Credit Default Swaps: Past, Present, and Future
Credit Default Swaps: Past, Present, and Future
Credit Default Swaps: Past, Present, and Future
FE08CH10-Augustin ARI 30 August 2016 12:53
Credit default swaps (CDS) were engineered in 1994 by the US bank J. P. Morgan Inc. to transfer
credit risk exposure from its balance sheet to protection sellers. At that time, hardly anyone could
have imagined the extent to which CDS would occupy the daily lives of traders, regulators, and
financial economists alike in the twenty-first century. As of this writing, more than one thousand
working papers posted on the Social Science Research Network are directly related to the economic
role of CDS or involve CDS as a research tool in one way or another. Nevertheless, some key
issues on CDS are still hotly debated.
The controversy about CDS is underscored in an early survey by Stulz (2010). CDS have been
a factor in recent financial scandals, for example in the subprime crisis of 2007–2008, in instances
of trading losses by the London Whale at J. P. Morgan Chase in 2012, and in the $1.86 billion
settlement between a group of plaintiffs and a number of Wall Street banks, which were accused
of violating US antitrust laws through anticompetitive practices in the CDS market. However,
some hedge funds have successfully exploited opportunities in the CDS market, including Napier
Park (Risk 2015) and BlueMountain Capital, the latter of which made profits in the famous
London Whale case. Similarly, a fairly large proportion of the hedging and trading activity of
the large global banks involves CDS in some fashion. For example, J. P. Morgan has several
trillions of dollars of CDS notional outstanding (Off. Comptrol. Curr. 2015). CDS occupy a
prominent position in global financial regulation, including in the Basel III guidelines of the Bank
for International Settlements, the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act in the United States, and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) in
the European Economic Area (the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway).
Indeed, the role played by the purchase of naked (i.e., uncovered) sovereign CDS in shaping
pan-European securities regulations clearly demonstrates that the controversy surrounding CDS
cannot be reduced to the exchange of sound bites between the prominent investor, Warren
Buffett, who has denounced derivatives as weapons of mass destruction (Buffett 2003), and the
former Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, Alan Greenspan, who has argued in favor of
CDS as efficient vehicles of credit risk transfer (Greenspan 2004).
In a way, the continuing controversy regarding CDS, especially since the global financial crisis,
is surprising because in a frictionless world they ought to be redundant securities in financial
markets. Indeed, other derivatives, such as interest rate swaps and foreign exchange forwards, do
not attract similarly strong reactions, although they are much larger markets in terms of notional
amounts traded or outstanding. For example, according to the Bank for International Settlements,
the gross notional amount outstanding in over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate contracts totalled
$563.293 trillion in December 2014, compared to $74.782 trillion and $19.462 trillion for foreign
exchange contracts and credit derivatives, respectively. One possible reason for this may be that
there is sufficient anecdotal evidence to suggest that CDS affect the prices of the underlying
securities; change the economic incentives of the key agents in the financial system; and alter
the behavior of investors, firms, and regulators. This, in turn, is evidence of substantial market
frictions, a statement that would have met with considerable skepticism, if not scorn, among
financial economists even two decades ago. Once these frictions are acknowledged, the efforts
of researchers ought to focus on gathering theoretical and empirical evidence to advance our
knowledge of credit derivative products and on analyzing their impact on financial decisions. In this
vein, we have certainly come a long way toward improving our understanding of the economic role
of CDS contracts. However, it is also fair to say that regulators and other decision-makers have, at
times, responded to existing frictions by implementing new financial regulations, often worsening
the problem, before accumulating sufficient theoretical analysis and empirical evidence on CDS.
Academic research on CDS was initially concerned with models for the pricing of these financial
instruments (Das 1995, Duffie & Singleton 2003) using the fundamental principles of replicating
strategies (Duffie 1999). However, research on CDS has quickly expanded into a broad research
field in financial economics with a variety of ramifications ( Jarrow 2011). In a recent monograph
(Augustin et al. 2014), we surveyed the extant literature, which keeps growing even as we write.
In that broad survey, we covered a variety of research domains, ranging from cross-asset pricing
effects to corporate finance applications to the role of CDS in financial intermediation, among
many other topics. In this review, our goal is to elaborate on our views about future research
directions in the context of the received literature, rather than to comprehensively survey the
existing work. In so doing, we will focus on the issues that need more dedicated attention and that
represent fruitful areas for investigation in the years to come.
