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ND No. 2-020101-130-E-3

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Part III

ND No. 2-020101-130-E

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and
Products for Ships have been approved in accordance with the established approval procedure and come
into force on 1 January 2020.
The present edition is based the latest version of the Rules, 2019.
The Rules are published in the following parts:
Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision";
Part II "Technical Documentation";
Part III "Technical Supervision during Manufacture of Material";
Part IV "Technical Supervision during Manufacture of Products".
The Rules are published in electronic format in Russian and English.

# Российский морской регистр судоходства, 2020

(editorial amendments are not included in the Revision History)
Amended Information Number and date Entry-into-force
paras/chapters/sections on amendments of the Circular Letter date

Para 4.6.8 Requirements for prolongation or renewal of the Welder 314-01-1329c of 14.02.2020 01.04.2020
Approval Test Certificate (f. 7.1.30) have been specified



1.1.1 The provisions of this Part of Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and
Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships1 are applied by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping2
during technical supervision in manufacture and use of materials for ships.
1.1.2 Technical supervision during manufacture and application of materials intended for fire
protection of ships is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 "Fire Protection Materials,
Structures and Products", Part IV "Technical Supervision during Manufacture of Products".


1.2.1 The terms and their definitions and explanations relating to the general terminology are given in
Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and in Part I
"General Regulations for Technical Supervision" of these Rules.
1.2.2 The following definitions have been adopted for the purposes of this Part.
S e c o n d p a r t y is an external party involved and interested in the manufacturer's activities, e.g. a
customer or an organization/a person acting on its behalf.
R e g i s t e r ' s b r a n d is a brand, a stamp or a seal of a certain type specified by the Register to be
marked on finalized products or on products in the course of their manufacturing to confirm the fact of the
RS technical supervision and the products identity to the documents issued.
S p e c i m e n is a specially shaped and dimensioned product made from a sample and used in tests to
determine mechanical, technological and other properties of the material.
B a t c h is a limited number of semi-finished products covered by the results of the tests duly performed.
I n i t i a l t e s t s are a certain scope of check tests specified by the specific RS-approved program and
carried out during the RS survey of the manufacturer to issue the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer
to the latter.
S e m i - f i n i s h e d p r o d u c t is an ingot, slab, bloom, billet subjected to processing, technological
S e m i - f i n i s h e d p r o d u c t is a sheet, forging, casting, tube, etc. subjected to machining or
technological treatment when used for its intended purpose.
S a m p l e is a part of a semi-finished product or a specially fabricated blank intended for
manufacturing test specimens.
A c c e p t a n c e t e s t s are a scope of tests, specified by the RS rules or the RS-agreed
documentation, for products supplied under the RS technical supervision whose results may allow to
issue Certificates of Conformity.
P r o d u c t i o n m o d e l is the specimen of a material or products batch, made in accordance with the
manufacturer's adopted production process for series production, which is subject to testing to verify its
conformity with the prototype according to the RS-approved technical documentation.
M a n u f a c t u r e r C e r t i f i c a t e ( C e r t i f i c a t e o f Q u a l i t y ) is a manufacturer document
verifying the conformity of the certain amount of the particular product with the order requirements, and
confirming the manufacture of the product in full compliance with the existing manufacturer's practice.

Hereinafter referred to as "the Rules".
Hereinafter referred to as "the Register, RS".
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The Certificate is issued by the manufacturer and shall be verified by the signature of an authorized
person of the manufacturer's production quality control body.
T h i r d p a r t y is an external party recognized as independent of the parties involved while
determining the conformity of material or product to any existing requirements, e.g. national or
international standards, the RS rules, ISO 9001, etc.


1.3.1 Technical supervision is carried out on the basis of the RS issued rules and is aimed at
determining whether materials and products intended for construction and repair of ships and their
equipment meet the rules and additional requirements if specially stated.
The additional requirements include:
the potential requirements of the Register in the course of technical supervision to obtain some
additional data on product quality (change of tests scope and procedures, sampling locations, specimen
dimensions, etc.);
the requirements that a customer may include in the order for material supply over and above those
specified by the rules.
Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is the document certifying the manufacturer as the one
recognized by the Register to produce materials meeting the RS rules requirements.
The above document confirms the conformity of the supplied product and the conditions of its
manufacturing with the requirements of the RS rules, and verifies the fact of listing the manufacturer in the
Register issued List of Approved Materials and Recognized Manufacturers1.
The documents confirming the conformity of the material supplied with the rules requirements, and
containing the data to identify the supplied product include:
Certificate of Conformity (refer to 3.3, Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision");
Manufacturer Certificate (refer to 1.2.2) in the form agreed with the Register and witnessed by the RS
Technical supervision by the Register at the material manufacturers' does not replace the activity of
technical control bodies functioning therein branch office.
Firms (manufacturers) can directly address to the Register higher regarding any controversial matters
emerging during technical supervision. The RHO decision is considered final.
Interpretation of the provisions in this Part is within the Register competence only.
1.3.2 Considering design technical and working documentation, the RS Branch Office shall be guided
by the following:
.1 requirements of the relevant parts of these Rules;
.2 RS Nomenclature (refer to Appendix 1 toPart I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision");
.3 special instructions from RHO.

Hereinafter referred to as "the List of Materials".
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



2.1.1 General. Application.
The Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is issued to manufacturers producing products and
materials specified in 1.1.4, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships, namely:
rolled products of hull structural steel;
rolled steel for boilers and pressure vessels;
steel pipes for boilers, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, ship systems and piping;
steel forgings and castings;
iron castings;
castings of light-weight and non-ferrous alloys;
semi-finished products of non-ferrous and light-weight alloys;
chain cables and ropes;
chain steel;
slabs, blooms and billets for rolled products of hull structural and boiler steels if made at a
manufacturer lacking the rolling.
The above listed products and materials being subject to technical supervision during manufacture
according to the RS rules cannot be supplied by the manufacturers lacking the Recognition Certificate for
To get the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, the manufacturer shall be recognized by the
Register in compliance with the requirements of Section 10, Part I "General Regulations for Technical
Supervision" and 2.1 of this Part. Validity period.
The validity period of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer and the date of its endorsement are
established in compliance with the requirements of 3.4, Part I "General Regulations for Technical
The Certificate shall be denounced and renewed if the terms of its issue have changed (refer to
If due to some technological reasons the works needed for renewal of the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer cannot be performed at set dates, the new dates for those works shall be agreed during the
validity period of the Certificate, to keep the Certificate and the manufacturer in the List of Materials
(generally, the main reason to postpone an audit is lack of adequate orders, i.e. materials essential for
performance of clue tests).
With the satisfactory results of the works, the validity period of the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer and the date of its next renewal remain unchanged. The Certificate validity is not suspended.
The relevant decision is taken by the RS Branch Office/RHO Location carrying out technical
supervision at the manufacturer's on the basis of the manufacturer's application justifying the
The procedure for proper keeping up the List of Materials is set forth in 2.2.4. Conditions for issuing the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer:
As agreed with RHO, all the works associated with the Certificate issue, endorsement or renewal shall
be carried out by the RS Branch Offices having the relevant area of activity.
The Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is issued to a manufacturer in case certain Register
requirements and formalities (refer to 2.1.2) are fulfilled and on the basis of satisfactory results of the
Register initial (refer to 2.1.3) or renewal surveys.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The survey of a manufacturer is carried out on the basis of a request (refer to and generally
includes fulfillment of the following conditions:
review of the request and necessary documentation (refer to 2.1.2);
analysis of the request, identification of financial, labour and time resources, negotiation of plan of
works necessary to accomplish the task with the firm (manufacturer) who has applied for the survey;
familiarization with the production (manufacturing) process and current quality control system
(refer to 2.2);
performance of tests (refer to 2.2);
review of the results of production (manufacturing) process survey, current quality control system and
tests performed and comparing them with the documentation submitted by the manufacturer earlier.
All the information received by the Register for issue, endorsement or renewal of the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer is considered strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to any third party
without a preliminary agreement with the firm (manufacturer) covered with the information and providing
the information. Survey of the manufacturer. During survey, the information submitted by a firm (manufacturer) in the request and its
enclosure regarding manufacturer potentials, product stated and its actual conformity with requirements of
the RS rules is confirmed.
If necessary, due to execution of certain orders, product conformity with the additional contract
requirements (with standards, specifications and other specified documentation) may concurrently be
The survey includes familiarization with actual production (from a stockyard to a stock room and
rejected product bay) and practical comparison of the data with the documentation on shops, sections,
laboratories and offices of the manufacturer submitted according to Initial survey is carried out at a manufacturer's applying to the Register for the first time or at
the manufacturer's recognized by the Register and submitting material(s) not specified in the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer issued.
The survey in the scope equivalent to initial survey may be carried out in the following cases:
changes of technology associated with any of the material production (manufacturing) processes (heat,
casting, rolling and/or heat treatment, forging, pressing etc.) mentioned in the RS rules;
changes of the maximum thickness (dimensions) of materials supplied;
changes of chemical composition (composition correction, micro alloying, etc.);
application of different equipment and means of production used in technological process earlier
approved by the Register (mills, thermal and other equipment);
use of billets (slabs, blooms, etc.) supplied by unknown manufacturers or those not recognized by the
The amount of documentation submitted to the Register for initial approval of the manufacturer shall
comply with that specified in 2.1.2.
The scope of surveys and tests in initial approval is considered to be basic and shall take into account
to the maximum extent particular features of manufacturing products at the specific manufacturers. Survey for endorsement and renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is
carried out in accordance with 2.1.4 to 2.1.5. If manufacturer's requisites are changed, an appropriate set of documents changed is
submitted to the Register, and reissue of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is therewith carried
out in accordance with the established procedure but the dates specified in the initial document remain the
same. Survey of the manufacturer is not required. In surveying laboratories forming part of metallurgical or other manufacturers, their activity is
considered as the integral part of a material production process, and drawing up a Register separate
document, i.e. the Recognition Certificate of Testing Laboratory, is not required for them.
The Recognition Certificate of Testing Laboratory may be issued to the laboratory by its individual
request, as a rule, when orders of external firms (manufacturers) are executed.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

If the manufacturer cannot conduct testing of the stated product, the tests needed shall be carried out in
the testing laboratory recognized by the Register.
The basic provisions on a testing laboratory survey are set forth in 1.5, Part XIII "Materials" of the
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. In survey of the testing laboratory and in familiarization with the documentation special
attention shall be paid to the following:
procedure of receipt and drawing up of requests for work performance by the testing laboratory;
personnel qualification;
sampling procedure, identification in specimens manufacture and tests;
availability of data on testing laboratory accreditation by competent national or international
organizations. A testing laboratory passport shall contain all the pertinent information relating to this testing
laboratory including requisites, the nomenclature of products and test types and procedures, as well as data
on testing laboratory equipment (technical characteristics, data on this condition, date of equipment
calibration), the list of regulatory documents, and data on spaces condition and attending personnel.
The form and drawing up of test reports is noteworthy. The report content for separate types of tests may be
different, but the general form shall be standardized. Amendments and additions to the report after its issuance
may be made only in the form of a separate document. Each report shall be provided with an identification
number, and the testing laboratory name, membership (if the testing laboratory belongs to a manufacturer, its
name shall be specified), the RS Branch Office and dates of tests performance shall be specified therein.
The reports shall generally be signed by a person in charge of performance of the given test type and
by the head of the testing laboratory. Check tests of materials submitted according to the request and carried out at the
manufacturer's shall be certified by the RS representative in the course of survey. The test reports shall be
witnessed by the RS representative.
During certification of the check tests, the Register shall be governed by technical information
presented in Appendix 1 to this Section. When in doubt of the proper condition of equipment and/or
correctness of the tests conducted, the Register may engage the experts of other independent laboratories
recognized by RS for inspection of the works carried out. In familiarization with documentation and during survey of the quality control system applied
at the manufacturer's, the following procedures and formalization thereof shall be in the focus of attention:
receiving inspection;
inspection scope and nature;
identification system for materials or incoming semi-finished products during their storage and the
manufacturing process as a whole. It is necessary to ascertain that all the incoming raw or other materials
are used and processed later on only provided that the proper inspection is carried out and documented at
the manufacturer's. The scope of supplier inspection shall be determined;
technological process effecting quality of the finished product. The stages of the process shall be under
control (Instruction specifying inspection and control methods; documented criteria for works performed;
corrective actions; marking; a system for gathering, use and storage of manufacturing parameters);
inspection of rejected materials; repair;
processing, re-inspection; Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed program.
Selection of semi-finished products, samples cutting out and specimens manufacturing shall be directly
supervised by the RS representative.
Dimensions of semi-finished products submitted for testing shall be consistent with those of semi-
finished products in supplies expected (at least one of semi-finished products shall have maximum width,
thickness and diameter).
Test specimens shall be stamped for their identification with semi-finished product submitted for
testing. The cutting and manufacturing procedure, intermediate stamping, as well as diagrams of specimen
branch office and samples cutting out shall be preagreed.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

All test results shall be noted in the reports signed by the representative of the quality control system
applied at the firm's (manufacturer's) and witnessed by the Register representative carrying out technical
supervision of testing.
The above results form part of the set of documents (report) submitted to the Register by the firm
(manufacturer) as the basis for issuing the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. The set of documents in the form of a report containing all the information on manufacture
and tests of semi-finished products submitted for testing is submitted to the Register for approval.
The report is drawn up in an arbitrary form, but the sections consistent with 2.1.2 shall be included.
The report shall include copies of the program and the Register witnessed test reports. The data on
conditions of melting, casting, rolling, heat treatment, etc., on microphotography and the results of non-
destructive testing shall also be submitted, if needed.
The report content shall meet the requirements of the RS rules and documentation attached to the
application. Upon satisfactory results of tests, survey of the manufacturer and review of the report, the RS
Branch Office/RHO Location carrying out the survey draws up the Report on Survey of Firm (form 6.3.19)
which is the basis for issuing the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer.
The reports and data on test results, surveys and technical documentation review, as well as the
documentation as such, shall be kept at the RS Branch Office/RHO Location carrying out technical
supervision of the manufacturer during the time period set by this Branch Office. The copies of those
reports and data shall be submitted to RHO, unless otherwise specified.
All the information on the key decisions made in the course of approval, the results of the technical
documentation review shall be submitted to RHO including the following:
Notice (form 25.П.01/01), in electronic format;
original information document of a firm (form 71.П.01), in electronic format in case the manufacturer's
name is changed;
draft Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer (an initial survey) and copies of renewed Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer (in renewal);
copies of agreed documentation for product supply (if any).
Recognition Certificates for Manufacturer issued earlier to the manufacturer become invalid and RHO
is informed thereof.
All the decisions made on the results of the RS Branch Office presentations review shall be brought to
the notice of the RS Branch Office concerned and firms (manufacturers) by RHO.
2.1.2 Issue of request for manufacturer recognition by the Register (obtaining of Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer). The firm's (manufacturer's) request generally is an official request on a letter form, which is
drawn up by a firm (manufacturer) in an arbitrary form, unless otherwise specified.
Additionally to the objectives of work, the request shall contain information on financial guarantees
and the list of documentation necessary for the request review (refer to The request forwarded to
the RS Branch Office covering the firm (manufacturer) in its area of activity, or it may be forwarded to
RHO directly.
In so doing, the following documents shall be submitted to RHO:
data on results of works performed by the RS Branch Office and on the changes that took place (or
lack of such) during renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer;
copy of a request in case of the firm (manufacturer) initial application to the Register or renewal of the
RS technical supervision at the firm's (manufacturer's) that had the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer but it became invalid. Enclosures to the request.
Concurrent with the request, the brief information on manufacturer and products is submitted to the
Register (refer to
Generally, the information set out in is applicable for all the works intended to manufacture or
already manufacturing the materials under the RS technical supervision and applying to the Register with
relevant requests.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

2.1.3 Issue of Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. The Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer (form, unless otherwise stated
(refer to, is issued by the RS Branch Office/RHO Location which carried out the survey of the
manufacturer. The issued Recognition Certificate shall contain in its annex information on the process and
special features of material manufacture, dimensions of sem-ifinished products supplied, procurement
documentation and, if needed, special features of product marking (refer to, Part XIII "Materials"
of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships).
The Certificate shall be necessarily provided with an annex. The code of an item shall be given for
each material in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer form according to the RS Nomenclature
(Appendix 1 to Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision").
2.1.4 Endorsement of Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. Endorsement of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is carried out within the period
stated in the Certificate according to Occasional survey of the manufacturer having the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer
shall be performed during its validity period in the following cases:
inspection for defects in product use or operation, identification of causes effecting the product quality;
rejection to submit product in its manufacture and use;
unsatisfactory operation of the quality control system;
making changes in conditions of approval unless preagreed with the Register;
numerous failures in test performance;
recurring deviations from production or control procedure, and identified degradation of product
quality stability (even with the results submitted regarding the review of the deviations detected, and the
restoration of the Register confidence in a quality level).
The Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer endorsement may apply to the individual kinds of
product or to all the materials listed in the Certificate.
In the above cases the decision on the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer endorsement is made
by the RHO and/or the RS Branch Office carrying out technical supervision at the manufacturer's. Everything listed in may be considered by the Register as calling into question the intact
validity of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer at a specific manufacturer and therefore may be
interpreted by the parties as "occasional renewal" of the Certificate with the relevant drawing up of a
manufacturer's request, etc. Additionally to the listed in, endorsement may be demanded when the materials
supervised by the Register were not supplied during the period exceeding two years after issuance, renewal
or previous endorsement of the Certificate. At endorsement of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, the scope of tests and surveys
is determined in each particular case and may be equal to that of an initial survey (refer to If the terms of the Certificate issue and the pertinent statistical data testifying to stability of the
product quality level remain unchanged, being formally confirmed by the firm (manufacturer), the
Certificate may be endorsed in a brief way.
At the discretion of the RS Branch Office/RHO Location carrying out technical supervision at the
manufacturer's the tests may be omitted in the following cases:
with regular supplies of the product specified in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer under
technical supervision of the Register or another classification society, and with provision of the pertinent
information by the manufacturer (a statistically processed form is preferable);
with irregular supplies of the product specified in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer under
technical supervision of the Register or another classification society, but with provision by the
manufacturer of the pertinent information on supply of materials close by their parameters to those
supplied and manufactured according to similar procedures. The data on chemical composition shall
include all the elements specified for materials being presented by the manufacturer, micro alloying
elements inclusive.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Additionally to the above conditions, the RS Branch Office may demand data on product rejecting,
internal flaws, surface condition and dimensions.
If data on materials stated in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer are lacking, statistics may
contain data on similar materials manufactured under the same technology. Where the product mentioned in the Certificate or like is not produced by the manufacturer, the
Certificate can be endorsed when the relevant orders are received. In this case, the scope of surveys and
extent of tests may also be equal to that of the initial survey, but it shall be consistent with the order extent
and the validity period of the Recognition Certificate.
If the RS Branch Office decides to endorse the Recognition Certificate, the relevant statement is
forwarded to the RHO.
2.1.5 Renewal of Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. Renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is carried out within the period stated
in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer form according to Renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer at a specific known manufacturer is
carried out on the basis of the manufacturer special survey. Decisions on the survey procedure, scope and
execution of works, unless otherwise stated, are made by the RS Branch Office carrying out technical
supervision at the manufacturer's considering the results of previous surveys (refer to 2.1.4).
Everything listed in and is applicable for the conditions of Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer renewal. At endorsement of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, the extent of tests and scope
of surveys are determined in each particular case and may be equal to those of the initial survey. Generally,
the extent of tests and scope of surveys are determined in accordance with, and
Survey within the scope of initial tests, in addition to the above mentioned, may be required in case the
previous audit was carried out in a formal way (refer to
Necessity of work performance and the scope of approval equivalent to the initial one may be agreed
with RHO.
2.1.6 Invalidation of Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer.
Generally, the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer may become invalid in the following cases:
upon the manufacturer's request;
when the product supplied by the manufacturer shows non-conformity with the provisions of
Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer issued (with the requirements of the RS rules and documentation
entered in the Certificate);
when the terms of the agreement for technical supervision at the manufacturer's are violated;
when the Certificate validity period has expired and the firm (manufacturer) has failed to submit the
relevant request at due time;
As a rule, the specific conditions wherein the Certificate becomes invalid are regulated by an
agreement on technical supervision concluded between the Register and the firm (manufacturer).


2.2.1 Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of semi-finished products for hull structural
steels. General.
These provisions specify the procedure for recognition (initial survey) by the Register of the
manufacturing process of semi-finished products such as ingots, slabs, blooms and billets for hull
structural steel.
The procedures for recognition of the manufacturer, issue, endorsement and renewal of the
Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer are set forth in 2.1.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-12 Documentation. Initial documentation.
The firm (manufacturer) shall submit to the Register the request for recognition, check test program
and general information relevant to the following:
.1 name and site address of the firm (manufacturer), location of the workshops, general indications
relevant to the background, dimension of the works, estimated total annual production of finished products
for shipbuilding and for other applications, as deemed useful;
.2 organization and quality:
organizational chart;
staff employed;
staff employed and organization of the quality control department;
qualification of the personnel involved in activities related to the quality of the products;
certification of compliance of the quality system with ISO 9001;
approval certificates already granted by other classification societies, if any;
.3 manufacturing facilities:
flow chart of manufacturing process;
origin and storage of raw materials;
storage of finished products;
equipment for systematic control during fabrication;
.4 details of inspections and quality control facilities:
details of system used for identification of materials at different stages of manufacturing;
equipment for chemical analysis and relevant calibration procedures;
list of quality control procedures;
.5 type of products (ingots, slabs, blooms, billets); grades of steel, range of thickness and aim material
properties as follows:
range of chemical composition and aim analyses, including grain refining, micro alloying and residual
elements, for the various grades of steel; if the range of chemical composition depends on thickness and
supply condition, the different ranges shall be specified, as appropriate;
aim maximum carbon equivalent Сeq according to the formula specified in 3.2.2, Part ХIII "Materials"
of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
aim maximum Pcm content for higher strength grades with low carbon content С < 0,13 %, unless
otherwise specified;
production statistics of the chemical composition and, if available, at rolling mills, mechanical
properties (ReH, Rm, A%, KV). The statistics are intended to demonstrate the capability to manufacture the
steel products in accordance with the specified requirements;
.6 steel making:
steel making process and capacity of furnaces and/or converter;
raw material used;
deoxidation and alloying practice;
desulphurization and vacuum degassing installa-tions, if any;
casting methods: ingot or continuous casting. In the case of continuous casting, information relevant to
type of casting machine, teeming practice, methods to prevent re-oxidization, inclusions and segregation
control, presence of electromagnetic stirring, soft reduction, etc., shall be provided as appropriate;
ingot or slab size and weight;
ingot or slab treatment: scarfing and discarding procedures;
.7 approval already granted by other classification societies and documentation of approval tests
performed. Documentation to be submitted for changing the recognition conditions.
The firm (manufacturer) shall submit to the Register the request (refer to 2.1.2) for changing the
recognition conditions, in the case of the following:
.1 change of the manufacturing process: steel making, casting (steel making plant, caster);
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.2 change of the thickness range (dimension);

.3 change of the chemical composition, added element, etc.
The documentation submitted earlier (refer to and subjected to relevant changes shall be
enclosed to the request. As for the rest documentation submitted earlier during the previous recognition or
endorsement, the request shall contain a record that it remains unchangeable.
The tests program shall be submitted in any case (refer to Tests for recognition of manufacturing process and quality of semi-finished products. Extent of tests.
In general, the extent of the test program is specified in
Types and number of tests may be modified by the Register on the basis of the preliminary information
submitted by the firm (manufacturer) in accordance with and In particular, a reduction
of the indicated number of casts, semi-finished products of certain thicknesses and steel grades to be tested
or complete suppression of the tests may be accepted by the Register, taking into account the following:
.1 approval already granted by other classification societies and documentation of tests performed;
.2 grades of steel to be recognized by the Register and availability of long term statistic results of
chemical and mechanical properties (tests performed on rolled products);
.3 change of the recognition conditions by the Register.
An increase of the number of casts and semi-finished products of different thicknesses to be tested may
be required in the case of newly developed grades of steel or manufacturing processes. Test program.
Where the number of tests differs from those specified in, the program shall be submitted to
the Register for approval before the tests are carried out, together with the documentation required
in and Technical supervision.
The tests carried out at the firm's (manufacturer's) shall be conducted considering the requirements
of _
If the manufacturer cannot conduct testing of the stated product, the tests needed shall be carried out at
the testing laboratory recognized by the Register. Selection of the test product (metal).
For each grade of steel, for each type of semi-finished product and for each manufacturing process
(e.g. steel making, casting, heat treatment), one test product with the maximum thickness (dimension) and
one test product with the minimum thickness (dimension) shall be as a minimum selected for the tests.
The selection of the casts for the test product shall be based on the typical chemical composition, with
particular regard to the specified Ceq or Pcm values and grain refining micro-alloying additions. Sampling (Position of the test samples).
The test samples shall be taken, unless otherwise agreed, from the semi-finished product
corresponding to the top of the ingot, or, in case of continuous casting, a random sample. Testing (Tests on base material). Type of tests.
The tests to be carried out for the recognition of the manufacturing process of semi-finished products
chemical analysis. The analysis shall be complete and shall include micro alloying elements;
sulphur prints.
In addition, for initial recognition or for any upgrade of the recognition, the Register will require full
tests in compliance with the requirements of 2.2.2 to be performed at rolling mill on the minimum
thickness semi-finished product.
At that it shall be taken into consideration that in case of a multi-caster work, full tests on rolled
products (finished products) shall be carried out for one caster only and reduced tests (chemical analysis,
sulphur print) for the others.
The selection of the caster shall be based on the technical characteristics of the casters to be performed
at rolling mill on products manufactured from the minimum thickness semi-finished product.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-14 Test specimens and testing procedure. Generally, the specimens and test procedures shall
meet the requirements of 2.2, Part ХШ "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships.
At that the following tests and procedures apply:
.1 chemical analyses:
both the ladle sample and product analyses shall be reported. As the material for rolled material
analysis the tensile test specimens are employed. In general, the content of the following elements shall be
checked: C, Mn, Si, P, S, Ni, Cr, Mo, Al, N, Nb, V, Cu, As, Sn, Ti. For steels manufactured from electric
and open-hearth furnaces the Sb and В content is additionally checked;
.2 sulphur prints:
sulphur prints shall be taken from product edges, which are perpendicular to the axis of the ingot or
slab. These sulphur prints shall be approximately 600 mm long taken from the center of the edge selected,
i.e. on the ingot centerline, and shall include the fall product thickness. Results.
All the results and testing conditions shall comply with the requirements of the RS rules and shall be
evaluated for recognition by the Register; depending on the results (regulated and not regulated by the RS
rules), particular limitations or testing conditions shall be specified in the documents submitted for approval.
Besides, the firm (manufacturer) shall collect a set of documents containing all the information
required under, applicable to the semi-finished products submitted to the tests.
The set of documents shall include all the results of the tests and analyses, operation records relevant to
steel making, casting and, when applicable, rolling and heat treatment of test products. The set of
documents may be also requested by the Register for review. Recognition. Upon satisfactory completion of the survey and tests, the Register will issue the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer wherein the following information shall be stated:
type of a semi-finished product;
steel making and casting processes;
thickness range of the semi-finished products whereto the RS document applies;
steel grade.
It shall be also indicated in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer that the individual users of the
semi-finished products mentioned in the document shall be recognized by the Register for the
manufacturing process of the specific grade of rolled steel products they are going to manufacture with
those semi-finished products. Renewal of recognition.
The validity period of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer issued by the Register shall be a
maximum of five years.
Renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer can be carried out by an audit and the
assessment of the result of satisfactory survey during the period of validity of the existing Certificate.
Where for operational reasons, the renewal audit (renewal of Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer) falls outside the period of recognition validity, the manufacturer may be considered as
recognized by the Register only, if agreement to this audit date is made within the original period of
recognition validity.
In this instance, if successful, the extension of recognition will be back dated to the original renewal date.
Manufacturers, who have not produced the grades and products recognized by the Register during the
validity period of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, shall be required to carry out all necessary
tests for renewal of the Certificate. The renewal of the recognition for such grades of steel (their retention
in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer) may be performed on the basis of results of production of
similar brands of steel and types of semi-finished products. Reconsideration of the recognition.
The recognition may be reconsidered during the period of validity of the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer in the cases specified in
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

2.2.2 Procedure for recognition of hull structural steel manufacturers. General.
These provisions specify the procedure for recognition by the Register of the manufacturing process of
rolled steels of normal and higher strength, as required by 1.3, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The recognition procedure is the basis for the Register verification of the manufacturer's capability to
provide satisfactory products stably under effective process and production controls in operation including
programmed rolling, and the quality system adopted at the manufacturer's in accordance with the
requirements of and, ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction
of Sea-Going Ships.
Generally, the recognition of a certain steel grade produced in accordance with the proposed
manufacturing process flow chart, means recognition of a certain type of products supplied by the
manufacturer and made of this steel grade meeting the requirements of the RS rules. Application. Documentation. Initial documentation.
The manufacturer shall submit to the Register the request for recognition, check test program and
general information relevant to the following:
.1 name and site address of the manufacturer, location of the workshops, general indication relevant to
the background, dimensions of the works, estimated total annual production and types of products for
shipbuilding and for other applications (as deemed useful);
.2 organization and quality:
organizational chart:
staff employed;
staff employed and organization of the quality control department;
qualification of the personnel involved in activities related to the required quality of products;
certification of compliance of the quality system with ISO 9001 or 9002, if any;
approval certificates already granted by other classification societies, if any;
.3 manufacturing facilities:
flow chart of manufacturing process;
origin and storage of raw materials;
storage of finished products;
equipment for systematic control during fabrication;
.4 details of inspections and quality control facilities:
details of system used for identification of materials used at different stages of manufacturing;
equipment for chemical analysis, mechanical tests, metallography and relevant calibration procedures;
equipment for non-destructive testing;
list of quality control procedures;
.5 types of semi-finished products (sheets/plates, sections, coiled rolled products), grades of steel,
thickness range and aim material properties as follows:
range of chemical composition and aim analyses, including grain refining, micro alloying and residual
elements, for the various grades of steel (if the range of chemical composition depends on thickness and
supply condition, the different ranges shall be specified, as appropriate);
aim maximum carbon equivalent Ceq according to the formula specified in 3.2.2, Part ХIII "Materials"
of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
aim maximum Pcm content for higher strength grades with low carbon content C<0,13 %, unless
otherwise specified;
production statistics of the chemical composition and mechanical properties (ReH, Rm, A%, KV). The
statistics are intended to demonstrate the capability to manufacture the steel products in accordance with
the specified requirements;
.6 steel making:
steel making process and capacity of furnace/s or converter/s;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

raw materials used;

deoxidation and alloying practice;
desulphurization and vacuum degassing installations, if any;
casting method: ingot or continuous casting. In the case of continuous casting, information relevant to
type of casting machine, teeming practice, methods to prevent re-oxidization, inclusion and segregation
control, presence of electromagnetic stirring, soft reduction, etc., shall be provided as appropriate;
ingot or slab size and weight;
ingot or slab treatment: scarfing and discarding procedures;
.7 reheating and rolling:
type of furnace and treatment parameters;
rolling: reduction ratio of slab/bloom/billet to finished product thickness, rolling and finishing
descaling treatment during rolling;
capacity of the rolling stands;
.8 heat treatment:
type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters and their relevant records;
accuracy and calibration of temperature control devices;
.9 programmed rolling:
for semi-finished products delivered in the controlled rolling (CR) or thermo-mechanical treatment
(TM), the following additional information on the programmed rolling schedules shall be given:
description of rolling process;
normalizing temperature, re-crystallization temperature and Ar3 temperature and the methods used to
determine them;
control standards for typical rolling parameters used for the different thickness and grades of steel
(temperature and thickness at the beginning and at the end of the passes, interval between passes, reduction
ratio, temperature range and cooling speed of accelerated cooling, if any) and relevant method of control;
calibration of the control equipment;
.10 recommendations for bending and welding in particular for steels delivered in the CR or TM
hot and cold bending recommendations if needed in addition to the normal practice used in the
shipyards or workshops;
minimum and maximum heat input if different from the ones usually used in the shipyards and
workshops (15 _ 50 kJ/cm));
.11 where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned, if possible, to another production facility
or to another manufacturer, additional information required by the Register shall be included;
.12 approval certificates already granted by other classification societies and documentation of tests
performed. Documentation to be submitted for chan-ging the recognition conditions.
The firm (manufacturer) shall submit to the Register the request (refer to 2.1.2) for changing the
recognition conditions in the case of the following:
.1 change of any of the manufacturing process (steel making, casting, rolling and/or heat treatment);
.2 change of maximum thickness (dimension);
.3 change of the chemical composition, added element, etc.;
.4 use of other rolling mills, thermal or other equipment differing from that indicated earlier for
recognition of the rolling by the Register;
.5 use of semi-finished products not included in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer and not
subjected to the relevant tests, for rolling of the semi-finished products.
However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones at initial recognition by the Register for the
same type of semi-finished product, part or all of the documents may be omitted except the test program.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-17 Tests for recognition of manufacturing process and quality of rolled steel. Extent of tests.
In general, the extent of tests is specified in, and
The extent and number of tests may be modified by the Register on the basis of the preliminary
information submitted by the firm (manufacturer) in accordance with and In particular,
a reduction of the indicated number of casts, semi-finished products of certain thicknesses and steel grades
to be tested or complete suppression of the tests may be accepted.
The decisions are made taking into account the following:
.1 approval already granted by other classification societies and documentation of tests performed;
.2 grades of steel to be recognized by the Register and availability of long term statistic results of
chemical and mechanical properties;
.3 recognition for any grade of steel also covers recognition for any lower grade in the same strength
level, provided that the aim analyses, method of manufacture and condition of supply are similar;
.4 for higher tensile steels, recognition of one strength level covers the recognition of the strength level
immediately below, provided the steel making process, deoxidation and fine grain practice, casting method
and condition of supply are the same;
.5 change of the recognition conditions by the Register.
In case of multi-source semi-finished products or changing of semi-finished product manufacturer, the
rolled steel manufacturer is required to obtain the approval of the manufacturing process of rolled steels
using the semi-finished products from each semi-finished product manufacturer.
Tests shall be conducted in accordance with and
A reduction or complete suppression of the tests may be considered taking into account previous
recognition as follows:
the rolled steel manufacturer has already been recognized for the manufacturing process using other
semi-finished products characterized by the same thickness, steel grade, grain refining and micro-alloying
elements, steel making and casting process;
the semi-finished products manufacturer has been recognized by the Register for the complete
manufacturing process with the same conditions (steelmaking, casting, rolling and heat treatment) for the
same steel types. Test program.
Where the number of tests differs from those specified in and, the program shall be
submitted to the Register for approval before the tests are carried out, together with the documentation
required in and Technical supervision.
The tests carried out at the firm's (manufacturer's) shall be conducted in accordance with _
If the manufacturer cannot conduct testing of the stated product, the tests needed shall be carried out at
the testing laboratory recognized by the Register. Selection of the test product (metal).
For each grade of steel, for each type of semi-finished product and for each manufacturing process
(covering the whole cycle: steel making, casting, rolling and condition of supply), one semi-finished
product with the maximum thickness (dimension) shall in general be selected for the tests.
In addition, for initial approval, the Register may require selection of one semi-finished product of
average thickness.
The selection of the casts for the semi-finished products shall be based on the typical chemical
composition, with particular regard to the specified Ceq or Pcm values and content of deoxidizing and grain
refining micro-alloying additions. Sampling (Position of the test samples).
The test samples shall be taken, unless otherwise agreed, from the semi-finished product (plate, flat,
section, bar) corresponding to the top of the ingot, or, in case of continuous casting, a random sample.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The position of the samples to be taken in the length of the rolled product "top" and/or "bottom" of the
piece and the direction of the test specimens with respect to the final direction of rolling of the material are
indicated in Table of this Part. The position of the samples in the width of the product shall be
in compliance with 3.2.5 "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
Ships. Testing (Tests on base material). Type of tests.
The tests to be carried out are indicated in Table Test specimens and testing procedures.
The test specimens and testing procedures shall be, as a rule, in accordance with 2.2, Part ХIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
In particular the following applies:
.1 tensile tests:
for plates made of hot rolled strip, one additional tensile specimen shall be taken from the middle of
the strip constituting the coil;
T a b l e
Type of tests Position of the samples Remarks
and direction of the test
Tensile test Top and bottom transverse2 ReH, Rm, А5(%), RA(%) shall be reported

Tensile test (stress relieved) only for TM steels Top and bottom Stress relieving at 600 °С
transverse2 (2 min/mm with minimum 1 h)
Impact test3 on non-aged specimens for steel grades: Top and bottom, Test temperature, °С
A, B, A32, A36, A40 + 20 0 720 —
D, D32, D36, D40 0 720 740 —
E, E32, E36, E40 0 720 740 760
F32, F36, F40 720 740 760 780
A, B, A32, A36, A40 Top, transverse4 + 20 0 720 —
D, D32, D36, D40 0 720 740 —
E, E32, E36, E40 720 740 760 —
F32, F36, F40 740 760 780 —

Impact test3 on strain aged specimens5 for steel grades: Top, longitudinal Test temperature, °С
A32, A36, A40 + 20 0 720 —
D, D32, D36, D40 0 720 740 —
E, E32, E36, E40 720 740 760 —
F32, F36, F40 740 760 780 —

Chemical analysis6 Top Complete analysis including micro

alloying elements
Sulphur prints Top —

Analysis of microstructure by optical metallgraphy methods Top —

Grain size determination Top Only for fine grain steels

Drop weight tests4 Top Only for steels of grades Е, Е32, Е36,
Е40, F32, F36, F40
Through thickness tensile tests Top and bottom Only for grades with improved through
thickness properties
For hot-rolled strips — refer to
Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
One set of three V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test in accordance with, Part XIII
"Materials" of Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The test is not required for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
Deformation — 5 % + 1 h at 250 °С.
Chemical analysis of ladle sample is also required.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for plates having thickness higher than 40 mm, when the capacity of the available testing machines is
insufficient to allow the use of test specimens of full thickness, multiple flat specimens, representing
collectively the full thickness, can be used. Alternatively two round specimens with the axes located at one
quarter and at mid-thickness can be taken;
for test specimens of full thickness, multiple flat specimens, representing collectively the full
thickness, can be used. Alternatively two round specimens with the axis located at one quarter and at mid-
thickness can be taken;
.2 impact tests:
for plates made of hot rolled strip, one additional set of impact specimens shall be taken from the
middle of the strip constituting the coil;
for plates having thickness higher than 40 mm, one additional set of impact specimens shall be taken
with the axes located at mid-thickness;
when conducting an impact bending test, in addition to the determination of the energy value, required
for specimen destruction, also the lateral expansion and the percentage of the tough (brittle) component
(crystallinity) shall be reported;
impact test on strain aged specimens, unless otherwise specified, shall be conducted according
to, Part XIII "Materials" of Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. For
rolled products having thickness higher than 40 mm, the Register may require to conduct additional tests
on specimens taken from the middle of rolled product. Standards of the test results _ in accordance with
Tables 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.3, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships, depending on the steel grade;
.3 chemical composition (analyses):
chemical analysis shall be carried out using both the ladle sample and rolled product submitted for
testing. The material for rolled product analysis shall be taken from the tensile test specimens. In general,
the content of the following elements shall be checked: C, Mn, Si, P, S, Ni, Cr, Mo, Al, N, Nb, V, Cu, As,
Sn, Ti and, for steels manufactured from electric and open-hearth furnaces, Sb and;
.4 sulphur prints:
sulphur prints shall be taken from plate edges, which are perpendicular to the axis of the ingot or slab.
These sulphur prints shall be approximately 600 mm long taken from the centre of the edge selected, i.e.
on the ingot centreline, and shall include the full plate thickness;
.5 analysis of microstructure by optical metallographic methods:
the micrographs shall be representative of the full thickness. For thick rolled products in general at
least three examinations shall be made at surface, one quarter and mid-thickness of the product;
All photomicrographs shall be taken at 6100 magnification and where ferrite grain size exceeds the
requirements of ASTM 10, additionally at 6500 magnification. Ferrite grain size shall be determined for
each photomicrograph;
The following microstructure parameters shall be determined (the specified criteria are optional):
for normal and higher strength steel with ferritic and pearlitic structure – the ferrite grain size shall not
exceed 0,022 mm that being equal to number "8" according to GOST 5639 (refer to Table 1) or an
equivalent standard recognized by the Register. Ferritic and pearlitic banded orientation of steel is
determined by GOST 5640 or equivalent standard recognized by the Register and shall not exceed two
according to scale "3" of the line "А";
higher strength steel with ferritic and bainitic structure - the ferrite grain size shall not exceed 0,015
mm complying with number "9" according to GOST 5639 or an equivalent standard recognized by the
Register, thus the anisotropy coefficient of the structure shall not exceed "1"; also the portion and size of
bainitic areas of the rake-type morphology shall be determined;
austenite grain size shall not exceed 0,044 mm complying with number "6" according to GOST 5639
or an equivalent standard recognized by the Register.
.6 drop weight test:
the test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E208. The nil-ductility test temperature (NDTT)
shall be determined and photographs of the tested specimens shall be taken and enclosed with the test report.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The test results shall meet the requirements of 3.2.4, Part ХII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification, Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and Fixed Offshore
.7 through thickness tensile test:
the tests shall be performed in accordance with, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The test results shall meet the requirements specified
for respective steel grades in 3.2 of the above mentioned Part. Other tests.
Additional tests, such as CTOD (crack tip opening displacement) test, large scale brittle fracture tests
or other tests may be required in the case of newly developed types of steel, outside the scope of 3.2,
Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, or when
deemed necessary by the Register. Weldability test. General.
Tests are required for rolled plates of normal and higher strength steel strength of grades E and F.
The required weldability tests shall be carried out on samples of full thickness plate. Preparation and welding of the test assemblies. In general, welding of two butt weld test
assemblies with a heat input approximately 15 kJ/cm and 50 kJ/cm is required.
The butt weld test assemblies shall be prepared with the weld seam transverse to the plate rolling
direction, so that impact specimens will result in the longitudinal direction.
The bevel preparation shall be preferably l/2V or K.
The welding procedure shall be as far as possible in accordance with the normal welding practice used
at the shipyards for the type of steel in question.
The welding parameters including grade of welding electrodes and their diameter, pre-heating
temperatures, interpass temperatures, heat input, number of passes, etc. shall be reported. Type of tests.
From the test assemblies the following test specimens shall be taken:
.1 one cross weld specimen — for tensile test;
.2 four sets of specimens, each of three specimens — for impact tests (KV).
One set of specimens is with notches located at the fusion line, other two sets _ with notches at a
distance of 2 mm and 5 mm from the fusion line accordingly, the fourth set _ with notches at a minimum
distance of 20 mm from the fusion line (refer to Fig. 6.4.5, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships). The fusion boundary shall be identified after etching
the specimens with a suitable reagent.
The test temperature shall be the one prescribed for the testing of the steel grade in question;
.3 specimens for determination of HV5 hardness across the weldment:
the indentations shall be made along a 1 mm transverse line beneath the plate surface on both the face
side and the root side of the weld as follows:
fusion line;
heat affected zone (HAZ): at each 0,7 mm from fusion line into unaffected base metal (6 _ 7
minimum measurements for each HAZ).
The maximum hardness value shall not exceed than 350HV.
A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions, number of passes, hardness indentations shall
be attached to the test repot together with photomacrographs of the weld cross section. Other tests.
Additional tests, such as cold cracking tests (controlled thermal severity (CTS) test), CTOD, or other
tests may be required in the case of newly developed type of steel outside the scope of 3.2, Part ХIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships or in the cases stated
in Section 3, Part XII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification, Construction and Equipment of
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and Fixed Offshore Platforms, or when deemed necessary by the Register.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
All the results and testing conditions shall comply with the requirements of the RS rules and shall be
evaluated for recognition by the Register: depending on the results (regulated and not regulated by the RS
rules), particular limitations or testing conditions shall be specified in the documents submitted for
Besides, the manufacturer shall collect a set of documents containing all the information required
under, applicable to the semi-finished products subjected to the tests.
The set of documents shall include all the results of tests and analyses, operational records relevant to
steel making, casting, rolling, heat treatment or thermo-mechanical treatment of test products. The set of
documents may be also requested by the Register for review. Results of survey.
Upon satisfactory completion of the survey and tests, the Register will issue the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer. List of recognized manufacturers.
The manufacturers having the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer are entered in a list of
manufacturers recognized by the Register. The list, besides the names of manufacturers, contains the
information on the products manufactured by them and recognized by the Register: grades and/or brands
of steel and the main conditions, under which the Register formalized its recognition of the manufacturers. Renewal of recognition.
Renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer can be carried out by an audit and the
assessment of the result of satisfactory survey during the period of validity of the existing Certificate.
Where for operational reasons, the renewal audit (renewal of the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer) falls outside the validity period of recognition, the manufacturer may be considered as
recognized by the Register only if agreement to this audit date is made within the original period of
recognition validity.
In this instance, if successful, the extension of recognition will be back dated to the original renewal
Manufacturers, who have not produced the grades/brands of steel and types of rolled products
recognized by the Register during the validity period of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, are
required to carry out all necessary tests for renewal of the Certificate. The renewal of the recognition for
such grades and products (their retention in the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer) may be
performed on the basis of results of production of similar brands of steel and types of rolled products. Reconsideration of recognition.
Recognition may be reconsidered during the validity period of the Recognition Certificate for
Manufacturer in the cases specified in
2.2.3 Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of hull structural steels intended for welding
with high heat input.
These provisions specify the weldability confirmation scheme of normal and higher strength rolled
hull structural steels intended for welding with high heat input over 50 kJ, at the Register recognition of the
steel manufacturer in compliance with 2.2.1.
The weldability confirmation scheme shall be generally applied by the rolled steel manufacturer's
option. On the basis and within the frame of the tests performed, the Register issues the relevant document
certifying that the steel has satisfactory weldability for high heat input welding concerned under testing
The document covers a particular steel mill to manufacture grade of steel to the specific chemical
composition range, melting practice, rolling practice, heat treatment and examination for which
conformance was established. Scheme stated below does not apply to qualification of welding procedures
to be undertaken by the shipyards.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-22 Documentation.
When applying to the Register, except stated in, the following information shall be
manufacturing control points to prevent toughness deterioration in heat affected zone when welded
with high heat input, relevant to melting, casting, rolling, heat treatment, etc.;
welding control points to improve joint properties on strength and toughness, if any. Testing (Confirmation test). Extent of tests.
Unless otherwise agreed, extent of testing and respective program for steel grades are specified
proceeding from the following provisions:
.1 tests on the lowest and highest toughness levels (proceeding from the impact test parameters and
temperatures) cover the intermediate toughness level (e.g. the test results for steel grades PCA36 and
PCE36 apply to steel grade PCD36);
.2 tests for normal strength level cover that strength level only;
.3 for high tensile steels, the tests on one strength level cover strength level immediately below;
.4 tests may be carried out separately subject to the same manufacturing process (e.g. differences in
melting and/or casting method, and/or rolling, and/or heat treatment);
.5 results of surveys and tests carried out under the technical supervision of another classification
society and respective documentation approved by that society may be recognized and approved by the
Register without additional testing. Weldability test program.
The test program shall be drawn up in accordance with
However, the test program may be modified proceeding from the local conditions and new tasks. In
particular, additional test assemblies or types of tests may be required in the case of newly developed types
of steel, welding consumables or welding method, or when deemed necessary by the Register.
The program shall be approved by the Register before the tests are carried out. Requirements for the rolled products to be tested (test plate).
Test plate (rolled products) shall be manufactured by a process approved by the Register in accordance with
the requirements of For each manufacturing process route, two test rolled products shall be selected.
The thicker plate (t) and thinner plate (less than or equal to t/2) shall be proposed by the manufacturer.
Small changes in manufacturing processing (e.g. within the TM process) may be considered for
acceptance without testing, at the discretion of the Register. Preparation of test assemblies.
One butt weld assembly welded with heat input over 50 kJ/cm shall be generally prepared with the
weld axis transverse to the plate rolling direction.
Dimensions of the test assembly shall amply sufficient to take all the required test specimens specified
The welding procedures shall be, as far as possible, in accordance with the normal practices applied at
shipyards for the test (plate) concerned.
Welding process, welding position, welding con-sumables (manufacturer, brand, grade, diameter and
shield gas) and welding parameters including bevel preparation, heat input, preheating temperatures,
interpass temperatures, number of passes, etc. shall be reported. Requirements for tests and examinations.
Unless otherwise specified, the test assembly shall be examined and tested in accordance with the
.1 visual testing.
Overall welded surface shall be uniform and free from injurious defects such as cracks, undercuts,
over-laps, etc.;
.2 macro examination (macroscopic test).
At least one macroscopic photograph shall be representative of transverse section of the welded joint
and shall show absence of cracks, lack of penetration, lack of fusion, and other injurious defects;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.3 micro examination (microscopic test).

Along mid-thickness line across transverse section of the weld, one micrograph shall be taken at each
position of the weld metal centreline, fusion line and at a distance 2, 5, 10 and minimum 20 mm from the
fusion line. The test results shall be provided for information purpose only;
.4 hardness test.
Along two lines across transverse weld section 1 mm beneath the plate surface on both face and root
side of the weld, indentations by HV5 shall be made at weld metal centreline, fusion line and each 0,7 mm
position from fusion line to unaffected base metal (minimum 6 to 7 measurements for each HAZ).
The maximum hardness value shall not be higher than 350HV;
.5 transverse tensile tests.
At least two transverse (cross weld) tensile specimens shall be taken from the test assembly. Test
specimens and testing procedures shall comply with the requirements of 2.2 of this Part. The requirements
for retesting are set forth in, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The tensile strength shall be not less than the minimum required value for the grade of base metal;
.6 bend tests.
At least two transverse (cross weld) test specimens shall be taken from the test assembly and bent on a
mandrel with diameter of quadruple specimen thickness. Bending angle shall be at least 120°.
For rolled steel (plate) thickness up to 20 mm, one face-bend and one root-bend specimens or two side-
bend specimens shall be taken. For rolled steel thickness over 20 mm, two side-bend specimens shall be taken.
After testing, the test specimens shall not reveal any crack nor other open defect in any direction
greater than 3 mm;
.7 impact tests.
Charpy V-notch impact specimens (three specimens for one set) shall be taken within 2 mm below
rolled steel (plate) surface on face side of the weld with the notch perpendicular to the plate surface.
One set of specimens transverse to the weld shall be taken with the notch located at the fusion line and
at a distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion line. The fusion boundary shall be identified
etching the specimens with a suitable reagent. The test temperature shall be the one prescribed for the
testing of the base metal.
For rolled steel (steel plate) with thickness greater than 50 mm or one side welding for plate thickness
greater than 20 mm, one additional set of the specimens shall be taken from the root side of the weld with
the notch located at each the same position as for the face side.
The average impact energy as a result of the above tests shall comply with Tables 3.2.2-1 and 3.2.3,
Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships depending
on the steel grade.
At the Register request, additional sets of specimens shall be taken for evaluating the transition
temperature curve of absorbed energy and percentage crystallinity. Temperature and the extent of testing
are subject to special agreement by the Register.
Tests and test specimen dimensions shall be in com-pliance with 2.2, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The requirements for retesting and acceptance criteria are set forth in, Part XIII "Materials" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
.8 other tests.
Additional tests, such as wide-width tensile test, cold cracking tests (CTS, Cruciform, etc.), CTOD or
other tests may be required by the Register in the case of newly developed type of steel, when the steel is
used in special structures and/or in the event of its intended use in special conditions, etc. Results.
The manufacturer shall submit to the Register the complete report including the results and conditions
of tests. The report shall contain information on selection of the extent of testing. The Register shall review
and evaluate the contents of the test report in accordance with the requirements of this Section and the RS
rules in general and decide on the confirmation of weldability.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-24 Recognition. Where the test results and test report are found to be satisfactory, the Register issues a
document (Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer) confirming recognition of the manufacturer of hull
structural steel intended for welding with high heat input.
The following information shall be included in the document:
.1 manufacturer;
.2 grade designation with notation of heat input (refer to;
.3 deoxidation practice;
.4 fine grain practice;
.5 condition of supply;
.6 rolled steel (plate) thickness tested;
.7 welding process;
.8 welding consumables (manufacturer, brand and grade), if needed;
.9 actual heat input applied. In the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer, in documentation or on the order, in Quality
System Certificates of the manufacturer and at steel branding, the notation indicating the value of heat
input applied in the required tests (confirmation test) may be added to the grade designation of the test
steel (test plate), e.g. "E36-W300" (in the case of heat input 300 kJ/cm applied). The value of this
notation shall be not less than 50 and every 10 added.
2.2.4 Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of rolled steel for welded chain cable lengths.
These provisions specify the procedure for recognition by the Register of the manufacturer of rolled
steel (rolled bars) for anchor chain cable lengths.
The recognition procedure forms the basis for the Register verification of the manufacturer's capability
to provide satisfactory products stably under effective process and production controls in operation
including programmed rolling, and the quality system adopted at the manufacturer's in accordance with the
requirements of and, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Generally, the recognition of a certain steel grade produced in accordance with the proposed
manufacturing process flow chart, means recognition of a certain type of products supplied by the
manufacturer and made of this steel grade meeting the requirements of the RS rules. Documentation.
Generally, documentation specified in and shall be submitted together with the
request for recognition.
Extent, approval and performance of tests shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements
specified in Sampling (Position of the test samples).
The test samples (refer to 3.6, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going ships) shall be taken, unless otherwise agreed, from the semi-finished product
(bar, section) corresponding to the top part of the ingot, or in case of continuous casting, a random sample.
The position of the samples to be taken in the length of the rolled product (top and/or bottom of the
piece) are indicated in Table Type of tests.
The tests to be carried out are indicated in Table The test results as well as the recognition procedure shall comply with the requirements
specified in and
2.2.5 Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steels. General.
These provisions specify the procedure for recognition (initial survey) by the Register of the
manufacturing process of rolled products, forgings, forged and rolled plates, and stampings of corrosion-
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e, 2

Position of the samples

Type of tests and direction of the test Remarks

Tensile test Top and bottom ReH, Rm, A5(%), RA(%)

transverse3 shall be reported
Tensile test (stress relieved) only for TM steels Top and bottom Stress relieving at 600 8С
transverse3 (2 min/mm with minimum 1 h)

Impact test4 on non-aged speciemens for steel grades: Test temperature, in 8С

1, 2 Top and bottom, + 20 0 720 _

3 and higher longitudinal 0 720 740 _
Impact test4 on strain aged specimens5 for steel grades: Test temperature, 8С

1, 2 Top + 20 0 720 _
3 and higher longitudinal 0 720 740 _
Chemical analysis6 Top Complete analysis including micro
alloying elements
Sulphur prints Top _
Micro examination Top _

Grain size determination Top Only for fine-grain steels

Type, scope and results of testing shall be in compliance with the RS rules requirements and documentation for rolled materials supply.
In accordance with the RS rules requirements the rolled material mechanical properties shall be identified after the rolled steel heat
treatment similar to heat treatment of the chain of relevant grade).
Longitudinal direction for sections, plates and strip steels having width less than 600 mm.
One set of three V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
Deformation – 5 % + 1 h at 250 8С.
Chemical analysis of ladle sample is also required.

resistant (stainless) steel. Procedure for recognition of manufacturer, issue, endorsement and renewal of
the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is set forth in 2.1 of this Part.
Requirements for corrosion-resistant steels are set forth in 3.16, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of rolled products, forgings, forged and rolled
plates, and stampings of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel. General.
Prior to the commencement of production under the RS technical supervision at the initial survey, the
firm (manufacturer) shall prepare and submit documentation containing information on the manufacturing
process and stages, at which the relevant process parameters and properties of semi-finished products and
finished products are monitored. Application. Documentation.
All the provisions and instructions under 2.2.1 and related to the request, the scope and content of the
submitted documentation, survey, amount of the metal subjected to the tests, as well as the sampling and
test methods are applied to rolled products made of corrosion-resistant steel.
For forgings, forged and rolled plates, as well as stampings of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel, the
provisions and instructions under 2.2.1 are also applied.
The manufacturer shall submit together with the request, general information specified in
— and the information relevant to:
.1 forging and stamping:
type of furnace and treatment parameters;
capacity of a press/hammer;
ratio of ingot/slab/blank to finished product thickness, forging/stamping and finishing temperatures;
descaling treatment during forging;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.2 heat treatment:
type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters and their relevant records;
accuracy and calibration of temperature control devices;
.3 programmed forging/stamping:
calibration of the control equipment;
.4 additional information where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to another
production facility or manufacturer (if appropriate). Extent and types of tests.
Unless otherwise specified, test methods and proce-dures shall comply with the requirements of the
recognized national, international standards, RS-agreed documentation, as well as the requirements of 1.3,
Section 2 and 3.16, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
As opposed to of this Part, the tests performed at recognition of the manufacturing process
and semi-finished product quality shall be comply with Table
The test results shall meet the requirements of 3.16, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or the standards, specifications recognized by the
At initial survey of the manufacturer, for each mark of steel, each type of semi-finished product, each
manufacturing process (steelmaking, casting, rolling: forging and/or stamping, condition of supply), the
same semi-finished product from two casts shall in general be selected for the tests. When semi-finished
products of different size are produced by one technique, one test product with the maximum thickness
(dimension) (the first cast) and one test product with the minimum thickness (dimension) (the second cast)
are allowed.
The number of casts and semi-finished products subjected to the tests may be reduced and increased in
compliance with the requirements of of this Part.
T a b l e
Type of tests Position of the samples and Remarks
direction of the test specimens

Chemical analysis1 Top Bulk analysis, including additions and

microalloying elements
Tensile test at room and elevated temperature Top and bottom, Rp0,2, Rm, A5(%), Z shall be reported
longitudinal2 Test temperature, in 8С
Impact test, KV, KCV, for class M-1, MF-2, F-3, AM-4, AF-8 Top, longitudinal
steels + 20 0

Impact test at negative temperature, KV, KCV, for class Top, longitudinal Test temperature, ºС

M-1, 720
AF-8 740
M-13, AM-4 760
A-5, A-6 steels 7165

Ultrasonic testing Over volume

Macro examination Top

Control of non-metallic inclusion content Top

Grain size control Top and bottom For class F-3, AM-4, A-5, A-6, A-7, AF-8 steels
Ferritic phase testing Top For class A-5, A-6, A-7 steels
Susceptibility to intergranular corrosion Top, longitudinal Except for class M-14 steel

Micro examination Top and bottom

Chemical analysis of ladle sample is also required.
Transverse, radial or tangential specimens may be used.
For steel mark 07X16H4Б only.
Steel 07Х16Н4Б is subject to testing.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The extent of tests shall be, as a rule, agreed at the firm's (manufacturer's) submitting the relevant
documentation and shall generally not exceed that specified in 3.16, Part ХШ "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, during supervision of manufacturing process. Test program.
The test program shall be approved by the Register. The test program is developed by the firm
(manufacturer) in compliance with
When developing the test program, it should be noted that, as opposed to and,
the recognition for any corrosion-resistant steel mark may also cover recognition for another steel mark of
the same alloying system (the same class), provided that the aim analyses, method of manufacture and
condition of supply are similar.
Welding procedure and welding consumables used for manufacture of semi-finished products shall be
approved by the Register at survey of the manufacturing process.
Weldability tests shall cover all acceptable welding technique, including repair welding. Necessary
information on post welding heat treatment shall be submitted. Type and extent of tests, as well as
acceptance criteria shall be agreed in each particular case. Sampling (Position of the test samples).
The test samples shall be taken in compliance with the requirements of, Part ХIII "Materials"
of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or with the standards
recognized by and documentation agreed with the Register.
When cutting out the specimens from hollow or bored forgings with a wall thickness of up to 100 mm,
the specimens shall be cut out at a distance of one half of the forging wall thickness, and with a wall
thickness of over 100 mm _ at a distance of one third of the forging wall thickness from an outer surface.
When preparing transverse or tangential specimens, their axis shall be at the same distance as for the
longitudinal specimens.
Area of cutting out the specimens from non-cylindrical and non-prismatic forgings shall be indicated
in the forging drawing.
On agreement between the firm (manufacturer) and the customer cutting out of specimens from the
forging surface at the distance not affected by the surface defects or from the forging center is allowed.
Mechanical properties of forgings of "ring" type produced by drawing are defined on tangential
specimens. Tests. Mechanical tests shall be performed on semi-finished products after finishing operations,
and the test results shall comply with the requirements of the national and international standards and/or
the RS-approved documentation and Table, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Mechanical tests are carried out in the presence of the RS representative. Chemical analysis.
At initial survey, except ladle analysis, chemical analysis of the manufactured semi-finished product
shall be performed. In general, chemical analysis is performed on the tensile tests specimens. Tensile test.
At initial survey, the tensile tests shall be performed on the longitudinal and transverse (tangential)
specimens taken from both ends of each semi-finished product subjected to tests.
Samples of circular, square and hexagon section steel shall be taken from any end to provide
preparation of specimens, which axis is aligned with the rolling direction. Impact tests.
At initial recognition, transition temperature curve shall be defined, if possible. The tests shall be
performed at five temperatures, generally, with an interval of 20 °C. Test temperatures shall be agreed
during development of the test program, depending on the group of steel and application conditions. For
impact tests, standard specimens shall be used, if possible.
Samples of circular, square and hexagon section steel shall be taken from any end of the bar to provide
preparation of specimens, which axis is aligned with the rolling direction.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-28 Macro examination.

Macro examination shall be performed on the both ends of the semi-finished product on transverse
specimens. Grain size control and control of non-metallic inclusion content.
Grain size control for austenitic steels and control of non-metallic inclusion content for all class steels
shall be performed on microsections prepared in compliance with the standards. Ferritic phase examination.
Ferritic phase examination for austenitic steels shall be performed on at least two specimens prepared
from the metal of samples taken during the steel casting. Susceptibility to intergranular corrosion.
For intergranular corrosion test of the plate, rolled product and pipe metal, the following specimens
shall be prepared:
from austenitic steels — 2 sets of specimens (at least 4 pieces);
from austenitic ferritic steels and steel mark 07X16Н4Б — 4 sets of specimens (at least 8 pieces), two
of which are the check specimens.
For intergranular corrosion tests of the material of forgings of all classes at least 6 specimens shall be
prepared, two of which are the check specimens.
Axis of the specimen subjected to intergranular corrosion tests shall be aligned with the rolling
The samples for intergranular corrosion tests shall be taken in compliance with the requirements of the
recognized standards. Pitting corrosion tests and sulphide stress cracking tests shall be performed on the metal of
at least three casts in compliance with the requirements of the recognized standards. Additional tests, such as cold cracking tests, etc. may be required by the relevant parts of
the RS rules and/or the documentation agreed with the Register. Procedure for recognition of manufacturers producing pipes of corrosion-resistant (stainless)
steel. General.
These provisions cover the pipes manufactured by one of these methods:
pipe is manufactured from a tubular billet by hot forming without welding;
pipe is manufactured from bored, turned hot-formed bare pipes;
pipe is welded with one longitudinal weld without use of adding material like strips.
Prior to the commencement of production under the RS technical supervision, the manufacturer shall
prepare and submit documentation containing information on the manufacturing process and stages, at
which the relevant process parameters and properties of semi-finished products and finished products are
monitored. Application. Documentation.
All the provisions and instructions under 2.2.1 and related to the request, the scope and content of
submitted documentation, survey, amount of the metal subjected to the tests, as well as the sampling and
test methods are applied to pipes made of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel.
For pipes made of corrosion-resistant (stainless) steel, when applying to the Register, except stated
in, the following information shall be submitted together with a request:
procedure for pipe forming;
conditions of alignment and joining for welding (welding procedure and stages, if required by the
additional terms of orders);
conditions of final heat treatment;
procedure for cold drawing/calibration/finish rolling carried out during manufacture;
permissible ratios of dimensions; procedures for dimensions control and tightness tests being carried
out during mechanical tests and corrosion resistance tests;
identification and traceability of pipes, method of marking and marking locations;
additional requirements of a customer for pipes depending on operational conditions.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-29 Extent and types of tests.

