Krashen (2003)
Krashen (2003)
Krashen (2003)
CDr=,I\AJ\~' n ,- •...••...,....•••.•
2. It is easier to understand text in a language you alreadyknow. Some of this variation is due to age; the correlation between age and the
3. Once you can read, you can read; reading ability transfers across lan- relation of L1 to L2 reading ability is -.32 (correlation between average grade
guages. level, at times estimated from age, and L1-L2 reading comprehension corre-
lations; based on 14 studies). In other words, correlations between reading
ability across languages are higher for younger children. For those studies us-
Correlational Studies ing only Spanish speakers, the relation was strong (r = -.801, n = 6 studies).
Support for step 3 comes from several sources (for a review, see Krashen, This result suggests that reading ability in the primary language has its
1996), and includes studies showing a clear correlation between reading in strongest effect in the early stages of second-language literacy development.
primary and second languages: Those who read better in their primary language An especially clear case of this is Hacquebord (cited in Bosser, 1991), who
also tend to read better in English. In Table 3.1, I review some of these studies. tested the same subjects at age 13.9 and again at 15.9. The correlation between
Inspection of the fourth column, "r with L1 RC" (correlation of scores on their ability to read in their first language (Turkish) and their second (Dutch)
tests of reading comprehension in first and second languages), shows that al- declined from .4 at age 13.9 to .09 at age 15.9.
though most correlations are positive, there is some variation. In the early stages of second-language literacy acquisition, the influ-
ence of fluency in the primary language appears to be stronger than the influ-
ence of spoken second-language competence (Escamilla, 1987; Tregar &
TABLE 3.1 Relation between first- and second-language literacy
Wong, 1984). This is, of course, the essence of Cummins's important distinc-
tion between conversational and academic language and his hypothesis of a
strong relation between academic language proficiency in first and second
Escamilla (198}) Spanish 4 OA8 0.19 languages (Cummins, 1981; see also Cummins, chapter 1 in this volume).
Saville-Troike (1984) various 2-6 0.26 Saville-Troike's (1984) study of 19 children, grades 2-6; deserves spe-
Tregar & Wong (1984) Spanish elementary 0.95 0.1
cial mention. She reported low correlations between English reading ability
school (3-5)
Tregar & Wong (1984) Chinese elementary OA -0.17
and measures of oral fluency (r = .26), and even lower correlations between
school English reading ability and the amount of interaction children had with other
Cummins et al. (1984) Japanese 2-6 0.23 children or adults in English (r = -.057 and .131, respectively). Because of
Hacquebord (in Basser, Turkish age 13.9 OA the variety of first languages involved, no measure of Llliteracy was available,
1991 )
but Saville-Troike notes that
Gonzales (1989) Spanish 6 OA8 OA4
Garcia-Vazquez et al. Spanish 8 0.24 0.74 in almost all cases bilingual instructors' judgments of students' relative com-
petence in native language studies coincided with the same students' relative
Hacquebord (in Basser, Turkish age 15.9 0.09
achievement in English ... [a] Japanese girl who scored highest in reading
English, for instance, was reported to read several years above grade level in
Tregar & Wong (1984) Spanish middle 0.26 OA2
Japanese, and her Japanese vocabulary and grammar were considered "ex-
school (6-8)
Tregar & Wong (1984) ceptional" for a child her age. (p. 214)
Chinese middle school -0.14 -0.59
Cummins et al. (1984) Vietnamese age 13.2 * Al, .51
Oketani (1997) Japanese age 20 0.21
(There were, however, two exceptions-two students who read very well in
Nguyen et al. (2000) Vietnamese 5-8 0.06 their first language but made little progress in English reading that year.)
