Birth Time Rectification Practical Example
Birth Time Rectification Practical Example
Birth Time Rectification Practical Example
Here I am providing a model Birth time rectification method of a client that was performed by me. I am publishing the
details after obtaining permission from my client. Name and place of birth was not published as per the request of my
Date of consultation: 02.02.2020
Range of rectification: + or – 10minutes
Name: KVS
DOB: 31.05.1979
TOB: 17:25 (5:25PM)
POB: xxxx
(Transit chart)
During Saturn Antardasa as Saturn is conjoined with Rahu you may be separated from your home town. It
can happen (Hence confirmed)
8. He didn’t study hard even though he feels like he is intelligent
Mercury’s strength and Sun and Mars strength are more which is actually suitable to the native. Hence
9. During Inter he studied Biology
Birth Jupiter was on Mars Decanate. Transit Jupiter was in Saturn’s decanate @01.07.1993 in an enemy
sign. Mars and Venus combination suggests Biology. No surprise. Hence confirmed.
10. Then he did LLB but discontinued in between and on 14.08.2001 he was elected as a Village Sarpanch
When Mars is in Lagna, Moon is in exaltation, Moon is also in Sun’s star Rohini, Sun is in Moon’s house
Cancer. Lord of education Jupiter along with Venus in the eighth house of the native when Rahu is spoiling
the cause of education the native was elected as president. Native completely came out of education stream
as there is a Punarphoo dosha (Slow down education) also raised in transit @ 14.08.2001, 06:30 AM. Hence
11. During Oct’2001 he was elected as president of Mandal sarpanches
@15.10.2001 @6.30AM Sun’s, Mercury’s transit 11th position conferred the native the hike in politics. Hence
12. During 1997 he learned stick fighting (apr-may). He learned it very fast (During Ketu Mahadasa and
Jupiter Antardasa. Mars association to Lagna and Ketu. Hence confirmed)
13. During 1996 in village quarrels his father got injured on the hand when the family suffered a lot (During
Diwali-November 12, 1996)-Pitru karaka Sun, Matru Karaka Moon and love karaka Venus debilitated on this
day and Mars is looking at the debilitated Moon in Transit hence confirmed)
14. During 1997 native was in the spiritual path (It happened during Ketu MD and Jupiter AD. Hence
15. During 1998 native learned yoga and TM meditation (It happened during Ketu MD and Jupiter AD. Hence
(Both the above points can be easily seen in Drigdasa. Native is in Aquarius MD and Aries and Virgo AD
with a connection towards Mars (Lagna lord in D-1) and Venus (who is posited in Aries along with mars).
Hence doubly confirmed)
16. During summer 2006 father was elected as MPP. It was a clean victory. Native played a good role in the
victory. Father was the right hand of an MLA. (May, June)
(Vaguely confirmed)
17. During 2013 mother was elected as MPP (July, Aug)
18. After 2001 native was elected as Sarpanch for 2 times. (Aug14, 2001)
Venus is the Atmakaraka and when the Venus MD and Venus AD entered the native got political power
19. During 2013 his younger sister became Sarpanch (May, June) (Saturn is exalted. Third house lord during
transit (Confirmed)
(Transit confirmed)
20. Local Sarpanchship was there in the family for 40 years
21. The native never did anything for the regular job but used to do contract works (Placement of Rahu and
Saturn in the tenth house in D-1 confirms the same)
22. Taken a lot of debts however since 2018 he is doing real estate business where his earnings are good.
Maximum debts are reduced. During the next 4 months, there is a lot of scope for earning money also.
(@May3, 2018 the transit triggered the combination. Hence confirmed)
Looking at D-7 we can see that Lagna is Taurus and even sign. Hence, we need to count anti-zodiacally the
5th house and 7th house for two children. Native told that he has two male children. 1 st male child can be
confirmed by Saturn’s placement in Scorpio (lord Mars= Male sign) while exalted Moon is aspecting at it.
2nd male child can be confirmed by the lord of the 7 th house placement in Leo while Lord of Leo Sun
aspecting Mars.
24. Elder son Details: DOB: 01.06.2015, TOB: 15:53 POB: xxxx
Native Horoscope
27. Wife Details: DOB:12.02.1993, TOB: 20:45, POB: xxxx (We need not have this data for rectification)
28. Native is enjoying a good married life till date (Not required for birth time rectification)
29. During 1997 he purchased his first bicycle
Vimsottari Dasa:
Ket MD: 1993-02-21 (12:11:18) – 2000-02-22 (7:19:06)
Jup AD: 1997-02-09 (15:30:50) – 1998-01-17 (6:36:04) (Jupiter is in the 2nd house of D-16)
Influencing planet conjoining progress planet within a degree during Apr-May 1997. Hence confirmed. After
confirming when I asked later he told that he purchased it during the same time only.
As it is confirmed the range of rectification is between +3minutes or -5.26minutes.
Second house of D-20 clearly shows the presence of Mars @27 Pi 22′ 04.28″ in the second house who is
Atmakaraka in the house whose lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is in Scorpio whose lord is Mars. Hence, there is
a Parivarthana yoga. This native’s nature is guided by Kuladevatha Narasimha Swamy (Occupant Mars) and
mind is controlled by “Bhairavi” (A devata Shakthi. Jupiter is controlled by “Varahi” (A devata Shakthi)
Hence confirmed. So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 5.26minutes
(From D-16).
