe Li-Ion Battery Designs with Heat-Pipe Structures manufactured in a sustainable way.
Fabricated Using Additive Manufacturing
Ratnakumar Bugga, PhD, Principal Member Technical Staff, Jet 9:20 Imaging and Analysis of Li-Ion Battery in
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Manufacturing and R&D
Zhao Liu, PhD, Business Development Manager, Thermo Fisher
2:20 Overcoming Key Challenges to Tab-to-Cell Connections Scientific
for Battery Pack Manufacturing In this presentation, we will discuss Thermo Fisher Scientific’s
Mark Boyle, PhD, Product Manager, Sales & Marketing, AMADA WELD analytical solutions for battery R&D and manufacturing. Topics
TECH INC. include: technical cleanliness study of battery materials via
Successful tab-to-cell connections determine the manufacturability automatic SEM/EDX; 2D/3D imaging analysis of battery via electron
of a battery pack. A number of challenges exist, including material microscopes; microCT; data visualization and analysis software;
selection, tolerances of fit-up, speed of assembly and monitoring to and thickness gauging measurement for electrode manufacturing
ensure that a successful weld joint was achieved. Proper equipment consistency.
and process development will determine the quality and throughput
that can be achieved. 9:40 Introduction to Neocarbonix: Binderless
Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
2:40 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Ben Cao, PhD, Research & Development Director, Nanoramic
3:00 Low Resistance Negative Electrodes for Fast Charging
Electrodes are limited in their electrochemical stability and electrical
Lithium-Ion Batteries performance by polymer binders. Nanoramic has developed an
Martin Ebner, PhD, CEO, Battrion AG alternate solution - Neocarbonix - an electrode platform technology
We present a novel fabrication technology that reduces the resistance that effectively replaces polymer binders and primers. Results have
of negative electrodes of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Fast charging of been demonstrated for both LIB cathodes and EDLC electrodes.
high energy density LIBs is limited by increased degradation brought Nanoramic’s Neocarbonix electrodes have significantly lower ESR,
about by lithium plating on the negative electrode. In this talk, we better C-rate capabilities, longer lifetime at high temperature, and
investigate how reduced negative electrode resistance leads to shorter greater active material thickness for improved energy density, while
charging time without compromising energy density, safety, and also retaining or improving specific capacity.
10:00 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
3:40 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up Moderator: Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge
Moderator: Yuan Gao, President & CEO, Pulead Technology Industry Co. Enertech
Ltd. Panelists:
Panelists: Bridget Catherine Deveney, Senior Manager, R&D, Carbon, Elkem Carbon
Mark Boyle, PhD, Product Manager, Sales & Marketing, AMADA WELD Ben Cao, PhD, Research & Development Director, Nanoramic
TECH INC. Laboratories
Martin Ebner, PhD, CEO, Battrion AG Zhao Liu, PhD, Business Development Manager, Thermo Fisher
Ratnakumar Bugga, PhD, Principal Member Technical Staff, Jet Scientific
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
10:15 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
4:10 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
10:30 Close of High Performance Battery Manufacturing
4:45 Interactive Breakout Discussions - Please see Pages 5-6 Conference
or Page 11 for Details
JULY 28–29, 2020
TUESDAY, JULY 28 Ni cathode materials. This presentation will outline the opportunities
and limitations of various cell and material concepts from a car
OEM APPLICATION-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT manufacturer’s point of view. | 14
1:30 Plenary Keynote Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up 3:40 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Moderator: Tobias Glossmann, Principal Systems Engineer, HV Battery
Research and Test Lab, Mercedes-Benz Research and Development
North America
Moderator: Craig Wohlers, Samuel Gillard, Technology Development Manager, Battery R&D, U.S.
Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Enertech Department of Energy
Panelists: Kevin Konecky, Consultant, Battery & Energy Storage Systems,
Advanced Battery Systems Consulting
M. Stanley Whittingham, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor,
Member, National Academy of Engineering, Director, NECCES EFRC James Frith, PhD, Senior Associate, Energy Storage, Bloomberg LP
at Binghamton, SUNY at Binghamton Koji Ishiwa, Senior Expert, Strategic Planning Department, Toshiba Corp.
Jeff Dahn, FRSC, PhD, Professor of Physics and Atmospheric
4:10 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Science, NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, Canada
Research Chair, Dalhousie University 4:45 Interactive Breakout Discussions - Please see Pages 5-6
or Page 11 for Details
1:45 Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
5:45 Close of Day
2:00 U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Battery Research WEDNESDAY, JULY 29
Programs and Objectives
Samuel Gillard, Technology Development Manager, Battery R&D, U.S. INNOVATION AND DESIGN IN NEXT-GENERATION
Department of Energy
This presentation provides an overview of the DOE vehicle
battery R&D portfolio and the research initiatives for accelerating 9:00 am Prospects for Practical Rechargeable Lithium Metal
commercialization. There will also be discussion on technology Anode Batteries
performance targets, future direction, and highlights of significant K.M. Abraham, PhD, Principal & President, E-KEM Sciences
breakthroughs and key findings resulting from VTO-funded R&D.
Practical rechargeable batteries with lithium metal anodes are the
holy grail of advanced power sources for mobile devices and electric
2:20 Increasing Battery Systems Performance and xEV
vehicles. This is because a lithium metal anode battery with a given
Industry Trends Analysis
cathode material can yield nearly twice the energy density of a lithium-
Kevin Konecky, Consultant, Battery & Energy Storage Systems, ion battery utilizing the same cathode material. This talk will make a
Advanced Battery Systems Consulting critical assessment of the prospects and limitations of such batteries.
Battery systems are complex systems with the battery cell as the
core technology of the system, but then integrated with multiple 9:20 Metallic Lithium Metal Anode for Ultra-High Energy
subsystems, including mechanical, thermal, and battery management Batteries for xEV and Aerospace Applications
systems (BMS). This presentation will look into the different Michael A. Fetcenko, Executive Chairman, Board of Directors, Sion
subsystems that contribute to the overall battery system performance Power Corp.
and opportunities for improvement in next-generation battery systems.
Sion Power has combined extensive experience with metallic lithium
anodes with high-energy, lithium-ion cathodes such as NCM, and
2:40 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
achieved 500 Wh/kg, 1000 Wh/L with 500 deep discharge cycles.
3:00 Is Scale Alone Enough to Bring Down Battery Costs? The company is producing 6 and 20 Ah cells and modules with
James Frith, PhD, Senior Associate, Energy Storage, Bloomberg LP outstanding independently verified safety results. Sion Power
continues to progress its technology roadmap to achieve 700 Wh/kg
Lithium-ion battery pack prices have fallen 80% since 2010, reaching
and 1400 Wh/L for aerospace applications.
an average of $176/kWh by 2018. We will share a detailed bottom-up
cost breakdown across different geographies and applications. We 9:40 Session Break
will provide a review of a number of different approaches to reducing
costs, such as substitution, scale, integration, and a range of design 10:00 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
and manufacturing improvements. Finally, we will review whether Moderator: Carrie R. Okma, Lithium Ion Cell Senior Tech Specialist,
certain applications will tolerate higher costs for greater performance. Electrified Powertrain Propulsion Systems, FCA US LLC
3:20 Rising to the Challenge: Rechargeable Battery SCib with
LTO Anode for Future Automotive Society K.M. Abraham, PhD, Principal & President, E-KEM Sciences
Koji Ishiwa, Senior Expert, Strategic Planning Department, Toshiba Corp. Michael A. Fetcenko, Executive Chairman, Board of Directors, Sion
Power Corp.
