PLE 2019 Legal Medicine & Ethics Questions and Answers
PLE 2019 Legal Medicine & Ethics Questions and Answers
PLE 2019 Legal Medicine & Ethics Questions and Answers
1. Select the situation where the physician can refuse treating a patient B. Danger to life of the doctor. (THE MEDICAL ACT OF 1959) Refusal
even if the case is an emergency. of a physician to attend a patient in danger of death is not a sufficient
a. Danger to the life of the patient ground for revocation or suspension of his registration certificate if there is
b. Danger to life of the doctor a risk to the physician’s life.
c. Danger of not being able to pay professional fee
d. None
2. Select the injury that is immediately life threatening that can occur B. Flail Chest is a life-threatening medical condition that occurs when a
after a vehicular accident and should be identified for appropriate segment of the rib cage breaks due to trauma and becomes detached from
and immediate management. the rest of the chest wall, usually due to a severe blunt trauma, such as a
a. Hemothorax serious fall or a car accident
b. Flail chest
c. Pulmonary contusion
d. Diagphragmatic rupture
3. Any member of the Board of Medicine can be removed by the D. jealousy (THE MEDICAL ACT OF 1959) May remove any member of
President of the Philippines, after due investigation, for the Board for neglect of duty, incompetency, or unprofessional or
following charges EXCEPT _____. dishonorable conduct
a. Incompetency
b. Unprofessional conduct
c. Neglect of duty
d. Jealousy
4. Before a physician can perform a surgical procedure, the patient’s D. Physician can proceed without consent if patient has severe
informed consent should be obtained. Which of the following is intellectual disability. If incapable, delegate authority for decision making,
incorrect? which should be based on the patient’s best interests in the circumstances.
a. Patient must have adequate reasoning faculties Having an intellectual disability does not automatically preclude an
b. Patient must have all the relevant facts individual from being able to give informed consent, nor does the lack of
c. Physician can proceed without the consent in case of guardian or conservator automatically mean an individual is capable of
emergency giving consent.
d. Physician can proceed without consent if patient has
severe intellectual disability
5. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding physician’s role in B. Physician can make a specific diagnosis given the pertinent facts.
multi-media exposure. (CODE OF ETHICS OF THE PMA). A physician shall refrain from
a. Articles written must be evidence-based. making a specific diagnosis.
b. Physician can make a specific diagnosis given the
pertinent facts.
c. Physician should be well informed of the matter under
d. Physician should only make a general opinion.
7. This is the part of the finger print that goes from one side of the C. Arch (LEGAL MEDICINE, p. 59) - Arches — The ridges go from one
pattern to another and does not make a loop. side of the pattern to another, never turning back to make a loop
a. Composites
b. Loops
c. Arch
d. Whorls
8. A dead body was discovered in the woods by children hiking. The B. (LEGAL MEDICINE, p. 143)- 72 hours - Whole body grossly swollen
description of the body are the following: whole body grossly and dis- figured. Hair and nails loose. Tissues soft and-discolored.
swollen and disfigured with hair, nails, tissues loose and discolored.
It is presumed by the medical coroner that the body has been death
within _____.
a. 12 hours
b. 72 hours
c. 48 hours
d. 24 hours
9. The person was the victim of an electrical accident while fixing a C. (LEGAL MEDICINE, p. 417) - the main cause of death in electricity
jumper on the Meralco line. You explained to the relatives that the is shock. Ordinary domestic line is from 100 to 250 volts and it is
death is most probably due to _____. sufficient to produce death. The effect of 300 volts and above may be
a. Burns similar to lightning stroke. Voltage is not only the factor causing the
b. Cardiac arrhythmia injury. As a matter of fact, amperage or intensity of the electrical
c. Stroke current is the principal factor.
d. Pulmonary embolism
10. The patient’s obligation to their physician is _____. D. Provide accurate and complete information is an obligation imposed on
a. Give informed consent a patient. (Magna Carta of Patient's Rights and Obligations Act of 2017,
b. To choose the doctor section 6.)
