Basic Education
Basic Education
Basic Education
- The first six years of school in China - The K to 12 is the basic education in
make up the primary grades which is the Philippines consists of
devoted to development of cognitive Kindergarten six years of
skills and this followed by another six elementary, four years of Junior High
years of high schools. School and two years of Senior High
Primary Education
Primary Education
- Primary education is provided by
government and non – government - Elementary school covers the first six
primary school. The length of the years of compulsory education
program is 6 years for 6 years old to 12 (grades 1–6) informally divided into
years old children. 3 years of primary level and 3 years
- Children starts primary school at the of intermediate level. Primary levels
age of 5 when they enroll in are grades 1 to 3 and grades 4 to 6
preparatory or kindergarten year. are intermediate levels.
- With ages 6-12 years old.
Secondary Education
Secondary Education
- The junior secondary level which is for
4 years comes next. The age level of - Junior High School students are in
children in this level is from 12 to 16 grades 7-10. With ages from 12-15
years old. years old. The length of the program
- A senior secondary level is provided for is 4 years.
2 years after the junior secondary - Senior High School is two years of
level. Students are 16 to 18 years old in specialized upper secondary
this level. education; students may choose a
specialization based on aptitude,
interests, and school capacity. The
choice of career track will define the
content of the subjects a student will
take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
subjects fall under either the Core
Curriculum or specific Tracks.
China Philippines
Japan Philippines
Basic Education Basic Education
- Education through middle school is - Elementary school covers the first six
compulsory in Japan. Elementary years of compulsory education
education includes kindergartens and (grades 1–6) informally divided into 3
day-care centers, the children move on to years of primary level and 3 years of
primary schools after finishing intermediate level. Primary levels are
kindergartens, where they complete 6 grades 1 to 3 and grades 4 to 6 are
grades in preparation for junior high intermediate levels.
schools. - With ages 6-12 years old.
- Elementary school covers for six years
with ages 6-12 years old.
Secondary Education
Secondary Education
- Junior High School students are in
- Lower secondary schools cover grade grades 7-10. With ages from 12-15
seven, eight and nine. Men compose years old. The length of the program
two-thirds of the teachers in this level. is 4 years.
Class size average is 38 and the periods - Senior High School is two years of
are 50 minutes long. specialized upper secondary
- Upper secondary schools offer academic, education; students may choose a
technical and vocational programs. specialization based on aptitude,
Vocational course includes information interests, and school capacity. The
processing, navigation, fish farming, choice of career track will define the
ceramics and business English. The upper content of the subjects a student will
secondary schools are ranked based on take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
their success in placing graduating subjects fall under either the Core
students into prestigious universities. Curriculum or specific Tracks.
- Lower and Upper secondary schools
covers for six years with ages 12-18 years
Japan Philippines
Higher Education Higher Education
- The students graduating from High - Students who graduate in high school
school are eligible to go for higher consisting of four years may proceed
education in Japan. to colleges, universities or technical
vocational institutions, which are
Tertiary Education classified as higher education
- To get into college or universities, the
students must take two exams; the first Tertiary Education
one is the national achievement test and
the second one is given by the university - Most institutions of higher learning
itself which is highly competitive. are regulated by the commission for
- Student who fail the test will take higher education (CHED).
another year to study and prepare to - Most college degree programs are 4
take the test again. These students are years for bachelor’s degrees with 2
called ronin which means samurai. semesters per year. Most of the
programs require passing a licensure
Graduate Education examination for specific profession.
Some examples are Teaching, Law,
- Sixty percent of the universities have Engineering and Medicine.
graduate schools, but only seven percent - Technical and vocational education is
of university graduate gets master’s offered by the government. Program
degrees. duration varies from a few months.
- At the doctorate level, students enroll in Upon graduation from the program,
medical programs and humanities. the students may take TESDA
(Technical Education and Skills
Authority) examination to receive
certificate or diploma.
Graduate Education
- Grades X-XII is the senior secondary - Junior High School students are in
education and it is not compulsory. At grades 7-10. With ages from 12-15
the end of the Grade XII, the students years old. The length of the program
take a public examination for senior is 4 years.
certificate. - Senior High School is two years of
- Technical secondary education will specialized upper secondary
last for 3 years are offered in education; students may choose a
technical centers, high schools and specialization based on aptitude,
vocational schools. interests, and school capacity. The
choice of career track will define the
content of the subjects a student will
take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
subjects fall under either the Core
Curriculum or specific Tracks.
England Philippines
Basic Education Basic Education
- At age 5 children enter primary school - Elementary school covers the first six
where they complete their basic first years of compulsory education
stages and basic second stages of (grades 1–6) informally divided into 3
their grounding education. years of primary level and 3 years of
- At age 7 children move on to junior intermediate level. Primary levels are
school where they remain for four grades 1 to 3 and grades 4 to 6 are
years while receiving their intermediate levels.
introduction the basics of an - With ages 6-12 years old.
academic education. Although core
subjects are prescribed they are Secondary Education
encouraged to take extra subjects like
art, computer studies and music. - Junior High School students are in
grades 7-10. With ages from 12-15
Secondary Education years old. The length of the program
is 4 years.
- After completing junior school, - Senior High School is two years of
students move on to comprehensive specialized upper secondary
school until they reach the age of 16. education; students may choose a
The standards are higher and specialization based on aptitude,
programs are more challenging. Those interests, and school capacity. The
who succeed receive a general/ choice of career track will define the
vocational certificate of secondary content of the subjects a student will
education depending on the stream take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS
they followed. Thereafter they either subjects fall under either the Core
stay on for two more years to Curriculum or specific Tracks.
complete their advanced level school
education, take menial jobs or enroll
for advanced vocational training.
Not included
England Philippines
Higher Education Higher Education
- Elementary school begins with - Elementary school covers the first six
kindergarten and extends through years of compulsory education
primary school which lasts for between 3 (grades 1–6) informally divided into 3
and 7 years. For kindergarten students, years of primary level and 3 years of
the age level is 4-6 years old and the intermediate level. Primary levels are
duration is 2 years. Grades 1-5 for grades 1 to 3 and grades 4 to 6 are
elementary students. Ages 6-11 years intermediate levels.
old. - With ages 6-12 years old.
- Higher education in U.S begins at the - Students who graduate in high school
post-secondary education. There is no consisting of four years may proceed
age categories for post-secondary to colleges, universities or technical
education. American students can start vocational institutions, which are
college right after completing high classified as higher education
schools. institutions.
Submitted by:
Krista Claudine
England Philippines
Graduate Education
- After completing the bachelor’s
degree, courses in the master’s
program of 2 years and doctoral
programs for 3 to 5 years are
offered by authorized colleges
and universities.