Cabo-Lewis et al. (2002) Spanish 2 and 5 0.55 August, Calderon, and Carlo (2001) examined the relation between read-
Okamura-Bichard (1985) Japanese 6 0.09 ing ability in the first language at the end of second grade and reading ability
• low length of residence (LOR) (5-22 months)
in English at the end of third grade, a design that makes a great deal of sense:
One would expect the impact of first-language literacy to have a greater impact
on subsequent second-language literacy than on current second-language lit- In a personal communication bye-mail, areporter for the Santa Cruz
eracy. Controlling for oral ability and general intelligence, the authors report- Sentinel, then in the process of preparing a series of articles on bilingual educa-
ed that performance on a test of word identification at grade 2 in Spanish tion, questioned the generality of this phenomenon. She said that this case study
predicted word identification competence in English one year later, but only was "interesting," but "perhaps it is the exception to the rule." To see if this case
for those who received early instruction in Spanish. was an exception I posted a request on severallistservs, asking whether Ruiz's
Cabo-Lewis, Eilers, Pearson, and Umbel (2002) reported that for case was indeed an exception, or whether according to educators' experience it
second- and fifth-grade acquirers of English as a second language who spoke really was true that once children read very well in their first language, and
Spanish as a first language, performance on tests involving reading and writ- have some aural competence in English, they pick up English reading quickly.
ing (Word Attack, Letter-Word, Passage Comprehension, Proofing and Lorraine Ruiz herself was among those who responded, and she con-
Diction) were highly intercorrelated, regardless of the language of the test. firmed that the event was not an isolated one: "The same thing happened in
Performance on tests involving oral language (verbal analogies, oral vocabu- other classes that I have taught as well. As research indicates, once you can
lary), however, intercorrelated only with other oral tests given in the same read you can read. It is just a matter of transferring the skills to another Ian-
language. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that literacy trans- guage." Here are some of the other testimonials I received:
fers across languages.
"Transition was 'a piece of cake'" (sent by Yolanda Garcia, Redwood City,
These correlational studies are consistent with other areas of research: California):
Comparisons of bilingual and all-English alternatives for limited-English-
I was an assistant in a 1st grade Bilingual class at Selby Lane School...about
proficient (LEP) children consistently show that those in bilingual education 11 years ago. I taught the Spanish speakers reading, writing, and arithmetic
programs that are set up correctly, that include reading in the primary language and the teacher taught the English speakers (30 students per class). Two of the
as well as subject matter taught in English, read in English as well as or bet- three groups were on or near grade level. After that year I left assisting and
ter than those in all-English programs (Krashen, 1996; Krashen & Biber, 1988; went to graduate school for my teaching credential. As part of an independ-
Oller & Eilers, 2002). ent study I returned to track that group of students (and had them perform a
play that I converted from one of their literature books). Then in third grade,
their teacher told me that their transition had been a piece of cake. They were
Reports From Teachers reading with the fluency of their English-only counterparts, had the compre-
hension, and their test scores were high! They were also in a strong ESL pro-
In addition, reports from teachers confirm that transfer of reading ability from gram. Then a few years later, while taking a CLAD [Crosscultural, Language,
the first to the second language occurs. In Krashen (1996), I published a case and Academic Development certificate] preparation course, I met a teacher
history showing that children who learned to read in Spanish found it easy to who taught Junior High. She was raving about a group of students that she had
transfer this knowledge to English (pp. 28-29). Here is a synopsis: and their high level of English fluency and excellent test scores. To my sur-
prise she was talking about my same group of students!
Lorraine Ruiz taught a second-grade class of Spanish speakers, all LEP or
I do not believe they were the exceptions to the rule. We had a good pro-
non-English speakers. The children had aural comprehensible input in English,
gram with continuity and a positive transition program .... I have been an em-
but much of the curriculum was in Spanish and reading was taught in Spanish ployee in the bilingual program with the Redwood City School District for 25
done with whole language teaching "with a little dab of phonics." Ms. Ruiz years. I have seen it roller coaster, both functioning and faltering. At one point
had a classroom library with books in both English and Spanish. At the begin- the program was unstable due to lack of parent education, or support. There
ning of the year the children could not read the English books, but by the end were also many changes in staff and an adrriinistration causing discontinuity.
of the year they could. The children themselves were amazed. One child asked When these factors became stable, students gained a strong development of
their native language. This ability to dominate their native language enabled
Ms. Ruiz, "When did you teach us to read in English?" My conclusion was
them to dominate English (and other Romance Languages). Our students end
that Ms. Ruiz helped them learn to read in Spanish-and once you can read, up prepared to live in a global world with the advantage of speakinglknowing
you can read. I also claimed that this experience was not an isolated one. multiple languages, and more importantly, having a strong sense of self.