c. To refuse treatment
d. Provide accurate and complete information
11. The following women have had sex with Don Juan. Who committed C. Jessie, the wife of Manny (LEGAL MEDICINE, p. 87) - In adultery the
adultery? Adultery is committed by _____. offender is a married woman
a. Angel, the girlfriend of Tim
b. Gigi, the widow of Jojo
c. Jessie, the wife of Manny
d. Cora, annulled from Jackson
12. When a driver is intoxicated with alcohol, it leads to higher incidents C. Improved motor movement is not an effect of alcohol intoxication.
of road accidents for the following reasons EXCEPT _____. (LEGAL MEDICINE, p 459) – Delayed or Sluggish Reaction Time.
a. Increased reaction time Reaction time is the space of time the driver perceives an impending
b. Impaired driving concentration danger and the actual application of the brake. A quick reaction time may
c. Improved motor movement
d. Muscular incoordination prevent the occurrence of a crash by sudden deceleration before the impact
13. During the lecture in a conference or scientific meeting, the product D. generic name. Generic names shall be used during the course of CME
mentioned should be the _____. activities. (Article IV. Section 15 of Code of Ethics of Philippine Medical
a. Brand name Association.)
b. Proprietary name
c. Company name
d. Generic name
14. During the arraignment, a person is unfit to enter a plea with the D. Accused is unable to read. Unable to understand the nature of the
occurrence of the following EXCEPT _____. charge; or Unable to plead to the charge or exercise the right of challenge;
a. Accused is unable to understand court proceedings or Unable to understand the nature of the proceedings as an inquiry into
b. Accused is unable to understand the charges against him whether s/he committed the offence charged; or Unable to follow the
c. Accused is unable to give instructions to his lawyer course of the proceedings so as to understand what is going on in court in a
d. Accused is unable to read general sense, even though s/he need not understand the purpose of all the
various court formalities; or Unable to understand the substantial effect of
any evidence that may be given against him/her; or Unable to decide what
defence s/he will rely upon or make his/her defence or version of facts
known to the court or to counsel
The nucleus of the cells is a densely staining area in the cell itself and Barr
19. In a severely decomposed body, to identify the sex, scrapings of the noticed that there was a small part of nucleus which stained deeply than
buccal mucosa to identify the barr bodies is seen in _______. the rest in woman’s cells but not in cells from men. He observed this in
a. male white cells obtained by scraping the mucous membrane of the mouth. This
b. female is called Barr bodies. (Solis, Legal Medicine, 1980, p. 88.)
c. undetermined sex
d. ambiguous genitalia
21. G, 18 year old female, has been complaining of several symptoms D. hypochondriasis
believing that the symptoms will lead to death. The doctor cannot find any
organic problem causing the symptoms described by the G. She is probably Illness anxiety disorder, sometimes called hypochondriasis or health
suffering from_______. anxiety, is worrying excessively that you are or may become seriously ill.
a. conversion disorder You may have no physical symptoms. Or you may believe that normal
b. anxiety disorder body sensations or minor symptoms are signs of severe illness, even
c. somatization though a thorough medical exam doesn't reveal a serious medical
d. hypochondriasis condition. (
22.Which of the following description of the gunshot wound point to it as an C. Everted edges
exit wound of the bullet?
a. tattooing may be present Exit wound: The edges of the wound are everted and occasionally portions
b. underlying tissues do not protrude outside the wound of the inner tissue are protruding (Solis, Legal Medicine, 1987.Chap XIII,
c. everted edges p. 361)
d. contusion collar present
23.A dead baby was discovered in the trashbin. Upon examinationof the B. 12 months
mouth the temporary first molar has already erupted. The approximate age
is_______. First molars erupt at 12 months (Solis, Legal Medicine, 1987.Chap III, p.
