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Sea Trails

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Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX

Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers



Thomas L. Johnson (Member)

Scientific Marine Services, Inc.,
David L. Webb (Member)
Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc.


The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) published the Guide for
Sea Trials Ref [1] in 1989 as an update to the 1973 Code for Sea Trials. Intended for ship
shaped vessels, it is useful for general planning purposes, but it lacks the detail specifically for
Dynamically Positioned (DP) Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs). Over the last three
years, Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (DODI) commissioned the DP semi-submersible
MODU Ocean Confidence and the DP ship-shaped MODU Ocean Clipper after upgrades to
several systems on both vessels including propulsion and the dynamic position control system.
This paper will compare and contrast the test plans for the Ocean Confidence and the Ocean
Clipper. Based on this experience, the authors would like to suggest a minimum required test
plan for sea trials that can be used to commission the two types of DP MODUs.

• Demonstration of operability,
INTRODUCTION • Demonstration of performance,
• Demonstration of economy,
• Demonstration of controllability,
The Ocean Clipper is a ship shaped Mobile • Provision of operating data.
Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) and the Ocean
Confidence is a semi-submersible type MODU. In the Sea trials can mean many things to many people.
last three years, both were upgraded by Diamond The main tests outlined in this paper are related to vessel
Offshore Drilling, Inc. (DODI) to allow them to drill in performance including:
deep water. Both vessels had propulsion and Dynamic
• Propulsion and hull girder vibration trials,
Position (DP) control system upgrades or retro-fits.
• Speed trials,
The topic of this paper is to compare and contrast the
• Maneuverability trials (where appropriate)
sort of sea trials required for commissioning these two
types of drilling vessels. The Society of Naval
♦ Stopping
Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) published
♦ Rotation
the Guide for Sea Trials Ref [1] in 1989 as an update to
♦ Turning circles
the 1973 Code for Sea Trials. In general, this is a good
♦ Thruster assisted turning
planning tool for sea trials. The sort of trials that are
♦ Pullout
missed by this guide are those related to azimuthing
Although important for commissioning, for the
thrusters and DP system checkout and commissioning.
purposes of this paper we will not consider Failure Mode
In general, the sea trial objectives for both
and Effect Analysis (FMEA) or the full Dynamic
vessels were:
Positioning (DP) system trials.

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

VESSEL PARTICULARS Table 2 Ocean Confidence Propulsion System

The Ocean Confidence semi-submersible Description Units Value
drilling unit particulars are listed in Table 1. Figures 1, Number of azimuthing # 8
2 and 3 are side elevation, forward elevation and thrusters
pontoon plan views of the vessel, respectively. Table 2
Propeller diameter meters 2.8
lists the propulsion system particulars.
Number of propeller blades # 4
Thruster Motor power kW 3,000
Table 1 Ocean Confidence Vessel Particulars
Thruster #’s 1,4,5,8 dual RPM 145/
Description Units Value speed 219
Displacement m. ton 47,063 Thruster #’s 2,3,6,7 single RPM 219
Operational Draft (22.8m) speed
Displacement m. ton 40,670 Number of Diesel engines for # 8
Survival Draft (16.3m) propulsion plant
Displacement m. ton 33,739 Max. thrust per propeller m. ton 50.6
Trials Transit Draft (10.5m)
Displacement m. ton 30,318
Light Transit Draft (7.9 m) The ship shaped Ocean Clipper drilling unit
Length of pontoons meter 97.5 particulars are listed in Table 3. Figures 4 and 5 are side
Distance between pontoons, meter 56 elevation and plan views of the vessel, respectively. Table
CL to CL 4 lists the propulsion system particulars.
Pontoon breadth meter 16.6
Pontoon depth meters 8.0 Table 3 Ocean Clipper Vessel Particulars
Number of pontoons # 2 Description Units Value
Number of columns per # 4
Length Over All meter 160.9
Breadth meter 33.2
Corner column diameter meter 11.3/
Depth to main deck meter 12.2
(Columns 1 & 4) 11.9
Transit & Operating Draft meter 7.3
Corner column sponsons meter 7.8 x
3.45 Displacement m. ton 26,100
Center column diameter meter 9.5
(Columns 2 & 3) Table 4 Ocean Clipper Propulsion System Particulars
Center column sponsons meter 9.4 x Description Units Value
Column spacing (transverse) meter 56.0 No. of main propellers # 2
Column spacing meter 23.5 Main propeller diameter meter 3.3
(longitudinally) No. of main propeller blades # 4
Keel to cellar deck elevation meter 35.3 Main propulsion power kW 5,590
Keel to bottom of cross meter 11.3 Main propeller max. thrust m. ton 80
No. of tunnel thrusters # 5
The thrusters on the Ocean Confidence are Thruster propeller diameter meter 2.4
controllable pitch/azimuthing type thrusters. The No. propeller blades # 4
propeller manufacturer was Rolls Royce/KaMeWa. Thruster motor power kW 1,735
Tunnel thruster max. thrust m. ton 25
No. of azimuthing thrusters # 1
Thruster propeller diameter meter 2.7
No. propeller blades # 4
Azimuth thruster power kW 1,865
Azimuth thruster max. thrust m. ton 32
The thruster manufacturer for the Ocean Clipper was
Rolls Royce/KaMeWa. The main propellers were

