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Bilateral Facial Nerve (Bell's) Palsy in A 24-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report

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Philippine Journal Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery Vol. 35 No. 1 January – June 2020

Camille Q. Tolentino, MD
Emmanuel Tadeus S. Cruz, MD
Bilateral Facial Nerve (Bell’s) Palsy
in a 24-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report
Department of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery
Manila Central University – Filemon D. Tanchoco
Medical Foundation Hospital
Objective: To report a case of acute bilateral facial nerve palsy in a 24-year-old woman and to
present the differential diagnoses, pathophysiology, management and prognosis.

Design: Case study
Setting: Tertiary Private Hospital
Patient: One (1)

Result: A 24-year-old woman with fever, joint pains, cough, chest pain, difficulty ambulating and
progressive facial muscle weakness was diagnosed with rheumatic fever. Bilateral facial nerve
paralysis was noted, and Electromyography-Nerve Conduction Velocity (EMG-NCV) testing with
special facial nerve study revealed abnormal facial nerve and blink reflex studies while EMG-NCV
of the upper and lower limbs were normal. Audiometry and MRI of the brain and facial nerve
were normal while Schirmer’s Test showed decreased tearing in both eyes. The rheumatic
fever resolved within 5 days of antibiotics, while Prednisone and physiotherapy resulted in
improvement of facial paralysis from House Brackmann V to House Brackmann II-III over a period
Correspondence: Dr. Emmanuel Tadeus S. Cruz
of 6 months.
Department of Otoaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
MCU FDTMF Hospital
EDSA, Caloocan City 1400 Conclusion: Idiopathic facial paralysis or Bell’s Palsy is the most common cause of acute unilateral
Phone: (632) 8367 2031 local 1212 OPD 1144 facial paralysis while bilateral facial nerve paralysis is a rare condition. Patients with facial palsy
Fax: (632) 8367 2249
Email: orlhns_mcu@yahoo.com should undergo appropriate diagnostics to determine the underlying condition and to facilitate
The authors declared that this represents original material prompt management.
that is not being considered for publication or has not been
published or accepted for publication elsewhere, in full or in
part, in print or electronic media; that the manuscript has been  Keywords: facial paralysis, idiopathic; Bell’s palsy
read and approved by the authors, that the requirements for
authorship have been met by the authors, and that the authors
believe that the manuscript represent honest work. Facial paralysis is not often encountered in our outpatient clinic. Individuals who develop
Disclosures: The authors signed a disclosure that there are no facial palsy consult because of the unusual facial asymmetry and inability to move facial muscles.
financial or other (including personal) relationships, intellectual
passion, political views or beliefs, and institutional affiliations Often regarded as an ominous sign in clinical practice, paralysis of the lower half of the face may
that might lead to conflict of interest. indicate central problem (such as a brain tumor, cerebrovascular accident or stroke).1 Unilateral
Presented at the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology Head hemifacial paralysis may be due to peripheral compression of the tympanic segment of the facial
and Neck Surgery Interesting Case Contest (3rd Place). April 8,
2017. Plaza del Norte Hotel & Convention Center, Ilocos Norte. nerve in cases of chronic mastoiditis and presence of cholesteatoma.2 In addition, unilateral facial
palsy may be iatrogenic (after mastoidectomy or parotidectomy) or in the absence of an etiology,
termed Bell’s palsy.3
Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Philipp J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2020; 35 (1): 60-62 c Philippine Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Inc.
Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives 4.0 International

60 Philippine Journal Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery

Philippine Journal Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery Vol. 35 No. 1 January – June 2020

Idiopathic facial paralysis or Bell’s palsy often involves only one

side of the face and very seldom manifests bilaterally.1 This report aims
to present a case of acute bilateral facial nerve palsy, its differential
diagnoses, pathophysiology, management and prognosis.

A 24-year-old woman consulted due to high grade fever, progressive
joint pains, nonproductive cough, sore throat and rashes for 2 weeks.
She had taken oral antibiotics and antiseptic gargles but developed A B
chest pain, stiff neck and shoulders, difficulty ambulating and facial Figure 1A & B. Photos of forehead, eyelids, nose and mouth showing A. House-Brackmann V (no
forehead motion, incomplete eye closure, slight mouth motion) before; and B. House-Brackmann II
muscle weakness after 4 days. She would drool and had to manually (moderate to good forehead motion, complete eye closure with minimum effort, slightly asymmetric
support her lower lip to avoid spilling liquids whenever she drank. The mouth motion) 6 months after treatment. (Photos published without eye bars, with permission)