Toshiba started production of SCiB using LTO anode in 2008, and
has not only penetrated the world of automobile, industry and 10:15 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
electric power, but also established high quality and reliability. In the
presentation, solutions by SCiB in low-voltage HEV as an example, and 10:30 Close of Advances in Automotive Battery Applications
proposals how SCiB can contribute to the future automotive society, Conference
will be explained. | 15
JULY 29-30, 2020
10:50 Pricing Electrical Energy Storage as a Service for Power 1:05 Plenary Keynote Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Transmission Congestion Relief
Juan Arteaga, Graduate Student Researcher, Schulich School of
Engineering, University of Calgary
We focus on pricing Energy Storage as a Service (ESaaS) for
Moderator: Craig Wohlers,
Transmission Congestion Relief (TCR). We study the case of a
Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Enertech
merchant storage facility that competes in an electricity market
on a day-to-day basis. It also has the opportunity to provide a TCR Panelists:
service to a network operator under a long-term contract. We use a Robert L. Galyen, CTO, Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd.
hybrid cost-value customized pricing technique to determine a risk- (CATL)
constrained optimal price for ESaaS for TCR.
Celina J. Mikolajczak, Vice President, Battery Technology,
11:10 Battery Storage Integration into the Electric Grid Panasonic Energy of North America
Vivian Sultan, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, College of Business and Economics,
1:20 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
California State University, Los Angeles
This presentation will address the research question: “How can EXPLORING CHEMISTRIES FOR EVOLVING AND
we determine the optimal locations for energy storage for proper
integration into the electricity system?” I have developed a conceptual
framework for decision-making that caters to utilities for it considers 1:30 High-Power, Long-Cycle Life Prussian Blue Batteries for
the impacts of the energy storage placement on the grid, and the
Behind-the-Meter Applications
electric circuit capacity constraints. Additionally, I have built a
Colin Wessells, PhD, CEO, Natron Energy
prototype of Geographic Decision Support.
Datacenters, EV fast-charging stations, and other electricity customers
11:30 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up that have volatile loads are adopting behind-the-meter energy storage
Moderator: Kevin Fok, Director, Operations, LG Chem Michigan, Inc. to reduce electricity costs and maximize revenue generation. These
volatile loads are best managed with high-power batteries that may
cycle several times daily. This presentation introduces the Prussian
Juan Arteaga, Graduate Student Researcher, Schulich School of blue battery, which offers uniquely high power and long cycle life, and
Engineering, University of Calgary
describes the results of recent deployments of this technology for
Susan Babinec, Program Lead, Stationary Storage, Argonne behind-the-meter applications.
Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS), Argonne
National Laboratory 1:50 FORTELION (LFP): Ultra-Safe and Long-Life
Vivian Sultan, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, College of Business and Economics, Battery
California State University, Los Angeles John Roberts, Business Development Manager, ESS, muRata
With recent large-scale ESS battery fires, there is a renewed emphasis
11:45 Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
on the safety of lithium-ion. The muRata FORTELION minimizes
these safety concerns and delivers a life expectancy of more than 15
years. These benefits are achieved with the FORTELION cathode, an
olivine-type, and iron phosphate chemistry that is extremely stable | 16
in nature. This presentation will give an overview of FORTELION, efficiency and optimization. The unique dispatch and control from
including calendar life, cycle life, and UL9540A test results at the cell Apparent’s software + hardware energy management solution,
and module level. together with BYD’s proven LFP based ESS system, has completely
shifted the Solar + Energy Storage project paradigm.
2:10 Molecular- and Cell-Level Design of Zinc-Halogen
Aqueous Flow Batteries 10:20 Using Energy Storage for Resiliency
Nian Liu, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Philip Fischer, Channel Sales Director, NEC Energy Solutions
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Among flow batteries, zinc-halogen aqueous flow batteries have the
10:40 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
advantages of high specific energy, and possible elimination of ion- Moderator: Susan Babinec, Program Lead, Stationary Storage, Argonne
exchange membrane. However, existing complexing agents still allow Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS), Argonne
severe self-discharge, and flow batteries have low volumetric power National Laboratory
density in general. In this talk, I will show a new tool to understand Panelists:
the effectiveness of complexing agents, pointing to future molecular Maggie Alexander, MSc, Director, Business Development, Apparent, Inc.
design and an innovative cell structure to enhance the volumetric Philip Fischer, Channel Sales Director, NEC Energy Solutions
power density.