"The more proficient the Spanish reading, the more easily English read-
"They transition themselves" (sent by Ginny Kalish, selected as teacher of
ing is achieved" (sent by Kerry Anne Dees, Redwood City, California):
the year by the Arizona Educational Foundation):
As second and third grade aged students grow from beginning to more fluent
I teach a bilingual second grade. My best readers in Spanish who have had a
readers I see this change occur annually. In the beginning of the year they
great deal of exposure to oral English just pick up English books and start read-
don't themselves believe that they can read in English and I have never forced
ing. I have one girl who is writing in her journal in English (her choice) every-
the issue. But having a library such as the one named above [Ruiz's classroom
day. The monolingual English teachers say her entries rival their top students'
library], the students eventually find the courage and take on the challenge to
entries. When their skills are strong in their first language, and they have had
read out of those English books. They share with their peers and attack the text
lots of exposure listening to English it seems that they transition themselves. I
with all of the reading strategies they have learned: decoding, contextual
have had students pick up English books and read them fluently the first time
clues" pictures, etc. They have at this point, NEVER been instructed to read
they saw them. I do no "formal" English reading or writing instruction.
in English. And it is true, the more proficient the Spanish reading, the more
"The top five readers in English were also the top five readers in easily English reading is achieved.
Spanish" (sent by Fay Shin, California State University, Long Beach):
"Students who have a good background in Ll reading generally teach
I have done many observations and student teacher supervisions-some in
themselves to read in English" (sent by Pam Isaacs, San Diego Unified
bilingual classes or transitioning bilingual classes. I observed one class in
School District):
Montebello Unified School District. They were fourth graders who were tran-
I frequently have the opportunity to notice this very phenomenon. I have
sitioned from a K-3 Spanish bilingual program to fourth-grade English in-
struction. The top five readers in English were also the top five readers in been a bilingual teacher for the last 16 of my 30 years of teaching. I currently
Spanish (from third grade). I particularly observed a fourth-grade girl who provide literacy support for students in the general education population.
was reading very well in English (she was at the top of her class), and I was Therefore, I see and work with a large number of students, many of them
told by her teacher that she was also an excellent reader in Spanish. English language learners, many of them in bilingual education. Students who
Also, I observed Korean bilingual students in a third-grade class in have a good background in Ll reading generally teach themselves to read in
LAUSD [Los Angeles Unified School District], Wilton Elementary. The stu- English, They are guided by the teacher, but most of it occurs very quickly. Of
dents were actually reading and writing in Korean very well, and I was course, direct instruction in English phonics, spelling and further oral vocab-
amazed at how well they read in English also. Of course it is easy to argue that ulary development helps the process along. Since I know some students well
they would have done well in an English-only class, but I was very impressed over a period of years (second through fifth grade), I have been able to make
at how well they did in language arts in both English and Korean. many observations. First, the specific skills or lack of skills that a student has
carries directly over into second language reading. For instance, a student who
"The rule, not the exception" (sent by Francisco Ramos, LAUSD [now at was taught only to decode in Spanish will carry this imbalance into English
Florida International University, Miami]): language, and not use meaning as a cue, a severe handicap in English read-
In my experience (eight years in elementary school) [transfer of literacy from ing. Students who have learned to monitor themselves and self-correct often
the first language] has been the rule, not the exception. In addition I have con- in Spanish, will carry this skill into English reading .... Students who learn to
stantly been asking friends and teachers at my school and they all agree: good think carefully about what they read, the story line and abstract concepts,'
skills in the first language almost for sure guarantee no problems in English. will carry this comprehension skill into their second language reading .... I
In my class at (Cal State) Fullerton (teaching middle school and high school have absolutely no question that primary language instruction assists in the ac-
teachers) even people who don't support bilingual education also agree. quisition of English literacy.