Unless otherwise specified, methods and procedures for testing corrosion-resistant steel pipes shall
meet the requirements of the recognized national and international standards, the RS-agreed
documentation, as well as the requirements in 1.3, Section 2 and 3.16, Part ХIII "Materials" of the
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
As opposed to of this Part, the tests performed at recognition of manufacturing process and
quality of semi-finished products shall comply with Table
The test results shall meet the requirements of 3.16, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or standards, specifications recognized by the
T a b l e

Tests Position
Type of tests needed1,2 of the samples and Remarks
direction of the
test specimens

Chemical analysis (refer to a/b From one end Bulk analysis, including additions
and microalloying elements

Tensile test at room temperature and elevated temperature in а/b From both ends Rp0,2, Rm, A5(%), Z shall be reported
condition of supply and/or after heat treatment (refer
Impact test, KV, KCV, for class M-1, MF-2, F-3, AM-4, AF-8 а/b From both ends Test temperature, in 8С
steels (refer to
+ 20 0
Impact test at negative temperature, KV, KCV, for class: а/b From both ends Recommended minimum test
temperature, 8С
М-1 а/b 720
AF-8 а/b 740
М-1, АМ-4 а/b 760
А-5, А-6 steels (refer to а/b 7165
Weldability test (refer to a Individual program

Hardness test (refer to а/b From both ends

Ultrasonic testing (refer to а/b Over entire length

Roughness control (refer to а/b Over entire length

Macro examination a From one end

Micro examination (refer to a From one end

Control of non-metallic inclusion content (refer to a From one end

Grain size control (refer to а/b From one end For class F3, АМ-4, А-5, А-6, А-7,
AF-8 steels
Ferritic phase examination а/b From one end For class А-5, А-6, А-7 steels

Susceptibility to intergranular corrosion (refer to а/b From one end Except for class М-1 steel, to be
performed for steel 07Х16Н4Б

Flattening and expanding tests (refer to а/b From one end

Hydraulic pressure test (refer to а/b Entire pipe

а _ at intial approval of the manufacturer.
b _ during technical supervision of pipe production.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Tests at initial approval shall be carried out according to the RS-agreed program with due regard to the
information given in 2.2.1 and of this Part.
Tests during manufacture of pipes shall be performed in compliance with Table, Part ХIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and of this
Part. Test program. The test program shall be agreed with the Register.
When developing the test program, it should be noted that, as opposed to and,
the recognition for any corrosion-resistant steel mark may also cover another steel mark of the same
alloying system (the same class), provided that the aim analyses, method of manufacture and condition of
supply are similar. Tests for recognition of manufacturer shall be performed for each manufacturing process on
10 pipes taken of two batches. If the same manufacturing process is used for pipes of various diameters,
the tests may be carried out on pipes of the maximum (first batch) and minimum (second batch)
dimensions (diameter, wall thickness).
A batch shall consist of pipes from the same cast, of the same brand, the same temper conditions of
heat treatment, of similar diameter and wall thickness.
A batch size shall be, as a rule, agreed at the firm's (manufacturer's) submitting the relevant
documentation and shall generally not exceed that specified in 3.16.4, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships during technical supervision of the
manufacturing process.
The welding procedure and welding consumables used in pipes manufacture shall be approved by the
Register during survey of the manufacturing process, if required.
Weldability tests shall cover all acceptable welding methods, including pipe manufacture, pipeline
fitting and repair welding. Pertinent information on post-weld heat treatment shall be provided.
Type, extent of tests and acceptance criteria shall be agreed in each particular case. Mechanical tests shall be performed on pipes after heat treatment, drawing and final
forming, and shall meet the requirements of the national or international standards and/or the
documentation ap-proved by the Register, and/or Table, Part ХIII "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Stainless duplex steel pipes shall be tested after solid solution treatment. Pipes intended for use in the acid environment shall be additionally tested according to the
individual program agreed with the Register. At survey and approval of processes of duplex steel pipe manufacture, the Register may
require corrosion tests to be performed. The test temperature and acceptance criteria shall be established by
agreement, unless otherwise specified. Tests with unsatisfactory results.
The provisions below apply both to recognition of pipe production and in the process of pipe
In case the tests for recognition of pipe manufacture (initial tests) show unsatisfactory results, the
Register may suspend the test performance until submitting the relevant explanations and/or stop the tests
unless it is associated with the adverse effect on the test results of such factors as sampling, manufacture
and defects of specimens, equipment faults, etc.
If during manufacturing process, the results of even one of the tests are found unsatisfactory, additional
tests shall be carried out on the doubled number of pipes from the batch submitted. When the results of one
of the additional tests are unsatisfactory, the batch shall be rejected.
In this case, the pipes from the rejected batch may be accepted on the basis of the test results of each pipe
among the remained ones in the batch. Where the total number of rejected pipes in a batch exceeds 25 %, the
batch shall be also rejected.
In this case, the Register may suspend technical supervision at the pipe manufacturer with regard to the
pipes produced according to the same technology as the rejected batch. The firm (manufacturer) shall
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

submit the results of an occurrence review and the Register may require check testing to the extent of the
initial tests.
In any case with the unsatisfactory results of any type of tests, their cause shall be identified and
corrective actions shall be determined.
Where the adverse effect on the test results of such factors as sampling, manufacture and defects of
specimens, equipment faults, etc. is revealed, the equipment and/or specimens may be repaired/replaced by
other specimens of the same pipe and the tests shall be repeated.
At the manufacturer's recognized by the Register, during manufacturing process it is allowed upon
agreement with the Register to submit, as a new batch, the pipes rejected due to the mechanical
characteristics, grain size, intergranular corrosion resistance, provided they are repeatedly heat treated. Tests. Chemical analysis.
At initial recognition, in addition to the results of a ladle sample analysis, the chemical analysis for
each submitted pipe of a batch shall be carried out.
During technical supervision of the manufacturing process, if specified in the documentation agreed
with the Register, steel may be accepted on the basis of the chemical analysis results given in a certificate
for tubular billet quality.
The above is referred to the cases when a billet comes to a tube works from the manufacturer
recognized by the Register, holding the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. In other cases, the
chemical composition of a metal of one pipe of a batch/cast shall be determined. Mechanical tests.
Mechanical tests shall be carried out on the speci-mens taken from the ends of each pipe subjected to
tests. All tests for determination of mechanical properties of pipes under 300 mm in diameter shall be
generally carried out on specimens taken parallel to the pipe axis.
Tensile tests shall be carried out on branches, specimens in the form of a segment (rectangular) or
round specimens depending on the pipe diameter and wall thickness, the additional terms of an order and
the requirements of agreed documentation.
Rectangular specimens shall have a thickness equal to the full thickness of the pipe wall. No flattening
of specimens is allowed, but their end parts may be flattened.
At initial approval of the manufacturing process of duplex steel pipes with the design temperature
above 20 °C and other steel pipes with the design temperature above 50 °C, their properties at the
maximum design temperature shall be determined.
Deviations from the rated value of a yield stress shall be determined.
During technical supervision of the pipe manufac-ture, the mentioned tests at elevated temperature shall be
performed if specified in the documentation recognized by the Register and/or additional terms of an order. Impact tests.
At initial recognition, transition temperature curve shall be defined, if possible. The tests shall be
performed at five temperatures, generally, with an interval of 20 °C. Test temperatures shall be agreed
during development of the test program, depending on the group of steel and application conditions. For
impact tests standard specimens shall be used, if possible.
The recommended minimum test temperature for class Ml steel of mark 07Х16Н4Б is 740 °C.
Where the results of tests previously carried out and acceptable for a given firm (manufacturer) and a
given test procedure are submitted, the tests may be carried out at one minimum temperature. Weldability.
Weldability tests are carried out at initial recognition in accordance with 2.4, Part ХIII "Materials" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and of this Part.
The weldability tests may be omitted if the relevant results of previous tests are provided. Hardness test.
At initial tests, Vickers hardness (HV10) shall be generally determined on each pipe submitted. During
technical supervision of the manufacturing process, hardness shall be determined in compliance with the
requirements of documentation recognized by the Register and/or additional terms of an order.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-32 Metallographic examination. Metallographic examination of duplex steels shall be

performed after solid solution treatment. Following the latter, the absence of forming carbides, nitrides
and non-metallic inclusions at grain boundaries shall be ensured. The ferrite content shall be determined
(35 — 55 %). In any case, examination shall be carried out at 6400 magnification as a minimum. Control of non-metallic inclusion content. At initial tests, control of non-metallic inclusion
content shall be performed on one pipe from a batch. The latter shall include pipes of one standard size and
one cast. During technical supervision of the manufacturing process, control of non-metallic inclusion
content shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of documentation recognized by the
Register and/or additional terms of an order.
Control of non-metallic inclusion content, as well as titanium nitrides and carbonitrides content for
pipes having a wall thickness under 6 mm may be carried out on rerolling pipes with wall thickness of 6
mm and above. Grain size control.
At initial tests, grain size control shall be performed on one pipe from a batch using a metallographic
method if the latter is applied in the manufacturing process. Where an ultrasonic method is used, both
methods shall be applied at the initial tests.
During technical supervision of the manufacturing process, grain size control shall be performed in
compliance with the requirements of documentation recognized by the Register and/or additional terms of
an order. Flattening and expanding tests. Flattening and expanding tests shall be performed on one
pipe from the batch submitted in compliance with the requirements of documentation recognized by the
Register and/or additional terms of an order. Hydraulic pressure test.
Hydraulic pressure tests shall be performed in com-pliance with the requirements of documentation
recognized by the Register and/or additional terms of an order. Pipes shall be kept under pressure for at
least 10 s. Intergranular corrosion test, bitergranular corrosion tests shall be performed in compliance
with the requirements of documentation recognized by the Register and/or additional terms of an order. Roughness control.
Roughness control shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of documentation
recognized by the Register and, unless otherwise specified, by a visual comparison with a reference
standard. Ultrasonic testing.
Unless otherwise specified, ultrasonic testing shall be performed in compliance with the requirements
of documentation recognized by the Register.
At initial recognition, ultrasonic testing shall be performed on each pipe subjected to testing. Additional tests, such as cold cracking tests, CTOD, etc. may be required by the relevant
parts of the RS rules and/or the documentation agreed with the Register.
2.2.6 Procedure for recognition of manufacturers of wrought aluminium alloys. General.
These provisions specify the procedure for recognition (initial survey) by the Register of the
manufacturing process of rolled products (plates, strips and sheets) and pressed sections (full sections,
hollow sections, panels, angles, bars, etc.) of wrought aluminium alloys. The procedure for recognition of
manufacturer, issue, endorsement and renewal of the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is specified
in 2.1 of this Part.
The requirements for wrought aluminium alloys are set forth in 5.1, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The procedure for recognition of manufacturers of rolled products and pressed semi-finished
products of wrought aluminium alloys.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-33 General.
Prior to the commencement of production under the RS technical supervision at the initial survey, the
firm (manufacturer) shall prepare and submit documentation containing information on the manufacturing
process and stages at which the relevant process parameters and properties of semi-finished products and
finished products are monitored. Application. Documentation.
All the provisions and instructions under 2.2.1 and related to the request, the scope and content of the
submitted documentation, survey, amount of metal to be subjected to the tests, as well as the sampling and
test methods are applied to semi-finished products made of wrought aluminium alloys. Extent and types of tests.
Unless otherwise specified, test methods and procedures shall comply with the RS-agreed
documentation, the requirements of national, international standards, application of which is agreed with
the Register, as well as the requirements of 1.3, Section 2 and 5.1, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Test results shall meet the requirements of 5.1, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification
and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or national, international standards, the application of which is
agreed with the Register, the RS-approved specifications. Selection of the test product (metal) for initial tests.
The extent of tests to be conducted at initial survey is determined by the RS-approved test program
which shall be developed by the manufacturer of semi-finished products of wrought aluminium alloys. The
purpose of these tests is to confirm compliance of the product properties and quality with the
documentation submitted by the firm (manufacturer).
For each alloy submitted for testing and for each manufacturing process (e.g. chemical composition
making, casting), one semi-finished product with the maximum thickness and one semi-finished product
with the minimum thickness shall in general be selected for the tests.
In addition, the Register may require selection of semi-finished products of average thickness for the
The selection of the casts for the semi-finished product shall be based on the typical chemical
composition and alloying additions.
The dimensions of the semi-finished products submitted for testing shall be consistent with those of
semi-finished products in supplies expected (at least one of semi-finished products shall have maximum
width, thickness and diameter).
Tests shall be carried out on a control batch of semi-finished products of wrought aluminium alloys.
The batch shall consist of semi-finished products of the same alloy grade (from the same cast), the
same product form and similar dimensions (for plates, the same thickness), the same temper condition and
manufactured by the same process.
For each process stated, two semi-finished products of a batch shall be submitted for testing.
Each semi-finished product of the control batch shall be subjected to visual and ultrasonic testing to
determine layer discontinuity zone.
Simultaneously with the test program, recommendations for welding of semi-finished products of
wrought aluminium alloys shall be submitted to the Register.
The number of casts and semi-finished products subjected to testing may be reduced or increased in
compliance with the requirements of Test program.
The test program shall be agreed with the Register and developed by the firm (manufacturer) in
compliance with the requirements of
Welding procedure and welding consumables used for manufacture of semi-finished products shall be
approved by the Register at survey of the manufacturer. Type and extent of tests, as well as acceptance
criteria shall be agreed in each particular case.
Necessary information on post-weld heat treatment shall be provided.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-34 Sampling (Position of the test samples).

The test samples shall be taken in compliance with the requirements of 5.1.5, Part XIII "Materials" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or in accordance with the
documentation agreed with the Register, national, international standards the application of which is
agreed with the Register. Tests. Chemical analysis.
At initial survey, except ladle analysis, chemical analysis of the manufactured semi-finished products
shall be performed. In general, chemical analysis is performed on the tensile test specimens. The test
results shall comply with the requirements of national or international standards and/or documentation
approved by the Register and Table 5.1.2, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The tests shall be carried out in the presence of the RS representative Mechanical tests shall be performed on semi-finished products upon completion of
finishing operations, and the test results shall comply with the requirements of national and international
standards and/or documentation approved by the Register and Tables 5.1.3-1 and 5.1.3-2, Part XIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The tests shall be
carried out in the presence of the RS representative. Tensile tests.
At initial survey, the tensile tests shall be performed on the specimens taken from both ends of each
semi-finished product subjected to tests in accordance with 5.1.5, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Mechanical properties of wrought aluminium alloys in the annealed condition tested at room
temperature shall comply with the RS requirements (refer to Table 5.1.3-1, Part XIII "Materials" of the
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Seas-Going Ships) and the appropriate normative
Parameters to be specified for various categories of wrought aluminium alloys are mechanical
properties of material determined at room temperature such as the minimum value for yield stress (proof
stress) Rp0,2, minimum value for tensile strength Rm, reduction in area Z and relative elongation A. Corrosion testing.
Corrosion testing shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements of 5.1.8, Part XIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, rolled alloys shall be
corrosion tested in the marine medium with respect to exfoliation and intergranular corrosion resistance in
accordance with ASTM G66 and ASTM G67 or other national standards (GOST 9.021 and GOST 9.904).
During the initial survey of the firm for the purpose of its recognition, the photomicrographs taken at
6500 magnification shall be presented to exhibit no evidence of exfoliation corrosion and pitting.
Assessment criteria for results of corrosion tests shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.8, Part XIII
"Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Seas-Going Ships. Weldability tests.
As a rule, weldability tests shall be carried out for wrought aluminium alloys, the chemical
composition, mechanical properties or delivery condition of which do not comply with the requirements of
Chapter 5.1, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
however, for recognition of manufacturer of strain-strength and heat-treated alloys of all categories and
grades it shall be proved that mechanical properties of the base metal of welded joint are higher than the
similar characteristics of the weld (refer to Table, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships). Preparation of test assemblies of welded joints,
selection of filler metal, type of joint, welding position and testing of welded joints of semi-finished
products from wrought aluminium alloys shall be carried out in compliance with requirements of 2.2,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and Section 7
of this Part. Extent and testing procedure.
Type, extent of tests and assessment criteria shall be agreed in each particular case.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Weldability assessment of semi-finished products of wrought aluminium alloys shall consist of testing
at room temperature of butt joints of semi-finished products submitted at least for tensile test (minimum
two tensile test specimens), bend test (minimum two root bend and face bend test specimens), macro
examination (one macrosection).
Tensile and bend tests are conducted on the specimens cut out transverse to the welding joint.
Impact tests of specimens from welded joints of aluminium alloys are not required.
Tensile and bend tests of welded specimens at room temperature shall be conducted to determine the
following parameters:
minimum value for tensile strength (Rm, min);
bending angle of welded specimen on a mandrel with specified diameter.
Mechanical properties of welded joints shall meet the requirements of Table, Part ХIV
"Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.


2.3.1 Manufacturers and products they supply which meet the RS rules requirements are entered in the
List of Approved (Recognized) Materials and Manufacturers.
The List of Materials is available in an electronic form on the Register official site and on the site for
personnel updated daily.
Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer confirms presence in the relevant List of Materials of a
specific manufacturer and the product to be supervised by the Register, it supplies (refer to 2.1).
2.3.2 The List of Materials is primarily published with the aim to provide information on the suppliers
of materials and products meeting the RS rules requirements.
The Register is interested in presenting such information to designers, builders and other firms and
manufacturers needing it.
It is supposed that preparing orders for materials to be supervised during their manufacture, a
consumer, guided by financial interests at least, is forced to take into account the technical capabilities of
material suppliers enjoying the Register confirmation.
2.3.3 The List of Materials updated by the Register shall contain the following data:
name of a manufacturer;
location of a manufacturer (postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail);
product type and name;
material grade and brand.
Other information related to tests, technology, equipments, etc. is strictly confidential and may be
provided only if agreed with the manufacturer.
2.3.4 Retaining and updating of information in the List of Materials is carried out by the RHO on the
basis of data on issue, endorsement, renewal and invalidation of the Recognition Certificates for
Manufacturer incoming from the RS Branch Offices issuing these Certificates
Where, due to technological reasons, the Certificate cannot be endorsed/renewed by due date, in order
to retain the manufacturer in the List of Materials, the manufacturer shall agree the new date of
endorsement/renewal with the RS Branch Office, which issued the Certificate, during the document
validity period, i.e. before the renewal date set. The RS Branch Office reports the new date of
endorsement/renewal to the RHO IT Research and Development Department (the Notice with the new of
endorsement/reissue shall be forwarded).
In the List of Materials a new date of endorsement/renewal is specified. Period of the Certificate
validity is not interrupted, and the date of the next endorsement/renewal remains unchanged.
Within 30 days after the endorsement/renewal date set, if RHO is not informed of the decision made by
the RS Branch Office, the notice "Not confirmed" is retained alongside the document in the electronic
version of the List of Materials, and after 30 days, the manufacturer is excluded from that List.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

2.3.5 Concurrent with the List of Materials, databases for each of the manufacturers at which the
Register ever carried out supervision are compiled in RHO.
2.3.6 If Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer becomes invalid, the manufacturer may be excluded
from the List of Materials.
2.3.7 Manufacturer exclusion from the List of Materials is executed only by the RHO decision based
on the relevant statement of the location carrying out supervision at the manufacturer's.


2.4.1 General. subject to the RS technical supervision during their manufacture in compliance with
Chapters 3.2, 3.5 _ 3.15, 3.18 _ 3.20 and Sections 4, 5, 7 and 8, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships are supplied by manufacturers having Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer CПИ (refer to 1.3.1 and 2.1) together with RS Certificates of Conformity
(C or CЗ) (forms 6.5.30 or 6.5.31 accordingly). Material shall simultaneously comply with the applicable requirements of the RS rules and
regulating documentation: standards agreed for application (national, international), approved specifica-
tions or other technical documentation to be complied with in supply performance. In case of difference
between the rules and the regulating documentation the evaluation shall be made based on the most
stringent requirements. In case the standards (national, international), specifications or other technical
requirements differing from those agreed earlier are specified in the contract (order), technical supervision
of material may be performed upon approval of new requirements comparing them with the pre-agreed
ones. Where differences occur affecting the terms of issuing the Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer,
the scope of application of the valid Certificate shall be amended. The Register may perform technical supervision during the manufacture and approve the use
of materials specified in, but supplied by the manufacturer having no valid Recognition Certificate
for Manufacturer of these materials, provided that:
the manufacturer submits to the Register a request for issue/extension of the scope of application of the
Certificate and technical supervision during manufacture of material according to the scope of supply;
together with the request, the documentation specified in the delivery contract (order) is submitted for
the agreement. This documentation (standard, specification, special requirements, order, etc.) shall be
reviewed as specified in;
scope of requirements for the products and the manufacturer all be equal to that for the initial survey;
tests are performed on metal of supply and their results fully meet the requirements of the RS rules and
documentation in compliance with for the particular conditions of supply;
drawing up the C/C3 and supply are performed after or simultaneously with issuing the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer. In case of single-item production, materials subject to RS technical supervision during their
manufacture and regulated by chapters and sections of the Rules not stated in, as well as cast iron
manufactured in compliance with 3.9 _ 3.11, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships may be supplied by the manufacturers both having or not having the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer. In the second case, the said materials shall be supplied with the RS
Certificates of Conformity (C) (form 6.5.30). The requirements given in shall be met. The Register may perform technical supervision during the manufacture and approve the use
of materials specified in provided that:
the manufacturer submits to the Register a request for technical supervision during manufacture of
material as per the scope of supply. Together with the request, the documentation (standard, specification,
special requirements, order, etc.) for supply of material shall be submitted for approval/agreement. This
documentation shall be reviewed considering the requirements stated in and the following:
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

scope of supervision shall be limited by one supply order;

scope of requirements for the products and manufacturer shall be equal to the scope of initial survey; in
case of positive results it may provide a basis for issue or exetension of scope of application of the
Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer. not mentioned in and, but applied in the items of technical supervision
of the Register (products, arrangements, equipment, etc.) and subject to supervision according to the
approved technical documentation shall be supplied to such items with the RS Certificates of Conformity
(C, form 6.5.30). Material shall meet the requirements of the regulating documentation:
standards (national, international), technical specifications or other regulating documents specified in
the approved technical documentation (product drawings, specifications, etc.) for the item of application. Materials shall be tested under the RS technical supervision according to the RS-approved
program in compliance with the standards (national, international) and other normative documents
applicable to the product to be tested. Methods and scope of testing, sampling and sample preparation shall
meet the requirements of Section 2, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships, where applicable. The Register may perform survey of materials provided the following conditions are met:
the applicant submits to RS a request for survey of material. Together with the request, the
documentation stated in and shall also be submitted;
RS Certificates of Conformity are issued upon receiving the satisfactory test results. the technical supervision, the additional requirements may be issued by the Register for
verifying the properties of the manufactured products, as applicable. The additional requirements may be
issued based on the reasons given in Moreover, change of tests scope and/or types of tests may be
demanded when the results of tests correspond to the limit ones (within the area of a tests error). with RHO and promoted by the RS Branch Office carrying out technical supervision,
materials may be supplied with the manufacturer's certificates witnessed by the Register. In this case, the
latter shall be consistent with the requirements of EN 10204 3.2; the information issued in the Certificate
shall be agreed with the Register in advance.
2.4.2 Documentation.
The above RS documents shall be mandatorily supplemented with the manufacturer's certificates. The
test results shall be specified in the certificates and/or the attached test reports. The numbers of the
attached reports and manufacturer's certificates shall be indicated in the RS Certificate of Conformity.
The content of the manufacturer's certificates shall meet the requirements given in the procurement
documents and RS-agreed documentation and shall enable to identify the products supplied. The
Certificate of Conformity shall contain at least the following:
order number;
manufacturer and customer requisites;
general information of semi-finished products such as: weight, brand and grade of the material, the
numbers of the firm's certificates/reports;
approved technical documentation, in compliance with which the RS acceptance is performed (in case
2.4.3 Marking.
General provisions on marking of the materials are given in 1.4.2, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Peculiarities of marking may also be specified
in the appropriate chapters of Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships containing the requirements for steel, cast iron, copper and light alloys. Marking shall
comply with the effective standards, application of which is agreed with the Register. When semi-finished
products are packed in bundles, the manufacturer shall confirm the identification system of every semi-
finished product in a bundle. It is allowed to put the RS stamp or brand on labels. When using labels of
waterproof film, an imprint of the RS stamp or brand shall be put on the solid surface of these labels.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


2.5.1 General. This Chapter contains general guidance for the performance of technical supervision during
non-destructive testing of hull and machinery forgings and castings. Chapter complements the
requirements for forgings and castings set forth in 3.7 and 3.8, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The guidance for non-destructive testing of steel forgings and castings given in this Chapter applies to
all types of ships and design, construction, repair, conversion and modernization of ships. All normative and technical, technological and methodical documentation containing
description of measurement and control procedures, as well as the requirements for quality of forgings
and castings, including working documentation developed at the manufacturer's, shall be recognized and/or
approved by the Register. The control system at the manufacturer's shall provide a procedure for identification and
traceability of all the steps of manufacture of forgings and castings, as well as methods to meet the control
requirements. The system shall provide for work acceptance by operations and accountability. The criteria for assessment of forgings and castings quality shall be presented in the
documentation recognized and/or agreed with the Register. Radiographic or ultrasonic testing or their combination shall be used for detection of the
internal (subsurface) defects. Magnetic particle, dye penetrant or another equivalent method of testing
approved by the Register shall be generally used for detection of surface defects. The results of forgings and castings testing shall be documented, contain the data, which permit
to determine the location of the defects revealed, quality assessment and an inspector's name and be
properly illustrated (sketch of reference area with coordinates of defects). Apparatuses and materials for testing for defects shall meet the requirements of the technical
documentation agreed with the Register for the corres-ponding types of testing.
Non-destructive testing and the assessment of forgings and castings quality shall be carried out by the
test laboratories, which competence and status meet the requirements of the national and international
standards. The competence of a manufacturer's or subcontracted laboratory shall be confirmed by the
Recognition Certificate issued by the Register or another authorized national body. The relevant document
shall be submitted to the RS representative on his demand. Personnel engaged in visual testing shall have sufficient knowledge and experience, and the
personnel engaged in magnetic particle and dye penetrant testing, as well as in radiographic and ultrasonic
testing shall be qualified in compliance with the recognized national or international standards. The
qualification shall be verified by the relevant certificates. The body for certifying the personnel engaged in non-destructive testing and assessment of
forgings and castings quality, shall meet the requirements of the national standards unified with Standard
EN 473 (GOST 30488-97 in Russia). The Register carries out technical supervision during surface crack detection and detection of
the internal (subsurface) defects if required in 3.7 and 3.8, Part XIII "Materials", in other parts of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and/or in the documentation agreed with the
2.5.2 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Steel forgings shall be tested in the final delivery condition. For additional requirements refer
to and
Where intermediate inspections have been performed, the manufacturer shall furnish a documentation
of the results upon the request of the RS representative. The requirements of this Chapter also cover steel forgings (e.g. components for couplings,
gears, boilers and pressure vessels) other than those specified here, considering their materials, kinds and
shapes and stress conditions being subjected.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-39 Surface crack detection. Surface crack detection of steel forging shall be carried out in compliance with the national or
international standards (refer to 2.5.1) by visual, magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing. For magnetic
particle testing of steel forgings, the magnetic field strength is required generally to be 2000 _ 6500 A/m. When carrying out technical supervision during surface crack detection, the guidance is as
Surface crack detection generally apply to the following steel forgings:
propeller, intermediate, thrust shafts and rudder stocks with the minimum diameter not less than 100 mm;
connecting, piston rods and crossheads with the minimum diameter not less than 75 mm or equivalent
bolts with the minimum diameter not less than 50 mm, which are subjected to dynamic stresses, such
as cylinder cover bolts, tie rods, crankpin bolts, main bearing bolts, propeller blade fastening bolts. Zones for surface crack detection.
Steel forgings shall be subjected to a 100 % visual testing. Magnetic particle or where permitted dye
penetrant testing shall be carried out in Zones I and II as indicated in Figs. _
a) b)


Zone I
Zone II

Fig. Zones for magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing on crankshafts:

a _ solid crankshaft;
b _ semi built-up crankshaft

N o t e s : 1. Where the crankpin or journal has oil holes, the circumferential surfaces of the oil holes shall be treated as Zone I
(refer to the figure in the right).
2. In the above figures, y = 608, а = 1,5r, b = 0,05d where r _ fillet radius,
d _ journal diameter, db _ oil hole bore diameter. Surface condition.

The surfaces of forgings to be tested shall be free from scale, dirt, grease or paint. Surface crack detection.
Where indicated by Figs. _, magnetic particle testing shall be carried out with
the following exceptions when dye penetrant testing shall be permitted:
austenitic stainless steels;
interpretation of open visual or magnetic particle indications;
at the instruction of the RS representative (as a rule, in case of disputes).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships






Fig. Zones for magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing on shafts:

a _ propeller shaft, b _ intermediate shaft, c _ thrust shaft
N o t e s : 1. For propeller shaft, intermediate shafts and thrust shafts, all areas with stress raisers such as radial holes,
slots and key ways shall be treated as Zone I.
2. L _ length of the tapered portion. Unless otherwise specified, the magnetic particle testing shall be performed on a forging in
the final machined surface condition and final thermally treated condition or within 0,3 mm of the final
machined surface condition for AC techniques (0,8 mm for DC techniques). Unless otherwise agreed, the surface crack detection shall be carried out in the presence of
the RS representative. The surface crack detection shall be carried out before the shrink fitting, where
applicable. For magnetic particle testing, attention shall be paid to the contact between the forging and
the clamping devices of stationary magnetization benches in order to avoid local overheating or burning
damage in its surface. Prods shall not be permitted on the finished machined items. When indications were detected as a result of the surface crack detection, acceptance or
rejection shall be decided in accordance with and and the standards agreed/
recognized by the Register. Acceptance criteria:
.1 at visual testing:
all forgings shall be free of cracks, crack-like indications, laps, seams, folds, or other injurious
At the request of the Register, even though not specified in the order or accompanying documentation,
additional magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing may be required.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

a) b)



Fig. Zones for magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing on machinery components:
a _ connecting rod; b _ piston rod; c _ cross head; d _ bolt
N o t e s : 1. Threads, holes and their circumstances shall be treated as Zone I.
2. L _ length of thread.

a) up

36shaft diameter

b) up
36shaft diameter



Fig. Zones for magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing on rudder stocks:
a _ type A; b _ type B; c _ type C
N o t e s : 1. Welded areas shall be treated as Zone I.
2. L _ length of the tapered portion.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The bores of hollow propeller shafts shall be visually tested for imperfections uncovered by the
machining operation. Machining marks shall be ground to a smooth profile;
.2 at magnetic particle and dye penetrant testing:
the following definitions relevant to indications apply:
linear indication (an indication, in which the length is at least three times the width);
nonlinear indication (an indication of circular or elliptical shape with a length less than three times the
aligned indication (three or more indications in a line, separated by 2 mm or less edge-to-edge);
open indication (an indication visible after removal of the magnetic particles or that can be detected by
the use of contrast dye penetrant);
non-open indication (an indication that is not visually detectable after removal of the magnetic
particles or that cannot be detected by the use of contrast dye penetrant);
relevant indication (an indication that is caused by a condition or type of discontinuity that requires
evaluation. Only indications, which have any dimension greater than 1,5 mm shall be considered relevant);
For the purpose of evaluating indications, the surface shall be divided into reference areas of 225 cm2.
The area shall be taken in the most unfavourable location relative to the indication being evaluated, i.e. the
shape and dimensions of each reference area are chosen so that they cover the maximum number of defects
without their distribution to an adjacent reference area.
For crankshaft forgings, the allowable number and size of indications in the reference area are given in
Table, and for other forgings, in Table The acceptance of a part shall be carried out in compliance with the accompanying and order
documentation agreed with the Register, considering operational conditions and material characteristics.
Unless otherwise specified, attention during the acceptance shall be drawn to the following:
.1 visual testing:
no cracks are allowed;
T a b l e
Crankshaft forgings. Allowable number and size of indications in a reference area of 225 cm2
Severity Total allowable number Type Permissible number Maximum dimension,
zone of indications of indication of indications of each type in mm

I Linear 0 –
Fillets 0 Nonlinear 0 –
Aligned 0 –
II Linear 0 –
Crankpin 3 Nonlinear 3 3
Aligned 0 –
II Linear 0 –
Journal 3 Nonlinear 3 5
Aligned 0 –
N o t e . An area of defects shall not exceed 5 % of the total forging area.

T a b l e
Forgings excluding crankshaft forgings. Allowable number and size of indications in a reference area of 225 cm2
Severity Total allowable number of Type Allowable number Maximum dimension,
zone indications of indication1 of indications of each type in mm
Linear 0 –
I 3 Nonlinear 3 3
Aligned 0 –
Linear 32 3
II 10 Nonlinear 7 5
Aligned 32 3
Linear and aligned indications are generally, unless otherwise agreed, not allowed on bolts, which receive direct fluctuating load
(e.g. main bearing bolts, connecting rod bolts, crosshead bearing bolts, cylinder cover bolts).
An area of defects shall not exceed 5 % of the total forging area.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

other surface irregularities may be accepted at the discretion of the RS representative subject to more
thorough magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing;
.2 magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing:
single indications dimensioned within 1,5 mm may be acceptable (excepting those within the radius of
a crankshaft fillet);
no cracks and other linear indications are allowed;
nonlinear indications are acceptable if their maximum dimension does not exceed 2 mm for parts less
than 50 mm thick and 3 mm for parts 50 mm thick and over;
locally, no more than five indications shall be within the area of 50650 mm. Rectification of defects. The results of surface inspections shall be recorded with the following items:
.1 date of testing;
.2 names and qualification levels of the personnel involved in non-destructive testing;
.3 kind of testing method:
for dye penetrant testing: test media combination;
for magnetic particle testing: magnetic field strength;
.4 kind of forging;
.5 forging number for identification;
.6 steel grade;
.7 supply condition (type of heat treatment);
.8 stage of testing;
.9 position (zone) of testing;
.10 surface condition (roughness);
.11 test standards used;
.12 testing conditions;
.13 testing results and statement of acceptance/non-acceptance;
.14 details of weld repair including sketch. Defects shall be rectified in compliance with the RS-agreed documentation considering
the following:
defects shall be removed by grinding, or by chipping and grinding. All grooves shall have a bottom
radius of approximately three times the groove depth and shall be smoothly blended to the surface area
with a finish equal to the adjacent surface;
depth restriction in grinding beneath the original surface shall be 0,08 _ 0,25 mm of the nominal
forging dimension. Such grindings are not considered defects;
non-open indications evaluated as segregation need not be rectified;
complete removal of the defect shall be proved by magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing;
repair welding is not permitted for crankshafts. Defects rectification by zones:
for crankshaft forgings:
Zone I: neither indications nor repair are permitted in this zone;
Zone II: indications shall be removed by grinding to a depth not greater than 1,5 mm; indications
detected in the journal bearing surfaces shall be removed by grinding to a depth not greater than 3,0 mm.
The total ground area shall be less than 1 % of the total bearing surface area concerned;
for other forgings:
Zone I: indications shall be removed by grinding to a depth not greater than 1,5 mm. However,
grinding is not permitted in way of the finished machined threads;
Zone II: indications shall be removed by grinding to a depth not greater than 2 % of the diameter or 4,0
mm, whichever is smaller;
for forgings other than in Zones I and II:
defects detected by visual testing shall be removed by grinding to a depth not greater than
5 % of the diameter or 10 mm, whichever is smaller;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

the total ground area shall be less than 2 % of the forging surface area.
For forgings with the surface defects revealed, the manufacturer shall draw up detailed inspection
records and submit them to the RS Surveyor. In addition to, these records shall contain the
location, size, method of rectification and character of defects on the surface inspected. Ultrasonic testing. General. Ultrasonic testing of steel forgings in compliance with the present requirements shall be
carried out using the contact method with straight beam and/or angle beam technique. The testing procedures, apparatus and conditions of ultrasonic testing shall comply with the
recognized national or international standards (refer to 2.5.1). Generally the DGS (distance-gain size)
procedure shall be applied using straight beam probes and/or angle beam probes with 2 _ 4 MHz and
inspection shall be carried out using a twin crystal 08 probe for near surface scans (25 mm) plus an 08
probe for the remaining volume. Fillet radii shall be examined using 458 or 708 probes. Personnel engaged in ultrasonic testing shall be qualified in accordance with the recognized
national or international standards. The qualification shall be verified by certificates (refer to 2.5.1). Items of testing. These guidelines apply to ultrasonic testing of the following steel forgings:
.1 crankshafts with the minimum crankpin diameter not less than 150 mm;
.2 propeller shafts, intermediate shafts, thrust shafts and rudder stocks with the minimum diameter not
less than 200 mm;
.3 connecting rods, piston rods and crossheads with the minimum diameter not less than 200 mm or
equivalent cross section. Zones for ultrasonic testing. Forging areas subjected to ultrasonic testing are divided in Zones I to III as indicated in
Figs. _ and, depending on the type of product.

Fig. Zones for ultrasonic testing on rudder stocks

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-45 Proceeding from the surface crack detection results, at the discretion of the Register
representative, ultrasonic testing may be carried out for the areas not indicated in Figs. _ and Surface condition.
The surfaces of steel forgings to be examined shall be such that adequate coupling can be established
between the probe and the forging, and that excessive wear of the probe can be avoided. The surfaces shall
be free from scale, grease or paint. Ultrasonic testing.
The ultrasonic testing shall be carried out after the forgings have been machined to a condition suitable
for this type of testing and after the final heat treatment. Acceptance criteria.
Acceptance criteria of ultrasonic testing are given in Tables and
T a b l e
Acceptance criteria for crankshafts
Zone Allowable disc shape according to DGS1 Allowable length of indication Allowable distance between two
I d 4 0,5 mm _
II d 4 2,0 mm d 4 10 mm d 5 20 mm
III d 4 4,0 mm d 4 15 mm d 5 20 mm
DGS _ distance-gain size.
In case of accumulations of two or more isolated indications, which are subjected to registration, the minimum distance between two
neighbouring indications shall be at least the length of the bigger indication.
This applies as well to the distance in axial direction as to the distance in depth.
Isolated indications with less distances shall be determined as one single indication.

T a b l e
Acceptance criteria for forged components of machinery

Type of forging Zone1 Allowable disc shape Allowable length Allowable distance between
according to DGS2 of indication two indications3

Propeller shaft II outer: d 4 2 mm d 4 10 mm d 5 20 mm

Intermediate shaft inner: d 4 4 mm d 4 15 mm d 5 20 mm

Thrust shaft III outer: d 4 3 mm d 4 10 mm d 5 20 mm

Rudder stock inner:d 4 6 mm d 4 15 mm d 5 20 mm
Connecting rod II d 4 2 mm d 4 10 mm d 5 20 mm
Piston rod
Crosshead III d 4 4 mm d 4 10 mm d 5 20 mm

For definition of zones, refer to
DGS _ distance-gain size.
In case of accumulations of two or more isolated indications, which are subjected to registration, the minimum distance between two
neighbouring indications shall be at least the length of the bigger indication.
This applies as well to the distance in axial direction as to the distance in depth.
Isolated indications with less distances shall be determined as one single indication. Record.
The ultrasonic testing results shall be recorded. The documentation submitted for consideration shall
contain the data given in
For forgings with the volumetric defects detected, the manufacturer shall compile detailed inspection
records and submit them to the RS representative. These records shall contain the location, size (area),
direction and character of defects.
2.5.3 Non-destructive testing of steel castings. These requirements apply to steel castings of the hull and machinery components, such as:
hull components;
stem, rudder stock, stern boss, rudder pintles and gudgeons, rudder;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

machinery components:
cylinder heads, sprockets, main bearing housings, starting valve housing, bearing liners of a
connecting rod and a crosshead, piston head.
For castings other than the above mentioned, the present requirements may be used, considering the
material mark and operational conditions of a casting.
Castings shall be tested after the final heat treatment required. Additional requirements are given in 2.5.1.
Where intermediate inspections have been performed during manufacturing process, the manufacturer
shall furnish the documentation of the results upon request of the RS representative.
Non-destructive testing shall be carried out on the basis of the corresponding plan agreed with the
Register. To be specified in the plan are an extent of testing, testing procedures, the level of testing
required and, if appropriate, the levels of testing of single areas of the casting.
Methods of testing, equipment and additional means in use shall comply with the national/international
Technical supervision in the process of magnetic particle, dye penetrant, ultrasonic or radiographic
testing shall be carried out by the Register if required in 3.8, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, and/or in other parts of these Rules or documentation
agreed with the Register. Requirements for surface of the casting being subjected to non-destructive testing. The surface crack detection of steel castings shall be carried out in compliance with the
national or international standards (refer to 2.5.1) by visual, magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing. For
magnetic particle testing of steel castings, the magnetic field strength required is generally within 2000 _
6500 A/m. The surface of castings to be tested shall be free from scale, dirt, grease, paint, shot and
primer, and shall meet the standards of a surface condition for the corresponding types of testing. The
surface of the casting being subjected to ultrasonic testing shall be machined or shot blasted to a suitable
condition. The casting surface shall be such that adequate coupling can be established between the probe
and the casting and that excessive wear of the probe is avoided. Unless otherwise specified, magnetic particle testing shall be carried out within 0,3 mm of the
final machined surface and heat treated condition for AC techniques or within 0,8 mm for DC techniques. Surface crack detection. Steel castings shall be subjected to a 100 % visual testing.
The roughness of rough castings shall be within 200 mm (Ra) and shall correspond to the procedure in use.
The thickness of sprue, riser or burr remains being removed shall be within a tolerance for casting
dimensions. The instructions on the surface crack detection for forgings shall be applied to castings as well. Magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing, where specified, shall be carried out as shown in
Figs. _

Stern frame. Extent of testing
N o t e s : 1. All surfaces: visual testing.
2. Location indicated with (ooo): magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Rudder stock. Extent of testing
N o t e . All surfaces: visual, magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing.

Stern boss. Extent of testing
N o t e s : 1. All surfaces: visual testing.
2. Location indicated with (ooo): magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing.
3. Location indicated with (^^^^): ultrasonic testing.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Rudder hangings. Extent of testing

N o t e s : 1. All surfaces: visual testing.
2. Location indicated with (ooo): magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing. 3. Location indicated with (^^^^): ultrasonic testing.

Fig. Rudder (Upper part). Extent of testing

N o t e s : 1. All surfaces: visual testing.
2. Location indicated with (ooo): magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing. 3. Location indicated with (^^^^): ultrasonic testing.

Fig. Rudder (Lower part). Extent of testing

N o t e s : 1. All surfaces: visual testing. 2. Location indicated with (ooo): magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing.
3. Location indicated with (^^^^): ultrasonic testing.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Generally, the dye penetrant testing shall be used:

for austenitic stainless steel;
for interpretation of open visual or magnetic particle indications;
at the instruction of the RS representative (as a rule, in case of a dispute).
Where indications have been detected, acceptance or rejection shall be decided in accordance
with, and the standards agreed/recognized by the Register. Acceptance criteria:
.1 at visual testing:
all castings shall be free of cracks, crack-like indications, hot tears, cold shuts or other injurious
If necessary, the Register may require, even though not specified in the order or accompanying
documentation, additional magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing.
.2 at magnetic particle and dye penetrant testing:
indications or defects detected during the surface crack detection are defined in accordance
For the purpose of evaluating indications, the surface shall be divided into reference band length
of 150 mm for level M1/P1 and into reference areas of 22500 mm2 for level M2/P2. The band length and/
or area shall be taken in the most unfavourable location relative to the indications being evaluated, i.e.
the shape and dimensions of each reference area are chosen so that they cover the maximum number of
defects without their distribution to an adjacent reference area.
Level M1/P1 is used at fabrication weld preparation and weld repairs; level M2/P2 is used at other
The required quality level shall be shown on the manufacturer's testing plan.
The allowable numbers and sizes of indications in the reference band length and/or area are given in
Table Cracks and hot tears are not acceptable. Zones of surface crack detection.
Zones of surface crack detection are shown in Figs. _ In addition surface
crack detection of the hull and machinery steel castings shall be carried out in the following locations:
at all accessible fillets, chaplets and changes of section;
in way of fabrication weld preparation, for a band width of 30 mm;
at positions where surplus metal was removed by flame cutting, scarifying or arc-air gouging;
in way of weld repairs;
at the RS representative request. Ultrasonic testing. Ultrasonic testing of steel forgings in compliance with the present requirements shall be
carried out using the contact method with straight beam and/or angle beam technique. The surface
condition of castings shall be suitable for ultrasonic testing performance. The testing procedures, apparatus and conditions of ultrasonic testing shall comply with the
recognized national or international standards (refer to 2.5.1). Additional recommendations pertaining to
the apparatus used are given in
T a b l e
Quality level Maximum number Type Maximum number Maximum dimension
of indications of indication for each type of single indication1, in mm
Nonlinear 42 5
М1/Р1 4 in 150 mm length Linear 42 3
Aligned 42 3
Nonlinear 10 7
М2/Р2 20 in 22500 mm2 area Linear 6 5
Aligned 6 5
In weld repairs, the maximum dimension is 2 mm.
The minimum distance between the indications detected is 30 mm.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-50 Personnel engaged in ultrasonic testing shall be qualified in accordance with the recognized
national or international standards. The qualification shall be verified by certificates (refer to 2.5.1). Zones of ultrasonic testing.
Zones of ultrasonic testing are shown in Figs. _ In addition, ultrasonic testing
of the hull and machinery steel castings shall be carried out in the following locations:
in way of all accessible fillets, chaplets and changes of section;
in way of fabrication weld preparations for a distance of 50 mm from the edge;
in way of areas subject to further machining, such as bolt hole positions;
in way of weld repairs;
at the Register representative request. Acceptance criteria.
Acceptance criteria for the castings are given in Table
T a b l e
Ultrasonic acceptance criteria for steel castings

Quality level Allowable disc shape according Maximum number of indications Allowable length of linear indications3,
to DGS1 to be registered2 in mm

UT1 >6 0 0
UT2 12 – 15 5 50
> 15 0 0
DGS = distance-gain size.
Grouped in an area measuring 300 × 300 mm.
Measured on the scanning surface.

Level UT1 is applicable to the following:

fabrication weld preparations for a distance of 50 mm;
50 mm depth from the final machined surface including bolt holes;
fillet radii to a depth of 50 mm and within a distance of 50 mm from the radius end;
castings subject to cyclic bending stresses (shafts and rudder stocks) _ the outer one third of thickness
in the zones shown in Figs. _;
discontinuities within the tested zones interpreted to be cracks, hot tears, etc.
Level UT2 is applicable to the following:
other zones shown in Figs. _ or on the inspection plan;
positions outside locations nominated for level UT1 examination where feeders and gates have been
castings subject to cyclic bending stresses (shafts and rudder stocks) _ at the central one third of
thickness in the zones nominated for ultrasonic testing in Figs. _ Rectification of defects. The results of surface crack detection shall be recorded with the following data provided:
.1 date of testing;
.2 names and qualifications of the personnel involved in non-destructive testing;
.3 method of testing;
.4 type of casting;
.5 product number for identification;
.6 grade of steel;
.7 supply condition (type of heat treatment);
.8 stage of testing;
.9 locations for testing;
.10 locations of reportable indications;
.11 surface condition (roughness);
.12 test standards used;
.13 testing conditions;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.14 testing results and statement of acceptance/non-acceptance;

.15 details of weld repairs including sketches. Defects shall be rectified in compliance with the documentation agreed with the Register,
wherein the procedures for performance of all potential kinds of repairs for castings are specified. Defects may be removed by grinding, or by chipping and grinding, or by welding. All
grooves shall have a bottom radius of approximately three times the groove depth and shall be smoothly
blended to the surface area.
Castings subject to the removal of defects may be supplied without welding on unmachined surfaces
where the depth of defect removal is not over 15 mm or 10 % of wall thickness, whichever is less, and the
length of the removed part is not over 100 mm. Weld repairs shall be classified as major, minor and cosmetic repairs. Major repairs are those:
where the depth is greater than 25 % of the wall thickness or 25 mm, whichever is less;
where the total weld area on a casting exceeds 2 % of the casting surface noting that where a distance
between two welds is less than their average width, they shall be considered as one weld.
Major repairs shall be carried out before the final furnace heat treatment and require the approval of the
Register. These repairs shall be recorded on a weld repair sketch as a part of the manufacturing procedure
documents. Minor repairs are those:
where the total weld area (length6width) exceeds 500 mm2.
These repairs shall be carried out before the final furnace heat treatment.
Minor repairs do not usually require the approval of the Register but shall be recorded on a weld repair
sketch as a part of the manufacturing procedure documents. Cosmetic repairs are:
all other welds.
Cosmetic repairs do not require the approval of the Register, may be carried out after the final furnace
heat treatment but are subject to a local stress relief heat treatment. In compliance with 3.8, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships, castings in carbon or carbon manganese steel may require preheating
prior to welding and also a post weld stress relieving heat treatment depending upon their chemical
composition and the dimensions and position of the weld repairs. Stress-relieving heat treatment shall be
conducted at the temperature of not less than 550 °С, then the castings shall be cooled with the furnace to
the temperature of 300 °С or below.


2.6.1 This Chapter supplements the provisions of the Performance Standard for Alternative Means of
Corrosion Protection for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers (hereinafter, PSPC-COT Alt) for
Application of Regulation II-1/3-11 (Corrosion Protection of Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers),
adopted by IMO resolution MSC.289(82).
The requirements of this Chapter shall be considered alongside with the requirements of PSPC-COT Alt.
2.6.2 Interpretations to 2.1 "General Principles" of PSPC-COT Alt. Normal and higher strength corrosion-resistant steels as defined in this Chapter, is steel, which
corrosion resistance performance in the bottom or top of the internal cargo oil tank is tested and approved
to satisfy the requirements in IMO resolution MSC.289(87) in addition to other relevant requirements for
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

ship material, structure strength and construction. It is not the intention of this document to suggest that
corrosion-resistant steels be used for corrosion-resistant applications in other areas of a ship. Corrosion-resistant steels are similar to conventional ship construction steels in terms of
chemical composition and mechanical properties. The weldability of corrosion-resistant steels is similar to the weldability of conventional ship
construction steels and therefore normal shipyard welding requirements in terms of qualification by the
approval of welding consumables and welding procedure qualification also apply.
2.6.3 Interpretations to 2.2 "Technical File" of PSPC-COT Alt. The shipbuilder shall prepare and submit the Technical File to the Register for verification. If
the applicable corrosion protection method varies for different locations, the information required for the
Technical File shall include each location and corrosion protection method separately. Once verified, one
copy of the Technical File shall be placed onboard the ship. The following construction records shall be
included in the Technical File:
.1 copy of the Type Approval Certificate;
.2 other technical data shall include:
.2.1 detail of the brand of welding consumables and welding process used;
.2.2 repair method. Only to be included when specially recommended by the manufacturer of corrosion
resistant steel;
.3 application records:
.3.1 areas of application/location of corrosion-resistant steel;
.3.2 brand of corrosion-resistant steel and thickness.
Paras and above may be substituted by the information given in the hull-related
approved drawings. However, each brand of corrosion-resistant steel used and its location shall be
indicated on the approved drawings, the drawings shall be included in the Technical File;
.4 test certificates and actual measured values of plate thickness of each corrosion-resistant steel, and
individual welding conditions need not be included. After the ship enters service, the shipowner or operator shall maintain repair data in the
Technical File for review by the Register. The information required shall include each location and
corrosion protection method separately. These records shall include:
.1 where repairs are made in service to the cargo oil tank, in which corrosion-resistant steel is used, the
following information shall be added to the Technical File:
.1.1 areas of repair work;
.1.2 repair method (replacement by corrosion-resistant steel or coating);
.1.3 records of the brand of corrosion-resistant steel used, plate thickness and welding consumables
(brand name and welding method) if corrosion-resistant steel is used);
.1.4 records in accordance with Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of
Crude Oil Tankers (IMO resolution MSC.288(87)), if coating is used;
.2 repairs that require records to be maintained as mentioned in above include the following:
.2.1 replacement by corrosion-resistant steel;
.2.2 application of coating on members, in which corrosion-resistant steel is used (including cases
where corrosion-resistant steel is replaced with conventional steel and coating)1;
.2.3 repairs of pitted parts2;
.3 plate thickness records during periodical surveys need not be recorded in the Technical File.

Details of coating on repairs to corrosion-resistant steel shall be recorded in the Corrosion Resistant Steel Technical File.
In such cases, duplicates of these coating records do not need to be included in the Coating Technical File.
The wastage limit of the pitted part or area shall be as deemed appropriate by the classification society and/or Register.
However, the standard value of the permissible wastage amount shall be taken as about 40 % of the original thickness. In this
case weld repairs are required. Only welding consumables approved for the relevant corrosion-resistant steel shall be used. The
full depth of the pitting shall be filled up by the weld metal. If non-approved welding consumables are used, an appropriate area
around the repaired part shall be coated suitably after the repairs in accordance with IMO resolution MSC.288(87).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

2.6.4 Interpretations to 3.3 "Special Application" of PSPC-COT Alt. Where other items of structure, such as appurtenances, are not clearly identified, the application
of the PSPC-COT Alt to these items is described here. Means of access, to be used for ship inspections, which are not integral to the ship structure:
.1 permanent means of access, which are not integral to the ship's structure include:
independent platforms;
.2 appropriate corrosion protection measures shall be adopted for permanent means of access
mentioned in;
.3 when corrosion-resistant steel is used, in principle, a corrosion-resistant steel of the same brand as
used in the main structure shall be used for the means of access and the attachments;
.4 when conventional steel is used, and is welded to corrosion-resistant steel, corrosion protection measures
for the attachment and weld are recommended to be in accordance with IMO resolution MSC.288(87);
.5 other corrosion protection measures shall be left to the discretion of the Register;
.6 where other corrosion protection measures other than those stated above, for example cathodic
protection are used, the performance of the corrosion-resistant steel of the surrounding structure shall not
be impaired. Access arrangements integral to the ship's structure:
.1 access arrangements that are integral to the ship structure (refer to 3.2.2 of the Annex to IMO
resolution MSC.291(87)) mean access arrangements integral to the ship structure such as the items
mentioned below, for access in the cargo oil tanks.
Stiffeners and girders with increased depth for walkways;
.2 appropriate corrosion protection measures shall be adopted for access arrangement given in If coating is applied, the provisions of Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo
Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers (IMO resolution MSC.288(87)) shall be followed. If corrosion-resistant
steel is used on the above arrangements, in principle, corrosion-resistant steel of the same brand/type as
that used in the cargo oil tanks, shall be used. Supporting members, etc.:
.1 is recommended that pipes and supporting members for measuring equipment or outfitting items that
are not strength members of the hull be protected either by coating or by use of corrosion-resistant steel in
accordance with the provisions of Work attachments:
.1 in the case of attachments (conventional steel) used only during construction work such as hanging
pieces, if welding consumables which are not indicated on the Type Approval Certificate of the corrosion-
resistant steel are used, it is recommended that the welded part is coated in accordance with Fig.

Fig. Range of coating when work attachments

are welded to corrosion-resistant steel
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

2.6.5 Interpretations to 3.4 "Area of Application" of PSPC-COT Alt. Structural members in the crude oil tankers that require protection measures against corrosion
are specified in IMO resolution MSC.289(87). Different methods of corrosion protection (coating and corrosion-resistant steel) may be
adopted for (a) and (b) above. Moreover, a combination of different corrosion protection methods may be
used for each of the structural members within the areas identified by (a) and (b). Acceptable combinations of corrosion protection methods are shown in Table
Acceptable combinations of corrosion protection methods
Member Lower surface of strength deck (a) Upper surface of inner bottom plating (b)

Corrosion protection method Case 1 Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand A1 Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand B1
Case 2 Coating Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand B1
Case 3 Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand A1 Coating
Case 4 Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand C1 Corrosion-resistant steel _ Brand C1
Corrosion-resistant steel and coating may be used on the same member. If different corrosion protection methods (coating and corrosion-resistant steel) are selected for
either (a) or (b), the selected procedure for each member shall comply with the relevant performance
standards. Where corrosion-resistant steel is used it shall be type approved by the Register (steel shall be
supplied by the RS-recognized manufacturers). Welding technology and welding materials shall be
approved by the Register. Where different brands of corrosion-resistant steels are used in the same structural member,
refer to Fig., the weld joining the two different steels shall be coated. Coating shall be in
accordance with Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers
(IMO resolution MSC.288(87)). However, coating of the weld is not required if the welding consumable
used to produce the weld has been subject to the necessary corrosion tests. In such a case, the Type
Approval Certificate is required for both steel brands in association with the welding consumable used.

Fig. When corrosion-resistant steel and conventional steel are used together in an area where
corrosion protection is necessary, refer to Fig., the conventional steel and the weld shall be coated
in accordance with IMO resolution MSC.288(87). Where the welding consumable used is different from that indicated on the Type Approval
Certificate of corrosion-resistant steel, in singular cases agreed by the Register the weld shall be coated in
accordance with IMO resolution MSC.288(87), refer to Fig.
2.6.6 Interpretations to 4 "Approval" of PSPC-COT Alt. Approval procedure. The steel shall be approved and graded accordingly.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


Fig. The approval procedure for corrosion testing of corrosion-resistant steel is described in the
Annex to IMO resolution MSC.288(87). The RS recognition is not needed for the testing laboratory where the RS surveyor is present
at specified stages to witness the approval tests. In case where the RS surveyor is not present at specified stages to witness the approval tests,
the testing laboratory shall obtain the Recognition Certificate of Testing Laboratory. Where the scope of approval changes, for example for additions to the applicable welding
consumables, the effects of these changes shall be subjected to corrosion resistance tests for the welded
joints, specified in the Annex to IMO resolution MSC.288(87). The Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer for corrosion-resistant steel shall be issued as per 2.1.
2.6.7 Interpretation to 5 "Inspection and Verification Requirements" of PSPC-COT Alt. requirements:
.1 general requirements are as follows:
.1.1 corrosion-resistant steel type approved by the Register shall be used;
.1.2 welding consumables used shall be the brand specified on the RS-approved documentation;
.1.3 welding work shall be implemented according to the approved welding procedure;
.1.4 correct use of corrosion-resistant steel is verified by engineering review and survey;
.1.5 shipbuilder shall prepare a Technical File after the construction work has been completed, and
submit it to the Register for verification;
.1.6 Technical File shall be maintained onboard the ship.
.2 if any of the items in _ above are not complied with, the Register notifies the
shipbuilder immediately who confirms the corrective action to be followed and its completion. The Cargo
Ship Safety Construction Certificate shall not be issued until all required corrective actions have been
closed to the satisfaction of the Register.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-56 Procedure applicable to new ships. Product inspection shall be carried out as part of material certification. The control range of
the chemical composition is determined as follows:
.1 manufacturer shall supply data relating to the control of applicable chemical elements that the
manufacturer has intentionally added or is controlling to improve corrosion resistance. Upper and lower
limits for all such elements and any relationship between these elements shall be disclosed. The
manufacturer shall obtain the RS approval for these additions and the relationships;
.2 effect of variation of each element shall be assessed by using sufficient corrosion tests to determine
the effects of variation with variations of other elements used to enhance corrosion resistance;
.3 corrosion resistance test shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix of Annex 3 to IMO
resolution MSC.289(87). Survey during the construction stage:
.1 the RS surveyor shall verify that corrosion-resistant steel has been used correctly at the appropriate
.2 verification in shall be implemented periodically, and the frequency shall be determined
on assessment of quality control feedback of each shipyard. However, if some deficiency is found, the
shipyard shall formulate the necessary remedial action with regard to both the deficient location and
counter measures to be taken to improve inspection methods. applicable to ships in service. If the repair method is described in the Technical File, repairs shall be carried out in
accordance with the said method. If corrosion-resistant steel or coated member shall be replaced, the same corrosion protection
method to the one used during construction is recommended. If corrosion-resistant steel shall be used during repairs, use of the corrosion-resistant steel of
the same brand as that used during construction is recommended. If conventional steel is used in a corrosion-resistant steel member that shall be replaced,
coating shall be applied to the conventional steel. In this case, it is required that the coating complies with
3.4.3 of the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers (IMO
resolution MSC.288(87)), refer to Fig. The application of welding consumables to be used shall be confirmed by the RS-approved
documentation of the relevant corrosion-resistant steel (brands of the welding consumables). If the welding consumables specified in the RS-approved documentation for the corrosion-
resistant steel cannot be used, the weld shall be coated, refer to Fig. In this case, it is required that
the coating complies with 3.4.3 of the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks
of Crude Oil Tankers (IMO resolution MSC.288(87)). Welding considerations. Welding workmanship standards accepted for conventional steel may be used. An approved welding procedure shall be used for welding work as appropriate to the grades
(excluding subscripts related to corrosion resistance), welding consumables, welding position and plate
thickness, etc., of the corrosion-resistant steel to be used.
2.6.8 Interpretation to PSPC-COT Alt Appendix "Test Procedures for Qualification of Corrosion
Resistant Steel for Cargo Tanks in Crude Oil Tankers". Test on simulated upper deck conditions:
.1 test condition:
.1.1 chemical composition of the conventional shipbuilding steel used for test purposes (Table 1 in the
Annex to IMO resolution MSC.289(87)) shall be based on ladle analysis given in the mill certificate. Steel
complying with a national standard that meets the requirements of Table 1 is also acceptable (Appendix to
IMO resolution MSC.289(87)). The chemical composition shall meet the requirements of the Recognition
Certificate for Manufacturer;
.1.2 all the base material specimens shall be located in one tank. Fig. 2 in the Annex to IMO resolution
MSC.289(87) only shows locations of 20 specimens. The tank can be designed to hold 25 or more
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

specimens; alternatively specimens can be added and removed as necessary so that the appropriate time
periods are achieved within the total timescale of 98 days;
.1.3 since certain factors such as control and measurement of temperature and size of chamber may
affect the corrosion rate achieved, it shall be confirmed that the corrosion rate of conventional steel in the
conditions and equipment of the test, satisfies the rate criteria, before carrying out corrosion test for
evaluation of corrosion-resistant steel;
.1.4 to remove specimens, the chamber shall be purged with 100 % nitrogen gas while the specimens
are in the high temperature region until the specimens are dry;
.1.5 the cycling pattern of specimen temperature and temperature of distilled water shall be controlled
such that each cycle is as identical as possible throughout the whole corrosion test period. These
temperatures shall be recorded. Refer to Fig.;

Fig. Schematic view of temperature controlling accuracy

of specimens and distilled water during corrosion test

.1.6 the transition time, a, a*, c and c* in Fig. is the time from when the cooling and heating
commences until the lower or upper temperature is reached, refer to Fig. The transition of each
cycle shall be as identical as possible throughout the whole corrosion test period;

Fig. Transition time definition

.1.7 the temperature of both the specimens and the water shall be continuously recorded throughout the
.1.8 welded specimens may be tested with the parent material tests or tested separately against
5 conventional steel specimens;
.1.9 base metal shall be prepared such that the surface to be tested shall be taken from a position
within 2 mm of one rolled surface. This surface shall be ground to bare steel and polished to 600 grit
.1.10 for welded samples, a test assembly shall be made from the same steel cast as the base metal test
in but may be from a plate of different thickness. The assembly shall be welded using the
process and consumable to be approved for use with the base metal. The surface to be tested shall be
selected such that the width of weld metal, excluding heat affected zone, shall be between 10 and 20 mm.
This surface shall be ground to bare steel and polished to 600 grit finish;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.1.11 specimens shall be weighed to an accuracy of +1 mg;

.1.12 where the calculated corrosion loss of conventional steel is less than 0,05 mm/year, the
concentration of H2S may be increased in the simulated cargo oil tank gas. All tests will be carried out at
this increased level;
.1.13 at least 3 values of individual weight loss of conventional steel shall be in the range of maximum
X and minimum Y measured in grams:
X = (0,116S6D)/10; (

X = (0,056S6D)/10 (
where S = surface area, in cm2;
D = density, in g/cm3. Test on simulated inner bottom conditions:

.1 test condition:
.1.1 the conventional steel used shall also meet the requirements of Table 1 in the Annex to IMO
resolution MSC.289(87)) and;
.1.2 base metal shall be prepared such that one surface shall be taken from a position within 2 mm of
one rolled surface. All surfaces shall be ground to bare steel and polished to 600 grit finish;
.1.3 for welded samples, a test assembly shall be made from the same steel cast as the base metal test in but may be from a plate of different thickness. The assembly shall be welded using the process
and consumable to be approved for use with the base metal. The surface to be tested shall be selected such
that the width of weld metal, excluding heat affected zone, shall be between 10 and 20 mm. This surface
shall be ground to bare steel and polished to 600 grit finishes;
.1.4 specimens shall be weighed to an accuracy of +1 mg;
.1.5 one specimen that has a corrosion rate deviating from the average corrosion rate by more than + 25
% may be eliminated from the results, provided that the cause of the accelerated corrosion is demonstrated
to be due to localized corrosion around the hanging hole and/or stamp (e.g. crevice corrosion, pitting
corrosion, etc.). Interpretation of weld discontinuity. Preparation of samples after corrosion test:
.1 all five samples shall be prepared as follows:
.1.1 two full thickness specimens approximately 20 mm long65 mm wide shall be sectioned with
their principle axis perpendicular to the weld fusion line. Each specimen shall be located such that the weld
fusion line is located approximately at its mid length (refer to Fig.;
.1.2 the specimens shall be mounted in resin to allow polishing of the cross section. The specimens
shall be etched in Nital after polishing to reveal the fusion boundary;
.1.3 a photomicrograph shall be taken at a magnification of approximately6100.

