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Crmlts 22 Pre Test

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Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

Prelim Test


Follow the instructions before answering the examination.

1. A lens which is partly corrected for chromatic aberration?

a. anastigmatic lens b. astigmatism c. coma d. achromatic lens
2. A lens which is free from astigmatism and other types of lens defects?
a. achromatic lens b. coma c. astigmatism d. anastigmatic lens
3. The acetic acid which neutralize the alkali in the developer carried over that will prevent the weakening of the fixing solution and the staining of
the image produce.
a . ASA rating b. anti-staining agent c. Bright light d. developer
4. Refers to American Standards Association, expressed in arithmetical value system?
a. ASO rating b. ASA rating c. DIN rating d. ISO rating
5. A lens defect which is the inability to focus both horizontal and vertical plane at the same time or lines running in different directions?
a. astigmatic lens b. astigmatism c. achromatic lens d. coma
6. Refers to the absence of all colors of the spectrum?
a. aperture b. focal length c. black light d. bright light
7. A light-tight container or box equipped with simple lens, a shutter, and an arrangement for holding film and provided with a viewfinder?
a. camera b. digital camera c. Polaroid camera d. box camera
8. A natural light in which objects in open space casts a deep and uniform shadow?
a. dull light b. hazy sunlight c. bright light d. black light
9. This is attached to the shutter to prevent accidental movement of the camera during the exposure is made?
a. cable release b. camera grip c. central shutter d. exposure meter
10. A device used to hold firmly the camera so as to prevent the vibration or movement of the camera during the exposure period?
a. cable release b. camera grip c. central shutter d. exposure meter
11. A type of shutter that is usually located between the elements of the lens, made of metal leaves and its action starts from the center toward
the side, then closes back to the center?
a. cable release b. camera grip c. central shutter d. exposure meter
12. Refers to the lack of ability to focus the different colors of light on film at the same time?
a. contact print b. chromatic aberration c. coma d. curvature of field
13. The inability of the lens to produce image sizes of objects with different colors?
a. curvature of field b. chromatic difference of magnification
c. distortions d. chromatic aberration
14. Also referred to as lateral spherical aberration, it is a lens defect in which, the rays enters the lens obliquely?
a. curvature of field b. chromatic aberration c. coma d. astigmatism
15. It is a photographic positive made by the photographic paper while it is held tightly against the negative?
a. contrast b. contact print c. contrast filter d. contact printer
16. A wood or metal box, including a light and a switch by which the exposure time is controlled?
a. contrast b. contact print c. contrast filter d. contact printer
17. It refers to the tonal difference between the lightest and darkest segment or portion of a print?
a. contrast b. contact print c. contrast filter d. contact printer
18. Used to change the relative brightness value sot that colors which would otherwise be recorded as nearly the same will have different
brightness in the picture?
a. contrast b. contact print c. contrast filter d. contact printer
19. Used to change the response of the film so that all colors are recorded at approximately the relative brightness values as seen by the human
a. contrast filter b. correction filter c. curvature of field d. depth of field
20. A lens defect manifested when the image formed by a lens comes to a sharper focus on curved surface than on flat surface?
a. contrast filter b. correction filter c. curvature of field d. depth of field
21. A room capable of being completely darkened or blacked out” which contains tanks, running water, developing solutions, developing strays, a
sing, washer, dryer, enlarger, printer, and other apparatus necessary for the production of a finished photograph?
a. photography room b. dark room c. red room d. evidence room
22. It is the remoteness or distance measured from the nearest to the farthest object in apparent sharp focus when the lens set of focus is at a
particular distance?
a. contrast filter b. correction filter c. curvature of field d. depth of field
23. It is the distance toward and away from the film that the lens can be moved at a given f-value and the object still appears in interior?
a. depth of focus b. depth of hole c. depth of rating d. depth of filed