We first discuss the welfare implications of CDS for corporations, financial intermediaries,
and regulators. We then discuss some recent rules and market developments. Because many such
issues are in the confluence of law and finance, we explain some of the technical aspects as well.
Given recent events in Greece, Argentina, and Puerto Rico, we place considerable emphasis on
analyzing the role of CDS in the context of sovereign risk and international finance. Currently,
there are many unwarranted assertions on the perverse effects of CDS with little recognition
of their salutary consequences. We hope to correct some misperceptions and to present a more
balanced view of the relevant issues about CDS.
academic and practical evidence to judge clearly for or against the societal benefits of CDS. Thus,
one of the main challenges now facing the CDS literature is to provide a comprehensive analysis
of the welfare implications of CDS contracts and their trading. Such an analysis should start by
identifying the frictions that justify the existence of CDS in the first place, albeit with attendant
side effects. Clearly, in complete markets with fully insurable outcomes, CDS would be redundant
assets for society. Yet the existing research does point to both benefits and negative externalities
that arise from their introduction. Hence, a challenge for researchers is to fully identify all the
frictions that make CDS a useful tool in financial markets. In addition, we need a complete mapping
of the cost-benefit analysis of the existence of CDS for all stakeholders in the economy.
There is a segment of the literature that attempts to study the implications of the initiation of
CDS trading on the market efficiency, liquidity, and pricing of other asset classes. Other studies
seek to understand whether the existence of CDS affects firm characteristics, or whether it changes
the behavioral incentives of firms or financial intermediaries. However, these studies typically focus
on only one particular aspect of the economy, and usually examine the cost-benefit analysis from
a partial equilibrium perspective. Below, we review part of the literature along the following three
dimensions: impacts of CDS on asset prices, liquidity, and efficiency; on firm characteristics and
economic incentives; and on financial intermediaries and the debtor–creditor relationship.
analysis, Nashikkar, Subrahmanyam & Mahanti (2011) show that bond covenants are implicitly
priced in the basis between the CDS and the underlying bond.
reduce monitoring incentives, Martin & Roychowdhury (2015) find a reduction in the degree to
which the accounting practices of borrowing firms can be deemed to be conservative, measured
by an asymmetry in the recognition of losses versus gains. In a similar vein, Du, Masli & Meschke
(2013) find increased audit costs for firms with traded CDS. Karolyi (2013) documents that firms
increase their financial and operational risk after the initiation of CDS trading on their debt,
and Kim et al. (2015) argue that such firms are more likely to issue earnings forecasts after such
Another important issue for future research is the indirect impact of CDS trading on firms
without CDS traded on their own debt, for example through their customer–supplier relationships
or through product market competition. Initial steps in this direction have been taken by Li &
Tang (2016), who suggest that suppliers respond to CDS trading on their customers’ debt by
reducing their own leverage, and by Hortaçsu et al. (2013), who document that product prices are
negatively related to the magnitude of CDS spreads. Darst & Refayet (2015) examine theoretically
how naked and covered CDS affect investment levels and borrowing costs of firms without traded
capacity, incentives, and systemic risk. The existing theoretical and empirical literature, despite
being mixed in its conclusions, provides multiple reasons to believe that CDS have nontrivial effects
along various dimensions because of these frictions. Whereas some research suggests that CDS
reduce frictions, other work takes the view that CDS may have severe unintended consequences
that introduce additional frictions for various stakeholders. This may be particularly important to
consider with respect to implicit or explicit recommendations for policymakers, and for issuers
and buyers of claims. Thus, we encourage a deeper examination of the role of CDS in regulatory
frameworks, as well as consideration of the unintended consequences that such regulation may
have on different economic stakeholders.
Second, the summarized literature seems largely mixed in its conclusions about the effects of
CDS trading on firm characteristics and firm economic incentives. This may not be surprising,
given that detailed, transparent transactions data on CDS, particularly over the long term, are still
not publicly accessible, with only a few researchers having privileged access. This needs to change
by means of various regulatory bodies, including the Office of Financial Research, disseminating
data to the broader market, perhaps with a delay, much in the way that the Financial Industry
Regulatory Agency (FINRA) has disseminated corporate bond data through its Trade Reporting
and Compliance Engine (TRACE) platform. The data lacuna is further compounded, in terms
of identification strategies, by the demand nature of the empirical tests using the available data.