*20 mm

Fig. Sectioning plan

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-59 Evaluation of depth step:

.1 On the photomicrograph, construct a line A–B, perpendicular to the corrosion surface through the
point where fusion line and the surface cross (refer to Fig.;

Fig. Determination of corrosion depth

on photomicrograph

.2 construct two parallel lines C–D and E–F, one representing the higher level, the other the lower
level. Each line shall be constructed over a distance of ≥ 300 μm from line A–B on the base metal and weld
metal side, respectively;
.3 measure the distance r, in mm, between the intersection point at line A–B and each average surface
line on the photomicrograph;
.4 if the intersection point at line A–B and average surface line of welded metal part is above that of
base metal part, then the existence of step shall be neglected for this sample;
.5 calculate the depth of discontinuous step R, in μm, from the actual photomicrograph magnification M as
R= . (
M Evaluation of step angle:

.1 evaluation for angle of step is unnecessary if the depth of step calculated on both samples
(refer to, are not greater than 30 μm or if either step exceeds 50 μm for a single specimen.
Otherwise the angle of step shall be calculated as follows:
.1.1 produce a photomicrograph at a magnification of approximately 250X, (refer to Fig.;

Fig. Calculation of step angle

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.1.2 draw an average surface line C–D for base metal part and E–F for weld metal part;
.1.3 find the closest intersection point with the step of the base metal surface profile and the
constructed line C–D and the closest intersection point with the step for weld metal constructed line E–F
respectively, and connect those two intersection points;
.1.4 measure the angle 'a', in deg., given by the line C–D and the connected line described
in (refer to Fig.
2.6.9 Acceptance criteria. the depth of both steps are less than or equal to 30 μm, then the measurement of angle is
unnecessary, and the sample is considered to be acceptable. If the depth of steps on both photomicrographs are less than or equal to 50 μm and in addition if
both the measured angles are less than or equal to 158, then the sample is considered to be acceptable. either of the conditions described in or above are not in compliance, the
sample is considered to contain a "discontinuous surface" and fails the test. shall be evaluated as "without discontinuous surface" when all 5 corrosion test samples
are considered acceptable.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



1. Microstructure and non-metallic inclusion content.

Macrosections shall be polished, free of cracks and surface "blockage" appearing at corners.
Microstructure photographs shall be clear, zooming shall comply with the required value or shall be the
greater if it is required for consistent assessment of fine-grained structures. Etching of sections shall enable
microstructure assessment compliant to the requirement of national standards.
Generation of structure discontinuity in hot-rolled plate causes considerable spreading of mechanical
properties, especially impact and even satisfactory delivery performance may lead to poor cold resistance
performance. Such discontinuity may be a result of:
unsatisfactory metallurgic quality (large non-metallic inclusions or their accumulations exceeding
100 µm/microns);
ferrite-pearlite striation with extended pearlite areas larger than 30 µm;
ferrite grains forming at the former large austenite grain boundaries inside of which the rack and lath
bainite is formed;
available long areas of lath bainite, portion and length of which are more than the specified values.
The share of lath bainite is a parameter determining the temperature of a ductile-brittle transition (Tkb),
nil ductility test temperature (NDTT) for steels which structure includes the rack and pinion morphology
bainite formed within the large non-recrystallized austenite grain.
The structural anisotropy coefficient features the structural peculiarities of steels with ferrite-bainite-
aligned structure after thermomechanical treatment and accelerated cooling, being the parameter
depending on Tkb as well as the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD)
Liquation streaks grade may affect the temperature of a ductile-brittle transition (Tkb).
A volume fraction of tempered bainite with specific directed carbide phase line highlighted affects all
the steel performance characteristics requiring the statistically correct analysis of the tempered bainite fine
structure parameters in such specimens depending on the steel strength category.
2. Chemical compound
Specimens shall be free of surface contamination. The same refers to chip scraps selected for carbon
content analysis.
Accuracy of values obtained shall be in accordance with the RS requirements. Where special
requirements are absent, the devices shall be used with error as a minimum much lower than the required
maximum values of impurities.
3. Tensile test.
The strength and ductility target parameter framing shall comply with the RS requirements.
Quality of the specimens manufacturing shall be checked with laying onto the plane. Round specimens
shall be rolled to detect non-axiality in the functional and gripping parts. For flat test specimens an
indentation shall be detected resulting in additional tensile bending. Length of the specimen functional
parts between fillets Lc shall be above the design length L0, at least diameter 0,5 d or cross–sectional area
F, to eliminate the influence of the ends on the measured elongation value.
In case of mixed results, the cross-sectional specimen area size shall be used to calculate the strength
characteristics measured at a cross-section closest to the sample breakdown point.
The laboratory shall be equipped with manual measuring instrumentation with centre-punching
facilities and sample securing during measurements.
During test witnessing it is necessary to check the elastic modulus value at the initial elastic segment
load diagram this integrally considering the quality of manufacture and installing the sample into testing
machine. A deviation of +10 % of the reference value for the specified material class is permissible.
During the tensile strength determination it is required to ensure that while processing test results, the
reference point is selected corresponding to the global, rather than local, maximum load.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

When using some types of grip, the initial compression load occurs with the sample compression.
Initial load program reset in such a case is prohibited, otherwise the test result will be overestimated.
The yield stress value is rated in the RS rules as follows:
if the yield platform is available, the upper yield stress ReH is rated and for this purpose an available
extensometer (longitudinal deformation sensor) is not mandatory,
if the yield platform is absent, the yield stress equal to 0,2 % of plastic deformation Rp0,2 is rated and
for this purpose and available extensometer is not mandatory only in that case _ when the straight initial
elastic segment load diagram is present, intersection of which with X-axis is taken as the starting point of
plastic deformation. Otherwise, (especially, during tests of high-strength steels) the available extensometer
is mandatory as well as application of partial or full unloading after passing the yield stress (point) or
initial diagram slope ("hysteresis module" technology),
for piping material the yield stress is rated as per the total deformation value, usually 0,5 % — Rt0,5,
and for this purpose, use of extensometer is mandatory.
While calculating test results, if the movement is determined by the extensometer signal and to specify
the elongation it shall be related to the initial length between the extensometer legs, which is considered to
be known, if it was installed before the test with a gauge, or as compared with the initial length
corresponding to the zero load on the load diagram. Software reset of the sensor signal at the start of the
test.load is not allowed (in equivalent to load reset). If the elongation is determined without the
extensometer by the signal of cross-beams realignment, the distance between fillets Lc shall be taken.
Round specimens shall provide higher strength characteristics than flat test specimens in full thickness.
The spread of strength characteristics is general within 30 MPa (for construction steel).
4. The stress relieved tensile tests (tensile, impact, bending).
The tests are carried out for base metal in thermomechanical treatment to check the structural changes
after sensitization heating, and also for welded joints to verify possible welding of tackwelding and
adjacent seams or rewelding. Standard scheme of thermal treatment includes the oven heat up to 400 —
450 °С, billet fitting, heating up to 580 °С at a rate of approx. 10 °С/min., exposure for 2,5 min per mm
thickness, but not less than 2 h and air cooling. The exposure temperature may be agreed upon with
another one (up to 650 °C).
The billets shall be thermally treated then the samples are made. Requirements for tests and review of
results are similar to those without thermal treatment.
5. Through thickness tensile test.
To select the sample type the functional part diameter is essential. Pursuant to the Register rules the
diameter of 6 mm is required up to rolled products' full-thickness of 40 mm and 10 mm above 40 mm.
Length of the specimen functional parts between fillets shall be not less than 2,5 of the diameter. Thus, it is
possible to test specimens from approx. 30 mm in length. For lesser thicknesses the specimens with
welded-on gripping parts are used.
During tests the relative reduction in is rated at the point of fracture/impact. Through thickness tensile
strength reduction shall be minor (up to 20 %) as compared with that obtained during routine tensile
6. Impact tests.
The specimens surfaces shall be smooth (if it is not a rough face of the rolled products) and mutually
perpendicular. The surface quality in notch shall be not worse than in the sides.
To check the notch location in the centre of the specimen length, two specimens are stacked side by
side, then one specimen shall be deployed at 180° and checked whether the notch positions coincide.
The laboratory shall be equipped with the measuring instrumentation allowing to measure the section
correctly prior to testing.
The notch depth, angle and radius with its tip shall be checked using an optical technique (projection
microscope, sedigraph) with magnifying of no less than 50, provided with templates corresponding to the
tolerances on the notch shape. Attention shall also be given to the available notch burrs and notch shape
difference on the opposite sides of the sample.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The equipment may have "American" or "European" striker, varying in radius. The RS rules provide
for the performance of tests on the "European" striker with a radius of 2+0.5 mm. However, the differences
in the results are minor and only visible at impact test.
While examining the impact machine, the condition of the anvil shall be examined and it shall be free from
splits and burrs. The traces of contact with the anvil shall be identical on both halves of the test sample.
The percentage of fibrous component in the fracture of the specimen may be determined by measuring
the crystal spot area with calipers or as compared with the reference collection of fractures for which the
specified parameter was previously defined. Collections of fractures allow to perform correct measurement
for a particular type of steel, if they are in good (not rusty) condition.
For welded samples it is necessary to check (at random) notch marking location as follows:
checking the notch location mark at the etched billet;
sample etching prior to test and monitoring of the notch position;
sample etching (of all surfaces) after test and monitoring of the notch position; This method is used
only in the case of an ambiguous result.
7. Impact test on non-aged specimens.
The tests are carried out on the specimens cut out from pre-stretched billets with a section of
approximately 12612 mm, then heat treated. The plastic deformation percentage is rated during billet
tensile test (5 or 10 %) and heat (thermal) treatment conditions. At 10 % of the residual plastic deformation
required by RS, it ceases to be flat, a neck (crankpin journal) is formed on the billet/workpiece. Thus
billets prior to tensile strength test shall be centre-punched with increments of 10 mm to verify the
achieved tensile deformation. It is recommended to apply dual legged centre-punch at a distance of 10 mm
from each other. Journal area (if any) shall be deleted.
Heat treatment conditions: uniform heating up to 250 °С, exposure for 1 h, air cooling. Both the billets
and finished specimens may be heat treated.
Requirements for tests and review of results are similar to normal impact testing.
8. Weld joint hardness test.
It shall be carried out on the Vickers hardness tester. The recommended load is 49 N, not 98 N, making
it possible to put the prints closer to each other (important for the HAZ examination at the fusion line).
During manufacture of sections overburning is not allowed while cutting out the billets. The section
surface shall be in condition after polishing and etching. Polishing provides absence of scratches. Etching
shall be weak to identify the seam boundaries but not to bring in the etched out relief.
The hardness test lines "at the surface" shall be located 1 _ 2 mm from the rolled surface, regardless
of the height of the weld reinforcement.
In case of obtaining the single hardness value (one of three measurements located in one place relative
to the seam), two additional measurements are allowed. If the single value has not repeated, it shall be
omitted from consideration.
9. Base metal and welded joints bend.
The required bending angle of the base metal is 180° (to the alignment of sides), for welded samples
located across the weld — 120°. The angle is measured in the unloaded sample condition.
During certification tests of rolled products and their welded joints to receive Recognition Certificate
for Manufacturer/СПИ, the bend mandrel diameter shall be equal to:
Minimal guaranteed yield strength Mandrel diameter D on face/root bend Side bend mandrel diameter, mm
of base metal, MPa (Т — thickness of test specimen) (thickness of test specimen — 10 mm)
not exceeding 390 2Т 30
420 _ 620 4Т 40
690 and above 6Т 60

As a rule, the base metal shall be tested in full thickness. If impossible, the specimen test of 25 mm
thick is allowed rough side outward. Face bend tests of welded samples located across the weld is allowed
to perform on samples in full thickness up to 25 mm or turned to 25 mm at a greater thickness of the weld.
Tensile test specimen surface shall have removed reinforcement and weld/seam undercuts.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Reviewing the welded sample testing results, cut out across the weld, the bend is possible with angular
distortions (sharp elbow) or "tray”, which indicates a discrepancy between the weld and base metal
strength. In this case, the prescribed bend radius may not be observed. The certificate specifications of the
base metal and welding consumables shall be verified to ensure that the samples comply with the RS rules
10. Determination of nil ductility test temperature (NDTT).
The anvil condition shall be checked by measuring the distance of the permissible specimen
indentation For this purpose, the specimen is placed on the anvil sideways and measure the distance from it
to the stop, which shall be 7,6 mm for specimens of type P-1, 1,5 mm for P-2 and 1,9 mm for P-3.
Allowance +0,05 mm.
The impactor shall be flattened and free of cracks.
The impact machine energy shall be selected according to the actual yield strength of the tested
material according to the certificate specifications. If the anvil prints on test samples are absent, the result
is non-offsettable and the impact machine energy shall be increased.
The specimen rough face in the notch plane shall not have brands and cuttings. Bead shall have proper
brittleness _ a crack in it shall be formed at a temperature not lower than NDT + 60 °C.
During the tests, the sample temperature control and the time from its termination to the test (within 10 s)
shall be checked.
If shrinkages are available on rough face of the test specimen in the notch plane or other doubts as a
result of the test, the sample shall be statically opened with a three-point bend to control the crack shape
and size. It is recommended to paint it thermally before.
11. Determining the temperature of a ductile-brittle transition ТKB.
The notch in specimens shall not have sharp corners. The loadng speed of the test specimen shall be 1 mm/s.
Assessment of fibrous component in the fractures is performed by measuring the spot area of the
crystal component with manual measuring instrumentation to the nearest 5-10 mm2 and with the fracture
photos. Assessment variance shall be within 5 %. Assessment by photo is preferable.
For high strength steels, the fracture crystal component may be slightly different from the fiber (the so-
called "dry crystal"). One shall make sure. that operators are familiar with such type of fracture, either to
perform a low temperature test to get a certain crystal fracture for reference.
12. Determining crack resistance parameter CTOD.
12.1 Sampling
The test samples shall be taken in accordance with a program approved by the RS. Sample cutting is
prohibited on scissors.
12.2 Sample welding
K-edges preparation for welding. Edges shall be made during mechanical procedure should be
mechanically performed (as a minimum, a straight edge). Welding of certification samples shall be
performed with the use of welding consumables, ensuring a relatively high crack arrest toughness at test
temperature, so as not to distort the HAZ results (special consideration shall be given to that the certificate
specifications of the welding consumables on crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) and with impact test
refer to "appropriate" heat input during welding).
For minimum heat input it is recommended to use semiautomatic welding technique in gas-shielded
environment (with shielding gas) with flux cored arc welding (welding in a mixture of M21 is preferable to
welding in argon), and for the maximum - automatic submerged-arc welding. Automatic submerged-arc
welding is usually performed on the lifting for high-quality weld formation.
Certification welding shall be accompanied by the preparation of Welding Procedure Specification _
WPS ATP and technological charts indicating the actual welding parameters of each joint.
Welded joints shall provide the minimum weld joint defects in the weld straight edge area.
12.3 Test specimen preparation
It is allowed to test specimens made from welded joints having angular deformations, as well as
samples made from pipe with remaining bending, if their installation on the test machine is possible.
However, this makes it difficult to obtain a valid form of fatigue crack. Nevertheless, it is preferred to use
samples with a thickness close to the billet full thickness after test specimen straightening. Test specimen
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

straightening shall be made after cutting the weld card prior to machining. Metal deformation subjected to
straightening is permitted within 5 %.
Samples for three-point bending (SENB type) are used for certification tests.
All samples shall be made from the material in the final heat treatment condition. When testing
samples of weld joint metal shall be considered the time is considered between the sample welding and
testing, as it can determine the hydrogen content in the metal to reduce its viscosity.
Attention shall be paid to the samples to be cut exactly perpendicular to the weld seam, not the card
edge, otherwise getting to the HAZ desired structure is difficult.
The rectangular section sample shape shall be provided (to maintain tolerances on perpendicularity of
sides). Cutting alongside the welded sample shall be performed after marking the notch location in the
weld. It is allowed not to cut along the length, if it does not exceed the required value within 30 %.
The notch shall be marked on the welded samples so that the crack tip is located along its possible
greatest front length in a local structure having presumably the lowest viscosity, while it may not be
perpendicular to the specimen lateral faces (within 10°). Two critical structures are investigated: ЗТВ 1 —
heat affected zone and maximum overheating zone at the fusion line, having the largest grain size, and
ЗТВ 2 - near the border of intercritically and subcritically heat affected zone at a distance from the fusion
line. Before marking-out and the notch location the etching and metal structural examination in the heat
affected zone shall be performed. The notch location shall be marked after each tested segment of the
welded joint the transverse macrosections were cut out, etched and investigated, and the required structure
is confirmed to be present at the expected fatigue crack front in sufficient quantities.
Samples cut out from welded joints, as well as from billets/test specimens straightening, have residual
stresses, presence of which can lead to uneven growth of fatigue cracks. It is recommended to use for them
the method of local edging.
12.4 Growth of fatigue crack
It shall be carried out using a transducer or servohydraulic machine. The maximum cycle loads shall
not be exceeded. Quality crack growth load cycling relates to 30000 _ 00000 load cycles.
12.5 Testing and procession results
The test machine shall have the outfit for specimen alignment in the cryo-chamber or liquid bath, sensors
and diagram recorders "load _ opening notch mouth" and "load _ displacement along the load line".
The sample temperature control shall be considered.
Measurement of the crack length in the fracture after test is carried out at nine equally spaced points
with manual measuring instrumentation.
It is easier to check the elastic modulus in the initial loading segment to be calculated in the tests for
the three-point bending by the formula
E=(17m2) (1,4572,18g+5,96g3736,9g4+70,7g5),

where µ _ Poisson ratio,

L _ span between supports,
a _ average measured crack length in the fracture,
t _ thickness of test specimen
b _ depth below notch,
g = a/b,
Cn _ diagram yield "load _ opening notch margins", i.e. the incremental ratio of crack opening and load.

Like in tensile tests, the module integrally controls the correctness of measurements and calculations.
When processing the results, evaluation of "jumps" on the loading diagram is most difficult, meaning
the simultaneous rapid growth of the opening and drop in load with its further growth. For modern steels in
the thermomechanical treatment, jumps may be related to the metal splitting during the test. The standards
do not specify whether these events shall be considered. Formally, any jump that causes the load curve
slope tangent to drop by 5 % or over is significant and the test may be terminated.
While processing the results, the proper choice of the material yield strength for calculations shall be
made, which shall correspond to the metal structure for the notch to pass, and the test temperature.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



3.1.1 General. This Section establishes the procedure for approval of the following protective coatings:
anticorrosive protective coatings of hull structures (for ballast tanks, cargo oil tanks of crude oil
tankers, cargo spaces, hatch coamings and hatch covers of bulk carriers);
anti-fouling coatings of ship's hulls;
primer coatings not removed before welding in compliance with the requirements of 2.1.9, Part XIV
"Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
ice-resistant coatings;
primary deck coverings and other finishings complying with the requirements of,,
Part VI "Fire Protection" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The approval procedure comprises the following stages. Review and approval of the documentation defining the coating properties, composition and
characteristics (technical conditions, specification, technical data sheet, technological regulations,
instructions or descriptions, etc. as appropriate), of the protocols and/or reports on qualification tests,
and of the program on coating check tests. The documentation shall take into account the requirements of
the RS rules, international conventions, IMO resolutions, etc. The technical documentation is approved
for the purpose of determining parameters established in it.
The qualification tests confirm the compliance of coatings with the requirements of the international
conventions, IMO resolutions, RS rules, etc.
Such tests shall be carried out in the testing laboratories recognized by the Register or in the accredited
laboratories and witnessed by the RS surveyor. The Register may accept results of the tests carried out in
the laboratories recognized by other classification societies, Administrations and other authorized
organizations or under their technical supervision.
Check tests are carried out to verify the conformity of type material for the coating produced by the
manufacturer to the RS-approved documentation. Such tests shall be carried out at the manufacturer in the
presence of the RS surveyor. Program of coating check tests shall include verification of main
characteristics of the coating. The extent of tests is subject to agreement with the Register.
If the manufacturer cannot conduct testing of any individual coating properties and characteristics
included into the program, these tests may be performed in the specialized laboratory upon agreement with
the Register. In most cases the extent of check tests shall correspond to the extent of acceptance tests of the
coating generally performed for each batch at the manufacturer. The survey of the coating manufacturer for compliance with Section 7, Part I "General
Regulations for Technical Supervision" (when coatings are delivered with the copy of the Type Approval
Certificate). RS surveyor's participation in coating tests according to the approved program. Issuance of the Certificate for the coating with the positive survey results (refer to Section 6,
Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision"). Issuance of the Type Approval Certificate for the coating with the positive results of the
above stages of approval.
When the products are manufactured under the same name (trade mark) at different subsidiaries of the
manufacturer (locations, facilities), each subsidiary of the manufacturer shall be certified ( and
check tests of the announced manufactured products shall be performed ( The results of the
qualification tests performed for one trade mark of the products at one of the subsidiaries of the
manufacturer may apply to the similar products of other subsidiary of the same manufacturer (refer to
special requirements of,
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-67 Renewal of Type Approval Certificate is carried out in a manner like the initial approval. In this
case, the extent of surveys and tests may be reduced reasoning from the technical supervision experience at
the given works (absence of claims or complaints, absence or unimportant nature of changes in the
normative document requirements and documentation of the works, etc.).
3.1.2 Anticorrosive protective coatings of hull structures. The documentation being submitted for approval, which defines the coating properties,
composition and characteristics, shall also contain the following data:
type of a coating system (hard _ epoxy, etc., semi-hard);
coating colour;
data on incompatibility with different media and/or cargoes;
application for structures being heated by sun rays or being boundaries of heated cargo spaces;
data on compatibility with the anodic protection against corrosion;
data on satisfactory coating performance. If these are lacking, the coating shall be tested according to
the recognized standards for fitness for operational conditions (e.g. immersion test, accelerated hot salt fog
test and adhesion test). The documentation being submitted for approval shall include the following. The Manufacturer's Technical Data Sheet for each coating component. The instruction (standard, recommendations) on surface preparation for coating application
which, as a minimum, shall specify:
that the instruction is based on recommendations of IMO resolution A.798(19);
methods of surface preparation;
ambient conditions if abrasive cleaning is used (relative humidity within 85 %, the steel temperature is
at least by 3 8C above the dew-point temperature, absence of moisture or condensation signs);
procedures and extent of examinations of surface preparation;
assessment criteria for surface preparation. The instruction (standard, recommendations) on coating application which, as a minimum,
shall specify:
environment conditions during application of a coating system;
coating procedures;
thickness of each coating layer (wet and dry);
time interval between surface drying and application of the next coating layer;
use and amount of thinners;
controllable and set parameters during coating;
extent and periodicity of control;
repair of defective or damaged areas. Information on potential risks for health and on precautions needed during coating (Material
Safety Data Sheet). The firm's (manufacturer's) procedure on in-service maintenance shall contain, as the
minimum, the information on:
recommended frequency of in-service examinations of the coating by the shipowner;
ways to rectify defects identified during in-service examinations;
compatibility of the applied coating with the coatings used for repairs.
It is recommended that the procedure shall take into account:
IMO circular MSC.1/1330 "Guidelines for Maintenance and Repair of Protective Coatings"; and/or
IACS recommendation 87 "Guidelines for Coating Maintenance and Repairs for Ballast Tanks and
Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers"; and/or
IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1399 "Guidelines on Procedures for In-Service Maintenance and Repair of
Coating Systems for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers". The form of a coating manufacturer's quality certificate issued for each batch (delivery) of
the coating which specifies the following;
the firm (manufacturer) name;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

date of manufacture;
amount and identification data of the batch delivered;
coating characteristics (type, brand, colour, etc.). Semihard coatings shall have the following properties:
application shall be possible within a wide temperature range;
the service limit shall be minimum 65 °C;
good penetration qualities;
where applicable suitable for bonding to moist surfaces, e.g. water jetted/hydroblasted surfaces
according to manufacturer's recommendations;
flexible properties throughout the service life;
resistant to foot traffic allowing easy access for inspection purposed;
resistant to ballast water;
ability to prevent corrosion for at least three years;
the wet film thickness shall have an upper limit in order to avoid covering of cracks and
slipperiness caused by excessive film thickness;
light colour coating (distinguishable from rust) is preferable;
some semihard coatings may also minimize corrosion by passivating the metal surface with a corrosion
inhibitor whilst also forming a film to prevent passage of moisture. Protective coatings for sea water ballast tanks of all the shiptypes and for double side spaces of
bulk carriers are approved according to IMO resolution MSC.215(82). Protective coatings for cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers (refer to IMO resolution MSC.291(87))
are approved according to IMO resolution MSC.288(87).
3.1.3 Antifouling coatings of ship's hull. The documentation being submitted for approval, which defines the coating properties,
composition and characteristics, shall also contain the following data:
type of the antifouling system1;
name of the antifouling system manufacturer;
name and colour of the antifouling system;
active ingredient(s) and its (their) number(s) by the database "Chemical Abstract Service" (CAS
detailed marking of packing containers used for coating delivery. The documentation being submitted for approval shall include:
technical data for the coating (technical conditions, specifications, Data Sheet);
material safety data (Material Safety Data Sheet) (such data may be also contained in technical
conditions, specification));
coating manufacturer's certificate (quality certificate for coating) issued for each batch (delivery) of the
coating, which shall provide for the above data;
records of control tests (analysis) of specimens confirming absence of organotin compounds in the
coating (refer to Sampling and qualification tests (analysis) of specimens, confirming absence of organotin
compounds in the coating, shall be carried out in the testing laboratory recognized by the Register. Where
the latter is unavailable, the sampling and analysis shall be performed according to the requirements of
IMO resolution MEPC.104(49) at the attendance of the RS surveyor. As an alternative to the control tests, statistical data of given coating analyses may be
considered (refer to also The analysis with regard to the total content of tin per kilo of dry paint is recommended to
carry out by applying mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (MS/ISP). Any other
scientifically-recognized procedure for the tin analysis (e.g. AAS, XRF and ICP-OES) is also acceptable.
Examples of appropriate wordings: self-polishing type without tinny organic compounds, ablative type without tinny
organic compounds, common type without tinny organic compounds, silicone type biocide-free paint, etc. Regarding the
antifouling system containing no active ingredients, the words "biocide-free" shall be used.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-69 The analysis results shall be consistent with the IMO resolution MEPC.104(49) requirements
and are considered positive in the following cases:
.1 25 %, as a maximum, of the total number of samples yield the results exceeding 2500 mg total tin
per kilo dry paint (2500 mg/kg); and
.2 no sample shall exceed 3000 mg Sn/kg of dry paint. If the testing laboratory carrying out the regular analysis of coating tin content belongs to the
coating manufacturer, that testing laboratory shall be surveyed simultaneously with the manufacturer
according to Section 9, Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision". Issuance of Type Approval Certificate.
The Type Approval Certificate for the anti-fouling coating shall contain the following technical
parameters: type of anti-fouling system, colour(s) and active ingredient(s) and its(their) number(s) by the
database "Chemical Abstract Service" (CAS number(s)) (refer to The following entry shall be
made in the Type Approval Certificate: "This approval does not cover other coating properties, such as
anti-fouling performance, service life, corrosion protection, health, etc.".



3.2.1 This Chapter supplements provisions of the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for
Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in all Types of Ships and Double-Side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers in
compliance with SOLAS-74 Regulation II-1/3-2 adopted by IMO resolution MSC.215(82) (hereinafter
referred to as "PSPC").
This Chapter shall be read in conjunction with PSPC.
3.2.2 Interpretations to para 2.6, Section 2 "Definitions" of PSPC. "GOOD" condition is defined as condition with spot rusting on less than 3 % of the area under
consideration without visible failure of the coating. Rusting at edges or welds shall be on less than 20 % of
edges or welds in the area under consideration. C o a t i n g T e c h n i c a l F i l e ( C T F ) is a term used for the collection of documents
describing issues related to the coating system and its application from the point in time when the first
document is provided and for the entire life of the ship, including the inspection agreement and all
elements of PSPC 3.4.
3.2.3 Interpretations to 3.2, Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC. Inspection of surface preparation and coating processes agreement shall be signed by shipyard,
shipowner and coating manufacturer and shall be presented by the shipyard to the Register for review prior
to commencement of any coating work on any stage of a new building and at least shall comply
with PSPC. To facilitate the review, the following documents from CTF shall be available:
coating specification including selection of areas (spaces) to be coated, selection of coating system,
surface preparation and coating process;
Type Approval Certificate for the coating system. The agreement shall be included in CTF and shall at least cover:
inspection process, including scope of inspection, list of persons carrying out the inspection,
qualifications of the coating inspector and appointment of a qualified coating inspector (responsible for
verifying that the coating is applied in accordance with PSPC). Where more than one coating inspector is
involved, then their areas of responsibility shall be identified (for example, multiple construction sites);
language of the agreement shall be identical to the language used in CTF. Any deviations in the procedure relative to PSPC noted during the review shall be raised with
the shipyard, which is responsible for identifying and implementing the corrective actions.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-70 The Passenger Ship Safety Certificate or Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificate shall not be issued until all the corrective actions required are implemented and
submitted to the Register.
3.2.4 Interpretations to 3.4 "Coating Technical File", Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC. The shipyard is responsible for compiling CTF either in paper or electronic format, or a
combination of the two. CTF shall contain all the information required by PSPC 3.4 and the inspection of surface
preparation and coating processes agreement (refer to PSPC 3.2). CTF shall be reviewed for content in accordance with PSPC 3.4.2. Any deviations found under shall be raised with the shipyard, which is responsible for
identifying and implementing the corrective actions. Para shall apply.
3.2.5 Interpretations to 3.5 "Health and safety", Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC. In order that the document should meet the provisions of PSPC 3.5, it is recommended to
supplement CTF with the manufacturer's relevant documentation relating to health and safety aspects, such
as the Material Safety Data Sheet.
3.2.6 Interpretations to 4.3 "Special application", Section 4 "Coating Standard" of PSPC. The guidelines of the IMO MSC.1/Circ.1279 of 23 May 2008 "Guidelines for Corrosion
Protection of Permanent Means of Access Arrangements" shall be taken into consideration.
3.2.7 Interpretations to the Table 1, PSPC. Reference standards.
Reference standards in Table 1, PSPC are mandatory. Paragraph 1.3 "Coating prequalification test". Procedure for coating system approval.
Type Approval Certificate showing compliance with the PSPC Section 5 requirements shall be issued
if the results of either method A + D, or B + D, or C + D (see below) are found satisfactory by the Register.
The Type Approval Certificate shall indicate the product and the shop primer tested. The Type Approval
Certificate shall also indicate other type approved shop primers with which the product may be used and which
have undergone the cross over test in a laboratory meeting the requirements specified in
The Technical Data Sheet showing all the information required by PSPC shall be attached to
the Type Approval Certificate.
For winter type epoxy a separate pre-qualification test is required, including shop primer compatibility
test according to Annex 1 to PSPC. Winter and summer type coatings are considered different, unless
infrared (IR) identification and specific gravity (SG) data demonstrate that they are the same. Method A: laboratory test. Coating pre-qualification tests shall be carried out, as noted below, by a test laboratory,
which is recognized by the Register and meets the requirements of Section 8, Part I "General Regulations
for Technical Supervision". The results of pre-qualification testing (refer to 1.3, PSPC Table 1) for the coating system
shall be documented and submitted to the Register. Type approval tests shall be carried out for the epoxy based system with the stated shop
primer in accordance with PSPC Annex 1. If the tests are satisfactory, a Type Approval Certificate will be
issued to include both the epoxy and the shop primer. The Type Approval Certificate will allow the use of
the epoxy either with the named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. An epoxy based system may be used with shop primers other than the one with which it
was originally tested, provided that the other shop primers are approved as part of a system, 2.3 and 3.2,
PSPC Table 1 and have been tested to 1.7, Annex 1 to Appendix 1, which is known as the "Crossover
Test". If the test or tests are satisfactory, a Type Approval Certificate shall be issued. In this case the Type
Approval Certificate will include the epoxy details and a list of all shop primers with which it has been

It is recommended to indicate in the Type Approval Certificate that the coating is allowed to use on bare prepared steel.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

tested that have passed these requirements. The Type Approval Certificate will allow the use of the epoxy
either with the named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. Alternatively the epoxy can be tested without shop primer applied on bare prepared steel to
the requirements of Annex 1 to PSPC. If the test or tests results are satisfactory, a Type Approval
Certificate will be issued. In this case the Type Approval Certificate will just record the epoxy. The
Certificate will allow the use of the epoxy on bare prepared steel only. If in addition crossover tests are
satisfactorily carried out with the shop primers which are approved as part of the system, the Type
Approval Certificate shall include the details of the shop primers, which have satisfactorily passed the
crossover test. In the latter case, the Type Approval Certificate will allow the use of the epoxy either with
the named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. The Type Approval Certificate is invalid if the formulation of either the epoxy or the shop
primer is changed. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to inform the Register immediately of any
changes to the formulation. For the coating pre-qualification test, the measured average dry film thickness (DFT) on
each prepared test panels shall not exceed a nominal DFT (NDFT) of 320 microns plus 20 % unless a paint
manufacturer specifies a NDFT greater than 320 microns. In the latter case, the average DFT shall not
exceed the specified NDFT plus 20 % and the coating system shall be certified to the specified NDFT, if
the system passes the tests according to Annex 1 of IMO resolution MSC.215(82). The measured DFT
shall meet the "90/10" rule and the maximum DFT shall be always below the maximum DFT value
specified by the manufacturer.
This paragraph shall apply to tests carried out on 1 July 2012 or later. Method B: 5 years field exposure. Coating manufacturer's records, which shall at least include the information indicated
in, shall be examined to confirm coating system has 5 years field exposure, and the current
product is the same as that being assessed. The following manufacturer's records shall be submitted:
original application records;
original coating specification;
original technical data sheets;
current formulation's unique identification (code or number);
if mixing ratio of the base and curing agent has changed, a statement from the manufacturer is needed
confirming that the composition of the mixed product is the same as the original composition. It shall be
accompanied by an explanation of the modifications made;
current technical data sheets for the current product;
SG and IR identification of the original product;
SG and IR identification of the current product;
statement from the manufacturer confirming that the current product is the same as the original, if SG
and IR identification data cannot be provided. Either class survey records from the Register or a joint (coating manufacturer/RS surveyor)
survey of all ballast tanks of a selected ship shall be carried out for the purpose of verification of
compliance with the requirements of and The reporting of the coating condition in
both cases shall be in accordance with Section 2 of IACS recommendation No. 87. The ship selected for testing shall have ballast tanks in regular use, of which:
at least one tank is approximately 2000 m3 or more in capacity;
at least one tank is adjacent to a heated tank;
at least one tank contains an underdeck exposed to the sun. In case the selected ship does not meet the requirements specified in, the
limitations shall be clearly stated in the Type Approval Certificate. For example, "The coating cannot be
used in tanks adjacent to heated tanks or underdeck or tanks with volume greater than the size surveyed".

It is recommended to indicate in the Type Approval Certificate that the coating is allowed to use on bare prepared steel.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-72 In all cases of approval by Method B, the shop primer shall be removed prior to application
of the approved epoxy based system coating, unless it can be confirmed that the shop primer applied
during construction is identical in formulation to that applied in the selected ship used as a basis of the
approval. All ballast tanks shall be in "GOOD" condition excluding mechanical damages, without
touch up or repair in the prior 5 years of operation.
"GOOD" condition is defined as condition with spot rusting on less than 3 % of the area under
consideration without visible coating damage. Rusting at edges or welds shall be on less than 20 % of
edges or welds in the area under consideration (refer to
Examples of how to report coating conditions with respect to areas under consideration shall be as
those given in IACS recommendation No. 87. If the applied NDFT is greater than required by PSPC, the applied NDFT shall be the
minimum to be applied during construction. This shall be prominently reported in the Type Approval
Certificate. If results of the survey are satisfactory, a Type Approval Certificate shall be issued to
include both the epoxy based system and the shop primer. The Type Approval Certificate will allow the
use of the epoxy either with the named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. The Type Approval
Certificate shall reference the survey report, which shall also form part of CTF. The Type Approval Certificate is invalid if the formulation of either the epoxy based
system or the shop primer is changed. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to inform the Register
immediately of any changes to the formulation. Method C: existing Marintek2 B1 approvals. Epoxy based coating systems with existing satisfactory Marintek test reports minimum level
B1, including relevant IR identification and SG, issued before 8 December 2006 can be accepted. If
original SG and IR documentation cannot be provided, then a statement shall be provided by the
manufacturer confirming that readings for the current product are the same as those of the original. The Marintek test report with IR and SG information shall be reviewed and if satisfactory, a
Type Approval Certificate shall be issued. The Type Approval Certificate shall allow the use of the epoxy
either with the named shop primer, unless there is evidence to indicate that it is unsuitable, or on bare
prepared steel1. The epoxy based systems approved by this method may be used with other shop primers if
satisfactory crossover tests are carried out with shop primers, which are approved as part of a system (refer
to In this case the Type Approval Certificate will include the details of the epoxy based
system and a list of all shop primers, which have passed these requirements. Type Approval Certificate
will allow the use of the epoxy either with the named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. Such coatings shall be applied in accordance with PSPC Table 1 rather than the application
conditions used during the approval test, which may differ from PSPC, unless these are more stringent than
PSPC Table 1 (for example, if NDFT is higher or high pressure water washing and or sweep blasting of the
shop primer is used). In such cases these limiting conditions shall be added to the Type Approval
Certificate and followed during coating application at the shipyard. The Type Approval Certificate is invalid if the formulation of either the epoxy based system
or the shop primer is changed. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to inform the Register
immediately of any changes to the formulation. Method D: coating manufacturer. The coating/shop primer manufacturer shall meet the requirements specified in Section 7,
Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision" and in —, which shall be
verified by the Register. Extent of engagement _ production of coating systems in accordance with IMO resolu-
tion MSC.215(82) and PSPC 3.2.
It is recommended to indicate in the Type Approval Certificate that the coating is allowed to use on bare prepared steel.
Marintek — Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-73 These requirements apply to both the main coating manufacturer and the shop primer
manufacturer where both coatings form part of the total system. The coating manufacturer shall provide to the Register the following information:
a detailed list of production equipment (facilities);
names and location of raw (basic) material suppliers;
a detailed list of the test standards and equipment to be used (in scope of approval);
details of quality control procedures employed;
details of any sub-contracting agreements;
list of quality manuals, test procedures and instructions, records, etc;
copy of any relevant certificates with their issue number and/or date (e.g. quality management system
certification). Inspection and audit of the manufacturer's facilities shall be based on requirements of
IMO resolution MSC.215(82). With the exception of early "scale up" from laboratory to full production, adjustment
outside the limitations listed in the quality control instruction referred to below is not acceptable, unless
justified by trials during the coating system's development program, or subsequent testing. Any such
adjustments shall be agreed by the formulating technical centre. If formulation adjustment is envisaged for during manufacturing process, the maximum
allowable limits shall be approved by the formulating technical centre and clearly stated in the quality
control working procedures. The manufacturer's quality control system shall ensure that all current production is the
same formulation as that supplied for the Type Approval Certificate. Formulation change is not
permissible without testing in accordance with the test procedures in IMO resolution MSC.215(82) and
issue of the Type Approval Certificate by the Register. Batch records, including all quality control test results, such as viscosity, specific gravity
and airless spray characteristics shall be accurately recorded. Details of any additions shall be also
included. Whenever possible, raw material supply and lot details for each coating batch shall be
traceable. Exceptions may be where bulk supply such as solvents and pre-dissolved solid epoxies are
stored in tanks, in which case it may only be possible to record the supplier's blend. Dates, batch numbers and quantities supplied to each coating contract shall be clearly
recorded. All raw material supplies shall be accompanied with a supplier's Certificate of
Conformance. The Certificate shall include all requirements listed in coating manufacturer's quality
control system. In the absence of a raw material supplier's Certificate of Conformance, the coating
manufacturer shall verify conformance to all requirements listed in the coating manufacturer's quality
control system. Drums shall be clearly marked with the details specified in the Type Approval Certificate. Product Technical Data Sheets shall comply with all the PSPC requirements. The quality
control system shall ensure that all Product Technical Data Sheets are current. Quality control procedures of the originating technical centre shall verify that all
production units comply with the above stipulations and that all raw material supply is approved by the
technical centre. In case that a manufacturer wishes to have products manufactured in different locations
under the same name (trademark), then IR identification and SG shall be used to demonstrate that they are
the same coating, or individual approval tests will be required for the paint manufactured in each location. The Type Approval Certificate is invalid if the formulation of either the epoxy based
system or the shop primer is changed. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to inform the Register
immediately of any changes to the formulation. Failure to inform the Register of an alteration to the
formulation will lead to cancellation of the Type Approval Certificate for that manufacturer's product.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-74 Paras 1.4 "Job specification" and 1.5 "NDFT (nominal total dry film thickness)".
Wet film thickness (WFT) shall be regularly checked during application for the quality control. PSPC
does not state who shall check WFT. DFT shall be checked as the part of the inspection according to PSPC
Section 6.
Stripe coats shall be applied as coherent film showing good film formation and no visible defects. The
application method employed shall ensure that all areas that require stripe coating are properly coated by
brush or roller. A roller may be used for scallops, rat holes, etc. but not for edges and welds. Para 2 "PSP (Primary surface preparation)". The conductivity of soluble salts shall be measured in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and ISO
8502-9 or using the equivalent method, such as NACE SP0508-2010, and compared with conductivity of
50 mg/m2 NaCl. If the measured conductivity is less than or equal to 50 mg/m2 NaCl, the result is
acceptable. Minimum readings to be taken shall be one reading per block/section/unit prior to applying
coating or one per plate in case of manually applied shop primer. In case where an automatic process for
application of shop primer is used, the means shall be provided to demonstrate compliance with PSPC
through a quality control system, which shall include a monthly test. Shop primers not containing zinc or not silicate based are considered to be "alternative
systems" and therefore equivalency shall be established in accordance with Section 8 "Alternative
Systems" of PSPC with test acceptance criteria for "alternative systems" given in 3.1 "Acceptance criteria
for alternative systems" (right column), Section 3 "Acceptance criteria" of Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex 1
(PSPC) of IMO resolution MSC.215(82); Procedure for review of quality control of automated shop primer plants. It is recognized that the inspection requirements of PSPC 6.2 may be difficult to apply to
automated shop primer plants and a quality control approach would be more practical way of enabling
compliance with the PSPC requirements. As required in PSPC, it is responsibility of the coating inspector to confirm that the quality
control procedures ensure compliance with PSPC. When reviewing the quality control system for automated shop primer plants the following
procedures shall be included:
procedures for blasting grit management, including measurement of salt content and contamination;
procedures for recording steel surface temperature, relative humidity and dew point;
procedures for control or monitoring surface cleanliness, surface profile (roughness), oil, grease, dust
and other contamination;
procedures for recording/measuring of salt content on steel surfaces;
procedures for verifying shop primer thickness and curing degree to conform values specified in the
Coating Technical Specification. Paras 3.2 "Sa 2 1/2 on damaged shop primers and welds", 3.3 "Surface treatment after
erection", 3.4 "In case of full or partial blasting 30 _ 75 urn, otherwise as recommended by the coating
Usually, the fillet welding on tank boundary watertight bulkhead is left without coating on block stage
(because not yet be leakage tested), in which case it can be categorized as erection joint ("butt") to be
power tooling to St3. Para 3.6 "Water soluble salts limit equivalent to NaCl after blasting/grinding".
The conductivity of soluble salts shall be measured in accordance with ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9 or
using equivalent method, such as NACE SP0508-2010, and compared with conductivity of 50 mg/m2
NaCl. If the measured conductivity is less then or equal to, then it is acceptable.
All soluble salts have a detrimental effect on coatings to a greater or lesser degree. ISO 8502-9 does not
provide the actual concentration of NaCl. Percentage of NaCl in the total soluble salts content will vary from
site to site. Minimum readings to be taken are one reading per block/section/unit prior to applying coating. Para 4.3 "Testing of coating".
All DFT measurements shall be measured. Only the final DFT measurements need to be measured and
reported for compliance with the PSPC by the qualified coating inspector. The Coating Technical File may
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

contain a summary of the DFT measurements which typically will consist of minimum and maximum
DFT measurements, number of measurements taken and percentage above and below required DFT. The
final DFT compliance with the 90/10 practice shall be calculated and confirmed (refer to PSPC 2.8).
3.2.8 Interpretations to PSPC Section 5 "Coating system approval".
Para shall apply.
3.2.9 Interpretations to PSPC Section 6 "Coating inspection requirements".
Procedure for assessment of coating inspectors' qualifications. Coating inspectors required to carry out inspections in accordance with PSPC Section 6 shall
be qualified to NACE1. Coating Inspector Level II, FROSIO2. Inspector Level III, or equivalent
Equivalent qualifications are described in below. Only coating inspectors with at least 2 years of relevant experience and qualified to NACE.
Coating Inspector Level II or FROSIO. Inspector Level III, or with an equivalent qualification, can write
and/or authorise procedures, or decide upon corrective actions to eliminate non-compliances. Equivalent qualification. Equivalent qualification is the successful completion, as determined by course tutor, of an
approved course. The course tutors shall be qualified with at least 2 years of relevant experience and
qualified to NACE. Coating Inspector Level II, FROSIO. Inspector Level III or with an equivalent
qualification. Approved course is a course that has a syllabus based on the documents associated with
PSPC, including the following:
health, environment and safety;
materials and design;
international standards referenced in PSPC;
curing mechanisms;
role of inspector;
test instruments;
inspection procedures;
coating specification;
application procedures;
coating failures;
pre-job conference;
MSDS and product data sheet review;
surface preparation;
water jetting;
coating types and inspection criteria;
specialized application equipment;
use of inspection procedures for destructive testing and non-destructive testing instruments;
inspection instruments and testing methods;
coating inspection techniques;
cathodic protection;
practical exercises, case studies.
Approved courses may be run by coating manufacturers or shipyards, etc.

NACE _ National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
FROSIO _ Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors for Surface Treatment.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-76 Such a course shall have an acceptable measurement of performance, such as examination
with both theoretical and practical elements. The course and examination shall be approved by the
Register. Equivalent qualification arising from practical experience.
An individual may be qualified without attending a course where it can be shown that the individual:
has a minimum of 5-years practical work experience as a coating inspector of ballast tanks and/or
cargo tanks during new construction within the last 10 years;
has successfully completed the examination given in Assistant coating inspectors. If the coating inspector requires assistance from other persons to perform part of the
inspections, those persons shall perform the inspections under the coating inspector's supervision and shall
be trained to the coating inspector's satisfaction. Such training shall be recorded and endorsed either by the coating inspector, the shipyard's
training organization or inspection equipment manufacturer to confirm competence in using the measuring
equipment and confirm knowledge of the measurements required by PSPC. Training records shall be available for verification.
3.2.10 Interpretations to PSPC Section 7 "Veri-fication requirements". The requirements of PSPC Section 7 shall be verified by the Register.
Monitoring implementation of the coating inspection requirements, as specified in PSPC 7.5, means
sample checking that the inspectors are using the correct equipment, techniques and reporting methods, as
described in the inspection procedures reviewed by the Register. Any deviations from the PSPC provisions shall be raised initially with the coating inspector
who is responsible for identifying and implementing the corrective actions. In the event that corrective actions are not acceptable to the Register or in the event that corrective
ac-tions are not carried out, then the shipyard shall be informed. Para shall apply.
3.2.11 Interpretations to Annex 1 "Test procedures for coating qualification for dedicated
seawater ballast tank of all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers" to PSPC. Reference standards in Annex 1 to PSPC are mandatory.



3.3.1 This Chapter supplements provisions of the Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for
Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers and shall be applied to the ships contracted for construction on or
after 1 January 2014 in compliance with SOLAS-74 Regulation II/1/3-11 adopted by IMO resolution
MSC.288(87) (hereinafter, PSPC-COT).
This Chapter shall be read in conjunction with PSPC-COT.
3.3.2 Interpretations to 2.6, Section 2 "Definitions" of PSPC-COT. "GOOD" condition is defined as condition with spot rusting on less than 3 % of the area under
consideration without visible failure of the coating, or not-perforated blistering. Breakdown at edges or
welds shall be less than 20 % of edges or weld lines in the area under consideration. Para shall apply (in this para and hereinafter in the Chapter when the references to
interpretations in 3.2 apply, the references to PSPC (IMO resolution MSC.215(82)) shall be considered as
the references to PSPC-COT (IMO resolution MSC.288(87))).
3.3.3 Interpretations to 3.2, Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC-COT. Paras _ shall apply. The Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate shall not
be issued until all the corrective actions required are implemented and submitted to the Register.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

3.3.4 Interpretations to 3.4 "Coating Technical File", Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC-
COT. Paras _, shall apply.
3.3.5 Interpretations to 3.5 "Health and safety", Section 3 "General Principles" of PSPC-COT. Para shall apply.
3.3.6 Interpretations to 4.3 "Special application", Section 4 "Coating Standard" of PSPC-COT. Para shall apply.
3.3.7 Interpretations to Table 1 of PSPC-COT. Para shall apply. Para.1.3 "Coating pre-qualification test". Procedure for coating system approval.
The Type Approval Certificate (СТО) showing compliance with the PSPC-COT Section 5
requirements may be issued if the results of either method A + C, or B + C (see below) are found
satisfactory by the Register.
The Type Approval Certificate shall indicate the product and the shop primer tested. The Type
Approval Certificate shall also indicate other type approved shop primers with which the product may be
used, which have undergone the cross over tests in a laboratory meeting the requirements specified
The Technical Data Sheet showing all the information required by PSPC-COT shall be attached
to the Type Approval Certificate.
For winter type epoxy a separate pre-qualification test is required, including shop primer compatibility
test according to Annex 1 to PSPC-COT. Winter and summer type coatings are considered different unless
infrared (IR) identification and specific gravity (SG) data demonstrates that they are the same. Method A: laboratory test. Paras _ shall apply. An epoxy-based systems may be used with the shop primers other than the one with which
it was originally tested provided that, the other shop primers are approved as part of a system, PSPC-COT
Table 1: 2.3 and 3.2, and have been tested according to the immersion test of PSPC-COT Annex 1 or in
accordance with IMO resolution MSC.215(82), which is known as the "Crossover tests". If the test or tests
are satisfactory, a Type Approval Certificate will be issued. In this instance the Type Approval Certificate
will include the details of the epoxy and a list of all shop primers with which it has been tested that have
passed these requirements. The Type Approval Certificate will allow the use of the epoxy either with the
named shop primer or on bare prepared steel1. Paras, shall apply. Para shall apply, except the date of application. Method B: 5 years field exposure. Paras, shall apply. Either class survey records from the Register or a joint (coating manufacturer/RS surveyor)
survey of cargo tanks of a selected ship shall be carried out for the purpose of verification of compliance
with the requirements of and The reporting of the coating in both cases shall be in
accordance with the principles given in Section 4 of IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1399. The ship selected for testing shall have cargo tanks in regular use, of which:
at least one tank is exposed to minimum temperature of + 60 8С or +3 8С;
for field exposure the ship shall be trading in varied trade routes and carrying substantial varieties of
crude oils including highest temperature and lowest pH limits to ensure a realistic sample: for example,
three ships on three different trade areas with different varieties of crude cargoes. In case the selected ship does not meet the requirements specified in, the
limitations on lowest pH and the highest temperature of crude oils carried shall be clearly stated in the
Type Approval Certificate.
It is recommended to indicate in the Type Approval Certificate that the coating is allowed to use on bare prepared steel.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-78 Para shall apply. All cargo tanks shall be in "GOOD" condition (refer to, excluding mechanical
damages, without touch up or repair in the prior 5 years of operation.
Examples of how to report coating conditions with respect to areas under consideration shall be as
those given in Section 4 of IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1399. Paras _ shall apply. Method C: coating manufacturer. Paras _ shall apply. Paras.1.4 "Job specification" and 1.5 "NDFT (nominal dry film thickness)". Para shall apply. Para 2 "PSP (primary surface preparation)". Para shall apply. Procedure for review of quality control of automated shop primer plants. Paras shall apply. Paras 3.2 "Sa 2 1/2 on damaged shop primers and welds", 3.3 "Surface treatment after erection",
3.4 "In case of full or partial blasting 30 _ 75 urn, otherwise as recommended by the coating manufacturer". Para shall apply. Para 3.6 "Water soluble salts limit equivalent to NaCl after blasting/grinding". Para shall apply. Para 4.3 "Testing of coating". Para shall apply.
3.3.8 Interpretation to PSPC Section 5 "Coating System Approval". Para shall apply.
3.3.9 Interpretations to PSPC Section 6 "Coating Inspection Requirements".
Procedure for assessment of coating inspectors' qualifications. Paras, and shall apply. Equivalent qualification arising from practical experience.
An individual may be qualified without attending a course where it can be shown that the individual:
has a minimum of 5-years practical work experience as a coating inspector of ballast tanks and/or
cargo tanks during new construction within the last 10 years;
has successfully completed the examination given in Assistant coating inspectors. Para shall apply.
3.3.10 Interpretations to PSPC Section 7 "Verification Requirements". Paras _ shall apply. Para shall apply.
3.3.11 Interpretations to PSPC Section 8 "Alternative Systems". Para shall apply.
3.3.12 Interpretations to Annex 1 "Test procedures for coating qualification for cargo oil tanks of
crude oil tankers" to PSPC-COT. Reference standards in Annex 1 to PSPC-COT are mandatory.



3.4.1 When IMO resolution MSC.244(83) is applied (refer to, Part XIII "Materials" of the
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships), the provisions of 3.2, with due regard
to provisions of this Chapter, shall be followed, with the exception of and interpretation in 3.2.10 to
1.4 of Table 1, PSPC.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

3.4.2 Therein, the references in 3.2 to the PSPC and IMO resolution MSC.215(82) shall be considered
as the references to IMO resolution MSC.244(83).
3.4.3 Minimum NaCl concentration 100 mg/m2 required by IMO resolution MSC.244(83) shall be
applied in 3.2.10.


3.5.1 Ice resistant coatings are applied on ships in accordance with the requirements of 3.10, Part II
"Hull" and, Part XVII "Distinguishing Marks and Descriptive Notations in the Class Notation
Specifying Structural and Operational Particulars of Ships" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Ice resistant coatings shall comply with requirements of 6.5.3, Part XIII
"Materials" of the said Rules.
3.5.2 Ice resistant coatings developed and approved by the Register or another classification society
(refer to 2.16, Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision" of these Rules) prior to 1 July 2012
may be allowed on having distinguishing marks WINTERIZATION, provided these coatings comply
with requirements of 6.5.3, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships and on the basis of relevant documents (Type Approval Certificate/CTO, etc.).
3.5.3 The documentation being submitted for approval, which defines the coating properties,
composition and characteristics, shall also contain the following data:
type of a coating system (epoxy and epoxy with the minimum solvent content);
coating colour;
data on incompatibility with anodic protection;
reports on coating testing according to 2.5 and complying with 6.5.3, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships conducted in the RS-recognized laboratories or
in the laboratories with the attendance of the RS surveyor according to the agreed test program;
description of the application process of ice resistant coatings (refer to 3.5.4);
manufacturer's recommendations on repair of coating in service.
3.5.4 The application process of ice resistant coatings shall contain:
.1 technical characteristics of ice resistant coatings specified in the Manufacturer's documents
(specification of requirements, specifications, Technical Data Sheet);
.2 methods of surface preparation prior to application of ice resistant coatings (rust cleaning level, no
contamination, profile, roughness, etc.);
.3 methods of surface preparation examination prior to application of ice resistant coating (visual
examination using visual ISO standards and instrumentation check using comparator);
.4 process conditions required for application of ice resistant coating (air temperature, relative
.5 the requirements for equipment for application of ice resistant coatings.
3.5.5 The requirements to surface preparation prior to application of ice resistant coatings. Process of
surface preparation prior to application of ice resistant coatings shall comply with the requirements
of ISO 8501-1. When ice resistant coatings are applied, the grade of surface preparation shall be equal
to Sa 2½ in compliance with ISO 8501-1.
Roughness of the surface shall be medium (G) _ 75 micrometers as per ISO 8503-1. Abrasive
applicable for the surface cleaning shall meet the requirements of ISO 11126, Part 1 _ 8 and have a
certificate, as appropriate.
Content of water-soluble chlorides (ISO 11127, Part 7) at the steel surface immediately prior the
coating application shall not exceed 50 mg/m2.
Prior to application of ice resistant coatings, dust ratio of the surface shall be examined in compliance
with ISO 8502-3. Dust quantity rating "1" for dust particles of classes "3", "4" or "5". Dust having the
particles of lower classes shall be removed when visually available without image magnification at the
surface subject to coating application.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

3.5.6 The requirements to temperature conditions and relative humidity for application of ice resistant
The coating shall be applied under controlled conditions of humidity and surface depending on the
type of the particular coating in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications.
If not otherwise specified by the coating manufacturer, the ambient conditions for application of ice
resistant coatings shall be as follows: relative air humidity shall not exceed 80%; air temperature shall not
be less than 10 °C (where not otherwise stated by the coating manufacturer); the coating surface
temperature for the coating application shall be less than 3 °C above the dew-point temperature.
3.5.7 The number of layers and dry film thickness of ice resistant coating given the approved
documentation shall be observed during the application. Subject to customer approval, thickness of ice
resistant coating may be increased in particular areas of the underwater hull. It is recommended to increase
thickness of ice resistant coating in the anode area. When application of a number of layers of ice resistant
coating is permitted by the coating manufacturer, using of different color for each layer is recommended.
3.5.8 Duration and degree of drying of the ice resistant coating shall be examined at every stage of
application. Determination of condition and thorough drying period of paint-and-lacquer coatings.
Recommended standards: ISO 1517, ISO 9117.
3.5.9 For ice resistant coatings, the minimum time prior to ship's launching depending on water
temperature and the minimum time prior to commencement of ship operation in ice shall be specified.
3.5.10 In case of increased thickness of ice resistant coating, the duration of drying and curing at such
conditions shall be additionally determined.
3.5.11 The control procedure of application of ice resistant coatings includes:
T a b l e 3.5.11
Process stage Documentation Process participants Requirements Person in charge
to be submitted
Selection of coating system Coating Technical File Coating manufacturer, para 3.5.1 Customer
customer, RS
Coating type Epoxy-based systems
Approval of coating by RS CTO/Type Approval Coating manufacturer, RS para 3.5.1 Coating manufacturer
Test report
Application process Coating application Coating manufacturer, para 3.5.4 Coating manufacturer
flowchart shipyard, RS
Coating preparation Final inspection report on Coating manufacturer, 3.5.5 _ 3.5.8 Coating Inspection having
Ambient conditions surface preparation for shipyard, RS NACE qualification Coating
protective coating Inspector Level II, FROSIO.
Coating application application (reference Coating manufacturer, Coating Inspector Level III
recommended form in shipyard, RS, customer or equivalent
Appendix 2, Section 2, (
Coating repair "Survey of hulls of steel Coating manufacturer, 3.5.3 _ 3.5.8
ships" of the Guidelines on shipyard, customer, RS
Technical Supervision of
Ships under Construction).
Quality control of the Coating manufacturer, Customer's document
coating application customer, RS

Prior to work, the process stage given in Table 3.5.11 shall be agreed among the customer, shipyard,
coating manufacturer and approved by the RS Branch Office for technical supervision under construction.
Documentation shall be presented as a single document _ Coating Technical File (CTF). The RS functions for the supervision of observance of the procedure for application of
protective ice resistant coatings are as follows:
.1 the availability of CTO of ice resistant coating complying with the requirements of 3.5.1;
.2 the availability of certificate to confirm the qualification of coating inspector: "NACE. Coating
Inspector Level II", "FROSIO. Coating Inspector Level III" or equivalent to be issued upon the satisfactory
results of completion of the RS-recognized training course and complying with;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.3 compliance of Final Inspection Report on surface preparation and coating application (reference
recommended form in Appendix 2, Section 2, "Survey of hulls of steel ships" of the Guidelines on
Technical Supervision of Ships under Construction) with the requirements of the manufacturer's
documents (technical requirements, specifications, Technical Data Sheet). The Inspection Report shall be
issued by the coating inspector having qualification in compliance with The coating inspector
shall be responsible for confirmation that quality control procedures for surface preparation and coating
application meet the requirements of the RS-approved documentation.
.4 compliance with the requirements for the application process and the quality of the applied ice
resistant coating. Training courses for coating inspectors responsible for ice resistant coatings application shall
contain the main sections of the syllabus based on the documents associated with PSPC specified
in and the following additional sections:
types of ice resistant coatings;
the procedure and methods of application of ice resistant coatings and the requirements to work
the procedure for the coating curing;
the inspection activity and the inspector responsibility.
Duration of training courses for coating inspectors responsible for inspection of ice resistant coatings
application (as applied to lessons in class and group sessions, practical training) shall not be less than 80
academic hours (10 days or more). Therewith, the training course shall be conducted for 10 days or more
in the form of a series of sessions.
The trainees shall attend the theoretical classes and participate in practical training, practical use of
equipment and tools containing at least 40 % of the total training duration.
Theoretical classes shall intersperse with practical training.
Training aids of CD/DVD type that directly refer to the training course program may be used by the
instructors as optional materials.
At the end of theoretical and practical training under the program for training of Coating Inspectors
responsible for inspection of ice resistant coatings application, an examination (4 academic hours) shall be
conducted for assessment of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills allowing to use the
equipment and evaluations required for inspecting work. The training course and examination shall be
approved by the Register.
The approved courses may be conducted by the coating manufacturers, shipyards, etc. The educational organization conducting the training courses for the coating inspectors responsible
for inspection of ice resistant coatings application as per, shall perform its activity based on the RS
Certificate of Firm Conformity (CCП) coded 22017020 _ Training and examination of coating inspectors. The
organization shall meet the requirements specified in Section 7 and special requirements of 11.3, Part I
"Technical Supervision during the Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships".
3.5.12 All systems other than the epoxy-based systems shall be determined as the alternative systems.
Acceptance of the alternative ice resistant protective coatings depends on the evidence that their properties
and characteristics comply with, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The application procedure of the alternative or new ice resistant protective coatings shall be carried out
in compliance with 3.5.4 _ 3.5.8 and the requirements of manufacturer's documents (technical
requirements, specifications, Technical Data Sheet).


3.6.1 General.
This Chapter determines the approval procedure for polymer and polymer composite materials, when
other requirements are not specified in the RS rules.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Generally, the following shall be submitted for approval of polymer and polymer composite materials:
documents specifying properties and composition of material (technical specifications/Technical Data
Sheets, etc.) taking into consideration the requirements of the RS rules;
operating procedures for manufacture and application of material;
manufacturer Certificates of Quality for raw materials (resins, fillers, etc.);
qualification test reports of material confirming the compliance with the requirements of the RS rules,
international conventions, the IMO resolutions and other normative documents related to the RS activities.
When the requirements do not reference to testing procedures, standards or they are not clearly specified, it
is recommended to submit a program of the estimated qualification tests for approval.
Qualification tests shall be carried out in the RS-recognized laboratory or in the RS-agreed laboratory.
In the latter case it is necessary to agree with RS the program of the qualification tests.
The firms shall meet the requirements of Section 7, Part I "General Regulations for Technical
Supervision". During the survey of the firm in attendance of the RS surveyor, the check tests of the batch
of products shall be carried out in accordance with the standard procedure of the manufacturer given in the
firm documents.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



4.1.1 The approval test for welders is the mandatory procedure used by the Register to confirm the skill
of welders engaged in manufacturing objects being under the RS technical supervision.
4.1.2 Welder Approval Test Certificate (form 7.1.30) is the document verifying that a particular welder
meets all the requirements specified in this Section.
4.1.3 Successful passing theoretical and practical examinations by a welder provides the basis for
issuing the Welder Approval Test Certificate.
4.1.4 The procedure for welder's tests performance and issuance of the Welder Approval Test
Certificates shall comply with the requirements given below.
4.1.5 The welding operators responsible for setting up and/or adjustment of fully mechanized and
automatic equipment, such as submerged arc welding, gravity welding, electro gas welding, MAG welding
with auto-carriage, etc. must be qualified whether they operate the equipment or not. However welding
operators, who solely operates the equipment without responsibility for setting up and/or adjustment, do
not need qualification provided that they have experience in specific welding work concerned and the
production welds made by the operators are of the required quality.
4.1.6 The training of welders, control of their qualification, professional improvement and
maintenance of their skills are the responsibility of shipyards and manufacturers.


4.2.1 Welders' approval tests shall be performed in a centralized way by the manufacturer-employer's
request in the certification centres whose competence has been verified by the Register.
4.2.2 The certification centers may be established at manufacturers', educational institutions,
specialized organizations and institutions having qualified welding specialists and training and testing base
needed for welders' training and testing.
4.2.3 The structure of the certification centre shall provide the presence of the following key
components ensuring its functioning:
qualification panel;
administrative personnel to ensure the performance of all types of tests, and equipment functioning;
main and auxiliary production equipment for practical tests performance;
equipment, tools and measurement means for the performance of welded joints testing;
premises for practical and theoretical tests of welders.
4.2.4 The standing qualification panel is the working body of the certification centre that directly
conducts welders' certification.
The RS surveyor carrying out the technical supervision of test performance is the member o the
qualification panel and shall be present during performance of all types of tests verifying results thereof.
4.2.5 In survey of the certification centre to confirm its competence, the RS surveyor shall carry out the
.1 review the Regulation on the Certification Centre with appendices (with positive results, the stamp
"СОГЛАСОВАНО/AGREED" is put on it);
.2 review and approve the program of theoretical training and the list of examination paper questions
(to be stamped "ОДОБРЕНО/APPROVED");
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.3 review and approve the programme of welders' practical tests performance (to be stamped
"ОДОБРЕНО/APPROVED"), as well as the forms of welding procedure specifications completed for
practical tests performance (to be signed by the surveyor and witnessed with a personal stamp);
.4 survey the material base including:
process of preparation of test assemblies for welders' practical tests (plates and pipes);
organization of storage and issuance of welding consumables for practical tests (the availability and
technical condition of heating furnaces, heat chambers and heating cabinets for storage);
organization of the preliminary check of welding consumables quality prior to their issuance for tests
(the availability of a press for T-shape test specimens fracture, the availability and serviceability of an
instrument for checking the eccentricity of electrode coverings, equipment for measuring the moisture
content of electrode coverings and fluxes, or for checking diffusion hydrogen content in weld metal, etc.);
check the availability and functioning of equipment for back chipping (gas-arc gouging, cutting-out
with an abrasive tool or mechanical gouging);
check the availability and functioning of equipment for the non-destructive testing of welded joints
(ultrasonic, radiographic, magnetic paricle and dye penetrant testing).

N o t e . When the testing of welded joints is carried out by external organizations, an illuminator for radiographs inspection
shall be available in the certification centre;

check the availability of instrumentation for the testing of welded joints by visual testing (reports of
instruments calibration shall be checked);
check the availability and functioning of equipment for mechanical testing of welded joints (reports of
test machines calibration shall be checked).

N o t e . When welders are qualified for stainless steel welding, the equipment for performance of intercrystalline corrosion
tests and the analysis of a ferritic component content in weld metal shall be available;

check the availability and serviceability of equipment for practical tests performance including the
survey of stations for those welding methods which are presented for the welders' approval test;
check the serviceability of the local (welding stations) and general plenum-exhaust ventilation in
spaces for practical tests;
check the serviceability of instrumentation for measurements of welding conditions parameters
including an interpass temperature (reports of calibration shall be checked);
.5 survey the personnel qualification engaged in test performance including the members of the
qualification panel and administrative personnel;
.6 survey the premises for the work of qualification panel members;
.7 check the availability of checking samples of the scientific documentation referred to in the
programs of theoretical and practical tests (including the lists of check questions).
4.2.6 Where the certification centre is established at the manufacturer's that joins structures by welding
under the Register technical supervision, and its activity is limited to the qualification of welders of the
very enterprise, the procedure for centre recognition by the Register with the drawing-up of proper
documents may be ignored.
4.2.7 All the qualification centers engaged in training and/or qualification of welders from external
organizations on a profit basis with or without the formation of a legal entity are subject to the Register
Following the results of certification, the Certificate on Firm Conformity (form 7.1.27) is drawn up. In
so doing, the mutual liabilities and responsibilities of the parties are regulated by the Agreement attached
to the Certificate.
4.2.8 The welders' qualification is classified as initial, additional, periodical and occasional.
Subject for initial qualification are welders aged 18 years and older who did not previously pass
approval tests for the welding of objects and equipment under the Register technical supervision, who are
certified as welders and have the work experience of welding performance according to the qualification
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

assigned for at least 12 months, and also have undergone the special theoretical and practical training
according to the programs drawn up individually for each type of works and for each welding process in
actual welding works for which the welder shall be qualified.
Additional qualification of welders who had undergone the initial qualification is carried out prior to
their approval for performance of works other than those specified in the Welder Approval Test Certificate,
as well as after a break over six months in performance of the relevant welding works.
All welders undergo periodical qualification to confirm their skills and prolong the validity period of
the Welder Approval Test Certificate in compliance with the requirements of 3.6. The welders are subject
to the periodical qualification at least once in two years.
All welders undergo the occasional qualification prior to their approval for performance of welding
after the temporary removal from work due to a poor quality and deviations from the welding procedure.
The training period for the occasional qualification (for additional education and training) shall be at least
a month since the date of being removed from the work.
In additional, periodical and occasional qualification, the special theoretical and practical training
extent is established by the qualification panel and shall be individually agreed with the Register.
4.2.9 For the welders’ approval testing by the Register, the manufacturer administration shall send to
the RS Branch Office where the procedure for the attestation is to be performed the request which specifies
the following:
name and address of the certification centre where the welders will be qualified;
list of the workers to be qualified with their (for every worker) full names, year and place of birth,
place of work, speciality and job skill, experience in the work to be qualified for;
copies of documents to confirm the job skill of the workers in the type of the work to be qualified for;
welding process, welding positions and other particulars needed for the qualification and completion of
the Welder Approval Test Certificate;
guarantees of payment for the Register services on Firm Conformity according to the current rates.

N o t e . If the payment for the Register services, in accordance with the Agreement concluded (refer to 4.2.7), is carried out
through the certification centre, the application for work performance may come directly from its Administration.