32. His strength is indomitable intelligence (Signified by exalted Mercury in Lagna)
33. His weakness is he doesn’t remember anything, don’t like to work (Signified by Mercury’s placement in
bhava chart)
34. If anything is an emergency, then he will wage a war for getting the work done (Signified by Mars
presence along with Moon- mind)
As the D-24 Jupiter is posited in the 8th house the native got learning of Astrology. However, as always he
could not able to learn it due to Jupiter is showing significance of the 12 th of its place in Bhava chart. Even
Mercury is showing the same phenomena that can be seen when we compare Siddhamsa and its Bhava
Chart. Mercury’s position signify that he will pursue spiritual pursuits throughout his life.
35. Since 1998 he is doing meditation
Ketu’s presence in the 4th house of D-1 might have triggered the event.
Drigdasa (Religious and spiritual activities):
Aq MD: 1994-05-31 (13:49:29) – 2002-05-31 (15:04:06)
Antardasas in this MD:
Le: 1994-05-31 (13:49:29) – 1995-01-30 (7:08:53)
Cp: 1995-01-30 (7:08:53) – 1995-10-03 (14:39:40)
Ge: 1995-10-03 (14:39:40) – 1996-05-31 (1:58:57)
Sc: 1996-05-31 (1:58:57) – 1997-01-29 (19:31:17)
Ar: 1997-01-29 (19:31:17) – 1997-10-03 (2:58:05)
Vi: 1997-10-03 (2:58:05) – 1998-05-31 (14:11:45)
Aq: 1998-05-31 (14:11:45) – 1999-01-30 (7:58:27)
Cn: 1999-01-30 (7:58:27) – 1999-10-03 (15:18:05)
Sg: 1999-10-03 (15:18:05) – 2000-05-31 (2:39:12)
Ta: 2000-05-31 (2:39:12) – 2001-01-29 (20:09:44)
Li: 2001-01-29 (20:09:44) – 2001-10-03 (3:29:33)
Pi: 2001-10-03 (3:29:33) – 2002-05-31 (15:04:06)
D-24 Ketu during the above highlighted time is aspecting Taurus and the lord of Taurus is placed in
Aquarius. Hence confirmed.
Mercury –
7 Vi 30′ 09.42″ UPha 4 Vi
So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 2.57 minutes (From D-24)
Rectifying Nakshatramsa D-27
Nakshatramsa informs strengths and weaknesses of the native. Native’s D27 @31.05.1979, 17:25
Lagna lord Jupiter, natives lord Mars, Sun and Rahu aspecting Lagna, Ketu occupying Lagna which are
actually signifying the native’s qualities such as Spirituality, Aggression, Political power, etc., I am
confirming this chart particularly because Lagna lord occupying Scorpio (Owner: Mars) and aspected by
Mars who is looking Lagna lord as well as lagna.
Hence, confirming the same time.
So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 1.05 minutes (From D-27)
Rectification of Trimsamsa (D-30)
Chart cast @31.05.1979, 17:25:00
Native children are very good signified by Jupiter’s placement in the 5th house. Lagna & 6th lord position in
the 2nd house signifies that the growth of the native is stagnant that is true. Sun’s, Moon’s placement in the
11th house signify the parents, Mercury’s debilitation show that the native’s intelligence will be
overshadowed by his aggressiveness, that is also signified by Mars’s aspect over the debilitated planet.
Chart confirmed.
So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 1.05 minutes (From D-27)
Rectification of Khavedamsa (D-40)
D-40 shows all maternal legacy. Grand Mother gave her milk to the native. Lagna lord Saturn is exalted and
with the 4th house lord i.e., Venus. So a direct correlation can be established. Lagna lord is in the 9 th house
hence it is yoga karaka. Venus also became yoga karaka due to the ownership of the 4th and 9th houses.
Apart from this Saturn in this Varga chakra is a Matru Karaka. Hence perfectly confirmed.
So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 1.05 minutes (From D-27)
Rectification of Akshavedamsa (D-45)
D-45 shows all paternal legacy. Father is younger than all. Elder to father is mother-in-law (76). Two elder
brothers to his father. 1st elder brother died of accident (Apr-May 1991). Another elder brother is still living
who is above 80. Grandfather died @80+ due to cardiac arrest. Grand Mother died in 1994. She has knee
pains and ulcers.
Father got political power due to the parivarthana yoga between Sun and Moon and native. For the want of
certain other details, all the data given is not valid to rectify D-45. Hence possibly I have confirmed only
father’s main profession only.
So birth chart rectification came to the close of -24seconds (From D-20) to + 1.05 minutes (From D-27)
Final rectification of Seconds:
Lagna progressed 95.37940625% of the Visakha-4 Nakshatra pada. So, out of pada Lagna progressed
0.953794063%. So when correcting 0.888 (Taken from given birth time) will become 0.954.
Given birth time= 30.2162 Janma ghatis
Corrected birth time= 30.216475 Janma ghatis
Multiplied by 4 7251.954
Total 201.58305