More: In my own experience learning English as a Foreign Language, I
was never taught the English phonetic system. I learned to read in English by (For additional reports, see Krashen, 2002).
reading simple words and simple sentences first, and proceeding to more Taken alone, these reports provide, at best, suggestive evidence;' a critic
complicated sentences later. My wife ...came from Cuba at II, very literate in could claim that they were reported by dedicated supporters of bilingual edu-
Spanish, She was translating for her family six months later. She holds an MA cation and may not represent what occurs in all cases. They are, however, con-
in Speech and Language, she reads in both languages, writes in both lan-
sistent with the research and confirm that Ruiz's case is not a rare exception.
guages, and never lost her Spanish.
I sent these and other reports to the Sentinel reporter, as well as a copy of
in the most common, Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), students read whatever
my book Under Attack (Krashen, 1996), which includes a review of some of the
they please (within reason) for a short time each day and there is no accounta-
published research. Here is what appeared in the Sentinel on February 6, 2000:
bility required (see Cummins, chapter 1, and Freeman & Freeman, chapter 2, in
Some experts such as Stephen Krashen, a professor of education at the this volume).
University of Southern California, say that students who can speak English I have reviewed the available research on in-school free reading in sev-
and read Spanish should be able to read in English without much formal in-
eral places (Krashen, 1993, 2001b). In my most recent summary (Krashen,
struction. But practice doesn't always reflect theory. Educators agree that in
Santa Cruz County, as in other areas, some immigrant students have been 2001b), I found that students who participated in these programs did as well as
hampered by untrained teachers and a watered-down curriculum. Taught to or better than comparison students in traditional language arts or second-
read in Spanish, they seemed to do well. When they started reading in English, language programs on tests of reading comprehension in 51 of 54 compar-
however, they fell behind. At most schools, less than 10 percent became flu- isons. The results were even more impressive when one considers only studies
ent in English by fifth or sixth grade. Often they gave up in frustration ..
lasting one academic year or longer: In 8 of 10 cases, participants in in-school
The reporter clearly ignored the case histories 1sent, as well as the em- reading programs outperfotmed comparisons, and in two cases there was no
pirical data in Under Attack. She also provides no additional details about the difference.
students who apparently failed to transfer their reading knowledge to English. The National Reading Panel (National Institute of Child Health and
We do not know how many cases there were like this, and how many cases there Human Development, 2000), supported by the U.S. government, also reviewed
were in which transfer was successful. We also do not know what the "untrained studies of in-school reading-and reached the startling conclusion that there is
teachers" did wrong, what "fluent in English" means, the level of reading no clear evidence supporting this practice. They were, however, able to find
achieved in the first language, or the availability of print in either language. only 14 comparisons, all lasting less than one academic year, between students
As noted earlier, the evidence suggests that the transfer effect from the in in-school free reading programs and comparison children, and devoted
first language appears to decline as children get older. The most obvious reasons only 6 pages of their report to this topic (as compared to approximately 120
for this decline include the loss in first-language literacy competence that typi- pages devoted to research on phonemic awareness and phonics).
cally occurs as children get older, owing to lack of access to print (see discus- Interestingly, in-school reading did not fare badly even in the limited
sion that follows). A second is that other factors become stronger, especially one analysis done by the panel, with in-school readers doing better in four cases
that is rarely considered in studies of this kind: reading in English. and never doing worse. Note that even a finding of "no difference" suggests
that free reading is just as good as traditional instruction, an important theo-
retical and practical point. Because free reading is so much more pleasant
Reading in the Second language than regular instruction, and because it provides readers with valuable infor-
There is overwhelming evidence that reading in a second language, especial- mation, a finding of no difference provides strong evidence in favor of free
ly free voluntary reading or pleasure reading, makes a powerful contribution to reading in classrooms.
the development of academic proficiency in a second language. The evidence I have also argued (Krashen, 2001b) that the National Reading Panel
comes from several sources: correlational studies, studies of in-school free not only missed many studies, they also misinterpreted some of the ones they
reading, and case histories. included. I present here a discussion of some recent studies that have particu-
lar relevance to second-language acquisition in children.