24. Refers to solutions in developing a photograph such as the amidol, hydroquinon and metol?
a. developing agents b. developing solutions c. developing film d. fixation
25. A chemical concoction, which causes the image on the film to develop out as a reverse image of the original scene or object photographed?
a. developing agents b. developing solutions c. developing film d. fixation
26. It is a method wherein a film is removed from the camera in a darkened place and treated with certain liquid chemicals so that a permanent
negative is produced?
a. developing agents b. developing solutions c. developing the film d. fixation
27. Refers to Deutche Industri Normen rating, expressed in logarithmic value system?
a. ASA rating b. DIN rating c. ASO rating d. ISO rating
28. A lens defect in which outer parts of the image produced by the lens will be magnified either more or less than the center image?
a. coma b. distortions c. aberration d. emulsion
29. A form of natural light in which objects in open space casts no shadows?
a. hazy light b. dim light c. dull light d. bright light
30. Consisting of light-sensitive silver salts in a gelatin medium and used to coat photographic films and papers?
a. exposure meter b. emulsion c. exposure d. fixation
31. It is the process of making large pictures from small negative?
a. large format b. digital format c. film advancer d. enlarging
32. Refers to the product of illumination and time?
a. exposure b. emulsion c. exposure meter d. fixation
33. An instrument, which actually measures the intensity of light falling on the subject?
a. exposure b. emulsion c. exposure meter d. fixation
34. A extension device of a lens use in photographing a minute objects?
a. exposure meter b. plate c. extension wire d. extension tube
35. Refers to a sheet or brass which has chromium-plated surface on one sided used for producing a highly glossed and smooth surface?
a. exposure meter b. glass plate c. ferrotype plate d. extension tube
36. A light sensitive material that is placed inside a camera to store any image the camera focuses.
a. film b. film holder c. film advancer d. filter film
37. It is necessary so that the exposed film can be wind or transferred to the take up spool and the unexposed film will be on the opposite side or
the lens for another exposure?
a. film b. film holder c. film advancer d. filter film
38. Essential part of the camera that grips the film firmly inside the camera.
a. film b. film holder c. film advancer d. filter film
39. A colored gelatin or homogenous medium which absorbs or transmits differentially light rays passing through it?
a. film b. film holder c. film advancer d. filter
40. Refers to the process of removing unexposed silver halides remaining in the emulsion after the first image of development of the latent image?
a. fixing bath b. developer c. fixation d. hardening agent
41. It is known as “hypo” and its purposes are to harden the gelatin and striking lens, to be bent forward?
a. fixing bath b. developer c. fixation d. hardening agent
42. Refers to silver halides which are light sensitive and impregnated in the emulsion exist as small crystals and upon development are converted to
pure silver granules?
a. ground glass b. grain size c. hardening agent d. raze filter
43. It is focused directly observing the image formed at the ground glass screen, placed behind the taking lens?
a. ground glass b. grain size c. hardening agent d. raze filter
44. Refers to potassium alum that solidifies the gelatin of the sensitized materials which was soften in the developing solution?
a. ground glass b. grain size c. hardening agent d. raze filter
45. A form of natural light in which objects in open space casts a transparent shadow?
a. ground glass b. grain size c. hardening agent d. raze filter
46. A part of a film based camera which is located at the opposite side of the lens?
a. film holder b. holder of sensitized material c. lens cover d. diaphragm
47. The nearest distance at which a lens is focused with a given particular diaphragm opening which will give the maximum depth of field?
a. film holder b. focal distance c. focal length d. hyperfocal distance
48. A light energy having a wave length greater than 700 millimicrons?
a. hazy light b. dim light c. dull light d. infrared light
49. It is a contrivance built into the lens mount, which may be opened and closed to control the passage of light through a lens?
a. film holder b. holder of sensitized material c. lens cover d. iris diaphragm
50. An essential part of the camera which is used to focus the light coming from the subject, it is mainly responsible for the sharpness of the image?
a. film holder b. holder of sensitized material c. lens d. iris diaphragm

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