a. 18 months 94)
b. 12 months
c. 24 months
d.6 months
24.In cases of medical negligence, the complainant should prove the C. cost of injury
following requisites for the doctrine of medical negligence The elements of medical negligence are: (1) duty; (2) breach; (3) injury;
except__________. and (4) proximate causation.
a. injury sustained after treatment (
b. breach of the standard care.
c. cost of injury
d. duty to treat the patient
25.Which of the following does not describe Corpus delicti C. The physical object upon which the crime has been committed. (People
a. the evidence that proves the crime has been committed. v. Ricky Quimzon, G.R. No. 133541, April 14, 2004,427 SCRA 261.)
B. the foundation of a crime
c. the physical object upon which the crime has been committed.
d. the person’s intention to commit the crime. A Latin term meaning the "body of [the] crime" that refers to the idea that
the requisite elements of a crime must be proven before an individual can
be tried for the crime. (1) Actus reus—The guilty act (2) Mens rea—The
guilty mind (3) Concurrence—The coexistence of (1) an act in violation of
the law and (2) a culpable mental state (4) Causation—The concurrence of
mind and act must produce harm.
26.The branch of medicine that applies scientific knowledge and skills to D. Legal Medicine
medicolegal principles to assist in dispensing justice.
a. Jurisprudence Legal Medicine is a branch of medicine which deals with the application
b. res ipsa loquitor of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and in the administration of
c. scientific method law and in the administration of justice. It is the application of basic and
d. legal medicine clinical, medical and paramedical sciences to elucidate legal matters.
(Solis, Legal Medicine, 1987.Chap I, p. 1)
27. Select the incorrect duty and obligation of the physician to the patient. C. The doctor is required to use knowledge with extra-ordinary
a.The doctor has the knowledge and skills of an average doctor. care like a good father to the family.
b. Doctor X submitted the name of Angelo, HIV positive to DOH. Not included in the duties and obligations of physician on physician-
c. The doctor is required to use knowledge with extraordinary care like a patient relationship (Solis, Medical Jurisprudence, 1980,Duties and
good father to the family. Obligations Imposed on a physician in the physician
d. Doctor Y discussed the sexual history of the patient with the infectious -patient relationship. p. 33-34.)
disease specialist.
30. Practice of dressing and acting in a manner associated with the opposite : C. transvestism
sex is ___. (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 537
A. androgen insensitivity syndrome Merriam Webster 2019
B. transsexualism Transvestism/sexo-esthic inversion/psychical
C. Transvestism. hermaphroditism/metamorphosis sexualis paranoiac – is a form of
deviation wherein a male individual derives pleasure from wearing female
D. hemaphroiditism
apparel and vise versa)
31. What does not constitute the practice of medicine? D. The use of the title Doctor (Dr.)
A. physical examination of the patient Source: Medical Jurisprudence by Pedro Solis 1980; page 14. Republic
B. performing excision of skin tag Act 2382, The Medical Act of 1959; Article 3, Section 10)
C. use of the title M.D. at the end of the name The practice of medicine constitutes: (a) examine, diagnose, treat, operate,
prescribe with or without compensation/salary/fee; (b) use any methods of
D. The use of the title Doctor (Dr.).
communication in examining, diagnosing, treating, operating, and/or
prescribing (c) use of the title M.D. after his name.
32. To use the distal radial epiphysis in the approximation of the victim’s A. 10-year-old
death, it appears in ___. (Source: Ali Er 2019), Estimating forensic age via
A. 10-year-old. magnetic resonance imaging of the distal radial epiphysis. International
B. 7 year old Journal of Legal Medicine.
C. 1 year old publication/337197459_Estimating_forensic_age_via_magnetic_resonance
D. 4 year old
33. Jojo is diagnosed with end stage cancer and is requesting for drugs for D. Beneficence. (Source: Venzon, 2010. Universal Principles of Bioethics.
his pain. You prescribed morphine. The bioethical principle in the Professional Nursing in the Philippines. Meriam Webster 2019)
management of Jojo’s pain is ___.