This makes results vulnerable to critiques of the endogeneity of the key effects, throwing in
doubt any claims of causality, which are important for policymaking. The silver lining is that
the global financial crisis and the Eurozone crisis may be considered structural shifts, with the
many regulatory changes to the trading and clearing of CDS providing opportunities for the
conducting of natural experiments. [For example, Campello, Ladika & Matta (2015) exploit CDS
spreads in the context of the passage of IRS Regulation TD9599, a change to the US tax code
in 2012, to show that it was effective in reducing creditors’ costs for out-of-court restructurings.]
Thus, we believe that further empirical research is warranted to validate or invalidate the existing
theoretical predictions, as well as the existing empirical findings through replication both over
time and across jurisdictions and regions. As time goes by, we will benefit from the availability of
more granular data to answer new and old questions; hence, we encourage regulators to enable
better public access to data that will allow such studies, which would be of significant relevance to
policymakers, to be conducted.
In order to understand the full extent of how CDS contracts affect the various stakeholders in
a firm, it is important to study the real effects of CDS trading initiation on a firm’s incentives,
its behavior, and its actions, such as deciding on the size of its cash holdings (Subrahmanyam,
Tang & Wang 2016), capital structure (Saretto & Tookes 2013), and investments, for example.
Although most research today examines the impact of the initiation of CDS trading on firms
with CDS traded on them, little is known about how CDS trading initiation collaterally affects
non-CDS firms, or how it affects the interaction between CDS and non-CDS firms. These real
dimensions are important to consider in the evaluation of the overall welfare effects of CDS
trading. The existing evidence is almost exclusively confined to US data, with few studies focusing
on firms in Europe or Asia. Applying the existing conceptual frameworks to a truly international
dimension, with cross-country differences in cultures and regulations, will further improve our
understanding of the welfare implications of CDS. Finally, whereas existing research primarily
looks at the existence of CDS or at CDS trading initation, future research ought to focus also on
the intensity of CDS trading. In fact, other than the work by Oehmke & Zawadowski (2016), our
understanding of CDS trading volumes is still in its infancy.
Given the lack of empirical data at this stage, it becomes important to address the question of
welfare implications for all stakeholders from a fully or partially theoretical perspective, as done
by Oehmke & Zawadowski (2016) and by Danis & Gamba (2014), who implement a calibration
of a dynamic model. Fully structural estimations in the future would provide further insights.
Although there is some existing theoretical literature on the welfare effects of CDS, more remains
to be done to bring in the additional dimensions discussed above.
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). Banks have not felt much pressure
to buy single-name CDS protection to hedge their credit exposures, given the low default rates
of the past few years. However, as the business cycle turns, the current low-interest, low-default
environment is likely to be followed by high default rates in the years to come, if history is any
guide. In such distressed periods, a well-functioning CDS market may prove essential to credit
risk sharing and resource allocation in the real economy.
Central clearing is an important requirement of Dodd-Frank and will eventually cover most
CDS, including CDS contracts. [As of July 2015, Standard & Poor’s (2015) estimates that the
requirement on OTC derivatives clearing is 75% completed.] CDS index trades have been required
to be traded on Swap Execution Facilities and centrally cleared since February 2014. Unlike CDS
indices, single-name CDS are not yet required to be centrally cleared. Hence, given that many
market players use CDS indices to hedge their overall portfolio risk, without an active market
for single-name CDS, the CDS index market may also be affected and distorted, with potentially
extreme outcomes such as a market collapse. It is conceivable that central clearing could be costly,
given the extra layers of compliance that market participants, particularly end-users, would have
to go through, and that is an area of concern. However, banks are required to hold more capital for
non-centrally cleared, single-name CDS, following the Basel III and Dodd–Frank reforms. Some
market participants anticipate two separate pricing schemes for centrally cleared and non-centrally
cleared CDS contracts, which would further segment the market and inhibit market efficiency.
An early indication of this is provided by Loon & Zhong (2016). Another aspect of Dodd–Frank
is the Volcker Rule, which restricts banks from engaging in proprietary trading, including CDS
trading, unless they can prove that their CDS positions are for market making or to facilitate client
The most controversial provision of the Dodd–Frank Act with respect to CDS was the swap
“push out” rule (Section 716 of the act). According to this rule, commercial banks and bank
holding companies would have been required to trade uncleared single-name CDS through a
separate subsidiary with higher capital requirements. Notably, however, the “push out” of riskier
derivatives such as CDS from deposit-taking institutions was repealed in December 2014.
