Academic and Non-Academic Predictors of Student Psychological Distress: The Role of Social Identity and Loneliness
Academic and Non-Academic Predictors of Student Psychological Distress: The Role of Social Identity and Loneliness
Academic and Non-Academic Predictors of Student Psychological Distress: The Role of Social Identity and Loneliness
To cite this article: Jason C. McIntyre, Joanne Worsley, Rhiannon Corcoran, Paula Harrison
Woods & Richard P. Bentall (2018): Academic and non-academic predictors of student
psychological distress: the role of social identity and loneliness, Journal of Mental Health, DOI:
Article views: 5
Abstract Keywords
Background: University students experience high rates of stress and mental illness; however, Academic stress, social identity, loneliness,
few studies have comprehensively examined the impact of academic and non-academic mental health, stress, student mental
stressors on student mental health. Similarly, there has been little focus on the role of social health
groups in protecting against mental distress in this young adult group.
Aim: To identify the key social determinants of mental health symptoms in a student History
Methods: Using an online survey, we administered measures of social connectedness and Received 30 June 2017
mental health symptoms alongside academic and non-academic stressors to a large sample of Revised 22 November 2017
UK university students. Accepted 20 December 2017
Results: Loneliness was the strongest overall predictor of mental distress, while assessment Published online 13 February 2018
stress was the most important academic predictor. Strong identification with university
friendship groups was most protective against distress relative to other social identities, and the
beneficial impact of identification on symptoms was mediated by reduced loneliness.
Conclusions: The study highlights the benefits of establishing strong social connections at
university and the importance of minimising stress associated with assessment tasks.
A study by Pluut and colleagues (2015) that applied the Higher education presents students with challenges and
JD-R model found that academic stressors were associated stressful circumstances, but also offers opportunities to derive
with reduced well-being and poorer performance among meaning, purpose and belonging through mastery and social
Dutch university students. Moreover, conflict between leisure connection. In the present research, we aim to detail the
and study activities, along with social support, were moderate prevalence of mental distress in a student population and
predictors of both academic satisfaction and academic assess a diverse set of social determinants, which include
performance, which suggests that psychosocial factors are academic stressors such as performance and assessment
important determinants of well-being and success in academic stress, as well as social connection (e.g. loneliness and
settings. Longitudinal evidence indicates that entering higher social identification) and background variables (e.g. child-
education has both positive and negative effects on mental hood deprivation and maltreatment) known to be associated
health. A 2004 study found that among UK students who had with poor mental health (Cruwys et al., 2014; Hill, 2003;
no psychological symptoms at course entry, 9% became McIntyre et al., 2017; Varese et al., 2012). We also look at
clinically depressed and 20% clinically anxious by the mid- additional stressors likely to be relevant to young people
point of their degrees. Financial stress and relationship attending university, such as cyberbullying, financial stress
difficulties were identified as the main predictors of depres- and poor living conditions. We examine these stressors in the
sion and anxiety, respectively. However, during the course of context of three distinct mental health symptoms: depression,
the study, 36% of students with prior conditions showed some anxiety and paranoia, which are common among young adults
recovery, suggesting that universities may also afford positive and have been associated with social determinants (Cruwys
effects on mental health (Andrews & Wilding, 2004). One et al., 2014; Lee & Robbins, 1998; McIntyre et al., 2017). A
plausible explanation for the improvements in mental health final aim was to test whether identification with university-
observed for these students is that universities provide relevant groups can be considered a psychosocial resource
opportunities for meaningful social connections. Indeed, that reduces symptom risk, and to identify the mechanisms by
social support has been shown consistently to reduce stress which social groups might improve mental health.