A. maleficence
B. justice
C. autonomy
D. Beneficence.
34. Communications with patients should be appropriate and professional in D. party (Source: Republic Act 2382, The Medical Act of 1959)
the following areas EXCEPT ___.
A. hospital rounds
B. clinic
C. social media
D. Party.
35.The doctor making sure that the patient Maria gets all the help she needs. B. Beneficence
The doctor serves the best interest of Maria is ___. (Source: Venzon, 2010. Universal Principles of Bioethics. Professional
Nursing in the Philippines
Merriam Webster 2019)
A. non maleficence
B. Beneficence.
C. autonomy
D. justice
36. The duty of confidentiality has been a non-negotiable principle in D. The unborn child is not the child of the husband should be discussed
medical practice. Confidentiality is paramount between the doctor and the with the family
patient. Legally, physicians are prevented from revealing their discussions (Source: Patient’s Bill of Rights
with patients. Select the disclosure that violates the confidentiality rule Presidential Decree no. 169 s. 1973 Requiring doctors, hospitals, clinics,
etc. to report treatment for physical injuries
Republic Act 8504 “Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998”
A. patient who was treated for gunshot wound should be reported to
Republic Act 9262 “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children
the PNP
Act of 2004”)
37. Hymenal laceration with congested edges with sharply coaptible border B. 4-10 days
occurs between ___. (egal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 494. irginity and Defloration.
Duration of the Laceration:
Fresh bleeding laceration – recent origin
A. more than 30 days
Fresh healing with fibrin formation and with edema of surrounding tissue
– after 24 hours
B. 4-10 days. Healed laceration with congested edges and with sharp coaptible borders
– 4-10 days
Healed with sharp coaptible borders without congestion – >10 days / 2-3
C. 1-4 days
Healed Laceration with rounded non-coaptible borders and retraction of
edges – > 1 month
38. The right of the patient that should be respected by physician is ___. B. To exhaust grievance mechanism
39. This is the reduction in body temperature after death. B. Algor Mortis (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 120)
A. livor mortis
B. Algor Mortis.
C. rigor mortis
D. putrefaction
40. The right of the patient from the government EXCEPT ___. D. Right to be informed of his rights and obligations is an individual right
of the patient. Choices A,B,C are societal rights of the patient. (Magna
Carta of Patient's Rights and Obligations Act of 2017)
A. right to prevention and educational programs
A. hypocapnia
B. Hypoxia.
C. hypercapnia
D. hypothermia
42. The quantum of proof of evidence needed to prove guilt in an C. Substantial evidence
administrative case against a doctor is ___. (Source: Jose Rizal M. Reyes. (2019, April 28). Quantum of proof
required in administrative, civil and criminal case.
A. proof beyond reasonable doubt
B. written evidence
C. Substantial evidence.
D. Preponderance of evidence
43. According to RA 8353, rape is now a crime against a person. Select the C. There should be penetration of the vagina by the penis.
incorrect statement regarding the crime of rape. D. Husband cannot be charged with rape by wife (p. 91 Legal Medicine
A. John Doe inserted his penis in Jane Doe’s anus. He can be charged with Pedro Solis)
rape. (RA 8353, Anti-Rape Law)
B. Jane Doe strapped her co worker to the bed and inserted a dildo into his
anus. Jane Doe can be charged with rape.
