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Control of Servo System of CNC Machine Using PID: Publishing Date: December 12, 2016

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International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol.

42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

Control of Servo System of CNC Machine using PID

Ahmed Musa Ahmed Mohamed1 and Dr. Eltahir Mohamed Hussein2

Control Engineering, Al- Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan
Biomedical Engineering Department, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Faculty of
Engineering, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Publishing Date: December 12, 2016

Abstract increasing demand to manufacture complicated

This research concentrates on computer numerical control components of high accuracy in large quantities,
(CNC) as one of the modern control system which has a sophisticated technological equipment and
great benefits and Reduced the problems and errors of the machinery have been developed. Production of
traditional machines that depend on operators the main these components calls for machine tools which can
problems of traditional machines are waste of time and
effort beside that CNC machines have the capability of
be set up fairly rapidly without much attention [3].
producing the complicate pieces in a mass production The design and construction of Computer
form in a very limited time as any other machines the Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines differs
CNC machine faces some problem such as technical greatly from that of conventional machine tools.
errors due to high temperature the actuator deviation and This difference arises from the requirements of
finally the error produced by the motor used as motion higher performance levels. The CNC machines can
source one of the CNC error is tracking error from the be operated automatically using computers. A CNC
servo motor using PID controller for position and speed is specifically defined as “The numerical control
control minimizes this error hence improving the motor system where a dedicated, stored program computer
performance and increased the quality of the product as
desire by the designers.
is used to perform some or all of the basic
Keywords: PID Controller, DC Servo Motor, CNC numerical control functions in accordance with
control programs stored in read & write memory of
Machines and Matlab Program.
the computer” by Electronic Industries Association
(EIA) [4]. CNC is a microprocessor based control
system that accepts a set of program instructions,
1. Introduction processes and sends output control information to a
machine tool, accepts feedback information
Mechatronics are the synergistic integration of
acquired from a transducer placed on the machine
sensors, actuators, signal conditioning, power
tool and based on the instructions and feedback,
electronics, decision and control algorithms, and
assures that proper motion, speed and operation
computer hardware and software to manage
occur. Some of the important parts of CNC
complexity, uncertainty, and communication in
machines are Machine structure, guide ways, feed
engineered systems[2]. Mechatronics are including
drives, spindle and Spindle bearings, measuring
40% electricity, 30% mechanics, 20% electronics
systems, controls, software and operator interface,
and 10% programming so CNC machines are
gauging, tool monitoring .The information stored in
department for applications of mechatronics
the computer can be read by automatic means and
engineering. The present day computer can be
converted into electrical signals, which operate the
considered as a direct consequence of the progress
electrically controlled servo systems. Electrically
in the field of numerical control of machine tools. A
controlled servo systems permits the slides of a
real break-through was achieved around 1965 when
machine tool to be driven simultaneously and at the
numerical control machines were fitted with
appropriate feeds and direction so that complex
minicomputers which introduced the name
shapes can be cut, often with a single operation and
Computer Numerical Control. The first step in the
without the need to reorient the work piece.
process of implementing automation in any industry
Computer Numerically Control can be applied to
is to manufacture parts or components through
milling machines, Lathe machines, Grinding
automation using machines and machine tools with
machines, Boring machines, Flame cutters, Drilling
little human intervention. In order to meet the
machines etc .PID ( Proportional (P), the integral

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

(I), and the derivative (D)) controllers are This signal (u) will be sent to the plant, and the new
everywhere due to its simplicity , robustness, and output (Y) will be obtained. The new output (Y)
excellent if not Optimal performance in many will be sent back to the sensor again to find the new
applications, PID controllers are used in More than error signal (e). The controller takes this new error
95% of closed-loop industrial processes [5] . signal and computes its derivative and it’s integral
again. This process goes on and on.
1.1 The Proposed System:

Figure 1: The Block Diagram of the Proposed System

1.2 Steps for Design PID Controller: 3 - Use K d to reduce the overshoot and settling
1 - Determine what characteristics of the system 4 - Use K i to eliminate the steady- state error.
need to be improved.
2 - Use K p to decrease the rise time.