in the workplace (see meta-analysis by Viswesvaran et al.,
1999) and to protect people from developing mental health Method
symptoms following exposure to stressors (Hagerty & Participants and design
Williams, 1999), particularly when those stressors are
severe (Smith et al., 2013). The online survey was conducted in October 2016 across the
According to the Social Cure Model of health (Jetten et al., faculties of a large university in northern England. A total of
2012), when people feel bonded to a social group and the 1545 students attempted the survey. Surveys missing more
group is incorporated into their sense of self through the than 25% of responses were considered incomplete, leaving a
process of social identification (Tajfel & Turner, 1979), the final sample of 1135. Students from all three faculties
group becomes a psychological resource that improves health completed the survey: Health and Life Sciences (30%),
both directly and indirectly. When the groups to which we Humanities and Social sciences (42%) and Science and
belong are positive and successful, they foster positive Engineering (18%). First-year students comprised 46% of the
emotions and enhance our sense of self-worth. Because of sample, while second- and third-year students made up 35%
this, social identities are central to psychological health and and 21%, respectively. The majority of participants were from
well-being. white ethnic backgrounds (82%). Seventy-one percent identi-
Social identity is distinct from social support, but tends to fied as female and 26% identified as male. The average age of
change the way social support is given and received. For participants was 20.78 years, SD ¼ 4.35.
example, the positive effects of workplace social support on
employee training outcomes are most pronounced when Measures
people identify with their workplace (Pidd, 2004). Further,
Academic stress
social support is more likely to be given, received and
effective when the support is built on a foundation of shared Academic Stress Scale. We administered an adapted 15-item
social identity (Haslam et al., 2009). version of the Academic Stress Scale (Kohn & Frazer, 1986).
Social identity has also been shown to have a direct effect Three sub-scales consisting of five items tapped how stressed
on symptoms of mental illness, such as depression (Cruwys students were about performance (e.g. ‘‘Final grades’’;
et al., 2013, 2014, 2015), paranoid ideation (McIntyre et al., ¼ 0.75), teaching (e.g. ‘‘Fast paced lectures’’; ¼ 0.72),
2017; Sani et al., 2017; Thomas et al., 2017), anxiety and facilities (e.g. ‘‘Poor access to computing facilities’’;
(Wakefield et al., 2013), well-being and post-traumatic stress ¼ 0.79). Response options ranged from 1 ¼ not at all
(Swartzman et al., 2017). Moreover, in line with the Social stressed to 5 ¼ extremely stressed. Some of the original items
Cure Model and Tajfel and Turner’s (1979) original concep- that were irrelevant (e.g. forgetting pencil/pen) were either
tualization of identity, part of the relationship between social dropped or modified to reflect modern learning environments.
identification and better mental health can be explained by the See supplementary materials (Appendix A) for the complete
notion that belonging to social groups promotes more positive modified scale.
self-attributions (Cruwys et al., 2015; McIntyre et al., 2017).
Social groups can therefore be conceptualised as a psycho- We administered an abbreviated version
Expectations stress.
logical resource that provides people with fortification against of the Academic Expectations Stress Inventory (Ang & Huan,
distress by increasing belonging and self-worth. 2006), which tapped stress related to students’ own
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2018.1437608 Social determinants of student mental health 3
expectations and those of their teachers and parents (‘‘I feel ‘‘To what extent does your debt worry you?’’. Participants
stressed when I know I/my parents/my university teachers are responded on a five-point scale ranging from 1¼ not at all to
disappointed in my grades’’; Anchors: 1 ¼ never true, 5 ¼ a lot. Factor summary scores were derived via PCA for
5 ¼ always true) A principle components analysis (PCA) of the two items, and these scores constituted the financial worry
the three items yielded a single factor (eigenvalue ¼ 2.03; variable, eigenvalue ¼ 1.75; 88% of variance accounted for.
68% of variance accounted for). Factor scores were derived
using the regression method and used as summary scores in Perceived discrimination
all subsequent analyses. Participants completed the two-item Perceptions of
Relative performance. Two novel items assessed how well Discrimination scale (Major et al., 2007) for five different
students were performing relative to their peers and relative to types of potential discrimination (10 items in total). Items
their own expectations (‘‘In relation to your grades, how well included ‘‘My [group] is discriminated against’’ and ‘‘Other
are you doing relative to your own expectations/peers at members of [my group] experience discrimination’’.
university’’). A PCA of the two items yielded a single factor Participants responded to both items for each of the following
(eigenvalue ¼ 1.45; 72% of variance accounted for). Factor groups: ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability and religion/
scores were derived using the regression method and used as beliefs. Pearson’s rs ranged from 0.82 to 0.90. Response
summary scores in subsequent analyses. options ranged from 1 ¼ strongly disagree to 7 ¼ strongly
The eight-item UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8) assesses
how withdrawn people are from social relationships and Participants answered two items adapted from Hinduja &
companionship (e.g. ‘‘I feel lonely from others’’ and ‘‘people Patchin (2010) related to the frequency with which they had
are around me but not with me’’). The scale showed good experienced ‘‘cyberbullying’’ and ‘‘cyberstalking’’. Response
internal consistency ¼ 0.87. options ranged from 1 ¼ never to 6 ¼ very often,
r(1133) ¼ 0.45.
