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IB Subjects To Help With Major

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Advice – IB Choices

Making IB Choices
The IB programme, with its 6 academic subjects, has the advantage of broadness. Not only is the programme’s broadness and
rigour valued by universities, but this broadness also helps to keep university degree options open: it is harder to shut oneself
off from particular degrees by taking the “wrong” subjects. However, for certain degrees, there are particular IB subject
requirements, particularly at Higher Level. This mostly concerns STEM degrees (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics) and would include some degrees in Economics/Finance/Statistics/Actuarial Science.

Please see the table of individual degree requirements below for IB subject suggestions.

Attractiveness of IB to universities
There is no doubt that the IB is an attractive qualification to university admissions officers, and not only because they recognise
it as being more multidisciplinary than the more narrowly focused British A Level. They may also become increasingly attracted
to the qualification because there has been no grade inflation, as has occurred in rival qualifications. In general, they applaud
the principle of the rounded education that the IB offers and believe someone with the IB is likely to be more resourceful and
independent in the way they prepare for academic study.

Universities in the USA + Canada

The IB diploma is very highly regarded in the USA as an excellent preparation for the broad degree programmes on offer. For
the USA, students will normally also need to take SATs or the ACT at an authorised exam centre in Year 12 and take part in a
deep level of extra-curricular activity to have the best chance of obtaining a place. For Canada, the IB is also highly valued and
at some universities (for example, UBC and Simon Fraser), advanced credit is awarded for a good IB pass.

IB and Careers
You may hear rumours that certain subjects are essential for entry into a particular profession, eg that History HL is essential
for Law. It is not! Any subject combination, including the Sciences but excluding Art, will do for Law (but note the high
standards of entry). You may also hear that journalists need English HL, but you do not have to do any Humanities subjects at
HL to do Journalism or Media Studies as a degree course. Surprisingly few careers require specific IB subjects outside medical,
technical and scientific careers. However, see the table below for recommended subjects for degree entry.

How IB offers are made – UK

Universities generally give a conditional offer to a student based on their predicted IB score from the school. Whilst offers do
vary, they are usually in one of the following 3 forms:

1. An overall IB point score plus details of points required at Higher level, for example a total of 34 points with 6, 6, 5 at Higher

2. An overall point score with a specific point score in one subject. This is most common when the IB subject is directly
relevant to the degree course (eg 34 points with a 6, or even a 7, in English for someone applying to read English at a popular

3. A total point score out of 45. This means applicants for highly competitive courses should not underestimate the importance
of the Standard Level subjects.
University Course or Career Suggested subjects at IB Higher Notes
Accountancy Maths and Economics with one other, but any An accountancy degree course provides exemption
combination is permitted. from foundation accountancy exams, but is not
necessary to enter the profession.
Advertising Either Economics or Geography or History Very fast-moving, competitive, and potentially
could be useful; so could Art . insecure, profession.

Actuarial Work Maths Actuarial Science degree courses available but not
necessary to enter profession. They and some Maths
degrees give exemption from some professional
Administration, the Civil Service, etc. Almost any combination but subjects include Good class of degree needed to enter Diplomatic
English, History, Economics or Geography and Service, which has a very competitive entry.
a foreign language, or two Languages for EU
work and some diplomatic work; Sciences for
scientific branch careers.

Agriculture, Agricultural Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics,

Research, Land Surveyor Geography.
Archaeology None, though Geography, History + Science

Architecture Some courses say they want an arts/science Drawing skills should be developed in the Sixth Form,
mix. Some may require Art. Useful: Art, especially if considering graphic/fashion/interior
Mathematics, and Physics. design. Portfolio of ideas + drawing often required.

Art + Design Visual Arts / Technology to give you the Most entrants onto Art and Design degrees will have
portfolio required to enter Art Foundation done a one-year Art Foundation Course after
course. completing Year 13.
Banking, Finance Maths and Economics; a language can be Finance and Banking degree courses available, but not
useful. mandatory for careers in the area.

Biochemistry Always Chemistry. Some universities will say

you must have Biology as well, while some
will say Chemistry plus one from
Mathematics/Physics/ Biology. Doing
Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or
Physics will keep all Biochemistry courses
open to you.
Biology, Zoology, Botany Chemistry HL essential. Biology HL
Biomedical Science (including Medical Normally two from Biology, Chemistry,
Science) Mathematics and Physics. Chemistry is
essential for some courses.
Business Studies HL Maths would be an advantage, but is rarely More universities are now offering combined courses
a requirement. Economics + Languages are in Business Studies and Languages; in some cases the
useful. language at HL is a condition of entry.
Chartered Surveyor Geography, Maths, Economics
or Geography, Maths, History or Art.

