The Application of Two Stage Indicator Kriging in Gold Vein Modeling
The Application of Two Stage Indicator Kriging in Gold Vein Modeling
The Application of Two Stage Indicator Kriging in Gold Vein Modeling
ABSTRACT: Accurate prediction of recoverable reserves is vital to the planning of a mining operation at all
stages of its development. Method such as ordinary kriging estimate the mean grade of a block that is fairly large.
The usual outcome is that large blocks rarely turn out to be all ore or all waste, thus making reserve estimates
an incorrect estimate of what will be mined. Two stage indicator kriging offers a solution to this problem by
estimating the distribution of grade values within a large block, rather than just estimating the mean grade of the
block. Knowing the distribution of grade value within the block, it is then easy to calculate the proportion of the
block that is above cutoff grade and the grade of the ore above cutoff grade. This paper shows that the two stage
indicator kriging model is quite applicable and reliable in modeling the gold vein deposit.
1. Search distance: 50 m 45 m 45 m
along strike of vein
2. Search distance: 35 m 40 m 40 m
down dip of vein
3. Search distance perpendicular 1.50 m 5m 5m
to vein
4. Minimum number of sample 2 2 2
5. Maximum number of sample 10 10 10
6. Variogram/Indicator variogram:
• nugget 0.050 100 (g/t)2 100 (g/t)2
• sill 0.155 200 (g/t)2 200 (g/t)2
• range 75 m 45 m 45 m
7. Geological control: Grade
estimations (TSIK and OK)
are only done in vein area
nearby samples that are ore grade. Ordinary kriging
is used to make these estimates. The variogram used
for the kriging correspond to the variogram calculated 1200 1200
from data that are above the cutoff grade.
Gold resource modeling in this study use TSIK
technique with OK technique for comparison. The
OK estimation parameters for block estimation are 1150 1150
roughly similar to those of the TSIK model (Table 3).
For validating the results, the scatter plot between
data value and its estimates is used. Data value used
in this study is composite data, because the pro-
1100 1100
duction data is not available at the same estimate
395 N
395 N
200 E
402 E
locations. 0 20 40 60 80
from geological digitized, whereas the vein shape of Figure 5. East-West section (N 395) of TSIK model.
TSIK model (Figure 5) reflects the actual condition.
The TSIK model could distinguish high grade area and
low grade area. 5 DISCUSSION
The comparison of tonnage, grade, and gold metal
content of TSIK and OK models using three compos- The comparison in this study, the distribution of
ites minimum can be seen at Table 4. Both of TSIK samples used in grade estimation is plotted against
and OK models show high grade estimates because the distribution of block estimates at sample locations.
they use drilling data (57 core drill holes) and stope The cumulative frequency plot of the TSIK and OK
sampling (20 mining stopes) in the vein area. estimates, which are plotted against the data value,
1200 1200
46.8 44.1
26.1 40.8
35.5 42.7
31.9 40.5
6.6 6.19.8
1150 1150
6.6 5.0
4.7 3.5
1100 1100
395 N
200 E
395 N
402 E
0 20 40 60 80
>20 g/t
10 - 20 g/t
5- 10 g/t
<5 g/t Figure 7. Scatter plot of the composite grade against the
SCALE TSIK estimate.
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