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The Particle Properties of Waves: Applied Modern Physics - Eceg 241

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Chapter 2 Class Notes on Applied Modern Physics – ECEg 241

Chapter 2
The Particle Properties of Waves

2.1 Introduction
Classical physics, which mirrors the “physical reality” of our sense impressions, treats
particles and waves as separate components of that reality. Traditionally, the mechanics of
particles and the optics of waves are independent disciplines. But the physical reality
which arises from the phenomena that occur in the microscopic world of atoms and
molecules, electrons and nuclei there are neither particles nor waves in the classical sense.

The remarkable puzzles which gradually emerged from experimental physics as more and
more physical phenomena were explored was that it appeared that light, which was
normally regarded as a wave, sometimes behaved as if the ray of light were a stream of
particles. Similarly, experimental evidence emerged suggesting that the electron, which has
been treated as particle, behaves like waves. Finally, the wave-particle dualities lead to the
emergence of Quantum Mechanics.

Chapter Objective: to explore some of the experiments that manifest the particle nature of

2.2 The Photoelectric Effect

It is known that in metals, the valence electrons are “free”- they are able to move easily
from atom to atom, but are not able to leave the surface of the metal. If the material is
irradiated with light, it can give electrons enough extra kinetic energy to allow them to
escape the material. The ejected electrons are called photoelectrons. Consider the
arrangement fig. 2.1.

Incident light


Anode Cathode A
(emitter) (collector)

V retarding potential

fig. 2.1

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Chapter 2 Class Notes on Applied Modern Physics – ECEg 241

To remove an electron from a solid, it is necessary to give the electron a minimum energy
Wo which will represent the “potential energy barrier” that the electron has to surmount in
order to leave the solid. This minimum kinetic energy is called the work function, Wo.
Energy in excess of this amount supplied by the light beam must reappear as kinetic
energy, Ek, of the electron, i.e.,

Total energy supplied by light, E L = Wo + E k 2.1

Experimental Results

1. Classically, if EL is reduced by reducing the amount of light supplied, Ek must also

decrease. So reducing the light intensity (the total power radiated per unit area per
unit wavelength at a given temperature) of the light should reduce Ek. But this does
not happen! It is observed that the number of electrons released reduce
proportionally with light intensity but the energy of the electron remains the same.
(The kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is independent of the light intensity.)

2. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons, for a given emitting material,
depends only on the frequency of the light. (fig. 2.2)

3. The photoelectrons are emitted almost instantly (≤ 3 x 10-9s) following illumination

of the emitter, independent of the intensity of the light.



fig 2.2

E max = maximum electron energy

= h( f − f o ) 2.2
= hf − hf o

Where h = 6.63 x 10-34J-s and fo is the threshold frequency below which no

photoemission occurs. fo varies with the particular metal being illuminated.

Quantum Interpretation of the Photoelectric Effect

The photoelectric effect can only be explained by supposing light beam to consist particles
of fixed energy. Reducing the intensity would reduce the number of particles flowing per
unit time. If we suppose that when a particle “collides” with an electron, it can give the
electron its whole energy, then reducing the rate of flow of particles (intensity) would

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Chapter 2 Class Notes on Applied Modern Physics – ECEg 241

reduce the number of collisions but the energy transferred at each collision would remain
the same. Thus we could reduce the rate of emission of electrons without changing their
kinetic energy.

According to Einstein, electromagnetic energy is quantized; in his words “the energy of a

light ray spreading out from a point source is not continuously distributed over an
increasing space but consists of a finite number of energy quanta which are localized at
points in space, which move without dividing, and which can only be produced and
absorbed as complete units.” These energy quanta of light are called photons.

Each photon has energy quantum,

E = hf 2.3

The empirical formula Eq.2.2 may be rewritten as:

hf = E max + hf o

Einstein interpreted the three terms as:

hf - energy of each quantum of incident light.
E max - the maximum photoelectron energy
hf o - work function.