Chemistry Chemistry and Maths HL recommended. Most Oxbridge applicants should have Maths at HL.
courses require Chemistry and would like
Mathematics and one other science subject
(for example, Physics or Biology).
Chemical Engineering Chemistry, Physics and Maths Most university courses are now four years and many
are sandwich type.
Computer Science, Artificial Maths (AI HL preferable, but Maths requirements Good HL grades required for entry to popular degree
Intelligence, Statistics, vary). Physics, Computer Science useful. For courses
Numerical Analysis Artificial Intelligence, Psychology is relevant.
Dentistry Chemistry and Biology for most courses, but Work experience essential.
some require Mathematics or Physics as well.

Economics Maths (Analysis & Approaches HL for very

competitive universities). Useful: Economics,

Engineering Physics and Maths essential for the vast Maths at HL is expected for Oxbridge entry. (Some
majority of universities. Maths Analysis & universities consider applicants without Maths or
Approaches HL preferable for very selective Physics for some Engineering Courses; these offer a
universities. Economics useful. Foundation Year for those prospective engineers who
are weak or do not have science at HL).
English, Drama, English and English and a Foreign or Classical Language, or Single Honours English is always more competitive for
Drama History. entry to university than English combined with one or
more other subjects (even here grade demands are
high). Drama or English and Drama is even more
competitive and record of involvement in the theatre
is essential.
European Studies A modern language. Useful: Another modern
language, English Literature, History

Fine Art Art, English or any combination. Completion of Foundation Course needed as
precondition of entry to degree course.

Geography (Arts/BA emphasis) Geography, History, Economics, Business Slightly higher entry standards for Geography BA
Studies, English, Languages, Art, one Science. than for Geography BSc degree courses.

Geography (Science/BSc Geography, Maths or Physics, Biology, A wide variety of careers available with a Geography
emphasis) Chemistry. degree.
History History, Languages, English or Economics. An HL language is helpful, especially for Oxford. A
wide variety of careers is available with a History

History of Art None. Useful: Art, History, English; a modern

and/or classical language.

Law Any combination, though History, English At Cambridge, Law (part 2) via Modern Languages or
Maths, Latin, and/or Economics are useful. Classics is popular. Law graduates need one year
For Patent Law add a Science. (Art is not postgraduate study to qualify; non-law graduates, two
recognised as an entry qualification for Law years.

Leisure Industry, Sports Economics and either Chemistry or Biology or Competitive entry to university. Record of
Studies, Sports Science both. commitment and success in sport very important.

Management Studies, Maths HL sometimes required. Useful: Courses at university may overlap greatly in content
Management Science Economics with Business Studies courses.

Marketing, Digital Marketing Usually no specific requirements, but

Economics, Psychology + Visual Arts are
Materials Science, Metallurgy Chemistry, Physics and Maths.

Maths, Maths with Physics, Theoretical Maths (AA HL usually preferred), Physics. Maths at Higher Level, especially for Oxbridge. Maths
Physics is a very useful subject to support Social Science and
even some Arts HL subjects, as well as the obvious
Science ones.
Media and Communication English, a foreign language. Successful entry into very competitive job market of
Studies journalism and broadcasting cannot be guaranteed
with this qualification. Work experience in this area
absolutely essential.

Medicine If you do Chemistry, Biology and one from The minimum standard entry for Medicine depends
Mathematics or Physics you will keep all the on the university but is usually 36-38 points (66 HL
medical schools open to you. If you do Science) or as high as 776 (Oxbridge).
Chemistry and Biology you will keep open the
vast majority. If you do Chemistry and one Work experience essential.
from Mathematics and Physics you will limit
your range of choices much more.

Nursing + Midwifery Biology + 1 other science

Occupational Therapy HL Biology sometimes required. Useful:

another science, P.E.

Optometry / Ophthalmic Optics 2 HLs from Biology, Chemistry, Maths or

Physics (some courses prefer Biology as one
of the choices)

Pharmacy Chemistry and one from Biology,

Mathematics and Physics keeps the vast
majority of courses open to you. Some
courses like to see Chemistry, Biology and
Mathematics. Doing Chemistry and Biology
keeps most courses open.
Physics Physics HL + Maths HL

Politics + International Relations History is useful (could be SL but HL


Psychology Some courses ask for one from Biology,

Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics.

Religious Studies/Theology None. Useful: Philosophy, English Literature,

History, Religious Studies
Sociology None. Useful: Psychology, Geography,
Computing/Computer Science.

Theatre/Drama English HL useful, as is Theatre Arts if


Veterinary Science You should do Chemistry and Biology and one Work experience essential
from Mathematics/Physics so that you have
all universities open to you.

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