4.3.1 Definitions and terms.

C e r t i f i c a t i o n is a combination of actions to determine the skill level of a welder with a view to
ascertain the possibility of his approval for performance of the specific type of welding works.
C e r t i f i c a t i o n p a n e l is a team of certification centre specialists that is responsible for the
organization of works and the reliability of the results on welders' certification.
C e r t i f i c a t i o n c e n t r e is a competent body authorized by the Register for performing tests on
welders' certification according to the requirements of the RS rules.
A p p r o v a l t e s t is a special procedure providing the determination of a welder's skill through his
certification and the issuance of an official document, i.e. the Welder Approval Test Certificate
(form 7.1.30) for verifying permission to perform welding in objects under the RS technical supervision
within the range of approval specified by the Certificate.
F i l l i n g r u n , in multilayer welding, is(are) the run(s) deposited after the root run(s) and before the
capping run(s).
R o o t r u n , in multilayer welding is(are) the run(s) of the first layer deposited in the root.
R a n g e o f a p p r o v a l is the extent of welder's skill recognition by the Register basing on the tests
carried out in certification.
C a p p i n g r u n, in multilayer welding, is(are) the run(s) visible on the weld face(s) after completion
of welding.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T e s t s p e c i m e n is the part of a test piece used for performance of destructive tests.

B a c k i n g is material placed at the reverse side of a joint preparation for the purpose of supporting
molten weld metal.
T e s t p i e c e is a welded assembly used in practical tests for welder's certification.
W e l d e r is a person performing the welding of metals. It is a collective term for a manual welder who
welds by hand in different ways and for a welding operator who operates semiautomatic and automatic
welding sets.
W e l d e r A p p r o v a l T e s t C e r t i f i c a t e is the RS document verifying that a particular welder
has successfully passed the approval test in the scope of the RS rules requirements and is approved for
welding in structures under the RS technical supervision, within the range of approval specified by the
W e l d m e t a l t h i c k n e s s is thickness of the weld metal excluding any reinforcement.
4.3.2 Symbols relating to welding procedure and welding consumables. Welders shall be qualified according to the below requirements separately for each of the
following welding procedures:
M _ manual welding in which welding wire is fed and welding torch is moved along and across weld
by the welder (manually)
S _ partly mechanized (semi-automatic) welding in which welding wire is fed mechanically and
welding torch is moved along and across weld by the welder
A _ fully mechanized (automatic) welding in which welding wire is fed and welding torch is moved
mechanically without direct involvement of the welder
T (TIG welding) _ tungsten inert gas welding
If so required by contract, automatic and robotized welding operators shall be qualified and cleared
according to procedural requirements similar to ISO 14732. Welders shall be qualified separately for each welding process according to Table
T a b l e
Welding Processes for Welder Qualification
Symbol Welding process in actual welding works Code acc. to
ISO 4063
M Manual welding Manual metal arc welding with covered electrode (SMAW or MMAW) 111
Oxy-acetylene welding 311
S P a r t l y m e c h a n i z e d Metal inert gas welding (MIG) 131
welding Metal active gas welding (MAG) 135, 1381)
Flux-cored wire metal arc welding with active gas shield (FCAW) 1362)
Flux cored inert gas arc welding 133
Flux cored self-shielded arc welding 114

A Fully mechanized welding Submerged arc welding (SAW) with solid wire electrode 121
Submerged arc welding (SAW) with flux cored electrode 125
Plasma arc welding 15
Electroslag welding 72
Electrogas arc welding 73
T Tungsten inert gas welding Tungsten inert gas (TIG) arc welding with or without solid filler material (wire/rod) 141, 142
A change from MAG welding with solid wires (135) to that with metal cored wires (138), or vice versa is permitted.
A change from a solid or metal cored wire (135/138) to a flux cored wire (136) or vice versa requires a new welder qualification test. For assignement the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificates for welding
processes 111, 114, 131, 133, 135, 136 the types of electrode covering, wires and flux-cored wire filler
shall be indicated in accordance with the instructions given below.
According to ISO 2560, the type of electrode covering, depending on its composition, (welding
process 111) is shown by the following letter indices:
A = acid (oxidizing) covering;
B = basic covering;
C = cellulose covering;
R = rutile covering;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

RA (AR) = mixed rutile-acid covering;

RB = mixed rutile-basic covering;
RC = mixed rutile-cellulosic covering;
RR = rutile thick covering;
The use of solid wire for welding processes 131 and 135 is indicated by S letter index.
According to ISO 17632, depending on the composition, the filler type for flux-cored welding wire
(welding processes 114, 133 and 136) is indicated by letter indices according to Table
T a b l e
Symbols for types of electrode core (according to ISO 17632)

Symbol Characteristics Type of weld Shielding gas

R Rutile, slow freezing slag Single and multiple pass (run) Required
Р Rutile, fast freezing slag Single and multiple pass (run) Required
В Basic Single and multiple pass (run) Required
М Metal powder Single and multiple pass (run) Required
V Rutile or Basic/ fluoride Single pass (run) Not required
W Basic/ fluoride slow freezing slag Single and multiple pass (run) Not required
Y Basic/ fluoride fast freezing slag Single and multiple pass (run) Not required
Z Other types _ _

N o t e . A description of the characteristics of each of the types of core is given in Appendix 7. To designate the composition of the shielding gas used for welders' practical tests, the
alphanumeric indices unified with ISO 14175 and corresponding to those given in Table are used. To designate the flux type used for welders' practical tests, the letter indices unified with ISO
14174 which identify a manufacture method are used:
F = fused flux;
A = sintered (ceramic) flux;
M = mixed fluxes (various types of mechanical mixtures and sintered fluxes). For designation of the flux composition used for welders' practical tests, the letter indices
unified with ISO 14174 may be used according to Table
T a b l e
Symbols for types of flux, characteristic of chemical constituents according to ISO 141741,2
Symbol Name Characteristic of flux chemical compound
of compound
Constituents Limit of
constituent, % of mass
MS Manganese-silicate MnO+SiO2 min 50
CaO max 15
CS Calcium-silicate CaO+MgO+SiO2 min 55
CaO+MgO min 15
CG3 Calcium-magnesiu CaO+MgO max 50
CO2 min 2
Fe max 10
CB3 Calcium-magnesium-basic CaO+MgO 40 _ 80
CO2 min 2
Fe max 10

CI3 Calcium-magnesium-iron CaO+MgO max 50

CO2 min 2
Fe 15 _ 60
IB3 Calcium-magnesium-iron-basic CaO+MgO 40 _ 80
CO2 min 2
Fe 15 _ 60
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Symbol Name Characteristic of flux chemical compound

of compound
Constituents Limit of
constituent, % of mass
ZS Zirconium-silicat ZrO2+SiO2+MnO min 45
ZrO2 min 15
RS Rutile-silicat TiO2+SiO2 min 50
TiO2 min 20
AR Aluminate-rutil Al2O3+ TiO2 min 40

AB Aluminate-basic Al2O3+ CaO+MgO min 40

Al2O3 min 20
CaF2 max 22
AS Aluminate-silicat Al2O3+ SiO2+ ZrO2 min 40
CaF2+MgO min 30
ZrO2 min 5

AF Aluminate-fluoride-basic Al2O3+ CaF2 min 70

FB Fluoride-basic CaO+MgO+ CaF2+MnO min 50

SiO2 max 20
CaF2 min 15
Z _ Any other composition _

Carbonates such as CaCO3, MgCO3 in agglomerated flux are converted to CaO, MgO and the constituent (as % of molecular weight) shall be
the ratio of the remaining amount exclusive of CO2 content in the flux based on the total content of all constituents in flux equal to 100 %.
All of metallic Si and Si-compound and/or their alloys are converted to SiO2, and all of metallic Mn and Mn-compound and/or their
alloys are converted to MnO (as % of their molecular weight) considering their oxidation during welding.
The amount of constituent in the agglomerated flux shall be the ratio of remaining amount exclusive of Fe content in the flux. To designate the presence of filler involved in weld formation, the following letter indices are
used in welders' approval testing:
wm = welding with filler material feed;
nm = welding without filler, i.e. the weld is formed through the melting of base metal only.
4.3.3 Symbols relating to base metal and joint type. The welders' approval testing according to the results of practical tests is carried out with
reference to the groups of base metal type composition in accordance with Tables, and The following welded joint types are classified as follows for welder's qualification:
.1 butt welds:
A — single-sided weld with backing;
B — single-sided weld without backing;
C — double-sided weld with root gouging;
D — ouble-sided weld without root gouging.
.2 F — fillet welds:
sl — single-layer weld;
ml — multi-layer weld.
For fillet welding, welders who passed the qualification tests for multi-layer technique welding can be
deemed as qualified for single layer technique, but not vice versa.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Grouping system for steels according to ISO/TR 15608

Group Sub- Types of steel

1 Steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН1)4460 and with analysis in %:2)
С40,25; Si40,60; Mn41,80; Мо40,70; S40,045; P40,045; Cu40,40; Ni40,5; Cr40,3 (0,4 for castings); Nb40,06; V40,10; Ti40,05
1.1 Steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН 4 275 N/mm2
1.2 Steels with a specified minimum yield strength 275 N/mm2 < ReH 4 360 N/mm2
1.3 Normalized fine grain steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН >360 N/mm2
1.4 Steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance whose analysis may exceed the requirements for the single elements as
indicated under 1
2 Thermomechanically treated fine grain steels and cast steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН > 360 N/mm2
2.1 Thermomechanically treated fine grain steels and cast steels with a specified minimum yield strength 360 N/mm2 <RеН4460 N/mm2
2.2 Thermomechanically treated fine grain steels and cast steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН > 460 N/mm2
3 Quenched and tempered steels and precipitation hardened steels except stainless steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН > 360 N/mm2
3.1 Quenched and tempered steels with a specified minimum yield strength 360 N/mm2 < RеН 4 690 N/mm2
3.2 Quenched and tempered steels with a specified minimum yield strength RеН > 690 N/mm2
3.3 Precipitation hardened steels except stainless steels
4 Low vanadium alloyed steels Cr-Mo-(Ni) with Мо40,7 % and V40,1 %
4.1 Steels with Cr40,3 % and Ni40,7 %
4.2 Steels with Cr40,7 % and Ni41,5 %
5 Cr-Mo steels free of vanadium with С40,35 %3)
5.1 Steels with 0,75 %4Cr41,5 % and Мо40,7 %
5.2 Steels with 1,5 % < Cr 43,5 % and 0,7 % < Мо41,2 %
5.3 Steels with 3,5 % < Cr47,0 % and 0,4 % < Мо40,7 %
5.4 Steels with 7,0 % < Cr410,0 % and 0,7 % < Мо41,2 %
6 High vanadium alloyed Cr-Mo-(Ni) steels
6.1 Steels with 0,3 % 4 Cr40,75 %, Mo40,7 % and V40,35 %
6.2 Steels with 0,75 % < Cr43,5 %; 0,7 %<Mo41,2 % and V40,35 %
6.3 Steels with 3,5 % < Cr47,0 %; Mo40,7 % and 0,45 %4V40,55 %
6.4 Steels with 7,0 % < C412,5 %; 0,7 % < Mo41,2 % and V40,35 %
7 Ferritic, martensitic or precipitation hardened steels with С40,35 % and 10,5 %4Cr430 %
7.1 Ferritic stainless steels
7.2 Martensitic stainless steels
7.3 Precipitation hardened stainless steels
8 Austenitic stainless steels
8.1 Austenitic stainless steels with Cr419 %
8.2 Austenitic stainless steels with Cr > 19 %
8.3 Manganese austenitic stainless steels with 4,0 % < Mn412,0 %
9 Nickel alloy steels with Ni410,0 %
9.1 Nickel alloy steels with Ni43,0 %
9.2 Nickel alloy steels with 3,0 % < Ni48,0 %
9.3 Nickel alloy steels with 8,0 % < Ni410,0 %
10 Austenitic ferritic stainless steels (duplex)
10.1 Austenitic ferritic stainless steels with Cr424,0 %
10.2 Austenitic ferritic stainless steels with Cr > 24,0 %
11 Steels covered by group 1 except 0,25 % < C40,85 %4)
11.1 Steels as indicated under 11 with 0,25 % < C40,35 %
11.2 Steels as indicated under 11 with 0,35 % < C40,5 %
11.3 Steels as indicated under 11 with 0,5 % < C40,85 %
In accordance with the specification of the steel product standards, RеН may be replaced by Rp0,2 or Rp0,5.
A higher value is accepted, provided that Cr+Mo+Ni+Cu+V40,75 %.
"Free of vanadium" means not deliberately added to the material.
A higher value is accepted, provided that Cr+Mo+Ni+Cu+V41 %.

4.3.4 Symbols relating to test piece types and welding positions. For practical tests to approve welders, the unified check welded joints ― test pieces complying
with the instructions of Appendix 1, shall be used. Geometric parameters and dimensions of the test pieces
shall be indicated using the following indices:
P = plate;
T = pipe;
D = outside diameter of a pipe;
t = material thickness of test piece (plate or wall thickness);
t1 = material thickness of test piece for welding process 1;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Grouping system for aluminium and aluminium alloys according to ISO/TR 15608

Group Sub-group Type of aluminium and aluminium alloys

21 Pure aluminium41 % impurities or alloy content

22 Non heat treatable alloys
22.1 Aluminium-manganese alloys
22.2 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with Mg41,5 %
22.3 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with 1,5 % < Mg43,5 %
22.4 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with Mg > 3,5 %
23 Heat treatable alloys
23.1 Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloys
23.2 Aluminium-zinc-magnesium alloys
24 Aluminium-silicon alloys with Cu41 %
24.1 Aluminium-silicon alloys with Cu41 % and 5 % < Si415 %
24.2 Aluminium-silicon-magnesium alloys with Cu41 %, 5 % < Si415 % and 0,1 % < Mg40,80 %
25 Aluminium-silicon-copper alloys with 5 % < Si 414,0 %; 1,0 % < Cu45,0 % and Mg40,8 %
26 Aluminium-copper alloys with 2 % < Cu46 %

N o t e . Groups 21 to 23 are generally for wrought materials and groups 24 to 26 are generally used for cast materials.

T a b l e
Grouping system for copper and copper alloys according to ISO/TR 15608
Group Sub-group Type of copper and copper alloys

31 Pure copper
32 Copper-zinc alloys
32.1 Copper-zinc alloys, binary
32.2 Copper-zinc alloys, complex
33 Copper-tin alloys
34 Copper-nickel alloys
35 Copper-aluminium alloys
36 Copper-nickel-zinc alloys
37 Copper alloys, low alloyed (less than 5 % of other elements) not covered by groups 31 to 36
38 Other copper alloys (5 % or more other elements) not covered by groups from 31 to 36

t2 = material thickness of test piece for welding process 2;

l1 = length of test piece;
l2 = half width of test piece;
lf = examination length;
s1 = weld metal thickness for welding process 1;
s2 = weld metal thickness for welding process 2;
а = design throat thickness;
z = leg length of fillet weld The welding of welded joint test pieces is carried out in the unified welding positions
complying with the instructions of Appendix 2.


4.4.1 General requirements for tests performance procedure.

The procedure for welders' certification comprises theoretical and practical examinations by the welder
to be certified.
The certification shall be started with the practical examination. If the welder fails to pass the practical
examination, he is not admitted to other examinations and is considered to have failed to be certified.
During the theoretical examination, the welder shall answer at least 15 questions covering the major
sections of general and special (by profession) subjects. The questions are selected for each welding
process by the certification panel.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

In examining, the certification panel applies one of the following methods or the combination thereof:
written verification of knowledge;
oral questioning;
computer verification of knowledge;
written description followed by a practical demonstration on the relevant equipment.
The examination results are assessed by the certification panel as "Accepted/Not accepted". The
designation "Accepted" corresponds to at least 80 % of the correct answers to the questions asked. The
welder is considered to be certified when passing both practical and theoretical examinations.
If the welder has passed the practical examination, but has failed the theoretical one, he is allowed to
resit the latter by an additional application within half a year since the day of the first examination, but not
earlier than two weeks after the initial date of the theoretical examination. In case of reoccurring negative
result of the theoretical examination, the welder is considered to have failed the certification.
4.4.2 Requirements for practical tests procedure. Materials for test pieces and welding materials shall meet the requirements of Part XIII "Materials"
and Part XIV "Welding", the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Welders shall be practically tested by welding test pieces as specified in Appendix 1.
The test pieces shall be welded in presence of at least three members of qualification commission:
one professional welding engineer;
one quality control representative skilled sufficiently to make conclusion from visual examination and
one RS representative. Prior to the welding, an identification number registered in the test report is stamped on test
pieces of welded joints.
Additionally, welding positions for all test pieces shall be marked on the test assembly, and for fixed
pipe welds, the 12 o'clock welding position shall also be marked.
The assembly of joint parts for welding is carried out by the welder to be certified. The welding of the
test piece is allowed by the certification panel member after accepting the quality of assembly for welding.
The certification panel can discontinue the practical examination if the welder has violated the welding
conditions and procedure or it is obvious that he is unable to weld the test piece in accordance with the
requirements of a specification and the RS rules. In the performance of practical qualification tests for welders' approval testing, the welding
shall be performed on the basis of the Welding procedure specification (of a manufacturer) of an
established pattern which is completed in accordance with the actual conditions of welding under
production conditions. The following requirements shall be fulfilled:
test pieces shall be welded using the welding procedures applied in manufacture;
filler material shall be consistent with the peculiarities of the welding process and position;
structural elements of edge preparation for the test pieces (groove angle, root face, root gap) shall be
representative for those used in manufacture;
test piece dimensions shall be stated in the Specification and comply with the requirements of
Appendix 1;
welding equipment shall be of the same type as that used in manufacture;
test piece welding shall be performed in the positions and angles of pipe branch connections normally
used in manufacture;
welding conditions and the welding sequence in the groove shall correspond to those used in
combination of base metal, filler and auxiliary materials shall correspond to the conditions used in
welding time for the test piece shall correspond to the standards applied in manufacture;
test pieces hall have at least one stop and one re-start in the root run and in the top capping run and
shall be identified in the inspection length to be examined; this requirement is mandatory for manual and
semiautomatic welding;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

where the preheat, controlled heat input are required or the requirement for the minimum/maximum
interpass temperature is regulated for particular welded joints (combinations of base metal and welding
consumables) in manufacture practice, these parameters of the technological process shall be met while
welding the welded joint test pieces for the welders' approval test;
where the post-weld heat treatment is required for particular welded joints in manufacture practice, this
operation becomes mandatory for the welded joint test assemblies only in case when the test program
provides for the bend test of test specimens. For other cases, the post-weld heat treatment of welded joint
test pieces may be omitted if agreed with the Register;
test pieces shall be unambiguously identified;
it is allowed to remove minor surface imperfections of internal layer beads of the weld by grinding or
any other method used in manufacture, only during stops before restart of welding. The thickness of metal for the test pieces to be welded, their diameter for testing the pipes
welding shall be specified with due regard for the actual range of these characteristic values in accordance
with the manufacturer's application and for the range of approval by the Register according to the
requirements of 4.5.9.
The assembly and welding of butt plate joints shall prevent angular deformations of the welded joint
completed (its flatness).
In single-side single-run fillet welding of T-joints of plates and pipes, the effective throat thickness of
the fillet weld a shall be within the following range depending on the base metal thickness t:
For pipe connections the minimum check weld length of 150 mm is required. When the pipe
circumference is less than 150 mm, welded joint test pieces shall be required for approval tests with the
maximum of three test pieces.
4.4.3 Types of test pieces for welders' practical tests. The number, dimensions and structural elements of welded joint test pieces for practical tests
shall be specified by the certification panel according to the RS rules requirement depending on the range
of the works, stated in the application, for which the welder is certified.
Specifying the type of a unified welded joint test piece among those given in Appendix 1, the
requirements and explanations set forth below shall be followed. P1 test piece is the main test piece used for the approval testing of welders for the welding of
plate structures which, depending on the range of approval, may be welded in various welding positions
and with various structural elements of the edge preparation. The T-joint test piece P2 for plates is additional and is used in the cases specified in for
the approval testing of welders for the performance of single-run fillet welds without beveling. The
welders who have passed the tests on certification on P1 and/or P2 test pieces, can be engaged in tack
welding within the range of approval specified in his Welder Test Approval Certificate. The tests on
certification on test pieces P1tack and/or P2tack for assemblers/welders engaged in tack welding only may be
required, provided the requirements for the range of approval for essential variables are met. Butt joint test piece P3 in pipes is the main test piece used for the approval testing of welders
for the welding of pipelines which, depending on the range of approval, may be welded in various welding
positions and with various structural elements of the edge preparation. P4 test piece may be used for the approval testing of welders for the single-run fillet welding of
pipe joints. The main cases of this test piece application are specified in 4.5.5. The unified but joint test piece P6 with a restricting ring shall be used for the approval testing of
welders for the welding of T-, Y- and K-joints in pipes (pipe-to-pipe or pipe-to-plate) with full or partial
joint penetration. The welding of the welded joint test piece, unless otherwise specified, is performed in
the H-LO45 position.
N o t e . The J-LO45 welding position for the test piece P6 may be used if the welder's range of approval provides (according
to the application for qualification) for the downhill welding of pipeline ring butts (from 12 down to 6 hours).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-93 In mounting of ship's pipelines, the welding is generally performed under conditions of the
limited access to a welded joint what makes necessary for the welder to have the special training and
relevant skill. The presence of entry "Approved for pipe welding at limited access" in column "Range of
approval" (line "welding position/type of test piece") of Welder Approval Test Certificate is required when
the following conditions (independently of each other or in total) are relevant in actual practice:
.1 access to the welding zone is bounded in the radial direction by the plane which is parallel to or
inclined at some angle to the pipeline axis. The boundary condition: a minimum distance measured
perpendicularly to the pipe axis in the plane of the welded joint from the outer pipe surface to the surface
(one or more) bounding access to the welding zone does not exceed 400 mm. The welding positions, i.e.
pipe axis orientation, shall correspond to the range of approval;
.2 access to the welding zone is longitudinally bounded by the surface that crosses the pipe in the
immediate neighborhood of the welded joint. The boundary condition: a minimum distance measured
perpendicularly over the outer pipe surface from the welding line to the pipe-crossing surface does not
exceed 100 mm.
The extension of the range of approval in Approval Test Certificate to the pipe welding at limited
access requires the mandatory performance of the welder's practical tests on P5 test pieces. In so doing, in
some cases, if agreed with the Register, the welding of P6 test pieces may be needed only. The test for branch connection on the P7 test piece supplements the welders' approval testing
for the welding of high-loaded gridwork pipe structures and presumes the availability with the welder of
the approval test for the welding of T-, Y- and K- pipe joints of the relevant diameter and wall thickness.
This type of tests is mandatory in the welders' approval testing for the welding of pipe joints having the
outside diameter of the branch to be joined D25200 mm, its wall thickness t2512 mm and the angle
between pipe axes less than 70°.
The P7 test piece dimensions recommended:
outside diameter of the main pipe D151,5D2;
outside diameter of the pipe being joined D2=200 to 300 mm and its wall thickness t2520 mm.
The root run and at least four subsequent runs shall be performed within a sector of 180° from 6 to 12 h
position. The testing of the P7 test piece is carried out using the magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing
together with the macro examination. Four macrosections corresponding to the 3, 6, 9 and 12 h welding
positions shall be taken of the test piece.
N o t e s : 1. The ultrasonic testing of the P7 test piece may be carried out using the additionally approved diagram and
procedure of its performance.
2. For approval testing for the welding of branch connections having parameters not covered by the P7 test piece, the
performance of practical tests on the P6 test piece is considered as adequate, while for thin-walled pipes (t2 < 3 mm), the test
pieces are various versions of the P3 and P4 type. The P8 test piece is used for the approval test of welders for repairing casting and forging
defects. In so doing, the specific dimensions and material for test piece manufacture are subject to the
additional clarification by the certification panel and individually agreed with the Register.
N o t e . It is recommended to combine the approval testing for repairing castings and forgings with that for the welding of
plate structures or pipes using the same welding process and for the same group of base metal.

4.4.4 Methods for assessment of welders' practical test results. After welding each test piece completed shall be tested according to Table in the as-
welded condition. Before cutting out bend and fracture test specimens, visually examine the welds.
Specimens shall be tested in the presence of the Register surveyor.
When permanent backing was used in the qualification test, it shall be removed prior to destructive
The test specimen for macro examination shall be prepared and etched on one side to clearly reveal the
weld. Polishing is not required.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Methods of testing of welded joint test pieces in welders' practical tests
Testing methods Type of welded joint test piece

Р1 Р1tack Р3 Р2 and Р4 Р2tack Р5 and Р6 Р7 Р8

34t<12 t512 34t<12 t512 34t<12 t512 C1 and C2 C3 and C4

Visual examination + + + + + + + + + + + +
1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2
Radiographic test + + _ + + _ _ + + _ + _
2 2 2 2 2 2
Ultrasonic test + + _ + + _ _ + + + + _
1, 3 3, 4 1, 3, 4
Bend test Weld root + _ _ + _ _ _ + _ _ _ _
and top
Side bend _ +1, 3
_ _ +1, 3, 4
_ _ _ +1, 3, 4
_ _ _
1, 3 1, 3 5 1, 3, 4 1, 3, 5 6 5 1, 3, 4 1, 3, 4
Fracture test + + + + + + + + + _ _ _

Macro examination _ _ _ _ _ +6 _ + 1 pc + 1 pc + 3 pc + 3 pc _
Magnetic particle _ _ _ _ _ + _ _ _ + + _
or dye penetrant testing
Either radiographic testing or bend or fracture tests shall be used.
For thickness of 8 mm and more, the radiographic testing may be replaced by an ultrasonic testing except for austenitic and austenitic
ferritic steels (groups 8 and 10, respectively) and for aluminum and copper alloys.
When radiographic or ultrasonic testing (rather than bend or fracture tests) is used, then additional bend or fracture tests are mandatory
for slagless welding processes 131, 135, 133, 136 (both of them only for metal cored wires - M), 141 and 311.
For outside pipe diameter of butt joints D425 mm, the bend or fracture tests may be replaced by a notched tensile test of the complete
test piece (refer to Fig.
Additional tests may be required at the discretion of the Register.
Instead of the fracture test of a weld, it is allowed to examine the welding quality using magnetic particle/dye penetrant testing in
combination with at least two macro examinations.

In accordance with the indications in Note 3 to Table for slagless welding processes, the testing
shall be supplemented by either two additional bend tests (one face and one root or two side bends) or two
fracture tests (one face and one root). Test pieces P1 of butt plate joints. The continuity of weld metal of butt plate joint test pieces
shall be checked by radiographic testing or, if agreed with the Register, for thickness of 8 mm and more
ultrasonic testing is allowed.
As alternative to non-destructive testing, fracture or static bend tests may be used to check the
continuity of weld metal.
When fracture test is used, the welded joint test piece examination length shall be cut into the test
specimens of equal width within the examination length discarding the plate ends according to Fig., a.
In so doing, the entire test piece examination length shall be tested by the bending failure of specimens
dimensioned according to Fig., c in such a way that the fracture length is not interrupted.
In the case of single-side welding without the remaining backing, half of the examination length of the
test piece shall be tested on test specimens loaded on the face side and the other half on the root side
according to Fig.
If the continuity of weld metal is checked by bend test, the diagram of cutting-out and the number of
test specimens depend on the test type (transverse bend test or side bend test).
For initial qualification, the test shall be applied to two weld face bending test specimens and two weld root
bending test specimens. For the certificate prolongation, the test shall be applied to one weld face bending test
specimen and one weld root bending test specimen. For thicknesses of 12 mm and more, four side bending test
specimens (or two specimens for the certificate prolongation) of 10 mm thick may be used.
When only side bend tests are used, a minimum of four test specimens shall be taken equally spaced
along the examination length. At least one of these side bend test specimens shall be taken from the start
and stop area in the examination length. The size of the specimens and the diagram of bend tests shall
comply with requirements of, Part XIII “Materials” of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships and Fig.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships




Fracture tests of test pieces Р1 of butt plate joints:
a _ diagram of test specimen cutting-out (the examination length lf is divided into even number of specimens);
b _ profiles of cuts for preparation of specimens for fracture test according to ISO 9017;
c _ specimen for fracture tests with side cuts of "q" type

а) b)


Diagram of fracture test of test pieces Р1 of butt plate joints:
а _ with tension on weld root; b _ with tension on weld reinforcement;
c _ alternative types of specimens for fracture test with "q" type profile longitudinal notch in the weld centre
with tension on weld root and weld reinforcement
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships




Sizes of specimens and diagram of static bend test with tensioning of the weld face side
(а), weld root (b) and of side bend tests (c) for test pieces Р1 of butt plate joints and Р3, Р5 and Р6 of butt pipe joints Test pieces P2 of plate T-joints. The continuity of weld metal of plate T-joint test pieces shall be
checked by test specimen fracture test according to Fig. For test performance, the test piece shall be cut
out into several test specimens within the specified inspection length discarding the plate ends 25 mm wide




Bend test of test pieces Р2 of plate T-joints:
а _ diagram of test specimen cutting-out; lf – examination length of the weld);
b _ possible diagrams of testing; c _ test specimen with a "q" type profile longitudinal notch in the center of the weld
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

from each edge according to Fig., a, and each specimen shall be tested in accordance with the diagram
shown in Fig., b and examined after destruction. In order to destroy the specimen along the centre of the
weld (which is especially important for such viscose materials as aluminum and copper), longitudinal notches
of square or sharp angle cross-section may be made along the weld (refer to Fig., c). In such a case, the
thickness of the fillet weld on the test piece shall be at least 80 % of the initial value. In some cases preliminary
cooling of the specimen is allowed to cause the metal fragile condition.
The weld fracture test may be replaced by the testing of the weld quality using magnetic particle or dye
penetrant testing in combination with the macro examination. In this case at least two macrosections shall
be made (to be cut out of different sections). One macrosection shall be taken from the start and stop area
in the examination length. Test pieces P3 of butt pipe joints. The continuity of weld metal of butt pipe joint test pieces
shall be checked using the radiographic testing, and, if agreed with the Register, for thickness of not less
than 8 mm and if practicable, the ultrasonic testing may be applied. For slagless welding processes 131,
135, 133, 136 (the latter two only for metal cored wires _ М), 141 and 311 the number of additional
fracture and transverse bend specimens depends on the welding positions used in the test. For РА and РС
welding positions, one test specimen for the root bend and one test specimen for the face side bend shall be
tested (refer to Fig., a). For all other welding positions two additional specimens shall be tested
for the root bend and face side bend (refer to Fig., b).
As alternative to non-destructive testing, fracture or static bend tests may be used to check the
continuity of weld metal. During the fracture test the whole examination length shall be tested (refer to Fig., a) for which at least 4 specimens of sizes according to Fig., c, shall be tested. If the
pipe diameter is too small (examination length of the weld is less than 150 mm) and does not allow making
the required number of test specimens, then additional test specimens shall be made and tested in
accordance with
In order to achieve a fracture in the weld of the test specimen, the latter may be longitudinally notched
on both ends of the specimen as shown in Fig., c.

a) b)


Diagram of cutting-out of test pieces Р3, Р5 and Р6 of butt pipe joints:
а _ for welding positions РА and РС (1, 2 _ places for selection of fracture test or bend test specimens; lf _ examination length);
b _ for welding positions PF, PG, H-L045 and J-L045
(1, 2, 3, 4 _ places for selection of fracture test or bend test specimens; lf _ examination length);
c _ fracture test specimen with "q" type notch profile.

t51,8 mm: d = 4,5 mm

t < 1,8 mm: d = 3,5 mm
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

In the case of single-side welding without the remaining backing, half of the inspection length of the
test piece shall be tested on test specimens loaded on the face side and the other half on the root side
according to Fig.
Tension test specimen for testing butt joints of pipes with outside diameter D425 mm.

Tension test specimen for testing butt joints of pipes
with outside diameter D 4 25 mm

Where weld metal continuity is checked by bend tests, the diagram of cutting-out and number of test
specimens depend on the test types and are similar to the ones specified in for butt plate joint.
When only side bend test is carried out, the places of cutting-out of side bend test specimens are according
to Fig., b.
For test specimens of butt pipe joints with outside pipe diameter D425 mm, the fracture and bend
tests may be replaced by tension test of the welded joint test piece with holes and removed reinforcement
of the weld as shown in Fig. The holes are not allowed in start and stop areas, and in order to
create the destruction plane in the centre of the weld, additional or alternative "q" or "s" type notch profiles
are also allowed in circumferential direction according to ISO 9017 (refer to Fig., b). Test pieces P4 of fillet pipe joints. The continuity of weld metal of fillet pipe joint test pieces
shall be checked by fracture test of at least four test specimens according to Fig. The fillet weld
fracture test may be replaced by the examination of the weld quality using magnetic particle or dye
penetrant testing in combination with the macro examination. For welding positions РА, РВ and РD, it is
sufficient to prepare and test at least two macrosections (one macrosection shall be taken at the stop/start
location), and for welding positions PF and PG, 4 macrosections shall be taken at the weld areas
corresponding to positions 08, 908, 1808 and 2708.

Preparation and fracture test of test specimens Р4 of a fillet pipe joints Test pieces P5 and P6 for welding of butt pipe joints at limited access. The test pices imitating pipe
welding at limited access to the weld shall be checked in the same manner as in testing of butt joints Р3 test
pieces (refer to
For test piece Р5, one macrosection shall be taken in the area of cutting-out within the range of 2258 _ 2708.
The cutting-out of specimens from test piece Р6 shall be made in accordance with the instructions of
Fig. 6, Appendix 1.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-99 Test piece Р7 of branch connection. Welded joints of the branch connection shall be checked
along the full weld inspection length using the following testing:
magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing (for nonmagnetic materials);
ultrasonic or radiographic testing (depending on whether it is practicable to use such a testing).
Additionally, three macrosections shall be taken from the welded joint sections corresponding to
positions 1358, 1808 and 2258. Test piece P8 imitating repair of forgings and castings. The continuity of test piece welds С1
and С2 (refer to Fig. 8 of Appendix 1) imitating the elimination of lengthy and point defects shall be
checked over their entire length using the following testing:
examination of macrosections taken from the weld С1 (2 pcs) and weld С2 (1 pc). For tack weld the test pieces Р1tack and Р2tack shall be examined and tested as follows:
visual testing;
fracture test performed on at least three test specimen cut from each test piece.
4.4.5 Criteria for assessment of welders' practical test results. Evaluation of welded joint quality in visual testing. General.
The weld surface as such and the adjacent zone of base metal within at least 20 mm from the fusion
line along the entire extent of a welded joint shall be subject to visual testing.
The visual testing shall usually be carried out without use of any special optical devices. In doubtful
cases, magnifying glasses of no better than610 magnification may be used.
If cracks or their indications are detected in the visual testing of a welded joint, it is recommended to
carry out the further flaw detection of a test piece using:
magnetic particle method/dye penetrant testing;
grinding of the surface followed by the chemical cleaning with the reagent used for macrostructure
A depth of undercuts, a height of scaling and unevenness shall be checked by the comparison of welds
with standards using special templates or replicating the surface relief. The latter is cut so that the
dimension being checked is in the notch plane. In so doing, the dips between beads, and between the weld
and base metal shall be measured on the base of 12 mm, the scaling and unevenness, between tops of
hillocks and scales.
The measurements of welded joints shall be made in places where deviations from the dimensions
specified may be expected. Three measurements, as a minimum, of geometric parameters of a welded joint
shall be made within the length of the welded joint test piece. Before testing the welded joints by the visual testing the following shall be checked:
complete removal of the spatter metal from the tested surface;
no grinding on the face side and the root side of the weld;
identification mark of stop and re-start in the root run and in the top capping run;
availability of mandatory and additional marking on the test piece in accordance with
Unless otherwise is agreed with the Register, the assessment of the welded joints quality by the visual
testing results shall be carried out up to quality level В according to the base metal of the international
ISO 5817 for joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (refer to Table, Part XIV
“Welding” of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships);
ISO 10042 for joints in aluminum and copper alloys (refer to Table, Part XIV “Welding” of the
Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships).
Here, criteria may be relaxed down to quality level C for the following types of external defects: weld
expulsion, excessive root penetration, excessive weld convexity, and excessive effective throat thickness.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-100 Assessment of welded joints quality in radiographic testing. General requirements for testing.
The radiographic method is preferable for the testing of welded joint test pieces. Unless the otherwise
is agreed with the Register, the requirements and parameters of the radiographic testing shall be in
compliance with ISO 17636 for Test class B (refer to 3.2.4, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships). Unless otherwise is agreed with the Register, assessment of welded joints quality according
to the radiographic testing results shall be carried out up to Quality level 1 according to the relevant base
metal of the international standards:
ISO 10675-1 for steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (refer to Table, Part XIV "Welding" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships);
ISO 10675-2 for aluminium and its alloys (refer to Table, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships). Assessment of welded joints quality by ultrasonic testing results.
An ultrasonic testing shall be performed according to the national standards recognized by the Register.
Weld test scheme on the quantity of scanning directions and scan camera angles applied (PEC inclined
input angle) shall comply with the requirements for Control level B in compliance with ISO 17640 or EN 1712.
Unless otherwise is agreed with the Register, assessment of the ultrasonic testing results shall be
carried out in accordance with the accepted levels based on the echo-signal length and amplitude as per
ISO 11666 and the following requirements for their application and the interpretation of the testing results
as regards instructions of 5.1 of the above mentioned standard.
All imperfections, echo-signal of which exceeding the reference level of sensitivity, shall be assessed in
accordance with the definition of the characteristics of ISO 23279, Stage 3, in order to identify the planar (two-
dimensional) imperfections. All detected planar (two-dimensional) are considered inadmissible. Other
imperfections are assessed for Acceptance Level 2 (AL-2) according ISO 11666 (refer to Table,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships). Assessment of welded joint quality by static bend test results.
In testing of welded joint test specimens made of shipbuilding and high-strength steels for static bend,
the requirements of Table shall be followed. For cases not specified in Table, the
following instructions shall be applied:
for steels with the rated value of elongation А5520 %, the diameter of the former or inner roller d shall
be 4ts and the bending angle 1808, and for base metal with elongation А5<20 %, the following equation
shall apply:

d = (100/А571)ts

where d = the diameter of the former or the inner roller, in mm;

ts = the thickness of the bend test specimen, in mm;
А5 = the minimum tensile elongation required by the base metal specification, in %;

T a b l e
Requirements for static bend test performance for shipbuilding and high-strength steels

Base metal category Proportion d/ts Bend angle, in deg.

A_Е 4 180
A32 _ F32 4 180
A36 _ F36 4 180
A40 _ F40 4 180
A420 _ F420 5 180
A460 _ F460 5 180
A500 _ F500 5 180
A550 _ F550 6 180
A620 _ F620 6 180
A690 _ F690 6 180
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for copper and copper alloys, the diameter of the former or inner roller shall be 4ts, and bending angle 1808,
unless the low plasticity of the base metal or weld metal imposes other restrictions;
for shipbuilding aluminum alloys, the diameter of the former or inner roller is defined by the
requirements of Table
Bend test specimens shall not reveal any one single flow equal to or more than 3 mm in any direction.
Flaws with length up to 3,0 mm appearing at the edges of the test specimen during testing are ignored and
not recorded in the test report.
T a b l e
Requirements for static bend test performance for shipbuilding aluminum alloys

Grade of aluminum alloy Proportion d/ts as for delivery condition Bend angle,
in deg.
O/H111 H112; H116; T4 T5; T6
H32; H34; H36
International alloys
5754 3 4 _ _ 180
5086; 5083; 5383; 5456; 5059 6 6 _ _ 180

6005A; 6061; 6082 4 _ 6 7 180

National alloys

1530 3 4 _ _ 180
1550; 1561; 1565ч; 1575 6 6 _ _ 180 Assessment of welded joints quality by fracture test results. After the performance of butt welded joint fracture tests, the fracture surface shall be visually
tested. The weld defects visible are subject to estimation to quality level B according to ISO 5817. Quality of welded T-joints shall be checked for presence of cracks, porosity and pores,
extraneous inclusions, lacks of fusion and incomplete penetration. The weld defects visible are subject to
estimation to quality level B according to ISO 5817.
N o t e . Pores and slags are considered minor if their maximum linear dimension in the plane of failure does not exceed
0,2Z, but not more than 2,0 mm (where Z = leg of fillet). Macro examination.

Macrosections shall be made so that their working surface covers the entire area of the weld and the
part of base metal at least 15 mm wide adjacent to the fusion line. The reagent used for etching shall allow
the clear identification of weld and separate bead boundaries, the fusion line, heat-affected zone and also
the adjacent part of the base metal. In macro examination, the following is subject to control:
weld shape and geometric dimensions;
base metal penetration shape and size;
presence of base metal undercuts and of the shrinkage in the root of a single-side weld;
presence of intolerable internal defects in the weld and adjacent zone within 10 mm from the heat-
affected zone boundary.
Macrosections may have defects if their type and dimensions are not beyond the scope of the
requirements in and In this case, the sum of all defect (external and internal) projections
toward a design thickness shall not exceed 0,15t or 0,15a, but not more than 4,0 mm for all the groups of
steels and aluminium alloys.
4.4.6 Procedure for retests performance. In cases when the certification panel has reliably established that the unsatisfactory result of
initial practical tests is due to the causes not associated with the welder's skill (e.g. welding equipment
faults, defects of welding electrode covering, etc.), the welder shall be approved for retests on the same
number of test pieces. In this case, the quality of base metal and welding consumables, as well as the
serviceability of welding equipment shall be properly checked by the certification panel members. If the
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

specimen does not meet the size requirements due to improper machining, a new specimen shall be
prepared, welded and tested in accordance with the established procedure. If it is established that the unsatisfactory result of initial practical tests is attributed to the
welder's lack of skill and is due to the unsatisfactory results of the tests on more than one test specimen, the
welder may be approved for the repeat certification after the additional education and training totaled at
least a week. If the results of testing one of the test specimens tested do not meet the requirements specified
for the given type of tests, the doubled number of that type test specimens shall be prepared and tested. The
test specimens for additional tests may be selected from the store of the available test piece or the new test
piece shall be welded under similar conditions. The tests are assessed as satisfactory when the satisfactory results have been demonstrated on
two additional test specimens prepared according to the requirements of
If the results of retests for at least one of additional specimens are unsatisfactory, the welder fails the
practical tests and shall undergo retesting in accordance with established procedure. In additional bend tests of test specimens, as well as of sections prepared from fixed butt pipe
joints (welding positions PF, PG and H-L045, J-L045 for test pieces P3 and P5, and also test pieces P6 and P7),
the place on a test piece, where the test specimens were taken, corresponding to the position of the welding
sector for which the unsatisfactory results were obtained in initial tests, shall be retained. In case when the scope of initial tests provided for welding several test pieces (of one type for
various welding positions or different types), but the unsatisfactory results were obtained only for one of
those test pieces, the retests according to may be performed only with use of the test piece for which
the negative result was obtained. In this case, the Register may increase the scope of retests up to the double
scope of initial tests. With the unsatisfactory results of repeat practical tests, the welder is considered to have failed
the certification. The welders are approved for the new certification by the certification panel individually
with due regard for the professional shortcomings identified. In any case, the time between the
certifications for training and acquiring the necessary practical skills shall be at least a month.


4.5.1 The assessment of welders' practical skills in the course of practical tests for defining the range of
approval for issuing the Welder Approval Test Certificate is based on the following essential variables of:
.1 welding process;
.2 product type (plate and pipe);
.3 type of weld (butt and fillet);
.4 base metal group;
.5 welding consumable;
.6 dimensions of welded joint (base metal thickness and outside pipe diameter);
.7 welding positions;
.8 weld details (backing, single-side welding, both side welding, single layer, multi layer, leftward and
rightward welding).
Some types of welding may be singled out as requiring individual tests, e.g.:
pipe welding at limited access (refer to;
pipe assembly welding (refer to and;
repair of casting and forging defects (refer to
All welded joint test pieces shall be generally welded using the essential variables independently,
except for combination of two or more welding processes in one test piece (refer to 4.5.2), as well as
dimensions and welding positions (refer to 4.5.7 and 4.5.8).
4.5.2 Every practical test is generally limited by the range of approval for one welding process/type
designated by indices according to the requirements of and
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The change of a welding process/type in the product manufacture calls for performance of new tests on
welders' approval.
If a specific joint is welded in production by one welder using the combination of two or more welding
processes, the practical approval tests may be performed as follows:
.1 a test piece is welded in testing using the combination of two or more welding processes in a similar
way as in production (e.g. the root – single-side tungsten inert gas welding without backing, groove filling
– manual welding with covered electrodes);
.2 in the approval testing, two test pieces are welded for the separate welder's certification for each
welding process.
The range of approval of the Welder Test Approval Certificate for base metal thicknesses for
combination of two welding processes/types is given in Table 4.5.2 (refer also to Table
It shall be considered that the use of any variants of testing for combination of two or more welding
processes/types shall not result in reduction of requirements to the extent of examination of the welded
joint test pieces specified by the requirements of Table for bend tests.
N o t e . It is allowed to carry out the welding and testing of test pieces using the combination of two or more of welding processes by one or
different welders according to the options other than those specified in and
T a b l e 4.5.2
Thickness range for single and multi process joints for butt welds
Welding process used for the test piece Thickness range

Single process joint Multi process joint

According to Table 4.5.7-1 According to Table 4.5.7-1

For welding process 1: t = s1 t = s1 + s2
For welding process 2: t = s2

1 _ welding process 1 (B)

2 _ welding process 2 (A)

According to Table 4.5.7-1 According to Table. 4.5.7-1

For welding process 1: t = t1 t = t1 + t2
For welding process 2: t = t2 Welding process 1: only for
welding of the root area

2 _ welding process 2
3 _ welding with backing (A)
4 _ welding without backing (B)

1 _ welding process 1

4.5.3 The type of test piece for practical tests, in accordance with the instructions of 4.4.3, is assigned
depending on the product/structure type (plate or pipe) for welding of which the welder is allowed. Table 4.5.8
on the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate shall be complied with taking into
account the following:
.1 welds in pipes, outside pipe diameter D > 25 mm, cover welds in plates;
.2 welds in plates cover welds in pipe:
of outside pipe diameter D5150 mm, for welding positions РА, РВ and PC;
of outside pipe diameter D5500 mm, for all welding positions.
4.5.4 The range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the weld types (butt or fillet
weld) shall be determined based on the provisions stated bellow.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-104 The range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate may cover butt welds in other
types of butt joints and welds taking into account 4.5.9 except for cases requiring additional types of
testing (refer to 4.5.1). Butt welds, as a rule, qualify fillet welds. Carrying out separate tests for fillet welds on test
pieces Р2 or Р4 is required in the following cases:
.1 the welder, at the request of the manufacturer, shall be qualified only for fillet welds;
.2 if deemed necessary by the Register, in cases where the majority of work is fillet welding.
N o t e . This requirement does not apply to the fillet welding with full or incomplete penetration when the edge preparation
is provided. As a rule, the approval test for the welding of such welds is conditioned by the extension of the range of approval of
the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the welding of butt welds under identical conditions. The range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for additional tests is determined
in accordance with the general provisions concerning all essential variables. The following specifications
shall apply:
butt welds in pipes for test pieces Р6 qualify branch connections with an angle of not less than 60°;
for a branch weld, the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for is based on the
outside pipe diameter of the branch and wall thickness according to 4.5.7. In cases when the weld type cannot be qualified by means of type test pieces (e.g. pipe plate
welding, etc.), then specific test pieces shall be used.
4.5.5 In order to reduce the number of qualification tests, materials with similar welding characteristics
are grouped according to CR ISO/TR 15608 (refer to Tables, and
The test for welding of any metal in a base metal group confers qualification on the welder for the
welding of all other metals within the same group, as well as other base metal groups according to Tables 4.5.5-1,
4.5.5-2 and 4.5.5-3.
The range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for metals of different base metal
groups is defined in compliance with the following requirements:
.1 the welder may be allowed for welding of dissimilar metal joints in any combination of base metal
groups for welding of which he is qualified in accordance with Tables 4.5.5-1, 4.5.5-2 and 4.5.5-3. In this
case the welding consumable shall correspond to the group of one of the welded base metal;
T a b l e 4.5.5-1
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for base metal (steel)
Base metal group1 Range of approval based on test results
of the test piece
1.1;1.2; 1.3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9.1 9.2+9.3
1.1;1.2;1.4 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.3 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
2 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
3 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ 6 _ _ 6
5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ 6 _ _ 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ 6 _ _ 6
7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ 6 _ _ 6
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ 6 6 _
9 9.1 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
9.2 + 9.3 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ 6 6 _
11 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6
Base metal group according to ISO/TR 15608.
"6" 7 indicates those base metal groups for which the welder is qualified.
"_" 7 indicates those base metal groups for which the welder is not qualified.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e 4.5.5-2 T a b l e 4.5.5-3
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate
for base metal (aluminum alloys) for base metal (copper and copper alloys)
Base metal group1 Range of approval based on test results Base metal Range of approval based on test results
of the test piece group1 of the
21 22 23 24 25 26 test piece 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

21 6 6 _ _ _ _ 31 6 _ 6 6 6 _ _ _
22 6 6 _ _ _ _ 32 _ 6 _ _ _ 6 _ _
23 6 6 6 _ _ _ 33 _ _ 6 _ _ _ _ _
24 _ _ _ 6 6 _ 34 _ _ _ 6 6 _ _ _
25 _ _ _ 6 6 _ 35 _ _ _ 6 6 _ _ _
26 _ _ _ 6 6 6 36 _ 6 _ _ _ 6 _ _
1 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _
As in Table 4.5.5-1.
S y m b o l s : as in Table 4.5.5-1. 38 _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 6
As in Table 4.5.5-1.
S y m b o l s : as in Table 4.5.5-1.

.2 when for dissimilar metal joints welding consumables from base metal group 8 (austenitic stainless
steels) or 10 (austenitic ferritic stainless steels) are used, all combinations with base metal group 8 or 10 to
other base metal groups are covered.
A qualification test made on wrought base metal groups gives qualification for cast material and a
mixture of cast and wrought material in the same base metal group.
When welding base metal outside the grouping system according to ISO/TR 15608, a separate
qualification test is required.
4.5.6 Specifying the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate, type of the electrode
covering and type of wire core used for the welding of test pieces in practical testing shall be taken into
The corresponding ranges of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate in respect to types of
electrode covering and wire cores are given in Table 4.5.6.
Qualification with filler material, e.g., for welding processes 141, 15 and 311, qualifies for welding
without filler material, but not vice versa.
T a b l e 4.5.6
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for welding consumables1
Welding Welding consumables used Range of approval based on test results
process in the test2
A, RA, RB, RC, RR, R В С

111 A, RA, RB, RC, RR, R 6 _ _

В 6 6 _
С _ _ 6

_ _ Solid wire Type of electrode core

(М) (В) (R, Р, V, W, Y, Z)
131 Solid wire 6 6 _ _
135 (S)
Type (М) 6 6 _ _
136 electrode (В) _ _ 6 6
114 core (R, Р, V, W, Y, Z) _ _ _ 6
Abbreviations of welding consumables comply with
The type of welding consumables used in the qualification test of welders for root run welding without backing (B) is the type of
welding consumables qualified for root run welding in production.
"6" indicates those welding consumables (electrode covering, electrode core) for which the welder is qualified.
"_" indicates those welding consumables (electrode covering, electrode core) for which the welder is not qualified.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

4.5.7 The range of approval of the Welder Test Approval Certificate shall be specified on the basis on
the following welded joint dimensions:
thickness of the base metal and weld;
outside pipe diameter.
Fillet weld thickness shall be: 0,5t4а40,7t for t56 mm; 0,5t4a4t for t < 6 mm.
Each practical qualification test shall be conducted within the range of range of approval of the Welder
Test Approval Certificate in accordance with the requirements of Tables 4.5.7-1, 4.5.7-2 and 4.5.7-3.
T a b l e 4.5.7-1
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for base metal and weld metal thickness of butt welds

Base metal1 Thickness of test piece metal in tests t, in mm Range of approval of base metal
and weld metal thickness, in mm

Steels t<3 from t to 2t2

34t < 12 over 3 to 2t3
t512 over 3
Aluminum and its alloys t46 from 0,7t to 2,5t
6<t415 6<t4404

Copper and its alloys t from 0,5t to 1,5t5

For multi processes, S1 and S2 apply according to the instructions in Table 4.5.2.
For gas (oxy-acetylene) welding — from t to 1,5t.
For gas (oxy-acetylene) welding — from 3 mm to 1,5t.
For base metal having thickness more than 40 mm, separate certification is required which shall be indicated in the Welder Approval
Test Certificate and in the test report.
For gas (oxy-acetylene) welding the welder shall be qualified for the thinnest and thickest base metal thickness, for which he is qualified
in practice.

T a b l e 4.5.7-2
Range of approval for outside pipe diameter
Base metal Outside pipe diameter of test piece, in mm Range of approval by outside pipe diameter,
in mm
Steels D425 from D to 2D
D>25 from 0,5D to 2D
from 0,5D and more but not less than 25

Aluminum and its alloys D425 from 0,5D to 2D

D>25 from 0,5D and more

Copper and its alloys D425 from D to 2D

D425 from 0,5D and more but not less than 25

N o t e. For structural hollow sections, D is the dimension of the smaller side.

T a b l e 4.5.7-3
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for base metal thickness of test piece for fillet welds

Base metal thickness of test piece t, in mm Range of approval by base metal thickness, in mm

t<3 From t to 3
t53 From 3 and more
N o t e . 1. The thickness of the fillet weld shall be within the range:
0,5t 4 а 4 0,7t for t 5 6 mm;
0,5t 4 а 4 t for t < 6 mm.

In case of branch welding, criteria of Tables 4.5.7-1 and 4.5.7-2 apply, together with the following rules:
for set-on branch connection, the material thickness and outside pipe diameter are those of the branch;
for set-in or set-through branch connection, the material thickness is that of the main pipe or shell and
the outside pipe diameter is that of the branch.
For welded joint test pieces of different outside pipe diameters and base metal thicknesses, the range of
approval of the Welder Test Approval Certificate is determined separately for:
the thinnest and thickest material thickness qualified in accordance with Table 4.5.7-1;
the smallest and largest outside pipe diameter qualified in accordance with Table 4.5.7 2.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

4.5.8 The range of of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for welding positions
depending on the practical test conditions is defined according to Table 4.5.8.
T a b l e 4.5.8
Range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for welding positions

Welding position Range of approval based on test results1

in tests
(plate) (pipe) (plate) (pipe) L045 L045
РА2 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
РВ3 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PC 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PD3 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _
РЕ 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _
PF (plate) 6 6 _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ _ _
PE+PF(plate) 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _
PF (pipe) 6 6 _ 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _
PG (plate) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _
PG (pipe) 6 6 _ 6 6 _ _ 6 6 _ _
H-L045 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ 6 _
J-L045 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ 6 6 _ 6
Additionally the requirements of 4.5.3 and 4.5.4 shall be met.
Welding position PA, in case of welder certification for filler joints only, has a range of approval only for PA welding position.
Welding positions РВ and PD are only used for fillet welds and can only qualify filled welds in other welding positions.
"6" indicates those welding positions for which the welder is qualified.
"_" indicates those welding positions for which the welder is not qualified.

The test pieces shall be welded in accordance with the nominal angles of the welding positions
according to ISO 6947 (refer to Appendix 2).
The welding positions J-L045 and H-L045 for pipes qualify for all pipe angles.
Welding of two pipes with the same outside pipe diameter, one in welding position PF and one in
welding position PC, also covers the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the pipe
welded in welding position H-L045.
Welding of two pipes with the same outside pipe diameter, one in welding position PG and one in
welding position PC, also covers the range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the pipe
welded in welding position J-L045.
Pipes with outside diameters D5150 mm may be welded in two welding positions using only one
welded joint test piece: PF or PG-2/3 of circumference and PC-1/3 of circumference.
4.5.9 The ranges of approval of the Welder Test Approval Certificate depending on the welding
technique are given in Table 4.5.9 with additional reference to When welding with gas (oxy-
acetylene) a change from rightward welding to leftward welding and vice versa requires a new
qualification test.
T a b l e 4.5.9
Range of approval of the Welder Test Approval Certificate for types of welds

Qualification weld details Range of approval

Butt weld Single-side weld With backing A A, C, F

Without backing B A, B, C, D, F
Double-side weld With gouging C A, C, F
Without gouging D A, C, D, F

Fillet weld — — F F
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


4.6.1 According to the results of welders' theoretical and practical tests, the certification panel draws
up the record on form recommended in Appendix 3.
4.6.2 The following shall be attached to the record:
the copy of the certificate of welder's qualification and the reference of a manufacturer's personnel
department (in the initial qualification) or the copy of the welder's certificate in other types of certification;
the copy of an educational establishment document on welder's special training;
the copies of certificates for base base metal and welding consumables;
reports, conclusions and other documents on the results of quality control for welded joint test pieces.
N o t e . One record in the form of a table for a group of welders including all the information and data specified in
Appendix 3 may be drawn up.
4.6.3 The record of welder's certification is executed in two copies. One copy is kept in the
certification centre and the other is forwarded to the RS Branch Office carrying out technical supervision
of tests performance.
The report documents of welder's certification (records, certificate copies, conclusions on the results of
quality control for welded joint test pieces, etc.) shall be kept in the relevant file of the RS Branch Office in
a paper or electronic form (as a scanned copy).
4.6.4 Based on the record of welder's certification and provided all the above requirements are met, the
Register draws up and issues the Welder Approval Test Certificate (form 7.1.30).
4.6.5 Form 7.1.30 is executed and issued by the RS Branch Office carrying out the technical
supervision during the construction of ships or structures. The document is signed by the Head of the RS
Branch Office and witnessed with the round anchor stamp. The registration of the Welder Approval Test
Certificates (form 7.1.30) is performed in the RS Branch Office according to the place of issuance. Copies
of the documents issued can be submitted to RHO on its special demand only.
4.6.6 The Welder Test Approval Certificate issued is valid for a period of two years provided that it is
confirmed every six months by the responsible personnel of the employer. Confirmation of validity upon
each qualification shall be reported to the Register on demand. The confirmation entry introduced in the
appropriate columns of the Welder Test Approval Certificate is the acknowledgment by the employer of
the fact that the following requirements were complied with in the process of the welder performance of
his professional duties within the period of account:
the welder shall be continuously engaged on welding work within the current period of approval. In
this case, an interruption in work over six months is not permitted;
the welder's work in production shall correspond in its complexity to the range of approval specified in
the Welder Test Approval Certificate;
the welder's skill and knowledge shall not be questioned during working.
If any of these conditions are not fulfilled, the Welder Test Approval Certificate becomes invalid. In this
case, the matter of its renewal or issuance of the new one is handled individually in each particular case.
Note. In accordance with the practice adopted in the national legislation, the welder shall pass regular medical examination and get positive
conclusion of a medical commission on professional fitness.

4.6.7 Prolongation of the validity period of the Welder Approval Test Certificate shall be carried out by
the Register based on the confirmation of the welder's qualification (skills) by one of the following
the welder shall undergo practical tests on certification every 3 years in compliance with the
requirements of this Chapter;
based on the confirmation of the welder's qualification for the last 2 years in compliance with the
requirements of 4.6.8.
4.6.8 The Welder Approval Test Certificate may be prolonged by the Register for the next period of
two years without performance of new practical tests and changing of range of approval. Prolongation of
the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the next 2-year period is performed by the Register, provided that the
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

conditions listed in 4.6.6 are complied with, on the basis of the protocol (conclusion) of certifying
commission which shall reflect compliance with all essential variables (refer to 4.5.1) with mandatory
attachment of the confirming documents. At that the confirmation of the following requirements shall be
.1 all records and evidence used to support the Welder Approval Test Certificate prolongation are
traceable to the welder and identify the welding procedure specifications (WPS) that have been used in
.2 quality of welds performed by the welder in production process meets the requirements of Section 3,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships;
.3 evidence used to support prolongation of the Welder Approval Test Certificate shall be of volumetric
nature (radiographic or ultrasonic testing), and, for destructive testing (fracture or static bend tests), tests
shall have been performed on at least two welds during the previous six months. Evidence relating to the
Welder Approval Test Certificate prolongation shall be retained for a minimum of two years;
.4 the results of the above mentioned tests (refer to shall demonstrate that the welder has
performed all works under conditions identical to those as at the initial approval test except for dimensions
of welded joint (material thickness and outside pipe diameter).
N o t e. For prolongation of the Welder Approval Test Certificate the following deviations from the conditions of the initial
tests are admitted:
material thickness may vary within the initial range of approval of the Welder Approval Test Certificate;
outside pipe diameter may vary +50 % from the initial test piece.
The request for prolongation of the Welder Approval Test Certificate for the next 2-year period shall be
submitted to the Register within 30-day period before or after the set date of the Certificate prolongation.
The Certificate may be prolonged within 90 days after the 2-year period.
4.6.9 Each shipyard and/or manufacturer is responsible for monitoring validity of certificates and
qualification area. The shipyard and/or manufacturer shall assign a person in charge (executive) for this
A card index for every certified welder shall include:
copy of an education document;
copy of a special training document;
reference on continuous welding experience;
records of passing the examinations specifying the members of the certification panel, additional
questions, marks received, examination dates, practical examination results;
conclusion of the panel on examination results;
copies of the test reports for welded joints made by the welder during an accountable period with the
conclusion of a manufacturer-employers responsible official on a possibility to prolong the Certificate for
the next six months.
Any of the above documents shall be shown to the RS surveyor, if required.
4.6.10 Agreed with the Register, the validity period of the Welder Approval Test Certificate can be
prolonged for the manufacturer-employers having the RS-approved system of product quality assurance
within the framework of the special survey of the manufacturer's quality system as a whole.
4.6.11 In the event that the welder shall be approved for the works, which are beyond the scope of the
initial range of approval according to the Certificate per form 7.1.30, the new approval tests shall be
performed in accordance with the above requirements.
When the welder's skill or knowledge is questioned (refer to 4.6.6 and 4.6.8), the RS surveyor can
make a decision on invalidation of the valid Certificate and/or demand the performance of unscheduled
approval tests.
4.6.12 The prolongation of the Welder Approval Test Certificate validity period according to the
requirements of 4.6.8 for the next 2-year period is allowed no more than two times in succession. The
welder's regular certification in full scope shall be carried out on expiring three 2-year validity periods of
the Certificate (i.e. carried out in the replacement of the Certificate form).
4.6.13 Practical recommendations for completing the Certificate form are given in Appendix 4.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 1 (Mandatory)


b/2 b/2

Welding Dimensions of test piece,

process in mm
L b
M, S, 5350 5250 (300)1
A 5800 5300 (400)1
Values b in brackets are
given for aluminium and its

Fig. 1 Test piece of P1 plate butt joint

*25 Discard Discard

Face bend test specimen 30
Side bend test specimen 10
Root bend test specimen 30
Side bend test specimen 10
min. 200

min. 200
Discard Discard

Face bend test specimen 30 Side bend test specimen 10

Side bend test specimen 10
Root bend test specimen 30
*25 Discard Discard

min. 200 min. 200

t t
(Unit, mm)
(Unit, mm)
Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2
Dimensions and types of test piece for butt welds (T < 12 mm) Dimensions and types of test piece for butt welds (T512 mm)

0 z=aH2
mi z
For t 5 6 mm, 0,5t4a40,5t + 3 mm
t a For t < 6 mm, 0,5t4a4t
Fracture test specimen

test specimen Welding Dimensions of test piece,
process in mm
L b
L M, S, 5200 5100 (150)1
A 5800 5125 (200)1
b Values b in brackets are given
for aluminium and its alloys.

Fig. 2 Test piece of P2 plate T-joint

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Welding Dimensions of test piece,
process in mm
L b
M, S, 425 5150
A1 25<D4150 5250 (300)2
>150 5300 (400)2
The test piece size shall be sufficient
t for reliable equipment operation.
Values L in brackets are given for
aluminium and its alloys.

Fig. 3 Test piece of P3 butt joint in pipes


z t 5 6 mm, a40,5t
t < 6 mm, 0,5t4a4t
a (z&0,7t)

Welding Dimensions of test piece,

50 max process in mm
L b
50 max

M, S, 425 575 (100)2
A1 25<D4150 5125 (150)2
>150 5150 (200)2
l1 The test piece size shall be
sufficient for reliable equipment op-
t l1 eration.
Values L in brackets are given
for aluminium and its alloys.

Fig. 4 Test piece of P4 fillet-welded pipe joint

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

1 300

2708 908




Details of edges and weld preparation:





E410 + 0,8t






E44 +1,2t

Fig. 5 Test piece of pipe joint with a limited access to the welding zone P5
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



5 15
12 0



Restricting ring 4,8 12

Tested weld

) 1(
58 45
31 8)

5 13


Fig. 6 Test piece of P6 pipe joint with a restricting rings:

1, 2, 3, 4 _ places for taking test specimens for static bend;
5 _ place for taking a macrosection
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

t1 5
Fixed vertical pipe 2




Welding direction


t2 42

D2 5

Fig. 7 Test piece for P7 branch connection

1, 2, 3 _ places of taking macrosections

C3 560
530 530 530

C2 C2 C2
C1 C1 C1

530 530 530
12 5108




*50 *100 *100 *100 *100

Recommended groove


*450 for welds C1 and C2

Fig. 8 Test piece ― simulator P8 of castings and forgings repair

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

About 20

About 30

About 200
About 30

About 100

About 30

About 20

около 200


About 10

Fig. 9
Test piece Р1tack for tack butt welds

About 10

0 About 20

About 30
About 100

About 20 About 30

About 30 20

About 10

About 100

Fig. 10
T-joint test piece Р2tack for tack fillet welds
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 2 (Reference)


p p

a) PA: flat position PB: horizontal vertical position


c) PC: horizontal position d) PD: horizontal overhead position

p p

e) PE: overhead position



f) PF: vertical up position g) PG: vertical down position

N o t e . p is the welding position.