During the November 2010 Seoul Summit, leaders of the G-20 countries endorsed the new
bank capital and liquidity regulations (Basel III) proposed by the Basel Committee on Banking Su-
pervision. Basel III aimed to close some loopholes that banks have exploited using CDS contracts.
The incentives of banks to use CDS to manage regulatory capital are examined by Shan, Tang &
Yan (2014) and Yorulmazer (2013). Whereas banks may appear safer (as measured by regulators
or bank examiners) if many of their activites are moved off their balance sheets, their portfolio risk
could in fact be higher. The aforementioned London Whale case was allegedly caused in part by
a reaction to the so-called Basel 2.5 bank capital regulation, which requires banks to have more
capital for CDS trading (Watt 2012). Moreover, banks’ use of CDS can create systematic risk
because banks are both major buyers and sellers of CDS and are usually at the core of the CDS
dealer network. Siriwardane (2015) shows that the network has become even more concentrated
since the 2007–2008 global financial crisis.
collateral requirements and make it more difficult for a market to be made for CDS. The par-
tial closure of the CDS trading business by Deutsche Bank in late 2014 reflects this. Moreover,
Deutsche Bank reported a record loss of $7 billion for the third quarter of 2015 and claimed that
the majority of the loss was because of tougher regulations that imposed higher costs of capital.
As discussed above, major CDS dealer banks, as well as other market organizers, recently settled
with a group of investors regarding an allegation of market manipulation (Burne 2015b). On the
one hand, it is possible that this settlement and the consequent removal of legal uncertainties
may improve the CDS market’s further development. On the other hand, this case may serve as a
precedent for future lawsuits. There is the risk that CDS market makers and participants may be
more subject to legal scrutiny in the future.
Regulations often lag behind market developments. It is possible that even before the existing
regulations are fully phased in, a new crisis may hit the market, causing some regulations to
be rolled back or causing new regulatory proposals to be enacted. For relatively new financial
instruments, like CDS, it should be expected that the market rules and regulations will evolve
until the market reaches its steady state. Moreover, international coordination and regulatory
convergence will be necessary, as market participants often operate across borders to trade such
derivatives contracts.
Committee of ISDA, which formally calls credit events, did not recognize the escalation of the pri-
ority of the ECB’s claims in its emergency funding as such an event, thereby ignoring the rights of
the existing lenders. Eventually, they formally declared that the Greek restructuring did constitute
a credit event trigger, even though the decision to restructure was voluntary. The reason was that
more than 66.7% of all debt holders agreed to the amended terms, which allowed the Hellenic Re-
public to enact a collective action clause that coerced the holdout parties into accepting the newly
issued bonds, so that the economic value of the affected bonds was reduced for all holders of Greek
debt. In contrast, Greece’s failure to repay an International Monetary Fund loan in June 2015 did
not seem to trigger a credit event, as the conventional contract clauses exclude defaults on bilateral
loans from other sovereigns or supranational agencies. Salomao (2014) provides an example of how
this legal uncertainty about CDS payouts can influence the debt renegotiation process in a model
of endogenous sovereign default. The defaults of Ecuador, Greece, and Argentina in 2008, 2012,
and 2014, respectively, represent the only three sovereign defaults for which the CDS payout has
been publicly documented through the information available from auction settlement outcomes.
(For a detailed account of the sovereign default of Argentina and its consequences for equity prices
and economic activity, see Hebert & Schreger 2015.) Whether CDS were or should have been trig-
gered in other default situations is unclear. However, our emphasis on the uncertainty of the CDS
payouts is supported by the existence of many legal interpretations publicly offered by law firms
and industry participants, such as in Morgan Stanley (2011). In addition, anecdotal evidence sug-
gests that such uncertainty may also arise for corporate defaults, as is demonstrated by the failure
of Seat Pagine Gialle to pay a €52 million coupon in December 2011 (Harrison & Whittall 2011).
Another dimension of legal uncertainty relates to the type of sovereign CDS contracts.