Social identity
Childhood disadvantage
We included a three-item scale adapted from Doosje et al.
(1995) measure of in-group identification. Participants Participants completed the 12-item Perceived Inequality in
responded to each of the three items for six different social Childhood Scale (Wickham et al., 2013). For example, ‘‘In
groups (18 items in total). Specifically, they indicated the comparison to other children in your school and neighbour-
extent to which they felt ‘‘strong group ties’’, ‘‘belonging’’ hood, your parents’ involvement in your education was:’’
and ‘‘identification’’ with each group. Groups were selected 1 ¼ far less to 5 ¼ significantly more, ¼ 0.83.
that were (a) likely to be important to university students, (b)
likely to be relevant to the majority of participants and (c) had Childhood maltreatment
the potential to be incorporated into university social The 10-item ACEs scale (Felitti et al., 1998) assesses
connection programs. These identities included: country of childhood abuse (e.g. ‘‘Did a parent or other adult in the
birth ( ¼ 0.90), England ( ¼ 0.92), university city household often push, grab, slap or throw something at you?
( ¼ 0.91), university ( ¼ 0.87), primary online community Or ever hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured?’’)
( ¼ 0.91) and university friends, ¼ 0.93. and maladaptive family environments (e.g. ‘‘Did you live
with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic or who
Living conditions used street drugs?’’). The total number of ‘‘yes’’ responses
Living conditions were assessed with three items taken from was tallied.
the English Housing Survey (Department for Communities
and Local Government, 2015). The items assessed accom- Paranoia
modation-related health issues (Does the condition of your
accommodation affect your health in any way? Anchors: Paranoia was assessed with an abbreviated five-item perse-
1 ¼ all of the time, 4 ¼ never), house maintenance (Overall, cution subscale of the persecution and deservedness scale
how satisfied are you with the way your landlord repairs and (PaDS; Melo et al., 2009). For example, ‘‘You should only
maintains your home? Anchors: 1 ¼ very satisfied, 5 ¼ very trust yourself’’. Response options ranged from 1 ¼ strongly
dissatisfied) and mould (During the winter months, are there disagree to 5 ¼ strongly agree, ¼ 0.84.
patches of mould or fungus in any room in your home, apart
from bathrooms or toilets? Options: 1 ¼ no, 2 ¼ yes). A PCA Depression
yielded a single factor with an eigenvalue of 1.31, which
Depression was measured with the nine-item Patient Health
accounted for 43.65% of the variance in the data. The derived
Questionnaire (PHQ-9; Kroenke & Spitzer, 2002).
factor scores constituted the living conditions variable.
Participants indicated how often they had been bothered by
problems such as ‘‘Feeling down, depressed or hopeless’’ and
Financial worry
‘‘Thoughts that you would be better off dead’’ over the last
The Debt Worry Scale (Cooke et al., 2004) consists of two two weeks. Response options ranged from 1 ¼ not at all to
items: ‘‘Are financial concerns a current issue?’’ and 4 ¼ nearly every day, ¼ 0.89.
4 J. C. McIntyre et al. J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–10
No other academic stressors significantly predicted financial stress ( ¼ 0.25, p50.001) and poor quality accom-
depression. modation ( ¼ 0.10, p ¼ 0.004) were associated with higher
levels of anxiety. At Block 4, the discrimination variables
Anxiety explained a significant portion of variance in anxiety.