Thomas D. Gregory, Owner and Consultant, Borealis Technology
Solutions LLC
2:30 LIVE Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Moderator: Nian Liu, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Chemical & Michael Liu, Director, Energy Storage, BYD America
Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Tom Stepien, CEO, Primus Power
11:10 Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Colin Wessells, PhD, CEO, Natron Energy
John Roberts, Business Development Manager, ESS, muRata 11:45 PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION:
An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for
2:45 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Wearable Devices
3:15 Close of Day Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist &
Research Director, Materials Science, Honda
Research Institute USA Inc.
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion
rechargeable pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling
POWER PARTNERSHIPS of gravimetric energy density imposed by the lithium storage
9:00 am Technoeconomic Analysis of Synthetic Active Material material. Mentioned performances become a possibility because
of the elimination of metal current collectors, binders, and
Manufacture for Redox Flow Batteries
additives from the electrodes.
Thomas D. Gregory, Owner and Consultant, Borealis Technology
Solutions LLC
Aqueous-soluble organic and organometallic compounds are 12:10 pm Panel Discussion : Roadmap to 2030:
potentially attractive candidates as energy carriers for redox flow Opportunities & Illusions & Session Wrap-Up
batteries. Process options, plus cost and price estimates, for large-
scale manufacturing of two representatives of this class of materials,
sodium ferrocyanide and 2,6-anthraquinone disulfonate, will be
presented. Comparison with price targets set by the U.S. Department
of Energy for stationary electricity storage and cost-reduction
strategies for these and related active materials will be discussed. Moderator: Brian M. Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives
9:20 Grid Scale Storage: Where Does Flow Fit In?
Tom Stepien, CEO, Primus Power Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist & Research Director,
Materials Science, Honda Research Institute USA Inc.
Flow batteries are generally recognized as the most technically
mature alternative to lithium ion for grid storage. This presentation Jianlin Li, PhD, Research Scientist, Energy & Transportation
explores: storage applications where flow is well suited, flow system Science, Oak Ridge National Lab
characteristics, and flow’s levelized cost of energy. Yevgen Barsukov, PhD, Head, Algorithm Development, Battery
Power Systems, Texas Instruments Inc.
9:40 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
John Wozniak, PhD, President, ESP Consulting
POWER PARTNERSHIPS (CONT.) Kamal Shah, Director, Platform Architecture Management, Client
Computing Group, Intel Corporation
10:00 CO-PRESENTATION: Grid-Connected Energy Storage
Systems 1:00 ADDITIONAL LIVE Q&A FOR TUT12: The Rechargeable
Michael Liu, Director, Energy Storage, BYD America Battery Market: Value Chain and Main Trends 2018-2028
Maggie Alexander, MSc, Director, Business Development, Apparent, Inc. Michael L. Sanders, Senior Advisor, Energy, Avicenne
BYD has Partnered with Apparent, Inc. on Multiple Intelligent Solar +
Storage projects, including the first two in Davis, CA and Lancaster, 1:05 Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
CA, that have resulted in game-changing outcomes related to energy | 17
Moderator: Steve Tolen, President & CEO, Indie Power Systems, Inc.
1:15 Cradle-to-Grave Battery Technology: Secondary-Use Panelists:
Steve Tolen, President & CEO, Indie Power Systems, Inc.
Matthias Vetter, PhD, Department Head, Electrical Energy Storage,
The secondary-use of batteries can reduce the total cost of Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
ownership of EVs and improve the utilization of natural resources.