C. There should be penetration of the vagina by the penis.
D. husband cannot be charged with rape by wife
44. The licensure for the physician is mandated to be given by __. C. Board of Medicine (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and
A. Commission on Higher Education Ethics)
B. Board of Medical Education
C. Board of Medicine
D. Association of Philippine Medical Colleges
45. Science of morals in human conduct is known as __. B. Ethics (p. 208 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
A. Dignity
B. Ethics
C. Medical Jurisprudence
D. Legal Medicine
46. Riffled firearms gives the following advantages EXCEPT__. D. to fire more pellets
A. Greater distance (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
B. Accurate trajectory
C. Gyroscopic spin of bullet
D. to fire more pellets
47. The spinning movement of the bullet is caused by __. C. Shot from a riffled gun (p. 344 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
A. Propellant detonated by the firing pin touching the percussion cap
B. Pull of gravity
C. Shot from a riffled gun
D. Difference in the weight of the nose and base of the bullet
48. Which of the following conditions hasten putrefaction of the dead body? D. Water leaking into the coffin (p. 141 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
A. Traumatic cause of death
B. Water leaking into the coffin
C. Deeper grave site
D. Dead body is clothed
49. The influence over patient’s referrals must be done to preserve the C. Cost escalation (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
following EXCEPT
A. Patient’s well-being
B. Physician primary duty
C. Cost escalation
D. Value of choice
50. Botulinum poisoning causes death by __. B. Respiratory arrest (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and
A. Parasympathetic stimulation Ethics)
B. Respiratory arrest
C. Diarrhea
D. Coronary arrest
51. Which of the following is not harmonious with the Nuremberg code for B. The humanitarian importance of the problem intended to be solved by
research? the research should be considered aboved anything else
A. The voluntary consent of participants is absolutely essential (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
B. The humanitarian importance of the problem intended to be solved
by the research should be considered aboved anything else
C. The experiment should be conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical
and mental suffering and injury of participants
D. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified
52. Charice Pempengco, the singer, was born a female but has transformed D. Transvestism (p. 537 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
into Jake Zyrus, dressing like a man. The practice of dressing and acting in a
manner associated with the opposite sex is __.
A. Transsexualism
B. Transgender
C. Intersexuality
D. Transvestism
53. Which of the following is the proof of facts from which when taken D. Circumstantial evidence (p. 19 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
collectively, the existence of the particular fact in dispute maybe inferred as
a necessary and probable consequence?
A. Direct evidence
B. Corroborative evidence
C. Eyewitness evidence
D. Circumstantial evidence
54. Select the situation that is included in the Physician Patient Professional C. Doctor Y refuses to give the patient the antibiotic for pneumonia
Relationship Contract (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics
A. Ruby’s pull through operation resulted in a colostomy
B. Ruby’s chemotherapy caused the patient’s immune system to fail
C. Doctor Y refuses to give the patient the antibiotic for pneumonia
D. Ruby’s chemotherapy session failed to cure the cancer
55. Crime is higher in the following situations EXCEPT __. C. Presence of guardians (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and
A. Absence of security Ethics)
B. Vulnerable victim
C. Presence of guardians
D. Motivated offender
56. Your friend is saying that she is 3 months pregnant. She got married 4 C. 5 months (p. 452 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
months ago. You were confused because when you examined her abdomen,
you located the uterine fundus at the level of the umbilicus. You explained to
your friend that she is already __ pregnant.
A. 3 months
B. 7 months
C. 5 months
D. 2 months
57. The entrance wound of a firm contact fire is characterized as _______. B. star-shaped. (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 355)
A. circular shaped
B. Star shaped
C. oval shaped
D. inverted edges
58. Manuel is suffering from pneumonia. He has the right to be free from C. Privacy (Solis, Pedro. Medical Jurisprudence, 1980. Composition of
intrusion from others. Information regarding his admission my not be Board of Medical Education, p.77)
disclosed under the ethical principle of _____.
A. Non-maleficence
B. confidentiality
C. privacy
D. self determination
59. Which of the following environment invites negative criticism in the D. Fault-Finding Committee
doctor-doctor relationship?
A.12 months
B. 16 months
C. 24 months
D. 8 months
66. Preponderance of evidence is the quantum of proof needed in order to D. civil court (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 19)
convict a physician of medical negligence filed in _____.