In-School Free Reading In Elley and Mangubhai (1983), fourth- and fifth-grade students of
English as a foreign language were divided into three groups for their 30-
I focus here on one of these sources of evidence, in-school free reading. In-
minute daily English class. One group had traditional audiolingual method
school free reading studies include evaluations of several kinds of programs;
instruction, a second did only free reading, and a third did "shared reading."
2 KR~ cucu
Shared reading Blue Dolphins (O'Dell, 1987). Comparison children (n = 160) followed a stan-
is a method of sharing a good book with a class, several times, in such a way dard language arts curriculum during the summer. Attrition was high for both
that the students are read to by the teacher, as in a bedtime story. They then groups but similar (class size dropped from 20 to 14.3 among readers, and
talk about the book, they read it together, they act out the story, they draw from 20 to 13.2 among comparisons), as was the percentage of
parts of it and write their own caption, they rewrite the story with different limited-English-proficient children (31 % in the reading group, 27% in the
characters or events. (Elley, 1998, pp. 1-2)
comparison group). The readers gained approximately five months on the
Altos test of reading comprehension and vocabulary over the six-week peri-
After two years, the free reading group and the shared reading group were far
od, while comparisons declined. On the Nelson-Denny reading comprehension
superior to the traditional group in tests of reading comprehension, writing,
test, the summer readers grew a spectacular 1.3 years (from grade 4.0 to grade
and grammar. Similar results were obtained by Elley (1991) in a large-scale
5.3). On the vocabulary section, however, the groups showed equivalent gains.
study of second-language acquirers ages 6 through 9 in Singapore.
Elley's most recent data (1998) come from South Africa and Sri Lanka. In
all cases, children who were encouraged to read for pleasure outperformed
First-language Reading and Heritage-language
traditionally taught students on standardized tests of reading comprehension
and other measures of literacy. Table 3.2 presents the data from South Africa. In Proficiency
this study, EFL students who lived in print-poor environments were given ac- Continuing development of the heritage language after English has been ac-
cess to sets of 60 high-interest books, which were placed in classrooms, with quired has several advantages, including cognitive benefits, career-related ben-
another 60 made available in sets of six identical titles. The books were used for efits, and the attainment of true biculturalism (Tse's [1998] "ethnic identity
read-alouds by the teacher, for shared reading, and for silent reading. Table 3.2 incorporation stage"). It is, however, extremely difficult to develop and main-
presents data from different provinces; in every case the readers outperformed tain high levels of competence in the heritage language (Krashen, Tse, &
those in comparison classes, and the gap widened with each year of reading. McQuillan, 1998). There is some evidence that pleasure reading in the heritage
Shin (2001) examined the impact of a six-week self-selected reading language can contribute to heritage language development.
experience among 200 sixth and seventh graders who had to attend summer Correlational evidence comes from Cho and Krashen (2000), a study of
school because of low reading proficiency. Students attended class four hours 114 Korean Americans, ages 18-30, who were either born in the United States
per day; during this time, approximately two hours were devoted to SSR, in- or arrived at a very early age. As indicated in Table 3.3, free reading in Korean
cluding 25 minutes in the school library. The district invested $25 per student was a significant and independent predictor, along with several other signifi-
on popular paperbacks and magazines, with most books purchased from the cant variables, of self-reported Korean-language competence.
