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ISSN (Online) : 2451 (WWW - Ijtmsr.in ISSN (Online) : 2451 - 5632 MSR - In) Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020

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International Journal Of Innovative Trends In Multi Disciplinary Scientific Research(Ijtmsr)

ISSN (Online): 2451 – 5632

msr.in) Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020


M.Tech student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RamaChandra
aChandra College of Engineering,
Engineering Eluru.
Asst.Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RamaChandra
aChandra College of Engineering,
Engineering Eluru.
Professor, Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RamaChandra
aChandra College of Engineering,
Engineering Eluru.

Abstract measurement of the stress field intensity near the tip of an ideal crack in a
Present work gives an overview of cracks determination in material using linear elastic solid is called as stress intensity factor. The stress intensity
natural frequency and wavelet transformation method and its application to factors are used to interpret the singular stress or local stress and displacement
current engineering problems. In this technique, comparison between actual field in the cracked tip.The
The SIF depends on the loading, the crack size, the
natural frequency (without crack) and frequency due to crack propagation is crack shape, and the geometric
eometric boundaries of the specimen. The
made using Euler Beam theory. When cracks are present in structure, natural recommended units for K are MPa√m.
√m. it is customary to write the general
frequency of material deviates from its original frequency and result formula in the form K=Yσ πa where σ is the applied stress, a is crack depth, Y
difference will measure in term of crack. Whole analysis procedure starting is dimensionless shape factor.
from modeling,, meshing and result interpretation done on well-known 3. Literature Review
numerical tool ANSYS. The main aim of proposed study is to detect critical Usually structures experiences a wide range of static and dynamic loads that
areas especially crack initiative zone before doing actual fabrication of suffers from damages. Due to this, its dynamic properties
pro can change,
components and avoid the breakage
age of it. Effects of a breathing crack on the especially the crack damage can cause a reduction in stiffness, with an
vibratory characteristics of a rotating propeller shaft are investigated. Here inherent reduction in natural frequencies, and there will be change of mode
three types of load consideration has taken such as axial, bending and torsion shapes. Invibration analysis of cracked beams and shafts, generally the
loadings. Results of numerical Finite Element Methodd (FEM) are validated fracture mechanics procedure is preferred. In this procedure a crack that
using numerical results has done using MATLAB. occurred in beam or shaft at crack location the local stiffness will reduce.
Keywords:Stress intensity factor (SIF), modeling of drive shaft
shaft, crack Using second castigiliano’s theorem that are applied in the facture mechanical
initiation and elliptical crack. formulation, the fracture mechanics model the local stiffness
stiffn at crack location
1. Introduction was found. Different researchers have investigated the damages of cracks and
In machinery, cylindrical shaped components with a round cross section are its localized effects. They are summarized below.
used to operate.Bars,reinforcement, pins, shafts, wires, bolts or screws are Andrea Carpinteri [1] has theoretically proposed the Three-parameter fracture
some examples of cylindrical shaped structure. These structures are used in mechanics model to analyze the propagation of an elliptical-arc
elliptical part-through
loading condition which is but complex. Usually engineering
ngineering structures are flaw in a round bar subjected to constant cyclic amplitude axial or bending
designed to withstand the loads till the day of maintenance
maintenance. Among these loads. The edge flaw presents an aspect ratio and a relative crack depth.
structures, beams are considered the most utilized structural components Additionally a parameter s = D/a (ellipse shifting) defines the distance of the
within various structural elements in many applications in machinery and it ellipse center from the bar circumference.
experiences a wide mixed bag of static and element loads. For most of the Aniket S. Kamble [2] has proposed a crack is modeled rotational spring and
engineering applications, beams
eams are widely used as main structural equation for non-dimensional
dimensional spring stiffness is developed. By
B calculating the
components in engineering applications because it provides a fundamental first three natural frequencies using vibration measurements, curves of crack
model for various engineering applications. Some exam
examples of structural equivalent stiffness are plotted and the intersection of the three curves that
components are helicopter rotor blades, Aircraft wings,, spacecraft antennae, indicates the crack location and size. To obtain time frequency data and time
and robot arms etc, which might be modeled with beam like element
element. Beam amplitude
litude data, wavelet analysis is performed.
like structures are generally used in steel shaped structure and manufacturing Marco A. Perez [3] has presented to investigate the feasibility of using
of machines. vibration-based methods to identify damages sustained by composite
2. Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) laminates due to low-velocity
velocity impacts. Four damage indicators based on
When the crack surfaces are displaced in the opening mode (Mode II), the modal parameters were calculated by comparing pristine and damaged areas.
International Journal Of Innovative Trends In Multi Disciplinary Scientific Research(Ijtmsr)
ISSN (Online): 2451 – 5632
msr.in) Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020