Fig. 1
Welding positions for plates
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 3 (Recommended)

(certification body)

of certification panel meeting

(date, month, year)
Panel members:

(surname, initials)
(surname, initials)

Issue considered: certification of welders

(titles of normative documents whereby

the certification is carried out)

1 Surname
2 Year of birth
3 Welder's qualification document No. or previous qualification certificate No.

4 Welding experience
5 Type of certification
6 Details of check welded joint:
6.1 Marking of test specimen (stamp)
6.2 Welding process
6.3 Type of parts welded
(plate (P) or pipe (T);
6.4 Type of weld, type and
details of welded joint
6.5 Welding positions
6.6 Preheating and additional heating
(yes, no)
6.7 Heat treatment
7 Material of test specimen: (yes, no)

7.1 Brand and group

7.2 Test specimen thickness (mm)
7.3 Outside pipe diameter (mm
8 Welding consumables:
8.1 Electrode or filler wire
(brand and type)
8.2 Shielding gas or flux
9 Results of test specimen quality control:

9.1 Visual testing

(satisfactory, unsatisfactory)
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

(record No. and date)

9.2 Radiographic testing
(satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

(report No. and date)

9.3 Ultrasonic testing
(satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

(record No. and date)

9.4 Bend test
(satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

(record No. and date)

9.5 Macro examination
(satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

9.6 Additional methods of testing

(record No. and date)

10 Title of normative document on quality assessment standards

11 Assessment of theoretical knowledge

(credited, not credited)
12 Decision of certification panel
(certification: designation and range of approval;

details of approval test)

13 Date of periodical certification

Chairman of panel
(signature, surname, initials)
Members of panel
(signature, surname, initials)
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 4 (Mandatory)



1. As a rule, a separate Welder Test Approval Certificate shall be drawn up for each particular version
of essential variables. If more than one test piece was tested during the qualification test, then, the only one
variation of the below listed essential variables is permitted for combining in one Certificate:
type of weld;
welding position;
dimensions of welded joint (material thickness and outside pipe diameter).
In this case the Welder Test Approval Certificate is drawn up for combination of the ranges of approval
for each test piece.
2. For welding processes with gas shield, the test performing conditions and range of approval of the
Welder Test Approval Certificate are set according to the following requirements:
for welding processes 135 and 136, the qualification tests are performed with one of the shielding gas
compositions of С or M groups, which is mostly used in production process and cover all gases
compositions of these two groups (C1, C2, M1, M2 and M3);
for welding processes 131, 133, 141 and 15, qualification tests are performed with one of the shielding
gas compositions of group I, which are mostly used in production process and cover all gases compositions
of this group (I1, I2, I3).
N o t e . Shielding gases of R and F groups are normally not employed for shipbuilding materials, and, therefore, they are
not used for testing qualification of welders.
3. For welding processes with the use of fluxes, the range of approval of the Welder Test Approval
Certificate is not regulated. The designation (trademark) and manufacture method (indices F, A or M
according to of the flux used during the qualification tests are shown in the corresponding column
of the Certificate and a dash (—) is inserted in the column for range of approval.
4. In column “Employer”, the full name of the manufacturer is entered where the welder works and
which applied for his certification.
5. In column "Code/Testing Standard", the rules of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping ("RS
Rules") are noted.
6. The explanations and indications on completing the main Table "Range of test and approval" are
detailed in the Table.
When filling out information about consumables used for weld test details in relevant columns (7, 8, 9) of
the Welder Test Approval Certificate (form 7.1.30), it is recommended to put trade marks (designation) of the
consumables used in brackets additionally For instance: wm/S (CB-08Г2C-O), M21 (80%Ar+20%CO2),
MS (AH-348A), В (УОНИИ-13/55), etc.
7. Table "Test results" of the Welder Test Approval Certificate is drawn as follows. Results of practical
tests and examination of job knowledge shall be indicated by terms “Accepted” or "Not tested".
8. Table “Validity and prolongation for approval”. The left half of the Table is completed by the
employer's official in charge according to the requirements of 4.6.6 and 4.6.9.
The entry on prolongation of the Welder Test Approval Certificate validity period shall be made in the
right half of the Table by the RS surveyor according to 4.6.8 and 4.6.10 and certified by his personal
signature and stamp.
9. In the row "Date of first test" the date of issuing the minutes of meeting of the Certification Committee
shall be indicated. This date means a commencement of the welder’s certificate. In the row "Valid until" the
date of extension from the date of the initial tests shall be indicated in compliance with 4.6.6. The row
"Location and date of issue" shall contain the name of the RS Branch Office issued the Welder Approval Test
Certificate, RS-approved certification center where the tests for issuing of the Welder Approval Test Certificate
have been carried out (where applicable) and the actual date of the Certificate issuing.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Ta b l e
Form 7.1.30, columns Weld test details (to be entered) Range of approval (to be entered)

1 Welding procedure specification No. of appropriate WPS if drawn up for practical Insert a dash (—)

2 Welding process Coded process designation (refer to Coded process designation and its full name

3 Welding type Coded welding type designation (refer to Coded welding type designation and its abbreviated
alphabetical designation is indicated according to

4 Plate or pipe Coded designation P or T (refer to Code designation of the product type according to
4.5.3 and reference "refer to welding positions"
5 Joint type Full code designation of weld type of test piece, Coded designation of the welded joint type and of
including details of welding process. Possible welding details according to 4.5.4 and 4.5.9. Possible
designation variants: designation variants:
A; A, C, F
B; A, B, C, D, F
C; A, C, F
D; A, C, D, F
6 Base metal group/designation Designation of base metal subgroup (group) (refer to Designations of base metal subgroups according
Tables, to 4.5.5 (refer to Tables 4.5.5-1, 4.5.5-2 and 4.5.5-3). and, and for shipbuilding
materials, after “/” symbol, the category
designation in compliance with Part XIII
“Materials” of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships. For other
materials, brands may be additionally designated in
accordance with the national standards.
7 F i l l e r m a t e r i a l t y p e / In numerator: coded designation for filler material: Range of approval of the Welder Test Approval
designation wm — welding with filler material; Certificate for the presence and type of filler material
nm — welding without filler material. taking into account the expanded range of approval in
In denominator: filler material type: accordance with 4.5.6 for specific welding processes.
Е — covered electrodes;
S — solid wire;
FCW — flux-cored wire;
SR — solid rod;
FR — flux-cored rods.
For welding without filler material a dash (—) is inserted.

8 Shielding gas composition/flux Group of shielding gas composition in use during According to the requirements 2 and 3 of the present
tests for the range of qualification (refer to Appendix
For welding processes 121 and 125 flux designation
(brand) and method of its manufacture are indicated
(refer to

9 Type of flux or electrode covering Coded designation of electrode covering or filler of the Range of approval of Welder Test Approval Certificate
flux-cored wire used during the tests (refer to according to requirements of Table 4.5.6

10 Auxiliary materials Data on auxiliary materials, namely: backing type Range of a approval of the Welder Test Approval
and material, various pastes and fluxes for oxy- Certificate by auxiliary materials of the same type as
acetylene welding, composition of shielding gas for that used in testing, or in case of no auxiliary
backing on the back of weld, etc. materials, a dash (—) is inserted.

11 Base metal thickness Actual thickness of base metal of test pieces welded Range of thicknesses of base metal the welder is
(refer also to Table 4.5.2 for combination of welding approved for according to 4.5.7.
processes on one test piece) For a combination of welding processes the range of
thickness is indicated separately for each welding
process and their combination.
141: 3 mm4t410 mm
135 : t55 mm or
141/135: t55 mm
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Table _ continued
Form 7.1.30, columns Weld test details (to be entered) Range of approval (to be entered)

12 Pipe outside diameter Actual values of outside pipe diameters of test Range of pipe diameters the welder is approved for
pieces welded. according to 4.5.7.

13 Welding position (s) / type of test In numerator: designations of test piece welding Welding positions the welder is approved for
piece positions according to Appendix 2 separated by according to 4.5.8 (for plates and pipes separately).
"/" symbol. In denominator: designation of test For shortening the record, the entry: "All except... " is
piece in accordance with Appendix 1. permitted.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 5 (Mandatory)



1.1 These Regulations establish the organizational and legal form, rights and responsibilities of
certification centers, the procedure for their recognition by the Register and the main requirements for their
operation, as well as for their training and testing base.
The Regulations are intended for use by:
the RS Branch offices carrying out technical supervision of welders' approval testing;
the organizations or enterprises interested in their recognition as certification centers;
certification centers in their practical activities.


2.1 The status of a certification centre may be given to an independent organization/enterprise being a
legal entity of any organizational and legal form, and of property forms provided that it meets all the
requirements of these Regulations and the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
2.2 The recognition of certification centers authority is effected by the Register as follows:
submission to the Register of an application containing the data and enclosures specified in 2.3;
Register review of the application and documents regulating certification centre activities;
Register survey of the training and testing base of the certification centre;
elimination by an applicant of nonconformities identified in documentation and at the training and
testing base;
issuance by the Register of documents on the recognition of certification centre authority, and direct
participation in the centre activity.
2.3 The application for certification centre accreditation shall include:
certification centre name and full postal and financial details;
full names of the head and the official in charge of contacting the Register;
list of welding processes the welders will be certified for, and the list of groups of a base metal type
guarantee of payment for the Register services.
The following documents shall be attached to the application:
copy of the Charter of the certification centre;
draft Regulations on Certification Centre;
sets of programs of preparation for certification, and of collections of examination questions, and also
of practical exercises for all the types of examinations to be performed.
2.4 The Regulations on Certification Centre shall include:
information on the availability of spaces for theoretical and practical examination;
information on the organizational structure of the centre;
information on the material base including the welding equipment, stock of machine tools and outfit
available and used in certification, on the equipment and means of welded joints quality control, computer
information on the centre personnel including examiners and certified specialists on non-destructive
testing methods;
information on certification activities organization;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

information on the procedure for sending and testing appeals;

procedure of keeping the register of certified welders, and of archiving.


3.1 The certification centre is managed by a head appointed on the contract basis or by order of
founder(s) in accordance with the procedure established by the RF legislation.
3.2 Certification panels conducting theoretical and practical examinations are part of the certification
The main objectives of the certification panel include:
organization and control over the welders' preparation for approval testing;
development of programs of welders' special theoretical and practical training for certification;
setting target times for certification performance;
preparation of the relevant training and testing base;
preparation of the collection of examination questions on welding processes and the base metal type;
establishment of the procedure for theoretical examination performance;
performance of the theoretical examination and assessment of its results;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 6 (Recommended)


The sections and questions contained in this Appendix can serve the standard minimum for testing a
welder professional knowledge. The actual questions may differ from the ones offered in this section and
are drawn up at the discretion of the examining board, but in any case they shall include questions on the
areas covered by the sections given above, and the questions shall be limited to the matters related to the
welding process used in practice.
Section 1. Welding equipment
1.1 Oxy-acetylene welding:
.1 identification of gas cylinders, cylinder valves, reduction gears;
.2 identification and assembly of essential components;
.3 selection of correct nozzles and welding torches.
1.2 Arc welding:
.1 identification and assembly of essential components and equipment;
.2 type of welding current;
.3 power sources for arc welding and their external characteristics for certain welding processes;
.4 correct connection of the welding return cable and ways of eliminating magnetic blowout.
Section 2. Welding process (specific features and general information)
2.1 Oxy-acetylene welding:
.1 gas pressure and flow rate;
.2 selection of nozzle type;
.3 type of gas flame;
.4 leftward and rightward welding;
.5 effect of overheating.
2.2 Metal arc welding with covered electrode:
.1 handling and calcination (drying) of electrodes;
.2 differences of types of electrodes.
2.3 Self-shielded tubular-cored arc welding:
.1 types and size of electrodes;
.2 type, size and maintenance of nozzles/contact tip;
.3 selection and limitations of mode of metal transfer;
.4 protection of the welding arc from draught.
2.4 Gas-shielded metal arc welding, tungsten inert gas welding, plasma arc welding:
.1 type and size of electrodes;
.2 identification of shielding gas and flow rate;
.3 type, size and maintenance of nozzles/contact tip;
.4 selection and limitations of mode of metal transfer;
.5 protection of the welding arc from draughts.
2.5 Submerged arc welding:
.1 types and size of electrodes;
.2 calcination (drying), feeding and correct recovery of flux;
.3 correct alignment and travel of welding head.
Section 3. Base metals
3.1 Classification of parent metals and alloys.
3.2 Methods and control of pre-heating.
3.3 Control of interpass temperature.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Section 4. Welding consumables

4.1 Identification of welding consumables.
4.2 Storage, handling and conditions of welding consumables.
4.3 Selection of correct size.
4.4 Cleanliness of electrodes and filler wire.
4.5 Control and monitoring of gas flow rates and quality.
Section 5. Safety precautions
5.1 General:
.1 safety assembly, setting up and turn off procedures;
.2 safe control of welding fumes and gases;
.3 personal protection;
.4 fire hazards;
.5 welding in confined spaces;
.6 awareness of welding environment.
5.2 Oxy-acetylene welding:
.1 safe storage, handling and use of compressed gases;
.2 leak detection on gas hoses and fittings;
.3 procedure to be taken in the event of a flashback.
5.3 All arc welding processes:
.1 environment of increased hazard of electric shock;
.2 radiation from the arc;
.3 effects of stray arcing:
5.4 Shielded gas arc welding.
.1 safe storage, handling and use of compressed gases;
.2 leak detection on gas hoses and fittings.
Section 6. Welding procedure specification (WPS)
Appreciation of the WPS requirements and the influence of welding parameters.
Section 7. Joint preparation and weld representation
7.1 Conformance of joint preparation to the WPS.
7.2 Cleanliness of fusion faces.
Section 8. Weld imperfections
8.1 Identification of imperfections.
8.2 Causes.
8.3 Prevention and remedial action.
Section 9. Welder qualification
The welder shall be aware of the range of approval for the qualification for all assential variables of the
welding procedure.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

APPENDIX 7 (Informative)


1. R type
Tubular cored electrodes of the R type are characterized by a spray metal transfer, low spatter loss, and
rutile-basic slag that fully covers the weld bead. These tubular cored electrodes are designed for single and
multiple pass welding in the flat and horizontal-vertical position. Tubular cored electrodes of the R type
are generally designed for use with carbon dioxide as shielding gas. However, argon/carbon dioxide
mixtures can be used to improve arc transfer and reduce spatter, when recommended by the manufacturer.
2. P type
Tubular cored electrodes of the P type are similar to the R type, but the rutile-based slag is designed for
fast-freezing characteristics that enable welding in all positions. These tubular cored electrodes are
generally produced in smaller diameters and exhibit spray metal transfer when using carbon dioxide
shielding gas. The running characteristics can be improved with the use of argon/carbon dioxide mixtures
when recommended by the manufacturer.
3. В type
Tubular cored electrodes of the B type are characterized by a globular metal transfer, slightly convex
bead shape, and a slag that can or cannot cover the weld bead surface.
Weld deposits produced with these tubular cored electrodes have superior impact properties and crack
4. М type
Tubular cored electrodes of the M type are characterized by a very fine droplet spray metal transfer and
minimal slag cover. The core composition of these tubular cored electrodes consists of metal alloys and
iron powder along with other arc enhancers which enable these tubular cored electrodes to produce high
deposition rates with an insensitivity to lack of fusion. These tubular cored electrodes are primarily used
with argon/carbon dioxide shielding gas mixtures in the flat and horizontal-vertical positions. However,
welds in other positions are also possible using the short-circuiting or pulsed arc modes of transfer.
5. V type
Tubular cored electrodes of the V type are used without a gas shield and exhibit a slightly globular to spray
metal transfer. The rutile or basic/fluoride slag system of these tubular cored electrodes includes a range from
slow to fast freezing slag. Tubular cored electrodes with a slow slag freezing system are used for single pass
welding of galvanized steels in all welding positions. Tubular cored electrodes with a fast freezing slag are
designed for automatic welding at high speeds. These tubular cored electrodes are used for single pass welds in
the flat, horizontal-vertical, and limited inclined positions. Some of the electrodes in the V type are
recommended for metal not thicker than 5 mm. Some tubular cored electrodes are primarily designed for root
runs in circumferential pipe girth welds in all pipe thickness.
6. W type
Tubular cored electrodes of the W type are used without a gas shield and exhibit a globular to quasi-
spray metal transfer. This basic/fluoride slag system is designed to make very high deposition rates
possible. Some tubular cored electrodes have a metal powder addition in the core and provide good
operability. The weld deposits are very low in sulphur and very resistant to cracking. Tubular cored
electrodes of this type are used for single and multiple pass welding in the flat and horizontal-vertical
welding positions. With some tubular cored electrodes, vertical down welding is possible.
7. Y type
Tubular cored electrodes of the Y type are used without a gas shield and exhibit a quasi-spray transfer.
These basic/fluoride slag tubular cored electrodes are designed for single and multiple pass, in all welding
positions. They exhibit good crack resistance and low temperature impact properties.
8. Z type
Other types of tubular cored electrodes are not covered by this classification.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships




5.1.1 Terms and definitions. Firms and companies involved in manufacture and distribution of welding consumables are
classified as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and subcontractors as defined below.
D i s t r i b u t o r is the company, which receives the welding consumables from a manufacturer or
supplier and distributes them under the manufacturer's or supplier's brand name.
M a n u f a c t u r e r is the company, which manufactures welding consumables totally or performs the
final part of production, which determines the quality of the consumables.
The firms purchasing the above-mentioned products as semi-finished or finished products, but
undertaking the full guarantee with regard to the chemical composition, quality and properties of these
products, are also regarded as manufacturers.
S u p p l i e r is the company, which purchases the welding consumables from a manufacturer and
supplies them under its own brand name.
S u b c o n t r a c t o r is the company, which on the order of a manufacturer can produce part or the
whole of the consumable or on the order of a manufacturer or supplier can provide service. The requirements of this Section may be applied to both the manufacturers of welding
consumables and the companies being suppliers, distributors and subcontractors.
5.1.2 General. The manufacturer or supplier shall establish and maintain a documented quality system as the
means of ensuring that welding consumables conform to the specified requirements. The quality system
shall include the preparation and implementation of documented procedures and/or instructions and the
use of periodic internal audits to determine the effectiveness of the system. The quality system shall provide the following:
compliance of the consumables produced with the requirements of the RS rules, as well as other
contract documents including the national standards;
uniform quality of the products ensuring the identity of properties and characteristics of all the
consumables produced with the figures achieved during certification under the RS technical supervision;
elimination of possibility of storage and supply to customers of the finished products, which do not
comply with the requirements specified in the contract documents. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish and maintain procedures for audit and inspection
review. Each procedural requirement shall be reviewed to ensure that:
the requirements are adequately defined;
the established contractual requirements for products can be completely met. The manufacturer shall establish and maintain methods for traceability by identification during
all stages of production and delivery.
The procedures for consumables' delivery shall be established and identification maintained at all
stages. All production facilities and processes used by the manufacturer shall be such as to permit
uniform production with uniform quality of welding consumables.
5.1.3 Organizational structure. The manufacturer or supplier shall appoint a management representative who, irrespective of
other responsibilities, shall have defined authority and responsibility for quality matters and for ensuring
that the requirements for the quality system are implemented and maintained.
In particular, he shall be responsible for the following:
the coordination and monitoring of the quality system;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

the resolution of any non-conformity in the system;

the implementation of timely and effective action by the appropriate department to ensure compliance
with the specified requirements for welding consumables. The manufacturer or supplier shall identify in-house verification requirements, provide
adequate resources and assign trained personnel for appropriate verification and control activities. The quality system shall be reviewed at appropriate intervals by the manufacturer's or supplier's
management to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness. Records of such reviews shall be
maintained according to instructions in 5.1.10.
5.1.4 Document control. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish and maintain clear, complete and current written
production, inspection and test procedures for each operation.
This control shall ensure that:
appropriate documents are available at all locations where operations essential to quality are
obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of use. Changes of documents shall be reviewed and approved by the authorized personnel. They shall
have access to pertinent appropriate background information and specifically to any specification or a
standard, to which conformity is claimed for consumables.
5.1.5 Purchasing. The manufacturer and supplier shall ensure that the intended purchased products, raw materials
and services conform to the specified requirements. The manufacturer and supplier may subcontract elements of manufacture or service, which
have a bearing on the quality of the finished welding consumables. Such subcontractors shall be assessed
on their ability to meet subcontract requirements, by the manufacturer or supplier or by approval by the
third body.
Records of subcontractors shall be established and maintained and shall indicate the basis for
acceptance. Purchasing specifications shall be established by the manufacturer and approved by the
authorized personnel and clearly define the consumable, raw material or service. They shall include, where
the type, class, grade or other precise identification using recognized standards;
the title or other positive identification and applicable issue of specifications, process requirements,
inspection instructions and other relevant technical data.
Such specifications shall include, in case of rods, wire, strips, powders and solutions, whatever limits
need to be placed on chemical composition or physical conditions to ensure that the finished product meets
the specified requirements.
5.1.6 Production process control. The manufacturer and its subcontractors shall identify and plan the production processes,
which directly affect the quality and shall ensure that these processes are carried out under controlled
Controlled conditions shall include the following:
documented work instructions for all operations and processes where the absence of such instructions
would adversely affect quality;
the production facilities, which shall be adequately equipped with measuring and control devices;
specifications, work instructions or procedures for production processes. Production process control by means of monitoring shall, as a minimum, include the following
key operations:
wire-drawing, cleaning, annealing and surface treatment, if applicable;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

extrusion, flux melting or granulation;

drying and calcination;
marking and packaging.
5.1.7 Inspection and testing. The manufacturer and supplier shall control, calibrate and maintain suitable inspection,
measuring and test equipment used at all the stages of the production process to demonstrate the
conformity of product to the specified requirements. Such equipment shall, as a minimum, include that
used for the following key operations:
dimensional checks;
chemical analysis;
temperature measuring;
mechanical tests. The manufacturer and supplier shall not use, process and supply incoming raw materials and
consumables until they have been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to the specified
Confirmation of quality at all stages of the production process shall be in accordance with the
documented procedures. The manufacturer shall perform inspection during manufacture on all specified characteristics
that cannot be inspected at a later stage.
The manufacturer shall ensure that process controls are implemented and are effective.
The identification of inspection and test status shall be maintained as necessary throughout production
to ensure that only product that has passed the required inspection and tests is dispatched or used. The documented procedures for release from production shall require that all specified
inspection and tests, including those specified either on receipt of product or in process, have been carried
out and that the data meet the specified requirements. The supplier shall establish and maintain the records, which give evidence that the product has
passed inspection and/or tests with defined acceptance criteria.
No consumables shall be dispatched until the release documentation is authorized.
5.1.8 Non-conforming materials and corrective actions. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish and maintain the procedures to ensure that raw
materials, consumables or welding consumables that do not conform to the specified requirements before,
during or after manufacture, transportation and storage are prevented from inadvertent use. Non-conforming materials, semi-finished products or welding consumables may be rejected or
scrapped, or subject to rework, if appropriate, to meet the specified requirements. Reworked material shall
be reinspected in accordance with a documented procedure. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish and maintain procedures to:
investigate the cause of non-conformities and customer complaints and analyze adverse quality trends;
initiate effective corrective actions to prevent recurrence, wherever practicable;
assess the effectiveness of corrective actions and changes in procedure.
5.1.9 Handling, packaging and storage. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish, document and maintain procedures for handling,
packaging and storage of welding consumables at all stages and in all manufacturing areas. The manufacturer and supplier shall establish methods of handling that prevent damage to
welding consumables. The manufacturer and supplier shall control packaging, including materials used, to avoid
damage to welding consumables and to ensure their conformity to the specified requirements.
The marking of the packaging shall be in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate national
standards and the Rules.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-131 The manufacturer and supplier shall provide adequate storage areas to maintain the
consumables in the specified condition.
Because temperature and humidity can essentially affect the condition of consumables, these factors
shall be considered in the appropriate documented procedures. The condition of product in stock shall be
assessed at appropriate intervals but not less than once every twenty four hours.
5.1.10 Quality records. The manufacturer and supplier shall, as appropriate, maintain sufficient records of the
production and of all inspections and tests performed to substantiate conformity of the consumables and
conditions of their manufacture to the specified requirements. The quality records shall include, but not be restricted to:
identification of all kinds of raw materials, semi-finished products and accessories used during
manufacturing process;
lot or batch identification and, if appropriate, heat identification;
evidence of test results compliance with the specified requirements;
identification of non-conformities;
confirmation of any corrective actions taken.
Retention times of quality records shall be 5 years, unless otherwise specified.


5.2.1 General provisions. The procedure for approval of the welding consumables by the Register shall include the
survey of a manufacturer.
The survey preceding the initial approval shall provide the verification of the following:
availability and technical condition of production equipment, which shall be able to ensure steady
production process and uniform quality of the finished product;
availability of manufacturer's instructions and control of their observance at the main stages of the
welding consumable manufacture;
observance of all documented requirements to incoming inspection of materials and semi-finished
products, as well as of the conditions of their storage and launching;
completeness of an acceptance inspection of finished products, as well as the conditions of their
storage and order of their delivery;
measurement assurance of all kinds of tests and inspections including survey of welding, manufacture
and specimen testing areas;
survey of the manufacturer's quality system in whole shall be performed according to special
requirements of 5.1 and general requirements of Sections 5 and 6, Regulations for Confirmation of
Conformity of RS Suppliers' Quality Systems. At annual surveys within the period of validity of the Certificate of Approval for Welding
Consumables, the extent of inspections may be reduced at the discretion of the RS surveyor to 50 % of the
initial survey in accordance with the provisions of,,, but renewal inspections
at intervals at least every 5 years (renewal of Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables) shall be
carried out to the full extent according to,,,, A specific scheme of survey and its scope shall be established with regard to the type of
welding consumables, the manufacturer's production procedure in use and the share of subcontracted
deliveries in the finished products, the details of product manufacturing methods and production
equipment, quality system and availability of its approval (recognition) by the Register. The extent of
inspections shall be determined in each particular case on the basis of the recommendations given below as
applied to the manufacture of the following types of welding consumables:
coated welding electrodes;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

welding wire and solid rods with the independent groups separated for manufacture of wire of small
and large diameters;
flux-cored welding wire and rods;
welding fluxes with the independent groups separated for manufacture of fused and ceramic fluxes. The following processes, if available at the manufacturer's, form a separate subgroup:
breaking, cracking and preparation of bulk raw materials for electrode and flux manufacture;
manufacture of wire rod for welding wire production;
melting and preparation of liquid glass for electrode and ceramic flux manufacture.
Scope of surveys for these processes may be reduced to the level of incoming inspection of contractor's
supplies. Issue of the Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables. The Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables with Annex (forms 6.5.33 and, respectively), unless stipulated otherwise, is issued by the RS Branch Office which performed the
survey of the firm (manufacturer) and technical supervision during testing of the welding consumables. The Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables is issued on the basis of the Report on
Survey (form 6.3.18) recording the results of the inspections of the production process in compliance with
the requirements of 5.2.2 _ 5.2.5, as well as of testing of welding consumables within the scope of
requirements of 4.2 _ 4.8, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships taking into consideration the instructions of 5.4. Where necessary, the list of protocols
and documents agreed with the Register shall be included in the Annex to the Report.
5.2.2 Survey of production of coated welding electrodes. The survey of production of coated welding electrodes at the initial approval of the
manufacturer shall include the following production areas and key operations:
stockyard of bulk raw materials with verification of an incoming inspection log;
stockyard of welding wire or wire rod with verification of an incoming inspection log;
raw material conditioning area with verification of an operating control log;
rod drawing/straightening and cutting area with a sampling control of specimens taken from a hopper
(length, cut fineness, diameter, bending and corrugation);
dry blend measuring area;
liquid glass melting/preparation area with verification of an in-process control log;
dry and wet mixing of components;
electrode extrusion area, including a control check of cover eccentricity and quality as the electrode
leaves a press;
electrode calcination and drying area;
product sorting and packaging area;
specimen welding area;
specimen preparation and test area;
stockyard of finished products. At annual survey of production for confirmation of the Certificate of Approval for Welding
Consumables, extent of inspections, at the discretion of the RS surveyor, may be reduced to 50 % of that
specified in At that the inspection shall, as a minimum, include the following production areas:
stockyard of raw materials;
stockyard of welding wire or wire rod;
electrode extrusion area;
sorting area with check sample for product testing;
specimen welding area with testing of the electrodes;
specimen preparation and test area with check tests of the products being certified. In the electrode sorting and packaging area, the RS surveyor and a representative of the
manufacturer's quality control department shall sample the finished product according to The
technical requirements for electrode quality shall be verified according to 5.3.
Preparation of test samples and procedures of testing shall meet the appropriate instructions in 5.4.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

5.2.3 Survey of solid welding wire production. At survey of solid welding wire production, the specific conditions of wire manufacture shall
be considered. These are generally defined by the following factors:
sensitivity of incoming billet metal to work hardening, which is defined by a permissible degree of
shrinkage in wire-drawing without stress relief (annealing);
special requirements for conditions of heat treatment, which is particularly relevant for high-alloyed
steels and non-ferrous alloys;
necessity of additional wire etching/cleaning after interannealing, which is defined by a chemical activity of
metal and the medium wherein the annealing is performed (air, inert gas, vacuum, fused salt, etc.);
sequence in application of the copper plating of wire during wire-drawing (intermediate and finishing
copper plating);
requirements for the surface condition and the tolerance for the finished product diameter;
type of delivery (coils, rim, spool) and special requirements for evenness of welding wire winding;
availability of a cutting/straightening operation as applied to supply of welding rods;
availability of final chemical treatment with supply of aluminium alloy wire or rods. As applied to manufacture of welding wire made of carbon steel and low-alloyed steel, the
initial survey of production shall provide the inspection of the following areas and operations:
stockyard of uncleaned wire rod with verification of an incoming inspection log and the measures
provided for traceability of an incoming billet in the further production;
rod etching area with the sampling control of the cleaned rod surface;
area of first drawing and finishing treatment of large diameter welding wire;
area of welding wire interannealing (for small diameter welding wire only);
area of wire cleaning after annealing and preliminary copper plating if the latter is used (for small
diameter welding wire only);
area of finishing drawing and copper plating of small diameter welding wire;
welding wire winding and packing;
audit of checking operations performed during the product acceptance and manufacture;
inspections of product storage conditions, handling operations and issue of documents during the
product release. The minimum extent of inspections at annual survey of the manufacture of welding wire made
of non-alloyed and low-alloyed steel, in the absence of claims for the previous period of technical
supervision, may consist of the following inspections of areas, operations and product quality
area of the first drawing and finishing treatment of large diameter welding wire;
area of finishing drawing and copper plating of small diameter welding wire;
audit of checking operations performed during the product acceptance and manufacture;
inspections of product storage conditions, handling operations and issue of documents during the
product release. During production survey, the RS surveyor and a representative of the manufacturer's quality
control department shall sample the finished product according to The technical requirements for
welding wire quality shall be verified according to 5.3, other characteristics, according to 5.4.
5.2.4 Survey of flux-cored welding wire production. At survey of the flux-cored welding wire production, the specific conditions of wire
manufacture, which are generally defined by the factors below, shall be considered:
diameter ratio of an incoming billet and finished wire;
permissible degree of shrinkage without annealing the tubular material as part of the wire;
kind of an incoming billet (strip or tube) and respectively the way of its filling with a charge;
kind and type of a core material (slagless and slag-forming components of a various type);
opportunity of charge separating during the filling and respectively the measures to be taken to prevent this;
availability of any operation for the finishing treatment of the wire surface;
availability of a cutting/straightening operation as applied to supply of welding rods.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-134 As applied to manufacture of flux-cored welding wire by forming from carbon steel and low-
alloyed steel strip, the initial survey of production shall provide the inspection of the following areas and
stockyard of free-flowing raw materials with checking an incoming inspection log;
stockyard of incoming billets for the strip with checking an incoming inspection log;
area of preparing raw materials with checking the operating control logs;
strip cutting with a sampling control of cut quality and billet dimensions;
area of measuring and mixing wire core components;
area of wire forming and drawing;
area/operation of wire interannealing (if used) and finishing drawing;
flux-cored welding wire winding and packing;
audit of checking operations performed during the product acceptance and manufacture;
area of specimen welding with testing of the wire;
specimen preparation and test area with check tests of the products.
stockyard of finished products. The minimum extent of inspections at annual survey of the manufacture of flux-cored welding,
in the absence of claims for the previous period of technical supervision, may consist of the following
inspections of areas, operations and product quality characteristics:
area of measuring and mixing wire core components;
wire forming and first drawing;
wire interannealing and finishing drawing;
welding wire winding and packing;
audit of checking operations performed during the product acceptance and manufacture;
inspections of product storage conditions, handling operations and issue of documents during the
product release. During production survey, the RS surveyor and a representative of the manufacturer's quality
control department shall sample the finished product according to
The technical requirements for welding wire quality shall be verified according to 5.3, other
characteristics, according to 5.4.
5.2.5 Survey of welding flux production. The survey of the welding fused flux production shall be carried out at initial approval and shall
include the following inspections:
inspection of raw materials and their preparation for melting, including blend measuring;
sampling control over the observance of the manufacturer's procedure requirements at stages of
melting, granulation, drying and packing;
survey of the test base for test performance and check analyses during the product manufacture and
sampling control of the finished product quality according to and 5.4.3. As applied to manufacture of agglomerated (ceramic) welding fluxes, the production
survey at initial approval shall be carried out at initial approval and shall include inspections of the
following production areas and operations:
inspection of the stockyard of raw materials with checking an incoming inspection log;
area of preparing and measuring charge (raw) materials with checking an operating control log;
area of melting (preparation of binding agent/liquid glass);
granulation and flux drying-calcinating;
flux packing and procedure for the finished product inspection;
conditions of the product storage at the stockyard and procedure for the product delivery;
survey of the test base for test performance and check analyses during the product manufacture and
sampling control of the finished product quality according to and 5.4.4.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-135 The minimum extent of inspections at annual survey of welding flux manufacture of welding
flux, in the absence of claims for the previous period of technical supervision, may consist of the following
inspections of areas, operations and product quality characteristics:
stockyard of raw materials with checking an incoming inspection log and their launching;
sampling control over the observance of the manufacturer's procedure requirements at stages of flux
sampling control of the finished product quality according to and, the welding and
technological properties check as minimum included.



5.3.1 General provisions. The technical requirements for welding consumables quality and supply conditions shall be
documented as the technical conditions or specifications approved by the authorized personnel. In general,
the technical conditions or specifications for supply of welding consumables shall meet the requirements
of the appropriate national standards, contract documentation and the RS rules. This Chapter contains the minimum requirements, which shall be met during manufacture and
supply of the products under the Register technical supervision, supplementing, but not replacing, the
requirements specified by other regulatory or contract documents. The manufacturer or supplier of welding consumables is fully responsible to the customer and
the Register for observance of the technical requirements specified in this Chapter.
5.3.2 Product marking. Marking of welding consumables. Coated electrodes shall have a mark on the covering near their grip end applied with a
resistant paint. The mark shall, at least, include the designation of its own distinctive name (coded
notation) of the material brand of the manufacturer or supplier. It is also recommended to include in the
marking the mandatory part of the consumable classification indices in compliance with the standard for
electrodes in use.
The paints of only such composition that has no adverse effect on the welding results shall be used for
N o t e. In addition to the marking on the covering, the marking directly on the grip end applied with a heat-resistant paint is
also recommended. In this case, the marking colour shall be specified on a package. Welding wire, flux-cored wire and welding strip delivered wound on spools or in coils shall have
on each spool or coil the marking applied in a manner resistant to exposure and having the designation of its
own distinctive name (coded notation) of the material brand of the manufacturer or supplier. Every rod for tungsten arc welding and plasma arc welding shall have the stamped mark,
which unambiguously identifies the product for one manufacturer or supplier. The materials, which cannot
be marked by stamping, may be marked with stickers (tags).
N o t e. If required in the standard used, tubular cored rods and rods for oxyfuel gas welding shall be marked as above. Marking on package.

Every pack unit of the product shall have the following data clearly shown on its outer side:
name of manufacturer or supplier;
trade name;
designation of its own distinctive name (coded notation) of the material brand of the manufacturer or
designation in the stamp (for welding rods only);
designation in compliance with the appropriate standards;
dimensions in compliance with the requirements of the appropriate national standards;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

number of a batch and, if appropriate, number of a heat;

type of a welding current, where required;
welding conditions (current range) recommended for coated electrodes;
number of product units in a pack or net weight;
instructions on redrying or recalcination, where applicable (coated electrodes, welding fluxes);
approvals of classification societies and technical supervisory bodies, where available;
requirements on health protection and safe handling, where appropriate.
5.3.3 Technical requirements for terms of supply of welding consumables. General provisions. This Chapter contains the minimum requirements, which may be applied by the Register during:
review of the manufacturer technical conditions or specifications for welding consumable supply;
assessment of the results of a product sampling control during production survey.
Where more rigorous criteria for product acceptance are set by the national standards, contract
requirements or manufacturer specifications, the Register shall apply them during the sampling control of
products. By agreement between the parties, every batch of welding consumables may be provided
with the manufacturer certificate of quality which, based on the inspections and tests performed, confirms
the product compliance with the technical requirements for terms of supply. Technical requirements for supply of welding electrodes. The electrode covering shall be free of any irregularities, dents, hairlines, rough edges, pores,
cracks and other surface defects, which may exert an adverse effect on welding. The surface defects
complying with the provisions in are acceptable. The following single defects may be allowed on the surface of an electrode covering:
longitudinal surface cracks and local netted crackings numbered not more than one per electrode with
the extent of each crack or cracking part within 10 mm;
local dents of a depth not more than 50 % of the covering thickness numbered not more than two with
the total extent of up to 20 mm per electrode. In this case, two local dents located on two sides of the
electrode in one cross-section may be taken as one dent, if their total depth does not exceed 50 % of the
covering thickness;
local scores not more than 15 mm in length and not more than 25 % of a nominal covering thickness in
depth numbered not more than two per electrode;
defects of one kind among the above mentioned may be allowed on a single electrode, if their size is
close to the permissible maximum. In other cases, the combination of defects of various kinds is
acceptable, provided their number does not exceed two and the total extent is within 20 mm.
The total number of electrodes with the above acceptable covering defects shall be within 10 % of the
number of the electrodes inspected in a check sample. Electrode dimensions and the length of a grip end shall be in compliance with the
recommendations of Table and Fig.

Fig. Diagram for determination of the electrode nominal

1 – rod; 2 – transitional section; 3 – covering;
4 – contact end without covering
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Dimensions and tolerances for coated electrodes with a rod of low-carbon or alloyed steel wire
Nominal diameter of electrode d, in mm, Nominal length of electrode L, in mm Length of grip end l, in mm
defined by rod diameter (limit deviation + 3 mm) (limit deviation + 5 mm)
1,6 200
2,0 250
300 20

2,5 300
3,0 and 3,21 300
4,0 350 25
5,0 and 6,01 4502
Electrodes with a rod of 3,15 mm and 6,3 mm in nominal diameter are acceptable.
In special cases (e.g. for gravity welding), the electrode length may be increased up to 900 mm, inclusive. The electrode covering shall be concentric and consistent lengthwise to prevent its
asymmetric melting-off during welding. The difference of a covering thickness (eccentricity) at any cross-
section along the working length of the electrode shall not exceed the values given in Table
T a b l e
Nominal Covering eccentricity e, in mm
of the electrode d, in mm Medium and thick coated electrodes Thin coated electrodes
(covering of types R, RR, RC, RA, A and B) (type C covering)
1,6 0,04 _
2,0 0,06 _
2,5 0,08 0,04
3,0; 3,15 and 3,20 0,10 0,06
4,0 0,14 0,08
5,0 0,18 0,10
6,0 and 6,3 0,20 _ The electrode covering shall not be destroyed after the free fall of the electrode on a smooth
steel plate from a height of:
1 m _ for the electrodes of 3,25 mm and less in diameter;
0,75 m _ for the electrodes of 4,0 mm and 5,0 mm in diameter;
0,5 m _ for the electrodes of 6,0 mm and 6,3 mm in diameter.
In this case, the partial chippings-off of the covering having the total extent of up to 5 % of the
covering length are acceptable. These defects shall be measured with an accuracy of up to 1 mm. The residual moisture of the electrode covering after the standard (recommended by the
manufacturer) calcination shall not exceed:
0,1 % _ for the electrodes having type B and RB coverings;
0,3 % _ for the electrodes having type R, RR, RA and A coverings;
the residual moisture of a covering for the electrodes with type C and RC coverings is specified by the
manufacturer technical documentation.
The residual moisture of a covering shall be measured by bringing the covering removed from a
controllable electrode to a level mass at a temperature of:
400+10 8C _ for type B and RB coverings;
180+10 8C _ for type R, RR, RA and A coverings;
110+5 8C _ for type C and RC coverings.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The content of residual moisture Bw, in %, is determined by the formula

m 7m2
Bw = 1 6100 % (
where m1 = initial mass of the covering, in g;
m2 = level mass of the covering, in g. For one brand of electrodes, analytical tolerances for the content of base alloying elements
and impurities in the deposited metal in compliance with the manufacturer or supplier technical conditions
or specifications shall be, generally, within the limits specified by the requirements in Table
T a b l e
The maximum allowable content of alloying elements and impurities in the deposited metal, % of mass
Alloying elements Electrodes for welding of normal strength steel Electrodes for welding
and impurities and higher strength steel with covering type of high strength steel with covering type

В, RВ R, RR, RА, А С В

С 40,10 40,12 40,18 40,10

Si +0,20 +0,15
Mn +0,25 +0,25
P 40,030 40,025
S 40,030 40,020
Cr _ + 0,20
Ni _ +0,25
Mo _ + 0,10
V _ + 0,10 The indicators of mechanical and special properties of the weld metal, deposited metal or a
welding joint for electrodes of each batch shall meet the requirements of:
the national standards as applied to the electrode classification specified by the technical conditions or
the RS rules for welding consumables grade specified in the Certificate of Approval for Welding
the contract conditions and also the documentation for supply and relating to the special properties or
characteristics, which exceed the values specified by the standards. The electrodes package shall, as a minimum, prevent their potential damage during
transportation and storage in dry spaces.
Electrodes shall generally be packed up by one of the ways:
in sealed plastic boxes;
in boxes of cardboard of at least 0,7 mm thick sealed with polyethylene film each;
in boxes of cardboard of at least 0,8 mm thick, which have a waterproof covering.
The height of above boxes stacking on shipping pallets or in large-sized boxes shall not, generally,
exceed 600 mm. Technical requirements for supply of welding wire and rods. The requirements given below cover welding wire and rods, flux-cored wire and rods, strip
electrodes and cored strip electrodes. The surface of welding consumables shall be free from contamination and surface defects,
which adversely affect welding. Any surface finish is acceptable, provided it ensures welding performance
and does not exert an adverse effect on weld metal properties. All cored welding consumables shall have
the distribution of cavity-filling ingredients lengthwise with such a uniformity, which has no harmful effect
on the use of consumables, on the chemical composition and properties of the deposited metal. Wire and strip electrodes, as well as flux-cored welding wire shall be supplied in coils or
wound on spools as per Fig. and Table They shall be free from kinks, waves, sharp
bends and other irregularities, which may affect the continuity of wire feeding.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Types of welding wire winding for supply:

a _ rim (R); b _ spool (S); c _ square-sectioned coil (C);
d _ basket rim (B); e _ basket spool (BS)

T a b l e
Dimensions and tolerances for rims, spools and coils of welding wire, in mm
Type Standard Outer Inner Outer Axial diameter Pin hole
(refer to dimensions diameter diameter width on spool
Fig. d1 d2 b d3 Diameter Distance from axis

d4 d5 l1 l2

S S100 100+2 _ 450-2 16,5+1

0 _ _ _ _
S S200 200+3 _ 550-3 50,5+2,5
0 10+1
0 _ 44,5 _
S S300 300+5 _ 1030-3 50,5+2,5
0 10+1
0 _ +0,5 _
S S350 350+5 _ 1030-3 50,5+2,5
0 10+1
0 _ 44,5 _
S S760 7600-10 _ 200+10
-1 40,5+1
0 25+1
0 35+1
0 +0,5 110+1
R R435 435+5 300+15
0 900-15 _ _ _ 44,5 _
B B300 3000-5 180+2 100+3-3 _ _ _ +0,5 _
B B450 450 max 300+5 100+3-3 _ _ _ 65+1 _
BS BS300 300+5 _ 1030-3 50,5+2,5
0 _ _ _ _
C C435 435 max 300+15
90-15 _ _ _ _ _
C C450 450 max 300+15
-5 100+10
-5 _ _ _ _ _
C C800 800 max 600+20
0 120+10
-5 _ _ _ _ _ Welding wire of every coil or spool shall be continuously wound with the wire beginning and
end brought out, fastened and secured.
Welding consumables on coils without formers shall be tied at four places at least. Standardized dimensions and tolerances for welding wire and rods shall comply with the
recommendations of Table In this case, if agreed between the parties in contact, other values of
diameters (intermediate) may be used, to which the requirements for manufacture accuracy tolerances
specified in Table shall be applied. Strip electrodes shall meet the requirements of Table for standard sizes and
manufacture accuracy tolerances. The tolerances for cored strip electrodes are subject to approval by the
parties in contact. Welding wire for steel welding shall not have a helix above the values below. The wire helix
is defined as the vertical separation between any part of one loop of wire placed on a flat surface without
restraint and the flat surface. It shall not exceed 25 mm for spools of up to 200 mm (S200) in outer
diameter and 50 mm for spools of over 200 mm in outer diameter (refer to Table The cast (diameter of some loops of wire placed on a flat surface without restraint), helix and
condition of all the wires shall be such as to be suitable for uniform uninterrupted feeding on the
equipment for semi-automatic welding.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Welding wire diameters and their deviations, in mm

Welding Wire Flux-cored wire Welding rods

131, 135, 141,51, 52 121, 72, 73 111 (for electrodes) 132, 133,136,138 114, 141, 31, 15
125, 143, 73
Nominal Extreme Extreme
diameter Extreme deviations of nominal diameter deviations Length deviations
of diameter of length

0,5 + 0,01 _ _ _ _
0,6 70,03 _
0,8 _ + 0,02
1,0 70,05
1,2 +0,1 от 500
1,4 + 0,01 до 1000
1,6 70,04 70,06
1,8 _
2,0 ± 0,04 70,06 +5
2,4 _ + 0,02
2,5 70,06 70,06
2,8 _
+ 0,01
3,2 70,08
5,0 ± 0,06 + 0,02
6,0 _ 70,10 70,07
8,0 + 0,02
N o t e . Reference numbers for welding processes to ISO 4063 (refer to Table

T a b l e
Dimensions and tolerances for strip electrodes, in mm

Electrodes Dimensions Tolerances

Nominal thickness 4 1,0 + 0,05

Nominal width 4 100 + 0,50

> 100 + 0,80 A chemical composition of welding wire and rods by the content of alloying elements and
impurities shall meet the requirements of the national standards for a specific class wire, as well as the additional
restrictions of the manufacturer technical conditions or specifications for welding consumable supply. The measures of mechanical and special properties of the weld metal, deposited metal or
welded joint of each batch of welding wire or rods shall meet the requirements of:
the national standards as applied to the classification of welding consumables established by the
technical conditions or a specification;
the RS rules for the welding consumables grade specified in the Certificate of Approval for Welding
the contract terms and supply documents as well. The package of welding wire shall prevent its potential damage and loss of welding characteristics
during transportation and storage. Special measures therewith, including a vacuum package with a controlling
sorbent, shall be taken regarding the kinds of welding wire, which may completely or partially lose their welding
properties in storage at the natural humidity. Among such welding consumables is flux-cored wire. Technical requirements for supply of welding fluxes. The requirements below apply to fused, ceramic and also sintered fluxes or mixtures. Technical documents for supply and manufacture of fluxes shall include the requirements for
the following characteristics:
structure and grain colour;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

chemical composition;
grain-size composition;
humidity and content of diffusive hydrogen in deposited metal;
volume weight;
welding and technological properties;
measures of mechanical and special properties of the weld metal, deposited metal or welded joint. Homogeneity is generally an acceptance characteristic for fused fluxes. Homogeneity is
determined by examining a flux sample of 10 g at not less than 610 magnification. The sample shall
contain not more than 3 % of grains and foreign particles having visible distinctions by colour and
structure from those required by the regulated documents. A grain-size composition of flux is determined by screening a flux sample of at least 100 g
through a proper sieve and by comparing the obtained results with the check values in the technical
conditions for supply. The flux manufacturer or supplier shall inform a customer about the grain-size
composition of flux with the symbols corresponding to the recommendations of Table, which
shall be given on every pack unit. The symbols for designation of the greatest and least dimension of flux
particles shall be given as a minimum.
T a b l e
Symbols for designation of flux grain dimension on product package
Dimension of flux particles, 2,5 2,0 1,6 1,25 0,8 0,5 0,315 0,2 0,1 < 0,1
in mm
Symbol 25 20 16 12 8 5 3 2 1 D The flux humidity is determined by calcination and bringing the flux sample of about 100 g to a
level mass. In determining the humidity, three samples, of which the mass shall not differ from one another by
more than 5 g, shall be used for the measurements. The calcination temperature for fused fluxes is 300+10 8C,
and for ceramic and sintered fluxes and mixtures, 350+10 8C. The time of sample calcination shall be at
least 2 h. The humidity of fluxes used in shipbuilding shall not generally exceed 0,05 %. Indices of chemical composition, volume weight, welding and technological properties of
flux shall meet the requirements of the manufacturer (supplier) technical conditions or specifications
approved by the Register. Indices of mechanical and special properties of the weld metal, deposited metal or welded
joint of each batch of flux shall meet the requirements of:
the national standards as applied to the classification of welding consumables established by the
technical conditions or specification;
the RS rules for the welding consumables grade specified in the Certificate of Approval for Welding
the contract terms and supply documents as well. The package for welding fluxes shall prevent its potential damage and loss of quality
characteristics during transportation and storage. Special measures therewith, including a completely tight
(rigid inclusive) package, shall be taken regarding the kinds of welding fluxes, which may lose their
welding properties during storage and transportation. Among such fluxes are the ceramic ones,
particularly, those of a homogeneous granulation, which may lose their initial grain-size composition
during transportation in the paper bags. Technical requirements for shielding gases and their mixtures. Shielding gases for welding are classified under the groups of a standard composition depending
on their chemical activity relative to molten metal in accordance with the requirements of Table
Deviations by the content of single components in the mixture from the values given in the
manufacturer specification for supply shall be within the below limits:
+10 % of a nominal value at the component content in the mixture above 5 vol. %;
+0,5 % of the mixture volume at the component content in the mixture from 1 vol. % incl. to 5 vol. % incl.;
at the component content in the mixture under 1 vol. % the limits are subject to agreement.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-142 The value of the maximum dew-point temperature, as well as the minimum purity of
shielding gases (limitation on their total content of impurities) for the standard composition groups shall
comply with Table
For special gas mixtures, the requirements for the dew point, purity and humidity shall correspond to
the base gas or gas mixture in use similarly to the recommendations of Table
For some active metals (e.g. titanium and tantalum), shielding gases and mixtures of the purity higher
than specified in Table may be needed. In this case, the requirements for gas supply shall be
subject to the additional approval by the supplier and the customer.
T a b l e
Main groups/gas Purity, min, Dew point at 0,101 Moisture, max,
in vol. % in MPa, max, in 8С in vol. ppm
I inert 99,99 -50 40
M11 gas mix 99,9 -50 80
M21 gas mix 99,9 -44 120
M31 gas mix 99,9 -40 120
C1 carbon dioxide 99,8 -40 40
R reducing 99,95 -50 40
N nitrogen 99,9 -50 40
O oxygen 99,5 -50 40
Nitrogen: 1000 ppm max. Shielding gases may be delivered in a gaseous state in cylinders under pressure or liquefied.
The cylinders and dewars shall have a distinctive painting and marking in compliance with the
requirements of the national standards.



5.4.1 Sampling of the finished products. Within the scope of survey of the manufacturer, witnessed by the RS surveyor, the specimens
of welding consumables being subject to inspection and testing shall be sampled. The sampling may be
performed in:
the grading area after product acceptance by the manufacturer's quality control department, but prior to
the final packaging of products;
the stockyard of the finished products prepared for delivery.
The sampling of welding consumables shall be confirmed with a report signed by the manufacturer's
responsible person and the RS surveyor. At the initial approval of manufacturers, the sampling and follow-up inspections shall be
carried out for each brand of material to the following extent:
for electrodes _ in one batch for each diameter, but a total of, at least, two batches checked;
for fluxes _ at least, two batches checked;
for welding and flux-cored wire/strip _ in one batch for each standard size, but a total of, at least, two
batches checked. To check each batch of coated welding electrodes, 10 samples of 20 electrodes each shall be
taken. Each sampling shall be carried out from the different packages or, alternatively, during manufacture
and acceptance at equal time intervals.
200 electrodes sampled shall be subjected to checking:
dimensions and appearance of all the electrodes;
covering thickness difference for 50 electrodes;
covering strength for 30 electrodes;
bending for 50 electrodes.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The check for the covering moisture content shall be carried out according to the results of three
measurements (one electrode for each measurement).
The electrodes, which have undergone the above checks tests, are thereafter used for:
verification of welding and technological properties among the electrodes, which had the maximum
values of covering eccentricity;
determination of a chemical composition of the deposited metal;
welding of deposited metal test pieces for determining deposited metal properties, and butt joints
according to a test programme. To check each batch of flux, at least six samples of 2,5 kg each shall be taken from the different
packages. Following mixing, the flux sampled is brought by quartering to a mass of 2,5 kg. In this case, the
weight of 0,5 kg is further used for determining a chemical composition and humidity of flux, and the
weight of 2,0 kg, for determining a grain-size composition, uniformity and volume weight of flux.
The flux checked as above is further used for:
verification of welding and technological properties;
welding of the deposited metal test pieces for determining the deposited metal properties, and butt
joints, if required, according to a test programme. To check each batch of welding wire and tubular welding wire, the following samples shall be
taken and the following tests shall be conducted:
diameter and ellipticity measurements in two mutually perpendicular directions for at least 10
packages with 2 measurements for each package. The points of diameter measurements shall be spaced at
least 5 m apart;
the condition of a wire surface is determined similarly to the diameter measurements and may be also
checked in winding the wire on cassettes and spools or coils;
10 packages, as a minimum, shall be checked for measures of the helix, cast, as well as for the
measures defining the winding quality (the requirement applies to the welding wire intended for semi-
automatic welding and robotized complexes with the requirements for observance of a winding
flux-cored wire shall be checked for a fill factor on the samples taken from, at least, five packages;
copper-clad wire shall be checked for the measure of the thickness/relative mass of a copper coating on
the samples taken from, at least, five packages;
a chemical check analysis of wire shall be carried out for, at least, two packages. For this purpose two
samples of wire spaced, at least, 10 m apart shall be taken from each package;
for welding high-alloy wire of an austenitic and austenitic-ferritic grade, on demand of the RS
surveyor, the content of a-phase may be checked in addition to the chemical composition (applicable to A-
5, A-6, AF-8, A-9sp steel grades).
For further checks and tests, a welding wire sample having a mass of at least 5 kg shall be taken, which
shall be checked to the extent of the requirements of the RS rules according to the approved test
programme for the purpose of determining:
welding and technological properties during welding in various welding positions (the test applies to
the wire intended for metal-arc gas welding);
chemical composition of the deposited metal;
content of diffused hydrogen in the deposited metal (for flux-cored wire, and on a special demand _
for wire with a non-copper-plated surface for metal-arc gas welding);
properties of the deposited metal;
properties of a butt welded joint.
5.4.2 Preparation of the deposited metal test pieces and butt welds. During preparation of deposited metal test pieces and butt welds, the requirements of Section 4,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships for the
relevant kinds of welding consumables shall be met. It is recommended therewith to follow the additional
instructions given below, which are harmonized with the appropriate international standards used for
classification of the welding consumables. Those instructions cover the welding consumables, intended for
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

welding of normal strength and higher strength steels, which provide the minimum values of the deposited
metal tensile strength of 440 _ 560 N/mm2 during welding under the standard conditions.

N o t e. The above tensile strength range also covers the welding consumables for welding high strength steels, which, in
compliance with the requirements of 4.6, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
Ships, may be identified by a strength level as (3Y/5Y)42 and (3Y/5Y)46 steel grades. While welding the deposited metal test pieces in order to perform classification of coated
electrodes in accordance with the international standards the following standard conditions shall be
complied with.
Welding shall be carried out without preheating of ambient air at a room temperature.
During welding, an interpass temperature shall be controlled by means of crayons, surface
thermometers or thermocouples and it shall be within limits of 100 _ 150 8C. If the test piece
temperature after the next run exceeds the set limit, the test piece shall be air cooled up to the specified
Welding shall be carried out at the welding current values corresponding to 70 _ 90 % of the
maximum value specified by the manufacturer for welding in a flat position.
The procedure for runs in the test piece groove shall be in compliance with the recommendations of
T a b l e
Electrode diameter , Technology of weld bead application
in mm
Number of layer Number of runs in layer Number of layers
4,0 From root to surface 2 7_9
5,0 From root to surface 22 6_8
6,0 From root to surface 2 5_7
For electrodes which diameter is less than 4,0 mm as well as 5,0 and 6,0 mm the technology of weld bead application is not regulated by
the international standards and it may be additionally agreed with the Register.
Two upper layers may consist of three weld beads.

The welding direction of each run within one layer shall not change, but shall be changed to the
opposite one in transition to the next layer. Thickness of each weld bead shall be not less than 2 mm and
not more than 4 mm. If electrodes are intended for welding at alternating and direct current, the welding
of test piece is usually made at alternating current. In DC welding, the polarity requirements in accordance
with the recommendations of the welding consumables manufacturer shall be met. While welding the deposited metal test pieces for classifying the combinations "wire-flux" as
well as their component (welding wire and flux) in accordance with the international standards the
following standards shall be complied with.
The welding shall be performed without preheating at ambient room temperature by several layers
consisting of one or several runs in accordance with the usual application practice. Meanwhile, each
subsequent layer shall be welded in the direction opposite to the previous one from the end of each plate.
After completion of welding of each run the residual flux and solidified slag shall be removed. Thickness
of each layer shall not be less than the diameter of welding wire but not less than 4 mm. In welding, an
interbead (interpass) temperature shall be under control with use of crayons, surface thermometers or
thermocouples and shall not exceed the values given in Table If the test piece temperature after the
next run exceeds the set limit, the test piece shall be naturally cooled in the air down to the specified
temperature. After completion of welding the test pieces shall not be exposed to any thermal treatment. If
the combination "wire-flux" is intended for welding using alternating and direct current, the welding of test
piece is usually made at alternating current. In DC welding, the polarity requirements in accordance with
the recommendations of the welding consumables manufacturer shall be met.
Welding wire of 4,0 mm or 3,2 (3,0) mm in diameter depending on the larger diameter supplied shall
be used for welding.
The conditions for (one-electrode) welding shall comply with the recommendations of Table
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
1 2
Welding conditions Wire diameter
3,2 4,0
Test piece length, mm Min 200 Min 200
Current type DC DC
Welding current, A 440 + 20 580 + 20
Arc voltage, V 27 + 1 29 + 1
Travel speed, mm/min 400 + 50 550 + 50
Interpass temperature, 8C 150 + 50 150 + 50
Electrode extension, mm 30 + 5 30 + 5
Where DC and AC welding is required, the AC welding only shall be used for welding the test piece.
For electrodes which diameter is less than 3,2 mm or more than 4,0 the technology of weld bead application shall not be regulated by the
international standards and it may be additionally agreed with the Register. While welding the deposited metal test pieces for classifying the combinations "wire-gas" as
well as welding wire for the combination "wire-gas" in accordance with the international standards the
following standards shall be complied with.
The welding of the test pieces shall be performed without preliminary heating at ambient room
temperature. In welding, an interbead (interpass) temperature shall be under control with use of crayons,
surface thermometers or thermocouples. After each run the test piece shall be cooled in a natural way on
air down to the temperature below 250 8С, but not less than 100 8С. The temperature shall be measured in
the centre of weld bead surface. If after the next run the temperature of test piece exceeds preset limit value
the test piece shall be cooled in a natural way on air down to the required temperature. After completion of
welding the test pieces shall not be exposed to any thermal treatment.
Tests shall be carried out using the welding wire of diameter 1,2 mm. The welding shall be carried out at
the values of welding current intensity of 280 ± 20 A and of welding wire extension of 20 ± 3 mm. The
procedure for passes in the test piece groove shall be in compliance with the recommendations of Table
The welding direction of each run within one layer shall not change, but shall be changed to the opposite one in
transition to the next layer. The thickness of each weld bead shall remain within 2 _ 6 mm.
T a b l e
Electrode diameter1, Procedure for passes
in mm
Layer number Number of runs per layer Number of layers
1,2 From root to surface 22 6 – 10
For electrodes of other diameters the weld bead application is not regulated by the international standards and it may be additionally
agreed with the Register.
Two top layers may comprise three beads. Welding of test pieces of welded metal for classifying flux cored wire for welding with the
additional gas shield or without it in accordance with the international standards the following conditions
shall be complied with.
Requirements for the interbead (interpass) temperature and its control shall be identical to the
requirements in The total number of runs, the number of runs in the layer and number of layers
shall comply with recommendations of Table Direction of welding of each run within one layer
shall remain unchanged and in the next layer it shall change to the opposite direction.
T a b l e
Electrode diameter, mm Average heat input, Number of runs per layer Total number
in kJ/mm of layers
First layer Other layers1
0,8 and 0,9 0,8 to 1,6 1 or 2 2 or 3 6 to 9
1,0 and 1,2 1,2 to 2,0 1 or 2 2 or 3 6 to 9
1,4 and 1,6 1,4 to 2,2 1 or 2 2 or 3 5 to 8
2,0 1,8 to 2,4 1 or 2 2 or 3 5 to 8
2,4 2,0 to 2,6 1 or 2 2 or 3 4 to 8
2,8 2,0 to 2,8 1 or 2 2 or 3 4 to 7
3,2 2,2 to 3,0 1 or 2 2 4 to 7
4,0 2,6 to 3,3 1 2 4 to 7
The final (capping) layer may have four runs.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

If the flux cored wire is intended for welding using alternating and direct current, the welding of test
piece is usually made at alternating current. During welding at direct current the requirements for polarity
in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturer of welding materials shall be observed.
5.4.3 Requirements for approval of welding fluxes used for welding as part of "wire-flux"
combinations. The welding fluxes to be approved for use as part of the "wire-flux" combinations may be
approved by the Register according to the following schemes:
in a similar way to the wire used for welding as part of "wire-flux" combinations, i.e. to the extent of
the requirements in 4.4, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships for this combination;
for compliance with the requirements of the national and international standards. This form of approval
is generally used as additional pursuant to the manufacturer's request. The scope of welding flux tests to the extent of the requirements given in 4.4, Part XIV
"Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships shall include:
at initial approval: the determination of the deposited metal and weld metal properties for all the brands
of welding wire which, pursuant to the manufacturer's request, shall be included in the Certificate of
Approval for Welding Consumables;
at annual tests to confirm the Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables: one of the welding
wire brands among those included in the Certificate in combination with a specific flux brand shall be
verified to the extent of the requirements given in The scope of tests for welding fluxes at their approval for compliance with the requirements of
the national and international standards shall be in compliance with the requirements of these standards. At
initial approval, to be verified is the whole array of flux properties and characteristics specified by the
relevant standards for their acceptance and classification.
In order to confirm the approval, if nothing evidences the unstable quality of products or the change in
its manufacture procedure, check tests may be reduced to the extent of the verification of mandatory
characteristics to be controlled in each batch according to the specification and/or pertinent standards.
However, in any case, welding and technological properties of the flux in welding shall be verified.
5.4.4 Extent of approval tests for shielding gas for welding. The Register approves shielding gases and their mixtures by verifying their compliance with the
requirements of the national and international standards. Unless otherwise agreed with the Register, the
below requirements shall be met, unified with ISO 14175, which cover shielding gases and their mixtures used for:
tungsten inert gas arc welding (TIG);
metal arc inert gas and active gas welding;
plasma-arc welding;
additional protection of the root surface of the weld.
The scope of the necessary tests and checks for the shielding gases used for welding active metals like
titanium and tantalum may be extended on the Register's demand. At the initial approval of each group of the shielding gas standard composition, the scope of
verification includes taking check test specimens from transport units (cylinders and dewars). Each
shielding gas sample taken shall be verified for:
compliance of gas purity with the specified requirements;
meeting the requirements for a dew point and the absolute humidity of gas;
accuracy of measuring single components of the gas mixture.
In this case, where the approval applies to the mixtures of shielding gases having a standard composition,
on the Register demand, the initial components being part of the composition may be checked. When confirming the Type Approval Certificate it is allowed to limit the scope of manufacturer
verification by reviewing the documents on product quality verification, which is carried out within the
framework of the quality system in use. In case of systematic product quality non-conformities, changes in
the suppliers' circle and in other justified cases, the Register may demand to extend the scope of
verification up to the level of the initial approval.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

5.4.5 Evaluation of a possibility of welding in various positions at approval of coated welding

electrodes and flux-cored wire. The requirements of this Chapter apply to the performance of tests aimed at the determination of a
possibility of welding in various positions at the Register initial approval of coated welding electrodes and flux-
cored wire for welding with or without additional gas shield. The requirements below are harmonized with
ISO 15792-3 and may be used both at the approval of welding consumables for the compliance with the RS
rules and with the aim to classify them in compliance with the appropriate international standards. The T-joint test pieces corresponding to the recommendations of Fig. shall be used in
tests for determining a possibility of welding in various positions. As a minimum, both ends of the welded-

a) Cтыковые швы
a) Butt welds

PA: Flat position

PC: Horizontal position

PE: Overhead position

PG: Vertical downwards position

PF: Vertical upwards position

b) Fillet welds

PB: Horizontal-vertical position

PA: Downhand position

PD: Horizontal overhead position

PG: Vertical downwards position PF: Vertical upwards position

Fig. Welding positions specified for T-joint test piece welding (ISO 6947)
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

on plate shall be tack-welded. The length of the test piece shall comply with the recommendations
of Fig. and be sufficient to allow at least the deposition of the entire length of one coated
electrode. The welding shall be carried out with a single-run fillet weld without edge preparation using the
electrode/flux-cored wire diameter and in welding positions according to the recommendations of Table

Fig. T-joint test piece for tests of welding in various welding positions:
1 _ location for removal of a macrosection of approximately 25 mm wide;
2 _ loading applied in a fracture test; 3 _ start of welding; 4 _ direction of welding
T a b l e
of positions Type Welding Electrode Fillet size4, Leg length Convexity,
for welding of electrode positions2 diameter3, in mm difference, in mm
consumables covering pursuant to for test pieces in mm in mm
classification1 ISO 2560

1, 2 C PB 6,0 4,5 min 1,5 max 2,5 max

RX5 6,0 5,0 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
B 6,0 5,0 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
For all T6 2,4 5,5 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
3 A PB 6,0 5,0 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
RR 6,0 5,0 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
For all T6 2,4 5,5 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
5 R PB 6,0 4,5 min 1,5 max 2,5 max
B 5,0 4,5 min 1,5 max 2,5 max
For all T6 2,47 5,5 min 2,0 max 3,0 max
1, 2 C PF 4,0 4,5 max _ 2,0 max
RX5 4,0 4,5 max _ 2,0 max
B 4,0 5,5 max _ 2,0 max
For all T6 8
7,0 max _ 2,0 max
1, 2, 5 C PD 4,0 4,5 max 1,5 max 2,5 max
RX5 4,0 4,5 max 1,5 max 2,5 max
B 4,0 5,5 max 2,0 max 3,0 max
For all T6 1,29 4,5 max 1,5 max 2,5 max
5 B PG 5,0 5,0 min _ 1,5 max10
For all T6 1,29 4,5 min _ 1,5 max10
Indices of materials classification are in compliance with ISO 2560:
1 – all welding positions;
2 – all welding positions, but vertical downwards;
3 – flat position for butt and fillet welds, as well as the PB position for fillet welds;
4 – flat position only;
5 – vertical downwards position, as well as the welding position according to index 3.
Test piece welding positions are in compliance with the designations of Standard ISO 6947 and shown in Fig.
Where the largest diameter specified by the manufacturer for a welding position is smaller than that given in this Table, this largest
standard size and recalculated assessment criteria shall be used.
Fillet size is design throat thickness.
RX includes types R, RC, RA and RB.
T means tubular cored wire.
Or largest diameter made up to 2,4 mm.
Maximum diameter, for which positional classification is given by the manufacturer.
Or as recommended by the manufacturer.
Maximum concavity (fillet weld concavity).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The steel plate of the grade (brand), for which welding the welding consumables are approved, shall be
used as the material for the test piece preparation. Following welding performance each test piece shall be visually tested to detect unacceptable
defects and to gauge weld sizes for determining their compliance with the requirements of Table
The weld shall be free of the unacceptable defects specified in Section 3, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
The throat thickness and leg length of a fillet weld shall meet the requirements of Table with
the measurements to be made at three sections as a minimum.
One macrosection, approximately 25 mm wide, shall be removed from a point in the centre of the weld.
One surface of the macrosection shall be polished and etched for detecting weld edges. The weld dimensions,
including the actual throat thickness, convexity or concavity, the design throat thickness, shall meet the
requirements of Table with the measurements to be made with an accuracy of up to 0,5 mm.
Dimensions of fillet welds are shown in Fig.
To assess internal imperfections the remaining two joint sections shall be subjected to testing for fillet
weld section fracture. The failure plane shall be about the fillet weld centre.
To localize the failure plane at the given weld section, the following measures may be taken:
building-up of additional reinforcing welds, as shown in Fig., along each leg of the weld;

Fig. Alternative methods for facilitating fillet

weld fracture.
A. Building-up of additional reinforcing welds:
1 – web; 2 – fracturing force;
3 – reinforcing weld; 4 – flange.
B. Asymmetric position of the web on the flange:
1 – web; 2 – fracturing force;
Fig. Dimensions of fillet welds: 3 – 3/4 width of flange; 4 – flange.
1 – total throat thickness; 2 – convexity; C. Longitudinal notch:
3 – design throat thickness 1 – web; 2 – fracturing force;
3 – maximum depth of notch = 1/2 actual throat; 4 – flange
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

the position of the web may be moved from the centre to the edge (refer to Fig.;
the weld face may be notched;
the weld metal may be deliberately changed to a brittle state by cooling down the test piece below 0 8C.
After the fracture the weld face shall be visually tested to detect unacceptable internal defects. Minor
defects like small pores and slags may be accepted, provided their relative area does not exceed 1 % of
controlled theoretical section of the fracture. In this case the pores and slags are considered as minor if
their linear size in the failure plane does not exceed 0,2Z, but not more than 20 mm (Z _ fillet leg).
5.4.6. Determination of diffusible hydrogen content during approval of welding consumables. General. The content of diffusible hydrogen shall be determined during initial tests of welding
consumables for the purpose of obtaining the RS approval on their use for:
welding of higher strength steels as applied to electrodes having covering and to flux-cored wire (for
other types of welding consumables _ by the manufacturer request);
welding of high strength steels as applied to all types of welding consumables (except for the
combination "wire-gas" provided the coppered welding wire is used with the wire surface free from
technological wire-drawing grease). The content of diffusible hydrogen in annual tests of welding consumables for confirmation
of the Certificate of Approval for Welding Consumables may be determined:
on the Register demand after an expiry date of validity of the Certificate of Approval for Welding
Consumables, i.e. once every 5 years;
on the Register demand with the changes made by the manufacturer in the procedure, formula,
specifications for raw materials delivery, etc. which can affect the classification of welding consumables
by diffusible hydrogen content;
upon request of the welding consumables manufacturer for the purpose of changing the previously
RS-assigned classification of welding consumables by diffusible hydrogen. Methods for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content in weld metal shall be
classified according to the following criteria:
medium for hydrogen extraction and collection (vacuum, inert gas, liquid);
temperature for degassing of test pieces (room temperature, temperature increased from 45 8С to 150 8С
and high temperature _ from 180 8С to 400 8С);
apparatus for measuring the amount of hydrogen released (liquid pressure gauges, membrane type
pressure gauges and other types of gauges for vacuum methods, gas thermal conductivity detector (TCD)).
The following methods for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content may be used, provided the
requirements of this Chapter are met:
.1 mercury method standardized by ISO 3690 and considered as a reference method, which provides
degassing of the test pieces in mercury at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The word
"mercury" is associated with the kind of a locking and manometric liquid. Vacuum system is used in
mercury method for preparation of the facility for measuring as well as for pre-drying (degassing) the test
piece surface;
.2 methods standardized by ISO 3690 and based on the test specimens degassing in inert gas using
TCD as measuring apparatus. These methods by the name of the apparatus used to measure the amount of
hydrogen released are also commonly called as gas chromatographic ones;
.3 vacuum method based on degassing of the test pieces in a vacuum at a room temperature and
producing the results comparable with the method per ISO 3690. The amount of gas released may be
determined by the liquid pressure gauges and by other types pressure gauges that provide acceptable
accuracy within the working measuring range;
.4 methods based on degassing of test pieces and collecting of hydrogen released in glycerin at a
normal pressure and temperature of 45 8C. Test temperature has been chosen due to temperature and
viscosity properties of glycerin, since temperature of 45 8C corresponds to the minimal one, at which gas
bubbles can freely emerge and form the meniscus of a correct shape in the pressure tube used for
measuring the gas volume.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-151 For determination of the diffusible hydrogen content, the requirements given below for
apparatus, preparations for testing, test performance and analysis of test results shall be met. Any potential
deviations shall be agreed with the Register. Test piece assemblies. Base metal.
Normal strength hull structural steel of any grade, which chemical composition and the condition of
supply meet the requirements below, shall be used as a base metal for manufacture of blanks for test
C40,18 %;
Si40,35 %;
Mn40,80 %;
S40,020 %;
P40,035 %;
condition of supply _ normalized (N).
N o t e . Rolled plates, which are supplied according to the national standards and meet the above requirements, may be used
as an alternative. Requirements for preparation and dimensions.
Plate test specimens shall conform to the dimensions shown in Fig., with a tolerance of
+0,25 mm on all dimensions except the length. Their total length and embodiment depend on the method
of determining the diffusible hydrogen content, welding process and shall comply with the
recommendations of Fig. where the lengths represent minimum values.
The test piece assemblies shall be polished on all sides along with run-on and run-off pieces (if
applied). Sharp edges and corners of the test piece assemblies shall be rounded off with a radius of
approximately 1 mm.
la lc lb

a c b

Test assembly la and lb, in mm lc, in mm e, in mm t, in mm

1 2 3
A 525 (50) 80 (100) 25 12
B 525 (50) 30 15 10
C 550 15 30 10
Comparable to the specimen geometry according to AWS A4.3-93.
la525 mm and lb525 mm: manual and partly mechanized (semiautomatic) welding; la550 mm and lb550 mm: fully mechanized
(automatic) welding.
100 mm _ according to GOST 23338, method 2 (vacuum method).