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

manufactured by Bird-Johnson. All propulsors on the SPEED TRIALS

Ocean Clipper were fixed pitch/variable speed type.
The Ocean Confidence has various drafts at which it
operates; transit (7.9m to 10.65m), survival (16.8m) and
VIBRATION TRIALS operating (22.8m). The Ocean Clipper has a single
operating and transit draft (7.3m). Speed trials were
Vibration trials were conducted on both the conducted on the Ocean Confidence at both the transit and
Ocean Clipper and the Ocean Confidence. The Ocean operating draft. The transit draft speed tests were used to
Confidence is propelled by eight azimuthing thrusters. verify cruising speed for future rig moves. The operating
These thrusters are operated at a fairly high RPM and draft speed runs were used to compare to predictions and
they are relatively low power compared to main to update vessel capability plots. Vessel speed at transit
propellers on a ship shaped vessel. Hull girder draft is summarized in the maneuvering placard. Figure 7
excitation is not generally expected to be a major is a plot of speed versus pitch setting for the Ocean
problem. The Ocean Confidence is a symmetric vessel. Confidence at operational draft.
To save cost two thrusters were instrumented for
vibrations and it was assumed that the other six thrusters
would behave similarly. The USCG guideline Ref. [2] MANEUVERING TRIALS
was followed and two tri-axial accelerometer packages
were placed on each instrumented thruster, on top of the Maneuvering trials at transit draft were performed
motor housing and on the thruster foundation. The on both the Ocean Clipper and the Ocean Confidence.
accelerations were single integrated to give velocities They included:
that could be compared to the USCG guidelines. Under ♦ Stopping
the conditions that the thrusters will be operated, they ♦ Turning circles
performed within the recommended limits of 0.3 ♦ Pullout
inch/sec for the motor, 0.4 inch/sec (continuous) for the These sort of maneuvering trials are warranted for a
foundation and 0.7 inch/sec (intermittent) for the ship shaped vessel that will transit within restricted
foundation. See Figure 6 as an example of the output waterways, like the Ocean Clipper. Figure 8 is a
used to summarize the vibration trials testing. maneuvering placard developed for the Ocean Clipper.
The Ocean Confidence by contrast cannot transit under its
The objectives of the Ocean Clipper vibration own power into port due to draft restrictions in all but the
trials were different compared to the Ocean Confidence. deepest fjiords. It is the authors’ opinion that maneuvering
The Vessel had been upgraded by adding sponsons and trials be performed on a DP semi-submersible consistent
adding deck weight. It was conjectured that the ship with the method that the vessel will operate. Figure 9 is a
structural natural periods may have changed sufficiently maneuvering placard for the Ocean Confidence that
to cause hull girder resonant excitation from the main includes traditional turning circle and stopping
propellers. With this in mind, the Ocean Clipper was information.
instrumented to measure vibration at the following
locations: Stopping Tests
♦ Hull Girder at the Aft Perpendicular The Ocean Confidence is a semi-submersible with
♦ Port Thrust Bearing Top eight azimuthing thrusters. Even at transit draft and full
♦ STBD Thrust Bearing Top speed it can stop within 1.5 ship lengths, whereas the ship
♦ Port Aft Crane Pedestal shaped Ocean Clipper requires 6 ship lengths as can be
♦ STBD Aft Crane Pedestal determined from examination of Figure 8. This makes the
♦ Drilling Derrick at Monkey Boards Ocean Confidence a highly maneuverable vessel when
♦ Tunnel thruster #1 foundation underway.
♦ Tunnel thruster #2 foundation
None of the locations were measured to have Turning Circle Tests
excessive vibratory motions when compared to It should be noted that a DP semi-submersible is not
habitability or the USCG structural standards. Ref. [3] controlled in transit like a ship shaped vessel. When the
describes the methodology used to measure vibrations Ocean Confidence is transiting the deck officers use the
on a ship shaped vessel with main propulsion. computer controlled “Thruster Control Station” (TCS).
Azimuthing thrusters do not behave like rudders when
under TCS control. When a quick turn is requested all
thrusters azimuth to give maximum yaw moment. The
turning circles produced do not look like the classic