It’s accuracy is determined in the location of damage, its sensitivity in the To run the Analysis, 64 bit operating
ing system, 4GB ram And ANSYS 19.0
19 is
damage extent and pertinent correlations with residual bearing capacity. very apt configuration to run analysis. The previously created IGS file from
Three dimensional software called CATIA is used in this project.
project.Initially, CATIA is imported on ANSYS file geometry. Using ANSYS software, the
CATIA name is an abbreviation for Computer Aided T
Three-dimensional static structure and modal analysis
nalysis are performed. The tabular column of
Interactive Application, the French Dassault Systems is the parent company, different parametersand circular cross section of the different materials for
and CATIA is widely used in industrial sectors, and has been explained in the different components are used bicycle seat assembly are shown below. Solid
previous post position of CATIA between 3d modeling software.Before using mesh 200 elements are used to divide the geometric body in to small strips
sketch select the plane of the CATIA display and then go to sket
sketch. So that using finite element method.
generating of face can be done in CATIA. Draw the drawing which is having
The material used in the present work is Mild Steel and its structural
an accurate dimension then convert to three dimensional solid.
properties are given in the table 1.
Propeller shaft is main component in the vehicle to transfer the engine torque
Parameters Circular cross-section beam
to differential of vehicle.so maximum stresses can be induced and it can
failure with propagation of crack.Here
Here Ashokleyland Truck model -6DT120 is Young’s Modulus 2.11011 N/m2
selected to run the analysis.it
it having maximum power is 132 KW,Max torque Density 7850 kg/m3
is 660N-m,speed
m,speed limit is 1200 to 1600 RPM.length of shaft is 1800 mm, it
Poisson ratio 0.3
was created in CATIA software and figure is shown below.
Length of beam 562 mm

Diameter of beam 25.5 mm

Table 1 Material Properties of the Shaft.

4.Crack Initiation of theDrive Shaft

This work addresses the inverse method of fault detection in shaft part. One of
the failures might be due to the crack initiation and propagation in any of the
shaft part. Being susceptible to minute changes, the natural frequency is

Fig1: 3d view of drive shaft. monitored to access crack

ack location and crack size in shaft. The study is based
on observation of changes in natural frequency. The model of beam is
generated using Finite Element Method of analysis. In Finite Element
Analysis, the natural frequency of shaft is calculated by Modal
Mod Analysis using
the software ANSYS and Mat Lab.

Fig2: crack created on drive shaft.

After creating the total sketch, axis line is creat

created in sketch Graph 1:: natural frequency reading of drive shaft.
module. Using this, revolve option is used to apply on the shaft with the angle The above table shows the natural frequency reading of with and without
of 360 degree. From the reviewed article, the crack parameters are taken that crack shaft. Here to find out the crack initiation initially geometrical creak
are created using surface module. Finallyy symmetric model is prepared using provided on shaft at different locations on drive shaft and at 200 mm from the
CATIA software. And the final model is saved in IGES format. center having minimum natural frequency so further extension has carried out
on same location.
International Journal Of Innovative Trends In Multi Disciplinary Scientific Research(Ijtmsr)
ISSN (Online): 2451 – 5632
msr.in) Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020

Crack imitation is analyzed using wavelet transformation.

transformation.The Wavelet
Transform is a mathematical
al process, in which a signal is analyzed using a set
of analyzing functions. Wavelet Transform belongs to the field of time
frequency analysis. The most well-known
known technique for frequency analysis is
the Fourier transform.In the following figures crack hadd varied different
locations of crack (0.1,0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75,0.80) in drive
shaft. In the following figures we had taken values at d= depth (0.01)

Stress of propeller shaft at 0.9 depth ratio.