Sovereign contracts specify conventional transaction-type characteristics that depend on the ge-
ography and the economic situation of the sovereign borrower. As such, contracts written on
debt issued by emerging countries contain restrictive provisions that limit the currency, type, and
scope of deliverable reference obligations. Moreover, there is a tight restriction as to which debt
obligations are eligible to trigger a credit event. For example, for emerging countries, domestically
issued debt does not usually qualify for a credit event trigger, and only bonds or loans issued under
foreign law in any of the lawful currencies of Canada, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, or
the United States, or in the Euro, can be referenced for a public default notice. These restrictions
raise intriguing questions about the economic value of sovereign CDS contracts for emerging
countries that only have domestically issued debt. A case in point is China, which, according to
data from the Bank for International Settlements, has not issued any foreign-denominated bonds
since 2008. Yet any bond or loan issued under domestic law and in its domestic currency is not
an eligible candidate for triggering a credit event. In this situation, what scenario could trigger
a credit event for Chinese CDS? What is the purpose of such contracts? In the case of a credit
event, what reference obligation would be delivered? Our interactions with legal experts suggest
that there is no clear agreement on many of these issues and the answers remain ambiguous, at best,
and contradictory, at worst. Although we can only hazard a guess, it may be that markets attribute
some probability to China issuing foreign-denominated debt over the life of the CDS contract,
or to China inheriting foreign-denominated debt through bank nationalization. Although this
interpretation would make Chinese CDS conceptually equivalent to a deep out-of-the-money
put option, it is questionable what other argument would justify the contract having any positive
economic value. Similar questions arise in the case of Argentina, whose government was frozen
out of the New York jurisdiction, yet continued to issue local-jurisdiction dollar debt. Moreover,
when the discussion is centered around foreign debt, it is unclear whether all jurisdictions are
considered equal and whether the choice of jurisdiction for debt issuance, i.e., London, Paris,
New York, or local, is reflected in the prices of CDS.
CDS contracts can also be traded with different contractual clauses attached to them. This
feature is connected to the restructuring credit event clause, which guides whether a sovereign
or corporate restructuring would trigger an insurance payout [complete restructuring (CR)] or
not [no restructuring (XR)]. Such contractual differences undoubtedly add a certain degree of
complexity to CDS, although it is today well known that these differences are priced (Berndt,
Jarrow & Kang 2007). Other pricing effects have arisen because of a cheapest-to-deliver option,
which arises when the insurance buyer physically delivers a bond of the defaulted reference entity
to the protection seller against the full par value ( Jankowitsch, Pullirsch & Veza 2008, Ammer &
Cai 2011). As the CDS contract typically references a number of bonds that can be delivered, the
insurance holder will naturally deliver the one with the lowest value. Such legal uncertainties are
of less concern today, as the regional markets have adapted by limiting the maturity of deliverable
obligations, creating additional restructuring-type clauses such as modified restructuring (MR,
contract by convention in the United States until the Big Bang regulatory overhaul in 2009) or
modified modified restructuring (MMR, contract by convention in Europe). In addition, as cash
settlement has become hardwired into CDS contracts through the auction settlement process,
physical delivery has become less common.
A final contractual uncertainty in CDS contracts that we highlight is the handling of succession
events such as mergers, acquisitions, and spinoffs. An interesting case in this context is the merger
between UPC Germany and Unitymedia, in which the newly created entity assumed all debt of
both companies and eventually adopted the exact same legal name, Unitymedia, in September
2010. The rebranding led industry participants to miss the succession, so that the outstanding
CDS contracts on Unitymedia did not follow the debt, but became orphaned and effectively
worthless. This ultimately affected $340 million in net notional amounts outstanding, according
to data from the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (Pollack 2012). Hence, the
treatment of CDS contracts in the presence of corporate actions is complex, and this complexity
is emphasized by an ISDA-published document that itemizes close to 2,000 remaining questions
relating to historical succession events. The 2014 Credit Derivatives Definitions have certainly
reduced some of the complexity and uncertainty associated with corporate successions. Yet we
believe that it will be difficult to eliminate them completely. To quote a Financial Times article
(Pollack 2012), “All derivatives industries have evolved in various ways, but credit really takes the
cake in the oops, didn’t think of that stakes.”
In summary of this section, the existence and initiation of CDS introduce frictions into financial
markets that affect asset prices and economic incentives and potentially have unintended conse-
quences for the rule of law. There are also legal details inherent in CDS contracts that introduce
distortions and uncertainties into decision-making processes and asset prices. The fact that these
issues extend broadly to the legal and economic disciplines makes research in CDS a promising
avenue for scholars in the fields of both law and finance.