As reported in Table 3, at Block 1 the demographic variables Experiencing higher levels of cybervictimisation ( ¼ 0.11,
explained a significant portion of variance in anxiety. Age was p ¼ 0.003) and discrimination based on one’s disabilities
unrelated to anxiety; however, women reported significantly ( ¼ 0.11, p ¼ 0.005) was associated with higher levels of
higher levels of anxiety compared to men ( ¼ 0.11, anxiety. All other discrimination variables were not significant
p ¼ 0.002), and white students reported higher levels of predictors of anxiety. At Block 5, the social capital variables
anxiety compared to Black and Minority Ethnic students, contributed significantly to the model. Identifying more
¼ 0.10, p ¼ 0.009. At Block 2, childhood adversity strongly with a friendship group was associated with lower
contributed significantly to the model predicting anxiety. levels of anxiety ( ¼ 0.25, p50.001) and identifying more
Childhood deprivation was unrelated to anxiety; however, strongly with England was also associated with lower levels of
having more experiences of childhood trauma was significantly anxiety ( ¼ 0.10, p ¼ 0.017). At Block 6, loneliness
associated with higher anxiety scores, ¼ 0.27, p50.001. At contributed significantly to the model. Feeling lonely was
Block 3, the inclusion of the economic adversity measures strongly associated with higher levels of anxiety ( ¼ 0.50,
contributed significantly to the model. Both higher levels of p50.001). At Block 7, academic stressors explained a
Cumulative %
Frequency % of total sample % of valid reports of valid reports
I only thought seriously about hurting/harming myself 16 1.5 12.2 12.2
I had everything prepared but did not hurt/harm myself 22 2.1 16.8 29.0
I stopped hurting/harming myself in the last second. I knew 15 1.4 11.5 40.5
that it would not have been lethal
I hurt/harmed myself, but I knew that I would not have died 51 4.8 38.9 79.4
from this
I hurt/harmed myself and I knew that I would die from this 27 2.5 20.6 100.0
Total 131 12.3 100.0
6 J. C. McIntyre et al. J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–10
significant amount of variance in anxiety. Assessment stress lonely was associated with higher levels of paranoia ( ¼ 0.46,
was the only significant predictor of anxiety ( ¼ 0.23, p50.001). At Block 7, academic stressors also contributed
p50.001). Students who felt more stressed about their significantly to the model. However, no individual academic
assessment tasks reported higher levels of anxiety. stressor significantly predicted paranoia.
Table 5. Bivariate correlations between social identity and mental health variables.
5% of the variance in depression after taking into account the Social identity and paranoia
effects of all other social identities, sr2 ¼ 0.05. The five measures of social identity, together, accounted for
7% of the variance in paranoia scores. University friends
Social identity and anxiety
identification emerged as the only significant predictor of
Combined, the five social identity variables explained 9% paranoid symptoms, ¼ 0.23, p50.001. Stronger identifi-
of the variance in anxiety scores. When examining the cation with university friends was associated with lower
individual predictors, stronger identification with England paranoia. University friends identification explained 4% of
( ¼ 0.11, p ¼ 0.001) and university friends ( ¼ 0.26, the variance in paranoia scores, controlling for all other social
p50.001) predicted lower levels of anxiety, while stronger identities, sr2 ¼ 0.04.
identification with university city predicted higher levels of
anxiety ( ¼ 0.09, p ¼ 0.016). Identification with university
friends was the strongest independent predictor of lower Mediation models
anxiety, explaining 5% of the variance in anxiety after Given that the previous analyses suggested that identifying
taking into account the effects of all other social identities, with university friends was more protective than the other
sr2 ¼ 0.05. measured identities, we investigated whether this effect is best
8 J. C. McIntyre et al. J Ment Health, Early Online: 1–10
understood by the notion that when people identify with a causal pathway, as does recent evidence that interventions
university friendship group they feel less lonely. The medi- designed to foster group memberships improve both social
ation models controlled for the effects of age, ethnicity and connectedness and mental health (Haslam et al., 2016).
