Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet - Ipleaders
Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet - Ipleaders
Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet - Ipleaders
The literal meaning of the phrase “nemo dat quod non habet” means no one can give what he
does not have. This is a legal rule which states that purchasing a property from someone who
doesn’t have a title denies the purchaser of the property of an ownership title also. In simple
words, if someone gets something because it was transferred to him- as a bequest, sale, gift,
etc., he will only have that title which the previous owner had and nothing more. The
transferee derives his title from the transferor. This is also known as the derivative
principle. The legal rule is also connected to the principle of “first in time is first in right.” 1/7
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This principle can be explained through the following example. Suppose, X transfers his
property to Y. Then X turns around and transfers the property to Z. Following the rule of nemo
dat quod non habet, Y will get the right from X. Now Y have the rights and X have none. So X
cannot transfer Z the property. The rule of nemo dat has its base as a chain of transactions.
The current owner should be able to trace his rights back in time to prove his legitimate
Although the rule is extremely clear, it isn’t always fair as the innocent buyer may suffer. When
the goods are in question, a buyer may find himself in a very tough situation. The apparent 2/7
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harshness of the nemo dat rule was realized, and some exception were provided. The
exception applies only to the buyer who has acquired the goods in a good faith and without
having knowledge about the rights of the true owner.
In India, in the judicial pronouncement of Life Insurance Corporation v United Bank of India
Ltd. &Ors.[3] It was opined by the Court that under Indian law, an actionable claim can be
transferred, but only by the person who has a right to the property in respect to which the
claim lies.
Transfer by Estoppel: When a person through his actions or words leads another person to
believe that some particular state of affairs existed, he would be stopped from denying later
that such state of affairs did not exist. This is known as an estoppel. In some cases, the
doctrine of estoppel stops the owner from denying the seller’s right to sell the goods, and in
such a case the buyer may have a better title to the goods. When the real owner of the goods,
through his words or actions leads the buyer to believe that the seller had the authority to
dispose of the goods, the real owner would be estopped from denying it later. Section 27 of
the Act has the following words “unless the owner of the good is by his conduct precluded
from denying the seller’s authority to sell….”
Estoppel by act or omission: If there is a legal omission on the part of the real owner,
the doctrine of estoppel will apply.
Estoppel by negligence: Mere carelessness by the real owner would not constitute
negligence. If a person is to be estopped by negligence, then it should be more than mere
carelessness on his part, i.e. he has to disregard his obligation towards the opposite party. 3/7
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Sale by Mercantile Agent: If the real owner of the goods has employed a mercantile agent
and the goods are sold by the agent, then the buyer will get a good title because as a general
rule an agent can pass better title. The problem arose when the agent did not have the
authority to dispose of the goods. The following conditions need to be satisfied is this
provision is to be evoked:
The person is an agent as it has been defined under Section 2 (9) of the Sale of Goods
Act, 1930.[4]
The agent got the documents and goods with the authority of the principal and in the
capacity of an agent, and not in the personal capacity.
The agent must be acting in the regular course of business while selling the goods to the
third party.
The buyer should have acted in good faith without having knowledge of the fact that the
agent did not have the authority to sell the goods.
Sale by Joint Owner[5]: Sale by joint owner is governed by Section 28 of the Sale of
Goods Act. This section states that if there is a property to which there are several joint
owners but one of them had the sole possession of the property (with the permission of the
other co-owners), and he sells the property or transfer the property to a buyer who buys the
property in good faith without having knowledge of the fact that the seller had no authority to
transfer or sell the property, the buyer gets a good title. 4/7
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Sale by a Seller in Possession[9]: If a seller has sold some goods, then he cannot seal with
the same goods. Section 30 (1) however states that if the seller has sold the goods but is
still in possession of the goods or possession of the documents, and such goods or documents
are sold to some other buyer again or is sold by a mercantile agent on behalf of the seller,
then the subsequent buyer will get a good title provided that he was acting in good faith.
Sale by Finder of Goods[12]: Section 169 of the Indian Contract Act states that when
the founder of lost goods, cannot find the real owner even after making reasonable diligent 5/7
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efforts or the owner of the goods refuses to pay the finder the legal charges the finder can sell
the goods and the buyer will get a good title.
[12] 6/7
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