System Identification: - A Criterion, or Verification Function
System Identification: - A Criterion, or Verification Function
System Identification: - A Criterion, or Verification Function
N 1
V N l ( y (t ), y M (t ), u (t ))
t 0
Where l(.) is a nonnegative loss function, and N the number of data.
Given three basic elements in system identification, in principle it can find the best model
to select the best model the following steps are necessary :
- define the condition for the existence of a model that minimizes the error .
- An algorithm for computing models must be .
- A method of model validation.
In particular, model validation is to determine whether or not an identified model should be
accepted as a suitable description that explains the dynamics of a system.
In this case, to select the best model follow the steps:
- A condition for the existence of a model that minimizes the criterion
must be provided.
- An algorithm of computing models.
- A method of model validation.
In particular, model validation is to determine whether or not an identified model should be
accepted as a suitable description that explains the dynamics of a system.
Model validation is used on the way in which the model is used. if the transfer function is
identified , the quality of an identified model is evaluated based on the step response and/ Or the
pole-zero configuration.
If the performance is not satisfactory, then the earlier stages of system identification, including
the selection of model structure , or experiment design must be redesign.
A flow diagram of system identification can be displayed in the following figure
flow diagram of system identification
This section gives a brief account of the most important approaches. The procedure to
determine a model of a dynamical system from observed input-output data involves three basic
- A criterion to select a particular model in the set, based on the information in the data (the
identification method).
- The identification process amounts to repeatedly selecting a model structure, computing the
best model in the structure, and evaluating this model's properties to see if they are satisfactory.
- The cycle can be itemized as follows:
2. Examine the data. Polish it so as to remove trends and outliers, and select
useful portions of the original data. Possibly apply filtering to enhance
important frequency ranges.
4. Compute the best model in the model structure according to the input-
output data and a given criterion of fit.
6. If the model is good enough, then stop; otherwise go back to Step 3 to try
another model set Possibly also try other estimation methods (Step 4) or
work further on the input-output data (Steps 1 and 2).
The System Identification offers several functions for each of above steps.
For Step 2 there are routines to plot data, filter data, and remove trends in
data, as well as to resample and reconstruct missing data.
Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems are the most important class of dynamical
systems . Although they represent idealizations of the processes encountered
in real life, the approximations involved are often justified, and design
considerations based on linear theory lead to good results in many cases .
The system is to be time invariant if its response to a certain input signal dose
not depends on absolute time, it is said to be linear if its output response to a
linear combination of inputs is the same linear combination of the output
responses of the individual inputs. Furthermore, it is said to be causal if the
output at certain time depends on the input up to that time only.
This chapter will provide a brief review of the basic models used in
representing LTI systems.
Rational Model Representation of Transfer-Functions :
ARX-MODEL Structure:
( Auto Regressive with exogenous input)
[a1 a2 ... an a
b1 b2 ... bnb ]T (2.21)
B(q) 1
Then G(q, ) , H ( q, ) (2.22)
A(q) A(q)
OE-MODEL Structure:
(Output Error model structure)
BJ-MODEL Structure:
(Box-Jenkins model structure)