Secondary-use can range from OEM replacement packs to stationary 2:10 Refreshment Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
energy storage. This presentation covers the need for batteries
designed for secondary-use, methods for determining remaining 2:30 Interactive Breakout Discussion Groups - Please see
capacity (characterization), and applications for secondary use. Pages 5-6 or Page 11 for Details
The presentation addresses battery design and strategies that can
materially reduce the cost of secondary-use batteries. 3:30 Close of Grid-Scale Energy Storage Conference | 18
JULY 29-30, 2020
THURSDAY, JULY 30 12:10 pm Live Q&A: Roadmap to 2030: Opportunities &
Illusions & Session Wrap-Up
9:00 am Battery Management for Pulsed Load Applications
Yevgen Barsukov, PhD, Head, Algorithm Development, Battery Power
Systems, Texas Instruments Inc. Moderator: Brian M. Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives
Prediction of remaining capacity is less meaningful than prediction of Panelists:
number of pulses. In addition, power tool applications have a series
Jianlin Li, PhD, Research Scientist, Energy & Transportation
of challenges related to the need of fast charging while achieving
Science, Oak Ridge National Lab
acceptable cycle life. This presentation covers the key aspects of
gauging and fast charging for highly intermittent load applications. Yevgen Barsukov, PhD, Head, Algorithm Development, Battery
Power Systems, Texas Instruments Inc.
9:20 Consumer Battery Opportunities: Beyond 3C Kamal Shah, Director, Platform Architecture Management, Client
John Wozniak, PhD, President, ESP Consulting Computing Group, Intel Corporation
Formerly niche battery applications have grown considerably since John Wozniak, PhD, President, ESP Consulting
2016 and continue to be a profitable space for those suppliers willing
and able to meet some extreme requirements. Two interesting product Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist & Research Director,
categories will be discussed in this presentation, each with its own Materials Science, Honda Research Institute USA Inc.
specific challenges.
1:00 ADDITIONAL LIVE Q&A FOR TUT12: The Rechargeable
9:40 Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Battery Market: Value Chain and Main Trends 2018-2028
Michael L. Sanders, Senior Advisor, Energy, Avicenne
10:00 Electrolyte Wetting in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Jianlin Li, PhD, Research Scientist, Energy & Transportation Science, Oak 1:05 Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Ridge National Lab
This talk will include: 1) determining the electrolyte imbibition rate in INNOVATION & DESIGN IN NEXT-GEN CONSUMER
LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 cathodes, graphite anodes, and separators; ELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS
2) processing effect on electrolyte wetting; and 3) how the pores are
filled with electrolytes. 1:15 Four Pillars of Materials Considerations
Walter van Schalkwijk, PhD, Principal Battery Scientist, Microsoft
10:20 Towards Comprehending Fast Charging of Lithium Ion Corporation
Batteries As EV and Grid applications grow and dwarf the consumer electronics,
Kamal Shah, Director, Platform Architecture Management, Client light industrial and medical appliance industries in the use of batteries,
Computing Group, Intel Corporation the criticality of materials becomes more important. Critical does
This talk will overview results of fast charging using several different not mean scarce. Beyond this are the needs for materials that are
protocols. For each protocol, questions such as how long does it ethically derived, and used sustainably, which requires a measure of
take to charge and to what state of the charge the cells get to will recycling. Where possible, battery materials and or battery use should
be answered. Once a particular protocol is identified to be the most be directed towards carbon abatement strategies.
optimal, further experiments can be done to understand impact on
safety and aging. 1:55 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
Moderator: Craig Wohlers, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge
10:55 Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Enertech
11:45 PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Walter van Schalkwijk, PhD, Principal Battery Scientist, Microsoft
An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for Corporation
Wearable Devices
Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist &
2:10 Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Research Director, Materials Science, Honda 2:30 Interactive Breakout Discussions - Please see Pages 5-6
Research Institute USA Inc.