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

turning diagrams shown on the maneuvering placard. Table 6 Ocean Confidence fuel consumption rates
Generally, the DP semi vessel can be stopped and Avg. No. of Thruster Fuel
turned to a new heading easier than trying to control the Total Thrusters Pitch Consumption
vessel like a ship shaped vessel and in essence this is Power Running Setting Rate
what happens when a 90 degree turn command is Output (%) (gal/hr /
executed on the TCS. Note the much smaller advance (kW) [m. ton/hr])
and transfer numbers compared to the ship shaped 14,750 8 80% 1,162 [3.74]
Ocean Clipper.
11,450 8 67% 815 [2.62]
Pullout Tests
Pullout tests are used on ship shaped vessel to
determine the dynamic stability of the vessel coming out CONCLUSIONS
of a turn when the rudders are commanded back
amidships. Some ships’ rate of turn never decay to zero From comparing and contrasting the sea trials
and are deemed unstable. The eight azimuthing thrusters conducted on the Ocean Clipper and the Ocean
make the Ocean Confidence dynamically stable coming Confidence we conclude the following:
♦ Vibration studies on a ship shape with a conventional
out of a turn because the thrusters are always thrusting
forward. The vessel must be stable under these twin propeller propulsion system are appropriate for
conditions. Pullout tests are inappropriate for DP semis ship shape drilling vessels. Special vibration studies
with azimuthing thrusters at each corner. that follow the USCG guideline for thrusters are
appropriate for tunnel and azimuthing thruster sea
trials on a both ship shaped and semi-submersible DP
♦ Speed trials at operating and transit draft on a ship
Typical strict ship Economy trials were not shaped or semi-submersible DP drilling vessel are
warranted since the ancillary loading of the drilling appropriate for operations, capability plots and
equipment and hotel loads during DP operations will planning purposes.
constitute the largest loading of the system, rather than ♦ Maneuvering trials are appropriate for ship shaped
ship transit mode. There were concerns regarding vessels that will transit under their own power in
transiting fuel consumption that were considered with restricted waterways. A sub-set of traditional ship
abbreviated Economy trials on both the Ocean Clipper shaped maneuvering trials tailored for the mode of
and Ocean Confidence. Objectives of endurance/ operation of a DP semi are appropriate.
economy trials included:
• Demonstration of satisfactory operation of the
propulsion plant for a specified period of time, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
• Determination of the rate of fuel consumption of
The authors would like to thank our respective
the plant when operating at specified power output,
companies for supporting the effort to produce this paper,
• Determination of performance characteristics of the
Scientific Marine Services Inc. and Diamond Offshore
machinery plant or components.
Drilling, Inc..
The endurance tests were run and both vessels proved
their ability to run for the prescribed period of time REFERENCES
without maintenance. The results of the fuel economy
trials for both vessels are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. [1] Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,
1989, Guide for Sea Trials, Technical and Research
Table 5 Ocean Clipper fuel consumption rates Bulletin 3-47, Jersey City, New Jersey.
Avg. Aft Main Fuel [2] United States Coast Guard Engineering Logistics
Total Azimuthing Propeller Consumption Center, 1999, Design Standard For Evaluation Of
Power Thruster RPM Rate Ship Propulsion Machinery Vibration, Baltimore,
Output Installed? (RPM) (gal/hr / MD
(kW) [m. ton/hr]) [3] Frank DeBord, Jr., William Hennessy and Joseph
5,900 No 150 450 [1.45] McDonald, 1998, “Measurement and Analysis of
5,500 Yes 140 427 [1.37] Shipboard Vibrations”, Marine Technology and
SNAME News, Vol. 35, Number 1, January, Jersey
City, New Jersey.

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 1 Ocean Confidence side elevation view

Figure 2 Ocean Confidence front elevation view

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 3 Ocean Confidence pontoon plan view

Figure 4 Ocean Clipper side elevation view

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 5 Ocean Clipper plan view

Figure 6 Example vibration summary on Ocean Confidence Thruster 5

Operating Draft
Thruster 5 Foundation X RMS Velocities
100% 90% 80% -100% Intermittent Limit Continuous Limit


RMS Velocity (in/s)






0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315
Azimuth (degrees)

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 7 Ocean Confidence operating draft speed versus azimuthing thruster propeller pitch setting

Operating Draft
Speed versus Propeller Pitch
Average of Two Reciprocal Runs

100% 3.6 4.2

Thrusters 1,4,5,8 in High Speed and Thrusters 2,3,6,7 in Low Speed

Thrusters 1-8 in High Speed

80% 2.9 3.4

Propeller Pitch (%)