patient was admitted and elevated ASO titers and acute phase reactants
satisfied the Jones criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Her past DISCUSSION
medical and social and personal history were non-contributory. The Bell’s palsy is a condition where the facial muscles are weakened
progression of facial muscle weakness prompted referral to ENT and or paralyzed, possibly due to trauma to the 7th cranial nerve, and is
Neurology. usually not permanent. The condition is named after Sir Charles Bell,
The general physical examination was unremarkable, as was a Scottish surgeon who studied the nerve and innervation of the facial
examination of the ears, nose, oral cavity and oropharynx. She had muscles two centuries ago.2
bilateral facial nerve paralysis, House-Brackmann V (incomplete eye Also known as idiopathic facial paralysis, Bell’s palsy is the most
closure, could not raise eyebrows, wrinkle nose, puff cheeks, or smile common cause of acute unilateral facial paralysis accounting for 70% of
and frown). Electromyography-nerve conduction velocity (EMG-NCV) cases.3 Annual estimated incidence ranges from 15 to 40 per 100,000.3
with facial nerve study revealed abnormal facial nerve and blink reflex Bilateral facial nerve paralysis, on the other hand, is a rare condition
consistent with acute bilateral facial mononeuropathy (Bell’s Palsy) with less than 0.3% - 2% of facial palsy cases, with an incidence of 1 per
while EMG-NCV of the upper and lower limbs was normal with no 5,000,000 population.4
evidence of focal or diffuse distal neuropathy. Pure tone audiometry, The clinical history and manifestations may include waking up
tympanometry and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain with sudden facial palsy, or symptoms such as dry eyes, or a tingling
and facial nerve were normal while Schirmer’s Test showed decreased sensation around the lips prior to paralysis.5 The degree of paralysis
tearing bilaterally. usually peaks within several days but not longer than 2-3 weeks, and a
The patient was started on Prednisone 60mg/day for 6 days to taper prodrome may be apparent such as neck pain, or pain behind the ear
down over a month, Ceftriaxone 2g/IV once daily for 3 days, shifted to prior to palsy.5
Cefuroxime 500mg tab twice daily for 1 week and Aspirin 80 mg tab 1 Our patient developed flu like symptoms such as fever and joint
tab every 8 hours. The fever, cough, rashes and joint and body pains pain before developing weakness and subsequent immobility of the
resolved on the 5th hospital day. There was no further progression facial muscles (although these symptoms are attributable to rheumatic
of facial paralysis, but she had no forehead motion, incomplete eye fever). The bilateral facial palsy was so incapacitating that she could not
closure and only slight movement of the mouth. Physical therapy and move her lips and there was a need to support her lower lip to avoid
management of dry eyes were started, and she was discharged on spillage of liquids when drinking.
the 9th hospital day with a final diagnosis of bilateral Bell’s palsy and Since the facial nerve is lodged within a bony hard and unyielding
Rheumatic fever, resolved. The patient continued home physiotherapy cavity, it may be at risk for inflammation, infection, vascular or
exercises once daily for the face and Prednisone was tapered down mechanical compromise.6 Such a first-degree block of the facial
to complete one month. She was seen at the outpatient department nerve trunk is a temporary conductive block but axonal continuity is
(OPD) every month with marked improvement of facial paralysis from preserved, and the facial muscles cannot be moved voluntarily but a
House Brackmann V to House Brackmann II-III observed over a span of facial twitch can be elicited by transcutaneous electrical stimulation of
6 months. (Figure 1 A, B) the nerve distal to the lesion. 7

Philippine Journal Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery 61

Philippine Journal Of Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery Vol. 35 No. 1 January – June 2020

Bell’s palsy is a clinical manifestation of a wide array of systemic in the acute phase of Bell’s palsy is to reduce inflammation and edema
medical conditions from infectious, neurologic, traumatic and of the facial nerve.10 The use of antiviral agents alongside prednisone
neoplastic disorders. Teller and Murphy list the differential diagnosis of remains controversial. A study by Sullivan concluded that there was a
acquired bilateral peripheral facial palsy which includes: trauma (e.g. significant improvement in trials that contained prednisolone, but no
skull fractures, parotid and mastoid surgery), infection (e.g. infectious additional benefit was found from antiviral treatment.12 This is one
mononucleosis, HIV infection, Lyme disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, reason why anti-viral agents are not routinely used in Bell’s palsy in our
syphilis), metabolic disorders (e.g diabetes), neoplastic (e.g. leukemia), ENT service.
autoimmune (e.g. sarcoidosis), neurological (e.g. multiple sclerosis, About 71% of patients with Bell’s palsy have recovery of motor
Parkinson’s disease) and idiopathic (Bell’s palsy).4 Lyme disease was function within 6 months without treatment. Poor prognostic factors
responsible for 36% of the cases for facial diplegia. Guillain-Barre include: old age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, impairment of taste
syndrome (5%), trauma (4%), sarcoidosis (0.9%) and AIDS (0.9%).8 and complete facial weakness. About one-third of patients may have
Differential diagnosis in this particular case of bilateral Bell’s palsy may incomplete recovery and residual effect including post-paralytic
include Guillain Barre syndrome, Rheumatic Fever and Influenza. hemifacial spasm, co-contracting muscles, synkinesis, sweating while
To evaluate the integrity of the facial nerve, ancillary procedures eating or during physical exertion.13 In our case, the facial palsy
may include the Schirmer’s test. Fisch pointed out that tearing often improved from HB VI to II after 6 months of therapy. Perhaps her
is reduced bilaterally in Bell’s palsy, perhaps because of subclinical young age and prompt intervention augured well for a relatively fair
involvement of other cranial nerves. Thus, both the symmetry of the to good prognosis with continued therapy.
response and its absolute magnitude are important; a total response In conclusion, idiopathic facial paralysis or Bell’s palsy is the most
(sum of the lengths of wetted filter paper for both eyes) of less than common cause of acute unilateral facial paralysis while bilateral
25m is considered abnormal.9 facial nerve paralysis is a rare condition. Patients with facial palsy
The role of electromyography (EMG-in the early phase of Bell’s should undergo appropriate diagnostics to determine the underlying
palsy is limited, because it does not permit a quantitative estimate of condition and to facilitate prompt management.
the extent of nerve degeneration.10 However, EMG may be helpful as
a confirmatory test for nerve decompression for Bell’s palsy. If EMG
shows voluntarily active facial motor units despite loss of excitability
of the nerve trunk, the prognosis for a good spontaneous recovery is REFERENCES
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