One likely reason for the gap in CDS research within the international finance dimension is the lack of CDS databases that are
easily mapped into international corporate balance sheet and stock price data. We have encountered this problem ourselves,
as we are currently engaged in research on the effects of quantitative easing on corporate decisions, and CDS contracts are
clearly a variable of interest in that research.
and insurance regulations that encourage investment in government debt, for a range of financial
institutions. Thus, understanding the nature of sovereign credit risk and how government debt
fits into the investment opportunity set is undeniably important.
To date, the key debate in the literature on sovereign credit risk has circled around the question
of whether sovereign credit spreads are determined by global or country-specific risk factors. (For
an exhaustive survey, see Augustin 2014.) For most of the time prior to the financial crisis, the
empirical evidence suggested that global risk factors were the primary determinants of sovereign
credit risk. These risk factors are mostly associated with the United States and are deemed to
be either financial (Pan & Singleton 2008, Longstaff et al. 2011) or macroeconomic (Chernov,
Schmid & Schneider 2015; Augustin & Tédongap 2016) in nature. Longstaff et al. (2011) even
argue that both risk premia and default probabilities are better explained by US financial risk factors
than by country-specific fundamentals. The dominant role of global risk factors was essentially
justified by the particularly strong comovement of sovereign spreads, at least until the financial
The recent global financial crisis and subsequent Eurozone sovereign debt crisis highlighted
an intrinsic relationship between governments and their local economies. Banks are often heav-
ily invested in government bonds because of regulatory capital arbitrage facilitated by banking
regulation, and they benefit from both explicit and implicit bailout guarantees. Thus, banks’ expo-
sure to sovereigns turned out to be systemic once governments engaged in excessive risk transfer.
These intricate linkages have dampened the focus on the role of global risk factors as a source of
variation. Given the intensity of the recent debt crisis, which was especially acute in Europe, most
studies that use CDS to examine the relationship between sovereign credit risk and the financial
sector are confined to the European countries. Acharya, Drechsler & Schnabl (2014), for example,
model the feedback loop between sovereign and bank credit risk. Excessive risk transfers from the
bank to the sovereign balance sheet can weaken the financial sector because of the decreased value
of government debt holdings and government guarantees. The authors test and confirm these
predictions using CDS rates on European sovereigns and banks between 2007 and 2011. Many
other authors contribute to the understanding of the sovereign–bank nexus, including Sgherri &
Zoli (2009), Altman & Rijken (2011), Dieckmann & Plank (2011), Ejsing & Lemke (2011), Alter
& Schuler (2012), and Kallestrup, Lando & Murgoci (2014). [Dieckmann & Plank (2011) focus
on developed economies, whereas most other papers focus only on the European countries.]
The above short (and somewhat incomplete) review of the literature hints at a dichotomy in the
explanations that are put forward for the time variation in sovereign credit risk: Some argue in favor
of global risk factors, whereas others prefer to reason in terms of domestic financial risk. According
to Augustin (2013), it is plausible that both camps are right. He argues that both sources of risk
affect sovereign credit risk, although their influence is time-varying. Their relative importance can
be identified using the shape of the term structure. A negative slope, which typically coincides with
sovereign distress, is indicative of country-specific risk being the main factor in the time variation
in sovereign spreads, whereas a positive slope is indicative of global risk being more important.3
An interesting contribution is also provided by Benzoni et al. (2015), who explain how the comovement in sovereign spreads
can arise through contagion. Focusing on US CDS spreads, Chernov, Schmid & Schneider (2015) develop an equilibrium
macrofinance model with endogenous default to show that the empirically observed prices for US default insurance are
consistent with high risk-adjusted fiscal default probabilities.
In a study of 28 emerging economies, Remolona, Scatigna & Wu (2008) suggest that risk aversion is unconditionally the
driver of sovereign risk premia, whereas country fundamentals and liquidity determine default probabilities. Dockner, Mayer
& Zechner (2013) argue that a combination of common and country-specific risk factors extracted from forward CDS spreads
improves the predictability of government bond returns primarily for distressed countries.
In the future, it may thus be useful to integrate the information from the term structure and
higher-order moments to improve our understanding of the nature of sovereign credit risk.