Example 1
An ultraviolet light of wavelength 3500 Å falls on a potassium surface of work function 2.0 eV.
Calculate the maximum energy of the photoelectrons.

Example 2
The photoelectric work function of a metal is 2 eV. If the wavelength of the light incident on it is
3600 Å, find the kinetic energy of the fastest electrons emitted and the stopping potential. (Stopping
or retarding potential is the opposing potential needed to stop the most energetic electrons.)

Exercise 1
Light of wavelength 400 nm is incident upon lithium (Wo = 2.9 eV.) Calculate:
a. The photon energy
b. The retarding potential.
Answer: a). 3.1 eV b) 0.2 V

Exercise 2
How many photons/second are contained in a beam of electromagnetic radiation of total power 100
W if the source is:
a. An AM radio station of 1200 kHz
b. 10 nm X-rays
c. 2 MeV gamma rays?
Answer: a). 1.26 x 1029 photons/s b) 5.03 x 1018 photons/s c) 3.12 x 1014 photons/s

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Chapter 2 Class Notes on Applied Modern Physics – ECEg 241

2.3 The Compton Effect

In 1923 Compton, while studying monochromatic X-rays scattered by carbon atoms, found
that the scattered beam contains two wavelengths, one the same as that of the incident
beam (unmodified beam) and the other somewhat larger (modified beam.) the change of
wavelength is due to loss of energy of the incident X-rays. This inelastic interaction is
known as Compton effect. Classical electromagnetism cannot explain the modified wave.
Einstein’s photon particle concept must be correct.

Consider the collision between a photon and an electron shown below:

Scattered photon

Incident E = hf = hc λ φ
photon x

Recoil electron

fig. 2.3

Conservation of energy:

hc hc
+ mo c 2 = + mc 2
λ λ'
h 1 1
m = mo + −
c λ λ'
Conservation of momentum in x- and y- directions:
h h
+0= cos φ + mv cos θ
λ λ'
0 = sin φ − mv sin θ
2 2
h h h
(mv cos θ )2 + (mv sin θ )2 = sin φ + − cos φ
λ' λ λ'
2 2 2
h h 2h
m2v2 = 2
+ 2
− cos φ
λ λ' λλ 2

but m=
2 2
m 2 v 2 = m 2 − mo 2 c 2 )
1− v c

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(m 2
− mo 2 c 2 = ) h2
λ 2
λ' 2

2h 2
λλ 2
cos φ 2.5

From Eq.2.4,
h2 1 1 2m o h 1 1
m 2 = mo 2 + − + −
c2 λ λ' c λ λ'

(m )c
2 1 1 1 1
∴ 2
− mo 2
=h 2
− + 2m o hc − 2.6
λ λ' λ λ'
Equating Eqs. 2.5 and 2.6,
h2 h2 2h 2 1 1 1 1
+ − cos φ = h 2 − + 2m o hc − , i.e.,
λ2 λ '2 λλ 2 λ λ' λ λ'
−λ = (1 − cos φ ) 2.7
mo c
Eq. 2.7 gives the change in wavelength (∆λ) as a function of the scattering angleφ.

(12 φ ) A
o o
∆λ = 0.02426(1 − cos φ ) A = 0.04852 sin 2

Example 3
X-rays of wavelength 0.7080 Å are scattered from a carbon block through an angle of 90o. What is
the modified wavelength and the percentage change ∆λ/λ ?

Exercise 3
Show that the recoil kinetic energy of an electron and its recoil angle θ in Compton scattering is:
∆λ λ
E k (electron) = hf
1 + ∆λ λ
cot θ = 1 + tan 12 φ
mo c 2

Exercise 4
Show that the maximum kinetic energy of the recoil electron in Compton scattering is given by:
mo c 2
E max (electron) = hf
mo c 2
At what angles φ and θ does this occur?

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