International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018
PG Scholar; Dept. of Kriya sharira, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Nardni, Jammu, India
Sinusitis is one of the most frequent entities in clinical practice, being a lifestyle ailment cause lot of discomfort in
day to day life. Despite the frequency of the disease, diagnosis and therapy often remain empiric. There’s diffi-
culty in breathing because of mucus build up and swelling in nasal region, resulting in blocked nose. Also, this
build up affects the whole face,, the head feels heavy, swelling and redness in eyes area, blocked ears. The situa-situ
tion might
ght appear menacing but the solution for it is elegantly uncomplicated. The great science of Yoga is an un-
equalled gift to the mankind from India. Yoga has the potentiality to prevent and cure the disease of both body and
mind. In order to exterminate the ailment from our bodily system, we can cure it by practicing some Yogasana
(posture), Mantra recitation, Gomukhasana (cow face pose), Janu Sirsasana (Head to knee pose), Setu Band-
hasana (Bridge pose), Bhastrika pranayama
pranayama, Anulom Vilom Pranayam, Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Kapalbhati
(frontal brain cleansing exercise), Neti karma
karma, Kunjal kriya and Meditation. Yoga brings a lot of relief for sinus
patients. Inflammation-reducing
reducing dietary modifications and plenty of home remedies may also help to ease symp- sym
toms and speed up recovery.
Sinuses are the empty spaces behind the nose and face Causes of sinusitis
bone. Inflammation of these sinuses is called sinusitis, Conditions that cause sinus
us blockage include:
which may or may not be as a result of bacterial, fun- Anatomical abnormalities such as deviated nasal
gal, viral infection, allergic or autoimmune disease.1 septum, concha bullosa, adenoidal hypertrophy
New classification of sinus refer to rhinosinusitis, ta
tak- Mucosal edema due to viral rhinitis and allergic
ing into account that inflammation of sinuses cannot rhinitis
occur without some inflammation of the nose as well Non-allergic
allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis)
as (rhinitis). This inflammation
mmation leads to blockade of Unattended nasal foreign bodies
the normal sinus drainage pathways, which in turn Immunodeficiency conditions (congenital and
leads to mucus retention, difficulty in breathing, rurun- acquired)
ning nose, headache etc. Prolonged nasogastric tube
Cystic fibrosis
Ritika Khajuria et al: Role Of Yoga, Diet And Home Remedies On Sinusitis
5. Gomukhasana (cow face pose) –Stretches the Home remedies for sinusitis
chest muscles aiding flexibility in the air passage Turmeric contains curcumin has anti inflamma-
region and reduces stress and anxiety.9 tory property that can reduce swelling in the sinus
6. Janu Sirsasana (Head to knee pose) – Relives cavities.15
headaches, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia. Add garlic, ginger in your diet which helps in
7. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose) – Helps in reduc- boosting the immunity.16
ing depression and anxiety. Honey soothes the nasal passages and the throat
8. Bhastrika Pranayama –This Pranayam frees that are inflamed during a sinus infection.
lungs of unnecessary air and microbes, facilitates Fasting on the fruit juices till symptoms lasts.
the drainage of the excess mucous from the si- Avoid Refined Carbohydrates, such as instant
nuses and nasal mucosa.10 mashed potatoes, and processed white flour prod-
9. Anulom Vilom Pranayama/Nadisodhana ucts.17
Pranayama-Removes congestion from the Nadis Onion and Horseradish has high level of sulphur
thus ensures free flow of energy throughout the that create an antibiotic effect which helps in
body, boosts the immune system and helps to eliminating the microorganism causing infec-
overcome the imbalance of autonomous nervous tions.18
system.11 Use coconut oil as a mouth wash; oil pulling is
10. Bhujangasana (cobra pose) –Makes breathing eas- used in Ayurveda to draw out the toxins from the
ier by giving stretch to the lungs and works as a oral cavity.
stress releasing mechanism. Diet rules for sinusitis
11. Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing exercise) – The most important factor in curing sinusitis is
Finest exercise for cleansing respiratory block- natural and simple diet.
ages, improves mental function, refresh and reju- Sinusitis patient must consume light and vegetar-
venates the head region. ian diet so that mucus is not generated.
12. Meditation – It helps to maintain healthy mind. Drink plenty of fluids to increase moisture within
Stress can worsen the symptoms of sinusitis. Men- the body.
tal stress reduces the microcirculation to the si- The observance of regular hours for meals, elimi-
nuses.12 whenever stress is reduced by meditation nation, sleep, balanced diet, and sufficient exer-
microcirculation will be improved. This improves cise are essential in the treatment of sinusitis.
our immunity and prevents frequent bouts of sick- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables which are rich in
ness. antioxidants and other chemicals that could boost
Naturopathy for Sinusitis the immune system.
Optimize your vitamin D levels by getting appro- Increase quantity of salad in your diet.
priate amount of sun exposure helps in alleviate Avoid milk and dairy products.
sinus problem by enhancing immune function. Avoid non-veg, deep fried, junk food etc.
Massage over the sinus region helps to drain out
accumulated mucus.13 CONCLUSION
Fomentation over the sinuses gives immense re- Yogic kriya is beneficial in improving the status of
lief. patients with sinusitis. Practice of Yoga is inexpensive
Steam inhalation by boiling water with Eclipta and safe under supervision and hence should be im-
alba leaves helps in draining out nasal secretions plemented at primary health care levels. Most sinus
by opening up blocked nostrils.14 infections respond well to natural sinusitis treatment.
Exercise is beneficial to ease the sinusitis. There are so many natural options to choose from that
are not just effective, but are also affordable and easy