and shoulders were pushed into the entrance. Tabaqui, behind him, was squeaking. “My
lord, my lord, it went in here!”
“Shere Khan does us great honour,” said Father Wolf, but his eyes were very angry. “What
does Shere Khan need?”
“My quarry. A man’s cub went this way,” said Shere Khan. “Its parents have run off. Give it
to me.”
Shere Khan had jumped too near a woodcutter’s campfire and was furious from the pain of
his hurting feet. But Father Wolf knew that the mouth of the cave was too narrow for a tiger
to come in. Even where Shere Khan stood now, his shoulders and fore paws were cramped
because there wasn’t enough room.
“The wolves are a free people,” said Father Wolf. “They take orders from the Head of the
Pack, and not from any striped cattle-killer. The man’s cub is ours – to kill if we choose.”
“You choose and you do not choose! What talk is this of choosing? By the bull that I killed,
am I to stand with my nose inside your dog’s den waiting for what is mine? It is I, Shere
Khan, who speaks!”
The tiger’s roar filled the cave with thunder. Mother Wolf shook herself clear of the cubs and
jumped forward, her eyes like two green moons in the darkness, facing the blazing eyes of
Shere Khan.
“And it is I, Raksha, who answers. The man’s cub is mine! He shall not be killed. He shall live
to run with the Pack and to hunt with the Pack; and in the end, look at you, hunter of little
naked cubs – frog-eater – fish-killer – he shall hunt you! Now leave, or by the animal that I
killed (I do not eat starved cattle), you will go back to your mother weaker than the day you
were born! Go!”
Father Wolf looked on amazed. He had almost forgotten the days when he won Mother Wolf
in a fair fight from five other wolves. Shere Khan might have faced Father Wolf, but he could
not stand up against Mother Wolf. He knew that because of his position, she had the
advantage and would fight to the death. So he backed out of the cave mouth growling, and
when he was clear he shouted, “Each dog barks in his own yard! We will see what the Pack
will say to this looking after of man cubs. The cub is mine, and to my teeth he will come in
the end, O bush-tailed thieves!”
A) burned himself.
B) fought with Mother Wolf.
A) involved violence.
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