Goosebumps series. In addition, about 45 minutes per day were devoted to Tse (2001) examined a group of 10 bilinguals who developed high levels
reading and novels such as Holes (Sachar, 2000) and Island of the of competence in their heritage language. All were born in the United States or
had arrived in the U.S. before age 6, none had studied for longer than two
weeks in the country where the heritage language is used, all were fluent in
TABLE 3.2 In-school reading in South Africa English, and all could read the heritage language at a level typical of native-'
Reading Test Scores speaking adolescents in the heritage language. Tse found that a number of
Province Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 factors were present in each case: They had input from parents, a peer group
Readers Nonreaders Readers Nonreaders Readers Nonreaders that valued the use of the heritage language, and formal instruction in the her-
Eastern Cape 32.5 25.6 44 32.5 58.1 39 itage language (not always a positive experience). In addition, all subjects
Western Cape 36.2 30.2 40.4 34.3 53 40.4
Free State 32.3 30.1
had literacy experience in the heritage language at home and in the communi-
44.3 37.1 47.2 40.5
Natal 39.5 28.3 47 32.3 63.1
ty. Of interest to us, Tse notes that "the most frequently mentioned activity
from Elley (199B)
the participants engaged in independently was reading for pleasure" (p. 692).
Two subjects were dedicated comic book readers in the heritage language
TABLE 3.3 Predictors of competence in Korean as a heritage language 2. Free reading in the second language makes a strong contribution to ad-
vanced second-language development.
Predictor beta t p
Parental use of Korean 3. Free reading in the heritage language appears to make a strong con-
0.37 4.~ o
Visiting Korea 0.22 2~1 0.023 tribution to continued heritage-language development.
Watching Korean TV 0.245 2.~ 0,01
Reading in Korean 0.22 In addition to demonstrating that reading has a positive impact on literacy de-
2A9 0.014
Attending HL classes 0.072 O.~ OA velopment, research also shows what every reader of this chapter already
Age -0.103 ~.700 OA51 knows: Free voluntary reading is also extremely pleasant (Krashen, 1994; Nell,
Length of residence (LOR) 0.162 1.00 0.293
r2 = .398 1988). The major problem in making sure that reading happens is access to
books, and this problem is extremely serious.
from Cho and Krashen (2000) There is very good evidence that providing access to interesting reading
is the crucial factor in encouraging reading. In many cases, it is all that is
necessary (Ramos & Krashen, 1998; Van Sprecken & Krashen, 1998).
(Japanese) in junior high school, two others reported heavy magazine reading For many children, especially those in high-poverty areas, there is little
in Spanish, and one other was a devoted nonfiction reader on a variety of top- to read outside of school (Neuman & Celano, 2001). For children acquiring
ics in her heritage language. English as a second language, print resources outside of school in the her-
Kondo (1998) also noted that one of her subjects who was successful at itage language are also seriously lacking. The average U.S. family owns about
maintaining the heritage language was an enthusiastic reader of comic books 137 books (Purves & Elley, 1994), but the average Hispanic family with
("manga" in Japanese). limited-English-proficient children owns only about 26 (Ramirez, Yuen,
McQuillan (l998b) reviewed several experimental studies of university Ramey, & Pasta, 1991).
students confirming the value of free reading in developing the heritage lan- It is therefore of great concern that school libraries, the only source of
guage, including one SSR study and two studies of Spanish for Native Speaker reading material for many children, are so inadequate in so many places.
classes that focused on popular literature and literature circles (see also Current studies show that better libraries are associated with better reading
McQuillan & Rodrigo, 1998). Results included clear gains in Spanish vocab- (Krashen, 1995, 2001a; Lance, 1994; McQuillan, 1998a). The sad state of
ulary and improved attitudes toward reading in Spanish. school libraries has been documented in several publications (Allington,
McQuillan also notes that heritage-language reading may not work in all Guice, Baker, Michaelson, & Li, 1995;-Krashen, 1996, 1999; McQuillan,
cases. In Schon, Hopkins, and Vojir (1984), immigrant heritage-language stu- 1998a), and the situation is particularly grim with respect to books in Spanish
dents were more enthusiastic about reading in Spanish than were those born in (Pucci, 1994). Here is an additional report, focusing on the lack of books in the
the United States. McQuillan notes that those in the second group may have primary language.