The above image shows the Stress of propeller shaft at 0.9 crack depth ratio.
Here axial loading is applied
pplied at one end of drive shaft and another end is fixed
at all degree of freedom. The red color indicates the maximum Stress and blue
indicates the minimum Stress. 2e8 Pa Stress is observed at middle of propeller
shaft due to axial loading.

From the above figure we had input wavelet signals into beam at different
locations to identify the crack initial propagation but at depth 0.01 we
observed every slightly variation at values, so we had increased depth ratio of
crack in further analysis. As well ass different depth of crack also studied in
Fig:6 SIF
IF of propeller shaft at 0.9 depth ratio.
this work.
Tensile, bending and tensional load analysis has done on the propeller with
The above image shows the
he SIF of propeller shaft at 0.9 crack depth ratio.
changing the crack depth and location of crack.
Here axial loading is applied at one end of drive shaft and another end is fixed
at all degree of freedom. 1.9e5 Pa m^0.5 SIF observed at the crack location.

natural frequency in Hz

48 depth 0.2
depth 0.3
45 depth 0.4
Fig:4 deformation of propeller shaft at 0.9 depth ratio. 44
The above image shows the deformation of propeller shaft at 0.9 crack depth
0 0.5 1
ratio. Here axial loading is applied at one end of drive shaft and another end is
fixed at all degree of freedom. The red color indicates the maximum crack position
deformation and blue indicates the minimum
m deformation. 0.00103 m
deformation is observed at free end of propeller shaft due to axial loading.
Graph: 2 the average natural frequency of propeller shaft with 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
crack depth at different positions.
International Journal Of Innovative Trends In Multi Disciplinary Scientific Research(Ijtmsr)
ISSN (Online): 2451 – 5632
msr.in) Volume 6, Issue 2, 2020

By taking average of all frequency of propeller shaft at different location, we Conclusion

have increased crack depth also gradually,, by this we able see the stiffness So many technics are available to find out the location of crack initation.in
values was gradually decreasing from 0 to 1 crack position, and we also this work mainly concentrated on ashok Leyland heavy duty drive shaft.
observe while we increasing the crack depth the rate of damage is increasing. Wavelet method is used to identify the crack imitation by changing depth and
position. Mathematical model having
aving good agreement .natural frequency is
proportional to stiffness of structural, if the stiffness reduces, the crack can be
180000 initiate. This method is implemented in drive shaft and location has found at
160000 middle of shaft. Is well as analysis has done on the
th crack propagation. For this
stress invensivity

120000 study the cracked shafts were subjected to axial, bendingand torsional load
100000 respectively.These three sets of calculations were performed by using semi
60000 analytical method; the stress intensity factor of a cracked shaft was calculated
40000 MATLAB
by using the general equations obtained from the stress handbook. While for
0 the numerical method, three sets of modeling under axial, bending and
0 0.5 1 torsional load were modeled successfully using FEA software, ANSYS.By

crack position comparing the results obtained semii analytically and numerically, the
deviation in term of percentage had been found relatively small. If depth ratio
Graph 3: comparison
son between analysis and matlab under axial load
load. is increased, the stress intensity ratio increases on axially, bending and torsion.
The above graph shows the ansys and matlab stress intensity readings at Finally due to bending, we can see more changes. According
Accordi to material
different crack position. Here if the crack location increases, stress intensity maximum allowable stress intensity
tensity is 20mpa square root m, and at 0.7 crack
value also increases. matlab and ansys results are having good agreement depth the stress intensity value had exceeded the 20mpa square root of m.So
between axial load results. by considering these studies of values we can estimate the damage detection
of drive shaft.
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Graph 4: Comparison BetweenAnaysis
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0 0.5 1

crack position .

Graph 5: Comparison between

en anaysis and matlab under torsion load.

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