Dimensions of the weld test assembly:
a _ run-on piece of length la; b _ run-off piece of length lb; c _ centre test piece of length lc;
e _ test piece width; t _ test piece thickness Requirements for preparation of test piece assemblies.

The centre test piece shall be numbered by engraving or stamping on the opposite side of that used for
welding. When methods involving the test piece assemblies heating from 180 8С to 400 8С are used for
determination of the diffusible hydrogen content, then prior to testing the entire test piece assembly shall
be degassed at 650+10 8С for 1 h and cooled in either a dry inert gas atmosphere or a vacuum.
Alternatively, the test piece assembly may be degassed and cooled in air if the surface oxide layer is
removed prior to testing. Degassed test piece assemblies shall be stored in a desiccator or under other
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

suitable conditions to prevent oxidation of the test pieces. After numbering and removal of oxide, the
mass, m1, of each centre test piece shall be determined to the nearest 0,1 g for assembly A or to the nearest
0,01 g for assembly B or assembly C.
In other cases after the test piece assembly numbering those that have not been degassed shall be
washed in solvents. Washing shall be carried out as follows:
in chemically pure toluene with the following wiping with filter paper;
in chemically pure acetone;
in ethyl hydroxide (a grade as for medical purposes) with subsequent drying in a hot air flow.
Degassed test piece assemblies prepared as specified above shall be stored in a desiccator in the
presence of desiccant (silica gel). General requirements for welding of test piece assemblies. Welding consumables (including covered electrodes, combinations "wire-flux" and flux-
cored wire) used for tests shall be calcinated in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations or
other normative documents, which regulate this operation.
Welding consumables delivered tightly packaged (vacuum package or metal containers) are considered
suitable for use and shall be tested within the time period of 4 h after package opening.
Shielding gases used for welding shall be controlled with regard to dew point or moisture content to
verify that these parameters comply with the requirements of relevant standards (e.g. ISO 14175). A single weld bead shall be made on the test piece assembly side of e width (refer to Fig. along its axis. In welding the test piece assembly shall be clamped in a copper water-cooled
welding fixture such as that shown in Fig.
Four parallel experiments shall be performed for testing each brand of the welding consumable. All
four test piece assemblies shall be welded in series within the total time not exceeding 30 min, so as to
extremely reduce the environment impact on the result obtained.
The weld shall start and end within approximately 5 mm from the test piece assembly ends or run-on
and run-off pieces in case of manual and partly mechanized welding or within approximately 15 mm in
case of fully mechanized submerged arc welding.
N о t e . To form a proper weld in case of fully mechanized submerged arc welding, it is allowed to start and complete
welding on additional attached plates placed clear of the copper water-cooled welding fixture.



0 130


Example of a suitable welding fixture and test piece assembly for weld deposits (ISO 3690):
1 _ test piece assembly (refer to Fig.;
2 _ water cooling jacket; 3 _ lever clamp; 4 _ copper foil inserts (1 mm615 mm min.6300 mm);
A _ copper; В _ carbon steel
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

During welding of the test piece assemblies the following requirements shall be met:
the temperature of the copper water-cooled welding fixture before each weld is made shall be
controlled to prevent condensation of water on the test piece assembly or copper water-cooled fixture (be
controlled to ambient temperature or as much as 25 8C higher);
the ambient absolute humidity during welding of the test piece assembly shall be at least 3 g of water
vapour per 1000 g of dry air, this corresponds to 20 8C and 20 % relative humidity. The actual data on
relative humidity and temperature shall be included in the test report.
Special requirements for welding procedures for the production of weld specimens using different
welding processes are given in Special requirements for welding procedures. Manual metal arc welding (metal arc welding with covered electrode). For testing the covered electrodes, the test piece assemblies may be used having dimensions
corresponding to those shown in Fig. for assembly A or assembly B.
After calcination, the test electrodes storage time prior to test specimen welding shall not generally
exceed 4 h. All electrodes not used within specified period of time shall be re-calcinated and subsequently
used for the test. The testing of covered electrodes, unless otherwise agreed with the Register, is carried out
using 4,0 mm diameter electrodes. In this case, the welding current shall be 15 A less than the maximum or
90 % of the maximum stated by the manufacturer, being maintained within a tolerance of +10 А. For an electrode with a diameter of 4,0 mm, the speed of welding shall be adjusted to
produce an 8 g minimum weld deposit on the centre test piece assembly A or a 3 g minimum weld deposit
on the centre test piece assembly B, which is usually accomplished with an electrode consumption of
between 120 and 130 mm per 100 mm of weld. The deposit shall be made without weaving along the
centre line of the test piece assembly using a new electrode for each weld. The lengths of the run-on and of
the run-off pieces shall be 25 mm minimum. Submerged arc welding (combination "wire-flux"). For testing the "wire-flux" combination, the test piece assemblies may be used having
dimensions corresponding to those shown in Fig. for assembly A or assembly С. The lengths of
the run-on and of the run-off pieces shall be 50 mm minimum.
Unless otherwise agreed with the Register, for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content as
applied to submerged arc welding (combination "wire-flux") a welding wire of 4,0 mm in diameter shall be
used. The bead shall be built up on the plate with due regard to the following requirements for welding
T a b l e
Electrode diameter, in mm
Welding conditions
3,0 and 3,2 4,0
Welding current, in А 440+20 580 + 20
Welding voltage, in V 27+1 29 + 1
Welding/travel speed, in mm/min 400+50 550 + 50
Electrode extension, in mm 30+5 30 + 5 Flux calcinated in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations shall be used
within 4 h. Alternatively, the flux shall be cooled and placed in a sealed container and stored until required
for use. Used flux shall not be recycled.
The flux depth, unless otherwise is recommended by the manufacturer, shall be about 25 mm. For
controlling flux depth, the levelling off along the top of the copper foil inserts as shown in Fig. is
recommended. Flux-cored arc welding. For testing the flux-cored wire, the test piece assemblies may be used having dimensions
corresponding to those shown in Fig. for assembly A or assembly B. The lengths of the run-on
and of the run-off pieces shall be 25 mm minimum.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Example of the use of copper foil to maintain constant flux depth:
1 _ 1 mm copper foil, of dimensions 356300 mm or 376300 mm
(for flux depth of 25 mm);
2 _ test piece assembly; 3 _ welding fixture The testing of flux-cored wire, unless otherwise agreed with the Register, is carried out
using the following wire diameters:
for gas-shielded arc welding, the wire of 1,2 mm in diameter or of the next larger diameter shall be
used if 1,2 mm diameter wire is not manufactured;
for self-shielded tubular-cored arc welding, the wire of 2,4 mm in diameter or of the maximum
manufactured diameter if it is less than 2,4 mm shall be used. The welding conditions and shielding gas flow shall be in accordance with the appropriate
recommendations of the flux-cored wire manufacturer and shall be sufficient to obtain a weld deposit mass
on the centre test piece of 8 g minimum (assembly A) or 3 g minimum the centre test piece (assembly B).
The welding shall be made without transverse weaving of electrode. Details of the shielding gas
composition and flow shall be recorded on the test. Treatment of test assemblies after welding. Mercury and TCD methods (ISO 3690).
Sequence of operations performance and the time needed for this during test assembly treatment shall
comply with the following requirements:
T a b l e
Nos. Operation Time Working media, temperature

1 Test assembly removal from the welding fixture 4 s+1 s Atmosphere, room temperature
2 Colling in ice-cold water 20 s+2 s Water, about 0 8С
3 Low-temperature bath min 2 min Methanol and solid car-bon dioxide _ 78 8С
4 Breaking off of the run-on and run-off pieces from the centre test max 2 min Atmosphere, room temperature
piece and test assembly cleaning1
5 Centre test pieces storage before analysis max 72 h Methanol and solid car-bon dioxide, _ 78 8С
max 21 days Liquid nitrogen, _ 196 8С
If this entire operation is not completed within 60 s, the centre test piece shall be returned to the low temperature bath for a minimum
of 2 min before completing these steps. Vacuum method (GOST 23338, method 2).

Sequence of operations performance and the time needed for this during test assembly treatment shall
comply with the following requirements:
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Nos. Operation Time Working media, temperature
1 Test assembly removal from the welding fixture max 10 s Atmosphere, room temperature
2 Colling in ice-cold water max 10 s Water, about 0 8С
3 Breaking off of the run-on and run-off pieces from the centre max 60 s Atmosphere, room temperature
test piece and test assembly cleaning1
4 Test piece washing max 30 s Sequentially washed during 10 s in each bath: ethyl
hydroxide, acetone, ethylic ether; room temperature
5 Test piece drying1 30 s+5 s Atmosphere
6 Centre test pieces storage before analysis _ Operation is not required
7 Total time for test piece preparation max 2 min 15 s _
Drying in a hot air flow: weld fractures shall be dried up on each test piece side during 10 s each while the weld faces and the back
side of the test piece, 5 s each. Glycerine method.

Sequence of operations performance and the time needed for this during test assembly treatment shall
comply with the following requirements: Requirements for use of mercury method for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content
according to ISO 3690.
T a b l e
Nos. Operation Time Working media, temperature

1 Test assembly removal from the welding fixture 4 s+1 s Atmosphere, room temperature
2 Colling in ice-cold water and removal of slag and deposited metal spatter1 max 30 s Water, about 0 8С
3 Breaking off of the run-on and run-off pieces from the centre test piece (if any)1 max 10 s Atmosphere, room temperature
4 Low-temperature bath2 max 15 min carbon dioxide — 78 8С
Methanol and solid
5 Drying up with filter paper max 10 s Atmosphere, room temperature
6 Test piece washing in ethyl hydroxide max 10 s _
7 Drying up with filter paper max 10 s Atmosphere, room temperature
8 Total time for test piece preparation3 max 60(70) s _
Glycerine method permits the use of test piece assemblies without run-on and run-off pieces with the length of a centre test piece
equal to 125 mm as applied to the manual and partly mechanized welding.
Low-temperature bath is used if the location of test piece welding is noticeably remote from the diffusible hydrogen collecting
apparatus. The test piece shall be carried at this temperature, provided the time for its storage does not exceed 15 min.
Total time of operations for the test piece carriage from a cooling jig (with consideration of footnote 2) till the commencement of
measurements shall not exceed 70 s for a test assembly with run-on and run-off pieces. Determination of the diffusible hydrogen content by mercury method may be carried out in
compliance with the requirements of ISO 3690 (any of its three editions: ISO 3690:1977, ISO 3690:2000
or ISO 3690:2012). The basic requirements for its use in accordance with the latest (third) edition are
given below.
For determination of the diffusible hydrogen content by mercury method, the gas collection apparatus
illustrated in Fig., known as a Y-tube, and mercury shall be used as the collecting fluid. Other
designs of collecting may be used, provided the same principles as for the Y-tube are used. The gas collection
apparatus specified is for use with test centre piece assembly B or assembly C (refer to Fig. The
preparation of test piece assemblies shall comply with the requirements of and the process of bead
welding the shall meet the requirements of Preparation of gas burette.
The volume of mercury required to fill the size of a gas burette illustrated in Fig. is about 110
ml. The mercury shall be free of contaminants. The mercury shall be poured into the wide limb of the gas
burette (bent arm 3 in Fig., c). After connecting cone 2 of Y-tube to the socket 1 of two-way glass
vacuum stopcock, the vacuum stopcock shall be fitted and vacuum applied. Air shall be removed by laying
the gas burette on a flat surface so as to allow an unrestricted application of the vacuum to the top of the
capillary tube 5. After degassing, the gas burette shall be slowly raised to the vertical position and air
admitted to the wide limb by rotating the stopcock (refer to Fig., c _ left part). It is important
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

a) Two-way glass vacuum stopcock b) Side view of bent arm 3 in Fig., с)

c) Overall view of Y-tube

Diffusible hydrogen collecting apparatus (Y tube) according to ISO 3690:
1 _ 29/32 socket; 2 _ 29/32 cone; 3 _ arm bent up 458 (refer to Fig., b); 4 _ seal (flat inside) of precision bore tube 5;
5 _ precision bore tube; а _ to air; b _ to vacuum; с _ straight portion before bend.

that there is no air bubble at the top of the capillary tube. If air is present, then all above operations(the
evacuation process) shall be repeated until a final check confirms the absence of air. The vacuum stopcock
shall be removed from the wide limb of the gas burette. Test piece loading.
The test piece loading shall be carried out as quickly as possible, taking not more than approximately
2 min.
The test piece shall be removed from the storage coolant and raised to slightly above 0 8С. This can be
conveniently achieved by immersing the test piece in water until the ice which forms initially has detached
or melted.
Following a rinse with acetone and drying in a jet of air, the test piece shall be transferred to the wide
limb of the burette through bent arm 3 (refer to Fig., с). The Y-tube with the test piece loaded
shall be connected to the socket of the two-way vacuum stopcock and vacuum applied. Acetone and traces
of condensed water evaporate from the surface of the test piece and are removed with the evacuated air.
Using a magnet, the test piece shall be manoeuvred into position under the capillary tube by carefully
lowering the burette towards the horizontal position until it just floats along the mercury surface. It is
essential that care be taken to prevent air from entering the capillary tube when the burette is raised to the
vertical position and air is admitted to the wide limb. The two-way stopcock shall be removed and the wide
limb closed by means of a stopper or a glass cap, for example, to prevent the release of traces of mercury
Diffusible hydrogen is evolved from the test piece and collects in the capillary tube.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-157 Analytical procedure (measurements and calculations).

The test piece shall be maintained at 25+5 8С, until there is no increase in calculated hydrogen
volume, corrected to standard temperature and pressure (STP), i.e. 0 8С and 760 mm Hg, on successive
days. "No increase" can be understood as allowing for a change, over 24 h, of no more than 1 % of the total
volume collected. Room temperature and atmospheric pressure shall be measured and recorded. The
volume of hydrogen collected, corrected to STP, V, in ml, is given by the following formula:

V= (

where p = the atmospheric pressure, in mm of mercury;

h = the differential head, in mm, of mercury between the two limbs of the Y-tube;
r = the inside radius, in mm, of the capillary tube;
C = the length, in mm, of the gas column above the mercury in mm;
T = the room temperature, in 8С, at the time of hydrogen measurement.

When evolution has ceased, the test piece shall be removed from the apparatus and its final mass m2,
in g, shall be determined, to the nearest 0,01 g. All the relevant data shall be recorded.
The volume at STP of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal, HD, in ml per 100 g, shall be calculated
from the following formula:
HD=VSTP6100/(m27m1) (
where VSTP = the volume V, in ml, of hydrogen gas at STP;
m2 = the final mass, in g, of the test piece with deposited metal;
m1 = the initial mass, in g, of the test piece (refer to Requirements for use of TCD method for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content
according to ISO 3690. In general, systems utilizing a thermal conductivity detector fall into one of two types:
the first is hot carrier gas extraction where the specimen is heated at a relatively high temperature (up
to 400 8C) and the diffusible hydrogen is evolved from the specimen and measured continuously;
the second type is where the specimen is loaded into a suitable collection chamber that is heated at a
relatively lower temperature (typically between 45 8C and 150 8C). Quantification of the hydrogen
collected is performed as a separate step, typically utilizing a gas chromatography device.
As it is not the objective of ISO 3690 to specify parameters of any system incorporating the facility for
measuring the diffusible hydrogen in weld metal, the calibration procedures and gas extraction and thermal
conductivity detection equipment typically utilizing gas chromatography and a TCD have to provide a
proper correlation, in terms of accuracy and reproducibility with regard to mercury method. This method is
valid for the centre test piece assembly A, B or C (refer to Fig. Test piece loading.
The test piece loading shall be carried out as quickly as possible, taking not more than approximately 2 min.
The centre test piece shall be removed from the methanol and solid carbon dioxide bath, denatured
alcohol and solid carbon dioxide bath or liquid nitrogen bath and raised to slightly above 0 8С. This can be
conveniently achieved by immersing the test piece in water until the ice which forms initially has detached
or melted. The test piece shall be rinsed in acetone, dried in an air jet, and loaded into a suitable container
for collection of hydrogen. The container shall be purged and filled with an inert gas such as argon and
isolated from the atmosphere. Measurement method by hot carrier gas extraction.
Hydrogen extraction is accomplished in this procedure within a short period of time (rapid method). The
manufacturer's instructions shall be followed to operate the equipment. After warming the specimen in
accordance with, it shall be loaded into a suitable container for the collection of hydrogen. The test
piece and container may be heated up to a maximum of 400 8C for measurement of the diffusible hydrogen
content. Collection and measurement of the hydrogen occurs continuously until all of the diffusible hydrogen is
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

quantified. Exceeding the degassing temperature of 400 8C can lead to an activation of further release of so-
called residual hydrogen associated with dislocations and typically measured as a fraction.
N o t e . Residual or fixed hydrogen as opposed to the diffusible one, is a fraction of hydrogen which can not freely diffuse
into the metal and be extracted at room temperature for any exposure time. Measurement method for collection and subsequent measurement of hydrogen.

After warming the specimen in accordance with, it shall be loaded into a suitable container for the
collection of hydrogen. The container shall be purged (typically by pre-evacuation) and filled with an inert gas
such as argon and sealed to the atmosphere. The container shall be transferred to an oven or other suitable
heating device for collection of hydrogen per the operating conditions specified in Table
T a b l e
Minimum holding time at a given temperature for complete hydrogen evolution
Minimum extraction time, in h Temperature, in 8С

0,35 400+3
0,4 390+3
0,5 360+3
1 285+3
2 225+3
3 195+3
4 175+3
5 160+3
6 150+3
8 140+3
10 125+3
12 120+3
14 115+3
15 110+3
18 100+3
36 70+3
64 50+3
72 45+3

Upon completion of the heating and collection period, the container shall be cooled to room
temperature and analyzed for hydrogen. This can be accomplished by analyzing either the entire quantity
of hydrogen evolved from the test piece or an aliquot that can be apportioned to the entire quantity. A TCD
shall be used to quantify the amount of hydrogen present in the outgas mixture.
Conversion of the measured value of hydrogen collected V to give the hydrogen volume at STP, VH,
in ml, shall be made as follows:
273 pV
VH = 6 (
273+T 760
where VH =the volume of hydrogen collected V corrected to STP, in ml;
р = the pressure of the measured hydrogen volume, in mm of mercury;
V = the measured volume of hydrogen, in ml;
T = the temperature at the time of hydrogen measurement, 8С.

The test piece shall be removed from the container, weighed, and the mass, m2, recorded to the nearest
0,1 g for assembly A centre pieces or to the nearest 0,01 g for assembly B or C centre test pieces.
The volume at STP of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal, HD, in ml per 100 g, shall be calculated
from the following formula:

HD=VH6100/(m27m1) (

where VH = the volume of hydrogen collected V corrected to STP, in ml;

m2 = the final mass, in g, of the test piece with deposited metal;
m1 = the initial mass, in g, of the test piece (refer to
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-159 Requirements for use of vacuum method (GOST 23338-91, method 2). For determination of the diffusible hydrogen content by vacuum method, the measuring
device illustrated in Fig. or other designs of measuring may be used, provided the same principles
of operation and accuracy as for the device for determination of diffusible hydrogen content are used. The
test piece assembly A is used for testing (refer to Fig. The preparation of test piece assembly
shall comply with the requirements of and the process of bead welding the shall meet the
requirements of


To vacuum gauge

Measuring device for determination of diffusible hydrogen content
(GOST 23338-91, method 2):
1, 2, 3, 4 _ vacuum cocks; 5 _ vacuum-gauge lamp;
6 _ oil pressure gauge; 7 _ gas burette Design of measuring device for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content. A measuring device shall be made of molybdenum glass (refer to Fig. The
thickness recommended for the device sides is approximately 2 mm. The volume of the volumetric flask Vf, in cm3, and tubes from cock 2 (refer to Fig.
to the oil pressure gauge capillaries shall be calibrated with distilled water with an accuracy of up to 0,10 cm3
and shall be 150 _ 160 cm3. In the device only vacuum cocks may be used. Vacuum seals shall be effected using vacuum lubrication only. If necessary, lubrication
shall be removed with benzol. The vacuum level shall be measured with the use of a vacuum-gauge thermocouple lamp on
the device "Vacuum ionization thermocouple gauge". The device oil pressure gauge shall be filled with 2 _ 3 cm3 of degasified dibutyl phthalate
oil. The pressure gauge scale shall read 1 mm with its length of 400 _ 450 mm. The vacuum in the device shall be effected with a roughing-down pump having a capacity
of 50 1/min. The test piece loading and testing shall be carried out as follows:
.1 test piece with a deposited bead shall be placed for analysis in a separate device not later than in 5 s
after drying;
.2 draw air into the device with cocks 1, 3 and 4 opened and cock 2 closed (refer to Fig.;
.3 detach the bottom part of the flask, incline it horizontally, insert the test piece into it and then return
the former to its place with thorough reseating;
.4 evacuate the device with the test piece while cocks 2, 3 and 4 are opened and cock 1 (refer
to Fig. is closed. When the test piece is placed in the device, the evacuation shall be carried out
at a pressure of 2,7 Pa (261072 mm Hg) and shall not exceed 60 s;
.5 when the vacuum is settled at a value of 2,7 Pa (261072 mmHg), the cocks 3 and 4 (refer to
Fig. shall be simultaneously closed, then cock 2 follows and the vacuum pump shall be switched off.
The cock position shall be the same during the entire time of the test piece analysis;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

.6 the test pieces shall be kept in the device at a room temperature during 5 days.
Alternatively, during thermostating of the device flasks with the test pieces in an oil thermostat with an
oil temperature of 45+2 8C, the exposure time may be reduced to 48 h;
.7 after the expiry of the test piece exposure time, specified in, in the device, the difference
of pressure gauge liquid levels (Dh) with an accuracy of 0,5 mm oil head shall be recorded;
.8 after determination of the difference of pressure gauge liquid levels (Dh) (the test test piece shall be
removed from the device in the following manner: open cock 4, thereafter cocks 3 and 1 (refer to Fig.
(cock 4 remains closed), detach the bottom part of the flask with the test piece, incline it horizontally and
remove the test piece from the flask by slight rocking. Analytical procedure.
At the time of taking the pressure gauge readings, specified in, the air temperature in the
space t while taking the pressure gauge readings shall be recorded. The temperature shall be measured
using a thermometer with an accuracy of +0,5 8С. The removed test piece shall be weighed and its mass m2,
in g, shall be determined, to the nearest 0,01 g. All the relevant data shall be recorded.
The test piece volume after welding Vtest piece, in cm3, shall be determined by the following formula:
Vtest piece=m2/7,85 (
where m2= final mass of the test piece with deposited metal, in g;
7,85 = density of low-carbon steel, in g/cm3.

The total quantity of the hydrogen released VH, in cm3, corrected to STP shall be determined by the
following formula:

VH = (Vf 7Vtest piece)(Dh+Dhcf) (

where t = air temperature in the space while taking the pressure gauge readings, in 8С;
Vf = volume of a flask, in cm3;
Vtest piece = volume of teast piece after welding, in cm ;
Dh = difference of pressure gauge liquid levels, in cm;
Dhcf = correcting factor of the device determined for each particular device and remained unchanged for all the
determinations, in cm.

The volume at STP of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal, HD, in cm3 per 100 g, shall be calculated
from the following formula:

HD=VH6100/(m27m1) (
where VH =the volume of hydrogen released corrected to STP, in cm ;
m2 = the final mass, in g, of the test piece with deposited metal;
m1 = the initial mass, in g, of the test piece (refer to Requirements for use of glycerin method. For determination of the diffusible hydrogen content by glycerin method, the apparatus
illustrated in Figs., or other designs of measuring may be used, provided the same
principles of operation and accuracy as for the device for determination of diffusible hydrogen content are
used. The test piece assembly A is used for testing (refer to Fig. The test pieces without run-on
and run-off pieces with the length of a centre test piece equal to 125 mm may be used for the manual and
partly mechanized welding. The preparation of test piece assembly shall comply with the requirements of and the process of bead welding the shall meet the requirements of Design of the device for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content using the glycerin
method is shown in Fig. and the drawing of the main functional part of the device, i.e. the gas
burette with a measuring capillary tube and a stopcock, is shown in Fig.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Compensating bowl 160 DIN 12472

One-way plug shut-off tap DIN 12541

Glycerine Standard joint NS 45/40 DIN 12242

Top boundary of a measuring

space with the tap closed

Water level

Measuring tube ranged for 8 ml,

graduated 0,1 –8 ml in 0,02 ml
Gas burette with an allowable deviation
of 0,02 ml

Standard joint NS 45/40 DIN 12242

Heater Gas burette for determination of the diffusible hydrogen
Device for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content
by glycerin method

The chemically pure glycerin (wax oil) shall be used as a medium for collecting the diffusible
hydrogen released. Upon completion of preparations according to the test piece shall be loaded into the
gas burette as shown in Fig. The latter is made serviceable by joining the top and bottom parts
and then is filled with the glycerin from the compensating bowl to the zero scale mark of the measuring
capillary tube.
After filling the burette with the glycerin the measuring capillary tube shall be isolated from the atmosphere
by closing the stopcock and the very burette shall be placed in a water bath having a temperature of 45+20 8С.
This temperature shall be kept constant within the above limits using a thermostat. The water level in the water
bath shall be approximately at the level of the measuring capillary tube outlet. Four test pieces being welded and prepared according to, and, shall be
degassed simultaneously each in a separate measuring device. The degassing time for each test piece is 48 h. Upon completion of 48-hour degassing of each test piece, the diffused hydrogen volume V, in
ml, shall be read from the measuring capillary (pressure gauge) of the gas burette. All readings shall be
taken carefully to ensure that the level of liquid in the burette is the same as that in the compensating bowl.
It is achieved by changing the height of the compensating bowl followed by its securing. At the time of taking the pressure gauge readings according to, the air temperature
in the space tc while taking the pressure gauge readings and atmospheric pressure p, in mm of mercury,
shall be measured and recorded. The temperature shall be measured using a thermometer with an accuracy
of +0,5 8С. The removed test piece shall be weighed and its mass m2, in g, shall be determined, to the
nearest 0,01 g. The readings of the diffused hydrogen volume V, in ml, obtained according to shall
be corrected to STP by the following formula:
VSTP =V6B6273,15/7606Tk (
where VSTP = the hydrogen volmne, in ml, corrected to STP;
V = the hydrogen volume determined according to the measuring capillary readings in experiment performance, in ml;
В = p = correcting readings of a barometer corresponding to the atmospheric pressure at the time of readings taking, in
mm of mercury;
Tk = 273,15 + tc where tc corresponds to the temperature in the space at the time of taking readings of the diffused hydrogen
volume, in 8С.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The volume of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal HD, in ml per 100 g, shall be calculated from the
following formula:
HD=VSTP6100/(m27m1) (

where VSTP = the hydrogen volume, in ml, corrected to STP ;

m2 = the final mass, in g, of the test piece with deposited metal;
m1 = the initial mass, in g, of the test piece (refer to Classification of welding consumables by the diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metal.
Welding consumables may be classed by the Register with the assignment of classification indices Н5,
Н10 or Н15 depending on the specific content of diffusible hydrogen in the deposited metal.
Individual and common mean values of the diffusible hydrogen content shall be included in the test
report wherein the method of its determination shall be also specified.
The common mean values for four test pieces shall not exceed the values given in Table In this
case the individual values for the diffusible hydrogen content, which exceed the required in Table by
not more than 10 %, may be allowed for two specimens.
T a b l e
Diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metal
Index of classification by hydrogen Diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metal
content1 (not more than 1 cm3 per 100 g of deposited metal) determined by:
ISO 36902 glycerin method3

Н15 15 15
Н10 10 10
Н5 5 Not applicable
Additional index Н3 corresponding to the mean value of the diffusible hydrogen content (not more than 3,0 cm3 per 100 g of the deposited
metal) is allowed for ultra-low hydrogen welding consumables.
In parallel with the mercury and chromatographic (TCD) method per ISO 3690, the vacuum method (GOST 23339, method 2) is
acceptable provided all the requirements of this Section are complied with.
Provided all the requirements of this Section for this test method are met.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



6.1.1 For welding of structures subject to the Register technical supervision the welding procedures
defined by the relevant welding procedure specifications (WPS) which have passed qualification tests and
are approved by the Register shall be used.
6.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the approval by welding procedure qualification tests shall be carried
out for preliminary WPS (pWPS) and followed by filling in the established forms of welding procedure
qualification records (WPQR).
On agreement with the Register, the welding procedure approval scheme may be used based on
carrying out pre-production welding tests meeting the requirements of ISO 15613, as well as based on
adoption of a standard WPS in compliance with the requirements of ISO 15612.
6.1.3 Approval of welding procedures shall meet the requirements set forth below. On agreement with
the Register, one may be guided by the requirements of international and national standards recognized by
the Register, including ISO 15614-1, ASME Section IX, ANSI/AWS D1.1 taking into account the
requirements for the extent of tests and range of approval given below.
6.1.4 The decision on recognition of the welding procedure qualification test results (WPQR) surveyed
by another classification society or an authorized competent body is made by the Register in each
particular case on the basis of sufficiency of submitted documents for evaluation of the welding procedure
compliance with the requirements of the present Section.
6.1.5 In some cases the Register may require additional welding procedure testing during production.
This type of testing is resorted to when there are some doubts about stability of the product quality, or
some changes in the procedure parameters, or when the standard or preliminary (pre-production) tests are
insufficient, in the Register opinion, for a particular welding procedure. Such welding procedures with
higher probability of deviations in quality of welded joints include:
vertical downward welding;
one-side (single side) welding without backing (with free back-formation) of the weld by coated
electrodes or flux cored wire;
welding processes with high level of heat input (electro gas arc welding, electro slag welding, etc.);
welding processes highly susceptible to the quality of parts assembling and edge preparation, e.g.
electron beam and laser welding.


6.2.1 Definitions, explanations and terms.

For the purpose of this Section the following definitions have been adopted.
P r o d u c t i o n t e s t s mean the tests, including destructive tests, which are based on welding of
specimens obtained directly in the course of product manufacture and subjected to the same treatment, as
the actual products. Besides, depending on particular conditions and possibilities, the specimens may be
cut out of extra lengths (allowances) of structures or be manufactured in conditions identical with those of
product manufacture and using the same WPS.
E s s e n t i a l v a r i a b l e s f o r w e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e mean welding procedure parameters
which define scope of welding procedure approval by the Register based on the welding procedure
qualification tests and stated in the WPS.
W e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n r e c o r d ( W P Q R ) means the documents in the
established by the Register form or based on the acceptable standards containing complete information on
testing for approval of welding procedure. WPQR includes the following forms (records) Details of Weld
Test and Test Results.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

H e a t i n p u t E1 means electric energy consumed per unit weld length and calculated by the
formula E1 = IU/v, kJ/cm, where I means welding current, A; U means welding voltage, B; v means
welding speed, cm/s.
P r e - p r o d u c t i o n w e l d i n g t e s t s mean the tests for approval of welding procedure based on
the use of non-standard specimens and test pieces and simulating welding in actual production conditions.
P r e l i m i n a r y w e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e s p e c i f i c a t i o n ( p W P S ) means WPS based on the
previous welding experience and recommendations of welding consumables and base metal
manufacturers, but having no confirmation and approval. Welding of specimens for approval of welding
procedure is carried out in accordance with the pWPS.
W e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n t e s t s mean the tests conducted under technical
supervision and within the scope of the RS requirements to confirm the capability of the manufacturer to
carry out welding of particular structures; the tests closely simulate actual working conditions and are
performed in accordance with the WPS requirements.
W e l d i n g P r o c e d u r e A p p r o v a l T e s t C e r t i f i c a t e means the RS document certifying
that the welding procedure applied at the shipyard or firm (manufacturer of welded structures) has passed
the tests and is approved by the Register for application.
W e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e s p e c i f i c a t i o n ( W P S ) means a document compiled by the
manufacturer of welded structures and containing all the necessary information on welding of a particular
joint, including specifications for materials, welding method, edge preparation data and all process parameters.
S t a n d a r d w e l d i n g p r o c e d u r e means the welding procedure that has passed all the
qualification tests provided by the requirements of this Section and WPS was approved by the Register for
use at the specific manufacturer of welded structures. The term «standard welding procedure» there with is
applied to the welding procedure approved by the Register if the last is used at other manufacturers' of
welded structures, which shall be totally identical to those in the WPS approved by the Register (without
test performance or with tests of much-reduced scope).
6.2.2 Designations. The designations for welding processes according to ISO 4063 shall correspond to those given
in Table
T a b l e
Corresponding ISO 4063 reference numbers for the welding and cutting processes
Reference Another cpmmomnly
numbers used designations Name of welding or cutting processes
for the (acronymds and
welding abbreviations) for the welding
processes processes
111 MMAW (SMAW:USA) Manual metal arc welding (metal arc welding with covered electrode)
112 — Gravity (arc) welding with covered electrode
114 — Self-shielded tubular cored arc welding
12 SAW Submerged arc welding with:
121 SAW solid wire electrode;
122 SAW strip electrode;
124 SAW metallic powder addition;
125 SAW tubular cored electrode;
126 SAW cored strip electrode
131 MIG (GMAW:USA) Metal inert gas (MIG) welding with solid wire electrode
132 MIG welding with flux cored electrode
133 MIG welding with metal cored electrode
135 MAG (GMAW:USA) Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding with flux cored electrode
136 FCAW(USA) MAG welding with flux cored electrode
138 FCAW(USA) MAG welding with metal cored electrode; gas metal arc welding using active gas and metal cored electrode
14 TIG (GTAW:USA) Gas-shielded arc welding with non-consumable tungsten electrode:
141 TIG (GTAW:USA) Tungsten inert gas TIG welding with solid filler material (wire/rod);
142 TIG (GTAW:USA) Autogenous TIG welding;
143 TIG (GTAW:USA) TIG welding with tubular cored filler material (wire/rod).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Table _ continued

Reference Another cpmmomnly

numbers used designations Name of welding or cutting processes
for the (acronymds and
welding abbreviations) for the welding
processes processes
15 — Plasma arc welding:
151 — Plasma MIG welding;
152 — Powder plasma arc welding.
31 OGW (USA) Oxyfuel gas welding:
311 OGW (USA) Oxyacetylene welding;
312 OGW (USA) Oxypropane welding;
313 OGW (USA) Oxyhydrogen welding.
51 — Electron beam welding
52 LBW (USA) Laser welding
72 — Electroslag welding
73 — Electrogas welding
8 — Cutting and gouging:
81 — flame cutting;
82 — arc cutting;
821 — air arc cutting;
822 — oxygen arc cutting;
83 — plasma cutting;
84 — aser cutting;
86 — flame gouging;
87 — arc gouging;
871 — air arc gouging;
872 — oxygen arc gouging;
88 — plasma gouging. Approval of welding procedures and assigning of the range of approval on the basis of test
results may be done with reference to base metal groups of typical composition in compliance with
international standard ISO/TR 15608 as given in Table When executing the documentation related to the approval of welding procedures, it is
recommended to use coding of welded joint types as follows:
A _ single sided weld with backing (for welding processes which application for approval to be
submitted on or after 1 October 2019);
B _ single sided weld without backing (for welding processes which application for approval to be
submitted on or after 1 October 2019);
C _ double sided weld with gouging (for welding processes which application for approval to be
submitted on or after 1 October 2019);
D _ double sided weld without gouging (for welding processes which application for approval to be
submitted on or after 1 October 2019);
BW _ butt weld (is used before 1 October 2019);
TW _ T-weld with full penetration;
F _ fillet weld without beveling (for welding processes which application for approval to be
submitted on or after 1 October 2019)
FW _ fillet weld without beweling (is used before 1 October 2019);
ss _ single-side welding (welding from one side);
bs _ welding from both sides;
sr _ single run welding (for a joint welded from one or both sides);
mr _ multirun welding (for a joint welded from one or both sides);
nb _ welding without backing;
mb _ welding with backing;
gb _ welding with gas backing;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

gg _ welding with back gouging or back grinding of welds;

ng _ welding without (no) back gouging or withont (no) back grinding of welds. Welding conditions applied to the welding of test pieces and range of approval for welding
procedures shall be specified with reference to unified welding positions, the designations for which are
given in Appendix 2 to Section 4 according to ISO 6947. Symbols of components of gas and gas mixtures used in welding (welding processes 131, 133,
135, 136, 141 and 15) shall meet the requirements of ISO 14175 and are given in Table
T a b l e
Classification of process gases for fusion welding and allied processes according to ISO 14175

Symbol Components in nominal percentage of volume

Main group Subgroup Oxidizing Inert Reducing Low reactivity

CO2 O2 Ar He H2 N2

I 1 100
2 100
3 balance 0,54He4 95
M1 1 0,54CO245 balance1 0,54H245
2 0,54CO245 balance1
3 0,54O24 3 balance1
4 0,54CO245 15 < CO2425 balance1
M2 0 5 < CO2415 balance1
1 15 < CO2425 balance1
2 3 < O24 10 balance1
3 0,5 ≤ CO245 3 < O2410 balance1
4 5 < CO2415 0,54O243 balance1
5 5 < CO2415 3 < O2410 balance1
6 15 < CO2425 0,54O243 balance1
7 15 < CO2425 3 < O2410 balance1
M3 1 25 < CO2450 balance1
2 10 < O2415 balance1
3 25 < CO2450 2 < O2410 balance1
4 5 < CO2425 10 < O2415 balance1
5 25 < CO2450 10 < O2415 balance1
C 1 100
2 balance 0,54O2430
R 1 balance1 0,54H2415
2 balance1 154H2450
N 1 balance1 100
2 balance1 0,54N2 45
3 balance1 5 < N2 450
4 balance1 0,54H2410 0,54N245
5 0,54H2450 balance
O 1 100
Z Gas mixtures containing components not listed, or mixtures outside the composition ranges listed2
For the purpose of this classification, argon may be substituted partially or completely by helium.
Two gas mixtures with the same Z-classification may not be interchangeable.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



6.3.1 Classification of test pieces, their purpose and dimensions. General. Welding procedure qualification tests shall be carried out with use of welded joint test pieces
that meet the requirements of the present Section. Welding of test pieces shall be performed by welders
who undertook the welding procedure test satisfactorily and were qualified for the appropriate range of
qualification for welding of structures subject to the RS technical supervision in compliance with the
requirements of Section 4.
N o t e . On agreement with the Register it is permitted that both approval tests for welders and welding procedure
qualification tests may be done together. In this case, the results of testing for approval of welding procedure performed by the
welder to be certified may be considered as valid for practical tests of welders. Length or number of test pieces shall be sufficient to allow all required qualification tests to
be carried out in compliance with the requirements stated bellow. Additional test pieces, or longer test
pieces than the minimum size, may be prepared in order to allow for extra and/or for re-testing specimens
in compliance with the requirements of the present Section.
The number of the Tekken test pieces for cold cracking tests shall be as follows:
at least one test piece for gas-shielded automatic welding and self-shielded tubular-cored arc welding
(without additional gas shielding);
at least two test pieces for manual metal arc welding with covered electrode, partly mechanized gas-
shielded welding and self-shielded tubular-cored arc welding (without additional gas shielding). For all test pieces except branch connections and fillet welds (refer to Fig. the
material thickness shall be the same for both plates/pipes to be welded.
If required by the test extent, the direction of plate rolling shall be marked on the test piece when
impact tests are required to be taken in the heat-affected zone (HAZ).
The thickness and/or pipe outside diameter of the test pieces shall be selected in compliance with the
requirements of 6.4 for the range of approval for the pWPS to be qualified. Edge preparation and welding of test pieces shall be carried out in accordance with the pWPS
to be qualified. In so doing, the general conditions of welding in production for process procedure subject
to the Register approval shall be met.
Edge preparation for the Tekken test pieces shall be carried out by machining means (a saw, a milling
cutter or a cutting wheel) followed by milling or grinding of the edges to be welded with a roughness of
max. Rz 80. Surfaces to be welded shall be smooth, free from scale, rust, oil, grease and other
contaminants. Non-welded edges of the test specimens may be in condition after gas cutting. Welding of welded joint test pieces and testing of test specimens shall be witnessed by the RS surveyor. Where tack welds and crater rewelding ("stop-restart" operation) are used in the welding
procedure subject to approval by the Register, they shall be included in the test length. Where the pWPS subject to qualification does not provide for edge dressing to remove shop
primer, the latter shall be applied to the test piece elements to be butted, and its thickness shall be
adequately measured and stated in the test report. The test piece for a butt-welded joint in plates shall be prepared in accordance with Fig.
N o t e s : 1. When testing automatic single-side welding procedures at specialized assembling and welding stands provided
with clamping devices, the test piece length shall not be less than 3000 mm.
2. When testing automatic vertical welding procedures, including forced weld formation, the test piece length shall
correspond to technical capabilities of the equipment applied in production.
Strips for butt-welded test pieces from rolled plates shall be prepared taking into account the last
rolling direc-tion and axial orientation of specimens for impact test, the test results for which are given in
accompanying documents for the base metal (refer also to Table For impact tests of rolled
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


1 1


Fig. Test piece for a butt-welded joint in plates:

1 – rolling direction for plates impact tested in the longitudinal direction KVL (longitudinal specimens);
2 – rolling direction for plates impact tested in the transverse direction KVT (transverse specimens);
a and b – test piece dimensions adopted depending on a welding process:
а 5150 mm, but not less than 3t and b 5350 mm, but not less than 6t for manual and semi-automatic welding;
а 5200 mm and b 51000 mm for automatic welding; t – thickness of the test piece

products with the use of longitudinal specimens, KVL (as a rule, for all hull structural steels of normal and
higher strength) the test pieces are welded in such a way, that the weld is perpendicular to the direction of
last rolling. In impact tests of rolled products using transverse specimens, KVT the weld shall be parallel to
the direction of last rolling (as a rule, for high-strength steels and steels of improved weldability). Welding procedures for butt joint in pipe are approved on the basis of tests using the test piece
which is prepared in accordance with Fig.
For pipes with outside diameter exceeding 500 mm the approval of manual and semi-automatic
welding procedures may be obtained by the results of testing the butt joints in plates carried out in identical
conditions (refer to the requirements for welding positions listed in Table and to other parameters
of the range of approval in accordance with 6.6.1, 6.6.2, 6.6.3 and 6.6.4).
N o t e . The manufacturer on agreement with the RS surveyor is entitled to change the location of the test piece to suit the
particular features of actual welded joints. For instance, a box-shaped test piece may be used instead of the pipe, etc.

Fig. Test piece for a butt-welded joint in pipe:

а5150 mm – half of the test piece length;
D – outside pipe diameter;
t – wall thickness of the pipe;
1 – edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the pWPS
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-169 Welding procedures for corner, tee (T-) and cruciform joints fillet-welded in plate are approved
on the basis of testing the T-joint test piece, which is prepared in accordance with Fig.
N o t e . In case of approval of automatic welding procedures for framing at specialized assembling and welding stands provided
with clamping devices and ensuring fillet welding from both sides simultaneously, the test length shall be not less than 3000 mm.

Test piece for a fillet-welded T-joint without edge preparation:
web depth a53t2, minimum value 150 mm; flange width b53t1, minimum value 150 mm; t1 – flange thickness; t2 – web thickness;
test piece length L5350 mm, but no less than 6 max{t1 and t2} for manual and semi-automatic welding and L51000 mm
for automatic welding
Use of T-joint test piece in plate without edge preparation is limited by the following conditions and
applied welding consumables are of special purpose type and not used for welding butt joints in production;
the given procedure prevails in production and its approval within the range of approval for butt joints
is inexpedient to perform;
approval cannot be performed within limitations for the range of approval;
for approval of welding procedures for fillet welds with deep penetration (rated thickness of the fillet
weld exceeds the nominal one);
upon the Register requirement for the approval of welding procedures for single-run fillet welds
without removal of the shop primer. Welding procedures for corner, T- and cruciform joints in plate with full penetration are
approved on the basis of testing the T-joint test piece, which is prepared in accordance with Fig. Welding procedures for pipe and branch connections are approved on the basis of testing the
test piece for a branch connection which is prepared in accordance with Fig.

Fig. The test piece of a T-joint in plate with full penetration:
web depth a53t2, minimum value 150 mm; flange width b53t1, minimum value 150 mm;
t1 – flange thickness; t2 – web thickness;
test piece length L5350 mm, but no less than 6 max{t1 and t2} for manual and semi-automatic welding and L51000 mm
for automatic welding; 1 – edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the pWPS
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Test piece for a branch connection:

a5150 mm; D1 – outside diameter of the main pipe; t1 – wall thickness of the main pipe;
D2 – outside diameter of the branch pipe; t2 – wall thickness of the branch pipe; a – branch angle;
1 – edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the pWPS procedures for high strength steels are approved considering testing results of the
Tekken test pieces prepared in accordance with Fig. from base and welding materials for cold
cracking according to GOST R ISO 17642-2-2012.
6.3.2 Requirements for preparation of welded joint test pieces. General. Test pieces shall be welded meeting the following requirements:
edge preparation and the fit-up shall be as detailed in the pWPS;
the test piece is joined and held by tack welds to provide the correct gap and groove angle;
the tack welds shall be included in the weld length if this corresponds to normal conditions in production;
unless otherwise stated, the rolling direction on the test piece of butt joint in plates shall be in
compliance with the requirements of Table as regards the orientation of rolled products for the
impact test specimens;
after welding 50 mm of each end of the test pieces of butt joints in plates and T-joints are discarded.


200+2 60°


A b B


60 80 60

The Tekken test piece after anchor welding:
a – tested weld deposition zone; b – anchor weld; g – root gap of (2,0 + 0,2) mm;
t – plate thickness taken as the largest of the declared thicknesses for a given steel grade, but not less than 12 mm.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-171 Welding of T-joint test piece in plates without edge preparation shall meet the following
T-joint test piece in plates shall be assembled and positioned edgewise so as to constitute a tee-
assembly with no clearance;
as far as possible the plates shall be of a sufficient size to ensure a reasonable heat distribution;
the requirements of qualified welding procedure for welding without removal of the shop primer shall
be fully met. Shop primer thickness shall be measured, and the availability of shop primer on the edges of
the test piece to be welded shall be marked in the test report;
the test piece shall be fillet welded from one side only. For manual and semi-automatic welding, the stop
and restart position shall be included in the test length and shall be clearly marked for subsequent examination. For butt joint test pieces in plates it is allowed to overlap positions of PA (flat) and
PE (overhead) welding of a single test piece as of actual structure. For the Tekken test piece. Anchor welds shall be made with welding materials used for the tested
weld. Anchor welds shall be welded in the modes recommended by the manufacturer of welding materials.
To weld anchor welds, it is allowed to use other welding materials with the yield strength equal to or lower than
the yield strength of the base metal by no more than 25 %. To prevent hydrogen cracking, if necessary, pre-
heating, heating between welding runs and post-heating shall be used in the welding process. To ensure the
lowest hydrogen content, all welding materials used to make anchor welds shall be dried up according to the
manufacturer's recommendations. After completing anchor welds, they should be cooled down to ambient
temperature and visually inspected for surface cracks in accordance with ISO 17637 (inspection class is not
regulated). Requirements for welding procedure and preparation of test pieces. Preheating is only used if it is specified in pWPS for the given material. But even if the
preheating is not used, the RS surveyor has the right to require welding of joint test pieces to be done with
simulation of temperature conditions corresponding to the minimum ambient air temperature, at which
welding jobs are permitted in accordance with the pWPS. One shall meet the pWPS requirements, if any, with respect to interbead (interpass)
temperature. If pWPS does not specify measures in control of this parameter, the temperature in welding of
test pieces shall be kept within limits normally observed in practice. The actual data of interpass
temperature measurements are entered into the specification of welded joint tests.
N o t e . In case of deviation of the test piece dimensions from values required by 6.3.1 one shall take into account the
change in heat removal conditions to meet the requirements with respect to interpass temperature, as stated above. The welding parameters shall comply with the pWPS requirements. Besides, the welding of
test pieces shall be carried out for the most unfavourable set of welding parameters, e.g. at maximum
values of welding current and heat input (in cases, when impact testing is required) or when the pWPS heat
input is reduced by 25 % for welding of high strength steels on the Tekken test piece (for cold crack
testing). Non-observance of this test condition requires additional validation and, if this is not available or
not correct, the Register has the right to require from the manufacturer of welded structures limitation of
weld conditions (heat input) in pWPS down to values actually observed in the tests and corresponding to
the range of approval. Heat treatment of welded joints shall be performed only, if it is specified by pWPS. In this case
the actual conditions of the welded joint test piece heat treatment shall be selected aiming at the most
unfavourable version from the point of view of obtaining the required properties of the welded joint (refer also
to the requirement of concerning the range of approval). Welding of test pieces shall be performed, as far as possible, with the use of production
equipment and in workshop conditions. The welding scheme for the Tekken test piece test joint shall correspond to Fig.
The weld shall be made in one run. After welding, the sample shall be kept at ambient temperature for at
least 48 hours before the start of crack testing. The ambient temperature during welding shall be taken as
the temperature of the ambient air during the welding. This temperature shall be entered to the WPS.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

4 1 3 2 4

5 6 5

The welding scheme for the Tekken test piece test joint:
1 – beginning of weld; 2 – end of weld; 3 – test weld; 4 – anchor weld; 5 – size equal to approximately 2 mm;
6 – size equal to approximately 76 mm



6.4.1 Extent of the test pieces examination and testing. Each test piece after welding shall be subjected to testing within the scope of the requirements
specified in Table At the same time the welded joints testing, test specimens preparation and test
results evaluation shall meet the requirements given below.
T a b l e
Requirements for extent of testing for approval of welding procedures

Nos. Type of welded test piece Type of test Extent of testing

1 Butt joint in plate and pipe — refer to Visual testing 100 % of weld length
Figs. and Radiographic or ultrasonic testing1 100 % of weld length
Surface crack detection2 100 % of weld length
Transverse tensile test 2 specimens
Transverse bend test3 4 specimens
Impact test From 3 to 8 series of 3 specimens each4
Hardness test5 Required
Macro examination 1 transverse macrosection

2 T-joints in plate with edge preparation Visual testing 100 % of weld length
(with full penetration), refer to Fig. Surface crack detection2 100 % of weld length
Pipe branching node with edge preparation Ultrasonic testing1,6 100 % of weld length
on branch to be welded on (double tee-butt Hardness test5 1 or 2 specimens required7
joint), refer to Fig. Macro examination 2 or 3 transverse specimens required7
Additional tests8

3 T-joints in plate without edge preparation Visual testing 100 % of weld length
(fillet/joint), refer to Fig. Surface crack detection2 100 % of weld length
Pipe branching node without edge Hardness test5 1 or 2 specimens required7
preparation on branch to be welded Macro examination 2 or 3 transverse specimens required7
(without penetration), refer to Fig. Fructure test Required for the test piece of a joint in plate
Additional tests8

4 Tekken test piece Visual testing for surface cracks 100 % of weld length
Macro examination of the test weld for 4 transverse specimens in the absence of any
cracks visible surface cracks in the weld
Ultrasonic testing shall not be used at base metal thicknesses t < 10 mm, as well as for austenitic and austenitic stainless steels (groups 8
and 10 according to ISO/TR 15608).
Penetrant testing or magnetic particle testing. For non-magnetic materials, penetrant testing.
In compliance with the requirements of
In compliance with the requirements of
Hardness test is required if prescribed by requirements in
For outside diameter D450 mm no ultrasonic test is required. For outside diameter D > 50 mm and where it is not technically possible
to carry out ultrasonic testing, a radiographic testing shall be carried out on the maximum weld length available.
In compliance with the location of test specimens for tests according to Figs. 6.4.2-2 to 6.4.2-5.
In cases when the welding procedure according to pWPS is not subjected to approval testing by other methods, additional tests to check
the mechanical properties (mechanical tests) shall be conducted on a butt joint test piece with identical edge preparation.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

6.4.2 Requirements for location and taking of test specimens for mechanical tests.
Test specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken after all non-destructive testing (NDT) has been
carried out and which has passed the relevant inspection criteria for the NDT method(s) used within the
scope of requirements specified in Table It is acceptable to take the test specimens from locations
avoiding areas which have imperfections within the acceptance limits for the NDT method(s) used.
Test specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken in accordance with Figs. 6.4.2-1 — 6.4.2-5.
Test specimens from Tekken test piece shall be taken in accordance with Fig. 6.4.2-6.







Fig. 6.4.2-1 Location of test specimens in the test piece

of a butt-welded joint for mechanical tests:
Т1 and Т2 – transverse tensile test specimens;
Р1 and Р3 – transverse face bend test specimens or two side bend test specimens;
Р2 and Р4 – transverse root bend test specimens or two side bend test specimens;
L – longitudinal tensile test specimen, if required;
KVWM – Charpy V-notch impact test specimens (notch in weld metal);
KVFL – Charpy V-notch impact test specimens (notch on fusion line);
KVHAZ – Charpy V-notch impact test specimens (notch in HAZ);
М – macro examination and hardness test specimens;
t – thickness of the test piece
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Weld top (12 h position)

for welding positions Zone 1:
PF, PG, H-L045 1 transverse tensile test specimen
2 transverse bend test specimens
and J-L 045
Zone 2:59 impact test
specimens and additional
test specimens if required

Zone 3:
1 transverse tensile test specimen
2 transverse bend test specimens

Zone 4:
1 macro test specimen
1 hardness test specimen
(integration test is allowed)

Fig. 6.4.2-2 Location of test specimens in the test piece

of a butt-welded joint in pipes for mechanical tests

Fig. 6.4.2-3 Location of test specimens in the test piece

of a fillet-welded T-joint in plates for mechanical tests:
1 – discard 50 mm;
2 – macro test specimen;
3 – macro and hardness test specimen
(combined in one specimen);
4 – welding direction; 5 – fracture test specimens
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. 6.4.2-4 Location of test specimens in the test piece

of a T-joint in plates with full penetration for mechanical tests:
1 _ discard 50 mm;
2 _ macro test specimen;
3 _ macro and hardness test specimen (combined in one specimen);
4 _ welding direction

Fig. 6.4.2-5 Location of test specimens in the test piece

of a branch connection for mechanical tests:
А1 (12 h) macro and hardness test specimen (combined in one specimen);
А (6 h) macro and hardness test specimen (combined in one specimen);
В (9 h) or В1 (3 h) _ macro test specimen


L/4 L/4 L/4 L/4


1 2

Fig. 6.4.2-6
Location of test specimens:
1 – cutting towards the specimen width; 2 – position of the test section.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

6.4.3 Non-destructive testing. Test pieces shall be examined by visual and by non-destructive testing prior to the cutting of
test specimen in accordance with Table In case that any post-weld heat treatment is required or
specified, non-destructive testing shall be performed after heat treatment. For high-strength steels meeting
the requirements of 3.16, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships and having specified minimum yield strength of 420 MPa and above, the NDT shall be
delayed for a minimum of 48 h after welding, unless heat treatment has been carried out. General
requirements for carrying out and basic parameters of non-destructive testing of the welded joint test
pieces shall be in compliance with 3.2, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships taking into account of the admissible imperfections for Acceptance
Quality Level (refer to In case it complies with the contractual requirements and specifications for manufacturing
specific products, the assessment of the test piece of welded joint under NDT results shall be carried out up
to Acceptance Quality Level B according to ISO 5817. The reduction criteria down to Acceptance Quality
Level C is therewith admissable for external imperfections associated with oversized welds (excessive
height and breadth of a butt weld reinforcement, excess throat thickness of a fillet weld, excessive
reinforcement of a single _ side butt weld root). Allowed is the assessment criteria downgrading to
Acceptance Quality Level C for external imperfections as per weld dimensions in excess (excess in height
and breadth reinforcement).
During examination by specific NDT methods the requirements of ISO 17635 to Test Class and
Quality Level shall be comply:
to perform Quality Level B examination by visual testing as per ISO 5817 NDT methods in
accordance with ISO 17637 (Test Class is not regulated);
to perform magnetic particle testing of Quality Level 2Х in compliance with ISO 23278, test methods
shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 17638 (Test Class is not regulated);
to perform radiographic testing of Acceptance Quality Level 1 in compliance with 10675-1, test
methods shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 17636 (Test Class В);
to perform ultrasonic testing of Quality Level 2 as per ISO 11666 (refer to 3.4.6, Part XIV "Welding"
of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships ), the test procedure in accordance
with ISO 17640 (testing level В).
6.4.4. Mechanical tests. Tensile test.
Two transverse tensile specimens taken from the test pieces for butt joints in plate and pipe having
dimensions as shown in Fig. or shall be tested.

Fig. Transverse specimen for tensile test of plates:

Ls _ greatest weld width (weld top); Lc =Ls + 60 mm _ parallel test length; L0 _ gauge length;
b _ width of the parallel test length is defined as follows: b =12 mm for ts42 mm and b = 25 mm for ts > 2 mm;
b15(b + 12) mm _ width of the specimen gripping part; ts _ thickness of specimen; R525 mm _ transition radius
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Transverse specimen from a butt joint in pipes for tensile test:
Ls – greatest weld width (weld top);
Lc5Ls + 60 mm _ parallel test length;
L0 _ gauge length; b _ width of the parallel test length is defined as follows:
b = 6 mm for D450 mm, b =12 mm for 50 < D4168,3 mm and b = 25 mm for D > 168,3 mm;
b15(b + 12) mm _ width of the specimen gripping part;
ts _ thickness of specimen; R525 mm _ transition radius

Thickness of a test specimen ts shall be, as a rule, equal to the thickness of a base metal
(refer to Fig., а). In case the testing of the weld full section is required with metal thickness above
30 mm, several specimens shall be cut out to cover the overall weld thickness (refer to Fig., b).
In this case location of each specimen shall be indicated in the test report.

Fig. Example showing the position of test specimens in welded joint section:
a – testing of base metal full section ts = t;
b – testing of several specimens in section for t > 30 mm

For pipes D > 50 mm outside diameter, the weld reinforcement shall be removed on both faces to give
the test specimen a thickness equal to the wall thickness of the pipe.
For pipes D450 mm outside diameter, and when full section small diameter pipes are used, the weld
reinforcement may be left undressed on the inside surface of the pipe.
If for welding of test pieces the welding consumables were used, which have no Certificate of
Approval for Welding Consumables, one or two (depending on the welding process) longitudinal round
tensile test specimens with 10 mm diameter of effective part shall be additionally prepared and tested in
accordance with Fig. 4. The following version of specimens preparation for testing is acceptable:
cutting from the butt-joint test piece, if the dimensions of the specimen effective part are fit for weld
cross-section in accordance with Fig.;


Fig. Longitudinal round specimen Fig. Location of longitudinal round test specimens
for weld metal tensile tests: for tensile tests:
d = 10 mm – diameter of the parallel test length; a _ test specimen from a joint welded from one side only;
L0 = 5d – gauge length; Lc = L0 + d – parallel test length; b _ test specimen from a joint welded from both sides
R = 10 mm – transition radius
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

cutting from additionally prepared deposited metal test piece meeting the requirements of 5.4.2 for
relevant welding consumables and welding processes.
N o t e . When the specimens are taken from the butt-welded joint test piece, proportional round tensile test specimens with
6 mm diameter of effective part may be used, if the effective part of 10 mm diameter does not fit the weld cross-section. Bend test.