gender. We first tested whether friendship group identification Despite this, the proposed causal relationships suggested here
and loneliness were correlated. If the correlation was too high should be interpreted with some caution given the cross-
(i.e.40.70), then it would not be possible to continue with the sectional nature of the data. Indeed, it is plausible that the
mediation because it would be likely that the scales were observed relationships are cyclical in that academic stressors
measuring the same construct. The two variables correlated at lead to poor mental health, which in turn impacts on a
0.52 so we proceeded with the mediation analyses. student’s ability to study, leading to stress. Moreover, mental
Mediations were conducted in SPSS using the PROCESS health symptoms can make it more difficult for people to join
extension (Hayes, 2012). Indirect effects and associated and identify with social groups. This suggestion is supported
confidence intervals were calculated via bootstrapping with by recent longitudinal work with high-school students that
1000 resamples. found belonging to fewer social groups leads to worse mental
Loneliness mediated the relationship between friendship health over time, and that worse mental health in turn predicts
group identification and mental health for depression joining fewer groups (Miller et al., 2017). A further limitation
(IE ¼ 0.30, CI[0.34, 0.27]), anxiety (IE ¼ 0.42, of the study is that our sampled population attended a single
CI[0.48, 0.36]) and paranoia (IE ¼ 0.36, CI[0.41, British university. Thus, it is not clear whether the observed
0.31]). Effect size estimates indicated that the completely effects would permeate geographic and cultural boundaries.
standardized indirect effects were 0.30 for depression, Finally, the anxiety and depression measures specifically
0.28 for anxiety and 0.28 for paranoia. Of note, we also assessed distress over a two-week period, which meant we
ran mediation analyses with identification and loneliness were unable to examine the impact of stressors on chronic
switched in the model to test whether feelings of loneliness mental health conditions.
may make it more difficult for people to form friendships and The findings suggest that academic stressors place heavy
friendship group identities. None of these models were demands on psychological resources, and that students are at
significant, supporting the hypothesis that identity affects high risk of mental health issues. However, campus environ-
feelings of loneliness rather than vice versa. ments also represent opportunities for students to develop
meaningful social connections that are beneficial to their
mental health. By increasing awareness of the importance of
social groups and by facilitating the organisation of social
We conducted a comprehensive mental health survey of events and communities of interest, universities may be able
students attending a large university in northern England. We to enhance the efficacy of existing social connection programs
aimed to assess the prevalence of severe mental distress in the to achieve improvements in student mental health. Given our
student population and to identify key stressors and protective findings, it will be important to focus these interventions on
factors. Overall, there were high rates of mental distress in our smaller group connections (e.g. seminar groups or degree
sample, with particularly elevated rates of clinically severe programs) as opposed to superordinate groups such as
anxiety (21%) and depression (11%), in addition to high faculties or universities. Universities and students would
comorbidity (9%). One-fifth of students reported suicidal also benefit by reducing stress related to assessment and
thoughts and 2% reported a determined suicide attempt. performance. One practical measure might involve facilitating
Contextual factors including childhood adversity, economic the formation of study groups that will provide opportunities
deprivation, discrimination and loneliness all contributed to for students to connect with people facing similar academic
poor mental health. Of note, our complete set of social demands, and simultaneously foster group memberships.
determinants were able to explain nearly half of the variance The findings are consistent with the JD-R model of mental
in both depression and anxiety, and over a third of the health insofar as we found that students are subjected to a
variance in paranoia. Of the academic variables, assessment range of academic and non-academic demands that contribute
stress and relative performance were most predictive of to symptomology. However, universities also provide
mental distress. resources such as opportunities to form social connections
Feelings of loneliness consistently emerged as the and new identities, and also to reduce stressors related to
strongest predictor of poor mental health. Planned analyses concerns over performance and assessment tasks. Our
of the social identity variables suggested that university findings are consistent with work by Pluut et al. (2015) who
friends are the most important social group with whom to also applied the JD-R model to students, finding that
identify in order to protect against depression, anxiety and academic stressors contributed to low well-being and per-
paranoia. Follow-up mediation analyses confirmed that iden- formance, while social support enhanced satisfaction and
tifying with university friends alleviated these symptoms by performance.
decreasing feelings of loneliness. The findings are consistent Consistent with previous work (Hill, 2003; Morrison et al.,
with a growing body of literature on social cure models of 2003; Shevlin et al., 2007; Varese et al., 2012), the findings
mental health (Cruwys et al., 2013, 2014, 2015; McIntyre suggest that the negative psychological effects of childhood
et al., 2016; Sani et al., 2017), but additionally demonstrate trauma flow through to young adulthood. Ensuring univer-
that bonds formed with fellow students at university are sities are aware of the potential impact of background
particularly important for maintaining mental health. stressors, which, when combined with academic stressors,
The reverse mediations provided evidence for the proposed may place students at particularly high risk of severe
DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2018.1437608 Social determinants of student mental health 9
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