been in the "ethnic avoidance/ambivalence" stage, a time in which there is lit- Pucci and Ulanoff (1996) surveyed four school libraries in the greater
tle interest in, or even disdain for, the heritage language and culture (Tse, 1998). Los Angeles area, focusing on schools with 90% or more Spanish-speaking
This typically occurs during high school, the age of the subjects in this study. children. Data were available only from two of the four libraries. The authors
reported that three of the four libraries did not have regular hours or regular
staff, and one was "periodically used as a storeroom." In the two libraries stud-
Conclusions ied, only 15 to 22% of the books were in Spanish; of these, about two thirds
were at the K-2 level and about 3% were at the grade 5-6 level. Pucci and
There is good evidence for each of the following three roles for reading:
Ulanoff also surveyed 32 school librarians: Fifty-four percent said that books
1. In early stages, reading in the primary language is of great help in pro- written in Spanish were difficult to obtain and 70% said that their cost was
moting second-language literacy. "prohibitive." Of 5,000 books on an approved reading list for purchase for
libraries, only 300 were in Spanish. Pucci and Ulanoff note that "even if these Garcia-Vazquez, E., Vazquez, L., Lopez, 1., & Ward, W. (1997). Language proficiency and aca-
demic success: Relationship between proficiency in two languages and achievement among
books were age appropriate, a child reading two books per week would finish
Mexican American students. Bilingual Research Journal, 21(4), 395-408.
every Spanish volume in the library before entering fourth grade" (p. 114). Gonzales, L. (1989). Native language education: The key to English literacy skills. In D. Bixler-
Children of poverty have little to read, in school or outside of school. If Marquez, J. Omstein-Glaicia, & G. Green (Eds.), Mexican-American Spanish in its societal
their primary language is Spanish, the problem is even more serious. There and cultural contexts (Rio Grande Series in Languages and Linguistics 3, pp. 209-224).
Brownsville; TX: University of Texas-Pan American.
have been no formal studies of availability of books in other heritage lan-
Kondo, K (1998). Social-psychological factors affecting language maintenance: Interviews with
guages, but we can be sure that the situation is even worse than it is in Spanish. Shin Nisei university students in Hawaii. Linguisti~s and Education, 9(4), 369-408.
(See Yaden et aI., chapter 15 in this volume.) Krashen, S. (1993). The power of reading. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
All this gives us reason to be optimistic. As noted earlier, bilingual pro- Krashen, S. (1994). The pleasure hypothesis. In J. Alatis (Ed.), Georgetown University Round Table
on Languages and Linguistics (pp. 299-322). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
grams' have been shown to be successful. If we add a healthy supply of books
Krashen, S. (1995). School libraries, public libraries, and the NAEP reading scores. School
in both languages, they have the potential of being much more successful. Library Media Quarterly, 23,235-238:
Krashen, S. (1996). Under attack: The case against bilingual education. Culver City, CA:
Language Education Associates.
REFERENCES Krashen, S. (1997). Does free voluntary reading lead to academic English? Journal of Intensive
Allington, R., Guice, S., Baker, K, Michaelson, N.,& Li, S. (1995). Access to books: Variations
English Studies, 11, 1-18.
in schools and classrooms. The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 5, 23-25. Krashen, S. (1999). Three arguments against whole language and why they are wrong.
August, D., Calderon, M., & Carbo, M. (2001). Transfer of skills from Spanish to English: A study
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
of young learners. NABE News, 24(4), 11-12,42. Krashen, S. (200 l a). Current research: The positive impact of libraries. California School Library
Bosser, B. (1991). On thresholds, ceilings, and short-circuits: The relation between Ll reading, L2 Journal, 25(1), 21-24.
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