Four transverse bend test specimens taken from the test pieces of butt joints in plate and pipe having
dimensions as shown in Fig shall be tested for static bend:

172 mm 172 mm

Fig. Test specimens for bend test:

a) at t < 12 mm
(specimens with extension of a weld root and weld face),
a = t, b = 30 mm;
b) at t520 mm (specimens for side bend), a = 10 mm, b = t;
c) at 124t < 20 mm, type a) or b) specimens may be used;
t – thickness of the test piece

for thicknesses of a base metal t < 12 mm two root and two face bend test specimens shall be tested;
for thicknesses of a base metal 124t < 20 mm four side bend specimens are recommended instead of
root and face bend tests;
for thicknesses of a base metal t520 mm four side bend specimens shall be tested.
The upper and lower surfaces of the weld shall be filed, ground or machined flush with the surface of
the plate and the sharp corners of the specimens rounded to a radius not exceeding 2 mm.
The bend test methods are shown in Fig. If the test procedure allows for the bending
(wrapping) of test specimen around the mandrel, the test specimen length may exceed 11a.
When testing specimens for side bending and if the base metal thickness t540 mm, the specimen may
be divided into two parts of width b520 mm.
When testing dissimilar welded joints, the tests of transverse bend specimens are replaced, if agreed
with the Register, by testing the same number of longitudinal specimens (refer to Fig. having the
same orientation of a tension zone (weld root and weld face).
a) b)

Fig. Bend test methods:

a _ three-point free bend test; b _ wrap around bend test
Symbols: D – mandrel diameter; Lf = D + 3a – free interval between rollers;
L ≈ 9a + D for version a) or L ≈ 11a for version b) – specimen length;
Ls = Lf + d – free interval between supporting rollers; d – diameter of supporting rollers
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Longitudinal bend test specimen

for dissimilar welded joints:
A and B – parts of the dissimilar welded joint
of steels different grades or classes;
L ≈ 9a + D for version а) or L ≈ 11a for version b);
L – specimen length;
a = t; b = (lw + 20) mm at t 4 20 mm and
b = (lw + 30) mm at t > 20 mm Fracture test.

The lack of internal imperfections in fillet welded T-joints in plate shall be checked by fracture test
with extension of the weld root from two (for manual and semi-automatic welding) to six specimens (for
automatic welding).
The specimens of 100 _ 120 mm in length shall be used for testing. Each specimen shall be tested in
compliance with the requirements of ISO 9017 or similar national standards.
If necessary to facilitate fracture in the critical cross-section, a longitudinal notch may be done on the
centre of the weld surface (refer to Fig., or/and additional notches about 5 mm depth on both edges
of the fillet weld (side notching) may be done.

Fig. Specimen for fracture of fillet welds in plate

with longitudinal square ("q" type) notch according to ISO 9017 Impact test.

Charpy V-notch impact specimens shall comply with the dimensions shown in Fig. All
impact tests shall be carried out on Charpy machines complying with the requirements of ISO 148 or other
international and national recognized standards, and having a striking energy of not less than 300 J in
testing steel specimens and not less than 150 J in testing non-ferrous metal specimens. Where the test
temperature is other than ambient temperature of the test specimen at the moment of breaking the specified
temperature shall be within +2 8C.
The number of series consisting of three Charpy V-notch impact specimens each, as well as location of
notches on specimens of each series shall comply with Figs., or depending on
the thickness of the test piece metal, the heat input of welding or the base metal grade.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Dimensions Nominal Tolerances

Length L, in mm 55 +0,60
Thickness a, in mm 10 +0,06
Width b, in mm
standard specimen 10 +0,11
subsize specimen 7,5 +0,11
subsize specimen 5,0 +0,06
V-notch angle g, in deg 45 +2
Depth below notch h, mm 8 +0,06
Root radius r, mm 0,25 +0,025
Distance of notch from end of test specimen L/2, in mm 27,5 +0,040
Angle between plane of notch symmetry and the longitudinal axis of test specimen y, in deg 90 +2

Fig. Charpy V-notch specimen for impact tests

a) t450 mm(1) 2nd side

1st side

N o t e (1). For one side single run welding over 20 mm notch

location "a" shall be added on root side.

b) t >50 mm 2nd side

1st side

Fig. Location of V-notch for butt weld

of normal heat input (heat input 4 50 kJ/cm):
a – notch in centre of weld (WM);
b – notch on fusion line (FL);
c – notch in HAZ, 2 mm from fusion line (FL + 2)
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

a) t 450 mm 2nd side

1st side
N o t e (1). For one side welding with thickness over 20 mm
notch locations "a", "b" and "c" shall be added on root side.

b) t >50 mm 2nd side

1st side
Fig. Location of V-notch for butt weld of high heat input
(heat input > 50 kJ/cm):
a – notch in centre of weld (WM);
b – notch on fusion line (FL);
c – notch in HAZ, 2 mm from fusion line (FL + 2);
d – notch in HAZ, 5 mm from fusion line (FL + 5);
e – notch in HAZ, 10 mm from fusion line (FL + 10)

a) t 450 mm 2nd side

1st side
N o t e (1). For one side welding with thickness over 20 mm
notch locations "a" and "b" shall be added on root side.

b) t >50 mm 2nd side

1st side
Fig. Location of V-notch for butt weld
of high strength steels:
a – notch in centre of weld (WM);
b – notch on fusion line (FL);
c – notch in HAZ, 2 mm from fusion line (FL + 2);
d – notch in HAZ, 5 mm from fusion line (FL + 5)
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-182 Hardness test.

Hardness test is required in approval of welding procedures for hull structural steels with a specified
minimum yield strength ReH5355 MPa, and also for high-strength steels of all grades.
The results from the hardness test shall not exceed the following:
for welded joints in pipes made of steels with Сeq > 0,41 %;
for welded joints in forgings and castings made of steels of sub-group 1.1 (refer to Table
with the carbon content C > 0,18 % and thickness of welded elements t>40 mm;
for welded joints in steels of sub-groups 1.2 (ReH = 360 MPa), 1.3, 1.4 steels, and also in groups 2 _ 7
and 9 _ 11 (refer to Table
The Vickers hardness of the welded joint metal (HV10) shall be determined with the use of macro test
specimens in accordance with Figs. _ In so doing, the hardness of each welded joint
zone (weld, heat-affected zone, base metal) shall be determined on the basis of at least three indentations
(measurements) on both sides of the weld axis. The first indentation in the heat-affected zone shall be
made as close to the fusion line as possible. The distance between the centre points of the indentations
shall be at least 1,0 mm for scale HV10.
a) b)

Fig. Examples of hardness test with rows

of indentations in butt welds:
a _ butt weld from one side only, both single and multirun;
b _ butt weld from both sides, both single and multirun






1 2 3

Fig. Example showing the position of the Fig . Examples of hardness test
indentations with row indentation in T-joint welds with full penetration
for hardness test in butt welds:
1 – base metal outside HAZ;
2 – HAZ; 3 – weld metal;
L – distance between the centre points of the indentations:
in HAZ L51,0 mm for HV10 and L50,7 mm for HV5
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Example showing the position of the indentations for hardness test in T-joint welds with full penetration


Fig. Examples of hardness test with row indentation

in fillet welds and in T-joint welds without edge preparation

Fig . Example showing the position of the indentations for

hardness test in fillet welds and in T-joint welds without edge
preparation Macro examination.

The test specimens shall be ground and etched on one side to clearly reveal the weld metal, the fusion
line and the heat-affected zone.
Macro examination shall include weld, HAZ and about 10 mm unaffected base metal.
The microstructure of welded joints shall be examined only if deemed necessary by the Register, and
the requirements for test procedure and results evaluation are subject to agreement in each particular case. Requirements for estimation of mechanical test results. The tensile strength value when testing transverse tensile specimens of butt-welded joints
made of normal, higher and high strength hull structural steels shall not be less than the values given in
Table In other cases the tensile strength value determined during testing shall not be less than the
values stated in Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going
Ships or in the Register recognized national/international standards for the relevant base metal considering
its thickness.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Test result requirements for specimens of welded joints of normal, higher and high strength steel

Grade Tensile test, min Bend test1 Hardness test

of welded steel HV10,
Transverse Longitudinal round specimens Mandrel Bending angle, max
specimens, diameter a,
Rm, in MPa Rm, in MPa ReH, in MPa A5, in % D in deg.
A─E 400 400 _ 560 305 22 4t 180 Not standardized
A32 ─ F32 440 490 _ 660 375 22 4t 180 Not standardized
A36 ─ F36 490 490 _ 660 375 22 4t 180 350
A40 ─ F40 510 510 _ 690 400 22 4t 180 350
A420 ─ F420(W) 530 530 _ 680 420 20 5t 180 350
A460 ─ F460(W) 570 570 _ 720 460 20 5t 180 420
A500 ─ F500(W) 610 610 _ 770 500 18 5t 180 420
A550 ─ F550 670 670 _ 830 550 18 6t 180 420
A620 ─ F620 720 720 _ 890 620 18 6t 180 420
A690 ─ F690 770 770 _ 940 690 17 6t 180 420
t is the thickness of a bend test specimen.

For dissimilar welded joints the tensile strength shall not be less than the minimum value specified for
the material having the lowest tensile strength.
When proportional longitudinal round specimens are tested, the values of mechanical properties of the
weld metal shall meet the requirements of Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships for the relevant grades of welding consumables, and also shall
correspond to the values given in Table During bend testing the ratio of mandrel diameter to specimen thickness (D/t) shall be
increased by 1,0 relative to the values stated in Section 4, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships for the approval of the relevant grades of welding
consumables (refer to Table In cases not specified in Table the following requirements
shall be met:
the diameter of the former or the inner roller D shall be equal to 4t for steels with nominal elongation
А5520 %;
for the base metal with elongation А5< 20 % the fol-lowing formula shall be applied:

D= 7t

where D = diameter of the former or the inner roller, in mm;

t = thickness of the bend test specimen, in mm;
А5 = minimum tensile elongation required by material specification (nominal value), in %.

The tests shall be carried out until the bending angle of 1808 is reached. After testing, the test
specimens shall not reveal any open defects in any direction greater than 3 mm. Defects appearing at the
corners of a test specimen during testing shall be investigated and evaluated case by case.
The longitudinal bend test results are subject to agreement with the Register in each particular case. In
so doing, the above ratios relative to the material with the lower value of nominal elongation А5 are
recommended to be assumed as the basis. During testing of T-joint welds for static fracture, the specimen's fracture surface shall be
inspected for the presence of inadmissible internal defects (pores and porosity, slag inclusions, lack of
fusion and cracks), the value of fusion in the root weld shall also be checked. Imperfections that are
detected shall be evaluated in accordance with ISO 5817 (EN 25817), quality level B. For welded joints of the normal, higher and high strength steels the requirements for impact
test results shall comply with the requirements of Table
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Impact test requirements for butt joints of normal, higher and high strength steels (t450 mm)
Value of minimum average absorbed energy on weld, KV, in J Value of minimum average
absorbed energy
Testing Electrodes and combinations Combinations
Grade of steel on fusion line and
temperature, for semi-automatic welding for
in heat affected zone, KV, in J
in С8 automatically
Downhand, Vertical Testing KVT KVL
welded joints
horizontal position temperature,
and overhead in С8
А + 20 + 20
_ 271,2
В 0 0
D 0 0
_ 471,2
E 720 34 34 720
A32, A36 + 20 + 20
D32, D36 0 0 _ 471,2
E32, E36 720 720
F32, F36 740 740
A40 + 20 + 20
D40 0 39 39 0 _ 471,2
E40 720 720
F40 740 740
A420, A420W 720 0
D420, D420W 720 42 42 720 28 423
E420, E420W 740 740
F420, F420W 760 760
A460, A460W 720 0
D460, D469W 720 47 46 46 720 31 463
E460, E460W 740 740
F460, F460W 760 760
A500, A500W 720 0
D500, D500W 720 50 50 50 720 33 503
E500, E500W 740 740
F500, F500W 760 760
A550 720 0
D550 720 55 55 55 720 37 553
E550 740 740
F550 760 760
A620 720 0
D620 720 62 62 62 720 41 623
E620 740 740
F620 760 760
A690 720 0
D690 720 69 69 69 720 46 693
E690 740 740
F690 760 760
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
Table _ continued
For rolled product thickness above 50 mm impact test requirements shall be specified with due regard for Table 3.2.2.-1, Table 3.2.3,
Table, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships and be subject to additional
agreement with the Register.
In accordance with 3.2.3, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, in general, the
impact tests of delivered steel shall be performed on longitudinal (KVL) specimens only (test results on transverse specimens shall be
guaranteed by the manufacturer), unless otherwise stated by the customer and agreed by the Register.
In accordance with 3.13.3, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, unless
otherwise specified by the Register, the impact tests of high strength steel plates and wide flats of more than 600 mm in width shall be
performed on transverse (KVT) specimens. Where rolled products of another cross-sectional shape are concerned, the impact tests shall be
performed on longitudinal (KVL) specimens.

For the joints between different steel grades/types, the test specimens shall be taken from the side of
the joint with the lower toughness of steel. Temperature and absorbed energy results shall comply with the
requirements for the lower toughness steel.
Where more than one welding process or consumable has been used to make the test weld, impact test
specimens shall be taken from the respective areas where each was employed. This shall not apply to the
process or consumables used solely to make the first weld run or root deposit.
The testing of sub-size specimens shall be carried out in compliance with the requirements of,
Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. In special
cases, when designation of the consumables quality grade does not comply with the requirements of Table 2.2.4
(e.g., for MODU and FOP structures), the absorbed energy and test temperature shall comply with the
requirements of Section 4, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships for respective consumable quality grade, relative to the weld metal and fusion line, while for
the metal of heat-affected zone it shall comply with the requirements of 3.2 and 3.5, Part XIII "Materials" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships for steel of respective grade considering
the direction of rolled product at specimen welding. At that, for steel welded joints of grade F, the Register may
require testing of the additional specimen series, having notch located on the heat-affected zone at a distance
of 5 mm from the fusion line, regardless of the heat input of welding (refer to Fig.
For steel castings and forgings the impact tests for the fusion line and the heat-affected zone shall be
carried out in compliance with the requirements for the base metal of 3.7 and 3.8, Part XIII "Materials" of
the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Tests for the weld metal are
conducted relative to the consumable quality grade, prescribed in the documentation approved by the
Register for a particular item or structure.
For corrosion resistant steels, impact tests at approval of welding procedures shall be conducted on
agreement with Register, in case this type of testing is provided for the base metal by the rules or the
documentation approved by the Register for a particular product (for example, for propeller castings of
corrosion resistant steels in compliance with the requirements of 3.12, Part XIII "Materials"). Unless
otherwise agreed with the Register, the temperature and estimation criteria for the impact test results shall
comply with the values specified for the base metal. The results from the hardness test shall meet the following requirements:
for higher and high strength hull structural steels the maximum values of hardness shall not exceed the
values given in Table;
in other cases, unless otherwise specified in a contract documentation, the requirements of ISO 15614-1
given in Table shall be met.
T a b l e
Permitted maximum hardness values (HV 10)
Steel groups according to ISO/TR 15608 Non-heat treated Heat treated

11, 2 380 320

32 450 380
4, 5 380 320
6 _ 350
9.1 350 300
9.2 450 350
9.3 450 350
If hardness tests are required (refer to
For steels with min ReH > 890 MPa special values shall be specified.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-187 Macro examination shall include regular weld profile and reveal the following:
incomplete penetration;
lack of fusion;
inadmissible undercuts;
inadmissible internal defects (pores and slag inclusions).
The imperfections revealed shall be evaluated in compliance with the requirements of 6.4.3. Cold cracking test. The test weld shall be inspected visually for surface cracks in accordance with ISO 17637
(inspection class is not regulated). If there are any visible surface cracks, the test is considered failed. If no
cracks are found, then the weld test specimens shall be examined on macrosections.
N о t e . If it is not possible to identify the visible defect as a crack, then the weld test specimens shall be further examined on
macrosections. Surfaces of macrosections shall be prepared in accordance with and inspected for any
possible cracks. The inspection shall be carried out using optical instruments of at least 650 magnification.
The conclusion that the specimens have no cracks shall be confirmed with the use of magnification
of at least 6200. 3 options for inspection results are possible as follows:
.1 no cracks are found on macro-sections, the test is considered to have satisfactory results;
.2 cracks with a length of under 0,5 mm inclusive are found on macrosections, the test is considered to
have satisfactory results;
.3 cracks with a length over 0,5 mm are found on macrosections, the test is considered to have
unsatisfactory results;
N о t e . If the first and the last test specimens have cracks in the sections which are closest to the anchor welds, it is
necessary to perform visual evaluation of the deposited weld metal area of the specified test specimen, which shall not be
significantly smaller than the area of the deposited weld metal cross-section at the opposite side. Otherwise, the test specimen at
the side of the cross-section with a smaller deposited metal area shall be re-grinded up to the area close to the opposite side weld
area and shall be re-checked for cracks. If tests are failed, the welding technology in the pWPS shall be amended. When making
amendments to the welding technology, the cold cracking tests shall be repeated.

N о t e . The increased resistance to cold cracking can be achieved through preheating, increasing the welding heat input,
using "softer" formable welding materials, etc.

When choosing a preheat temperature, it is allowed to follow:

.1 Table;
.2 metal welding recommendations of the British Standard EN 1011-2, which includes impact on the
preheating temperature (Tp), carbon equivalent (CET), plate thickness (d), diffusion hydrogen content in
the weld metal (HD), and the welding heat input (Q) by the following formula:
Tp = 6976CET + 1606tg(d/35) + 626HD 0,35 + (536CET732)6Q7328 (°C).

This ratio is valid for structural steels with the following parameters:
YS up to 1000 MPa;
CET = from 0,2 to 0,5 %;
d = from 10 to 90 mm;
HD = from 1 to 20 ml/100 g;
Q = from 0,5 to 4,0 kJ/mm.
When setting the preheating temperature according to the recommendations given, the lowest
temperature shall be selected from the two ones. If unsatisfactory results are obtained from tests (specimen
cracks), it is necessary to increase the preheating temperature up to the inter-roll temperature in accordance
with the pWPS.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Preheating temperature requirements for high strength steel welding

Welded Metal Ambient air temperature, Diffusion hydrogen content Minimal

steel grade thickness, °С in the deposited metal, preheating temperature,
mm cm3/100g °С
(A/F)690 Up to 130 From 0 and above Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 80
Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 100

From 0 to 710 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 120

Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 130
From 711 to 715 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) Following the manufacturerʹs
recommendations agreed by RS

(A/F)690 Up to 40 From 0 and above Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 40

and (A/F)550 Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 60
From 0 to 715 Up to 3.0 (НЗ) 80
Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 100

From 716 to 720 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) Following the manufacturerʹs

recommendations agreed by RS
41-100 From 0 and above Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 60
Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 100

From 0 to 715 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 120

Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 120
From 716 to 720 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) Following the manufacturerʹs
recommendations agreed by RS

(A/F)500 Up to 40 From 0 and above Up to 3,0 (НЗ) Without heating

inclusive Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 40
Above 5,0 up to 10,0 (Н10) 60
Below 0 down to 715 Up to 3,0 (Н3) 60
Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 80

Below 715 down to 720 Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 100

Above 40 up to From 0 and above Up to 3,0 (НЗ) 60
100 inclusive Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 80

Below 0 down to 715 Up to 3,0 (Н3) 80

Above 3,0 up to 5,0 (Н5) 100

Below 715 down to 720 Up to 3,0 (Н3) Following the manufacturerʹs

recommendations agreed by RS
N o t e s : 1. The Table establishes the minimum level of requirements for preheating temperature and interpass temperature for hardened
and tempered steel in terms of cold crack susceptibility.
2. For steels of categories (A/F)500, manufactured using thermomechanical processing with accelerated cooling and having Ceqv40,41 %,
lower heating temperatures and interpass temperatures are allowed.
3. Actual values of preheating temperatures and interpass temperature shall be approved by the Register on the basis of tests for approving of
welding procedures, including control of all the limiting parameters of a specific project (maximum hardness of the heat-affected zone, weld, etc.).
4. Preheating is regulated for welding methods with a heat input value not exceeding 3,5 kJ/mm.
5. Welding of steels with a yield strength of above 690 MPa is carried out at positive temperatures (above 0°C), if welding is carried out at negative
temperatures (from 0 °C to 710 °C) with low-alloyed welding materials, the values of the minimum preheating temperature increase by 50 °C.
At temperatures from 710 °C to 725 °C, welding is carried out only with austenitic welding materials with edge preheating for at least 40 °C.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


6.5.1 If the test piece fails to comply with any of the requirements for non-destructive testing one
further test piece shall be prepared and subjected to the same examination. If the additional test piece does
not comply with the relevant requirements, the pWPS shall be regarded as not capable of complying with
the requirements without modification.
6.5.2 If any test specimen fails to comply with the relevant requirements for mechanical tests due to weld
imperfections only, two further test specimens for each one that failed shall be prepared and subjected to the
same test. The specimens for re-testing can be taken from the same test piece if there is sufficient material
available or from a new test piece. If either of these additional test specimens does not comply with the
relevant requirements, the pWPS and the welding procedure are considered unsuitable for use in production
without modifications ensuring the required quality of welded joints.
6.5.3 If a tensile test specimen fails to meet the relevant requirements due to the reasons not associated
with weld imperfections, the re-testing shall be carried out on the doubled number of specimens. The
specimens for re-testing are taken from the same test piece if there is sufficient material available or from a
new test piece. When both additional specimens have demonstrated satisfactory test results, the common
result of the tensile tests is considered positive. If one or both additional specimens have failed at re-
testing, the pWPS and the welding procedure are considered unsuitable for use in production without
modifications ensuring the required quality of welded joints.
6.5.4 If there is a single hardness value for a welded joint metal above the maximum values specified
by the requirements of, additional hardness tests shall be carried out (on the reverse of the
macrosection or after sufficient grinding of the tested surface). The results of the additional tests are
considered positive, if none of the hardness values for the welded joint metal does not exceed the specified
maximum ones. Otherwise the pWPS and the welding procedure are considered unsuitable for use in
production without modifications ensuring the required quality of welded joints.
6.5.5 If a test piece is rejected due to the hardness test results (there is more than a single hardness
value for a welded joint metal above the maximum values specified by the requirements of, the
re-testing shall be carried out on a doubled number of specimens. The specimens for re-testing are taken in
compliance with the requirements of 6.5.2.
6.5.6 If any impact test specimens fail to comply with the relevant requirements due to the reasons not
associated with specimen imperfections, the re-testing of a further set of three specimens shall be carried
out with the results estimation according to, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The specimens for re-testing are taken in compliance
with the requirements of 6.5.2.
6.5.7 The results of re-testing are accepted as final, but even if any test specimen fails to pass the tests
in compliance with the requirements of 6.5.2 _ 6.5.6, the welding procedure is considered unsuitable for
use without modifications ensuring the required quality of the welded joint metal.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



6.6.1 General. Specifying the range of approval for a welding procedure, each of the requirements given
below shall be met. Changes introduced into a WPS by a manufacturer, and which are outside of the ranges
specified shall require a new welding procedure test. All the conditions of validity stated below shall be met independently of each other. The approval of a welding procedure by the Register obtained by a shipyard or welded
structures manufacturer is valid for welding in all workshops or sites of that shipyard/manufacturer under
the same technical and quality control of the manufacturer. In this case the manufacturer who performed
the welding procedure qualification test retains complete responsibility for all welding carried out to it. Shop primers may have an influence on the quality of fillet welds and shall be considered in
specifying the range of approval. Range of approval for the qualification tests on test pieces with shop
primer on the edges to be welded will qualify the welding procedure with the dressing of the edges to be
welded, but not vice versa. Permanent backing material shall be considered as a base metal within the range of approval in
compliance with the requirements of
6.6.2 Requirements for the range of approval related to base metal. Properties and chemical composition of base metal. Normal and higher strength hull structural steels.
Specifying the range of approval for high heat input processes not exceeding 50 kJ/cm, the following
requirements shall be met:
.1 for each strength level of the base metal, the range of approval for a welding procedure is considered
applicable to the same and lower toughness grades as that tested;
.2 for each toughness grade of the base metal, the range of approval for a welding procedure is
considered applicable to the same and two lower strength levels as that tested.
For high heat input processes over 50 kJ/cm (e.g. two-run technique, electro gas arc and electro slag
welding) welding procedure is applicable to that toughness grade tested and one strength level below.
Where steels used for construction are supplied from different delivery conditions from those tested
the Register may require additional tests. High-strength steels.
When specifying the range of welding procedure approval for high-strength steels complying with the
requirements of 3.13, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships, the following requirements shall be met:
.1 for each strength level of the base metal, the range of approval for a welding procedure is considered
applicable to the same and lower toughness grades as that tested;
.2 for each grade of the base metal toughness grade, the range of approval for a welding procedure is
considered applicable to the same and one lower strength level as that tested;
.3 the approval of quenched and tempered steels does not qualify thermo-mechanically rolled steels
(TM steels) and vice versa. Steel forgings.
When specifying the range of approval for the welding procedure based on test results for weldable C
and C-Mn hull steel forgings complying with the requirements of 3.7, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules
for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, the following requirements shall be met:
.1 the range of approval is considered applicable to forgings with the same and lower strength level as
that tested;
.2 the approval of quenched and tempered hull steel forgings does not quality other delivery conditions
and vice versa.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-191 Steel castings.

When specifying the range of approval for the welding procedure based on test results for weldable C
and C-Mn hull steel castings complying with the requirements of 3.8, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for
the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, the following requirements shall be met:
.1 the range of approval is considered applicable to the castings with the same and lower strength level
as that tested;
.2 the approval of quenched and tempered hull steel castings does not quality other delivery conditions
and vice versa. In other cases the requirements given below which are identical with the requirements
of ISO 15614-1 shall be met.
Depending on a chemical composition, properties and a type of heat treatment, for the unification of
the requirements for the range of welding procedures approval, the steel in accordance with ISO/TR 15608
is subdivided into groups given in Table
The tests conducted with the use of particular steel belonging to one of those groups given in Table obtain the range of approval as specified in Table
Range of approval for the welding procedure shall be additionally limited to the range of application of
a particular welding consumable used in tests for other steels of this group (or a lower group).
T a b l e
Range of approval for steel groups and sub-groups

Steel group according Range of approval

to ISO/TR 15608
1_1 11 _ 1
2_2 21 _ 2, 1 _ 1, 21 _ 1
3_3 31 _ 3, 1 _ 1, 2 _ 1, 2 _ 2, 31 _ 1, 31 _ 2
4_4 42 _ 4, 42 _ 1, 42 _ 2
5_5 52 _ 5, 52 _ 1, 52 _ 2
6_6 62 _ 6, 62 _ 1, 62 _ 2
7_7 73 _ 7
7_3 73 _ 3, 73 _ 1, 73 _ 2
7_2 73 _ 23, 73 _ 1
8_8 82 _ 8
8_6 83 _ 62, 83 _ 1, 83 _ 2, 83 _ 4
8_5 83 _ 52, 83 _ 1, 83 _ 2, 83 _ 4, 83 _ 6.1, 83 _ 6.2
8_3 83 _ 31, 83 _ 1, 83 _ 2
8_2 83 _ 21, 83 _ 1
9_9 92 _ 9
10 _ 10 102 _ 10
10 _ 8 102 _ 83
10 _ 6 102 _ 62, 102 _ 1, 102 _ 2, 102 _ 4
10 _ 5 102 _ 52, 102 _ 1, 102 _ 2, 102 _ 4, 102 – 6.1, 102 _ 6.2
10 _ 3 102 _ 31, 102 _ 1, 102 _ 2
10 _ 2 102 _ 21, 102 _ 1
11 _ 11 112 _ 11, 112 _ 1
Range of approval covers the equal or lower specified yield strength steels of the same group.
Range of approval covers steels in the same sub-group and/or any lower (for alloying level) sub-group within the same group.
Range of approval covers steels in the same sub-group.
N o t e s : 1. A separate approval procedure is required for each steel or their combinations not covered by the grouping system according
to Table
2. If a particular steel used in testing belongs to two groups or sub-groups, then specifying the range of approval it shall be classified in
the lower group/sub-group (for a yield strength level or alloying elements content).
3. If the dissimilar joint is not covered by the grouping system according to Table, the range of approval and test program shall
be agreed with the Register. Base metal thickness and pipe diameter. For single welding procedure the nominal thickness of a base metal for various types of
welded joints shall be determined in compliance with the requirements of Table Range of approval for base metal thickness depending on thickness t of a test piece metal in
qualification tests shall be specified in compliance with the requirements of Table
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Determination of base metal nominal thickness

Type of joint Nominal thickness

1 of base metal t
Item Sketch

1. Butt joint in plates and t corresponds to the size of the thinner part for
pipes joints of unequal thickness:
t = min{t1 and t2} for t1 ≠ t2,
t = t1 = t2 for t1 = t2

2. Fillet weld in plates t corresponds to the size of the thicker part for
joints of unequal thickness:
t = max {t1 and t2} for t1 ≠ t2,
t = t1 = t2 for t1 = t2

3. T-joint and corner joint in a) For T-joints t is assumed equal to the thickness
plates a) of the part with full penetration (with edge
t = t1
b) For corner joints t is assumed equal to the
thickness of the thinner part:
t = min{t1 and t2} for t1 ≠ t2,
t = t1 = t2 for t1 = t2


4. T-joint in pipes for a set- t is assumed equal to the wall thickness of pipe to
on branch connection (with be welded:
or without edge prepara- t = t2


5. Corner and T-joints in t is assumed equal to the wall thickness of pipe to

pipes for a set-in or set- be welded:
through branch connection t = t2
(with or without edge pre-

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Approval range of base metal thickness t for butt and T-joint welds and fillet welds
Thickness of test pieces Range of approval2
in qualification tests t, in mm1
Butt and T-joint welds with single run Butt and T-joint welds with multirun
or single run from both sides and fillet welds3
t43 from t to 1,1t inclusive from t to 1,5t inclusive
3 < t 4 12 from 0,7t to 1,1t inclusive from 3 to 2t inclusive
12 < t 4 100 from 0,7t to 1,1t inclusive4 from 0,5t to 2t inclusive (max. 150 mm)
t > 100 _ from 0,5t to 2t inclusive

For multi process procedures, the recorded thickness contribution of each process shall be used as a basis for the range of approval for
the individual welding process (similar to the requirements stated in Table 4.5.2).
During certification tests on the Tekken test piece, the range of approval is limited to 3 to 1,0 t inclusive.
For fillet welds without edge preparation, the range of approval shall be applied to both base metals.
For high heat input processes over 50 kJ/cm, the upper limit of range of approval shall be up to 1,0t inclusive. In addition to the requirements of Table, the limitations stated below apply to the
range of approval for fillet weld throat thickness depending on its value a in qualification tests:
for single run welds: 0,75a _ 1,5a, inclusive;
for multirun welds: as for butt welds with multirun (i.e. a = t);
for vertical-down welding: the upper limit of the range of approval is equal to 1a, inclusive. For vertical-down welding the range of approval in all cases (for multirun welds, and also for
single run or single run from both sides) is restricted by the upper limit for base metal thickness up to 1,0t,
inclusive. Range of approval for vertical-down welding procedures is restricted in all cases (for single
and multirun welds) by the upper limit for throat thickness of a fillet weld up to 1,0a, inclusive. Notwithstanding the above, the approval of maximum thickness of base metal for any
technique shall be restricted to the thickness t of test piece if three of the hardness values in the heat-
affected zone are found to be within 25HV of the maximum permitted, as stated in In parallel with standardization of the range of approval for throat thickness a of fillet welds,
there are also limitations on the range of approval for the availability of shop primer (refer to Where a fillet weld without edge preparation is qualified by means of a butt weld test, the
range of approval for fillet weld throat thickness a shall be based on the thickness of the deposited metal
within the range of approval specified in Table for the relevant welding procedure (single and
multirun welds). Range of approval for outside diameter of pipe or branch connections to be welded shall be
specified depending on the outside diameter of pipes for welding procedure qualification tests meeting the
requirements stated in Table
T a b l e
Range of approval for outside diameter of welded pipes

Diameter of test pieces in qualification tests D, Range of approval for diameters of welded pipes,
in mm1,2 in mm
D 4 25 from 0,5D to 2D
D > 25 from 0,5D and plates but not less than 25
D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch pipe.
Qualification given for plates also covers pipes when the outside diameter is > 500 mm (refer to Table A welding procedure test carried out on a branch connection with angle α shall qualify all
branch angles α1 in the range of a4a14908.
6.6.3 General requirements for the range of approval related to welding procedure. Welding process and welding type.
The approval is only valid for the welding process and welding type used in the welding procedure
qualification test.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Each degree of the welding mechanization shall be qualified independently (manual, partly
mechanized, fully mechanized and automatic). In the same way, it is not allowed to change the means
of the welding mechanization implementation (manual, partly mechanized, fully mechanized or
automated) unless newly qualified.
For multi-process procedures the welding procedure approval may be carried out with separate
welding procedure tests for each welding process and with a multi-process procedure test similarly to
approval tests for welders. In this case, the relevant range of approval according to weld metal thickness
for each welding process used shall be specified. The approval of such a test is only valid for the process
sequence carried out during the multi-process procedure test.
N o t e . It is not allowed to use a multi-process procedure test to qualify any single process. Welding positions.

The requirements for the range of approval according to welding positions shall meet the requirements
stated in Table To qualify a range of positions for reduction in extent of testing, the test pieces of
welded joints may be welded for highest heat input position and lowest heat input position. All applicable tests
shall be made after welding on each test piece within the scope of the requirements specified in
T a b l e
Range of approval for welding procedures according to welding positions
(for welding processes which application for approval submitted before 1 October 2019)

Type of weld Weld position Range of approval according to welding positions2

in welding of the test piece2
Butt welds Fillet welds
the test piece1
Plates Pipes Plates Pipes
Butt welds in plate PA PA PA PA PA3

PC + PF All except for PG All except for PG3 All except for PG All except for PG3
Butt welds in pipe PA PA PA PA PA
PC + PF or All except for PG All except for PG All except for PG All except for PG
Fillet welds in plate PA PA PA3
PB + PD All except for PG All except for PG3
Fillet welds in pipe PA PA PA
PF All except for PG All except for PG
Branch connections are subject to separate qualification tests.
Designations of welding positions comply with ISO 6947.
Pipes with outside diameter D > 500 mm are considered equivalent to plates according to the range of approval (not applicable to branch
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Range of approval for welding procedures according to welding positions
(for welding processes which application for approval submitted on or after 1 October 2019)

Type of welding the Weld position of the test Range of approval according to welding positions2
test piece1 piece2
Butt welds Fillet welds

Plates Pipes Plates Pipes

Butt welds in plate PA PA PA PA PA3

PG PG ̶ PG ̶
PF PF ̶ PF ̶
PC+PF All except for PG All except for PG3 All except for PG All except for PG3
Butt welds in pipe PA PA PA PA PA
PC+PF or H-LO45 All except for PG All except for PG All except for PG All except for PG

Fillet welds in plate PA PA PA3

(no beveling) PB PB PA , PB3, PD3

PF ̶ PF ̶
PG ̶ PG ̶
PB+PD All except for PG All except for PG3
Fillet welds in pipe PA PA PA
(no beveling) PB PB PA, PB, PD
PG ̶ ̶ PG PG
PF All except for PG All except for PG

Branch connections are subject to separate qualification tests.
Designations of welding positions comply with ISO 6947.
Pipes with outside diameter D > 500 mm are considered equivalent to plates according to the range of approval (not applicable to branch
connections). Type (of welded joint.

Range of approval for the types of welded joints shall be, as used in the welding procedure
qualification tests, subject to the requirements of Table and the limitations stated below:
.1 range of approval for full penetration butt welds qualifies full and partial penetration butt welds, as
well as fillet welds. Qualification tests for fillet welding shall be required in cases specified by the
requirements of;
.2 range of approval for butt joints in pipes may also qualify branch connections with an angle
.3 range of approval for T-joints butt welded with edge preparation only qualifies this type of joints and
fillet welds;
.4 range of approval for butt welds made from one side without backing qualifies welds with backing
and welds made from both sides;
.5 range of approval for butt welds made with backing qualifies welds made from both sides;
.6 range of approval for welds made from both sides without gouging qualifies welds made from both
sides with gouging;
.7 range of approval for fillet welding qualifies this type of joint only;
.8 it is not permitted to change a multirun deposit into a single run (or single run on each side) or vice
versa for a given process.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Range of approval by types of welded joints
(for welding processes which application for approval submitted before 1 October 2019)
Range of approval
Type of welded test assembly
in tests for approval Plates (P) Pipes (T)1

Butt welds T-joints Fillet bead Butt welds Fillet

(BW) (Tj) welds (BW) joints
without edge (FW)
Single-side Both-side Single- Both- preparation Single-side
welding welding side side (FW) welding
welding welding
with without with without with without
backings backings gouging gouging (ss) (bs) backings backings
(mb) (nb) (gg) (ng) (mb) (nb)

Butt weld Single-side with * _ 6 _ _ 6 6 _ _ 6

of plates welding backings
(BW) (ss)
without 6 * 6 6 6 6 6 _ _ 6
backings (nb)
Both-side with gouging _ _ * _ _ 6 6 _ _ 6
welding (gg)
(bs) without _ _ 6 * _ 6 6 _ _ 6
gouging (ng)
Butt weld Single-side with 6 _ 6 _ _ 6 6 * _ 6
of pipes welding backings
(BW) (SS)
without 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 * 6
backings (nb)
T-joint of Single-side welding (ss) _ _ _ _ * 6 6 _ _ 6
plates with
edge prepara- Both-side welding (bs) _ _ _ _ _ * 6 _ _ 6
tion (Tj)
Fillet (gauge) Plates (P) _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ 6
weld (FW)
Pipes (T) _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
Pipes with outside diameter D ˃ 500 mm shall be considered similar to the plates by ranges of approval (unacceptable to branch connections).
* means types of welded joints, for which WPS is approved directly by test results;
6 means types of welded joints, for which WPS may be approved by the range of approval (without additional tests);
_ means types of welded joints, for which WPS are not subject to approval.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Range of approval for by types of welding joints
(for welding processes which application for approval submitted on or after 1 October 2019)
Type of welded test assembly in tests for approval Range of approval

Plates (Р) Pipes (Т)1

Butt welds (BW) T-joints (TW) Fillet bead Butt welds Fillet joints
welds without (F)
Single side welding Both side welding Single side welding Both side welding beveling (F) Single-side welding

with without with without with without with without with without
backings (A) backings (B) gouging (C) gouging (D) backings (A) backings (B) gouging (C) gouging (D) backings (A) backings (B)
Butt weld of Single side with backings (A) * _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6
plates welding
without backings (B) 6 * 6 6 _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6

Both side welding with gouging (C) _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6

without gouging (D) _ _ 6 * _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ 6

Butt weld of Single side with backings (A) 6 _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6 * _ 6

pipes welding
without backings (B) 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ 6 6 * 6

T-joint with Single side with backings (A) _ _ _ _ * _ 6 _ 6 _ _ 6

edge welding
preparation without backings (B) _ _ _ _ 6 * 6 6 6 _ _ 6
Both side welding with gouging (C) _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ 6 _ _ 6

without gouging и (D) _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 * 6 _ _ 6

Fillet (gauge) Plates (Р) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ 6

weld (F)
Pipes (Т) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ *

Pipes with outside diameter D ˃ 500 mm shall be considered similar to the plates by ranges of approval (unacceptable to branch connections).
* means types of welded joints, for which WPS is approved directly by test results;
6 means types of welded joints, for which WPS may be approved by the range of approval (without additional tests);
— means types of welded joints, for which WPS are not subject to approval.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-198 Welding consumables. Grades of welding consumables.
Range of approval for high heat input processes over 50 kJ/cm, inclusive, based on qualification
testing the particular brand of the welding consumable approved by the Register, complying with the
requirements of 4.3 _ 4.7, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships, shall also cover other brands of the welding consumables approved by the Register
having the same grade as the tested one, including all additional suffixes specified in,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. If a shipyard
or a manufacturer of welded structures substitutes one brand of the welding consumable for another one
having the same grade, additional tests are required in the following cases:
for high heat input process over 50 kJ/cm;
for welding consumables with grade identification according to the impact test temperature equal to
grade 5 (760 8C), as well as, if agreed with the Register, for grade 4 (740 8C).
In this case, if the WPS requirements in welding the test piece during the additional tests are fully met,
the extent of testing at substitution of one brand of welding consumables for another one with similar grade
may be limited to the determination of impact energy for the weld metal and fusion line.
N o t e . The approval may cover consumables with the grade corresponding to the lower diffusible hydrogen content in the
deposited metal, but not vice versa. For example, the approval of the welding procedure for welding consumables of grade
2YH10 also covers the ones of grade 2YH5.

Range of approval for the welding procedure based on the qualification tests on a particular brand of the
welding consumable intended for welding/depositing corrosion-resistant steel and meeting the requirements
of 4.8, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships, shall also
cover the other brands of the welding consumables with similar grade approved by Register, including the
identification suffixes of typical chemical composition of deposited metal according to the requirements of, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Filler material designation and manufacturer.
The requirements for the range of welding procedure approval based on the designation in the
appropriate national standards are applied to the filler materials and welding processes concerned and not
covered by the RS approval for the grades specified by the requirements of 4.2, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.8, Part XIV
"Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Range of approval for the welding procedure based on testing a particular brand of filler material
according to its designation in the appropriate national/international standards may be extended to cover
the other brands of filler materials produced by the same manufacturer with designation ensuring:
equivalent mechanical properties;
equivalent values of the impact energy of deposited metal;
the same type of electrode covering, core of flux cored wire, or the same classification of welding flux
the same nominal chemical composition of wire or deposited metal, as appropriate;
the same or lower hydrogen content.
When impact testing is required, for processes 111, 114, 12, 133 and 136 (refer to Table the
range of approval is restricted to the particular manufacturer of the welding consumables used in the
welding procedure test. It is permissible to change the trade mark of the welding consumables produced by
one manufacturer to those of the others with the same compulsory part of the designation according to
national standards when an additional test piece is welded. In this case, if the WPS requirements in
welding the test piece during the additional tests are fully met, the extent of testing at substitution of one
welding consumable trade mark for another with the same compulsory part of the designation according to
national standards may be restricted to determination of impact energy for the weld metal and fusion line.
N o t e . The above does not apply to solid wire and rods for welding processes 131, 135, 141 and 151 (refer to Table
with the same designation according to national standards and the same nominal chemical composition.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-199 Size of filler materials.

It is permitted to change the standard size of filler materials within their manufacturer's
recommendations on their use provided that the requirements for heat input according to are met. Type and polarity of current.
Welding procedure approval is only valid for the type of current and polarity used in the welding
procedure qualification test. For manual metal arc welding with covered electrode, alternating current also
qualifies direct current (both polarities) when impact testing is not required. Heat input. The upper limit of heat input approved is restricted to the following values:
25 % greater than that used in welding the test piece during qualification tests, but not exceeding 55 kJ/cm
for heat input processes not more than 50 kJ/cm;
the upper limit of heat input approved may be 10 % greater than that for high heat input processes over
50 kJ/cm. The lower limit of heat input approved may be 25 % lower than that used in welding the test
piece during qualification tests. The range of approval of the welding procedure by heat input value shall not be less than the
nominal value that occurred during welding of the Tekken test piece in course of certification testing. Preheating.
The minimum preheating temperature for the range of approval for the welding procedure shall not be less
than that used prior to welding the test piece in qualification test. If there is no preheating temperature,
the range of approval of the welding procedure shall not be lower than the ambient temperature that occurred
during welding of the test piece in cold cracking certification tests.
The specified temperatures shall be recorded in the test reports and shall be entered to the WPS. Interpass temperature.
The maximum interpass temperature for the range of approval for the welding procedure shall not
higher than that used in welding the test piece in qualification test. Post-heating for diffusible hydrogen release.
The temperature and duration of post-heating for diffusible hydrogen release shall not be reduced.
Post-heating shall not be omitted from welding process, but may be added without additional tests. Post-weld heat treatment.
Addition or deletion of post-weld heat treatment is not permitted and shall be subject to new welding
procedure qualification tests.
Deviation of heat treatment parameters (both upwards and downwards) from those used in welding
procedure qualification tests is not permitted.
The temperature range validated is the holding temperature used in the welding procedure qualification
test +20 8С.
If specified in the WPS, heating and cooling rates, as well as the holding time related to the welded
joint at a check temperature shall be additionally specified in the range of approval. In this case the holding
time may be adjusted as a function of thickness. Initial heat treatment.
A change in the initial heat treatment condition prior to the welding of precipitation hardenable
materials is not permitted.
6.6.4 Special requirements for the range of approval related to welding processes. Submerged arc welding (welding process 12).
Range of approval is limited only to that welding process (121 to 125) that used in the welding
procedure qualification test.
The range of approval for the flux is restricted to the particular manufacturer and designation that used
in the welding procedure qualification tests. Gas metal arc welding (welding processes 131, 133, 135 and 136 ).
Range of approval given to the shielding gas is restricted to the symbol for the gas according to
ISO 14175 classification (main-group and sub-group) and identical to the one used in the welding
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

procedure qualification test. However, the content of CO2 in a mixture shall not exceed 10 % of that used
in the welding procedure qualification test.
For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification the range of approval is restricted to the
nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test.
Range of approval given is restricted to the wire system used in the welding procedure qualification
test (e.g. single-wire or multiple-wire system).
For solid and metal cored wires (designated with symbol (letter) "M" according to ISO 17632 refer to
Table, the qualification using short circuiting transfer (dip) qualifies only short circuiting transfer
(dip). The qualification using spray or globular transfer qualifies both spray and globular transfer.
N o t e . In compliance with the requirements of ISO 4063, the metal transfer mode is indicated by the following letters
placed after the reference numbers of welding processes:
D _ short-circuit transfer (dip transfer);
G _ globular transfer;
S _ spray transfer;
P _ pulsed transfer.
For example, MIG welding with solid wire electrode using short-circuiting transfer is designated as: ISO 4063-131-D. Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding with solid filler material (wire/rod) (welding process141).
Range of approval given to the shielding gas is restricted to the symbol of the gas according to ISO 14175
classification (main group and sub-group) and identical to the one used in the welding procedure qualification test.
For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification the range of approval is restricted to the
nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test.
A welding procedure test made without a backing gas qualifies a welding procedure with backing gas.
Welding with filler material does not qualify for welding without filler material and vice versa. Plasma-arc welding (welding process 15).
Range of approval for the welding procedure shall be restricted to the plasma gas composition used in
the welding procedure qualification test.
Range of approval given to the shielding gas and backing gas is restricted to the symbol of the gas
according to ISO 14175 classification (main group and sub-group) and identical to the one used in the
welding procedure qualification test. For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification the range
of approval is restricted to the nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test.
Welding with filler material (welding processes 151 and 152) does not qualify for welding without
filler material and vice versa.



6.7.1 Additional requirements for approval of welding procedure for structures and nickel steel
products designed for low temperature impact. The following requirements cover approval of welding procedure for ferritic nickel steel
structures, group 9 in compliance with ISO/TR 15608 (cargo tanks, technological pressure vessels and
secondary barriers) for the ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk. In the test piece for a butt joint in plate shall meet the requirements of In this case, the
weld shall be placed in parallel with the main direction of the last rolling (refer to Fig. in
compliance with impact tests of rolled products using transverse specimens, KVT. Location of test
specimens for mechanical tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Test piece for a butt joint in pipe shall be as stated in Location of test specimens for
mechanical tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Location of test specimens for a T-joint in plates in compliance with and, shall
be used provided a welding procedure may not be approved within the range of approval in compliance
with the recommendations of In addition, in any case the applied welding consumables shall
provide the required impact energy value during impact test in accordance with Table To comply
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

with this requirement, additional butt weld test assembly may be required (refer to reference 6
to Table All applicable tests shall be made after welding on each test piece within the scope of the
requirements in the scope of 6.4 as regards additional instructions given below.
According to Fig. from each test piece for butt joints in plates and pipes five sets of three V-
notch impact tests specimens each with the notch located:
notch in the centre of the weld;
notch on the fusion line;
notch in HAZ, 1 mm from the fusion line;
notch in HAZ, 3 mm from the fusion line;
notch in HAZ, 5 mm from the fusion line.
Single-Side Butt Weld
1 _ 2 mm

Both-Side Butt Weld

1 _ 2 mm
2 Side

1 Side

Fig. Location of V-notch impact test for butt weld:

a _ notch in the centre of the weld;
b _ notch on fusion line fusion line;
с _ notch in HAZ, 1 mm from the fusion line;
d _ notch in HAZ, 3 mm from the fusion line;
e _ notch HAZ, 5 mm from the fusion line. Results of mechanical testing of welded joints shall meet the requirements of Tables
The use of welding consumables with lower tensile strength values during testing of longitudinal
cylindrical specimens as regards minimum values regulated by Table may be approved. In this case,
where testing of transverse tensile samples is carried out, tensile strength values specified in Table
shall be provided, and sample breakdown point shall be documented in the test report.
T a b l e
Welded steel Tensile test, min. Bend test1 Determination of
Subgroup Type Transverse Longitudinal round specimens Mandrel Bending
ISO/TR 15608 specimens diameter angle a,
Rm, in MPa ReH, in MPa A5, in % max
Rm, in MPa D in deg.
Not less than Not less than
Not less than
1,5 Ni 470 470 _ 640 275 22 4t 180 350
2,25 Ni 510 510 _ 660 305 22 4t 180 350
3,5 Ni 540 540 _ 690 345 22 4t 180 350
5 Ni 570 570 _ 710 390 21 4t 180 350
9.3 9 Ni 640 640 _ 840 490 19 5t 180 350
t is the thickness of a bend test specimen.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Welded steel Impact test

Subgroup Type Thickness t, Impact test Impact test, in J

ISO/TR in mm temperature, in8С Not less than1
15608 Weld Weld fusion line and heat-affected zone (HAZ)

KVT2 KVL3, 4

t425 765

255t430 770
1,5 Ni 27 27 41 (34)
305t435 775

355t440 780
t425 770

255t430 775
2,25 Ni 27 27 41 (34)
305t435 780

355t440 785

t425 795

255t430 7100
3,5 Ni 27 27 41 (34)
305t435 7105

355t440 7110
t425 7110

255t430 7115
5,0 Ni 27 27 41 (34)
305t435 7120

355t440 7125

9.3 9,0 Ni t440 7196 27 27 41 (41)

The average values while testing one set of three specimens are given in the Table. The relevant single tolerable values shall be equal to:
19 J for the average value of 27 J;
29 J for the average value of 41 J;
24 J for the average value of 34 J.
Unless otherwise agreed, sheet products and wide flats shall be tested using the transverse tensile samples KVT.
Pipes, sections and also forgings shall be tested with the use of longitudinal specimens KVL.
Impact test values for pipes forgings and castings for the cargo and process piping are given in brackets. The requirements for re-testing are similar to 6.5. Whereby impact re-testing may be performed
on one additional set of three test specimens taken from the same sample if sufficient quantity of metal is
available. Results of additional tests are recognized satisfactory if a new average adsorbed impact energy
value (three performed plus three additional ones) and above the required average value and not more than
two results from six below the above required average value and not more than on one specimen the result
is obtained 30 % less than required. Approval of Welding Procedure on the basis of butt weld test piece testing remains valid:
for corresponding base metal;
for corresponding welding consumable;
for corresponding welding procedure;
for corresponding welding position.
Other welding procedure essential variables shall be approved the Register in compliance with the
requirements of 6.6, frequency and scope of welding procedure tests used during production (fabrication
testing). Whereby the approved thickness range shall comply with the requirements of Table as
per the temperature in testing the impact test specimens.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

6.7.2 Additional requirements for approval of welding procedure for welding of structures and
ferritic-austenitic stainless steel (duplex). The requirements given below cover approval of welding procedure for structures and items
from ferritic-austenitic stainless steel (duplex), group10 in compliance with ISO/TR 15608. Test piece for a butt joint in plate shall meet the requirements of In this case, the weld
shall be placed in parallel with the direction of the last rolling (refer to Fig. ), in compliance with
impact tests of rolled products using transverse specimens, KVT. Location of test specimens for mechanical
tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Test piece for a butt joint in pipe shall be as stated in Location of test specimens for
mechanical tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Location of test specimens for T-joints in plates in compliance with and, shall be
used provided a procedure for welding may not be approved within the range of approval in compliance
with the recommendations of Whereby in any case the applied welding consumables shall provide
the required impact energy value during impact test in accordance with Table To comply with
this requirement, additional butt weld test assembly may be required (refer to reference 6 to Table All applicable tests shall be made after welding on each test piece within the scope of 6.4 as
regards additional instructions given below.
.1 according to Fig. from each test piece for a butt joint in plates and pipes four sets of three
V-notch impact tests specimens each with the notch located:
in the centre of the weld;
on the fusion line;
in HAZ, 2 mm from the fusion line;
in HAZ, 5 mm from the fusion line.
.2 duplex stainless steel test welds shall be tested for pitting resistance in compliance with;
.3 scope of tests shall include micro-structural examination and the ferrite content determination in the
weld metal as per;
.4 as appropriate (if stipulated by technical documentation for a specific product or structure) the scope
of tests may include specific determination of butt weld susceptibility to intergranular corrosion compliant
to Results of mechanical tests of welded joints shall comply with the requirements of Tables
and Duplex stainless steel test welds with chrome content of 25 % and over (sub-group 10.2 ISO/
TR 15608) shall be tested for pitting and crevice corrosion resistance in compliance with Method А of
ASTM G48, or other similar standards (for exаmple, GOST 9.912-89 chemical method) as regards the
requirements given below.
T a b l e
Welded steel Tensile test, not less than Bend test1 Hardness
Subgroup Typical chemical UNS Type Transverse Longitudinal round specimens Mandrel Bending HV10,
ISO/TR composition specimens diameter angle a, max
15608 Rm, in MPa Rm, Rp0,2, A5 , D in deg.
in MPa in MPa in %
10.1 x3CrNiMoN 22 5 3 S31803 620 620 450 25 4t 180 Not
10.2 x3CrNiMoWCuN 25 7 3 S31260 690 690 485 20 5t 180

x4CrNiMoCuN 26 6 4 2 S32550 760 780 550 20 6t 180

x3CrNiMoN 26 8 5 S32750 800

x3CrNiMoWCuN 26 8 4 1 1 S32760 750

t is thickness of a bend test specimen.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Welded steel Impact test

Subgroup Typical chemical composition UNS Type Impact test Impact test, in J, not less than
ISO/TR temperature,
15608 in 8С Weld Weld fusion line and heat-affected zone (HAZ)

KVL1, 2
KVL2, 3

10.1 x3CrNiMoN 22 5 3 S31803 720 27 27 41

x3CrNiMoWCuN 25 7 3 S31260 720 27 27 41

x4CrNiMoCuN 26 6 4 2 S32550 720 27 27 41

x3CrNiMoN 26 8 5 S32750 720 27 27 41

x3CrNiMoWCuN 26 8 4 1 1 S32760 720 27 27 41

Unless otherwise agreed, plates and wide flats shall be tested using the transverse tensile specimens KVT.
The average values while testing one set of three specimens are given in the Table. The relevant single admissible values shall be equal to:
19 J for the average value of 27 J;
29 J for the average value of 41 J.
Pipes, sections and also forgings shall be tested with the use of longitudinal specimens KVL.

Test pieces shall be tested in accordance with Fig.

According to width of a weld reinforcement the weld test length is assumed to be as follows: L = 50 mm
when BW430 mm and L = BW + 20 mm when BW > 30 mm. Cut edges and weld test angles of the
specimen shall be prepared according to ASTM G48.
Treatment and test of the specimens shall include operations as follows:
test plates are cut out to carry out tests (with mecha-nical procedure or abrasive disk and water
weld test marking with welding position identification and "stop and re-start" operation;
surface precheck with stereomicroscope zooming 620.
Test Report shall include availability and position of the significant defects _ for example, pores or
slag inclusions as well as coating on both surfaces;
surface preparation (plate butts/panels) after being cut and their degreasing. Surface preparation
includes wet grinding with emery paper 120 (ANSI, USA) or Р120 (FEPA, Europe);

Welded joint test piece for pitting corrosion:
L _ welded joint test piece length;
B = 25 mm _ welded joint test width;
BW _ width of a weld reinforcement;
t _ welded joint test thickness;
1 _ welded joint test surface from the root side of the weld;
2 _ welded joint test surface from the face of the weld;
3 _ welded joint test edge;
4 _ welded joint test edge angle.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

weighing to the nearest: 0,0001 g at the plate mass Wt4120 g,

0,001 g at the plate mass Wt4120 g,
sample etching prior to testing in the solution 5 % HF + 20 % HNO3, 60 8С, 5 min.;
carrying out tests; sample store in 10 % water solution FeCl3•6H2O (6 % equivalent to anhydrous
salt FeCl3) with density 1,049+0,002 g/cm3 shall be performed or 24 h at 40 8С. The solution volume
shall comply with ratio 20 ml/cm2 of the test plates area;
sample cleaning after tests (ultrasonic in ethanol);
weighing to the nearest: 0,0001 g at the plate mass Wt4120 g,
0,001 g at the plate mass Wt4120 g;
probing the surface for pitting corrosion (local recesses) using stereomicroscope at 620 magnification
(a needle may be used for fixing recesses).
The test results are considered satisfactory unless pitting corrosion indications are detected and total
corrosion wear (sample mass loss) shall be less then 4 g/m2 of the test plates area. From welded joints test pieces of duplex steels sections shall be selected and manufactured to
inspect microstructure. Duplex stainless steel types shall be micro-structurally examined and the test
samples shall comprise the weld metal, heat affected zone and base metal. The working section area shall
be suitably etched for microstructure and examined at 4006 magnification. The weld shall be free from
grain boundary carbides and precipitates in HAZ. The ferrite content in the weld metal root and un-
reheated weld cap shall be determined in accordance with ASTM E 562 and be in the range of 30 _ 70 %. Based on the test results welding procedure range of approval shall comply with 6.6 except for
additional limitations in terms of heat input within +15 % from the nominal value during tests.
6.7.3 Additional requirements for approval of welding procedure for structures and items from
austenitic stainless steel. The requirements given below cover the approval of welding procedure for structures and items
from austenitic stainless steel, group 8 in compliance with ISO/TR 15608. Test piece for a butt welded-joint in plate shall be in compliance with In this case, the
weld shall be placed parallel to the direction of the last rolling (refer to Fig., in compliance with
impact tests of rolled products using transverse specimens KVT. Location of test specimens for mechanical
tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Test piece for a butt joint in pipe shall be as stated in Location of test specimens for
mechanical tests shall be in compliance with the recommendations of 6.4.2. Location of test specimens for T- joints in plates in compliance with and, shall
be used provided a procedure for welding may not be approved within the range of approval in compliance
with the recommendations of All applicable tests shall be made after welding on each test piece within the scope of 6.4 as
regards additional instructions given below.
.1 testing impact test specimens is not required if the design operational temperature is above 7105 8C.
.2 where impact testing is required, test temperature is 7196 8С, and impact test average value shall
not be less than 27 J for transverse specimens (one single test may give value from three tests below the
required average but not lower than 19 J);
.3 if impact tests are required, according to Fig. from each test piece for a butt joint in plates
and pipes five sets of three V-notch impact tests specimens each with the notch located:
in the centre of the weld;
on the fusion line;
in HAZ, 1 mm from the fusion line;
in HAZ, 3 mm from the fusion line;
in HAZ, 5 mm from the fusion line.
.4 in a capping run/runs the ferrite content shall be determined;
.5 as appropriate (if stipulated by technical documentation for a specific product or structure) the scope
of tests may include specific determination of the welded joint susceptibility to intergranular corrosion
according to
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-206 Results of mechanical tests of welded joints shall comply with the requirements
of Table In a capping run/runs the ferrite content shall be in the range of 2 _ 10 % except for
S31245 and N 08904 super austenitic stainless steels, where its content shall be nominal at zero point.
T a b l e
Welded steel Tensile test, min. Bend test Determi- Impact test2,5
Trans- nation of Weld Weld fusion line and
Subgroup Typical chemical Type Longitudinal round Mandrel Bending
verse hardness heat-affected zone
ISO/TR composition AISI/ specimens diameter angle a,
speci- HV10, max (HAZ)
15608 designation UNS mens D in deg.
Rm, in Rm, in Rp0,2, in A5, in KVWM, KVT3, KVT4,
MPa MPa MPa % in J in J in J
Not less Not less Not less Not
than less
than than than
x3CrNiMo 19 11 3 316L 500 500 270 25 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x3CrNiMo 19 11 3 316LN 530 540 305 25 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
8.1 x8CrNi Ti 18 11 321 500 550 290 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x8CrNi Nb18 11 347 515 550 290 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x3CrNi 20 11 304L 500 500 270 25 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x3CrNiMo 20 13 4 317L 530 530 305 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x3CrNiMo 20 13 4 317LN 570 570 340 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x2CrNiMoCu 20 18 6 1 S31254 650 650 370 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
x2CrNiMoCu 21 23 4 2 N08904 500 500 270 22 4t 180 Not required 27 27 41
t is the thickness of a bend test specimen.
Testing impact test specimens is not required if the design operational temperature is not exceeding 7105 8С. Where testing impact test
specimens is required, test temperature is 7196 8С.
Unless otherwise agreed, sheet products and wide flats shall be tested using longitudinal specimens KVT.
Pipes, sections and also forgings shall be tested with the use of longitudinal specimens KVL.
The average values while testing one set of three specimens are given in the Table. The relevant single tolerable values shall be equal to:
19 J for the average value of 27 J;
29 J for the average value of 41 J. If according to the contract terms or product operation the determination of welded jont
susceptibility to intergranular corrosion is required, they shall be carried out in the boiling copper sulfate
water solution (CuSO4•5H2O) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with present metallic copper chip scraps
compliant to the RS recognized international and national standards (ASTM A262, Practice E; ISO 3651-2;
GOST 6032, AMU method). If applicable, the preference shall be given to use of the test specimen with
transverse weld. For the cargo tanks, echnological pressure vessels and secondary barriers for the ships carrying
liquefied gases in bulk the welding procedure range of approval is similar to In all other cases
based on the test results welding procedure range of approval shall comply with 6.6 except for additional
limitations in terms of heat input within +15 % of the nominal value during tests.


6.8.1 Issue of the Certificate. When all the requirements of this Section are met, the Register draws up and issues the
Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate (form 7.1.33, pp. 1 and 2).
N o t e . The work on approval of welding procedures, as well as the approval tests for welders, shall generally precede the
Register survey of welded structures during their manufacture at the works. The Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate is drawn up and issued by the RS Branch
Office which carries out the survey during construction of a ship or manufacture of welded structures with
the use of welding procedures approved by the Register.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

6.8.2 Drawing up attachments to Certificate. Details of Weld Test (DWT).
The Details of Weld Test form (form 7.1.33, pp. 3 and 4) is prepared by the RS surveyor who directly
carries out technical supervision during tests for approval of welding procedures at the works of welded
structures manufacturer.
N o t e s : 1. The responsibility for authenticity and accuracy of the technical information given in the DWT rests with a
welding specialist appointed by the manufacturer's administration to be in charge of testing for the approval of welding
procedures. The latter is also responsible for supplementing the DWT with required attachments and makes an appropriate entry
in the DWT indicating his position, name and initials.
2. It is allowed to fill in the Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) directly by the responsible official of the
manufacturer of welded structures using the forms identical to Annex A (Record of weld test) of ISO 15614-1.