Another strand of literature has focused on identifying or disproving the existence of contagion,
either across sovereign CDS spreads or between sovereign and financial CDS. Summarizing these
contributions in detail is beyond the purpose of this review, so we limit ourselves to enumerating a
few of the key contributions. Studies examining spillovers across sovereign CDS include those by
Beirne & Fratzscher (2013), Caporin et al. (2013), Aı̈t-Sahalia, Laeven & Pelizzon (2014), Benzoni
et al. (2015), and Brutti & Sauré (2015). Studies concerned with spillovers between sovereign and
financial CDS include those by Bruyckere et al. (2013) and Alter & Beyer (2014).
international settings around corporate events such as, for example, mergers and acquisitions,
earnings announcements, or cross-listings will help us to answer open questions with respect to
capital structure effects and international integration. Along these dimensions, Augustin et al.
(2015b) exploit international cross-listings as an exogenous source of variation in capital structure
dynamics to show how an increase in information can improve capital structure integration.
There is significant uncertainty about the CDS market, with a major player, Deutsche Bank,
having decided to leave the market, and with some observers even claiming that “the CDS market
is dead” (Burne & Henning 2015). However, others in the industry think the market is here to
stay. For example, Bob Pickel, former chief executive of ISDA, believes that the departure of
big investment banks from the CDS market may simply open up opportunities for other players.
Indeed, the best-performing hedge fund of 2014, Napier Park Global Capital, made its money by
buying CDS, even as banks were reducing their positions (Risk 2015). Even though the single-
name CDS market has retreated somewhat since the financial crisis, partially because of trade
compressions and netting of positions, the market was still worth an impressive $20 trillion at
the end of 2014. In our view, the market has proven resilient, despite the reputational losses
suffered because of the global credit and sovereign debt crises. The continuous standardization
and regulatory push toward central clearing will likely accelerate the activity in the years to
come. (For anecdotal evidence that confirms this view, see Rennison 2015.) CDS can certainly
be misused, but they also provide valuable risk-sharing services. Throwing out the baby with the
bathwater before having drawn a complete picture of the costs and benefits of trading CDS may be
In this review, we have laid out several research areas that we believe need further and better
understanding, and that, consequently, offer fruitful research avenues for the future. Numerous
researchers have contributed tremendously to the exponential growth in this literature over the
past years. We hope that this momentum continues. CDS are interesting and exciting products,
and they have implications that touch upon several policy questions. We hope that academics will
continue to push the boundaries of knowledge in this field in the years to come.
1. Although research on CDS has grown tremendously, there remain gaps that offer fruitful
directions for future research.
2. CDS contracts have real effects on agency conflicts of financial intermediaries and other
economic agents. CDS also have externalities for the prices, liquidity, and efficiency of
related markets, including bond, equity, and loan covenants. More research on the overall
welfare implications of CDS is needed.
3. The postcrisis CDS market is undergoing structural changes, with a substantial regulatory
overhaul, which itself may have a direct impact on the CDS market. The most relevant
regulatory changes for CDS include the Volcker Rule, the central clearing of CDS
indices, the swap push out rule under the Dodd–Frank Act, and the new bank capital and
liquidity regulations under Basel III.
4. The existence of CDS has legal implications for agency conflicts, and the legal uncertain-
ties embedded in CDS contracts may affect economic decision-making and asset prices.
Future research in law and finance may provide additional guidance to minimize the costs
of negative CDS externalities arising from legal uncertainties.
5. International CDS data have been used primarily to study the determinants of sovereign
credit risk, the linkage between sovereign and financial-sector risk, and contagion from
sovereign to nonfinancial corporations. A broader use of CDS data in international fi-
nance settings seems significantly lacking.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review. M.G.S. sits on the boards of several
financial institutions that may have positions in CDS contracts.
We are grateful to this journal’s Co-Editors, Andrew W. Lo and Robert C. Merton, for their sup-
port with this project. We are also grateful for the valuable feedback we received and for discussions
we had with Murillo Campello, Sudheer Chava, Andras Danis, Matthew Darst, Ana Fostel, Joshua
M. Pollet, Ehraz Refayet, and James R. Thompson. This project benefited from financial support
from the Montreal Institute of Structured Finance and Derivatives (IFSID). P.A. acknowledges
financial support from McGill University and the Institute of Financial Mathematics of Montreal
(IFM2). D.Y.T. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation of China (grant
number 71271134) and from the General Research Grant of the Hong Kong Research Grants
Council (project number 17510016).
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