1.9 2.2



0% 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Speed (knots)

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 8 Ocean Clipper maneuvering placard

Tactical Diameter Tactical Diameter

Transfer Transfer

Port A Starboard
Turning d Turning
Circle v Circle
Initial Point Initial Point

Time to 90o
Tactical heading
Diameter Advance Transfer change
RPM (feet) (feet) (feet) (min. : sec.)
Full Speed Port 180 1115 1371 482 1:34
Starboard 180 1115 1371 482 1:34
Half Speed Port 90 1110 1305 477 2:57
Starboard 90 1110 1305 477 2:57


Distance Time
(feet) (min. : sec.)
Full Speed 3168 4:42
Half Speed 782 2:12

RPM versus Speed Thruster Effectiveness

Azimuthing Thruster Retracted Forward Thusters Time to turn 30o
RPM Speed Speed Used from Original Heading
50 3.14 (knots) (seconds)
90 6.09 0 1&3 48
140 9.44 0 5&6 57.5
180 11.68
Speed is in knots 3 none 141.5
3 1&3 55
Vessel Condition 3 5&6 90
Trials Full Load
Displacement 25,724 25,724 LT 6 none 75
Draft Forward 24.00 24.00 Feet 6 1&3 49
Draft Aft 24.00 24.00 Feet 6 5&6 61
Mean Draft 24.00 24.00 Feet
Trim 0.00 0.00 Feet 9 none 67
LOA 527.83 527.83 Feet 9 1&3 46.4
Beam 109.00 109.00 Feet 9 5&6 49.5
Depth (molded) 40.00 40.00 Feet

The response of OCEAN CLIPPER may be different from that listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which the
maneuvering information is based, are varied: 1) Calm weather - seas calm wind 10 knots or less; 2) No current; 3) Water
depth at least twice the vessel's draft; 4) Clean hull and; 5) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim

Proceedings of the 10th Offshore Symposium, February 20 2001, Houston, TX
Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Figure 9 Ocean Confidence maneuvering placard

Time to 90o
heading Tactical
Initial Speed Advance Transfer change Diameter
(kts) Pitch (%) (meter) (meter) (min. : sec.) (meter)
45o TCS Turn Control Thrusters 1-8 @ 219 RPM 6 80% 252 155 3 min 15 s 370
90o TCS Turn Control Thrusters 1-8 @ 219 RPM 6 80% 200 65 2 min 27 s 147
45o TCS Turn Control Thrusters 1,4,5,8 off, Thrusters
2,3,6,7 @ 219 RPM 4.1 80% 278 120 3 min 50 s 293
90o TCS Turn Control Thrusters 1,4,5,8 off, Thrusters
2,3,6,7 @ 219 RPM 3.8 80% 160 52 2 min 40 s 130


Thruster Thruster Initial Elapsed Ahead

Propeller 1, 4, 5, 8 2,3,5,7 Speed Time to Stop Reach
Pitch (%) RPM RPM (knots) (min., sec.) (meter)
50% High High 3.8 1 min 8 s 108
80% High High 5.6 1 min 10 s 141
100% High High 6.7 1 min 14 s 160

70% Low High 3.3 1 min 8 s 81

85% Low High 3.6 1 min 7 s 86
100% Low High 4.3 1 min 20 s 112
Stopping tests conducted at 10.5 m trials draft.

Propeller Pitch versus Speed

Measured Predicted
Propeller Speed at Speed at
Thruster Pitch 10.5m 7.9m
RPM Setting Setting Draft Draft
(%) (knots) (knots)
High/High 50% 3.8 5.9
High/High 80% 5.6 8.7
High/High 100% 6.9 10.7
Low/High 70% 3.2 5
Low/High 85% 3.6 5.6
(High = 219 rpm, Low = 145 rpm) Low/High 100% 4.3 6.7
Thrusters 1,4,5 and 8 are two speed controllable pitch thrusters.
Thrusters 2,3,6 and 7 are single speed controllable pitch thrusters.

Trials Condition Units
Displacement 33,739 30,918 m. ton
Draft Forward 10.50 7.90 meter
Draft Aft 10.50 7.90 meter
Mean Draft 10.50 7.90 meter
Trim 0.00 0.00 meter
LOA 97.50 97.50 meter

The response of OCEAN CONFIDENCE may be different from that listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which the
Maneuvering information is based, are varied: 1) Calm weather - seas calm wind 15 knots or less; 2) No current; 3) Water
depth at least twice the vessel's draft; 4) Clean hull and; 5) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim


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