The DWT shall be supplemented by the attachments required for proper specification and control over
the range of approval for the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate, namely:
copy of the certificate for base metal used for welding test pieces;
copy of the certificate for the filler material used for welding test pieces (electrodes, welding wire or
copy of the certificate for the welding flux or shielding gas (the availability of the latter is obligatory
when off-the-shelf mixtures of shielding gases supplied by specialized firms are used);
copy of the certificate for the backing material (e.g. ceramic backing). Test Results form.
The Test Results form (form 7.1.33, pp. 5 and 6) is prepared by the RS surveyor who directly carries
out technical supervision during tests for approval of welding procedures at the works of welded structures
N o t e s : 1. The responsibility for authenticity and accuracy of the technical information given in the Test Results form rests
a welding supervisor appointed by the manufacturer’s administration to be in charge of testing for the approval of welding
procedures, or
an official from the manufacturer's testing laboratory directly carrying out the non-destructive and mechanical tests on test
pieces who is authorized to sign the documents.
2. It is allowed to fill in the Test results directly by the responsible official of the manufacturer of welded structures using the
forms identical to Annex A (Test results) of ISO 15614-1.
The Test Results form shall be supplemented with attachments confirming documentarily the test
results which can be lacking in the document, including:
records (copies) of hardness tests and macrosections examination (refer to Attachment to form 7.1.33);
records of non-destructive testing of welded test pieces with detailed description of type and size of the
defects revealed.
It is recommended to supplement the Test Results form with the basic documents (copies/originals or
extracts from the minutes) which confirm the data provided. Welding Procedure Specification.
This document is compiled by the manufacturer of welded structures in compliance with the
requirements of ISO 15609-1 (arc welding) or ISO 15609-2 (gas welding). The relevant requirements and
explanations are given in Table
6.8.3 Terms of validity of the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate. The period of validity of the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate and its endorsement
are determined in compliance with the requirements of Section 6, Part I "General Regulations for
Technical Supervision". In so doing, the Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR), generally, has
no restriction on the period of validity and may be taken into consideration by the Register in review of
welding procedure specifications drawn up on the basis of the above WPQR.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Requirements for filling-in the WPS form
Nos. Name of form positions Requirements for form filling-in
1 Manufacturer Name of welded structure manufacturer that developed the WPS
2 WPS No. WPS designation in accordance with the manufacturer's coding system
3 Details of Weld Test and Test Designation of Details of Weld Test and Test Result forms on the basis of which the particular welding
Result forms (WPQR) procedure is approved by the Register
4 Base metal: Grade of base metal in accordance with the RS rules and/or its designation according to national
grade and trade mark; standards, designation of the standard.
thickness range; Minimum and maximum thickness of weld metal.
pipe's outside diameter range Minimum and maximum outside diameter of pipes to be welded
5 Welding process Designation of welding process in accordance with ISO 4063
6 Type of welding Designations: M — manual welding (is used on or after 1 October 2019 ); MW — manual welding (is used
before 1 October 2019); SA — semi-automatic welding (is used before 1 October 2019); S — semi-
automatic welding (is used on or after 1 October 2019); А — automatic welding
7 Joint preparation/Joint design Sketch of weld preparation details with indication of shape and dimensions, also designation of
normative document/standard
8 Elements of weld and Welding Sketch of welding sequences with indication of size in compliance with the requirements of
sequences documentation on product/structure. Also designation of normative document/standard
9 Method of groove preparing Method of groove preparing or welding shall be indicated and, if necessary, technological particulars
of assembling for welding: welding fixture or stand, mounting clamps, assembling with tacking
10 Requirements for groove Requirements for groove cleaning and method of cleaning shall be indicated
cleaning Necessity of using backing or means of weld root protection shall be indicated: nb — welding without
11 Backing backing; mb — welding with backing; gb — welding with gas backing
Type of backing, its material and dimensions shall be indicated. When the weld root is protected by
12 Backing material shielding gas, its composition and consumption shall be indicated
13 Filler materials The following shall be indicated:
trade mark and name of the manufacturer (is given in column "Other information");
grade in accordance with the RS rules, if it is stipulated by the RS rules for the given material;
classification in accordance with the national standards (group of indexes and designation of the standard);
diameter of an electrode/wire or width and thickness of the strip electrode;
for welding process 111 the requirements shall be in relation to calcination/drying of electrodes before
use (if required) and limitations in time and conditions of storage;
designations of normative documents specifying these parameters (if any) shall be indicated
14 Auxiliary materials The following shall be indicated:
for welding process 12 — data on flux employed, including its classification (designation and standard), name
of the manufacturer and its trade mark, as well as requirements for flux storage and drying/calcination;
for welding processes 131, 133, 135, 136, 141 and 15 — data on actual composition and consumption
of shielding gas, including designation of normative documents specifying gas composition. For gas
mixtures supplied by the specialized firms the trade mark of the mixture may also be indicated;
for welding process 141 — designation of tungsten electrode trade mark with reference to the standard
and its diameter
15 Welding position and direction Designations according to ISO 6947 (refer to Figs. to
16 String/weaving bead Presence of weaving movements shall be indicated, and:
maximum width of beads for manual and semi-automatic welding;
weaving amplitude for automatic welding
17 Back gouging and back grinding If this operation is employed, method and requirements for its performance shall be indicated: gg —
welding with back gouging or back grinding of welds; ng — welding without (no) back gouging or
without (no) back grinding of welds
18 Single and multiple-electrode Quantity of welding electrodes shall be indicated, also (in column "Other parameters") for welding
process 12 — shape of wire electrodes and arrangement for their connection to the power source
19 Single run and multirun Designations: sr — single run; mr — multirun welding
20 Orifice/gas cup size (torch nozzle) For welding processes 131, 133, 135, 136, 141 and 15 the torch nozzle diameter shall be indicated
21 Distance contact tube/ workpiece For welding processes 12, 131, 133, 135, 136 and 15 the distance from the conductive welding torch
nozzle to the welded piece surface shall be indicated
22 Preheating The following shall be indicated:
minimum preheating temperature, if any;
minimum ambient air temperature at which welding is allowed, if preheating is not used;
other conditions at which preheating is required (low ambient temperature, higher than normal
hydrogen content in deposited metal, etc.)
23 Interpass temperature Limitations for interpass temperature shall be indicated:
minimum value for welding procedure with concurrent heating (including automatic heating);
maximum value for welding procedure which does not require concurrent heating
24 Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) Necessity of post-weld heat treatment or ageing (age hardening) shall be indicated, as well as (in
respective columns) its parameters. If required, WPS may be supplemented with a separate heat
treatment specification
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Table _ continued

Nos. Name of form positions Requirements for form filling-in

25 Type of current and polarity Designations: DC+ — direct-current of reverse polarity; DC7 — direct-current forward polarity;
DC+ — direct-current of reverse and forward polarity; АС — alternating current; РАW — pulsed arc welding
26 Run number Welding conditions for individual runs shall be indicated, if some changes are stipulated by the
welding procedure (e.g. different conditions for the root and filler runs)
27 Size of filler metal Welding conditions for each diameter of electrode (item 13 of the Table) shall be indicated, as well as
welding positions (item 15 of the Table) specified in the WPS
28 Amperage, voltage Range of rated welding amperage and voltage shall be indicated
29 Travel speed Range of rated travel speed for type А shall be indicated
30 Welding wire feed rate For welding types S — semi-automatic welding (is used on or after 1 October 2019); SA — semi-
automatic welding (is used before 1 October 2019) and А the range of welding wire feed rate shall be
31 Heat input Indicated in cases, when for obtaining the required properties of welded joint it is necessary to limit the
maximum amount of heat input
32 Additional information The following shall be indicated:
for welding process 111 — nominal length of weld completed with one electrode;
if the equipment does not permit to control the welding conditions (refer to items 28, 29 and 30 of the
Table) —setting for adjustment of the equipment corresponding to specified welding conditions;
for pulsed arc welding — its characteristics (pulse time, pulse current, pulse frequency, "pilot arc"
voltage and current, pulse shape, etc.) The manufacturer of welded structures shall meet the requirements of the Register concerning
the range of approval for each welding procedure. If this condition is not fulfilled, the Welding Procedure
Approval Test Certificate becomes invalid and new qualification tests are required. During the period of validity of the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate no problems
shall arise in connection with the quality of welded joints manufactured with the use of the procedure
approved by the Register. The manufacturer of welded structures shall maintain systematical control and
analysis of the quality of welded joints, also with subdivision by particular welding procedures. The results
of such analysis shall be made available to the RS surveyor, dealing with the procedure for endorsement of
the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate in accordance with
Where the imperfection of welds is permanently too high, the Register may cease the period of validity
of the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate, and the welding procedure shall be revised and
subjected to new qualification tests. Endorsement of the Welding Procedure Approval Test Certificate is performed by the RS
surveyor based on the request of the manufacturer of welded structures within the period stated in Section
6, Part I "General Regulations for Technical Supervision". In this case the Certificate endorsement and its
reissuance for a new period do not usually require new or additional qualification tests provided all the
above terms of the Certificate validity are met.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



7.1.1 Welding procedures used for the fabrication of aluminium alloy structures being subject to
survey by the Register shall be approved by the Register and meet the requirements given below.
7.1.2 The document verifying that the welding procedure used at the shipyard or welded structures
manufacturer has passed tests and approved by the Register is the Welding Procedure Approval Test
Certificate (form 7.1.33).
7.1.3 The requirements of the Section cover the approval procedure for the welding of aluminium
alloys through testing of type test assemblies by weld test. It is allowed to use other schemes of approval
for the welding procedures of aluminium alloys. The issue of approval scheme change therewith may be
taken by the Register for consideration in the following cases:
if the peculiarities of structures welding under working conditions can not be reproduced on type test
assemblies specified by the requirements of 7.3, and the qualification tests prior to the manufacture
beginning with the simulation of an actual welding procedure are needed;
if the welded structures manufacturer can submit to the Register the convincing grounds for the
possible application of the approval scheme using so-called "standard welding procedure";
if the welding procedures have already passed testing and were previously approved by the competent
bodies/classification societies as applied to the specific welding fabrication and the test program used
therewith was on a par with the requirements of this Section.
7.1.4 In the event of the application of welding processes not provided for in this Section or of welding
procedures associated with the increased degree of defects formation risk (e.g., procedure of a single-sided
welding with free back forming of a weld root), the appropriate tests in manufacture shall be carried out.
These tests shall ensure the monitoring of welding procedures stability.


7.2.1 Definitions and explanations.

Definitions, explanations and terms used in the present Section are given in 6.2.1.
7.2.2 Symbols used in welding procedure approval.
Welding procedure approval for aluminium alloys according to the requirements of the Section is
carried out for the following processes welding (the symbols comply with ISO 4063):
131 = metal-arc inert gas welding;
141 = tungsten inert gas welding;
15 = plasma arc welding.
Depending on the degree of welder's labour mechanization, the welding types/processes are divided
into groups as specified in
The welding fillers used for the welding of shipbuilding aluminium alloys are classified by categories
according to Tables and, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Shielding gases used for welding depending on their composition are divided into groups designated
with indices in accordance with Table, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and
Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Shipbuilding aluminium alloys, to which the requirements of the Section apply, are classified by
grades in accordance with Tables 5.1.2, 5.1.3-1 and 5.1.3-2, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. In this case, in the approval of welding procedures,
aluminium alloys are additionally grouped according to Table 7.2.2.
In the approval of welding procedures, the symbols of welding positions comply with ISO 6947 and
are given in Appendix 2, Section 4.
The symbols relating to the type of a welded joint and to the technological peculiarities of its making
comply with the requirements in
T a b l e 7.2.2
Classification of international shipbuilding aluminium alloys by type composition groups according to ISO/TR 15608
Group Subgroup Type of alloy/characteristic Typical specimen

21 _ Pure aluminium with admixtures or alloying elements content up to 1 % 1050A[Al 99,5]

including 1200[Al 99,0]
22 Non-hardenable alloys

22.1 Aluminium-magnesium alloys 3103[AlMn 1]

22.2 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with Mg content Mg 4 1,5 % 5005[AlMg 1(B)]

5050[AlMg 1,5(C)]
22.3 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with Mg content 1,5 % < Mg 4 3,5 % 5251[AlMg2]

22.4 Aluminium-magnesium alloys with Mg content Mg > 3,5 % 5086[AlMg4]*

5059[ _ ]*

23 Hardenable alloys

23.1 Al-Mg-Si alloys 6060[AlMgSi]

23.2 Al-Zn-Mg alloys 7075[AlZn6MgCu1,5]

24 Al-Si alloys with Cu content Cu41 %

24.2 Al-Si-Mg alloys with Cu content Cu41 %, Si content 5 % < Si 4 15 % and 42100[AlSi7Mg0,3]
Mg content 0,1 % < Mg 4 0,80 % 42200[AlSi7Mg0,6 ]
44100[AlSi12(b) ]
* Marks shipbuilding aluminium alloys covered by the classification of Section 5, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.


7.3.1 General requirements for test assemblies' preparation. The structural elements of edge preparation, weld dimensions and the technological features of
welding operation shall comply with pWPS for the welding procedure to be approved regarding the range
of approval. In testing, the most adverse versions of edge preparation and fit-up to ensure the quality of
welded joints shall be checked.

N o t e . In order to fulfil this requirement, the Register may demand the extension of a test program (for example, the
welding of two test assemblies instead of one for the lower and upper boundaries of the allowance for a root gap, variation in
thickness, root faces, etc.).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-212 The welding of test assemblies during tests shall be made with the use of equipment similar to
that used in production conditions. The cleaning of components before welding and their fit-up shall be carried out like the
procedure used in the product manufacture and specified in pWPS. Where assembly tack welds are the part of structure welds, they shall be included into the test
assembly part to be tested. The procedure parameters and welding conditions shall meet the pWPS requirements. In this
case, the requirements for the heating temperature, interrun temperature and for the parameters of welded
joints heat treatment/ageing, if any, shall be followed. The dimensions of test assemblies shall assure the obtaining of reliable data on the stability of a
welding procedure, and also to take into account the conditions of heat distribution during welding in an
actual structure. The thickness of the base metal, the external diameter of pipes joined and also the design
thickness of a fillet weld shall be within the range of nominal values of these parameters during welded
structures manufacturing, and also to meet the requirements for the range of approval. For the welding of test assemblies, the welding wire (sticks) of the maximum diameter
specified in pWPS or, by an agreement with the Register, by one standard size less, shall be used.
7.3.2 Test assemblies' types and test methods. For the approval of welding procedures for butt joints of plates and other types of semi-finished
products, the butt joint test assembly, which complies with the directions of Fig. with regard to the
requirements of, shall be used.
After welding, the test assembly shall be tested in the scope of the Table requirements. The
diagram of test specimens' cutting-out from the test assembly of the butt joint of plates for conducting
mechanical tests shall comply with Fig.
Discards: part
of test assembly Details of edge preparation
not being subject and weld dimensions
to assessment in inspection according to WPS

a a

Zone 1:
two tensile test
c specimens:
two static bend
test specimens
Zone 2 (reserve):
impact test
specimens if needed;
additional test
specimens, if
Welding direction


Zone 3:
two tensile test
two static bend
test specimens

c Zone 4
one macrosection;
one microsection

Test assembly of welded butt joint and the diagram of test specimens' cutting-out:
for manual and semiautomatic welding with dimensions:
a5150 mm, but not less than 3t; b5350 mm, but not less than 6t; c&25 mm;
for automatic welding with dimensions:
a5200 mm; b51000 mm and c&50 mm
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Examination and testing type Examination and testing Notes

Visual testing 100 % weld length _

100 % weld length
Radiographic or ultrasonic testing For welded joints having thickness t < 12 mm, the radiographic testing shall be
used, and for t512 mm it is allowed, by an agreement with the Register, to
change the radiographic testing for the ultrasonic one
Penetrant testing 100 % weld length _
Transverse tensile test of flat test specimens 4 test speci-mens Tests are conducted on two tensile test specimens with weld reinforcement
removed and on two test specimens with the rein-forcement complying with the
national standard requirements
Transverse static bend test of test specimens 4 test speci-mens For welded joints having thickness t < 12 mm, two test specimens each with
weld root and surface tension shall be tested, and for t512 mm the test for side
bend is conducted on dour test specimens
Macrosection examination 1 transverse macrosection _
Microsection examination 1 transverse microsection _ For the approval of welding procedures for the butt joints of pipes made of aluminium alloys,
the test assembly dimensioned according to Fig., a, with regard to the requirements of shall
be applied. After welding, the test assembly shall be tested in the scope of the Table requirements.
The diagram of test specimens cutting-out from the test assembly of butt pipe joint for mechanical tests
performance shall comply with Fig., b. Where the test assembly dimensions are inadequate to
machine the quantity of test specimens needed, two or more test assemblies shall be welded and tested.
Details of edge preparation
and weld dimensions according
to WPS

a5150 a5150 t

Top point for a stationary pipe (12h)

Zone 1:
two tensile test
two static bend test

Zone 2 (reserve):
impact test specimens,
if needed;
additional test
specimens, if needed

Zone 3:
two tensile test
two static bend test

Zone 4
one macrosection;
one microsection

Test assembly of butt pipe joint:
a _ test assembly dimensions;
b _ diagram of test specimens cutting-out
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-214 For the approval of welding procedures for corner and tee-joints of plates and semi-finished
products, the tee-test assembly dimensioned according to Fig. with regard to the requirements of
may be used.
Fracture test specimens

P a

Welding c
direction P

Discard: test assembly
dpart not being
1 subject to assess-
t1 ment in inspection

Details of edge preparation

and weld dimensions
according to WPS

Test assembly of tee-welded joint and the diagram of test specimens' cutting-out:
for manual and semiautomatic welding with dimensions:
b5150 mm, but not less than 6t, for joints without beveling;
b5350 mm, but not less than 6t, for joints with beveling;
c&25 mm; a5150 mm, but not less than 3t2;
d5350 mm, but not less than 6t1 (macrosection sampling is made in Zones 2 and 3, microsection sampling _ in Zone 3);
for automatic welding with dimensions:
a5150 mm, but not less than 3t2; b5350 mm, but not less than 6t1; d51000 mm;
c&50 mm (macrosection sampling is made in Zones 1, 2 and 3, microsection sampling _ in Zone 3)

In accordance with pWPS, the tee-joint test assembly may be fabricated:

without beveling (fillet welding),
or with beveling (with a full or partial joint penetration).
The application of tee-joint test assembly for plates is mandatory in the following cases:
for the approval of an automatic welding of beveled tee-joints;
for the approval of a welding procedure with a single-run fillet weld without beveling.
In other cases, the welding procedure approval for the corner and tee-joints of plates and semi-finished
products may be carried out within the range of approval according to the directions of Table
After welding, the tee-test assembly shall be tested according to the requirements of Table The
diagram of test specimens' cutting-out from the tee-joint test assembly shall comply with Fig. In so
doing, when the tests for the approval of welding procedures for a manual and semiautomatic welding are
conducted, at least one operation "stop/restart" shall be made on the test length of a test assembly. The
position of that operation shall be marked and subject to a thorough check by non-destructive testing with
the follow-up machining and inspection of one macrosection.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Examination Examination Notes
and testing type and testing extent

Visual testing 100 % weld length _

Radiographic or ultrasonic testing 100 % weld length Radiographic and ultrasonic testing are used for welded joints with full
penetration only
Penetrant testing 100 % weld length _
2 (3) test specimens One macrosection for a manual and semiautomatic welding shall be machined in
Macrosection examination the place, which is appropriate for the "stop-restart" operation. Three macrosections
are machined from the test assemblies fabricated with an automatic welding
Microsection examination 1 test specimen _
Fracture test 2 test specimens (5120 mm) Fracture test is used only for joints without beveling made with a single-
run fillet weld Pipe joint test assembly. The approval of welding procedures for pipe joints with a fillet weld and also for pipes joint
assemblies shall be carried out on the basis of the tests of the test assembly corresponding to Fig.
with regard to the requirements of The angle a between pipes axes shall comply with the minimum
value accepted in manufacturing practice.


Details of edge preparation and weld

dimensions according to WPS


2 a


Test assembly of pipes joint made with a fillet weld and the
diagram of test specimens cutting-out:
1 and 2 _ places of macrosections sampling;
1 _ place of microsection sampling;
a5150 mm

In accordance with the details of edge preparation for welding and with the thickness of a pipe to be
welded on, the test assembly complying with Fig. may be fabricated:
without beveling in the qualification of welding procedures for fillet welding, or
with beveling ensuring the full or partial penetration.
Depending upon the actual manufacturing practice specified in pWPS, the pipes joint test assembly
may be fabricated in the following structural modifications:
as a welded-on element (not communicating with a main pipe);
as a through welded-on element (communicating with a main pipe);
as a straightway welded-on element (through a main pipe).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-216 The use of a pipes joint test assembly with beveling is mandatory while conducting tests for
the approval of:
welding procedures for a manual and semiautomatic welding within the range of the diameter
168,34D24500 mm of a pipe to be welded on, with its wall thickness t2512 mm (refer to Fig.;
welding procedures for an automatic welding including robotized systems.
In this case, the following instructions shall be followed:
for a manual and semiautomatic welding, the main pipe axis shall be oriented vertically what is
sufficient for the approval of all other pipe axis positions in manufacturing practice;
for an automatic welding and robotized systems, the orientation of the main pipe axis shall comply
with the actual conditions of welded joints fabrication; the range of approval for the main pipe axis
orientation is limited by the angles of +308 from the nominal axis position.
In all the other cases, applying the approval of the results of butt joint welding tests (if any), the
welding procedures for pipes joint assemblies or for welding pipes in a plane bulkhead with beveling of
joined components may be approved. The use of a pipes joint test assembly without beveling is mandatory while conducting tests
for the approval of:
welding procedures for an automatic welding including robotized systems;
welding procedures ensuring the deep root penetration, which is taken into account in the effective
throat thickness of a fillet weld;
welding procedures providing for welding by the "vertical-downward" method i.e. in the PG or
J-LO 45 position.
The requirements for the main pipe axis orientation during tests are similar to the requirements
In all the other cases, on the basis of tests (if any) of butt pipe joint test assemblies according to,
the approval procedure for fillet welding procedures for pipe joints without beveling is permitted. After welding, a pipe joint test assembly shall be checked according to Table
The diagram for the cutting-out of test specimens for tests from a test assembly shall comply with
T a b l e

Examination and testing type Examination and testing extent Notes

Visual testing 100 % weld length _

Ultrasonic testing 100 % weld length Used for welded joints with full penetration only
Penetrant testing 100 % weld length _
Macrosection exam-nation 2 transverse macrosections _
Microsection exami-nation 1 transverse microsection _



7.4.1 General provisions for examination and tests performance. After welding each test assembly shall be tested in the scope of requirements specified in 7.3.
In this case, during welded joints examination, test specimens preparation, tests performance and also in
the assessment of the results obtained, the requirements given below shall be followed. All non-destructive testing and examination of welded joints test assemblies shall be carried
out after heat treatment (if specified in pWPS), and the test assemblies from hardenable by heat treatment
alloys of the group 23 (refer to Table 7.2.2) shall be subjected to natural or artificial ageing prior to cutting
out test specimens for tests. Unless otherwise specified by the contract or specification for a particular product
manufacture, as a result of examination by the NDT methods the quality evaluation of the welded
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

joints test pieces of aluminium alloys shall be carried out in compliance with ISO 10042 for the
Acceptance Quality Level B. The reduction criteria down to Quality Level C is therewith acceptable for
imperfections associated with oversized welds (excessive height and width of a butt weld reinforcement,
excess throat thickness of a fillet weld, excessive reinforcement of a single–side butt weld root).
During examination by specific NDT methods the requirements of ISO 17635 to examination class and
Quality Level shall comply:
to perform Level B by visual examination according to ISO 10042 test methods shall be carried out in
compliance with ISO 17637 (Testing Class is not regulated);
for magnetic particle testing the Quality Level 2Х in compliance with ISO 23277, test methods shall be
carried out in accordance with ISO 3452-1 (Testing Class is not regulated);
for radiographic testing Acceptance Level 1 in compliance with 10675-2, test methods shall be carried
out in accordance with ISO 17636 (Testing Class В);
General procedure for performance and basic parameters of NDT test pieces shall comply with 3.2,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. The examination and tests of welded joints test assemblies shall be performed in the following
.1 visual testing;
.2 penetrant testing (penetrant testing is preferable);
.3 radiographic or ultrasonic testing if specified for the joint type concerned;
.4 marking-out of test assemblies and sampling for destructive tests. In doing so, the sampling is
permitted from the welded joint zones, in which no defects were identified according to the non-
destructive testing results;
.5 test specimens machining and non-destructive testing performance, and sections examination as well;
.6 assessment of the obtained results in terms of the provisions in _ Where the results of the welded test assembly non-destructive testing according to Tables, and are unsatisfactory, one additional test assembly for re-testing shall be welded. If the
additional test assembly is rejected due to the same reasons as the first one, the given welding procedure is
considered to be unfit for use in production without the modifications ensuring the appropriate quality of
welded joints. If the results of tensile or bend test specimens testing fail to comply with the set requirements
on reasons not caused by the presence of welding imperfections in the test specimens, the re-test on the
doubled number of test specimens shall be conducted. The test specimens for re-testing are taken from the
same test assembly, if there is sufficient metal, or from a new test assembly additionally welded. If the results of impact test specimens testing fail to comply with the set requirements on
reasons not caused by the presence of imperfections in the test specimens, the re-test of one additional set
of three test specimens shall be conducted. Sampling for additional tests is carried out similarly to the
requirements of If any test specimen has not satisfied a test only due to an improper weld profile or to the presence
of surface defects, crater cracks inclusive, two additional test specimens for each one that failed shall be
machined for re-testing. Sampling for re-testing is carried out similarly to the requirements of If any test specimen has not satisfied a test due to the presence of permissible slag, gas or non-
metallic inclusions, one additional test specimen shall be machined for re-testing. Sampling is carried out
similarly to the requirements of The results of re-testing are accepted as final. Where the results obtained in re-testing are
unsatisfactory if only on one test specimen, the welding procedure, in accordance with the requirements
of _, is considered to be unfit for use until the modifications ensuring the appropriate
quality of welded joints metal are made.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

7.4.2 Requirements for test assemblies examination, test specimens machining and test results
assessment criteria for butt joints. In order to determine the properties of welded butt joints, the following test specimens shall be
tensile test specimens according to with the reinforcement relieved or with the weld
reinforcement according to the requirements of national standards;
specimens for the static bend test of the weld surface and root according to;
specimens for the static bend test of the weld side surface according to;
macrosections prepared and etched on one side to clearly reveal the base metal, fusion line, heat-
affected zone and the weld including the build-up of runs;
microsection prepared and etched on one side to include the heat-affected zone, fusion line and weld
metal into the work area. The test results of tensile and static bend test specimens shall meet the requirements of
T a b l e
Base metal Grade of Properties of welded joints (at least)
consumable Tensile strength Static bend1
Grade Condition of supply
Rm, in MPa Ratio d/ts2 Bend angle, in deg.
International alloys

5754 O, F, H111, H24 RA/WA 190 4 180

5086 O, F, H111, H116, H32, H34 RB/WB 240 6 180

5083 O, F, H116, H321 RC/WC 270 6 180

5383,5456 O, H111, H116, H321 RC/WC 290 6 180

5059 O, H111, H116, H321 RC/WC 330 6 180

6005A T5, T6 RD/WD 165 7 180

6061 T4 RD/WD 165 6 180

T5, T6 RD/WD 165 7 180

6082 T4 RD/WD 170 6 180

T5, T6 RD/WD 170 7 180
National alloys

1530 O, H111, H112

ts412,5 mm R1/W1 185 4 180
ts > 12,5 mm 165 4 180
1550 O, H111, H112
ts412,5 mm R2/W2 275 6 180
ts > 12,5 mm 255 6 180
1561 O, H111, H112, R3/W3 305 6 180

1565ч O, H112 R3/W3 305 6 180

R4/W4 335 6 180

1561H H32, H321 R3/W3 305 6 180

1575 O, H111, H112 R4/W4 360 6 180

[AlSi1MgMn] T5, T6 R5/W5 165 7 180

At assessment of the test results the following shall be taken into consideration: after the specimen bending through the required angle, no
defects more than 3 mm in length shall appear on its surface; defects on the specimen edges may be neglected if they were not caused by poor
Symbols: d = diameter of punch or inner roller, in mm;
ts = bend test specimen thickness, in mm.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

The transverse macrosections shall be free from prohibitive defects. In this case the defects close to a
weld including 10 mm of the base metal outside of the heat-affected zone shall be taken into account.
In macrosections examination, it shall also be checked the compliance of the priority and sequence of
weld runs performance with the pWPS requirements.
The analysis of welded joints microstructure is carried out according to the program agreed with the
Register in each particular case. In microsections examination, it shall be confirmed the absence in the
welded joint metal of zones containing components or admixtures, which are potentially dangerous in
terms of efficiency, and static strength of the welded joint (brittle interlayers, inclusion segregations, etc.).
7.4.3 Requirements for test assemblies examination, test specimens machining and test results
assessment criteria for fillet and tee-joints.
Sampling of macro- and microsections from welded joint test assemblies complying with Figs.
and shall be carried out similarly to the requirements of Static fracture test specimens
from a tee-joint test assembly shall be sampled and tested according to the In this case, both fillet
welds of the total length of at least 200 mm on the opposite sides of the joint shall be tested.
The analysis of macrosections and welds fracture surface shall confirm the absence of prohibitive
internal defects including the lack of root penetration (decrease of effective throat thickness with the
irregular form of base metal fusion). Insignificant defects like pores and slag inclusions may be permitted
if their relative area does not exceed 1 % of the controlled weld section.


7.5.1 General.
Specifying the range of welding procedure approval the requirements given below shall be followed.
The changes inserted in pWPS by a manufacturer, which are beyond the scope of the range of approval,
need new tests.
The approval of a welding procedure by the Register obtained by a shipyard or welded structures
manufacturer is valid for welding in all workshops of the given shipyard/manufacturer subject to the WPS
requirements for this welding procedure.
7.5.2 Base metal-related requirements on rangeof approval. Tests carried out on the aluminium alloy of one of the groups in Table 7.2.2 qualify the welding
procedure for the other alloys of the same group with equal or lower tensile strength, which are part of a
welded joint, according to Table
For shipbuilding alloys, the range of approval of a welding procedure by the grades of base metal is
identical to that for welding consumables according to the requirements of Tables and,
Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.
Approval therewith also covers all the combinations of alloy grades within the range of approval. Tests for welding procedure approval conducted on test assemblies having the nominal
thickness t are valid for the thickness range according to Table The determination of the nominal
thickness t for different joint types shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
for butt joints, t is the thickness of the thinner material;
for fillet joints without beveling, t is the thickness of the thicker material;
for tee-joints of beveled plates, t is the thickness of a beveled component (welded-on element);
for fillet joints with bevelling, t is the thickness of the thinner material;
for joint assemblies of pipes like the "blind" welded-on adaptors, t is the welded-on element wall
T a b l e
Thickness of test piece in qualification tests t, in mm Range of approval by base metal thickness
t43 From 0,5t to 2t inclusive
3 < t 4 20 Above 3 mm to 2t inclusive
t > 20 From 0,8t and above
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for joint assemblies of pipes in the form of a through or straight-run welded-on element, t is the
thickness of a main pipe or plate. Depending on the fillet weld thickness a of tested assemblies, the welding procedure approval
covers welded joints with design throat thickness of fillet welds from 0,75a to 1,5a inclusive. In so doing,
the tests on assemblies with the fillet weld thickness a510 mm qualify for welded joints with design
throat thicknesses of fillet welds from 7,5 mm and over.
For the fillet welds made in a vertical downward position (position PG), the range of approval covers
the fillet weld design throat thicknesses from 0,75a to 1,1a inclusive.
For fillet welds, in parallel with the standardization of the range of approval by the a value, the
restrictions on the range of approval for the base metal thickness and external pipe diameter are also
applied. The range of approval as to the external diameter of welded pipes or branch pipes of joint
assemblies shall be specified in relation to the external pipes diameter during approval tests according to
T a b l e
Diameter of test piece D, in mm1 Range of approval
D425 From 0,5D to 2,0D
D>25 50,5D but not less than 25 mm
D is the outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch pipe. In tests for welding procedures approval which are associated with the welding of pipe joint
assemblies, the range of approval as to the angle a1 between the axes of pipes to be joined shall be
specified in relation to the angle during the tests proceeding from the condition a4a14908.
7.5.3 Range of approval requirements relating to the welding process. Welding process and type.
The approval of welding type is valid only for the welding process and type used during approval
Where the welding procedure used is the combination of several processes/types (e.g., a consumable
electrode automatic welding to fill a groove and a non-consumable electrode manual welding to make a
weld root), the approval range is limited by the welding process combination used in approval tests. In this
case, the test procedure may be carried out according to either the combined (as the combination on one
test assembly) or separate (on separate test assemblies for each process/type) scheme. Welding positions.
Welding of a test in any one position (pipe or plate) qualifies for welding in all positions (pipe or plate)
except for PG and J-L045 where a separate welding procedure test shall be required. The range of approval for the types of welded joints in relation to the types used in approval
tests shall meet the requirements of Table The welding procedure approval is valid for welding consumables of that grade, which passed
the tests in the course of approval. The issue of the approval range extension for the welding consumables
of higher grades (which provide the higher indices of welded joint strength) is, in each case, subject to the
special consideration by the Register. The approval of a welding procedure is valid only for that type of current and polarity, which
were used in tests. If the value of linear power consumption during welding is specified in pWPS, the
requirements for the approval range of this parameter within +15 % of the value shown during the
approval tests shall be observed.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Range of approval by welded joint types
(for welding processes which application for approval submitted before 1 October 2019)
Range of approval

Butt joint on plate Butt joint on pipe Branch connections Fillet

Type of welded test (Р:BW) (Т:BW) (Т:TW) welds
assembly in approval tests on pipe
Welded from Welded from Welded from Welded Welded and plate
one side (ss) both sides (bs) one side (ss) from one from both without
side (ss) sides (bs) beveling
with no with no with no (FW)
backing backing gouging gouging backing backing _ _
(mb) (nb) (gg) (ng) (mb) (nb)

Butt joint Welded With backing 6 _ 6 _ 61 _ _ 61 6

on plate (Р: from (mb)
BW)2 one side
(ss) No backing 6 6 6 6 61 61 61 61 6
Welded With gouging 6 _ 6 _ 61 _ _ 61 6
from (gg)
sides No gouging 6 _ 6 6 _ _ _ 61 6
(bs) (ng)
Butt joint Welded With backing 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ _ 61 6
on pipe from (mb)
(Т:BW) one
No backing 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Branch Welded from _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 6 6
connections one side (ss)
Welded from both sides _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 6
Fillet joints Plates (Р) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6
beveling Pipes (Т) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6
Plate qualifies pipe with external diameter D > 500 mm.
Butt joints on plate qualify T-joints.
6 indicates those welding types of joints covered by WPS (without additional tests).
_ indicates those welding types of joints not covered by WPS (new approval tests are required).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

T a b l e
Range of approval by welded joint types (for welding processes which application for approval submitted on or after 1 October 2019)
Type of welded test assembly in approval tests Range of approval

Butt joint on plates T-joints on plates (TW) Butt joint on pipe (T) Branch connections (T:TW) Fillet welds on
pipe and plate
without beveling
Welded from one side Welded from both Welded from one side Welded from both sides Welded from one side Welded from Welded (F)
sides one side from both
with without with without with without with without with backings without
backings backings gouging gouging backings backings (B) gouging (C) gouging (A) backings
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (D) (B)

Butt joint on Welded with backings (A) * _ 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ 61 _ _ 61 6

plates2 from one 1 1 1 1
side without backings (B) 6 * 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
1 1
Welded with gouging (C) 6 _ * _ 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ _ 6 6
from both 1
sides without gouging (D) 6 _ 6 * 6 _ 6 6 _ _ _ 6 6

T-joint on plate Welded with backings (A) _ _ _ _ * _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ 6

with beveling from one
(TW) side without backings (B) _ _ _ _ 6 * 6 6 _ _ _ _ 6

Welded with gouging (C) _ _ _ _ 6 _ * _ _ _ _ _ 6

from both
sides without gouging (D) _ _ _ _ 6 _ 6 * _ _ _ _ 6

Butt joint on Welded with backings (A) 6 _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ 6 6

pipes from one
side without backings (B) 6 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ 6 * 6 6 6

Branch Welded from one side _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 6 6

Welded from both sides _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 6

Fillet joints on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *
pipe and plate
beveling (F)

Plate qualifies pipe with external diameter D > 500 mm.
Butt joints on plate qualify T-joints.
* indicates those welding types of joints for which WPS is approved directly by the test results;
6 indicates those welding types of joints covered by WPS (without additional tests);
_ indicates those welding types of joints not covered by WPS (new approval tests are required).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-223 The minimum preheat temperature for the range of approval of a welding procedure shall be
consistent with the nominal temperature of a test assembly before welding during approval tests.
If the preheat is not used in general practice, the range of approval is:
the minimum ambient temperature, at which welding is permitted, and/or
specific conditions when the preheat may be needed (low temperature, the welding of large thickness, etc.). If a welding procedure does not provide for an additional heating, the restriction of the range of
approval on a maximum interrun temperature shall comply with an actual interrun temperature during the
welding of a test assembly in approval tests.
For welding procedures with an additional heating, the restriction of the range of approval on a
minimum interrun temperature shall comply with an actual interrun temperature during the welding of a
test assembly in approval tests. Post-weld heat treatment or ageing.
The deviation of heat treatment parameters including heat treatable hardening (in the direction of both
increase and decrease), from those set during tests for the welding procedure approval is not allowed.
The range of approval shall be limited to the temperature interval used in approval tests.
If provided in WPS, the heating and cooling rate shall be additionally specified in the range of
approval, as well as the soaking time of a welded joint at the check temperature. In so doing, it is not
permitted to supersede heat treatable hardening with natural ageing at the room temperature and vice versa,
depending on the WPS requirements. The range of approval for the welding procedure of metal-arc inert gas welding (131) shall be
limited by:
the group of the standard composition of inert gas (refer to Table, which is identical to the
group with gas composition used in qualification tests;
the system of welding wire feed, which is identical to the one used in approval tests (single- or
multiple-electrode welding). The range of approval for the welding procedure of inert-gas non-consumable (tungsten)-
electrode arc welding (141) shall be limited by the group of the shielding gas standard composition (refer
to Table, which is identical to that with the gas composition used in approval tests to protect a
welding bath and a weld root as well (with backing gas). The range of approval for the welding procedure of plasma arc welding (15) shall be limited
by the group of the shielding gas standard composition (refer to Table, which is identical to that
with the gas composition used in approval tests:
as plasma-forming;
for welding bath protection;
for weld root protection (with backing gas).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



8.1.1 The requirements of the present Section supplement the requirements of Section 6 of the present
Part and specify the conditions for approval of welding procedures for titanium alloys. In case there are no
special requirements, the above mentioned conditions for approval shall be applied.
8.1.2 The requirements of the present Section apply to the wrought titanium alloys supplied in plates
(ВТ1-00, ВТ1-0, ПТ-3В) and pipes (ВТ1-00, ВТ1-0, ПТ-1М, ПТ-7М, ПТ-3В) complying with the
requirements of Section 9, Part XIII "Materials" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of
Sea-Going Ships. In other cases during approval of welding procedures for titanium alloys the
requirements of international standard ISO 15614-5 or similar national standards (e.g., GOST R ISO
15614-5) shall be applied.
8.1.3 Definitions, clarifications and terms applied for the approval of welding procedures for titanium
alloys are similar to those indicated in 6.2.1.
The symbols used for the approval of welding procedures for titanium alloys are similar to those
indicated in 7.2.2.
8.1.4 Welding procedure approval for titanium alloys according to the requirements of the Section is
carried out for the following processes welding (the symbols comply with ISO 4063):
131 = metal-arc inert gas welding;
141 = tungsten inert gas welding.
In so doing, depending on the use of labour-saving devices by welders, welding types are divided into
the following groups:
M/MW1 = manual welding wherein wire feed and the movement of a welding gun along and across the
weld are carried out by the welder (by hand);
A = fully mechanized (automatic) welding wherein the processes of wire feed and welding gun
manipulation are mechanized and carried out without welder's direct participation.
8.1.5 The welding fillers used for the welding of shipbuilding titanium alloys are classified by
categories according to Table 8.1.5.
T a b l e 8.1.5
Grade Letter designation of grade Base metal Range
of welding consumable of welding consumable for tests of approval
Wire Rod
TiWА TiRА ВТ1-00св ВТ1-0 ВТ1-00, ВТ1-0
TiWВ TiRВ 2В ПТ-3В ВТ1-00, ВТ1-00,ПТ-1М, ПТ-7М, ПТ-3В
1 1
ПТ-7Мсв ПТ-7 ВТ1-00, ВТ1-0, ПТ-1М, ПТ-7М
The approval of welding consumables intended exclusively for welding alloys used only for pipe manufacture is performed in scope of
the requirements for the approval of welding procedures for the butt joints of pipes with diameter D 4 25 mm and D 5 80 mm with wall
thickness t 4 3 mm and t510 mm, appropriately, in one welding position.

8.1.6 Shielding gases used for welding depending on their composition are divided into groups
designated with indices in accordance with Table, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the
Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships.

The symbol "МW", is used before 1 октября 2019, the symbol "М" is used on and after 1 October 2019.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


8.2.1 General requirements for test assemblies’ preparation. The structural elements of edge preparation, weld dimensions and the technological features of
welding operation shall comply with pWPS for the welding procedure to be approved regarding the range
of approval. In testing, the most adverse versions of edge preparation and fit-up to ensure the quality of
welded joints shall be checked.
N o t e . In order to fulfill this requirement, the Register may demand the extension of a test program (for example, the
welding of two test assemblies instead of one for the lower and upper boundaries of the allowance for a root gap, variation in
thickness, root faces, etc.). The welding of test assemblies during tests shall be made with the use of equipment similar to
that used in production conditions. The cleaning of components before welding and their fit-up shall be carried out like the
procedure used in the product manufacture and specified in pWPS. Where assembly tack welds are the part of structure welds, they shall be included into the test
assembly part to be tested. The procedure parameters and welding conditions shall meet the pWPS requirements. In this
case, the requirements for the heating temperature, interrun temperature and for the parameters of welded
joints heat treatment/ageing, if any, shall be followed. The dimensions of test assemblies shall assure the obtaining of reliable data on the stability of a
welding procedure, and also to take into account the conditions of heat distribution during welding in an
actual structure. The thickness of the base metal and also the design thickness of a fillet weld shall be within the
range of nominal values of these parameters during welded structures manufacturing, and also to meet the
requirements for the range of approval. For the welding of test assemblies, the welding wire (rods) of the maximum diameter specified
in pWPS or, by an agreement with the Register, by one standard size less, shall be used. Tests of assemblies, besides those stipulated by 8.2.2, on the Register demand or under the
contract terms applied may additionally include the following:
tensile tests of longitudinal specimens from weld metal;
bend testing of welded joint longitudinal specimens;
impact testing of weld metal and welded joint;
hardness test;
testing for resistance to corrosion;
chemical analysis.
8.2.2 Classification of test pieces, their purpose and dimensions. Length or number of test pieces shall be suffi-cient to allow all required qualification tests to be
carried out in compliance with the requirements stated bellow.
Additional test pieces, or longer test pieces than the minimum size, may be prepared in order to allow
for extra and/or for re-testing specimens in compliance with the requirements of this Section. For all test pieces, except branch connections and fillet and tee joints, the material thickness
shall be the same for both plates/pipes to be welded. Welding of welded joint test pieces and testing of test specimens shall be witnessed by the RS
surveyor. The test piece for a butt-welded joint in plates shall be prepared in accordance with Fig. Welding procedures for butt joint in pipe are approved on the basis of tests using the test piece,
which is prepared in accordance with Fig.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

a a

Fig. Test piece for a butt joint in plate:

1 _ edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in pWPS;
t _ base metal thickness;
a5150 mm (transverse bend test specimens may require a larger a);
b5350 mm


a a

Fig. Test piece for a butt joint in pipe:

1 _ edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in pWPS;
t _ base metal thickness; a 5 150 mm;
D _ outside pipe diameter For the approval of welding procedures for fillet and tee-joints of plates and semi-finished
products, the tee-test assembly dimensioned according to Fig. with regard to the requirements
of may be used.
In accordance with pWPS, the tee-joint test assembly may be fabricated:
without beveling (fillet welding);
or with beveling (with a full or partial joint penetration).
The application of tee-joint test assembly for plates is mandatory in the following cases:
for the approval of an automatic welding of beveled tee-joints;
for the approval of a welding procedure with a single-run fillet weld without beveling.
In other cases, the welding procedure approval for fillet and tee-joints of plates and semi-finished
products may be carried out within the range of approval according to the directions of Table Welding procedures for pipe and branch connections (T-, Y- and K-shaped pipe connections)
are approved on the basis of testing the test piece for a branch connection which is prepared in accordance
with Fig.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships




Fig. Test piece for a tee-joint in plate

and semi-finished product:
1 _ edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in pWPS;
t _ base metal thickness; a 5 mm; b 5 350 mm






Fig. Test piece for a branch connection:

1 _ edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in pWPS;
t _ base metal thickness; a 5 150 mm;
D1 _ outside diameter of the main pipe;
D2 _ outside diameter of the branch pipe;
t1 _ main pipe material thickness;
t2 _ branch pipe material thickness;
α _ branch angle
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships



8.3.1 Extent of the test assemblies examination and testing. Each test assembly after welding shall be subjected to testing within the scope of the
requirements specified in Table At the same time the welded joints examination, test specimens
preparation and test results evaluation shall meet the requirements given below.
T a b l e
Requirements for extent of testing for approval of welding procedures

Nos. Type of welded test piece Type of test Extent of testing

1 Butt joint in plate – refer to Fig. Visual testing 100 % of weld length
Radiographic or ultrasonic testing1 100 % of weld length
Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Transverse tensile test 2(4) specimens2
Transverse bend test 4 specimens3
Hardness test Required
Macro examination4 Required: 1 transverse macrosection
Micro examination4 Required: 1 transverse microsection

2 Butt joint in pipe – refer to Fig. Visual testing 100 % of weld length
Radiographic or ultrasonic testing1 100 % of weld length
Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Transverse tensile test 2(4) specimens2
Transverse bend test5 4 specimens3
Flattening test5 2 specimens
Hardness test Required
Macro examination4 Required: 1 transverse macrosection
Micro examination4 Required: 1 transverse microsection
3 T-joints in plate with edge preparation (with full penetration), Visual testing 100 % of weld length
refer to Fig. Radiographic or ultrasonic testing1 100 % of weld length
Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Hardness test Required
Macro examination6 Required: 2 transverse macrosections
Micro examination Required: 1 transverse microsection
4 T-joints in plate without edge preparation (fillet/joint) – refer Visual testing 100 % of weld length
to Fig. Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Macro examination Required: 2 transverse macrosections7
Micro examination Required: 1 transverse microsection
Fructure test Required: 1 specimen
5 Branch connection with edge preparation on branch to be Visual testing 100 % of weld length
welded (with penetration) – refer to Fig. Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Ultrasonic testing8 100 % of weld length
Hardness test Required
Macro examination Required: 4 transverse macrosections9
Micro examination Required: 1 transverse microsection
6 Branch connection without edge preparation on branch to be Visual testing 100 % of weld length
welded (without penetration) – refer to Fig. Dye penetrant testing 100 % of weld length
Hardness test Required
Macro examination Required: 2 transverse macrosections10
Micro examination Required: 1 transverse microsection
Ultrasonic testing shall not be used at base metal thicknesses t < 8 mm.
2 specimens with removed weld reinforcement and 2 specimens with weld reinforcement in compliance with the national standards.
2 specimens with weld reinforcement shall be tested only in case the structure reinforcement is stipulated by the national standards (weld metal
does not provide full strength with the base metal).
For thicknesses t < 12 mm, 2 root and face bend test specimens are required. For thicknesses t 5 12 mm, 4 side bend test specimens are required.
Combined test in one specimen is allowed.
For pipe outside diameter D 4 50 mm, 4 bend test specimens may be substituted by 2 flattening test specimens.
In cases when the welding procedure according to pWPS is not subjected to approval testing by other methods, additional tests to check
the mechanical properties (mechanical tests) shall be conducted on a butt joint test piece with identical edge preparation.
For manual welding 1 macrosection at start/stop location.
For pipe outside diameter D 4 50 mm, no ultrasonic test is required. For pipe outside diameter D > 50 mm, and where it is not technically
possible to carry out ultrasonic testing, a radiographic testing shall be carried out on the maximum weld length available.
According to Fig. specimens are sampled in areas А, А1, В and В1.
According to Fig. specimens are sampled in areas А, В or В1.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-229 The examination and tests of welded joints test assemblies shall be performed in the following
visual testing;
dye penetrant testing;
radiographic or ultrasonic testing if specified for the joint type concerned;
marking-out of test assemblies and sampling for mechanical tests;
test specimens machining and mechanical test performance;
assessment of the test results.
8.3.2 Requirements for location and taking of test specimens for mechanical tests.
Test specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken after all non-destructive testing (NDT) has been
carried out and which has passed the relevant inspection criteria for the NDT methods used within the
scope of requirements specified in Table It is acceptable to take the test specimens from locations
avoiding areas which have imperfections within the acceptance limits for the NDT method used. Test
specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken in accordance with Figs. _
1 3

Fig. Location of test specimens for a butt joint in plate:

1 _ discard; 2 _ welding direction;
3 _ area for 1 tensile test specimen and 2 bend test specimens;
4 _ area for additional test specimens, if required;
5 _ area for 1 tensile test specimen and 2 bend test specimens;
6 _ area for 1 macrosection and 1 microsection

8.3.3 Requirements for non-destructive testing and test results evaluation. Test pieces of welded joints shall be examined by visual and non-destructive testing prior to the
cutting of test specimen in accordance with Table Unless otherwise specified by the contract or specification for a particular product
manufacture, as a result of examination by the NDT methods evaluation of the welded joints test pieces
quality shall be carried out in compliance with ISO 5817 for the Acceptance Quality Level B. The
reduction criteria down to Quality Level C is therewith acceptable for imperfections associated with
oversized welds (excessive height and width of a butt weld reinforcement, excess throat thickness of a
fillet weld, excessive reinforcement of a single–side butt weld root).
During examination by specific NDT methods the requirements of ISO 17635 to examination class and
Quality Level shall be complied with:
to perform Level B by visual and measurement examination as per ISO 5817 test methods shall be
carried out in accordance with ISO 17637 (Testing Class is not regulated);
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Location of test specimens for a butt joint in pipe:

1 _ top of fixed pipe;
2 _ area for 1 tensile test specimen and 2 bend test specimens;
3 _ area for additional test specimens, if required;
4 _ area for 1 tensile test specimen and 2 bend test specimens;
5 _ area for 1 macrosection and 1 microsection


Fig. Location of test specimens

for a T-joint in plates with full penetration:
1 _ discard; 2 _ area for 1 macrosection and 1 microsection;
3 _ area for 1 macrosection; 4 _ welding direction

for magnetic particle testing the Quality Level 2Х in compliance with ISO 23278, test methods shall be
carried out in accordance with ISO 17638 (Testing Class is not regulated);
for radiographic testing the Quality Level 1 in compliance with 10675-1, test methods shall be carried
out in accordance with ISO 17636 (Testing Class В);
for ultrasonic testing Quality Level 2 as per ISO 11666 (in compliance with 3.4.6, Part XIV
"Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships), the test procedure in
accordance with ISO 17640 (Testing Level В).
General procedure for performance and basic parameters of non-destructive testing (NDT) test pieces
shall comply with 3.2, Part XIV "Welding" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-
Going Ships.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-231 Accepted colours on the weld metal surface: silver and straw. A narrow band of intensive
colours close to the limits of the gas shielding is acceptable. Darker brown, purple and blue colours and
grey or flaky white are not acceptable.
8.3.4 Requirements for mechanical tests. Scope of mechanical tests regarding types and quantity of test specimens shall comply with
Table Tensile tests.
Two tensile specimens taken from the test pieces for butt joints in plate and pipe having dimensions in
compliance with ISO 4136 (refer to Fig. or shall be tested. 2 specimens with weld
reinforcement are additionally tested in case when the structural reinforcement is required by the national
standards (weld metal does not provide full strength with the base metal).
For pipes D > 50 mm outside diameter, the weld reinforcement shall be removed on both faces to give
the test specimen a thickness equal to the wall thickness of the pipe.
For pipes D 4 50 mm outside diameter, and when full section small diameter pipes are used, the weld
reinforcement may be left undressed on the inside surface of the pipe. Bend test.
Four bend test specimens taken from the test pieces of butt joints in plate and pipe having dimensions
as given in ISO 4146 (refer to Fig. shall be tested for static bend:
for thicknesses of a base metal t < 12 mm, two root and two face bend test specimens shall be tested;
for thicknesses of a base metal 12 4 t < 20 mm, four side bend specimens are allowed instead of root
and face bend tests;
for thicknesses of a base metal t 5 20 mm, four side bend specimens shall be tested. Flattening tests of butt joints in pipe.
For butt joints in pipe with the outside diameter D 4 50 mm, 4 bend test specimens may be substituted
by 2 flattening test specimens in pipe in compliance with the international or national standards (e.g., ISO 8492,
ASTM A513, GOST 8695). Test specimens with the removed weld reinforcement shall be tested.
For pipes with the ratio of the outside diameter to the wall thickness D/t 4 10, test shall be performed
in two stages:
for distance between the formers (before release of the load) equal to 0,67D + 2t, examination of the
internal and external surfaces of the specimen shall be performed;
for distance between the formers equal to 0,55D + 2t, examination of the external surface of the
specimen only shall be performed.
For pipes with the ratio of the outside diameter to the wall thickness 10 < D/t 4 20, test shall be
performed for distance between the formers (before release of the load) equal to 0,6D, examination of the
internal and external surfaces of the specimen shall be performed. Fracture test.
The lack of internal imperfections in fillet welded T-joints in plate shall be checked by fracture test
with extension of the weld root of one specimen in compliance with ISO 9017 or similar national
standards. If necessary to facilitate fracture in the critical cross-section, a longitudinal notch may be done
on the centre of the weld surface or additional notches about 5 mm depth on both edges of the fillet weld
(side notching) may be done. Hardness test.
The Vickers hardness of the welded joint metal (HV10) for butt joints in plate and pipe shall be
determined with the use of transverse and longitudinal macrosections.
Examples of hardness test for butt joints in pipe are given in Fig. Hardness of T-joints in plate
and pipe shall be determined only with the use of transverse sections.
The Vickers hardness (HV10) shall be determined with the distance between the centre points of the
indentations 1 mm for transverse sections and 2 mm for longitudinal sections.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

Fig. Examples of hardness test for butt joints in pipe Macro and micro examination.

The test transverse macro and micro sections shall be ground and etched on one side to clearly reveal
the weld metal, the fusion line and the heat-affected zone in compliance with EN 1321 (or similar
international or national standard).
Macro examination shall include all areas of welded joint and unaffected base metal.
A photo for each macro examination shall be taken to record the examination results.
Examination of welded joints microstructure shall be conducted according to the program agreed with
the Register. The program shall include the requirements for test procedures and results assessment
Transverse macro sections shall be examined to reveal the following:
regular weld profile;
absence of incomplete penetration;
absence of inadmissible undercuts;
inadmissible internal defects in the weld and the adjacent zone;
compliance of welding sequence in the groove with pWPS.
8.3.5 Requirements for evaluation of mechanical test and macro and micro examination results. The tensile strength value when testing transverse tensile specimens of butt-welded joints shall
not be less than the minimum value for base metal given in Table
T a b l e
Base metal Properties of welded joints

Type of product Category Tensile strength Static bend

Rm, Mandrel diameter Bending angle,

MPa1 Dmandrel/ts2 in deg.
Plates ВТ1-00 295 6 180
ВТ1-0 370 6 180
ПТ-3В 640 8 180

Pipes ВТ1-00 295 6 180

ВТ1-0 343 6 180
ПТ-1М 343 6 180
ПТ-7М 480 8 180
ПТ-3В 686 8 180
But not more than tensile strength of base metal in compliance with supply documentation.
ts – thickness of the bend test specimen.

For dissimilar welded joints the tensile strength shall not be less than the minimum value specified for
the material having the lowest tensile strength. During bend testing the ratio of mandrel diameter to specimen thickness (Dmandrel/t) shall
comply with Table In cases not specified in Table the following requirements shall be met:
the diameter of the former or the inner roller Dmandrel shall be equal to 6ts for alloys with nominal
elongation А5520 %, except materials of group 51 ISO/TR 15608 with the mandrel diameter equal to 4ts;
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for the base metal with elongation А5 < 20 %, the following formula shall apply:
Dопр = (100/А5 – 1)6ts

where Dmandrel = diameter of the former or the inner roller, in mm;

ts = thickness of the bend test specimen, in mm;
А5 = minimum tensile elongation required by material specification (nominal value), in %.

The tests shall be carried out until the bending angle of 180° is reached. The specimens shall be
subjected to one-type bending and the weld section, heat affected zone (HAZ) and base metal shall exactly
correspond to the mandrel radius. It confirms that the gas shielded welding does not deteriorate the joint
plasticity and molding properties of the base metal.
After the specimen testing, no defects more than 3 mm in length shall appear on its surface.
Cracks appearing at the corners of a test specimen during testing shall be neglected. In the flattening tests of the butt joints in pipes, the quality of welded joint shall be considered
unsatisfactory when obtaining the distance specified in the cracks visible by unaided eye are
observed on the specimen surface. During testing of T-joint welds for static fracture, the specimen's fracture surface shall be
inspected for the presence of inadmissible internal defects (pores and porosity, slag inclusions, lack of
fusion and cracks), the value of fusion in the root weld shall also be checked. Imperfections that are
detected shall be evaluated in accordance with ISO 5817, quality level B. Hardness value HV10 4 230 for welding wire TiWA/TiRA(ВТ1-00св), HV10 4 300 for
welding wire TiWB/TiRB(ПТ-7Мсв and 2В). Hardness in HAZ shall not exceed the hardness of base
Single values up to 400 are allowed in case when hardness value at this point (3 _ 4 points at distance
of 1 mm) 4 230 for welding wire TiWA/TiRA(ВТ1-00св), 4 300 for welding wire TiWB/TiRB(ПТ-
7Мсв and 2В). Not more than three adjoining measuring points on butt joints are allowed. Transverse macrosections shall be examined in scope of the requirements given in for
monitoring and revealing the deficiencies specified in 8.3.3. In the test report all the revealed external and
internal defects or deficiencies, including allowable ones, shall be recorded.
In microsections examination, it shall be confirmed the absence in the welded joint metal of zones
containing components or admixtures, which are potentially dangerous in terms of efficiency, and static
strength of the welded joint.


8.4.1 If the test piece fails to comply with any of the requirements for visual examination and non-
destructive testing, one further test piece shall be prepared and subjected to the same examination. If the
additional test piece does not comply with the relevant requirements, the pWPS shall be regarded as not
capable of complying with the requirements without modification.
8.4.2 If any test specimen fails to comply with the relevant requirements for mechanical tests due to
weld imperfections only, two further test specimens for each one that failed shall be prepared and
subjected to the same test. The specimens for re-testing can be taken from the same test piece if there is
sufficient material available or from a new test piece. If either of these additional test specimens does not
comply with the relevant requirements, the pWPS and the welding procedure are considered unsuitable for
use in production without modifications ensuring the required quality of welded joints.
8.4.3 If a tensile test specimen fails to meet the relevant requirements due to the reasons not associated
with weld imperfections, the re-testing shall be carried out on the doubled number of specimens. The
specimens for re-testing are taken from the same test piece if there is sufficient material available or from a
new test piece. When both additional specimens have demonstrated satisfactory test results, the common
result of the tensile tests is considered positive. If one or both additional specimens have failed at re-
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

testing, the pWPS and the welding procedure are considered unsuitable for use in production without
modifications ensuring the required quality of welded joints.
8.4.4 If a test piece is rejected due to the hardness test results, the re-testing shall be carried out on a
doubled number of specimens. The specimens for re-testing are taken in compliance with the requirements
of 8.4.2.
8.4.5 If any test specimen has not satisfied a test only due to an improper weld profile or to the presence of
surface defects, crater cracks inclusive, two additional test specimens for each one that failed shall be machined
for re-testing. Sampling for re-testing is carried out similarly to the requirements of 8.4.2.
8.4.6 If any test specimen has not satisfied a test due to the presence of permissible slag or gas
inclusions, one additional test specimen shall be machined for re-testing. Sampling is carried out similarly
to the requirements of 8.4.2.
8.4.7 The results of re-testing are accepted as final, but even if any test specimen fails to pass the tests
in compliance with the requirements of 8.4.2 _ 8.4.6, the welding procedure is considered unsuitable for
use without modifications ensuring the required quality of the welded joint metal.


8.5.1 General. Specifying the range of approval for a welding procedure, each of the requirements given
below shall be met. Changes introduced into a WPS by a manufacturer, and which are outside of the ranges
specified shall require a new welding procedure test. All the conditions of validity stated below shall be met independently of each other. The approval of a welding procedure by the Register obtained by a shipyard or welded
structures manufacturer is valid for welding in all workshops or sites of that shipyard/manufacturer under
the same technical and quality control of the manufacturer. In this case the manufacturer who performed
the welding procedure qualification test retains complete responsibility for all welding carried out to it.
8.5.2 Requirements for the range of approval related to base metal. Tests carried out on the titanium alloy of one of the groups in Table qualify the welding
procedure for the other alloys of the same group with equal or lower tensile strength, which are part of a
welded joint, according to Table
T a b l e
Classification of titanium and titanium alloys by type composition groups

Group designation as per ISO 15608 Type and characteristic of alloys Category of titanium alloys

52 α alloys ВТ1-00, ВТ1-0, ПТ-1М

53 α _ β alloys ПТ-3В, ПТ-7М Base metal thickness and pipe diameter. Tests for welding procedure approval conducted on test assemblies having the nominal
thickness t are valid for the thickness range according to Table The determination of the nominal
thickness t for different joint types shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
for butt joints, t is the thickness of the thinner material;
T a b l e
Approval range of base metal thickness t for butt and T-joint welds and fillet welds
Thickness t of test piece in qualification tests, Range of approval
in mm1
Single run or single run welding from both sides Multirun welding2
t43 0,7t _ 1,5t 0,7t _ 2t
3 < t 4 12 0,7t _ 1,3t 3 mm _ 2t
t >12 0,7t _ 1,1t 0,5t _ 2t
For fillet and branch connections made by fillet welds without edge preparation, the range of approval shall be applied to both base metals.
For multi process procedures, the recorded thickness contribution of each process shall be used as a basis for the range of approval for
the individual welding process.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships

for fillet joints without beveling, t is the thickness of the thicker material;
for tee-joints of beveled plates, t is the thickness of a beveled component (welded-on element);
for fillet joints with bevelling, t is the thickness of the thinner material;
for joint assemblies of pipes like the "blind" welded-on adaptors, t is the welded-on element wall
for joint assemblies of pipes in the form of a through or straight-run welded-on element, t is the
thickness of a main pipe or plate. In addition to the requirements of Table, the limitations stated below apply to the
range of approval for fillet weld throat thickness from 0,75a to 1,5a, inclusive; where a is the test throat
Where a fillet weld without edge preparation is qualified by means of a butt weld test, the range of
approval for fillet weld throat thickness a shall be based on the thickness of the deposited metal within the
range of approval specified in Table for the relevant welding procedure (single and multirun
welds). The range of approval as to the external diameter of welded pipes or branch pipes of joint
assemblies shall be specified in relation to the external pipes diameter during approval tests according to
T a b l e
Range of approval for pipe outside diameters
Diameter of the test piece D, in mm1 Range of approval for pipe outside diameters, in mm2

D 4 25 0,5D _ 2D
D > 25 0,5D, 5D but not less than 25 mm
D – outside diameter of the pipe or outside diameter of the branch pipe.
Approval given for plates also covers pipes when the outside diameter is > 500 mm (refer also to Table

Approval given for plates also covers pipes when the outside diameter > 500 mm or when the
diameter > 150 mm welded in the welding position PA or PC. In tests for welding procedures approval which are associated with the welding of pipe
joint assemblies, the range of approval as to the angle α1 between the axes of pipes to be joined shall be
specified in relation to the angle α during the tests proceeding from the condition a 4 a1 4 90°.
8.5.3 General requirements for the range of approval related to welding procedure. Welding process and type.
The approval is only valid for the welding process and welding type used in the welding procedure
qualification test.
Each degree of the welding mechanization shall be qualified independently (manual, partly
mechanized, fully mechanized and automatic). In the same way, it is not allowed to change the means
of the welding mechanization implementation (manual, partly mechanized, fully mechanized or
automated) unless newly qualified.
For multi-process procedures the welding procedure approval may be carried out with separate
welding procedure tests for each welding process and with a multi-process procedure test similarly to
approval tests for welders. In this case, the relevant range of approval according to weld metal thickness
for each welding process used shall be specified. The approval of such a test is only valid for the process
sequence carried out during the multi-process procedure test.
N o t e . It is not allowed to use a multi-process procedure test to qualify any single process. Welding positions.

Welding of a test in any one position (pipes or plates) qualifies for welding in all positions (pipes or
plates) except for PG and J-L045 where a separate welding procedure test is required.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-236 Type (design features) of welded joint.

Range of approval for the types of welded joints shall be, as used in the welding procedure
qualification tests, comply with the limitations stated below:
range of approval for full penetration butt welds qualifies full and partial penetration butt welds, as
well as fillet welds. Qualification tests for fillet welding shall be required where this is the predominant
form of production welding;
range of approval for butt joints in pipe may also qualify branch connections with an angle α1 5 60°;
range of approval for T-joints butt welded with edge preparation qualifies this type of joints and fillet
range of approval for butt welds made from one side without backing qualifies welds with backing and
welds made from both sides;
range of approval for butt welds made with backing qualifies welds made from both sides;
range of approval for fillet welding qualifies fillet welding only;
it is not permitted to change a multirun deposit into a single run (or single run on each side) or vice
versa for a given process. Welding consumables.
Range of approval for filler materials cover other filler materials as long as they have equivalent
mechanical properties, same nominal composition according to the designation in the appropriate standard
for the filler material concerned. Type and polarity of current.
The qualification is given for the type of current (alternating, direct, pulsed current) and polarity used
in the welding procedure test. Interpass temperature.
The upper limit of the qualification is the highest interpass temperature reached in the welding
procedure test. Post-weld heat-treatment.
Addition or deletion of post-weld heat treatment is not permitted and shall be subject to new welding
procedure qualification tests.
Deviation of heat treatment parameters (both upwards and downwards) from those used in welding
procedure qualification tests is not permitted.
The temperature range validated is the holding temperature used in the welding procedure qualification
test + 20 °C.
If specified in the WPS, heating and cooling rates, as well as the holding time related to the welded
joint at a check temperature shall be additionally specified in the range of approval. Welding of the joint back side with gas shield.
Range of approval for welding of the joint back side without gas shield covers welding of the joint
back side with gas shield but not vice versa. Welding in the controlled-atmosphere chamber.
Range of approval for welding outside the chamber covers welding in the controlled-atmosphere
chamber but not vice versa.
8.5.4 Special requirements for the range of approval related to welding processes. Gas metal arc welding (welding process 131). Range of approval given to the shielding gas is restricted to the symbol for the gas according
to ISO 14175 classification and identical to the one used in the welding procedure qualification test.
For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification, the range of approval is restricted to the
nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test. Range of approval given is restricted to the wire system used in the welding procedure
qualification test (e.g. single-wire or multiple-wire system).
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
III-237 For solid and metal cored wires, the qualification using short circuiting transfer (dip) qualifies
only short circuiting transfer (dip). The qualification using spray or globular transfer qualifies both spray
and globular transfer.
N o t e . In compliance with the requirements of ISO 4063, the metal transfer mode is indicated by the following letters
placed after the reference numbers of welding processes:
D — short-circuit transfer (dip transfer);
G — globular transfer;
S — spray transfer;
P — pulsed transfer.
For example, ISO 4063-131-D. Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding (welding process 141). Range of approval given to the shielding gas is restricted to the symbol of the gas according
to ISO 14175 classification (refer to Table and identical to the one used in the welding procedure
qualification test. For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification, the range of approval is
restricted to the nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test. Welding with filler material does not qualify for welding without filler material or vice versa. Plasma-arc welding (welding process 15). Range of approval for the welding procedure shall be restricted to the plasma gas
composition used in the welding procedure qualification test. Range of approval given to the shielding gas and backing gas is restricted to the symbol of
the gas according to ISO 14175 classification (refer to Table and identical to the one used in the
welding procedure qualification test. For shielding gases not covered by ISO 14175 classification, the
range of approval is restricted to the nominal composition used in the welding procedure qualification test. Welding with filler material (welding processes 151 and 152) does not qualify for welding
without filler material and vice versa.
Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships


9.1 For the approval of welding procedures for copper and copper alloys ISO 15614-6 standard or
another standard agreed with the Register shall be referred to.
Российский морской регистр судоходства
Правила технического наблюдения за постройкой судов
и изготовлением материалов и изделий для судов
Часть III
Техническое наблюдение за изготовлением материалов

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

Rules for Technical Supervision during Construction of Ships
and Manufacture of Materials and Products for Ships
Part III
Technical Supervision during Manufacture of Materials

The edition is prepared

by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
8, Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya,
191186, St. Petersburg,
Russian Federation

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