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Mathematical Modeling Using The State Space Approach: Si A B+D

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Mathematical Modeling Using the State Space Approach

Whatever material you study before page 29 is good for you , but it’s not examinable.
After p 29, I did state space modeling with you in the class. You find below extra circuits
to model. You are encouraged to do that . For all circuits: choose convenient state variables
of you own. Unless all student choose the same state in nature and with same number
different models will be obtained. No problem since the states are not unique. However,
the transfer function is unique.

 Obtain their state space models.

 Obtain their transfer functions by any method.:
 G ( s )=C [ s I n− A ] B + D
 MATLAB built-in functions.
 Electric circuit laws.
 Block diagram reduction techniques. ( Optional )

Obtaining a State Space Model Using Differential Equations ( p35 ).

You are probably acquainted with this method . If not , make sure you understand how to
obtain the state space model using the method described. Pay attention : this method
applies only to the special case where only u is present in the differential equation . No
additional derivatives of u should be present.

Exercise : A system is given by

2 y (4 ) +8 y (3 )−6 y (2)−4 y ( 1)+ 2 y =10u
 Obtain the A , B , C , D matrices .
 Obtain the transfer function matrix using two methods .
 Judge the system stability through the eigenvalues .
 Obtain the s-domain representation, then judge stability using Routh’s stability
criterion even if you can judge stability by inspection.

Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models (p43)

a system is nonlinear if the principle of superposition does not apply. For a nonlinear
system , the response to many inputs acting at the same time cannot be calculated by
considering one input at a time and adding the individual results.

To simplify analysis, we resort to a linearized model for the nonlinear system . There are
many linearization techniques : notable among them is the one based on the Taylor series
expansion about an operating point. The first two terms of the series are retained , after
discarding the infinitely many higher order terms.

Remind yourself of the Taylor series expansion about a single point, and about two points ,
(see book p 44-45).

Carefully Study Example 2.5 (p 45), and the solved problem A-2-12 , p 59.

Exercises : Do problems B-2-13 , and B-2-14 , p 62

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