A. criminal court
B. court of appeal
C. Professional Regulation Commission
D. civil court
67. Which of the following situations does NOT relate to “right to life”? B. The individual right of the youth to be educated on reproductive health
A. The unborn child belongs to the vulnerable population (Source: Article 3: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Retrieved:
B. The individual right of the youth to be educated on reproductive health care
C. It is a foundation of the State based on law
D. The first moment of conception is a constitutive element of civil society
and its legislation
68. Juan was apprehended for driving under the influence At what blood level C. 0.1% (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 698)
of alcohol do you expect the driver will have impaired judgement?
A. 0.08%
B. 0.2%
C. 0.1%
D. 0.06%
69. If the alcohol level of an individual is 0.1%, you can expect _____. C. Impaired judgment (Source: Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis
1987; page 698)
A. Uninhibition
B. clumsy movement and fuzzy speech
C. impaired judgement
D. impairment of muscle coordination
70. The victim was involved in a vehicular accident. Studies have shown that A. Leg Fracture (Source: Legal Medicine by Pedro Solis 1987; page 320)
pelvic fracture is associated with more with which of the following obvious
A. Leg fracture
B. Head injury
C. Liver injury
D. Nerve injury
71. Which of the following situation can be considered a homicide versus a C. The death happened as a result of a vehicular accident (Solis, Pedro.
murder perpetuated by the accused? Legal Medicine, 1987. Murder vs. Homicidal death, pp.196-197)
A. Autonomy
B. Mon maleficence
C. Justice
D. Beneficence
73. The Board of Medicine and the Professional Regulation Commission B. act as expert witness in criminal cases of doctors (Solis, Pedro. Medical
has the following administrative duties EXCEPT___. Jurisprudence, 1980. Functions of the Board of Medicine, p.8)
A. mesmerism
B. somnambulism
C. delirium
D. somnolencia
80. Which of the following does NOT cause distraction during automobile A. Old age (This is not a cause of distraction in driving in RA 10913)
A. Old age
B. Radio music
C. Cellphone
D. Sleep deprivation
81. Doctor X prescribed demerol to a patient who is an addict without any D. life imprisonment (RA 9165. Section 18)
medical indication. After due process, the following are
the appropriate penalty EXCEPT __
82. After death, algor mortis occurs as the dead body __ B. cools progressively. (Solis, Pedro. Legal Medicine, 1987. Cooling of
the body. pp.120)
A. blood coagulates
B. cools progressively
C. lose corneal reflex
D. lose motor power
83. In research, an individual is said to be vulnerable if there is an C. Autonomy. (Preethi Shivayogi. Vulnerable Population and Methods of
equivalent threat to ___ their Safeguard. Perspect Clin Res. 2013 Jan-Mar; 4(1): 53–57.)
A. human dignity
B. individual responsibility
C. autonomy
D. personal integrity
84. Which is NOT an obligation of Mario as a patient? D. Post his ordeal in social media in social media to shame the doctor.
A. He should provide all accurate information durinq history taking. (Solis, Pedro. Medical Jurisprudence, 1980. Duties and Obligations
B. He should understand the cost of treatment. Imposed on the Patient in the Course of the Physician Relationship, p.35)
C. He should affect the consequence of his informed consent.
D. Post his ordeal in social media to shame the doctor.
85. A deliriant is exemplified by ___. C. glue sniffing. (Solis, Pedro. Legal Medicine, 1987. Deliriants. pp.680)
A. shabu
B. marijuana
C. glue sniffing
D. oxycodone
86. Select the poison that acts by stimulationg the nervous system. A. Strycnine (p. 713 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
A. Strycnine
B. Aconite
C. Ecstacy
D. Marijuana
87. Select the ethical principle that now defines medical quality in terms of D. Beneficence. (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
outcomes that are important to the patient and their family rather than the
medical professional.
A. Non maleficence
B. Autonomy
C. Justice
D. Beneficence
88. According to RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act, D. Lysergic acid diethylamide (p. 656 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
identify the Prohibited Drug from the following list.
