Summer Tutoring Contract
Summer Tutoring Contract
Summer Tutoring Contract
Tutoring Goals/Subject:
Although tutoring fees remain the same during the summer in terms of hourly rates (($60 for subject tutoring, $75
for SAT/ACT), the frequency and duration of sessions are determined by the tutor and family depending on the age
and needs of the student. Hammond requires 24-hour cancellation of any scheduled session. Rescheduling or
cancellations are communicated directly between the family and the tutor, not through Hammond. All tutoring
sessions will be billed through Hammond’s business office.
Although these services are managed by the Academic Enrichment Center, tutoring sessions may occur in
Hammond classrooms as well. Tutors and students will check in at the front desk in Barks Hall prior to each session.
A tutoring log is maintained by the individual tutor in order to assist in the documentation and billing of sessions.
Tutoring may only occur during business hours when administration and staff are present. Weekend or evening
tutoring is not permitted.
Proficiency Tutoring
Any upper school student ending the year with a failing grade in a specific course necessary for graduation, will be
required to repeat the class or to attend an approved, accredited summer school program. If a student makes a D in
an upper school world language or math class, he or she is not permitted to progress in that subject area until
proficiency is demonstrated. Teachers and administrators collaborate to determine a summer tutoring plan to meet a
student’s individual needs. Tutors will be given specific guidance from the classroom teacher in order to facilitate
planning for the content and scheduling of sessions. Proficiency exams are created by the teachers and department
chairs. These exams will be administered by the division office or the AEC after a minimum of 10 hours of tutoring,
if a tutor and the department chair feel that a student is ready. If a student fails to demonstrate mastery of the
material on the proficiency exam, the student will be required to complete 30 hours of tutoring. It is possible that,
even after tutoring, a family will be encouraged to have their child repeat a class rather than to progress to the next
level. Our goal is to make every effort to help a child progress, but individual circumstances and student needs are
always considered. The College Counseling Office will be consulted in all of these decisions and given formal
documentation of the completion of the proficiency requirement. All required tutoring and proficiency exams must
be completed prior to August 5, 2013.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Dr. Ashley Noojin (, Director of the
Academic Enrichment Center.