or Page 11 for Details
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion
rechargeable pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling 3:30 Close of Battery Power for Consumer Electronics
of gravimetric energy density imposed by the lithium storage Conference
material. Mentioned performances become a possibility because
of the elimination of metal current collectors, binders, and
additives from the electrodes. | 20
JULY 28–29, 2020
10:00 Coffee Break- View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall 12:30 pm Shep Wolsky Battery Innovator Award | 21
1:30 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up explosion, which is typically due to three primary causes: Overcharge,
internal short or external heat. SafeCore is activated by current.
voltage or temperature thresholds. | 23
prevent cell overcharge, overdischarge, and temperature operation, 10:20 Battery Module/Pack Testing: Current Challenges &
estimate its state of charge, track its state of health and electrical Opportunities
balancing of cells in strings. Martin M.Weiss, Product Director, Battery & Power Electronic Test
Systems Promotion, NH Research Inc.
2:10 Mitigating Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation through a
Battery module/pack testing is critical across all stages of battery
Novel Fast-Charging Strategy: A Jointed Experimental and
R&D and production, but traditional methods of battery testing are
Simulation Effort an extremely time-consuming and costly challenge. Today, testing
Lin Liu, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of requires more flexibility and scalability to meet the growing demands
Kansas of electrification and high performance. This presentation will equip
The lithium-ion battery degrades over time, which compromises its battery manufacturers with cutting-edge technologies, trends, and test
electrochemical performance and mechanical integrity, and eventually solutions for battery module/pack testing.
battery safety. An enhanced fast-charging strategy can overcome
these limitations. This work proposes a novel fast-charging strategy to 10:40 Live Q&A: Session Wrap-Up
charge lithium-ion batteries safely. This strategy contains a voltage- Moderator: Judith Jeevarajan, PhD, Research Director Electrochemical
spectrum-based charging current profile, which is optimized through Safety, Electrochemical Safety, UL LLC
an optimization framework with physics-based battery models and a Panelists:
genetic algorithm.
Martin M.Weiss, Product Director, Battery & Power Electronic Test
Systems Promotion, NH Research Inc.
2:30 Session Wrap-Up
Moderator: Joshua Lamb, PhD, Principal Member, Technical Staff, Bapiraju Surampudi, Staff Engineer, Electric Powertrains, Southwest
Advanced Power Sources R&D, Sandia National Laboratories Research Institute
Panelists: 11:10 Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Sergio Mendoza, PhD, Senior Associate & Battery Specialist, Materials &
Corrosion Engineering, Exponent 11:45 PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION:
Lin Liu, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of An Intrinsically Flexible Li-Ion Battery for
Kansas Wearable Devices
2:45 Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall Avetik R. Harutyunyan, PhD, Chief Scientist &
Research Director, Materials Science, Honda
3:15 Close of Day Research Institute USA Inc.
We demonstrate bendable, twistable, and foldable Li-ion
rechargeable pouch cell battery that approaches the ceiling
THURSDAY, JULY 30 of gravimetric energy density imposed by the lithium storage
material. Mentioned performances become a possibility because
PREVENTING DEGRADATION of the elimination of metal current collectors, binders, and
additives from the electrodes.
9:00 am Trends in Safety with State of Charge for Lithium-Ion
Cells and Batteries
Judith Jeevarajan, PhD, Research Director Electrochemical Safety, 12:10 pm Panel Discussion : Roadmap to 2030:
Electrochemical Safety, UL LLC Opportunities & Illusions & Session Wrap-Up
The trends observed in safety with states of charge for cells and
battery designs will be presented. | 24
1:05 Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall | 25
See website for complete details including discounts for groups and On-Demand participation
July 28-30, 2020 Commercial Academic, Government
(Includes Access to All Conferences and Tutorials, virtual event benefits, plus On-Demand Access)
C3A: High Performance Battery Manufacturing C3B: Battery Power for Consumer Electronics