A. Phenobarbital
B. Methaqualone
C. Benzedrine
D. Lysergic acid diethylamide
89. A hematoma that is now color bluish green indicates that the injury B. 5-6 days ago
happened . (p. 257 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
A. 1-4 days ago
B. 5-6 days ago
C. 7-10 days ago
D. 14-15 days ago
90. Which of the following deviates from the societal rights of the patient B. The presence of health clinic in the next town.
expected from the government? (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
A. The right to essential healthcare at an affordable cost.
B. The presence of health clinic in the next town.
C. The right to a safe and healthy workplace.
D. To benefit from the dengue prevention program.
91. In order to take the Physician Licensure Examination, an applicant must A. certificate of good moral character
present the following documents EXCEPT, (RA 2382 Article II Section 7)
A. certification of good moral character
B. birth certificate (PSA)
C. Doctor of Medicine degree
D. certificate of 12-month internship
92. The boy was caught with a sticky material the cops believe to be and B. 10 grams (RA 9165 Article II Section 11)
tested positive for marijuana resin. To avoid life imprisonment, he should
pray that the amount marijuana resin contained in the sachet is less than .
A. 50 grams
B. 10 grams
C. 500 grams
D. 100 grams
93. Identify the item which is NOT an element of informed consent as C. Payment (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
applied to medical practice and medical research?
A. Voluntariness
B. Disclosure
C. Payment
D. Understanding
94. In approximating the time of death of a victim, which of the following is D. The presence of maggots in the dead body indicates that the person has
TRUE? been deceased for more than 24 hours. (p. 148 Legal Medicine Pedro
A. Rigo mortis develops within 6 hours after death and may persist for more Solis)
than 72 hours.
B. The presence of fleas in the victim’s clothing suggests that the body has
been submerged in water for more than 24 hours.
C. Blood clotting in the victim’s body occurs 23 hours after death/
D. The presence of maggots in the dead body indicates that the person has
been deceased for more than 24 hours.
95. While playing golf, a thunder storm with lightning appeared, the players C. crutch down in the lowest spot (p. 418 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
should .
A. open an umbrella
B. go near the tree for cover
C. crutch down in the lowest spot
D. lie down
96. Signboards used in the promotion of medical practice should NOT be B. 1x2 meters (Code of Ethics of the Philippine Medical Association
more than . Article III Section 4)
A. 3x3 meters
B. 1x2 meters
C. 2x2 meters
D. 3x2 meters
97. The mitochondrial DNA of the victim can only be compared to the DNA C. mother (p. 599 Legal Medicine Pedro Solis)
of the .
A. son
B. uncle
C. mother
D. father
98. John is suffering from renal cell carcinoma. The doctors recommend C. Autonomy (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and Ethics)
chemotherapy. Considering the high cost of the drug and their lack of
financial capability, the children wanted to withhold the treatment even if it
will be beneficial to the patient. Beneficence is clashing with .
A. Justice
B. Maleficence
C. Autonomy
D. Non maleficence
99. To prove the medical negligence of doctor X in the management of B. a general surgeon (Basics of Philippine Medical Jurisprudence and
appendicitis of patient Y and the performance of appendectomy. The Ethics)
complaint need to establish the standard of care through the testimony of .
A. the relative
B. a general surgeon
C. the patient
D. the family physician
100. Which of the following is NOT a requisite for the use of the doctrine of B. The standard of medical care must be discussed by an expert in court.
Res Ipsa Loquitur? (p. 906 Dissecting Philippine Law and Jurisprudence of Medical
A. The injury suffered must not be due to any voluntary action of the person Malpractice, Darwin P. Angeles)
who suffered the injury.
B. The standard of medical care must be discussed by an expert in court.
C. The instrumentality which caused the injury was under control of the
person in charge.
D. The accident was of a kind which does not ordinarily occur unless
someone is negligent.