1.3 Open loop step response in dc servo motor modeling in equation:

Step Res pons e Sy s tem: g

80 Ris e Time: N/A
70 Sy s tem: g
Peak amplitude >= 75
Ov ers hoot (%): NaN
60 A t time (s ec ) > 1.5e+003






0 500 1000 1500
Time (s ec )

Figure 2: Step Response for Open Loop of dc Servo Motor

Normally PID controllers are used to improve the position or the speed, or both. The basic continuous
transient response of DC servo motors. feedback controller is PID controller which
possesses good performance.
1.4 DC servo motor by using PID controller:
Servomotors use feedback controller to control the

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

1.5 Position Control:

Figure 3: Using PID controller to control the position of dc servo motor

1.6 PID Controller:

For the general PID controller transfer function of the closed loop system dc servo motor its written as :

G ( S) = K*[Kd S^2 + Kp S + Ki] / J S^3 + ( Kd + B ) S^2 + Kp S + Ki

Using matlab program :

Step Response
System: g
1.2 Peak amplitude: 1.01
Overshoot (%): 1.34 System: g
A t time (sec): 0.47 Final Value: 1
System: g
Rise Time (sec): 0.138
System: g
Settling Time (sec): 0.225




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (sec)

Figure 4: Step response for PID controller

1.7 Velocity control:


Figure 5: Using PID controller to control the velocity of dc servo motor

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

2. Matlab Simulink Technology represent systems the useful from this system
research and user perform to tests needed to build a
We are used Matlab simulink technology because it model or take older model and applied tests or
considers the best method to modeling and additions.


e u u y

PID Control l er Pl ant


Proporti onal

1 100 1
e Integral Integrator u

100 du/dt

Deri vati ve Deri vati ve1


1 1
10s2 +20s
u y
Identi fi ed Pl ant Model


Figure 6: Simulink Technique in Matlab Program (a) PID controller (b) Transfer Function of dc servo

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

3. Results of error sources can be reduced by improving the

mechanical hardware or utilizing compensation
Geometric errors of machine components and techniques, but cannot be reduced by the control
structures and Errors induced by the distortions and techniques discussed in this search.
Deflection errors caused by cutting forces in this set

3.1 Results of Simulation

Table 1: Results of PID Controller Parameters

Close Loop Rise Time Settling Overshoot (%) Peak Steady

Response (sec) Time Amplitude State

P controller 0.281 3.78 48.5 1.48 1

PD controller 0.189 0.85 10.6 1.11 1

PI controller 0.119 0.34 7.42 1.07 1

PID controller 0.138 0.225 1.34 1.01 1

3.1.1 P Controller 3.1.5 P-PI Controller

In this control method reducing the rise time but In this method using to control the velocity of dc
never eliminates the steady state error and present servo motor so that increasing the stability of the
overshoot. system because reduce rise time and reduce the
3.1.2 PD Controller
In this method control of dc servo motor reduce rise 4. Conclusion
time and eliminate the steady state error
Finally in this research and according to the
3.1.3 PI Controller simulations and experimental results, a comparison
of these servo controllers is summarized in Table
In this method control of dc servo motor increasing
3.Based on the comparison, the selection of servo-
the stability of the system because reduce rise time
controllers for different machine tool contouring
and reduce the overshoot
applications and cutting conditions is suggested in
3.1.4 PID Controller the following:
The P controller works well only when cutting a
Enhancement stability of Dc servo motor in CNC contour on a machine with small friction, small
machines system using this method control because cutting loads, small mismatch in axial parameters,
reduce rise time and reduce the overshoot and and conventional feed rates (e.g., 0.25 m/min ~ 10 I
eliminate the steady state error so that reduce the p m).The PID controller has a good disturbance
tracing error caused by point - to - point path rejection ability and is more robust to mismatched
position system .The position error (X-axis and Y- axial parameters. Its drawbacks are poor tracking
axis) is the linear distance between the actual tool ability of nonlinear contours and sharp corners, and
position and the reference point .The purpose of in addition, it may result in an overshoot at
tracking control (point - to – point path system) is stopping. Therefore, the PID controller is preferred
to minimize the position errors of each axis .PID on low-speed machines. Usually, a deceleration is
controller decrease the position errors of each axis needed at the end of every contour segment in order
so that more accuracy for machine tool in CNC to avoid the overshooting problem .However, these
machine and enhancement for tracking control increases the total cutting time. A special algorithm
method by dc servo motor which is decrease the can be utilized to perform corner tracking: the I
error in final product by CNC machines. component of the PID controller can be turned off
before the corner. This, however, can cause

International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Vol. 42, Issue 01
Publishing Month: December 2016
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN (Online): 2320-6608

undercut and contour errors because of the friction

and other disturbances.

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[2] Industrial centre, “computer numerical control
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[3] www.jvalentino@qcc.cuny.edu/ Accessed on
[4] Suk-Hwan Suh , Seong-Kyoon Kang , Dae-
Hyuk Chung , Ian Stroud ,“Theory and design
of CNC systems”, British Library , March
[5] Jinghua Zhong, “PID Controller Tuning: A
Short Tutorial”, Mechanical Engineering,
Purdue University, spring, 2006.
[6] Parker Hannifin– Electromechanical
Automation Div. /800-358-9070
www.parkermotion.com, 2007.
[7] Banu Akar , Neşe Kaynak , Duygu Gökçe ,
Meltem Erdi, “Computer Numerical
Control(CNC)”, Hacettepe University
Chemical Engineering Department, 22.12.2010


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